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Oct 20th, 2019
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  1. on inventory click:
  2. if player's gamemode is survival:
  3. if clicked slot is helmet:
  4. cancel event
  5. if clicked slot is chestplate:
  6. cancel event
  7. if clicked slot is leggings:
  8. cancel event
  9. if clicked slot is boots:
  10. cancel event
  11. if clicked slot is shield:
  12. cancel event
  13. variables: #JOIN COUNTER SETUP
  14. {totaljoins} = 1
  17. c1: &6
  18. c2: &7
  19. name: &6Gravestone &7»
  21. if {team.%victim's uuid%} is "ghost":
  22. if {team.%attacker's uuid%} is "ghost":
  23. cancel event
  24. if {team.%victim's uuid%} is "zombie":
  25. if {team.%attacker's uuid%} is "zombie":
  26. cancel event
  27. if {team.%victim's uuid%} is "none":
  28. cancel event
  29. #| GAMEPLAY
  30. on pickup of arrow:
  31. cancel event
  32. every 20 seconds:
  33. execute console command "/scoreboard players set @e[type=Arrow] groundkiller 1 {inGround:1b}"
  34. execute console command "/kill @e[type=Arrow,score_groundkiller_min=1]"
  36. #----------------------------------------SETUP-----------------------------------------------
  37. command /setumpkinblock: #SETTING PUMPKIN SPAWN POINT
  38. permission: *
  39. permission message: &cNo permission!
  40. trigger:
  41. set {pumpkinblock} to skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player named "&ePumpkin"
  42. set {pumpkinloc} to location of targeted block
  43. set {pumpkinx} to target block's x coordinate
  44. set {pumpkinx} to {pumpkinx}-0.5
  45. set {pumpkiny} to target block's y coordinate
  46. set {pumpkiny} to {pumpkiny}-0.5
  47. set {pumpkinz} to target block's z coordinate
  48. set {pumpkinz} to {pumpkinz}-0.5
  49. send "{@name} &7You have set the pumpkin block to %{pumpkinblock}%&7 at location %{pumpkinloc}%&7!"
  50. command /setzombieplaceblock: #ZOMBIE PLACE BLOCK SETUP
  51. permission: *
  52. permission message: &cNo permission!
  53. trigger:
  54. set {zombieplaceblock} to "%targeted block%" parsed as an item type
  55. set {zombieplaceloc} to location of targeted block
  56. send "{@name} &7You have set the zombie place block to %{zombieplaceblock}%&7 at location %{zombieplaceloc}%&7!"
  57. command /setghostplaceblock: #GHOST PLACE BLOCK SETUP
  58. permission: *
  59. permission message: &cNo permission!
  60. trigger:
  61. set {ghostplaceblock} to "%targeted block%" parsed as an item type
  62. set {ghostplaceloc} to location of targeted block
  63. send "{@name} &7You have set the ghosst place block to %{ghostplaceblock}%&7 at location %{ghostplaceloc}%&7!"
  64. command /setghostspawn:
  65. permission: *
  66. permission message: &cNo permission!
  67. trigger:
  68. set {ghostspawn} to location of player
  69. send "{@name} You set the ghost spawn to &c%{ghostspawn}%&7!"#SETTING GHOST SPAWN
  70. command /setzombiespawn:
  71. permission: *
  72. permission message: &cNo permission!
  73. trigger:
  74. set {zombiespawn} to location of player
  75. send "{@name} You set the zombie spawn to &c%{zombiespawn}%&7!"#SETTING ZOMBIE SPAWN
  77. #----------------------------------------REPLACE PUMPKIN-----------------------------------------------
  78. command /replacepumpkin:
  79. permission: *
  80. permission message: &cNo permission!
  81. trigger:
  82. execute console command "setblock %{pumpkinx}% %{pumpkiny}% %{pumpkinz}% minecraft:player_head{ExtraType:""Rovertdoow1st"",SkullType:3}"
  83. send "{@name} {@c2} You have reset the {@c1}pumpkin{@c2}!" to player
  84. #----------------------------------------PICKING UP THE PUMPKIN-----------------------------------------------
  85. on break: #PICKING UP THE PUMPKIN
  86. if {team.%player's uuid%} is "zombie":
  87. if event-block is {pumpkinblock}:
  88. if location of event-block is {pumpkinloc}:
  89. set event-block to air
  90. send "{@name} {@c2}You have picked up the {@c1}pumpkin{@c2}!" to player
  91. give 1 of skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player named "&ePumpkin" to player
  92. broadcast "{@name} {@c1}%player% (Zombie){@c2} has picked up a pumpkin!"
