
Rise of the Runelords, Session 4: Ch. 1, Burnt Offerings

Jan 20th, 2014
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  1. [13:31] <@Aqu|GM> --- Rise of the Runelords, Session 4: Chapter 1, Burnt Offerings ---
  2. [13:31] <Aqu|GM> The morning comes just as any other, daylight flooding into each room of the Rusty Dragon Inn. For the Heroes of Sandpoint, today is the day of the boar hunt, and Aldern Foxglove waits downstairs.
  3. [13:32] <@Harvey> Palurin is up at dawn, as usual. He quickly suits up and heads downstairs. Mahd didn't sleep particularly well, so she's actually awake as well. Grumbling, she heads down as well, fully suited and masked. Orick is once again with her.
  4. [13:34] <Aqu|GM> Pwent remains in his room for now. Not at all because of all the drinking. No, he's preparing his spells, praying to Desna.
  5. [13:34] <Aqu|GM> Victanys heads down soon after the sun arises, meeting both Palurin and Mahd. "Morning," she yawns.
  6. [13:35] <@Harvey> Palurin already did that when he awoke, making sure he was prepared. He's still a little nervous being a town where at least one person knows what he is, and hates him for it.
  7. [13:35] <@Harvey> Mahd just grumbles, slumping into a chair.
  8. [13:37] <Aqu|GM> As the group begins to gather, minus Pwent, Aldern approaches. The nobleman clasps his hands together at seeing everyone near ready. "Wonderful!" he chuckles. "Good to see you up and... about ready."
  9. [13:38] <@Harvey> Orick glares at the human, not trusting him at all. Mahd simply grumbles again. Palurin sits down at the same table. "I suppose," he says evenly.
  10. [13:39] <Aqu|GM> The noble shrugs. "Either way, I look forward to the hunt." He smiles, hand reaching into his coinpurse. "I believe I -did- promise you a reward for saving my life. So," he pulls out several pieces of platinum coin, handing each person 5 (including Orick). "here you are."
  11. [13:40] <@Harvey> Palurin stashes the coins away with a nod of gratitude. Mahd merely takes the money. Orick hands her his share.
  12. [13:42] <Aqu|GM> Aldern nods. "And I do insist, if any of you are in Magnimar at some point, feel free to stop by my home." He smiles. "I would love to have guests."
  13. [13:45] <@Harvey> "At the mouth of the Yondabakari River, right?" Palurin asks, just to make sure.
  14. [13:47] <Aqu|GM> Aldern nods, happy that someone knows the area. "Yes. Tickwood forest, just north of the Devil's Platter."
  15. [13:49] <Aqu|GM> Victanys raises an eyebrow. "And you got us mounts as well?"
  16. [13:49] <Aqu|GM> Aldern grins. "I did indeed! I even found one large enough for your friend," he glances at Orick."
  17. [13:50] <@Harvey> Orick says nothing, and Mahd is too busy chewing on a hunk of bread she found somewhere.
  18. [13:52] <Aqu|GM> Just as Aldern is about to speak again, Pwent comes downstairs, just a bit wobbly from drinking last night. He's not in his usual jovial mood, groaning as he sits.
  19. [13:53] <Aqu|GM> Aldern shakes his head, chuckling at the dwarf. "I see you had a tad too much to drink last night." He shrugs. "Regardless, your steeds are all ready. When you are, of course."
  20. [13:56] <@Harvey> Mahd finishes her bread, standing with a yawn. "Yeah, sure, let's go," she grumbles. Palurin stands as well, ready.
  21. [14:00] <Aqu|GM> Pwent nods, hopping off of his chair with a hunk of break. "Aye..."
  22. [14:00] <Aqu|GM> Aldern heads for the door, holding it open for the party. "Allow me," he says, smile still present.
  23. [14:02] <@Harvey> Palurin heads out first, Mahd close behind. Orick stands directly behind her, making sure her back is never fully exposed to the human.
  24. [14:03] <Aqu|GM> Victanys heads out last, glancing around for the mounts...
