
Vilgax grabs arm

Sep 25th, 2024
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  1. When the next hand like a drill moved down through pace to flatten him, he caught it. They tried to pull away. Even though their arm spanned light years, Vilgax used nothing but his grip and upper body strength to root that limb in place.
  3. He did the impossible. He ripped that arm right out at the shoulder, and held it like a kanabo. It was surprisingly light, far lighter than when Vilgax had been destroyed by it. But who was he to say what pure, solidified will should feel like? All that mattered was that it was a weapon. He took the great arm of the monster and dashed it down through Gurren Lagann's stomach. The entire arm pierced clear through to the other side, ending in a hand like a halberd's point, throwing up the horns.
  5. Vilgax twisted-
  7. -and he ripped the entire arm vertically through its torso, leaving a gaping hole. Its hips were connected to its chest by a fragment of what had once been its belly. If Vilgax had been just one inch closer, Kamina would have been vaporized in his seat.
  9. - Round 5
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