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Corrupt Rarity 1

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Jan 2nd, 2017
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  1. The zebra rubbed soft lotion into the bulging swell of lard. He had a counterpart on the other side, and together they worked the cooling cream into Rarity's enormous belly, soothing the angry stretch marks that wrapped around it and discolored her once-pristine white body.
  3. A third zebra held a bowl up to Rarity's mouth. It was filled with deep fried kale in a rich, fatty sauce. Rarity was currently eating right out of the bowl, three chins jiggling as she chewed. Occasionally she would pull away and grunt, "More," and the zebra would bring the bowl closer, so she could reach deeper into the bowl.
  5. When she was done, the zebra pulled the bowl away. Rarity breathed out a wheezing breath. "Ah... pff... such a nice Uurrrrp, such a wonderful job on that sauce, I... hff... I shall have to send my compliments to the cook.. hff... hff... yes, tell dear Maddie that I am a huge fan of this recipe, would you, Betsy?"
  7. "Yes, mistress," said the zebra. She pulled out a cloth and dabbed at the corner's of Rarity's wide mouth, cleaning the flecks of sauce that stained her face.
  9. "Huff... huff..." Rarity, even laying down on her huge silk cushion, was breathing hard, fat cheeks puffing with each labored breath. The master capitalist weighed more than a quarter ton, so fat that even sitting still was taxing on her body. In the warm, quiet air of the fields, she could hear her heart beat in her ears sometimes. "Pff... hfff... hff--UURRP!" She suddenly let out a huge belch and whipped her jowely face around. "I do say, be careful!"
  11. "Sorry, sorry, missa, I sorry," said one of the zebras, who had prompted the burp by pressing her belly a bit too hard.
  13. "You must understand, sirrah, I cannot be heard to be so uncouth! I have grown my whole life to be a lady of the most refined breeding! I can be... hff... I shan't have my... reputation.. pff... ruined by some... dolt... hff, HFF... that does not know how to properly treat a mare of generous proportions... hfffff...." the anger had Rarity panting, but she was fine with the stab in her sides and the spike in her heart rate. These creatures needed to know she was angry. They needed to be trained.
  15. However, the rise in her heart rate, combined with the massive meal in her gut, made her sleepy. "Pillow..." she whispered, but loud enough to be heard. A zebra came close and slid a pillow under her head as it slumped to the side. She was soon snoring away, quite loudly at that.
  17. ------
  19. "Mistress, mistress, dear sweet mistress," said the soft voice, accompanied by a hoof stroking her cheek.
  21. "Hrrrk," there was a snort, and Rarity awoke. Betsy was standing beside her. "Ah, dear, good to see you. Is tea ready?"
  23. "We may have tea whenever mistress wants," said Betsy. She had a soft cloth in her hand, and she used it to wipe off Rarity's chins where she'd drooled in her sleep. "However, first, I have some exciting news." Rarity arched a fat-swaddled eyebrow. "We have caught the thief!"
  25. "Splendid!" cried Rarity, a ripple passing through her fat as she sat up as much as she could at her size. "Well, come, come, we must attend to this. Get the boys with my lounge, let's go!"
  27. Within ten minutes, a massive day bed had been pulled up beside the pavilion. It was carried via harness by six extremely muscular zebras, and one earth pony for good measure. It had an umbrella that had been angled to block the sun.
  29. Betsy took a moment to primp Rarity. She powdered her face, she shadowed her eyes, she took some concealer and rubbed it on a particularly visible stretch mark on Rarity's upper belly. She then settled a wide-brimmed sun hat on Rarity's head. It was very large relative to her head, but comically small compared to her bloated, tick-like body. Rarity smiled, fat face bulging. "How do I look, girl?"
  31. "Stunning, mistress," and then Betsy turned to four waifish unicorns. "She's ready. Be gentle!"
  33. With that, the unicorns began to move Rarity. The auras of their magic enveloped her, and she rose effortlessly from her cushion. Her belly, bigger than two of them, sagged downward in the air, leading to a "BURP!" from Rarity, but no one said anything, and there was no other discomfort. She was slowly lowered down onto the day bed, the zebras grunting softly as her weight settled onto their shoulders. The cool silk of the bed felt heavenly on Rarity's stretched and sensitive skin. "Ahhh," she cooed, wriggling a bit, wallowing in the softness. "Such a wonderful job, ladies! Betsy, be sure to tip them well today! And have... pff... have them ready when I come back!" Then, in a harsher tone, she cried "Let's go, boys!" and the zebras began to walk along the dirt road.