  25. [14:04] <Aqu|GM> As soon as the group leaves the Inn, they see five mounts, all appropriately sized. A sixth is a ways off for Aldern, surrounded by three more, reigned by three of his manservants. As soon as Aldern exits, the three bring up his horse and assist him in mounting his steed.
  26. [14:05] <Aqu|GM> Aldern points his cane to each mount. "If any of you need help, my servants would be happy to assist."
  27. [14:07] <@Harvey> Palurin glances at the servants distastefully, approaching his mount. Placing his foot in the stirrup, he swings himself up into the saddle.
  28. [14:07] <Aqu|GM> Pwent grumbles and waves his hand, able to mount the pony just fine. A horse is just a bit too big for him.
  29. [14:08] <Aqu|GM> A heavyset, black warhorse is in place for Orick. Quite a large one, at that.
  30. [14:08] <@Harvey> Mahd does likewise, though with less flourish. Orick stares at his own, massive mount curiously for a moment, before attempting to emulate Mahd.
  31. [14:08] <Aqu|GM> Victanys is next to mount up, climbing up the horse with ease, even though it's nearly too big for her.
  32. [14:12] <Aqu|GM> Victanys, though her lips remain in a neutral expression and her eyebrows are (mostly) covered by her bangs, seems angry as well as she looks to the servants, eyebrows showing subtle furrowing.
  33. [14:17] <Aqu|GM> The manservants mount their own horses (of noticeable lesser pedigree) a moment later. Once everyone is set, Aldern kicks his horse, commanding, "Trot!" He looks back. "Come! I will lead. It is not a long ride there, just about half an hour."
  34. [14:18] <@Harvey> Palurin and Mahd quickly follow, though it takes Mahd a moment to get the beast moving. Orick follows Mahd's lead.
  35. [14:22] <Aqu|GM> Victanys and Pwent follow, but Pwent lags behind (ponies can't keep up!) and so the whole of the procession slows.
  36. [14:23] <Aqu|GM> Once the group is set, Aldern slows to a leisurely pace, fine with talk until they arrive. "So, how long have you all been in the goblin hunting business?"
  37. [14:24] <@Harvey> Palurin gives him a surprised look. "Do you think we go out of way to engage in conflict?"
  38. [14:26] <Aqu|GM> Aldern raises an eyebrow. "Well... you are all fairly well-armed, and new to the town..."
  39. [14:26] <Aqu|GM> Victanys shakes her head. "A coincidence. At least, I'm not a goblin hunter. Or I wasn't until a few days ago."
  40. [14:27] <Aqu|GM> Aldern shrugs. "If not goblin-hunters in the area, then where are you all from?"
  41. [14:28] <@Harvey> Mahd says nothing, dozing a little in the saddle. Palurin looks away, subconsciously pulling his hood tighter.
  42. [14:29] <Aqu|GM> Pwent's too hung over to answer, and simply grumbles.
  43. [14:29] <Aqu|GM> Victanys sighs, looking to each member of the group, then back to Aldern. "Magnimar."
  44. [14:30] <Aqu|GM> Aldern blinks. "Really?" He smiles. "Interesting. Are you of the nobles there, perhaps a mercenary?" The nobleman smiles, winking. "You certainly look as if you could fit into either life."
  45. [14:31] <Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns. "No, neither." She shakes her head. "I'd rather not talk about it further, to be honest."
  46. [14:32] <Aqu|GM> Aldern coughs, turning away as the tension between the two grows from her frown. "I see. Do not worry yourself to continue then." He looks to the next person that isn't sleeping... or hung over... or angry. Shy. Shy works. He looks to Palurin. "And you, swordsman? Where do you hail from?"
  47. [14:34] <@Harvey> Palurin glances at the noble before looking straight ahead again. "I am from nowhere," he mutters.
  48. [14:37] <Aqu|GM> Aldern nearly lets out a sigh. This isn't going as planned. He shakes his head, changing the subject, "So, do any of you have any harrowing tales of your adventures? Surely the goblins have not been your first fight" [14:39] <@Harvey> Mahd glances up from her doze, intrigued by the call for good stories. She's debating on sharing one.
