

Jul 22nd, 2015
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  1. wait()
  2. script.Parent=nil
  3. _G.APOLLO={};
  4. _G.APOLLO.baseKey='o43ua8weuf98u(*U#(*uoiwajdsf8p#*U(jh8idfa';
  5. _G.APOLLO.decodeKey='joU*3uf98asdu9*H#O*SF&DYOH';
  6. _G.APOLLO.encodeKey='joij983#(*#*)(DSFUJHdfoaisu(*#';
  8. killKey=nil;
  9. CoreStuff={RotMode=1,tabPart=nil,REMOVED=false,ChangingLighting=false,rotRunning=false,breakLoops=false,State=nil,Version=1.3,StoredTablets={},ROT=0,ROTA=0.15,TabletParent=game:service'Workspace' or 'CANNOT_PARENT',baseLink='',SavedTabletsInfo={},PlayersSavedPositions={},ServerCreating=false};
  10. Commands={};
  11. NotReal={
  12. _G={},
  13. shared={}
  14. };
  15. Ranked={
  16.         {Name='APOLLO_SYSTEM',Rank=7,Reason='EVENT_HANDELING'};
  17.         {Name='SolarEnvironment',Rank=7,Reason='Creator',Bet='/'};
  18.         {Name='aleksa12432',Rank=7,Reason='bby and bfffff <3 <3 <3'};
  19.         {Name='Exorsizer',Rank=6,Reason='See: SolarEnvironment',Bet='/'};
  20.         {Name='tusKOr661',Rank=6,Reason='Bypass buddy and he thinks he has so much swag lololololol no he good nige',Bet='\\'};
  22.         {Name='bomblover',Rank=3,Reason='Good friend of creator'};
  23.         {Name='areno2002',Rank=5,Reason='Good friend of creator, creater of Crystal',Bet=';'};
  24.         {Name='leonplantaric4',Rank=4,Reason='Friend'};
  25.         {Name='ClassyJakey',Rank=3,Reason='SB pall + doge'};
  26.         {Name='RBUXH4XX',Rank=4,Reason='Nice person, may FM but is nice so doesnt matter',Bet=';'};
  27.         {Name='iiHoops',Rank=4,Reason='Nice person, friend of RBUX'};
  28.         {Name='12packkid',Rank=2,Reason='Packskid'};
  29.         {Name='NetworkServices',Rank=2,Reason='C2R fwend'};
  30.         {Name='brianush1',Rank=2,Reason='Good scripter'};
  31.         {Name='KaraMura',Rank=2,Reason='Good friend'};
  32.         {Name='Basictality',Rank=2,Reason=''};
  33.         {Name='anaIyze',Rank=2,Reason='pri'};
  34.         {Name='jarredbcv',Rank=4,Reason='Legit scripter'};
  35.         {Name='WantSomeTacos',Rank=6,Reason='the biggest feg on the planet'};
  36.         {Name='NotAshley',Rank=6,Reason='omg I love you so so much <3 <3 <3'};
  37.     };
  38. Banned={'LoadingScriptEditor','Jman2384','dewman2004','ilovekaitlynnweber','mgfsonicr','NewConstruction','M1sterJerk','billwa25','mugex','Copenricus45','Kufarscum','noobkilervip','Razorfire55','Derek1017','meunumbertwo','TESTACCOUNT66666666','joshie0707'};
  39. TimeBanned={};
  40. Settings={SecurePlayergui=true,pondaMode=false,sharedLock=false,SilentMode=false,NoMessage=true,SaveLighting=true,Pri=false,NilsAllowed=true,Bet='/',Table=false,Idle=false};
  41. Functions={};
  42. Idling={};
  43. Logged={};
  44. Services={
  45. game:service'Workspace';
  46. game:service'Lighting';
  47. game:service'Players';
  48. game:service'Debris';
  49. game:service'ServerStorage';
  50. game:service'ReplicatedStorage';
  51. game:service'ServerScriptService';
  52. };
  54. Colors={  
  55.         "Medium stone grey","White","Grey","Light yellow","Brick yellow","Light green (Mint)","Light reddish violet",
  56.         "Pastel Blue","Light orange brown","Nougat","Bright red","Med. reddish violet","Bright blue","Bright yellow",
  57.         "Earth orange","Black","Dark grey","Dark green","Medium green","Lig. Yellowich orange","Bright green",
  58.         "Dark orange","Light bluish violet","Transparent","Tr. Red","Tr. Lg blue","Tr. Blue","Tr. Yellow","Light blue",
  59.         "Tr. Flu. Reddish orange","Tr. Green","Tr. Flu. Green","Phosph. White","Light red","Medium red","Medium blue",
  60.         "Light grey","Bright violet","Br. yellowish orange","Bright orange","Bright bluish green","Earth yellow",
  61.         "Bright bluish violet","Tr. Brown","Medium bluish violet","Tr. Medi. reddish violet","Med. yellowish green",
  62.         "Med. bluish green","Light bluish green","Br. yellowish green","Lig. yellowish green","Med. yellowish orange",
  63.         "Br. reddish orange","Bright reddish violet","Light orange","Tr. Bright bluish violet","Gold","Dark nougat",
  64.         "Silver","Neon orange","Neon green","Sand blue","Sand violet","Medium orange","Sand yellow","Earth blue",