  93. execute console command "effect give %player% minecraft:glowing 99999 99 true"
  94. execute console command "effect give %player% minecraft:slowness 99999 1 true"
  95. if {team.%player's uuid%} is "ghost":
  96. if event-block is {pumpkinblock}:
  97. if location of event-block is {pumpkinloc}:
  98. set event-block to air
  99. send "{@name} {@c2}You have picked up the {@c1}pumpkin{@c2}!" to player
  100. give 1 of skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player named "&ePumpkin" to player
  101. broadcast "{@name} {@c1}%player% (Ghost){@c2} has picked up a pumpkin!"
  102. execute console command "effect give %player% minecraft:glowing 99999 99 true"
  103. execute console command "effect give %player% minecraft:slowness 99999 1 true"
  105. #----------------------------------------PLACING THE PUMPKIN-----------------------------------------------
  106. on place: #PLACING THE PUMPKIN
  107. if {team.%player's uuid%} is "zombie" or "ghost":
  108. if player is holding skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player with name "&ePumpkin":
  109. if block 1 below event-block is not {zombieplaceblock} or {ghostplaceblock}:
  110. cancel event
  111. send "{@name} You cannot place that here!" to player
  112. send "{@name} You cannot place that here!" to player
  113. if {team.%player's uuid%} is "zombie":
  114. if player is holding skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player with name "&ePumpkin":
  115. if block 1 below event-block is {zombieplaceblock}:
  116. cancel event
  117. remove 1 of skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player with name "&ePumpkin" from player
  118. add 1 to {score.zombie}
  119. add 1 to {collected.%player's uuid%}
  120. add 4 to {coins.%player's uuid%}
  121. send "{@name} {@c2}You have gained {@c1}4 coins{@c2} for placing a pumpkin!"
  122. broadcast "{@name} {@c1}%player% (Zombie) {@c2}has placed down the pumpkin! The Zombie team now have collected {@c1}%{score.zombie}%&7 pumpkins!"
  123. send "{@name} {@c2}You have placed a pumpkin!" to player
  124. execute console command "effect clear %player%"
  125. execute console command "setblock %{pumpkinx}% %{pumpkiny}% %{pumpkinz}% minecraft:player_head{ExtraType:""Rovertdoow1st"",SkullType:3}"
  126. loop all players:
  127. execute console command "effect clear %loop-player%"
  128. if {team.%loop-player's uuid%} is "zombie":
  129. teleport loop-player to {zombiespawn}
  130. heal loop-player
  131. clear loop-player's inventory
  132. set loop-player's helmet to unbreakable iron helmet
  133. give unbreakable stone sword to loop-player
  134. give unbreakable bow to loop-player
  135. give 18 arrows to loop-player
  136. set loop-player's chestplate to unbreakable leather chestplate
  137. dye loop-player's chestplate green
  138. set loop-player's leggings to unbreakable leather leggings
  139. dye loop-player's leggings green
  140. set loop-player's boots to unbreakable iron boots
  141. if {team.%loop-player's uuid%} is "ghost":
  142. teleport loop-player to {ghostspawn}
  143. heal loop-player
  144. clear loop-player's inventory
  145. set loop-player's helmet to unbreakable iron helmet
  146. give unbreakable stone sword to loop-player
  147. give unbreakable bow to loop-player
  148. give 18 arrows to loop-player
  149. set loop-player's chestplate to unbreakable leather chestplate
  150. dye loop-player's chestplate white
  151. set loop-player's leggings to unbreakable leather leggings
  152. dye loop-player's leggings white
  153. set loop-player's boots to unbreakable iron boots
  154. if {team.%player's uuid%} is "ghost":
  155. if player is holding skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player with name "&ePumpkin":
  156. if block 1 below event-block is {ghostplaceblock}:
  157. cancel event
  158. remove 1 of skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player with name "&ePumpkin" from player
  159. add 1 to {score.ghost}
  160. add 1 to {collected.%player's uuid%}
  161. add 4 to {coins.%player's uuid%}
  162. send "{@name} {@c2}You have gained {@c1}4 coins{@c2} for placing a pumpkin!"
  163. broadcast "{@name} {@c1}%player% (Ghost) {@c2}has placed down the pumpkin! The Ghost team now have collected {@c1}%{score.ghost}%&7 pumpkins!"