  49. [14:40] <Aqu|GM> Aldern frowns. "Surely one of you has a tale to tell?"
  50. [14:42] <@Harvey> Unable to resist her constant need to assert her superiority, Mahd speaks up. "I have more tales to tell than you could possible conceive of!"
  51. [14:42] <Aqu|GM> Aldern chuckles, egging her on, "Oh? The perhaps you would like to share?"
  52. [14:46] <@Harvey> She grins through her mask, sitting up straighter in the saddle. "I recall a time I was in Janderhoff. I don't remember why, it's not important. As I was perusing it's Dwarven markets, a shopkeeper hailed me, asking if I would like to come work for him. Curious, I approached. As it turned out, he run a string of brothels, and wanted to hire me as his whore. I was amused, though Orick lopped the creature's head off," Mahd chuckles, remembering.
  53. [14:52] <Aqu|GM> Aldern blinks. "That's... pleasant. And what happened to the brothels then?"
  54. [14:54] <@Harvey> Mahd shrugs. "I would imagine they are still in operation. Orick and were forced to make a hasty retreat from the city. Guards don't particularly like it you kill the one lining their pockets," Mahd laughs.
  55. [14:57] <Aqu|GM> Aldern frowns. "I imagine that's true." He sighs. "A good tale, I suppose. Anyway, let us ride. It is not long now."
  56. [15:02] <Aqu|GM> After a fairly short ride, all arrive in Tickwood-- a relatively peaceful and small woodland area.
  57. [15:03] <Aqu|GM> Aldern continues forward as one of his servants strides up to him, handing the nobleman a spear. "Plenty of boar to hunt in this area," he explains. "I hope you enjoy a good hunt."
  58. [15:03] <@Harvey> Mahd shrugs. "I haven't been on a hunt in years."
  59. [15:09] <Aqu|GM> Mahd can see tracks... that seem to be of a boar. Oddly though, said tracks seem to be fetid, dark stamps in the ground. Odd, even for the most filthy of animals.
  60. [15:11] <@Harvey> Intrigued, Mahd points at the tracks. "That looks like a good start right there, though they certainly seem strange..." she muses.
  61. [15:12] <Aqu|GM> Victanys points forward, noting a small, ancient-looking decrepit well. Drinking from the well is a boar... though it does not look well. The boar seems to have decayed flesh hanging from its body, skin loosely flapping as it drinks hungrily. As the mounts approach, following Victanys' pointing, the creature turns, staring at the party with dead-looking eyes.
  62. [15:20] <Aqu|GM> Aldern frowns. "Some sort of undead creature," he shakes his head in disgust. "I suppose it will still make for a good hunt." With a swift kick, his horse charges forward, allowing Aldern to attempt jabbing the boar with his spear...
  63. [15:22] <Aqu|GM> Aldern proves rather adept at both riding and spearing, hitting the boar squarely in its shoulderblades. The boar squeals in response as some of its rotted flesh is torn apart.
  64. [15:25] <@Harvey> Mahd scowls at the creature, wrinkling her nose in disgust. She reins her horse in, stopping next to Orick. Reaching out, she transfers a soft glow to him.
  65. [15:27] <Aqu|GM> Orick's horse doesn't seem very inclined to move, neighing at the large warrior atop him and stomping his hoof.
  66. [15:29] <@Harvey> Orick looks down in irritation, choosing to climb off of the animal than try to bring it to heel.
  67. [15:31] <Aqu|GM> Pwent kicks his pony, raising his mace. The pony, though skittish, charges forward, allowing Pwent an attempt to hit the boar with his mace.
  68. [15:32] <Aqu|GM> Pwent lands a bash against the boar's skull, knocking off another piece of flesh. Decaying as it is, it still stands.
  69. [15:33] <@Harvey> Not at all pleased by yet another undead, Palurin kicks his mount, forcing it forward towards the boar. He draws his sword, slashing down once in range.
