
Haru's lines

Apr 1st, 2016
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  1. Haru's lines
  3. Introduction.
  5. Introduction: 初めまして。
  6. 私はハーピー族猛禽種のハル。
  7. ・・・・・・あなたからいい匂いがする。
  8. 誰かに狩られないように気をつけて。
  9. Nice to meet you.
  10. I'm from the harpie's bird of prey, Haru.
  11. .........You have a nice smell.
  12. Be careful not to be hunted by someone.
  14. Intro (Memorial): I don't mind you looking... ……別に見てもいいけど
  17. Home.
  19. Greetings.
  21. Morning: What are you doing at this hour? こんな時間に何をしてるの?
  22. Afternoon: Thank you for your hard work. 今日もお疲れ様
  23. Night: Are you going to stay up late? 夜更かしするつもり?
  24. Early Morning: Morning's fast, it's alright. 朝が早いのね、まあいいけど
  26. Home:
  27. What? 何?
  28. My body'll get dirty. 身体が汚れるから…
  29. Need something? 用があるの?
  30. You're tired, right? 疲れてるのね
  31. Home (¡Ý 10 times): Stop it. やめて
  32. Idle: I'm bored/ This is boring. 退屈ね・・・
  33. Profile: Are you okay with your status? 管理表でいいの?
  34. Refresh: Good night. おやすみなさい
  35. Organization: Are you okay with me? 私でいいの?
  36. Fusion: Are my feathers more beautiful now? 私の羽、綺麗になった?
  37. Limit Break: Don't stare that much... そんなにじっと見ないで…
  38. Job (Start): I can do it. 私に出来るといいけど…
  39. Job (End): It's done, did we do it properly? 終わったわ。ちゃんと出来た?
  40. Meal: Let's eat. いただきます
  41. Request Complete
  44. Outing.
  46. Outing (Begin): Going out. 行ってきます
  47. Outing (End): I'm back. ただいま
  48. Item Pickup: That person seems happy. あの人が喜びそう
  49. Encounter: Because (For) he's waiting for us. あの人が…待ってるから
  50. Encounter (Start): Let's try it. やってみる
  51. Encounter (Victory): Fufu...we won. ふふっ…勝った
  52. Encounter
  53. (Total Victory): Survival of the fittest. 弱肉強食だから
  54. Encounter (Defeat): Is he person grieving as well? またあの人が悲しむ…
  55. Attack: Umm... あの…
  56. Listen to me. 話を聞いて
  57. Skill: Don't regret it. (?) 後悔させない
  58. Cheer (Attack): Thank you. ありがとう
  59. Cheer (Defend): I'll try it. やってみる
  60. Hit: I'm alright. 大丈夫
  61. Hit (Critical): How sad. 悲しい…
  62. KO: I'm sorry... ごめんなさい…
  64. Care.
  66. Care (Begin): Yeah, I'll be in your care. うん…あなたに任せる
  67. Touch (Good)
  68. Affection < 30%: Good. 上手ね
  69. Yes. やっぁ…
  70. Touch (Good)
  71. Affection ¡Ý 30%: You're so kind. 優しいのね
  72. Mm.
  73. Touch (Good)
  74. Affection ¡Ý 60%: Umm... その...
  75. Ah...! あっ...!
  76. Touch (Chest)
  77. Affection < 30%: It hurts. 痛い…
  78. Seriously... 真面目にして
  79. Touch (Chest)
  80. Affection ¡Ý 30%: Why? どうして?
  81. Perv. エッチ…
  82. Touch (Chest)
  83. Affection ¡Ý 60%: Being so's unpleasant... 乱暴なのは・・・嫌・・・
  84. N-no. ダ、ダメ
  85. Touch (Bad): Nnh... んんっ…
  86. Not there. そこじゃなくて…
  87. Phew. ふぅっ…
  88. Idle: Do it quick... はやくして
  90. Hourly Notifications.
  92. 00:00: Still awake. You're giving your best. まだ起きてる。がんばるのね
  93. 01:00: I'm's about time to... ごめんなさい…わたし、そろそろ…
  94. 02:00: Even if it's this late I'll...nn... (?) 人間って…こんなに遅くても…んん…
  95. 03:00: Phew...I will protect you...Ku... (?) ふう…あなたは私が守る…くぅ…
  96. 04:00: There're a lot of preys...He, hehe. 獲物がたくさん…。ふへ、へへ
  97. 05:00: Mm, nn...morning already? ん、んん…もう朝なのね
  98. 06:00: Good morning. I'm going on a morning walk. おはよう。朝の散歩にいってくる
  99. 07:00: I caught birds! Use them for breakfast... 鳥を捕まえてきた…!朝食に使って…
  100. 08:00: I see, capturing birds without permission is wrong... そう…勝手に鳥を捕まえたらダメなの…
  101. 09:00: Your cooking was really good. あなたの料理、とてもおいしかった
  102. 10:00: I'm going to take a bath. 私、シャワーを浴びてくるから
  103. 11:00: Grooming is important, wanna look? 毛づくろいは大切なの。見たい?
  104. 12:00: There's a nice smell, is it lunch already? いい匂いがする。もうお昼?
  105. 13:00: Still here? I see. 貴方はまだそこに居るの?…そう
  106. 14:00: We are not going out? お出掛けしないの?
  107. 15:00: I caught some ducks earlier. Use them for today's meal. カモを捕まえてきた。夕食に使って
  108. 16:00: Catching wild animals is also is wrong? that so... 野生の動物は捕まえちゃ駄目?…そう…
  109. 17:00: The birds around here are easier to catch since they are so absent-minded. ここは鳥に警戒心が無くて楽だわ
  110. 18:00: There are dogs and cats I can catch now...I see, I mustn't. 今度は犬か猫でも捕まえっ…そう、だめなの…
  111. 19:00: I smell meat...the birds I caught earlier look more appetizing, though... お肉の匂い…捕まえてきた鳥より、美味しそう…
  112. 20:00: You...are you a resourceful hunter?! 貴方って、凄腕のハンターなの?!
  113. 21:00: You want to help us? I's okay then. あなたの役にたちたいの…そう…ならいいけど
  114. 22:00: Today's bath was good as well. お風呂、気持ち良かった
  115. 23:00: I wonder why are you so intriguing to me. 私…貴方になんの注意をされたのかしら?
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