

Dec 20th, 2016
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  284. <div id="whole" oncontextmenu="return false;">
  287. <div class="page" id="six">
  288. <div style="margin-left: 536px;" class="file_name">
  289. <div class="fn_left">&nbsp;</div>
  290. <div class="name"><a href="#six" target="_self">Six</a></div>
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  292. </div>
  294. <div class="file">
  295. <div class="img_left"><img src="" alt="" />
  296. <div class="tl_tape">&nbsp;</div>
  297. <div class="br_tape">&nbsp;</div>
  298. </div>
  301. <div class="text">
  302. <h1>OOC</h1>
  303. WIP<br /><br />
  304. <h2>Subheader</h2>
  305. PM Friendly, RIDD God Mode<br /><br />
  306. <h2>Subheader</h2>
  307. Ask before starting Role Play's, I prefer to discuss a story first.<a href="#main" target="_self">close</a></div>
  308. </div>
  309. </div>
  312. <div class="page" id="five">
  313. <div style="margin-left: 436px;" class="file_name">
  314. <div class="fn_left">&nbsp;</div>
  315. <div class="name"><a href="#five" target="_self">Five</a></div>
  316. <div class="fn_right">&nbsp;</div>
  317. </div>
  320. <div class="file">
  321. <div class="text">
  322. <h1>Zodiac City</h1>
  323. Dog Clan: Active or lazy any time of the day, whenever they want. They are carefree spirits who do whatever they want. They are also one of the more diverse groups out of every other clan. Some are friendly, some are introverted. Some are even mixed. The Dogs can be very sweet and friendly on certain days, but can be aggressive on certain things. Some tend to have food aggression. Be cautious when invited to their dinners, as it’s a dog eat dog world out there. Your food has to be caught fast or someone else will steal it from you! It’s a messy challenge. But no matter what, despite having to have a miniature feud with a dog and their family, they will be extremely loyal to their friends and family. Honesty is their best policy. Once you befriend a dog, you’re part of their whole family (even if a dog cousin or two distrusts you).<br /><br />
  324. <h2>Occupation</h2>
  325. Guardian of the dog clan Heiress(Maybe?)<br /><br />
  326. <h2>Magical Power/s</h2>
  327. 1.Werewolfism(Maybe)
  328. 2.Healing Saliva(Maybe)</div>
  329. <div class="img_right"><img src="" alt="" />
  330. <div class="tl_tape">&nbsp;</div>
  331. <div class="br_tape">&nbsp;</div>
  332. </div>
  333. </div>
  334. </div>
  337. <div class="page" id="four">
  338. <div style="margin-left: 336px;" class="file_name">
  339. <div class="fn_left">&nbsp;</div>
  340. <div class="name"><a href="#four" target="_self">Four</a></div>
  341. <div class="fn_right">&nbsp;</div>
  342. </div>
  344. <div class="file">
  345. <div class="img_left"><img src="" alt="" />
  346. <div class="tl_tape">&nbsp;</div>
  347. <div class="br_tape">&nbsp;</div>
  348. </div>
  350. <div class="text">
  351. <h1>Anthro Form</h1>Male Timber Wolf Grey in color
  352. <br /><br />
  353. <h2>Subheader</h2>Two
  354. <br /><br />
  355. <h2>Subheader</h2>
  356. Three</div>
  357. </div>
  358. </div>
  361. <div class="page" id="three">
  362. <div style="margin-left: 236px;" class="file_name">
  363. <div class="fn_left">&nbsp;</div>
  364. <div class="name"><a href="#three" target="_self">Three</a></div>
  365. <div class="fn_right">&nbsp;</div>
  366. </div>
  369. <div class="file">
  370. <div class="text">
  371. <h1>Abilities</h1>
  372. one<br /><br />
  373. <h2>Strength's</h2>
  374. two<br /><br />
  375. <h2>Weakness's</h2>
  376. three</div>
  377. <div class="img_right"><img src="" alt="" />
  378. <div class="tl_tape">&nbsp;</div>
  379. <div class="br_tape">&nbsp;</div>
  380. </div>
  381. </div>
  382. </div>
  385. <div class="page" id="two">
  386. <div style="margin-left: 136px;" class="file_name">
  387. <div class="fn_left">&nbsp;</div>
  388. <div class="name"><a href="#two" target="_self">Two</a></div>
  389. <div class="fn_right">&nbsp;</div>
  390. </div>
  393. <div class="file">
  394. <div class="img_left"><img src="" alt="" />
  395. <div class="tl_tape">&nbsp;</div>
  396. <div class="br_tape">&nbsp;</div>
  397. </div>
  400. <div class="text">
  401. <h1>Header</h1>
