

Aug 29th, 2020
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  1. a2jmidid
  2. acpid
  3. adwaita-maia
  4. alacarte
  5. alsa-lib
  6. alsa-ucm-conf
  7. alsa-utils
  8. amd-ucode
  9. amtk
  10. apache
  11. apparmor
  12. archlinux-appstream-data
  13. archlinux-keyring
  14. atool
  15. attica
  16. baloo
  17. baloo-widgets
  18. baobab
  19. bash
  20. bashrc-manjaro
  21. binutils
  22. bison
  23. bmenu
  24. bolt
  25. btrfs-progs
  26. ca-certificates
  27. ca-certificates-mozilla
  28. ca-certificates-utils
  29. caffeine-ng
  30. cheese
  31. chrome-gnome-shell
  32. ckbcomp
  33. clang
  34. clutter
  35. clutter-gst
  36. clutter-gtk
  37. cmake
  38. cmus
  39. cogl
  40. colord-gtk
  41. compiler-rt
  42. confuse
  43. cups
  44. curl
  45. dash
  46. dav1d
  47. dbus
  48. dconf-editor
  49. deja-dup
  50. desktop-file-utils
  51. dhcpcd
  52. discord
  53. dkms
  54. dnsmasq
  55. dolphin
  56. duplicity
  57. dynamic-wallpaper-editor
  58. ecryptfs-utils
  59. elfutils
  60. evince
  61. evolution-data-server
  62. exempi
  63. exfat-utils
  64. expac
  65. ffmpeg
  66. ffmpegthumbnailer
  67. ffmpegthumbs
  68. file
  69. file-roller
  70. filesystem
  71. firefox
  72. firefox-gnome-theme-maia
  73. flatpak
  74. fluidsynth
  75. folks
  76. fontconfig
  77. foomatic-db
  78. fprintd
  79. frei0r-plugins
  80. fribidi
  81. fuse3
  82. fuse-common
  83. fzf
  84. game-devices-udev
  85. gamemode
  86. gavl
  87. gcc
  88. gcc-libs
  89. gdk-pixbuf2
  90. gdm
  91. geary
  92. gedit
  93. gestures
  94. gfbgraph
  95. git
  96. gjs
  97. glib2
  98. glibc
  99. gmime3
  100. gnome-autoar
  101. gnome-backgrounds
  102. gnome-bluetooth
  103. gnome-calculator
  104. gnome-calendar
  105. gnome-characters
  106. gnome-clocks
  107. gnome-color-manager
  108. gnome-contacts
  109. gnome-control-center
  110. gnome-desktop
  111. gnome-disk-utility
  112. gnome-font-viewer
  113. gnome-getting-started-docs
  114. gnome-keyring
  115. gnome-layout-switcher
  116. gnome-maps
  117. gnome-menus
  118. gnome-online-accounts
  119. gnome-screenshot
  120. gnome-session
  121. gnome-settings-daemon
  122. gnome-shell
  123. gnome-shell-extension-appindicator
  124. gnome-shell-extension-arc-menu
  125. gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-dock
  126. gnome-shell-extension-dash-to-panel
  127. gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng
  128. gnome-shell-extension-gamemode
  129. gnome-shell-extension-gsconnect
  130. gnome-shell-extension-nightshellswitcher
  131. gnome-shell-extension-nightthemeswitcher
  132. gnome-shell-extensions
  133. gnome-shell-extension-unite
  134. gnome-system-log
  135. gnome-system-monitor
  136. gnome-terminal
  137. gnome-todo
  138. gnome-tweaks
  139. gnome-user-docs
  140. gnome-user-share
  141. gnome-video-effects
  142. gnome-wallpapers
  143. gnome-weather
  144. gnupg
  145. gnutls
  146. gom
  147. gpgme
  148. graphene
  149. grilo
  150. grilo-plugins
  151. grub
  152. gsound
  153. gspell
  154. gssdp
  155. gst-plugin-gtk
  156. gst-plugins-ugly
  157. gthumb
  158. gtk3
  159. gtk-engine-murrine
  160. gtk-engines
  161. gtkhash
  162. gtkhash-nautilus
  163. gtksourceview4
  164. gtksourceview-pkgbuild
  165. gtk-update-icon-cache
  166. gufw
  167. gupnp
  168. gupnp-av
  169. gupnp-dlna
  170. gvfs
  171. gvfs-afc
  172. gvfs-goa
  173. gvfs-google
  174. gvfs-mtp
