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Jul 20th, 2018
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  1. {:FILTER {:DUPE {:Description "\"Duplicate assays position.\""},
  2. :FAIL_REF {:Description "\"Assay failed to map to reference.\""},
  3. :TRIALLELIC {:Description "\"Tri-allelic assay.\""},
  4. :ZCALL_DIFF {:Description "\"ZCALL_DIFF\""}},
  5. :FORMAT {:GT {:Number "1",
  6. :Type "String",
  7. :Description "\"Genotype\""},
  8. :IGC {:Number "1",
  9. :Type "Float",
  10. :Description "\"Illumina GenCall Confidence Score\""},
  11. :GTZ {:Number "1",
  12. :Type "String",
  13. :Description "\"zCall Genotype\""},
  14. :R {:Number "1",
  15. :Type "Float",
  16. :Description "\"Normalized R value\""},
  17. :NORMY {:Number "1",
  18. :Type "Float",
  19. :Description "\"Normalized Y intensity\""},
  20. :BAF {:Number "1",
  21. :Type "Float",
  22. :Description "\"B Allele Frequency\""},
  23. :LRR {:Number "1",
  24. :Type "Float",
  25. :Description "\"Log R Ratio\""},
  26. :GTA {:Number "1",
  27. :Type "String",
  28. :Description "\"Illumina Autocall Genotype\""},
  29. :THETA {:Number "1",
  30. :Type "Float",
  31. :Description "\"Normalized Theta value\""},
  32. :Y {:Number "1",
  33. :Type "Integer",
  34. :Description "\"Raw Y intensity\""},
  35. :NORMX {:Number "1",
  36. :Type "Float",
  37. :Description "\"Normalized X intensity\""},
  38. :X {:Number "1",
  39. :Type "Integer",
  40. :Description "\"Raw X intensity\""}},
  41. :INFO {:meanR_AB {:Number "1",
  42. :Type "Float",
  43. :Description "\"Mean of normalized R for AB cluster\""},
  44. :devY_AA {:Number "1",
  45. :Type "Float",
  46. :Description "\"Standard deviation of normalized Y for AA cluster\""},
  47. :zthresh_X {:Number "1",
  48. :Type "Float",
  49. :Description "\"zCall X threshold\""},
  50. :ILLUMINA_STRAND {:Number "1",
  51. :Type "String",
  52. :Description "\"Probe strand\""},
  53. :devX_BB {:Number "1",
  54. :Type "Float",
  55. :Description "\"Standard deviation of normalized X for BB cluster\""},
  56. :meanY_AA {:Number "1",
  57. :Type "Float",
  58. :Description "\"Mean of normalized Y for AA cluster\""},
  59. :AF {:Number "A",
  60. :Type "Float",
  61. :Description "\"Allele Frequency, for each ALT allele, in the same order as listed\""},
  62. :N_AA {:Number "1",
  63. :Type "Integer",
  64. :Description "\"Number of AA calls in training set\""},
  65. :BEADSET_ID {:Number "1",
  66. :Type "Integer",
  67. :Description "\"Bead set ID for normalization\""},
  68. :ALLELE_A {:Number "1",
  69. :Type "String",
  70. :Description "\"A allele\""},
  71. :PROBE_A {:Number "1",
  72. :Type "String",
  73. :Description "\"Probe base pair sequence\""},
  74. :meanTHETA_BB {:Number "1",
  75. :Type "Float",
  76. :Description "\"Mean of normalized THETA for BB cluster\""},
  77. :meanX_AA {:Number "1",
  78. :Type "Float",
  79. :Description "\"Mean of normalized X for AA cluster\""},
  80. :zthresh_Y {:Number "1",
  81. :Type "Float",
  82. :Description "\"zCall Y threshold\""},
  83. :devTHETA_AA {:Number "1",
  84. :Type "Float",
  85. :Description "\"Standard deviation of normalized THETA for AA cluster\""},
  86. :ILLUMINA_CHR {:Number "1",
  87. :Type "String",
  88. :Description "\"Chromosome in Illumina manifest\""},
  89. :meanY_AB {:Number "1",
  90. :Type "Float",
  91. :Description "\"Mean of normalized Y for AB cluster\""},
  92. :meanY_BB {:Number "1",
  93. :Type "Float",
  94. :Description "\"Mean of normalized Y for BB cluster\""},
  95. :PROBE_B {:Number "1",
  96. :Type "String",
  97. :Description "\"Probe base pair sequence; not missing for strand-ambiguous SNPs\""},
  98. :devX_AA {:Number "1",
  99. :Type "Float",
  100. :Description "\"Standard deviation of normalized X for AA cluster\""},
  101. :ILLUMINA_BUILD {:Number "1",
  102. :Type "String",
  103. :Description "\"Genome Build in Illumina manifest\""},
  104. :AN {:Number "1",
  105. :Type "Integer",
  106. :Description "\"Total number of alleles in called genotypes\""},
  107. :AC {:Number "A",
  108. :Type "Integer",
  109. :Description "\"Allele count in genotypes, for each ALT allele, in the same order as listed\""},
  110. :SOURCE {:Number "1",
  111. :Type "String",
  112. :Description "\"Probe source\""},
  113. :devR_AB {:Number "1",
  114. :Type "Float",
  115. :Description "\"Standard deviation of normalized R for AB cluster\""},
  116. :devY_BB {:Number "1",
  117. :Type "Float",
  118. :Description "\"Standard deviation of normalized Y for BB cluster\""},
  119. :ALLELE_B {:Number "1",
  120. :Type "String",
  121. :Description "\"B allele\""},
