
Roblox Rolimons Rares ID List

May 13th, 2020
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  1. Rare ID List
  3. Instructions:
  4. - Turn off your bot and cancel all outbound trades
  5. - Paste this list inside 'not_for_trade =' in the config so you only trade non-rare items.
  6. - Feel free to add or remove IDs to match your inventory. This list includes ALL Rares, so if you want to trade for them be sure to remove their IDs before running OTB.
  7. - Go to to see more options.
  11. 1031429, 1048338, 1114768, 1158416, 1323384, 2799053, 8795521, 9465511, 9910070, 9910420, 12565866, 12908119, 12908164, 13370505, 13793866, 14404355, 14462955, 14671091, 14719555, 14876573, 15013006, 15177020, 15731113, 16385361, 16598513, 16641274, 16646369, 16652251, 16895215, 17109706, 17449820, 17735316, 17739050, 17999992, 18482398, 20573086, 20641998, 20908915, 21070012, 21070350, 21802141, 22157971, 22546563, 22850569, 22946161, 23301681, 23705521, 23727705, 23962538, 24485062, 24487029, 25267538, 25308748, 25308781, 25740034, 25975243, 26011378, 26769281, 26943368, 27477255, 27858560, 28676186, 29844011, 30371876, 31046644, 31101391, 31312357, 31765091, 32199211, 32278729, 32567578, 33171947, 33337038, 35292167, 35686000, 35686056, 36466277, 36839669, 37816777, 38858257, 40493240, 40893128, 42846048, 42900229, 43704842, 44114667, 47697285, 48545806, 49493376, 51352983, 52458643, 55633111, 55907562, 55909280, 57013875, 61895706, 62718352, 62720062, 62720797, 63043890, 63692675, 64082730, 64560136, 65079090, 66330165, 68603324, 69226736, 69344107, 72082328, 73151293, 73791866, 74891545, 74939231, 77443704, 81154592, 83704165, 88885069, 93136746, 93136802, 94794774, 96079550, 97078419, 97852103, 98346834, 100425940, 100929295, 100929604, 102613165, 102617707, 105344365, 105344861, 108149175, 108158379, 114385498, 119916949, 124745913, 125013769, 128158708, 135470710, 135470997, 136802867, 140484519, 144507154, 146134358, 147180077, 148791559, 149594212, 152173424, 158068251, 158069180, 159229806, 161211371, 162067148, 164204277, 169444030, 169444515, 172327379, 173783297, 180660043, 188003914, 188004500, 188888052, 207207025, 207207782, 209994352, 215719463, 215751161, 228449574, 241543974, 244160357, 250394771, 258184056, 259423244, 271015154, 286524947, 293316452, 298084718, 315549204, 321346550, 321346616, 323417812, 323419455, 323419816, 334663683, 346686597, 362029620, 376805769, 376805952, 380201576, 383605854, 398674241, 398676450, 402304782, 416828455, 416832622, 416833339, 416846000, 417458345, 439984665, 445115703, 489196035, 493476042, 493477472, 493486164, 557057917, 562478132, 568920951, 583635712, 638087256, 638089422, 689391156, 878889105, 1180419124, 1180433861, 1230409188, 1340199684, 1402447683, 1425150624, 1513251995, 1678356850, 1778004652, 2015363653, 2041982658, 2397732794, 2565909803, 2566015124, 2566024668, 2830437685, 2830451846, 2830463943, 4390848511, 4390888537
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