
Almost removed from the Army.

Feb 15th, 2019
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  1. [12:28] Brittaria Rosenkreuz says, "Flint."
  2. [12:29] Brittaria Rosenkreuz says, "Come here please."
  3. [12:29] Brittaria Rosenkreuz asks, "Has Zeriel had a chance to speak with you?"
  4. [12:29] Flint Armiger says, "No."
  5. [12:30] Brittaria Rosenkreuz says, "Alright, well. Due to your harassment of numerous citizens as well as complaints against you, it has been decided that you are no longer a member of the Fourfold. Please take the time to re-evaluate your life and re-attune yourself with the Fourfold path as you have not shown that you follow it."
  6. Flint Armiger asks, "Who are these numerous citizens?, if you don't mind me asking?"
  7. [12:31] Zeriel Heifang says, "Moment-- Salthiel. Need to deal with this."
  8. [12:31] Salthiel Anauel says, "Oh, right. You are Lord Zeriel."
  9. [12:31] Brittaria Rosenkreuz says, "For their safety, I'm not releasing their names."
  10. [12:31] Zeriel Heifang asks, "Anyhow, the decision was on spot, but you said you wanted to talk to me, yes?"
  11. [12:32] Zeriel Heifang says, "Come."
  12. [12:32] Zeriel Heifang says, "Reports of you threatening to kill someone over some sort of romance plot-- alongside other things."
  13. [12:32] Zeriel Heifang asks, "Do you claim they're false?"
  14. [12:33] Flint sat down as he placed his hands within his lap
  15. (Flint Armiger)
  16. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. [12:34] Flint Armiger says, "Was I upset? of course who wouldn't be. Did I want to see the woman in the same state that I was in of course I won't deny that but I never stated that I would kill this woman."
  19. [12:34] Flint Armiger says, "Britta on the other hand."
  20. [12:34] Flint Armiger says, "She felt bad for me."
  21. [12:34] Flint Armiger says, "Britta said she would kill the woman. "
  22. [12:35] Flint Armiger says, "I ask her was it really that serious."
  23. [12:36] Zeriel Heifang says, "Can you give me a brief summary of what happened? I understand that this is a personal matter-- though this also concerns your job, since a lot of those involved are pushing for actions to be taken, claiming you harassed and threatened them."
  24. [12:37] Flint Armiger says, "I never threatend anybody and they all claimed I harassed them."
  25. [12:37] Flint Armiger says, "Li the kitsune threatend to attack me if I did stop speaking ot a person."
  26. [12:38] Flint Armiger says, "Which i have spoken to this person yesterday and they are willing to talk to me."
  27. [12:38] Flint Armiger says, "Yugina was a person i saved from dawn and she kind of ripped my heart into pieces jsut so i would save her ect."
  28. [12:38] Flint Armiger says, "Britta got upset and such and said she would kill the woman."
  29. [12:38] Flint Armiger says, "Britta claims due to her "status" here she could say the woman attacked her and claim self defense."
  30. [12:39] Flint Armiger says, "I haven't harassed anyone one that made it clear they didn't want to speak with me I left them alone."
  31. [12:39] Flint Armiger asks, "Am I missing anything?"
  32. [12:40] Zeriel Heifang says, "Mmh... not particularly-- though... everyone's been giving different answers, ah-- wait a moment."
  33. [12:43] Brittaria quietly sat down.
  34. (Brittaria Rosenkreuz)
  35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. [12:44] Zeriel Heifang says, "Alright-- Flint here claims that he was upset to begin with, and he did feel like... well, seeing the woman who hurt in him same state as he was; heart broken. However, other than that, he refuses to admit that he ever threatened anyone-- or harassed them once they clearly said they don't want to have anything to do with him."
  38. [12:44] Zeriel Heifang says, "Though, he also claims that you got upset and said you'd kill Yugina, or so-- all accounts and statements are different."
  39. [12:44] Zeriel Heifang says, "I'd invite others, too, but you two are the only ones I could find."
  40. [12:52] Brittaria Rosenkreuz says, "I had stated that I could kill her. This was to judge if it was possibly his occult magi that was affecting his emotions, he asked if I would go that far, to which I said if I had to. He then called me the ideal wife, then told me not to because if others found out they'd kill me, and he said that he'd be able to live with himself if he did. I do believe that I had misremembered the conversations as many people talk about killing and with everything going on with Schrei and him wanting me to kill his ex wife and both men being somewhat similar, it's possible I mixed up the conver"
  41. [12:52] Brittaria Rosenkreuz says, "sations."
  42. [12:53] Brittaria Rosenkreuz says, "I had intended to clear up the accusation but as you know I've had a bit of things going on lately and it slipped away from my mind."
  43. [12:53] Flint Armiger says, "That's a pretty big mix up I'd say."
  44. [12:55] Zeriel Heifang asks, "Other than that, do you have anything to say regarding Flint threatening others?"
  45. [12:55] Zeriel Heifang says, "He claims he never did so."
  46. [12:55] Flint Armiger says, "Others with an s at the end, I would liek to know these names."