  122. :N_AB {:Number "1",
  123. :Type "Integer",
  124. :Description "\"Number of AB calls in training set\""},
  125. :devR_BB {:Number "1",
  126. :Type "Float",
  127. :Description "\"Standard deviation of normalized R for BB cluster\""},
  128. :ILLUMINA_POS {:Number "1",
  129. :Type "Integer",
  130. :Description "\"Position in Illumina manifest\""},
  131. :meanR_AA {:Number "1",
  132. :Type "Float",
  133. :Description "\"Mean of normalized R for AA cluster\""},
  134. :devTHETA_AB {:Number "1",
  135. :Type "Float",
  136. :Description "\"Standard deviation of normalized THETA for AB cluster\""},
  137. :GC_SCORE {:Number "1",
  138. :Type "Float",
  139. :Description "\"Gentrain Score\""},
  140. :devY_AB {:Number "1",
  141. :Type "Float",
  142. :Description "\"Standard deviation of normalized Y for AB cluster\""},
  143. :meanTHETA_AB {:Number "1",
  144. :Type "Float",
  145. :Description "\"Mean of normalized THETA for AB cluster\""},
  146. :meanTHETA_AA {:Number "1",
  147. :Type "Float",
  148. :Description "\"Mean of normalized THETA for AA cluster\""},
  149. :devX_AB {:Number "1",
  150. :Type "Float",
  151. :Description "\"Standard deviation of normalized X for AB cluster\""},
  152. :refSNP {:Number "1",
  153. :Type "String",
  154. :Description "\"dbSNP rs ID\""},
  155. :meanR_BB {:Number "1",
  156. :Type "Float",
  157. :Description "\"Mean of normalized R for BB cluster\""},
  158. :devR_AA {:Number "1",
  159. :Type "Float",
  160. :Description "\"Standard deviation of normalized R for AA cluster\""},
  161. :devTHETA_BB {:Number "1",
  162. :Type "Float",
  163. :Description "\"Standard deviation of normalized THETA for BB cluster\""},
  164. :meanX_BB {:Number "1",
  165. :Type "Float",
  166. :Description "\"Mean of normalized X for BB cluster\""},
  167. :N_BB {:Number "1",
  168. :Type "Integer",
  169. :Description "\"Number of BB calls in training set\""},
  170. :meanX_AB {:Number "1",
  171. :Type "Float",
  172. :Description "\"Mean of normalized X for AB cluster\""}},
  173. :contig {:GL000239.1 {:length "33824", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  174. :GL000214.1 {:length "137718", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  175. :14 {:length "107349540", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  176. :NC_007605 {:length "171823", :assembly "NC_007605.1"},
  177. :GL000204.1 {:length "81310", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  178. :GL000207.1 {:length "4262", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  179. :GL000216.1 {:length "172294", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  180. :GL000227.1 {:length "128374", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  181. :GL000228.1 {:length "129120", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  182. :GL000248.1 {:length "39786", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  183. :GL000210.1 {:length "27682", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  184. :18 {:length "78077248", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  185. :12 {:length "133851895", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  186. :GL000193.1 {:length "189789", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  187. :GL000198.1 {:length "90085", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  188. :11 {:length "135006516", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  189. :GL000247.1 {:length "36422", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  190. :GL000234.1 {:length "40531", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  191. :GL000199.1 {:length "169874", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  192. :GL000194.1 {:length "191469", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  193. :10 {:length "135534747", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  194. :21 {:length "48129895", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  195. :GL000241.1 {:length "42152", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  196. :GL000215.1 {:length "172545", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  197. :13 {:length "115169878", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  198. :GL000242.1 {:length "43523", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  199. :4 {:length "191154276", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  200. :GL000222.1 {:length "186861", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  201. :16 {:length "90354753", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  202. :GL000217.1 {:length "172149", :assembly "GRCh37"},