  164. send "{@name} {@c2}You have placed a pumpkin!" to player
  165. execute console command "effect clear %player%"
  166. execute console command "setblock %{pumpkinx}% %{pumpkiny}% %{pumpkinz}% minecraft:player_head{ExtraType:""Rovertdoow1st"",SkullType:3}"
  167. loop all players:
  168. if {team.%loop-player's uuid%} is "zombie":
  169. teleport loop-player to {zombiespawn}
  170. heal loop-player
  171. clear loop-player's inventory
  172. set loop-player's helmet to unbreakable iron helmet
  173. give unbreakable stone sword to loop-player
  174. give unbreakable bow to loop-player
  175. give 18 arrows to loop-player
  176. set loop-player's chestplate to unbreakable leather chestplate
  177. dye loop-player's chestplate green
  178. set loop-player's leggings to unbreakable leather leggings
  179. dye loop-player's leggings green
  180. set loop-player's boots to unbreakable iron boots
  181. if {team.%loop-player's uuid%} is "ghost":
  182. teleport loop-player to {ghostspawn}
  183. heal loop-player
  184. clear loop-player's inventory
  185. set loop-player's helmet to unbreakable iron helmet
  186. give unbreakable stone sword to loop-player
  187. give unbreakable bow to loop-player
  188. give 18 arrows to loop-player
  189. set loop-player's chestplate to unbreakable leather chestplate
  190. dye loop-player's chestplate white
  191. set loop-player's leggings to unbreakable leather leggings
  192. dye loop-player's leggings white
  193. set loop-player's boots to unbreakable iron boots
  195. command /leave: #LEAVING THE GAME
  196. trigger:
  197. if {queue.%player's uuid%} is true:
  198. set {queue.%player's uuid%} to false
  199. set {team.%player's uuid%} to "none"
  200. teleport player to {spawn}
  201. clear player's inventory
  202. send "{@name} {@c2}You have successfully left the game!" to player
  203. remove 1 from {totalqueue}
  205. command /join:
  206. trigger:
  207. if {elymode.%player's uuid%} is true:
  208. send "&CError! You cannot join a game while in elytra mode!"
  209. stop
  210. if {elymode.%player's uuid%} is false:
  211. if {queue.%player's uuid%} is false:
  212. set {queue.%player's uuid%} to true
  213. send "{@name} {@c2}You have joined the queue!" to player
  214. add 1 to {totalqueue}
  215. broadcast "{@name} {@c1}%player%{@c2} has joined the game! {@c1}%{totalqueue}%{@c2} players in the queue!"
  216. if {ghostteamdecide} is false:
  217. set {team.%player's uuid%} to "ghost"
  218. add 1 to {totalplaying}
  219. teleport player to {ghostspawn}
  220. send "{@name} You are an {@c1}Ghost (White team){@c2}" to player
  221. set player's helmet to unbreakable iron helmet
  222. give unbreakable stone sword to player
  223. give unbreakable bow to player
  224. give 18 arrows to player
  225. set player's chestplate to unbreakable leather chestplate
  226. dye player's chestplate white
  227. set player's leggings to unbreakable leather leggings
  228. dye player's leggings white
  229. set player's boots to unbreakable iron boots
  230. if {activated.%player's uuid%} is true:
  231. stopEffect id "%player%.shield"
  232. stopEffect id "%player%.sphere"
  233. stopEffect id "%player%.floor1"
  234. stopEffect id "%player%.floor2"
  235. stopEffect id "%player%.floor3"
  236. stopEffect id "%player%.floor4"
  237. stopEffect id "%player%.floor5"
  238. stopEffect id "%player%.floor6"
  239. stopEffect id "%player%.floor7"
  240. stopEffect id "%player%.floor8"
  241. stopEffect id "%player%.floor12"
  242. stopEffect id "%player%.floor13"
  243. stopEffect id "%player%.floor14"
  244. stopEffect id "%player%.floor15"
  245. stopEffect id "%player%.floor16"
  246. stopEffect id "%player%.floor17"
  247. stopEffect id "%player%.floor18"
  248. stopEffect id "%player%.floor19"
  249. stopEffect id "%player%.tail"
  250. stopEffect id "%player%.wings"
  251. stopEffect id "%player%.text"
  252. stopEffect id "%player%.spiral0"
  253. stopEffect id "%player%.spiral1"
  254. stopEffect id "%player%.circle1"
  255. stopEffect id "%player%.circle2"
  256. stopEffect id "%player%.bigcircle"
  257. set {activated.%player's uuid%} to false
  258. set {ghostteamdecide} to true
  259. stop
  260. if {ghostteamdecide} is true:
  261. set {team.%player's uuid%} to "zombie"
  262. send "{@name} {@c2}You have joined the {@c1}Zombie Team{@c2}!" to player
  263. set {ghostteamdecide} to false
  264. if {team.%player's uuid%} is "zombie":
  265. add 1 to {totalplaying}
  266. teleport player to {zombiespawn}
  267. send "{@name} You are a {@c1}Zombie (Green team){@c2}!" to player
  268. set player's helmet to unbreakable iron helmet
  269. give unbreakable stone sword to player
  270. give unbreakable bow to player
  271. give 18 arrows to player
  272. set player's chestplate to unbreakable leather chestplate
  273. dye player's chestplate green
  274. set player's leggings to unbreakable leather leggings
  275. dye player's leggings green
  276. set player's boots to unbreakable iron boots
  277. if {activated.%player's uuid%} is true:
  278. stopEffect id "%player%.shield"
  279. stopEffect id "%player%.sphere"
  280. stopEffect id "%player%.floor1"
  281. stopEffect id "%player%.floor2"
  282. stopEffect id "%player%.floor3"
  283. stopEffect id "%player%.floor4"
  284. stopEffect id "%player%.floor5"
  285. stopEffect id "%player%.floor6"
  286. stopEffect id "%player%.floor7"
  287. stopEffect id "%player%.floor8"
  288. stopEffect id "%player%.floor12"
  289. stopEffect id "%player%.floor13"
  290. stopEffect id "%player%.floor14"
  291. stopEffect id "%player%.floor15"
  292. stopEffect id "%player%.floor16"
  293. stopEffect id "%player%.floor17"
  294. stopEffect id "%player%.floor18"
  295. stopEffect id "%player%.floor19"
  296. stopEffect id "%player%.tail"
  297. stopEffect id "%player%.wings"
  298. stopEffect id "%player%.text"
  299. stopEffect id "%player%.spiral0"
  300. stopEffect id "%player%.spiral1"
  301. stopEffect id "%player%.circle1"
  302. stopEffect id "%player%.circle2"
  303. stopEffect id "%player%.bigcircle"
  304. set {activated.%player's uuid%} to false
  305. set {ghostteamdecide} to false
  306. stop
  307. command /qreset: #RESETING THE GAAME
  308. permission: *
  309. permission message: &cNo permission!
  310. trigger:
  311. loop all players:
  312. make loop-player execute "/leave"
  313. set {queue.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  314. set {ghostteamdecide} to false
  315. set {team.%loop-player's uuid%} to "none"
  316. set {totalqueue} to 0
  317. set {currentgame} to false
  318. set {playingcurrently} to false
  319. set {currentlyingame.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  320. teleport loop-player to {spawn}
  321. broadcast "{@name} {@c2}The game has been reset!"
  322. on quit: #RESETING PEOPLE IN GAME
  323. set {spectator.%player's uuid%} to false
  324. if {queue.%player's uuid%} is true:
  325. remove 1 from {totalqueue}
  326. clear player's inventory
  327. set {queue.%player's uuid%} to false
  328. set {team.%player's uuid%} to "none"
  329. set {zombie.%player's uuid%} to false
  330. set {elymode.%player's uuid%} to false
  331. set {currentlyingame.%player's uuid%} to false
  332. execute console command "effect clear %player%"
  333. if player has skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player named "&&ePumpkin":
  334. execute console command "replacepumpkin"
  335. broadcast "{@name} {@c1}%player% {@c2}has left the game with the pumpkin! The pumpkin has now been respawned!"
  337. if {team.%player's uuid%} is not set:
  338. set {team.%player's uuid%} to "none"
  339. if {activated.%player's uuid%} does not exist:
  340. set {activated.%player's uuid%} to false
  341. set {spectator.%player's uuid%} to false
  342. set {queue.%player's uuid%} to false
  343. set {team.%player's uuid%} to "none"
  344. set {elymode.%player's uuid%} to false
  345. teleport player to {spawn}
  346. clear player's inventory
  347. set {currentlyingame.%player's uuid%} to false
  348. execute console command "effect clear %player%"
  350. on death:
  351. broadcast "{@c1}%victim% {@c2}has died to {@c1}%attacker%"
  352. add 2 to {coins.%attacker's uuid%}
  353. add 1 to {kills.%attacker's uuid%}
  354. send "{@name} {@c2}You gained {@c1}2 coins{@c2} for killing {@c1}%victim%{@c2}!" to attacker
  355. broadcast "{@name} {@c1}%victim% {@c2}has lost the pumpkin! {@c1}%attacker% {@c2}now has it!"
