
Young Renegades

Nov 8th, 2019
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  1. 🌫┊FIND YOU
  2. ↳ USERNAME: GlisteningHobi
  3. ↳ PASSWORD: J-Hope or B.I (I miss him so much)
  6. ↳ BIRTH NAME: Jeon Soonyi (전순이)
  7. ↳ OTHER NAME: --
  8. ↳ NICKNAMES: Soonie | Sushi (because she really likes Sushi)
  9. ↳ BIRTHDAY: 28th July 1993
  10. ↳ AGE: Krn - 27 + Intl - 26
  11. ↳ BIRTHPLACE: Incheon, South Korea
  12. ↳ NATIONALITY: Korean
  13. ↳ ETHNICITY: Korean
  14. ↳ HEIGHT: 167cm
  15. ↳ WEIGHT: 48kg
  16. ↳ BLOOD TYPE: A
  17. ↳ FAMILY: Dad; Kwon Hyungjoon | Mum; Kwon Jiseul
  19. 🌫┊ILLUSION
  21. + She is a very quiet person and doesn't go out of her way to make friends. She is more comfortable around males than females because of the way that she knows women can be. However, that doesn't mean she can't be friends with women.
  22. + She is someone who looks quite intimidating because she is quite and her natural face has a glare on it. So you have to be friends with her for a while before she relaxes around you.
  23. + She can be quite rude when she is in her worst state and she won't show any remorse. This makes people want to avoid her.
  24. + She truly does care for the people in her life but she doesn't like blatantly showing it. Instead of making food for everyone when they are there, she will wait for them all to leave and then she will make the food and leave it on the table for them to eat.
  25. + She is not someone who jokes about often but when she is in a more stable state, she has a very good sense of humour and loves making bad jokes to make her friends laugh.
  26. + Cold-hearted; when she is in one of her depressive moods, she tends to take it out the people closest to her and although she doesn't mean it, she still does it.
  27. + Scary; she has what is known as RBF (resting bitch face) and this makes her look unapproachable and scary. To an extent, she can be a bit like this sometimes and that is when she has been put in a foul mood by someone or something. When this happens, she usually becomes a lot more stricter.
  28. + Closed-off; she doesn't really talk to people about her deep emotions and only talks about stuff she is feeling on the outside when it comes to herself. She can gladly talk about deep emotions when it comes to her members but won't when it comes to her.
  29. + Wise; she is really good at giving advice about situations that are hard to deal with. She is the person you go to when you need the cold hard truth or just a piece of honest advice. She has had to deal with some real issues and so that is why you should go to her for advice.
  30. + Lonely; since she doesn't like to burden people with her own feelings, she feels lonely because nobody really knows how she truly feels and she doesn't have any siblings to talk to. She feels the need to always be strong around her friends so she doesn't like to show vulnerability.
  31. + Emotionless; she struggles expressing her emotions she has become so emotionally numb.
  33. ↳ LIKES:
  34. + Wearing headphones
  35. + Dancing
  36. + Chocolate
  37. + Finding common interests with people
  38. + Bubble baths because they relax her
  39. + Exercising
  41. ↳ DISLIKES:
  42. + People who intefere in things that don't concern them
  43. + Cheese
  44. + When people try and use inspirational quotes on her
  45. + Being treated like a child
  46. + Showing vulnerability
  47. + Silence
  49. ↳ HABITS:
  50. + Glaring
  51. + Cracking her joints
  53. ↳ HOBBIES:
  54. + Cooking
  55. + Dancing
  57. ↳ TRIVIA:
  58. + She is lactose intolerant.
  59. + She used to be a very active gamer.
  60. + She is a really good cook.
  61. + Her favourite dish to cook is anything meat based.
  62. + She had dyscalculia.
  63. + She is allergic to gluten.
  64. + Cooking and music are the two of the only things that bring her comfort.
  65. + She never leaves somewhere without her noise cancelling headphones.
  66. + Her favourite artist are Day6, The Rose, Coldplay, Ella Fitzgerald, BB King and Marvin Gaye.
  67. + Some of her favourite songs are Viva la vida (Coldplay), Kids (MGMT), Sexual Healing (Marvin Gaye), End of the road (Boyz to men) and
  68. Congratulations (Day6)
  69. + Her three favourite girl groups are Miss A, Wonder Girls and Kara.
  70. + She is sedatephobic which means she is afarid of silence.
  71. + Her love or music created her love for dance.
  72. + She is also in love with The Joker and has figurines, posters and hoodies with The Joker on it. She somehow feels like she can relate
  73. to him in many aspects even though he is just a fictional character.
  74. + The only other thing she can't handle is vomit as she has a severe phobia case of emetophobia.
  75. + She also loves reading about serial killers like the Zodiac Killer and Sweeny Todd and Jack the Ripper.
  76. + She has a thing for mob bosses like the Kray twins. Tom Hardy made her fall in love with The Kray Twins more after watching the film, Legend.
  78. 🌫┊IN TIME
  79. ↳ FACE CLAIM: Yuna (Brave Girls)
  80. ↳ BACKUP: Yujeong (Brave Girls)
  81. ↳ SLOT: IF ONLY
  82. ↳ BACKUP: reserved
  83. ↳ LOVE INTEREST: Wonho
  86. 🌫┊DESIRE
  87. ↳ WHY DID YOU JOIN THE PROGRAM?: She joined the company in hopes of recovering and getting her back to a healthy mental state.
  92. + SUNRISE
  93. + UTOPIA
  94. + HALA HALA
  97. + Group sleepover and they play truth or dare
  100. + She sends him a worrying text and he goes and looks for her. When he finds her, he sees she is leaning dangerously over the barrier of the terrace, crying her eyes out while blood drips from her arms. He runs to her and craddles and starts to carry her away but then she tries to fight back and move towards the barrier again but he stops her. He carries her to bed and waits until she is asleep and then lays down on the floor next to her.
  101. + Telling him about how her condition came to be and her childhood and she ends up breaking down in front.
  104. + Her parents try to come and visit but she refuses to see them because she doesn't want them to see her like this. When she finally does, her parents see her looking disheveled and her mum bursts out crying and so does she. Her dad on the other hand doesn't want to look and keeps a distance away from the two of them.
  105. + Another time they come to visit her and her father does the same thing as last time and this makes her angry. She snaps at her father saying stuff like "THIS WAS BECAUSE OF YOU! I AM LIKE THIS BECAUSE OF YOU AND YOU CAN'T EVEN LOOK AT ME! SHAME ON YOU!". She has to get dragged away by the guards.
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