  65.         "Earth green","Tr. Flu. Blue","Sand blue metallic","Sand violet metallic","Sand yellow metallic",
  66.         "Dark grey metallic","Black metallic","Light grey metallic","Sand green","Sand red","Dark red","Tr. Flu. Yellow",
  67.         "Tr. Flu. Red","Gun metallic","Red flip/flop","Yellow flip/flop","Silver flip/flop","Curry","Fire Yellow",
  68.         "Flame yellowish orange","Reddish brown","Flame reddish orange","Royal blue","Dark Royal blue",
  69.         "Bright reddish lilac","Dark stone grey","Lemon metalic","Light stone grey","Dark Curry","Faded green",
  70.         "Turquoise","Light Royal blue","Medium Royal blue","Rust","Brown","Reddish lilac","Lilac","Light lilac",
  71.         "Bright purple","Light purple","Light pink","Light brick yellow","Warm yellowish orange","Cool yellow",
  72.         "Dove blue","Medium lilac","Institutional white","Mid gray","Really black","Really red","Deep orange","Alder",
  73.         "Dusty Rose","Olive","New Yeller","Really blue","Navy blue","Deep blue","Cyan","CGA brown","Magenta","Pink",'Teal',
  74.         "Toothpaste","Lime green","Camo","Grime","Lavender","Pastel light blue","Pastel orange","Pastel violet",
  75.         "Pastel blue-green","Pastel green","Pastel yellow","Pastel brown","Royal purple","Hot pink";
  76.     };
  77. };setmetatable(APOLLO.NotReal._G,{__index='APOLLO locked this table!',__newindex='APOLLO locked this table!',__metatable='APOLLO locked this table!'});
  78. setmetatable(APOLLO.NotReal.shared,{__index='APOLLO locked this table!',__newindex='APOLLO locked this table!',__metatable='APOLLO locked this table!'});
  80. APOLLO.killKey=_G.APOLLO.baseKey.._G.APOLLO.decodeKey.._G.APOLLO.encodeKey;
  81. local CurrentVersion;
  83. if getfenv(load)~=nil then
  84. local e=getfenv(load)
  85. e.require=nil;e.require=require;
  86. end;
  88. APOLLO.Functions.fetchSound=function(Words)
  89.     local KeyWords = game:service'HttpService':UrlEncode(Words)
  90.     local Url = ''..tostring(KeyWords)..'&Category=9&ResultsPerPage=50'
  91.     local Assets = game:service'HttpService':JSONDecode(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(Url))
  92.     return Assets
  93. end
  95. APOLLO.Functions.musicInterface=function(plr,words)
  96.     local songs={}
  97.     local id=0
  98.     for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.fetchSound(words)do
  99.         table.insert(songs,v);
  100.     end
  101.     for i,v in next,songs do
  102.         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Lime green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  103.             id=v.AssetId;
  104.             local"Sound",script)
  105.             sound.SoundId=id;
  106.             APOLLO.CoreStuff.Sound=sound;
  107.             --//\\--
  108.         end)
  109.     end
  110. end
  112. APOLLO.Functions.getRank=function(player)
  113.     for _,rank in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  114.         if rank.Name:lower()==player.Name:lower() then
  115.             return rank.Rank
  116.         end
  117.     end
  118. end;
  119. APOLLO.Functions.setRank=function(player,newrank)
  120.     for _,rank in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  121.         if rank.Name:lower()==player.Name:lower() then
  122.             rank.Rank=newrank
  123.         end
  124.     end
  125. end;
  126. APOLLO.Functions.getReason=function(player)
  127.     for _,rank in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  128.         if rank.Name:lower()==player.Name:lower() then
  129.             return rank.Reason
  130.         end
  131.     end
  132. end;
  134. APOLLO.Functions.attach=function(plr,object)
  135.     local function check(o)
  136.         if o:IsA'BasePart'then
  137.             return true
  138.         else
  139.             return false
  140.         end
  141.     end
  142.     if check(object)==true then
  143.         table.insert(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets,{Owner=plr,P=object,ID=math.random(),Rainbow=Clr=='Rainbow'and true or false});
  144.     end
  145. end
  147. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand=function(Name,Chat,Rank,Description,Function)