  356. if victim has skull of "Rovertdoow1st" parsed as offline player with name "&ePumpkin":
  357. execute console command "replacepumpkin"
  359. on respawn:
  360. if {team.%player's uuid%} is "ghost":
  361. clear player's inventory
  362. teleport player to {ghostspawn}
  363. set player's helmet to unbreakable iron helmet
  364. give unbreakable stone sword to player
  365. give unbreakable bow to player
  366. give 18 arrows to player
  367. set player's chestplate to unbreakable leather chestplate
  368. dye player's chestplate white
  369. set player's leggings to unbreakable leather leggings
  370. dye player's leggings white
  371. set player's boots to unbreakable iron boots
  372. if {team.%player's uuid%} is "zombie":
  373. clear player's inventory
  374. teleport player to {zombiespawn}
  375. set player's helmet to unbreakable iron helmet
  376. give unbreakable stone sword to player
  377. give unbreakable bow to player
  378. give 18 arrows to player
  379. set player's chestplate to unbreakable leather chestplate
  380. dye player's chestplate green
  381. set player's leggings to unbreakable leather leggings
  382. dye player's leggings green
  383. set player's boots to unbreakable iron boots
  385. every tick:
  386. if {score.ghost} is 3:
  387. broadcast "{@name} The {@c1}Ghost team{@c2} won the game!"
  388. loop all players:
  389. set {queue.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  390. set {ghostteamdecide} to false
  391. set {totalqueue} to 0
  392. set {currentgame} to false
  393. set {currentlyingame.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  394. if {team.%loop-player's uuid%} is "ghost":
  395. add 1 to {wins.%loop-player's uuid%}
  396. add 10 to {coins.%loop-player's uuid%}
  397. send "{@name} You gained {@c1}10 coins{@c2} for winning!" to loop-player
  398. set loop-player's leggings to air
  399. set loop-player's chestplate to air
  400. set loop-player's boots to air
  401. execute console command "clear %loop-player%"
  402. teleport loop-player to {spawn}
  403. set {score.ghost} to 0
  404. set {score.zombie} to 0
  405. set {spectator.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  406. set loop-player's gamemode to survival
  407. set {team.%loop-player's uuid%} to "none"
  408. set {totalqueue} to 0
  409. set {currentgame} to false
  410. set {playingcurrently} to false
  411. set {currentlyingame.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  412. if {score.zombie} is 3:
  413. broadcast "{@name} The {@c1}Zombie team{@c2} won the game!"
  414. loop all players:
  415. set {queue.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  416. set {ghostteamdecide} to false
  417. set {totalqueue} to 0
  418. set {currentgame} to false
  419. set {currentlyingame.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  420. if {team.%loop-player's uuid%} is "zombie":
  421. add 1 to {wins.%loop-player's uuid%}
  422. add 10 to {coins.%loop-player's uuid%}
  423. send "{@name} You gained {@c1}10 coins{@c2} for winning!" to loop-player
  424. set loop-player's leggings to air
  425. set loop-player's chestplate to air
  426. set loop-player's boots to air
  427. execute console command "clear %loop-player%"
  428. teleport loop-player to {spawn}
  429. set {score.ghost} to 0
  430. set {score.zombie} to 0
  431. set {spectator.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  432. set loop-player's gamemode to survival
  433. set {team.%loop-player's uuid%} to "none"
  434. set {totalqueue} to 0
  435. set {currentgame} to false
  436. set {playingcurrently} to false
  437. set {currentlyingame.%loop-player's uuid%} to false
  438. command /spectator:
  439. trigger:
  440. if {team.%player's uuid%} is none:
  441. if {spectator.%player's uuid%} is false:
  442. set {spectator.%player's uuid%} to true
  443. set player's gamemode to spectator
  444. teleport player to {ghostspawn}
  445. send "{@name} You are now a spectator! Type /spectator again to get out of spectator mode!" to player
  446. clear player's inventory
  447. stop
  448. if {spectator.%player's uuid%} is true:
  449. set {spectator.%player's uuid%} to false
  450. set player's gamemode to survival
  451. teleport player to {spawn}
  452. send "{@name} You are no longer a spectator! Type /spectator again to enter spectator mode!" to player
  453. clear player's inventory
  454. stop
  456. on drop:
  457. cancel event
  459. on break:
  460. if {build.%player%} is true:
  461. set event-block to air
  462. if {build.%player%} is false:
  463. cancel event
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