  402. <h1>Origin</h1>Once there was a beautiful young women, her eye's said to shine blue as the moon on the ocean shore. Her Raven black hair complementing her ivory skin. She was a beautiful women desired by many, strong and unafraid of risk's. As she sat at the bar a warm summer night, men daring to buy her drinks but unable to keep at her pace. She would look behind her to see a stunning man his jaw strong and eye's glowing gold. His face while charming screamed danger but this sadly attracted her to him more she approached him leaning over and exposing cleavage. "Hey whats a man like you doing in a small Irish town like this? I don't know who you are but I've known everyone in this town for years. So what's the name of such a mysterious man?" He looked to her, his smirk showing his amusement at her forward behavior. a deep raspy voice replying. "Apollyn" The night passed by them her love for such a charming man growing as they lay making love in her cottage he exclaimed how he would have to leave the next morning for business. She nod's understanding they would be two ships in the night passing after a moment of passion. As the months went by she would soon learn that one night of passion was the upbringing of her first and final child. Once born she cared for him loving him and hoping the man would return to discover there beautiful child. It was a spring night the crickets chirping in the air the young boy only being a month old, she could smell smoke that would soon billow through the house. As she scrambled taking the baby and attempting to leave flames erupting around them he stood in the only path out. There Apollyn stood his demonic form exposed. "I apologize, but a child jeopardizes my position of power. I'm Afraid i can't leave either of you to live." Walking up slowly he jabbed his knife into her blood dripping down the blade. She dropped the child life fading from her eye's as she exclaimed. "I.. Loved.. you." There she now laid next to her newly born son bawling his eye's out from being dropped the floor hot. Apollyn looking down at the baby his eye's cold and uncaring before turning and walking out leaving the baby to roast. A man passing down the road had already began to run towards the billowed smoke in the air, hearing the cry's of a baby. As he approached the cottage he laid eye's on Apollyn as he disappeared into darkness. Quickly running in to find the child laying next to his dead mother. Tears streaming down his face as he knew he could do nothing for her. Picking up the boy he ran out taking him to his cottage intensively caring for him as he nursed the baby back to health. "You my boy need a name. You're covered in ash." He said wiping it off him. "That is what i shall call you, Ash." Year went by as he raised the boy as if he were his own. Explaining the story to him as he grew, seeing that he himself was part demon. Sadly at the young age of seventeen the old man received a visit form Apollyn. "You have cared for my son very well old man allow me to relieve you." flicking his wrist the Apollyn set the man a blaze, his screams echoing out of the house. Young Ash running up to see the old man drop a crispy corps. His anger flowed through him as he stared at His father his eye's glowing and flames coming from his hands. Apollyn "Well you certainly are my son." Ash charging only to have Apollyn beat him until he'd passed out leaving once again. As Ash awoke he had lost most of his memories only remembering a few details. Traveling around until he found a sword wielding Mercenary who would soon teach him the skill's he would need to survive as well as get his revenge on his father.</div>
  403. </div>
  404. </div>
  407. <div class="page" id="one">
  408. <div style="margin-left: 36px;" class="file_name">
  409. <div class="fn_left">&nbsp;</div>
  410. <div class="name"><a href="#one" target="_self">One</a></div>
  411. <div class="fn_right">&nbsp;</div>
  412. </div>
  415. <div class="file">
  416. <div class="text">
  417. <div class="sheet_one">Name: Unknown<br /> Aliases: Ash or Green<br /> Status: Single</div>
  418. <div class="sheet_two">
  419. <div class="two_left">Date of Birth: Unknown Appears 21<br /> Place of Birth: Unknown, no memories<br /> Height: 6'1<br /> Weight: 180 lbs.<br /> Build:Athletic<br /> Occupation:Body Guard, Sexual Toy </div>
  420. <div class="two_right">Scars & Marks:Multi, Ask<br /> Hair:Black semi length<br /> Eyes:Gold<br /> Complexion:Tan/Olive<br /> Sex:Male<br /> Country:Wanderer</div>
  421. </div>
  424. <div class="sheet_three">Remarks:</div>
  425. <div class="conf">CONFIDENTIAL</div>
  426. </div>
  429. <div class="img_right"><img src="" alt="" />
  430. <div class="tl_tape">&nbsp;</div>
  431. <div class="br_tape">&nbsp;</div>
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  433. </div>
  434. </div>
  437. <div class="page" id="main">
  438. <div class="file" id="cover">
  439. <div class="cover">TOP<br />SECRET</div>
  440. <div class="cover_icon"><img src="" alt="" /></div>
  441. <img class="clip" src="" alt="" /></div>
  442. </div>
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