  70. [15:35] <Aqu|GM> Palurin manages a brutal slash against the beast, nearly cleaving a leg off.
  71. [15:36] <Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns, grabbing the starknife off her her back. With a hurl, it goes loose, aimed for the boar.
  72. [15:36] <Aqu|GM> The knife, unfortunately, embeds itself in the ground.
  73. [15:37] <Aqu|GM> The boar staggers forward, enraged, tusks attempting to gore Aldern's mount!
  74. [15:39] <Aqu|GM> The boar manages to lurch up, driving a tusk into the belly of Aldern's horse. The horse whinnies in pain, attempting to get away as Aldern pulls him to move.
  75. [15:39] <Aqu|GM> Fortunately for the horse, Aldern manages to maneuver him out of range from the boar and away from those deadly tusks.
  76. [15:43] <@Harvey> Not trusting those tusks, Mahd reaches down, laying a gloved hand on Orick's shoulder. Muttering to herself, a pale magical shield slowly forms in front of Orick.
  77. [15:48] <@Harvey> Glowing and shielded, Orick approaches the boar, unsheathing his massive blade as he does. As he nears the enemy, he raises the weapon, bringing it down on the boar's head.
  78. [15:49] <Aqu|GM> Orick manages to finish off the boar, cleaving it in two with ease due to its rotten flesh.
  79. [15:51] <Aqu|GM> Aldern chuckles. "Good show." He shakes his head. "Shame that we won't be able to eat our catch, though..."
  80. [15:52] <@Harvey> Palurin hops off of his horse to wipe his blade clean on the grass. He has no desire to go around with a sword that smells like undead boar.
  81. [15:53] <@Harvey> {You should probably do the same.} Mahd tells Orick, seeing Palurin. He nods slightly, stooping to do the same.
  82. [15:55] <Aqu|GM> Pwent hops off of his pony, frowning as he looks to the boar. "Odd." He walks over to the small well, examining it by pressing his hands to it and pouring magic into the object.
  83. [15:55] <Aqu|GM> Pwent frowns. "Not sure what this thing is, but I bet it caused the boar to... die, me guess."
  84. [15:56] <@Harvey> Palurin sheathes his now clean blade, approaching the well also. "Someone poisoned it?"
  85. [15:58] <Aqu|GM> Pwent shakes his head. "Maybe, some kind a' magic in it, but I think it's been like this fer a while." He sighs. "Can't tell much else though. Think you can take a look at it?"
  86. [15:59] <@Harvey> Palurin shrugs, peering at the water. "I don't know how useful I would be," he mutters.
  87. [16:04] <Aqu|GM> Pwent shrugs. "Guess I'll just purify it." The dwarf reaches down again, light coming out of his hands and into the pool of water. "Done," he sighs, sitting up. "Too bad about the boar. Woulda been a fine meal."
  88. [16:05] <@Harvey> Mahd trots her horse over the group. "We could still eat it," she jokes.
  89. [16:09] <Aqu|GM> Aldern doesn't take it as a joke, and his nose wrinkles in disgust. "If anything, Ameiko can prepare us a fine meal after a fine fight."
  90. [16:10] <Aqu|GM> Victanys shrugs, hopping off of her mount to recover her starknife, then mounts back up.
  91. [16:11] <@Harvey> Palurin leaves the well, vaulting onto his own mount.
  92. [16:11] <@Harvey> Orick surveys the scene for a moment, bending down to inspect the boar.
  93. [16:13] <Aqu|GM> Pwent mounts his pony after patching up Aldern's horse.
  94. [16:15] <Aqu|GM> Orick can't see anything odd for a boar to have, other than the rotting flesh and pustules.
  95. [16:18] <@Harvey> Satisfied there is nothing of interest, Orick rises. He slowly approaches his mount, regaining his seat with some difficulty.
  96. [16:18] <Aqu|GM> Aldern guides his mount and servants back to the lead. "Ready to return?"
