
A Merry Christmas Farting Adventure

Dec 25th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Merry Christmas everyone; hope you're having a grand time as I am!
  2. +
  3. "G-gee you think these jeans would fit me perfectly?" Bianca asked with a shocked yet happy look on her face for she was letting out small but audible poots in her normal dress, being with her closest girl friends in a small building nestled within the middle of the bustling Castelia City in a rainy snowstorm.
  4. "Trust me these things will fit on you perfectly." Professor Juniper said with a smirk on her face.
  5. Iris was bouncing about with excitement. "Oh yes! These will definitely go well on you!"
  6. "Well okay; I'm not the kind to say no to this so I'll try it!" Bianca admitted for she was quick to strip off her dress, wiggling her hips hugging jeans onto her for suddenly she felt her rumbling stomach churn out her typical tuba toots, with it becoming clear that she had reactivated her methane maker. "Ooh! It's like my tushie knew when to go all the way!"
  7. "Aren't they just great?" Juniper pointed out while holding her hands together. "Now that you have those on you can't possibly-"
  8. A big eggy fart that smelled so bad it caused the paint within the room to start wilting emitted from Bianca's rear, with it causing a sudden warp to form behind her reeking derriere. Iris and Juniper were quick to grab onto Belle but poor Bel just couldn't stop her powerful poots from shaking The Room and causing the portal to become more unstable, with it sucking the stinky girl in for the professor and champion of the Unova region couldn't believe what they had just saw.
  9. "...Should we go in after her?" Iris gulped nervously.
  10. Juniper shook her head in disbelief. "I'm afraid not... need we get sucked in with her."
  11. So they decided to go and see if they could talk to their other fellow Pokegirls in place of the missing methane maker. Of course Iris couldn't help but let out a fart herself for she held it in so that she wouldn't make Juniper feel bad, who in turn decided to let loose after hearing such an audible blast.
  12. Iris: Wow that sounded bubbly!
  13. Juniper: Well your gas blast isn't a slouch either... I guess Belle brought out the fart within us.
  14. Iris: Yeah she did... I wonder where we would be without Bel to smell!
  15. Juniper: Probably not in a good place I can say that much...
  16. =
  17. Bianca screamed for she flailed her arms, tears forming in her eyes for she was also blushing in embarrassment upon which her bassy butt blasts were causing the strange portal she was within to go haywire; she found herself farting about in a cartoony world with fast animals for she felt quite lost about. She had just realized that she was on the samba themed Carnival Island, and looking ahead she could see a certain well known farty hedgehog girl trying to get her red dress to not flutter with every gas blast from her mammal rump.
  18. "Oh dear; I quite apologize for dropping in!"
  19. "It's not your fault; I can't help this flatulence feeling of mine!"
  20. "Well I certainly hope you manage to suit out your situation since I gotta get this feeling-"
  21. "Oh I love your thing! It definitely suits you well!"
  22. Eventually Bianca and Amy farted simultaneously that in turn sucked in the blonde human girl, leaving the hedgehog to continue farting to the samba beats in the distance for she was away from the bustling city. Bianca would continue on her awkward journey of spreading flatulent joy for this bizarre Christmas event in time.
  23. "I sure hope that girl turns out okay." Amy added for 1 last time while brushing back her tail for she felt it was fluttering too much from her now surprisingly squeaky toots.
  24. =
  25. Bianca screamed while flailing her arms again, feeling the urge to pee for she was quick to cover up her bladder with both of her hands while farting. She suddenly felt an unlucky pocket monster suddenly get into the clutches of her rotten eggy butt cheeks, with Bianca farting on a Pikachu who seemed to have just zapped in, with the female member of the Pokemon mascot's species not liking this.
  26. "Oops; sorry about that!" Bianca apologized while fanning the dank air made by her. "I had a lot of baked beans if you could smell!"
  27. "Pika... chu!" Squealed the Pikachu in pain for she used a powerful Thunder attack on Bianca, with the sparks of lightning causing the farts to turn into a huge explosion, sending both of the Pokemon characters into the world for Smash for she crashed into the arguably most infamous flatulent being of all: Princess Peach Toadstool farting right out of the Mushroom Kingdom.
  28. "Oh dear; did Pikachu cause another portal panic?" Peach giggled while fanning her flatulence away from her for her poofy dress was filled with such a powerful stench it could knock you out cold.
  29. "Hey I know you! You're the queen of farts!"