  35. They crossed about a third of the compound, passing fields, workshops, and slave quarters. The zebras' going was slower than their usual walk, but they knew from experience not to make their mistress' journey unpleasant. Rarity, for her part, relaxed on the journey. The warm air and the gentle breeze lulled her into a semi-doze. She didn't care. She knew Betsy would have her awake when they arrived.
  37. Sure enough, there was a firm, but polite, "Mistress," from below after some length of time. Rarity willed herself back to waking. They were standing before a large grouping of zebras and earth ponies. The earth ponies had wide-brimmed straw hats. The zebras had collars. They were surrounding somepony, penning them in. All the chatter in the air died away as Rarity was brought closer.
  39. "Let me see," said Rarity softly.
  41. The crowd pulled away, revealing two earth ponies on either side of a large, muscular zebra. He stared sullenly up at her with his large green eyes.
  43. Rarity puffed out air. "Oh, Platt," she cooed. "How could you?" He didn't speak to her. "How could you!" she yelled, making the zebras in the crowd flinch back. Rarity wriggled again, but not from comfort this time. In fact, she was getting a little uncomfortable. It had gotten warmer, and sweat was rolling down her bloated buttocks and heaving sides. But her comfort, for once, was of secondary concern. "Lower me down."
  45. "Oh, mistress, I don't think--"
  47. "Hush, girl!" she snapped. "Do it!"
  49. Betsy bit her lip, but she nodded. The six zebras and one earth pony slowly knelt, then laid down, causing the day bed the settling creakingly onto the dirt. Rarity rocked herself back and forth. Her white body sloshed like the ocean, fat rippling from side to side as she wriggled to the edge of her bed. Her front hooves touched onto the dirt. The entire crowd was frozen in fear. She began to pull herself off the bed, her belly swelling off the edge of the mattress as she moved further and further. It plopped onto the ground in a puff of red dust, and her belly, so huge, so white, was only smeared further with red dirt as she got more and more off the bed. Finally, she dropped her hind legs onto the ground. The exertion caused her to fart sharply. No one said a word.
  51. Rarity began to haul herself towards Platt, belly dragging on the ground, legs rubbing painfully against her sides, huge, dimpled buttocks shifting and bouncing against each other. All four ankles were ringed with red sores, a result of her gout; she felt sharp pain in them as she moved forward. Her heart was racing, the blood was pounding in her ears. Her purple mane and tail were soon streaked with sweat, and her makeup began to run. But she kept moving forward. Her anger drove her on. The crowd slowly pulled back as she ponderously heaved herself forward, until, at last, she was just before Platt.
  53. "Hoooow... huff... huff... why?" she wheezed. "Platt... how... how could you? How could you be so selfish? How could you be so greedy? HOW COULD YOU?" she roared, a line of sweat running down her face.
  55. "I..." Platt's voice was very soft, "I jussa wanna some money."
  57. Money? Mo... huff... money?" Her knees were killing her, but she kept standing. "Platt, you zig--you dear, you poor, confused soul, you... pff... pfff... hff... Platt... dearest... you have... everything you need here," Rarity, even in her extreme discomfort, controlled her anger. "I've given you... puff... I have..." Rarity had to stop and gasp out breaths, "you... don't you love me?"
  59. "I do, I do, missa, I do!" He smiled at her gently. "But I jussa wanna a nice hat I see in de window, when we in town last. It look so nice."
  61. "Ohohoho, is THAT what this is about?" Rarity's face was a mess by now, and her sides were bulging in and out as she took massive breaths. "Oh, is that... is... is... hff... HFFF...." Her back knees buckled, her massive ass plopped onto the ground in a spray of red dirt.
  63. "Get her up!" cried Betsy. Instantly the zebras around the day bed unbuckled their harnesses and hurried forward. They jostled under Rarity's bulk and lifted her off the ground, groaning from the strain. Her belly sagged down in between them. They carried her slowly back to the day bed, and deposited her, a little roughly, on the soft mattress.
