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- function degustationParty( input) {
- let Allmeals = {};
- let counterOfUnlikedMeals = 0;
- let commandLine = input.shift();
- while ( commandLine != "Stop"){
- let [command, currentGuest, snack] = commandLine.split("-");
- // console.log(command, guest, meal);
- if (command == "Like"){
- if ( Allmeals.hasOwnProperty(currentGuest) == false){
- Allmeals[currentGuest] = [];
- Allmeals[currentGuest].push(snack);
- } else if (Allmeals.hasOwnProperty(currentGuest) == true ){
- if(Allmeals[currentGuest].includes(snack)== false){
- Allmeals[currentGuest].push(snack);
- } else if (Allmeals[currentGuest].includes(snack) == true ){
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- if ( command == "Dislike"){
- if(Allmeals.hasOwnProperty(currentGuest) == true){
- if (Allmeals[currentGuest].includes(snack) == true){
- let indexOfSnack = Allmeals[currentGuest].indexOf(snack);
- Allmeals[currentGuest].splice(indexOfSnack, 1);
- counterOfUnlikedMeals++;
- console.log(`${currentGuest} doesn't like the ${snack}.`);
- } else if( Allmeals[currentGuest].includes(snack) == false ){
- console.log(`${currentGuest} doesn't have the ${snack} in his/her collection.`);
- }
- }
- if (Allmeals.hasOwnProperty(currentGuest) == false){
- console.log(`${currentGuest} is not at the party.`);
- }
- }
- commandLine = input.shift();
- }
- let guestMealArr = Object.entries(Allmeals);
- for( let [key,value] of guestMealArr ){
- console.log(`${key}: ${value.join(", ")}`);
- }
- console.log(`Unliked meals: ${counterOfUnlikedMeals}`);
- }
- degustationParty([
- "Like-Krisi-shrimps",
- "Like-Krisi-soup",
- "Like-Penelope-dessert",
- "Like-Misho-salad",
- "Stop",
- ]);
- console.log(`------------`);
- degustationParty([
- "Like-Krisi-shrimps",
- "Dislike-Vili-carp",
- "Dislike-Krisi-salad",
- "Stop",
- ]);
- console.log(`------------`);
- degustationParty(["Like-Katy-fish",
- "Dislike-Katy-fish",
- "Stop"])
- // ● The possible outputs are:
- // o "{Guest} doesn't like the {meal}."
- // o "{Guest} is not at the party."
- // o "{Guest} doesn't have the {meal} in his/her collection."
- // o "{Guest1}: {meal1}, {meal2} ... {mealN}
- // {Guest2}: {meal1}, {meal2} ... {mealN}
- // …
- // {GuestN}: {meal1}, {meal2} ... {mealN}
- // Unliked meals: {count of all unliked meals}"
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