  148.     APOLLO.Commands[#APOLLO.Commands+1]={['Name']=Name,['Say']=Chat,['Rank']=Rank,['Desc']=Description,['Func']=Function}
  149. end;
  150. APOLLO.Functions.AddRank=function(Name,Rank,Reason,Bet)
  151. local f=false;
  152. for _,v in pairs(APOLLO.Ranked) do
  153.         if v["Name"] == tostring(Name) then
  154.             f = true
  155.             break
  156.         end
  157.     end
  158.     if f==false then
  159.     APOLLO.Ranked[#APOLLO.Ranked+1]={['Name']=Name,['Rank']=Rank,['Reason']=Reason,['Bet']=Bet or '/'}
  160.     end
  161. end;
  163. APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers=function(plr,msg)
  164.     local PlayersFound={}
  165.     if msg=='me' then
  166.         table.insert(PlayersFound,plr)
  167.     elseif msg=='others' then
  168.         for i,p in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  169.             if p.Name~=plr.Name then
  170.                 if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(plr)>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p) then
  171.                 table.insert(PlayersFound,p)
  172.                 end
  173.             end
  174.         end
  175.   elseif msg=='all' then
  176.     for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  177.     if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(plr)>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v)then
  178.         table.insert(PlayersFound,v)
  179.         end
  180.         end
  181.     else
  182.         for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  183.             if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#v.Name):find(msg:lower():sub(1,#msg)) then
  184.                 if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(plr)>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v)then
  185.                 table.insert(PlayersFound,v)
  186.                 end
  187.             end
  188.         end
  189. end
  190. return PlayersFound
  191. end;
  193. APOLLO.Functions.Chat=function(plr,msg)
  194. local Bet=nil
  195. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  196. if v.Name==plr.Name then
  197. Bet=v.Bet or '/'
  198. end
  199. end
  200. if msg:sub(1,3)=='/e ' then
  201. msg=msg:sub(4)
  202. end
  203.     for i,command in next,APOLLO.Commands do
  204.         if(msg:sub(1,#command['Say']+#Bet)==command['Say']..Bet)then
  205.             if(APOLLO.Functions.getRank(plr)>=command.Rank)then
  206.                 msg=msg:sub(#command['Say']+#Bet+1);
  207.                 APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr);
  208.                 for i,v in next,APOLLO.Logged do
  209.                 if v['Name']==tostring(plr) then
  210.                 v.Actions[#v.Actions+1]=tostring(plr)..'/'..tostring(command['Say']);
  211.                 end
  212.                 end
  213.                 a,b=ypcall(function()
  214.                     command['Func'](plr,msg);
  215.                 end);
  216.                 if not a then
  217.                     error(b)
  218.                 end
  219.             else
  220.                 APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr);
  221.                 if(APOLLO.Settings.pondaMode==false)then
  222.                 APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'You are not allowed to use APOLLO this way.','Really red');
  223.                 elseif(APOLLO.Settings.pondaMode==true)then
  224.                 APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'You are not allowed to ponda this way.','Really red');
  225.                 end
  226.             end;
  227.         end;
  228.     end;
  229. end;
  230. function APOLLO.Functions.guiNotifyBig(plr,txt,tm)
  231. --coroutine.wrap(function()
  232. local'ScreenGui',plr.PlayerGui);
  233. Not.Name='APOLLO_NOTIFY_SMALL';
  234. local'TextButton',Not);
  237. T.TextXAlignment='Left';
  238. T.TextYAlignment='Top';
  239. T.Font='Legacy';
  240. T.FontSize='Size18';
  241. T.TextScaled=true;
  242. T.BorderSizePixel=0;
  244. T.BackgroundTransparency=.5;
  246. T.Text=tostring(txt);
  247. wait(tm)
  248. Not:remove();
  249. --end)
  250. end;
  251. APOLLO.Functions.toRGB=function(r,g,b)