  30. "Well I am royally proud of my flatulent releases... say aren't you 1 of the gassiest Pokegirls?"
  31. "That I am." "I'm the ever so farty Bianca! And I'm happy to be producing methane music for everybody!"
  32. "Well bless my smelly soul, I'm glad I'm not the only 1 who looks at my flatulence in such a way!" "By the way where did you get those jeans? I sure could use them when I accidentally make too much of a mess in my dress!"
  33. "Oh you have no idea how many stains I've left in my dress! It's quite fun if I have to admit!"
  34. Princess Peach's stomach growling began going in tune with her pooting, with Bianca's stomach rumbling in addition while she was content with gas passing in the ever present future, both of the girls laughing while blushing in shared happy embarrassment.
  35. "Guess I'm feeling hungry."
  36. "Me too. Let's go get something yummy!"
  37. So the female farting friends both took off into the air via fart fueled floating, with them going throughout various restaurants to fill themselves up and get their gas tanks filled up so they could continue to have a literal gas of a farty party. Eventually like the wind brewing from within them they had to break apart, and their farts caused another portal that sucked Bianca right in, with Peach crying uncontrollably for she now felt alone due to being away from an infamous mansion.
  38. =
  39. Bianca screamed for she suddenly fell flat on the light floor, for she had realized quickly that she was in a godly place; spotting a certain gassy Goddess of Light ripping ass on an unlucky bunch of adorable enemies who were trying to raid her temple.
  40. "Ooh I am feeling my cheeks just being in heaven!" Lady Palutena laughed for she looked up, her smirk becoming wider for her powerful toots echoed across the sky. "Hmm I recognize you. We were in quarantine together?"
  41. "Oh yes; you were the green goddess who pooped herself reguarly!" Bianca laughed while dashing all the way towards her, only to trip and land on her face, with a huge fart emerging out of her rump that caused her jeans to rip and reveal her brown stained panties. "Oops!"
  42. Palutena laughed, using her light goddess powers to fix up the tear in the jeans, which in turn were starting to turn dark as a result of the smelly girl taking a classic doodoo within them. Bianca was quick to look back upon her fixed poopy pants, squealing gleefully for she was quick to pounce back up and hug Palutena.
  43. "Oh thank you; I don't know how I manage to cause these pants to make such a hole!" Bianca admitted while laughing in an embarrassed tone with her arms wrapped around the back of her head, feeling her stomach rumble once more that sounded like it mixed perfectly with her bassy farts. "Guess that's what happens when you let it build up there!"
  44. "Oh I know that feeling." Palutena laughed for she stuck her tongue out playfully and unleashed an enormous poot that sent the enemies right out of the tight clenches of her butt cheeks, with the entire temple shaking. "Food just knows how to mix right within me... and these things I've just sent away are the perfect way to get it all out!"
  45. Bianca licked her lips for she felt her stomach growl all while continuing to fart. "Ooh now I'm hungry AND gassy... you have anything yummy in there?"
  46. =
  47. Eventually Bianca managed to find her way back home after such a gassy journey through the portal, with her having filled her smelly jeans to the brink with a huge amount of eggy fumes. Juniper and Iris both had a shared surprised look on their faces for they couldn't believe that Bianca managed to return. The professor and champion of the Unova region both had quite a fart off in the long time frame that the brap queen was absent so it was a shock for them to see the methane master return on such a surprising note.
  48. "Oh hey girls! Sorry I took a long while!" Bianca apologized for she immediately began to fan the wretched air wafting right out of her rotten rump. "Phew; you wouldn't believe how many smells came out of my dump truck!"
  49. "I'm glad you made it back in 1 piece; but I should be more curious about the state of your pants!" Iris exclaimed with her bouncing about in excited curiosity. "They must have went through a lot!"
  50. "I am in agreement; I just wonder if it's possible if we could try it." Juniper added while her eyes lighting up. "Not that I wanna try the pooped pants you've likely did a number on, heh..."
  51. Bianca shrugged while making her massive methane a bit quieter. "Personally I think I might have baked too many brownies... but I always seem to go overboard!"
  52. Juniper and Iris were quite surprised to see Bianca take off her pants, with quite a load of poop plopping down with it. All Bianca did was laugh while grabbing a spare pair of jeans that were white colored, immediately farting about as 1 would expect her for she was quick to leave a brown stain on it, with the stunned girls joining her in laughter.
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