  97. [16:20] <@Harvey> Palurin nods, while Mahd is already turning her horse the way they came.
  98. [16:23] <Aqu|GM> Aldern nods, kicking his horse to head back to Sandpoint, while both Pwent and Victanys follow.
  99. [16:25] <@Harvey> Palurin's horse falls into step with Victanys', while Mahd and Orick lead the pack.
  100. [16:27] <Aqu|GM> Another short trip, and the group is back at the Rusty Dragon by noon. Aldern has his servants take the horses away to be stabled, and he stands with the group outside of the Inn. "So, lunch? I will pay for it, of course."
  101. [16:28] <@Harvey> Mahd shrugs. "Sure," she replies cheerfully. Palurin is too busy peering to see if that cranky old man showed up again.
  102. [16:29] <Aqu|GM> Aldern nods, holding open the door once again. Peering inside, Palurin would note that the old man is not back.
  103. [16:29] <Aqu|GM> Victanys and Pwent move inside, taking a seat at a long table with plenty of room for all.
  104. [16:30] <@Harvey> Palurin and Mahd go in as well, sitting down. Orick does as well, though he seems slightly uncomfortable in a chair made for a creature far smaller than him.
  105. [16:33] <Aqu|GM> Aldern walks up to Ameiko, ordering venison, wine, bread, and cheeses for the table. Quite a large order, so it will take a fair amount of time for Ameiko to prepare it all, leaving plenty of awkward table conversation for the group.
  106. [16:33] <Aqu|GM> Aldern sits, clasping his hands together. "Good job!" he smiles. "Just as heroic as I thought, all of you."
  107. [16:40] <@Harvey> "We've been killing a lot of dead things lately, Mahd muses."
  108. [16:49] <Aqu|GM> Aldern raises an eyebrow. "Oh? More than the boar?"
  109. [16:52] <@Harvey> Mahd nods. "Indeed. We killed a couple skeletons just yesterday morning."
  110. [16:52] <Aqu|GM> Pwent frowns. The sheriff said not to mention it. Oh well.
  111. [16:52] <Aqu|GM> Aldern blinks. "Really?" he shakes his head. "Where was that? Not in town, was it?"
  112. [16:56] <@Harvey> "It wasn't in town," Palurin puts in hastily before Mahd can continue.
  113. [17:04] <Aqu|GM> Aldern chuckles. "Where then?" he asks. "Another one of your adventures?"
  114. [17:06] <@Harvey> "A request. It's not very interesting," Palurin continues, glancing at Mahd.
  115. [17:09] <Aqu|GM> Aldern shrugs. "Oh, I'm sure that adventures get monotonous for you, but to me-- not at all." He smiles. "Let's hear it."
  116. [17:12] <@Harvey> Palurin grumbles. "We killed two skeletons that happened to be guarding a tomb we were visiting. That's all there is to it."
  117. [17:14] <Aqu|GM> Aldern raises an eyebrow. "Oh? Searching for long-lost treasure in said tomb?"
  118. [17:14] <Aqu|GM> Victanys snickers, enjoying watching Palurin fumble with his answer.
  119. [17:15] <@Harvey> "Something like that."
  120. [17:18] <Aqu|GM> Aldern looks to Mahd. "I'm sure you have a much more colorful tale of the tomb visit?"
  121. [17:20] <@Harvey> She shrugs. "It actually wasn't that interesting. I suppose seeing Orick use his sword like a paddle was amusing."
  122. [17:22] <Aqu|GM> Aldern chuckles. "Indeed, it would have been, seeing how well he handled the boar."
  123. [17:24] <@Harvey> "I do not kill for pleasure, human," Orick booms suddenly.
  124. [17:25] <Aqu|GM> Aldern frowns, raising his hands in defense. "I did not say that you did, but both Mahd and I see your skill with the blade... enjoyable."
  125. [17:26] <@Harvey> Mahd chuckles, glancing at Orick. He says nothing more.
  126. [17:27] <Aqu|GM> --End Session--
  127. [17:27] <Aqu|GM> Experience: 200
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