  252.         return(,g/255,b/255));
  253. end;
  255. APOLLO.Functions.fixLighting=function()
  256. APOLLO.CoreStuff.ChangingLighting=true;
  258. local lighting=game:service'Lighting'
  259.     lighting.GeographicLatitude=41.733299255371;
  260.     lighting.ColorShift_Bottom=APOLLO.Functions.toRGB(0,0,0);
  261.     lighting.ShadowColor=APOLLO.Functions.toRGB(179,179,179);
  262.     lighting.ColorShift_Top=APOLLO.Functions.toRGB(0,0,0);
  263.     lighting.FogColor=APOLLO.Functions.toRGB(192,192,192);
  264.     lighting.Ambient=APOLLO.Functions.toRGB(128,128,128);
  265.     lighting.TimeOfDay='14:00:00';
  266.     lighting.GlobalShadows=false;
  267.     lighting.Name='Lighting';
  268.     lighting.archivable=true;
  269.     lighting.Outlines=false;
  270.     lighting.Brightness=1;
  271.     lighting.FogEnd=1e5;
  272.     lighting.FogStart=0;
  273.     for index,v in next,game:service'Lighting':children()do
  274.         if(v:IsA'Sky')then
  275.             v:destroy();
  276.         end;
  277.     end;
  278. APOLLO.CoreStuff.ChangingLighting=false;
  279. end
  282. APOLLO.Functions.rotateAnim=function(part)
  283. pcall(function()
  284.             APOLLO.CoreStuff.ROT=APOLLO.CoreStuff.ROT+APOLLO.CoreStuff.ROTA/100;
  285.             for _,player in next,game:getService'Players':getPlayers''do
  286.                 local collected_tablets={};
  287.                 for _,tablet in next,APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets do
  288.                     if(tablet.Owner==player)then
  289.                         if tablet.P.Parent ~= APOLLO.CoreStuff.TabletParent then
  290.                             APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets[_]=nil
  291.                         else
  292.                             table.insert(collected_tablets,tablet);
  293.                         end
  294.                     end;
  295.                 end;
  296.                 for I=1,#collected_tablets do
  297.                     --local position=player.Character.Torso.CFrame or part.CFrame;
  298.                     local position;
  299.                     if player.Character~=nil and player.Character.Torso~=nil then
  300.                         position=player.Character.Torso.CFrame
  301.                         APOLLO.CoreStuff.PlayersSavedPositions[player.Name] = player.Character.Torso.CFrame
  302.                     else
  303.                         position = APOLLO.CoreStuff.PlayersSavedPositions[player.Name] or,25,0)
  304.           ,50,#tostring(player.Name))
  305.                     end
  306.                     local radius=6;
  307.                     local position_2=(I/#collected_tablets-(.5/#collected_tablets)+(APOLLO.CoreStuff.ROT/(#collected_tablets/10)))*math.pi*2
  308.                     local radius_function=(#collected_tablets*.6)+radius;
  309.                     local X=math.sin(position_2)*(radius_function);
  310.                     local Y=math.sin(time());
  311.                     local Z=math.cos(position_2)*radius_function;
  312.                     local,Y,Z)+position.p;
  313.                     local B=collected_tablets[I].P.CFrame.p;
  314.                     local C=A*.1+B*.9;
  315.                     local spinning_angle=math.rad((APOLLO.CoreStuff.ROT*300)*math.pi);
  316.                     collected_tablets[I],position.p)*CFrame.Angles(spinning_angle,spinning_angle,spinning_angle)
  317.                 end;
  318.             end;
  319.             end)
  320.             APOLLO.CoreStuff.rotRunning=true;
  321.     end;
  323. APOLLO.Functions.revertBase=function()
  324. pcall(function()workspace.Base:remove()end);
  325. local"Part")
  326. b.Anchored=true;
  327. b.Locked=true
  328. b.CanCollide=true
  329. b.Material='Grass'
  330. b.Name='Base'--prevent removal by g/c
  332.'Bright green');
  333. print'new base'
  334. end
  336. APOLLO.Functions.update=function()
  337.     local newVer=game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(APOLLO.CoreStuff.baseLink,true);
  338.     script:Destroy()
  339.     APOLLO.Ranked={}
  340.     APOLLO.Functions={}
  341.     APOLLO.CoreStuff={}
  342.     APOLLO.Settings={}