  175. gvfs-smb
  176. hardcode-fixer
  177. harfbuzz
  178. harfbuzz-icu
  179. hidapi
  180. highlight
  181. hplip
  182. hwids
  183. iana-etc
  184. ibus
  185. illyria-wallpaper
  186. imagemagick
  187. imlib2
  188. inxi
  189. iproute2
  190. iputils
  191. jack2
  192. jasper
  193. js68
  194. json-c
  195. jsoncpp
  196. kaccounts-integration
  197. kactivities
  198. kactivities-stats
  199. karchive
  200. kate
  201. kauth
  202. kbd
  203. kbookmarks
  204. kcmutils
  205. kcodecs
  206. kcompletion
  207. kconfig
  208. kconfigwidgets
  209. kcoreaddons
  210. kcrash
  211. kdbusaddons
  212. kdeclarative
  213. kde-cli-tools
  214. kded
  215. kdegraphics-thumbnailers
  216. kdesu
  217. kdnssd
  218. kernel-alive
  219. keyutils
  220. kfilemetadata
  221. kglobalaccel
  222. kguiaddons
  223. ki18n
  224. kiconthemes
  225. kidletime
  226. kinit
  227. kio
  228. kio-extras
  229. kirigami2
  230. kitemmodels
  231. kitemviews
  232. kjobwidgets
  233. knewstuff
  234. knotifications
  235. knotifyconfig
  236. konsole
  237. kpackage
  238. kparts
  239. kpty
  240. kservice
  241. ktexteditor
  242. ktextwidgets
  243. kvantum-qt5
  244. kvantum-theme-matchama
  245. kvantum-theme-materia
  246. kwallet
  247. kwayland
  248. kwidgetsaddons
  249. kwindowsystem
  250. kxmlgui
  251. lcms2
  252. ldb
  253. lib32-alsa-lib
  254. lib32-dbus
  255. lib32-fluidsynth
  256. lib32-gcc-libs
  257. lib32-glib2
  258. lib32-glibc
  259. lib32-jack
  260. lib32-libcap
  261. lib32-libelf
  262. lib32-libgcrypt
  263. lib32-libglvnd
  264. lib32-libva
  265. lib32-libva-vdpau-driver
  266. lib32-libvdpau
  267. lib32-libvorbis
  268. lib32-libx11
  269. lib32-llvm-libs
  270. lib32-mesa
  271. lib32-mesa-vdpau
  272. lib32-nspr
  273. lib32-nss
  274. lib32-nvidia-440xx-utils
  275. lib32-p11-kit
  276. lib32-sqlite
  277. lib32-systemd
  278. lib32-tdb
  279. lib32-vulkan-icd-loader
  280. lib32-vulkan-intel
  281. lib32-vulkan-radeon
  282. lib32-zstd
  283. libappindicator-gtk3
  284. libbytesize
  285. libcap
  286. libchamplain
  287. libconfig
  288. libcups
  289. libde265
  290. libdiscid
  291. libdmapsharing
  292. libebml
  293. libelf
  294. libevdev
  295. libevent
  296. libfdk-aac
  297. libffado
  298. libfontenc
  299. libfprint
  300. libgcrypt
  301. libgdata
  302. libgdm
  303. libgexiv2
  304. libglvnd
  305. libgrss
  306. libgsf
  307. libgtop
  308. libgusb
  309. libgweather
  310. libgxps
  311. libhandy
  312. libidn
  313. libimobiledevice
  314. libinput
  315. libinput-gestures
  316. libiptcdata
  317. libjpeg-turbo
  318. libkdcraw
  319. libkexiv2
  320. libldap
  321. liblouis
  322. liblrdf
  323. libmatroska
  324. libmbim
  325. libmediaart
  326. libmediainfo
  327. libmfx
  328. libmicrohttpd
  329. libmm-glib
  330. libnautilus-extension
  331. libnftnl
  332. libnm
  333. libnma
  334. libnsl
  335. liboauth
  336. libosinfo
  337. libp11-kit
  338. libpeas
  339. libphonenumber
  340. libpipeline
  341. libplist
  342. libpng
  343. libproxy
  344. libqmi
  345. libraw
  346. librsvg
  347. librsync
  348. libsodium
  349. libsynctex
  350. libteam
  351. libtool
  352. libusbmuxd
  353. libutempter
  354. libutil-linux
  355. libuv
  356. libva
  357. libva-mesa-driver
  358. libva-vdpau-driver
  359. libvorbis
  360. libvpx
  361. libwacom
  362. libx11
  363. libxcrypt
  364. libxvmc
  365. libytnef
  366. libzen
