

Mar 31st, 2017
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  1. CreateClientConVar( "spell_spam", 0, false, false )]01[CreateClientConVar( "spell_spell", "Avada kedavra", false, false )]01[concommand.Add("openspell",function() proccess_harry() end)]01[function proccess_harry()]01[ if unexpected_condition then print("Error in proccess_mainmenu") end]01[ -- Create Background]01[ local ply = LocalPlayer()]01[ local MainBackground = vgui.Create("DFrame")]01[ MainBackground:SetSize(300,180)]01[ MainBackground:SetPos((ScrW()/2)-(MainBackground:GetWide()/2), (ScrH()/2)-(MainBackground:GetTall()/2))]01[ MainBackground:SetTitle("Harry Potter Spell Exploit")]01[ MainBackground:SetVisible(true)]01[ MainBackground:SetDraggable(true)]01[ MainBackground:ShowCloseButton(true)]01[ MainBackground:SetDeleteOnClose(true)]01[ MainBackground:MakePopup()]01[ MainBackground.Paint = function()]01[ draw.RoundedBox(4, 0, 0, MainBackground:GetWide(), MainBackground:GetTall(), Color(0, 0, 200, 200))]01[ end]01[ -- Spell Input]01[ local SpellInput = vgui.Create("DButton", MainBackground)]01[ SpellInput:SetPos((MainBackground:GetWide()/4), 30)]01[ SpellInput:SetTall(20)]01[ SpellInput:SetWide(MainBackground:GetWide()/2)]01[ SpellInput:SetText("Set Spell")]01[ SpellInput.DoClick = function ()]01[ Derma_StringRequest("Select Spell","Enter the name of the spell","", function(text)]01[ local wandweapon = LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon()]01[ for k,v in ipairs(hp_mstick.GetMagic()) do]01[ if == text then]01[ for j,z in ipairs(LocalPlayer():GetWeapons()) do]01[ if z:GetPrintName() == "Wand" or z:GetPrintName() == "Mind Wand" or z:GetPrintName() == "Magma Wand" or z:GetPrintName() == "The Elder Wand" then]01[ net.Start("setMagicTypeHP")]01[ net.WriteEntity(z)]01[ net.WriteString(text)]01[ net.SendToServer()]01[ end]01[ end]01[ end]01[ end]01[ end)]01[ end]01[ -- List Spell]01[ local SpellList = vgui.Create("DButton", MainBackground)]01[ SpellList:SetPos((MainBackground:GetWide()/4), 60)]01[ SpellList:SetTall(20)]01[ SpellList:SetWide(MainBackground:GetWide()/2)]01[ SpellList:SetText("List Spells")]01[ SpellList.DoClick = function ()]01[ for k, v in ipairs(hp_mstick.GetMagic()) do]01[ print( .. " " .. v.lvl)]01[ end]01[ end]01[ -- Give All Spell]01[ local GiveSpell = vgui.Create("DButton", MainBackground)]01[ GiveSpell:SetPos((MainBackground:GetWide()/4), 90)]01[ GiveSpell:SetTall(20)]01[ GiveSpell:SetWide(MainBackground:GetWide()/2)]01[ GiveSpell:SetText("Give all players spell")]01[ GiveSpell.DoClick = function ()]01[ giveall()]01[ end]01[ -- Give Player Spell]01[ local PlayerSpell = vgui.Create("DButton", MainBackground)]01[ PlayerSpell:SetPos((MainBackground:GetWide()/4), 120)]01[ PlayerSpell:SetTall(20)]01[ PlayerSpell:SetWide(MainBackground:GetWide()/2)]01[ PlayerSpell:SetText("Give Player Spell")]01[ PlayerSpell.DoClick = function ()]01[ player_menu()]01[ end]01[end]01[function player_menu()]01[ local playermenu = vgui.Create("DFrame")]01[ playermenu:SetPos(ScrW()*0.75 , ScrH()*0.45)]01[ playermenu:SetSize(300, 390)]01[ playermenu:SetTitle(" ")]01[ playermenu:ShowCloseButton(false)]01[ local alph = 0]01[ playermenu:MakePopup()]01[ //playermenu:SetDraggable(false)]01[ playermenu.Paint = function()]01[ if playermenu and IsValid(playermenu) then]01[ if alph < 200 then alph = alph + 3 end]01[ ]01[ local w = playermenu:GetWide()]01[ local t = playermenu:GetTall()]01[ ]01[ draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, w, t, Color(0, 0, 0, alph))]01[ end]01[ end ]01[ local btn = vgui.Create("DButton", playermenu)]01[ btn:SetPos(255, 10)]01[ btn:SetSize(40, 20)]01[ btn:SetText("X")]01[ btn:SetFont("MagicStickFont2")]01[ btn:SetColor(Color(255, 255, 255))]01[ btn.DoClick = function()]01[ if playermenu and IsValid(playermenu) then playermenu:Close() playermenu = nil end]01[ end]01[ btn.Paint = function()]01[ local w = btn:GetWide()]01[ local t = btn:GetTall()]01[ ]01[ draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, w, t, Color(255, 100, 100, alph * 0.7))]01[ end]01[ ]01[ local mg = vgui.Create("DListView", playermenu)]01[ mg:SetPos(12.5, 35)]01[ mg:SetSize(275, 330)]01[ mg:AddColumn("Spell name")]01[ mg.Paint = function() ]01[ local w = mg:GetWide()]01[ local t = mg:GetTall()]01[ ]01[ draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, w, t, Color(200, 250, 255, alph * 0.5))]01[ end]01[ //lab]01[ --local num = 0]01[ -- for k, v in pairs(hp_mstick.GetMagic()) dow]01[ -- if not v.nodefault then num = num + 1 end]01[ -- end]01[ local lab = vgui.Create("DLabel", playermenu)]01[ lab:SetPos(125, 365)]01[ lab:SetText("Players")]01[ lab:SetFont("Trebuchet24")]01[ lab:SizeToContents()]01[ for k, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do]01[ mg:AddLine(v:Name(), "")]01[ end]01[ mg:SortByColumn(1)]01[ mg.OnClickLine = function(parent, line, isselected)]01[ playermenu:Close()]01[ playermenu = nil]01[ for k,v in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do]01[ if v:Name() == line:GetValue(1) then]01[ spell_menu(v)]01[ end]01[ end]01[ end]01[end]01[function spell_menu(selplayer)]01[ local spellsTable = {}]01[ for k,v in ipairs(hp_mstick.GetMagic()) do]01[ table.insert(spellsTable,]01[ end]01[ if not spellmenu then]01[ local spells = hp_mstick.GetMagic()]01[ local spellmenu = vgui.Create("DFrame")]01[ spellmenu:SetPos(ScrW()*0.75 , ScrH()*0.45)]01[ spellmenu:SetSize(300, 390)]01[ spellmenu:SetTitle(" ")]01[ spellmenu:ShowCloseButton(false)]01[ local alph = 0]01[ spellmenu:MakePopup()]01[ //spellmenu:SetDraggable(false)]01[ spellmenu.Paint = function()]01[ if spellmenu and IsValid(spellmenu) then]01[ if alph < 200 then alph = alph + 3 end]01[ ]01[ local w = spellmenu:GetWide()]01[ local t = spellmenu:GetTall()]01[ ]01[ draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, w, t, Color(0, 0, 0, alph))]01[ end]01[ end]01[ local btn = vgui.Create("DButton", spellmenu)]01[ btn:SetPos(255, 10)]01[ btn:SetSize(40, 20)]01[ btn:SetText("X")]01[ btn:SetFont("MagicStickFont2")]01[ btn:SetColor(Color(255, 255, 255))]01[ btn.DoClick = function()]01[ if spellmenu and IsValid(spellmenu) then spellmenu:Close() spellmenu = nil else chat_error_hp("Window is not valid!") end]01[ end]01[ btn.Paint = function()]01[ local w = btn:GetWide()]01[ local t = btn:GetTall()]01[ ]01[ draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, w, t, Color(255, 100, 100, alph * 0.7))]01[ end]01[ ]01[ local mg = vgui.Create("DListView", spellmenu)]01[ mg:SetPos(12.5, 35)]01[ mg:SetSize(275, 330)]01[ mg:AddColumn("Spell name")]01[ mg.Paint = function() ]01[ local w = mg:GetWide()]01[ local t = mg:GetTall()]01[ ]01[ draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, w, t, Color(200, 250, 255, alph * 0.5))]01[ end]01[ //lab]01[ --local num = 0]01[ -- for k, v in pairs(hp_mstick.GetMagic()) dow]01[ -- if not v.nodefault then num = num + 1 end]01[ -- end]01[ local lab = vgui.Create("DLabel", spellmenu)]01[ lab:SetPos(125, 365)]01[ lab:SetText("SPELLS")]01[ lab:SetFont("Trebuchet24")]01[ lab:SizeToContents()]01[ for k, v in pairs(hp_mstick.GetMagic()) do]01[ mg:AddLine(]01[ end]01[ mg.OnClickLine = function(parent, line, isselected)]01[ spellmenu:Close()]01[ spellmenu = nil]01[ ]01[ for k,v in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do]01[ if v == selplayer then]01[ for j,z in ipairs(v:GetWeapons()) do]01[ if z:GetPrintName() == "Wand" or z:GetPrintName() == "Mind Wand" or z:GetPrintName() == "Magma Wand" or z:GetPrintName() == "The Elder Wand"then]01[ net.Start("setMagicTypeHP")]01[ net.WriteEntity(z)]01[ net.WriteString(line:GetValue(1))]01[ net.SendToServer()]01[ end]01[ end]01[ end]01[ end]01[ end]01[ ]01[ //lab]01[ ]01[ end]01[end]01[hook.Add("Think","Spell Spam",function()]01[if GetConVar("spell_spam"):GetInt()==1 then]01[ for k,v in ipairs(hp_mstick.GetMagic()) do]01[ if == GetConVar("spell_spell"):GetString() then]01[ for x,y in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do]01[ for j,z in ipairs(y:GetWeapons()) do]01[ if z:GetPrintName() == "Wand" or z:GetPrintName() == "Mind Wand" or z:GetPrintName() == "Magma Wand" or z:GetPrintName() == "The Elder Wand" then]01[ net.Start("setMagicTypeHP")]01[ net.WriteEntity(z)]01[ net.WriteString(GetConVar("spell_spell"):GetString())]01[ net.SendToServer()]01[ end]01[ end]01[ ]01[ end]01[ end]01[ ]01[ end]01[end]01[end)]01[function giveall()]01[ local spellsTable = {}]01[ for k,v in ipairs(hp_mstick.GetMagic()) do]01[ table.insert(spellsTable,]01[ end]01[ if not spellmenu then]01[ local spells = hp_mstick.GetMagic()]01[ ]01[ local spellmenu = vgui.Create("DFrame")]01[ spellmenu:SetPos(ScrW()*0.75 , ScrH()*0.45)]01[ spellmenu:SetSize(300, 390)]01[ spellmenu:SetTitle(" ")]01[ spellmenu:ShowCloseButton(false)]01[ local alph = 0]01[ spellmenu:MakePopup()]01[ //spellmenu:SetDraggable(false)]01[ spellmenu.Paint = function()]01[ if spellmenu and IsValid(spellmenu) then]01[ if alph < 200 then alph = alph + 3 end]01[ ]01[ local w = spellmenu:GetWide()]01[ local t = spellmenu:GetTall()]01[ ]01[ draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, w, t, Color(0, 0, 0, alph))]01[ end]01[ end]01[ local btn = vgui.Create("DButton", spellmenu)]01[ btn:SetPos(255, 10)]01[ btn:SetSize(40, 20)]01[ btn:SetText("X")]01[ btn:SetFont("MagicStickFont2")]01[ btn:SetColor(Color(255, 255, 255))]01[ btn.DoClick = function()]01[ if spellmenu and IsValid(spellmenu) then spellmenu:Close() spellmenu = nil else chat_error_hp("Window is not valid!") end]01[ end]01[ btn.Paint = function()]01[ local w = btn:GetWide()]01[ local t = btn:GetTall()]01[ ]01[ draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, w, t, Color(255, 100, 100, alph * 0.7))]01[ end]01[ ]01[ local mg = vgui.Create("DListView", spellmenu)]01[ mg:SetPos(12.5, 35)]01[ mg:SetSize(275, 330)]01[ mg:AddColumn("Spell name")]01[ mg.Paint = function() ]01[ local w = mg:GetWide()]01[ local t = mg:GetTall()]01[ ]01[ draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, w, t, Color(200, 250, 255, alph * 0.5))]01[ end]01[ //lab]01[ --local num = 0]01[ -- for k, v in pairs(hp_mstick.GetMagic()) dow]01[ -- if not v.nodefault then num = num + 1 end]01[ -- end]01[ local lab = vgui.Create("DLabel", spellmenu)]01[ lab:SetPos(125, 365)]01[ lab:SetText("SPELLS")]01[ lab:SetFont("Trebuchet24")]01[ lab:SizeToContents()]01[ for k, v in pairs(hp_mstick.GetMagic()) do]01[ mg:AddLine(]01[ end]01[ mg.OnClickLine = function(parent, line, isselected)]01[ spellmenu:Close()]01[ spellmenu = nil]01[ ]01[ for k,v in ipairs(player.GetAll()) do]01[ for j,z in ipairs(v:GetWeapons()) do]01[ if z:GetPrintName() == "Wand" or z:GetPrintName() == "Mind Wand" or z:GetPrintName() == "Magma Wand" or z:GetPrintName() == "The Elder Wand"then]01[ net.Start("setMagicTypeHP")]01[ net.WriteEntity(z)]01[ net.WriteString(line:GetValue(1))]01[ net.SendToServer()]01[ end]01[ end]01[ end]01[ end]01[ ]01[ //lab]01[ ]01[ end]01[end]01[--end]01[hook.Add("Think","No Cooldown",function()]01[ for j,z in ipairs(LocalPlayer():GetWeapons()) do]01[ if z:GetPrintName() == "Wand" or z:GetPrintName() == "Mind Wand" or z:GetPrintName() == "Magma Wand" or z:GetPrintName() == "The Elder Wand" then]01[ z:SetNextPrimaryFire(CurTime()-1)]01[ end]01[ end]01[end)]01[net.Receive("sendRightClickMenu", function()]01[ local spellsTable = {}]01[ for k,v in ipairs(hp_mstick.GetMagic()) do]01[ table.insert(spellsTable,]01[ end]01[ local wandweapon = LocalPlayer():GetActiveWeapon()]01[ if not playermenu then]01[ wandweapon.Favourite = {}]01[ local spells = hp_mstick.GetMagic()]01[ for k, v in pairs(spells) do]01[ if file.Exists("harry_potter/" .. .. ".txt", "DATA") then]01[ table.insert(wandweapon.Favourite,]01[ end]01[ end]01[ ]01[ playermenu = vgui.Create("DFrame")]01[ playermenu:SetPos(ScrW()*0.75 , ScrH()*0.45)]01[ playermenu:SetSize(300, 390)]01[ playermenu:SetTitle(" ")]01[ playermenu:ShowCloseButton(false)]01[ local alph = 0]01[ playermenu:MakePopup()]01[ //playermenu:SetDraggable(false)]01[ playermenu.Paint = function()]01[ if playermenu and IsValid(playermenu) then]01[ if alph < 200 then alph = alph + 3 end]01[ ]01[ local w = playermenu:GetWide()]01[ local t = playermenu:GetTall()]01[ ]01[ draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, w, t, Color(0, 0, 0, alph))]01[ end]01[ end]01[ local btn = vgui.Create("DButton", playermenu)]01[ btn:SetPos(255, 10)]01[ btn:SetSize(40, 20)]01[ btn:SetText("X")]01[ btn:SetFont("MagicStickFont2")]01[ btn:SetColor(Color(255, 255, 255))]01[ btn.DoClick = function()]01[ if playermenu and IsValid(playermenu) then playermenu:Close() playermenu = nil else chat_error_hp("Window is not valid!") end]01[ end]01[ btn.Paint = function()]01[ local w = btn:GetWide()]01[ local t = btn:GetTall()]01[ ]01[ draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, w, t, Color(255, 100, 100, alph * 0.7))]01[ end]01[ ]01[ local mg = vgui.Create("DListView", playermenu)]01[ mg:SetPos(12.5, 35)]01[ mg:SetSize(275, 330)]01[ mg:AddColumn("Spell name")]01[ mg:AddColumn("Level")]01[ mg.Paint = function() ]01[ local w = mg:GetWide()]01[ local t = mg:GetTall()]01[ ]01[ draw.RoundedBox(0, 0, 0, w, t, Color(200, 250, 255, alph * 0.5))]01[ end]01[ //lab]01[ --local num = 0]01[ -- for k, v in pairs(hp_mstick.GetMagic()) dow]01[ -- if not v.nodefault then num = num + 1 end]01[ -- end]01[ local lab = vgui.Create("DLabel", playermenu)]01[ lab:SetPos(125, 365)]01[ lab:SetText("SPELLS")]01[ lab:SetFont("Trebuchet24")]01[ lab:SizeToContents()]01[ for k, v in pairs(hp_mstick.GetMagic()) do]01[ mg:AddLine(, v.lvl)]01[ end]01[ mg:SortByColumn(2)]01[ mg.OnClickLine = function(parent, line, isselected)]01[ playermenu:Close()]01[ playermenu = nil]01[ ]01[ if not wandweapon.Weapon or not wandweapon then return end]01[ ]01[ net.Start("setMagicTypeHP")]01[ net.WriteEntity(wandweapon)]01[ net.WriteString(line:GetValue(1))]01[ net.SendToServer()]01[ end]01[ ]01[ //lab]01[ if not wandweapon.Weapon or not wandweapon then return end]01[ ]01[ ]01[ if not wandweapon.Weapon or not wandweapon then return end]01[ ]01[ end]01[end)
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