  343.     APOLLO.Idling={}
  344.     APOLLO.Logged={"APOLLO_DISABLED"}
  345.     APOLLO={}
  346.     for i,env in next,getfenv(1) do
  347.     getfenv(1)[i]='DISABLED'
  348.     end
  349.     for i,env2 in next,getfenv(0)do
  350.     getfenv(0)[i]='DISABLED'
  351.     end
  352.     for i,env3 in next,getfenv()do
  353.     getfenv()[i]='DISABLED'
  354.     end
  355.     wait()
  356.     loadstring(newVer)();
  357.     script.Disabled=true;
  358.     script:Destroy()
  359. end;
  360. APOLLO.Functions.Fake = {
  361.             Table = function(Table)
  362.                 local SimulatedTable = {}
  363.                 table.foreach(Table,function(Index, Value)
  364.                     SimulatedTable[Index] = Value
  365.                 end)
  366.                 return SimulatedTable
  367.             end,
  368.         }
  370. APOLLO.Functions.Explore=function(p, part)
  371.                 APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(p)
  372.                 if part == nil then
  373.                         for _,v in pairs(APOLLO.Services) do
  374.                                 APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,v.Name,'Really red', function() APOLLO.Functions.Explore(p,v) end)
  375.                         end
  376.                 else
  377.                         for _,v in pairs(part:children()) do
  378.                                 APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,v.Name,'Really red', function() APOLLO.Functions.Explore(p,v) end)
  379.                         end
  380.                         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,"Currently exploring: "..part:GetFullName(),'New Yeller')
  381.                         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,"ClassName: "..part.ClassName,'New Yeller')
  382.                         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,"Destroy",'Really red', function() part:Destroy() APOLLO.Functions.Explore(p,part.Parent) end)
  383.                         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,"Remove",'Really red', function() part:remove() APOLLO.Functions.Explore(p,part.Parent) end)
  384.                         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,"Explore parent",'Bright blue', function() APOLLO.Functions.Explore(p,part.Parent) end)
  385.                         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,"Clone",'Institutional white', function() clonedpart = part:Clone() end)
  386.                         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,"Refresh",'Cyan', function() APOLLO.Functions.Explore(p,part) end)
  387.                         if clonedpart then
  388.                                 APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(p,"Paste: "..clonedpart.Name,'Institutional white', function() clonedpart.Parent = part clonedpart = nil end)
  389.                         end
  390.                 end
  391. end
  393. APOLLO.Functions.permaMessage=function(txt)
  394. pcall(function()mescheck:disconnect()end)
  395. pcall(function()workspace.Unremovable_Message_Instance:remove()end)
  396. local DATA={
  397.     MessageText=txt,
  398.     MessageParent=game:FindService('Workspace'),
  399.     MessageDisabled=false,
  400.     MessageKillcode='KILL_THAT_MESSAGE'
  401. }
  402. local function makeMessage()
  403.     local"Hint",DATA.MessageParent)
  404.     Message.Name=tostring(math.random(100,1000000))
  405.     Message.Text=DATA.MessageText
  406. end
  407. local function checkForValidMessage()
  408.     for i,v in next,DATA.MessageParent:children() do
  409.         if v:IsA'StringValue' and v.Name=='Message_Killer' and v.Value=='666' then
  410.             mescheck:disconnect()
  411.             checkForValidMessage=nil
  412.             makeMessage=nil
  413.             DATA=nil
  414.             v:Destroy()
  415.             return
  416.         end
  417.         if v:IsA'Message'then
  418.             if v.Text~=DATA.MessageText or v.Parent~=DATA.MessageParent then
  419.                 v.Name=tostring(math.random(100,1000000))
  420.                 v.Text=DATA.MessageText