  367. lilv
  368. linux57
  369. linux57-nvidia-440xx
  370. linux-api-headers
  371. linux-firmware
  372. linux-latest
  373. linux-latest-nvidia-440xx
  374. llvm-libs
  375. lmdb
  376. logrotate
  377. lollypop
  378. lrzip
  379. lsb-release
  380. lshw
  381. lua52-expat
  382. lua52-lpeg
  383. lua52-socket
  384. lua
  385. man-db
  386. manjaro-alsa
  387. manjaro-application-utility
  388. manjaro-artwork
  389. manjaro-aur-support
  390. manjaro-base-skel
  391. manjaro-browser-settings
  392. manjaro-documentation-en
  393. manjaro-dynamic-wallpaper
  394. manjaro-firmware
  395. manjaro-gdm-branding
  396. manjaro-gdm-theme
  397. manjaro-gnome-assets
  398. manjaro-gnome-extension-settings
  399. manjaro-gnome-settings
  400. manjaro-hello
  401. manjaro-hotfixes
  402. manjaro-icons
  403. manjaro-keyring
  404. manjaro-printer
  405. manjaro-pulse
  406. manjaro-ranger-settings
  407. manjaro-release
  408. manjaro-settings-manager
  409. manjaro-settings-manager-notifier
  410. manjaro-system
  411. manjaro-wallpapers-18.0
  412. manjaro-zsh-config
  413. man-pages
  414. matcha-gtk-theme
  415. materia-gtk-theme
  416. materia-kde
  417. mc
  418. mediainfo
  419. mesa
  420. mesa-vdpau
  421. mhwd
  422. mhwd-amdgpu
  423. mhwd-ati
  424. mhwd-db
  425. mhwd-nvidia-340xx
  426. mhwd-nvidia-390xx
  427. mhwd-nvidia-418xx
  428. mhwd-nvidia-430xx
  429. mhwd-nvidia-435xx
  430. mhwd-nvidia-440xx
  431. mhwd-nvidia-450xx
  432. mkinitcpio
  433. mkinitcpio-openswap
  434. mod_dnssd
  435. modemmanager
  436. mousetweaks
  437. mpfr
  438. mpg123
  439. mutter
  440. nano
  441. nautilus
  442. nautilus-admin
  443. nautilus-empty-file
  444. ncdu
  445. ndctl
  446. neon
  447. nerd-fonts-terminus
  448. netctl
  449. net-snmp
  450. networkmanager
  451. nfsidmap
  452. nfs-utils
  453. nm-connection-editor
  454. nodejs
  455. nodejs-emojione
  456. noto-fonts-compat
  457. noto-fonts-emoji
  458. nspr
  459. nss
  460. ntp
  461. nvidia-440xx-utils
  462. obs-studio-git
  463. openexr
  464. openmpi
  465. openresolv
  466. openssh
  467. opera-ffmpeg-codecs
  468. osinfo-db
  469. os-prober
  470. p11-kit
  471. pacman
  472. pacman-mirrors
  473. pacui
  474. pam
  475. pamac-cli
  476. pamac-common
  477. pamac-flatpak-plugin
  478. pamac-gnome-integration
  479. pamac-gtk
  480. pamac-snap-plugin
  481. pambase
  482. pango
  483. papirus-icon-theme
  484. papirus-maia-icon-theme
  485. pavucontrol
  486. pcsclite
  487. perl
  488. perl-alien-build
  489. perl-alien-libxml2
  490. perl-capture-tiny
  491. perl-clone
  492. perl-dbi
  493. perl-encode-locale
  494. perl-error
  495. perl-ffi-checklib
  496. perl-file-chdir
  497. perl-file-listing
  498. perl-file-which
  499. perl-html-parser
  500. perl-html-tagset
  501. perl-http-cookies
  502. perl-http-daemon
  503. perl-http-date
  504. perl-http-message
  505. perl-http-negotiate
  506. perl-image-exiftool
  507. perl-io-html
  508. perl-libwww
  509. perl-lwp-mediatypes
  510. perl-mailtools
  511. perl-net-http
  512. perl-path-tiny
  513. perl-timedate
  514. perl-try-tiny
  515. perl-uri
  516. perl-www-robotrules
  517. perl-xml-libxml
  518. perl-xml-parser
  519. perl-xml-writer
  520. php
  521. pipewire
  522. plasma-framework
  523. polkit
  524. polkit-gnome
  525. poppler
  526. poppler-glib
  527. poppler-qt5
  528. popt
  529. powertop
  530. protobuf
  531. pulseaudio-ctl