  65. "Mistress, mistress, I told you, you must be more careful!" cried Betsy.
  67. "Oh, oh... water... water..." wheezed Rarity, seeing spots in her vision. An earth pony quickly brought her a bucket of water. Forgetting all her manners, Rarity guzzled it straight from the bucket, body rippling as she took huge gulps.
  69. After more than ten minutes, her heart rate had finally begun to slow down. She was hot, dirty, and tired, but she was beginning to relax. And, when she looked up at last, she couldn't help but smile, even in her discomfort. Platt was crying. Tears ran down his large, simple face, and his head was bowed, causing the tears to run down into the dirt.
  71. Rarity, taking a deep breath, wriggled forward on the bed. She positioned herself at the front of it and said, "Platt, come here." He came forward. "Closer." He was right in front of her. She reached a flabby front leg out and stroked his cheek with a hoof. "You're a good boy, aren't you?"
  73. "Yes, missa! Yes! I a good boy!"
  75. "Yes, a VERY good boy. You just... made a mistake, right?"
  77. "Yes! I so sorry!"
  79. "Well, I will tell you what. You of course won't get any money, and so you can't buy that hat, but..." she winked, fat face jiggling, "I shall make you a hat of your own. A very nice one, I might add."
  81. His face lit up. "Really, missa?"
  83. "Really, really. I promise. It will be a... hff... fabulous hat, simply splendid. I promise you it will be better than any old hat you could buy."
  85. "Oh, thank you, missa! Thank you!" He kissed her hoof, and she held it out, letting him slobber all over it.
  87. When at last she pulled it away, she put on a stern face. "But, of course, you did break the rules. You know what the punishment for theft is, right?"
  89. Platt began to shake.
  91. "Yes, yes, twenty lashes. Ohh..." she wallowed on the bed, "someone rub my sides." Immediately a zebra came forward and began to gently knead her flanks. "Anyway, yes, twenty lashes is the punishment. The rules are the rules." Platt hung his head. Rarity smiled. "But... since this crime was committed in the name of fashion, I shall grant you a slight reprieve. The punishment will be only ten lashes."
  93. Platt's face lit up. "Oh!" He whooped and jumped into the air. "Oh, thank you, missa, thank you! You such a good missa! Nice missa!"
  95. "I am, yes," said Rarity daintily. "Ten lashes it will be, then. All right! That's all! Get back to work!"
  97. The crowd broke up at once, the zebras moving off along away into the compound. The two earth ponies who had held Platt prisoner now led him away; he followed with a smile on his face and a spring in his step.
  99. "Mmmmm," burbled Rarity. Finally, all her aches and pains and discomforts had completely subsided. She was comfortable again, though her gouty ankles still throbbed a bit.
  101. "Mistress, I was so worried!" cried Betsy, coming close with a soft cloth. she removed Rarity's hat and began to delicately wipe her face, cleaning it of the dirt and smeared makeup. Rarity pivoted her head here and there, allowing Betsy to clean her fat face completely. "You could have collapsed!"
  103. "It WAS a near thing," Rarity admitted. "However, that was part of the point. He needed to see what a terrible thing he'd done. I needed to make sure he understood the seriousness of his crime. I needed to make sure they ALL understood. They're so simple, Betsy, so dull. They need dramatic examples to learn anything at all. They're not intelligent like I am."
  105. "Yes, mistress," said Betsy, taking a moment to wipe between Rarity's second and third chins.
  107. "I did become... quite... pff... quite a mess, didn't I?" said Rarity, casting a glance over her massive body, caked in sweat and dirt. "But, again, dramatic examples. The point was made, the lesson was learned, and this will never happen again."
  109. "You're so, so good, mistress," cooed Betsy, planting a soft kiss on Rarity's forehead.
  111. "Oh, thank you, girl," said Rarity, patting her cheek with a hoof. "Mrrffgg," she gurgled, settling into the mattress. "I'm tired, Betsy. Being an entrepreneur is hard work. I need a bath and a nap."
  113. "Shall we go to the big house, mistress?"
  115. "Ohhh, yes, Betsy. I need the shade and my silk. Let's go, boys!"
  117. END
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