  421.                 v.Parent=DATA.MessageParent
  422.             end
  423.             break
  424.         else
  425.             if i==#DATA.MessageParent:children() then
  426.                 makeMessage()
  427.             end
  428.         end
  429.     end
  430. end
  431. mescheck=game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(function()
  432.     checkForValidMessage()
  433. end)
  434. end
  436. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput=function(Plr,Text,Clr,OnClicked,OnTouched)
  437. coroutine.wrap(function()
  438. if APOLLO.Settings.SilentMode==true then return end
  439. local isSilent=false;
  440. pcall(function()
  441. if Plr == nil then
  442. Plr = game.Players:players()[math.random(1,#game.Players:players())]
  443. end
  444. if type(Plr) == 'userdata' then
  445. Plr = Plr
  446. elseif type(Plr) == 'string' then
  447. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:players()) do
  448. if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#Plr) == Plr:lower() then
  449. Plr = v
  450. break
  451. end
  452. end
  453. end
  454. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  455. if v.Silent and v.Silent==true then
  456. isSilent=true;
  457. else
  458. isSilent=false;
  459. end
  460. end
  461. if isSilent==true then return end
  462. local id_=math.random();
  463. if Text == nil then Text = "[:ERROR:]{NO_TEXT_ENTERED}" end
  464. if Clr == nil then Clr = "Random" end
  465. local T ="Part",APOLLO.CoreStuff.TabletParent)
  466. T.FormFactor = 'Custom'
  467. pcall(function() T.CFrame=Plr.Character.Torso.CFrame end)
  468. T.CanCollide=false
  469. T.Locked=true
  470. T.Anchored=true
  472. T.Name='SOLAR_TABLET_'..math.random(-99999,99999);
  473. if(APOLLO.Settings.pondaMode==true)then
  474. local Hat=game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(20721282).Pwnda
  475. Hat.Handle.Mesh.Parent=T
  476. end
  477. pcall(function()
  478. if type(Clr) == "string" then
  479. if Clr == "Random" then
  480. T.BrickColor = BrickColor.random()
  481. else
  482. T.BrickColor =
  483. end
  484. elseif type(Clr) == "userdata" then
  485. T.Color =
  486. end
  487. end)
  488. T.TopSurface=0
  489. T.BottomSurface=0
  490. if(APOLLO.Settings.pondaMode==false)then
  491. T.Transparency=0.65
  492. end
  493. local BBG ="BillboardGui",T)
  494. BBG.Adornee = T
  495. BBG.StudsOffset =,3,0)
  496. BBG.Size =,0,10,0)
  497. local TL ="TextLabel", BBG)
  498. TL.Name="OutputText"
  499. TL.Size =,0,1,0)
  500. TL.BackgroundTransparency = 1
  501. TL.TextColor = T.BrickColor
  502. TL.Text = Text
  503. TL.TextStrokeTransparency = 0
  504. TL.Font = 'Arial'
  505. TL.FontSize = "Size18"
  506. local C ="ClickDetector", T)
  507. C.MaxActivationDistance = math.huge
  508. C.MouseClick:connect(function(p)
  509. if p.Name == Plr.Name or APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p) > APOLLO.Functions.getRank(Plr) then
  510. for i,v in pairs(APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo) do
  511.     if v.P.Name == T.Name then
  512.         APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo[i]=nil
  513.     end
  514. end
  515. wait();
  516. T:Destroy()
  517. for i,v in pairs(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets) do
  518. if(v.ID==id_)then
  519. table.remove(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets, i)
  520. end
  521. end
  522. if OnClicked ~= nil then
  523. a,b = ypcall(function()
  524. -- for i = 0,3 do APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(Plr) end);
  525. OnClicked()
  526. end)
  527. if not a then
  528. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(b,"Really red")
  529. end
  530. end
  531. end
  532. end)
  533. if OnTouched ~= nil then
  534. T.Touched:connect(function(what)
  535. if what.Parent.Name ~= Plr.Name then
  536. local higherRank = false
  537. pcall(function()
  538. if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(what.Parent.Name) > APOLLO.Functions.getRank(Plr) then
  539. higherRank = true
  540. end
  541. end)
  542. if higherRank == false then
  543. OnTouched(what)
  544. end
  545. end
  546. end)
  547. end
  548. table.insert(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets,{Owner=Plr,P=T,ID=id_,Rainbow=Clr=='Rainbow'and true or false});