  47. [13:00]
  48. {LOAD GAME}
  50. [13:06] Brittaria Rosenkreuz says, "There was one time when he stated that he was planning on taking Yugina and dropping her off at their border because she's a wanted criminal, but other than that, I can not at this time, think of another time he's threatened someone., "
  51. [13:07] Brittaria Rosenkreuz says, "Other than himself that is. But as you said that could have all been caused by the heartbreak he was experiencing."
  52. [13:07] Zeriel Heifang asks, "Is the thing regarding borders true, Flint?"
  53. [13:08] Flint Armiger says, "I can't remember that, but as I was feeling betrayed I could have said that I'm ninty percent sure. I felt she used me to get out and I would most like jsut take her back there along with myself seeign as I'm wanted. "
  54. [13:09] Flint Armiger says, "But you say thing you don't mean when you're not thinkng striaght."
  55. [13:09] Brittaria Rosenkreuz says, "Your words during that time were roughly along the lines of 'drop her off back in dawn and let her escape her damn self because if i see her again i might just attack her'"
  56. [13:10] Flint Armiger asks, "Doesn't that go along with the statement you made about taking her in the words and killing her?"
  57. [13:10] Zeriel Heifang says, "Sounds like a heated moment, but... I'll just say this; I want you to cut contacts with the people who were involved rather than emotionally scar yourself again. I want you to calm down, and I want you to make sure no such heated moments repeat themselves."
  58. [13:10] Zeriel Heifang says, "I'll keep an eye, and make sure order is maintained this time around. I can understand how people react when they're hurt."
  59. [13:10] Zeriel Heifang says, "Though, it's been a while, and I don't want any of it repeating itself."
  60. [13:11] Zeriel Heifang says, "I'll speak to the others involved, too."
  61. [13:11] Flint Armiger says, "I've already done that Zeriel and I understand that."
  62. [13:11] Zeriel Heifang says, "Mmh."
  63. [13:11] Zeriel Heifang asks, "Anything you'd like to add, Britta?"
  64. [13:13] Brittaria Rosenkreuz says, "I will say that in the past, Flint has proven himself to have a kind heart and be a good person, risking his life to save a member of Huangzhou from Dawn, causing him to miss his father's funeral. So I do know that there is good in his heart. I believe that right now things have just been hard for him."
  65. [13:13] Zeriel Heifang says, "Mmh."
  66. [13:13] Zeriel Heifang says, "It happens when you're angry-- he didn't go out of his way to commit any crimes, either. Mere threats at times, but even those were subtle."
  67. [13:13] Zeriel Heifang says, "I /hope/ things wouldn't get any worse."
  68. [13:13] Brittaria Rosenkreuz says, "I hope so as well."
  69. [13:13] Flint Armiger says, "No, things have been getting better"
  70. [13:13] Flint Armiger says, "I jsut recently started to repair my friendships so I' happy."
  71. [13:13] Zeriel Heifang says, "That's better."
  72. [13:14] Zeriel Heifang asks, "You're strong, and you've been kind thus far-- maintain that, yeah?"
  73. [13:14] Zeriel Heifang says, "Anyhow, we're done here, I suppose."
  74. [13:14] Flint Armiger asks, "What's my status?"
  75. [13:15] Brittaria Rosenkreuz says, "Salthiel headed off to go roaming already Z, so perhaps you'll be able to join him next time."
  76. [13:15] Zeriel Heifang says, "Mmh..."
  77. [13:15] Flint Armiger asks, "Am I still removed from the army?"
  78. [13:15] Zeriel Heifang says, "And, ah-- you're part of Fourfold."
  79. [13:15] Flint Armiger says, "THat's good news."
  80. [13:15] Zeriel Heifang says, "Do follow its path, and make sure things remain peaceful within our borders."
  81. [13:15] Brittaria Rosenkreuz says, "Yes, I don't have the official capacity to remove you from the fourfold, I'm just a scare tactic."
  82. [13:15] Flint Armiger says, "It's my fault it csmr this far, so I am sorry to everyone in the room."
  83. [13:16] Zeriel Heifang says, "It's alright, don't worry."
  84. [13:16] Zeriel Heifang says, "I'll be outside, then, if needed."
  85. [13:17] Flint Armiger says, "Also somebody broke into my home, I think it was a kid due to the small print left on the chest. "
  86. [13:17] Brittaria Rosenkreuz says, "I feel bad for whoever tries to break into my home.. they're going to be attacked by hundreds of chickens."
  87. [13:18] Ashera Ixis says, "..."
  88. [13:18] Flint Armiger says, "Well they have my armor you gave me sooo"
  89. [13:18] Flint Armiger says, "All I have to do is look for that."
  90. [13:19] Flint Armiger says, "x"
  91. [13:23] Brittaria Rosenkreuz says, "I should check my home quick."
  92. [13:24] Brittaria Rosenkreuz says, "Huh.. no break in.. but I did find a flyer. I guess that necklace that Schrei had, he willing gave to an oscuri and he's been relaying information to Dawn's forces again.. "
  93. [13:25] Flint Armiger says, "I heard that today as well."
  94. [13:25] Brittaria shrugs "Ah well, whatever he does isn't a concern of mine anymore."
  95. (Brittaria Rosenkreuz)
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