  532. purpose
  533. python2-dbus
  534. python2-gobject2
  535. python2-gobject
  536. python
  537. python-asn1crypto
  538. python-bcrypt
  539. python-cachetools
  540. python-cffi
  541. python-cryptography
  542. python-distlib
  543. python-ewmh
  544. python-fasteners
  545. python-future
  546. python-google-api-core
  547. python-google-api-python-client
  548. python-googleapis-common-protos
  549. python-google-auth
  550. python-google-auth-httplib2
  551. python-html5lib
  552. python-httplib2
  553. python-idna
  554. python-importlib-metadata
  555. python-jedi
  556. python-jsonrpc-server
  557. python-language-server
  558. python-monotonic
  559. python-nautilus
  560. python-npyscreen
  561. python-oauth2client
  562. python-ordered-set
  563. python-paramiko
  564. python-parso
  565. python-pillow
  566. python-pip
  567. python-pluggy
  568. python-protobuf
  569. python-psutil
  570. python-pyasn1
  571. python-pyasn1-modules
  572. python-pydrive
  573. python-pynacl
  574. python-pyqt5
  575. python-pytoml
  576. python-pytz
  577. python-reportlab
  578. python-requests
  579. python-resolvelib
  580. python-rsa
  581. python-setproctitle
  582. python-setuptools
  583. python-soupsieve
  584. python-ujson
  585. python-uritemplate
  586. python-urllib3
  587. python-wheel
  588. python-yaml
  589. python-zipp
  590. qgnomeplatform
  591. qjackctl
  592. qt5-base
  593. qt5ct
  594. qt5-webengine
  595. ranger
  596. re2
  597. realtime-privileges
  598. reaper-bin
  599. rhash
  600. rsync
  601. rust
  602. rygel
  603. sdl2
  604. seahorse
  605. shadow
  606. shared-color-targets
  607. signon-kwallet-extension
  608. simple-scan
  609. smbclient
  610. snapd
  611. snapd-glib
  612. solid
  613. sonnet
  614. spectre-meltdown-checker
  615. splix
  616. sqlite
  617. steam-manjaro
  618. sudo
  619. sushi
  620. sws
  621. syntax-highlighting
  622. systemd
  623. systemd-fsck-silent
  624. systemd-libs
  625. systemd-sysvcompat
  626. t1lib
  627. telepathy-glib
  628. tepl
  629. terminus-font-otb
  630. texlab
  631. thin-provisioning-tools
  632. threadweaver
  633. timeshift
  634. timeshift-autosnap
  635. totem
  636. tracker
  637. tracker-miners
  638. transmission-gtk
  639. tslib
  640. ttf-bitstream-vera
  641. ttf-dejavu
  642. ttf-droid
  643. ttf-hack
  644. ttf-indic-otf
  645. ttf-twemoji-color
  646. uchardet
  647. udisks2
  648. ueberzug
  649. ufw
  650. unace
  651. unrar
  652. upower
  653. usb_modeswitch
  654. usbmuxd
  655. util-linux
  656. v86d
  657. vino
  658. vlc
  659. vmaf
  660. vulkan-icd-loader
  661. vulkan-intel
  662. vulkan-radeon
  663. wallpapers-2018
  664. wallpapers-juhraya
  665. webkit2gtk
  666. wireless-regdb
  667. wmctrl
  668. wpebackend-fdo
  669. x264
  670. xapps
  671. xcursor-breeze
  672. xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
  673. xdg-desktop-portal-kde
  674. xdg-user-dirs-gtk
  675. xdotool
  676. xf86-input-wacom
  677. xf86-video-amdgpu
  678. xf86-video-ati
  679. xf86-video-intel
  680. xfsprogs
  681. xkeyboard-config
  682. xorg-fonts-alias
  683. xorg-font-utils
  684. xorg-server
  685. xorg-server-common
  686. xorg-server-xwayland
  687. xorg-xhost
  688. xxhash
  689. yad
  690. yelp
  691. yelp-xsl
  692. zbar
  693. zenity
  694. zeromq
  695. zfs-dkms
  696. zfs-utils
  697. zip
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