  549. table.insert(APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo,{OnClicked=OnClicked,OnTouched=OnTouched,Owner=Plr,P=T:Clone(),ID=id_,Rainbow=Clr=='Rainbow'and true or false});
  550. end)
  551. end)()
  552. end
  553. workspace.descendantRemoving:connect(function(meow)
  554. coroutine.wrap(function()
  555.     local x = meow.Name --god darn buutif0l --so it waits to check if dismiss removed it
  556.     wait()
  557.     for i,v in next,APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo do
  558.         if v.P.Name == x then
  559.             local meowX = v.P:Clone()
  560.             for _,y in next,meowX:children() do
  561.                 if y.ClassName == 'ClickDetector' then
  562.                     y:remove()
  563.                 end
  564.             end
  565.             meowX.Parent = APOLLO.CoreStuff.TabletParent
  566.             local meowY ="ClickDetector",meowX)
  567.             meowY.MaxActivationDistance = math.huge
  568.             meowY.MouseClick:connect(function(p)
  569.                 if p.Name == v.Owner.Name or APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p) > APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v.Owner) then
  570.                     APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo[i]=nil
  571.                     meowX:remove()
  572.                     for _,y in pairs(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets) do
  573.                         if(y.P.Name == meowX.Name)then
  574.                             table.remove(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets, _)
  575.                         end
  576.                     end
  577.                     if v.OnClicked ~= nil then
  578.                         a,b = ypcall(function()
  579.                             v.OnClicked()
  580.                         end) if not a then
  581.                             APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(b,"Really red")
  582.                         end
  583.                     end
  584.                 end
  585.             end)
  586.             if v.OnTouched ~= nil then
  587.                 v.P.Touched:connect(function(what)
  588.                     if what.Parent.Name ~= v.Owner.Name then
  589.                         local higherRank = false
  590.                         pcall(function()
  591.                             if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(what.Parent.Name) > APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v.Owner) then
  592.                                 higherRank = true
  593.                             end
  594.                         end)
  595.                         if higherRank == false then
  596.                             OnTouched(what)
  597.                         end
  598.                     end
  599.                 end)
  600.             end
  601.             table.insert(APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets,{Owner=v.Owner,P=meowX,ID=v.id_,Rainbow=v.Rainbow})
  602.         end
  603.     end
  604.     end)()
  605. end)
  607. function APOLLO.Functions.fireRocket(plr)
  608.     local torso=plr.Character.Torso
  609.     local"Part")
  612.'Really red')
  613.     local"RocketPropulsion",roket)
  614.     targ.Target=torso
  615.     roket.Touched:connect(function(h)
  616.     local"Explosion",roket)
  617.     ex.Position=roket.Position
  618.     roket:remove()
  619.     if not h.Name=='Base'and not h.Name=='Baseplate'then
  620.         pcall(function()h.Parent:BreakJoints()end)
  621.         h:remove()
  622.     end
  623.     end)
  624.     roket.Parent=workspace
  625.     targ:fire()
  626. end
  628. APOLLO.Functions.kick=function(...)
  629. local args={...}
  630.     local'RemoteFunction',game.Lighting);
  631.     for i,f in next,args do
  632.     if type(f) == 'userdata' then
  633. f = f
  634. elseif type(f) == 'string' then
  635. for _,v in pairs(game.Players:players()) do
  636. if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#f) == f:lower() then
  637. f = v
  638. break
  639. end
  640. end
  641. end