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  204. :GL000223.1 {:length "180455", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  205. :GL000205.1 {:length "174588", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  206. :7 {:length "159138663", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  207. :GL000221.1 {:length "155397", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  208. :GL000249.1 {:length "38502", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  209. :GL000195.1 {:length "182896", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  210. :GL000209.1 {:length "159169", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  211. :GL000244.1 {:length "39929", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  212. :1 {:length "249250621", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  213. :8 {:length "146364022", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  214. :GL000196.1 {:length "38914", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  215. :22 {:length "51304566", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  216. :9 {:length "141213431", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  217. :20 {:length "63025520", :assembly "GRCh37"},
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  219. :GL000230.1 {:length "43691", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  220. :GL000246.1 {:length "38154", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  221. :17 {:length "81195210", :assembly "GRCh37"},
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  223. :GL000218.1 {:length "161147", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  224. :Y {:length "59373566", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  225. :GL000191.1 {:length "106433", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  226. :GL000219.1 {:length "179198", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  227. :GL000200.1 {:length "187035", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  228. :19 {:length "59128983", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  229. :GL000211.1 {:length "166566", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  230. :2 {:length "243199373", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  231. :GL000231.1 {:length "27386", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  232. :GL000237.1 {:length "45867", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  233. :5 {:length "180915260", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  234. :GL000203.1 {:length "37498", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  235. :GL000245.1 {:length "36651", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  236. :GL000240.1 {:length "41933", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  237. :GL000213.1 {:length "164239", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  238. :GL000233.1 {:length "45941", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  239. :X {:length "155270560", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  240. :GL000206.1 {:length "41001", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  241. :15 {:length "102531392", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  242. :GL000236.1 {:length "41934", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  243. :GL000235.1 {:length "34474", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  244. :MT {:length "16569", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  245. :3 {:length "198022430", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  246. :6 {:length "171115067", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  247. :GL000202.1 {:length "40103", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  248. :GL000197.1 {:length "37175", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  249. :GL000225.1 {:length "211173", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  250. :GL000226.1 {:length "15008", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  251. :GL000243.1 {:length "43341", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  252. :GL000232.1 {:length "40652", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  253. :GL000201.1 {:length "36148", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  254. :GL000212.1 {:length "186858", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  255. :GL000224.1 {:length "179693", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  256. :GL000229.1 {:length "19913", :assembly "GRCh37"},
  257. :GL000238.1 {:length "39939", :assembly "GRCh37"}}}
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