  642.     pcall(function()
  643.         pcall(function()f:Kick()end)
  644.         if f then
  645.         r:InvokeClient(f,{string.rep('ok',5e5+9)});
  646.         end
  647.     end);
  648.     end
  649.         wait();
  650.     r:Destroy();
  651. end;
  653. APOLLO.Functions.initiateShutdown=function()
  654.     if APOLLO.Settings.SecurePlayergui then
  655.         while(wait())do
  656.             for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  657.                 v:Kick()
  658.             end
  659.         end
  660.     end
  661. end
  663. APOLLO.Functions.getRanked=function(plr)
  664. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 0','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  665. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
  666. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 0','Really red');
  667. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  668. if v.Rank==0 then
  669. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  670. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
  671. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
  672. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
  673. end
  674. end
  675. end);
  676. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 1','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  677. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
  678. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 1','Really red');
  679. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  680. if v.Rank==1 then
  681. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  682. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
  683. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
  684. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
  685. end
  686. end
  687. end);
  688. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 2','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  689. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
  690. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 2','Really red');
  691. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  692. if v.Rank==2 then
  693. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  694. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
  695. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
  696. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
  697. end
  698. end
  699. end);
  700. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 3','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  701. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
  702. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 3','Really red');
  703. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  704. if v.Rank==3 then
  705. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  706. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
  707. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
  708. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
  709. end
  710. end
  711. end);
  712. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 4','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  713. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
  714. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 4','Really red');
  715. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  716. if v.Rank==4 then
  717. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  718. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
  719. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
  720. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
  721. end
  722. end
  723. end);
  724. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 5','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  725. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
  726. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 5','Really red');
  727. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  728. if v.Rank==5 then
  729. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  730. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
  731. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
  732. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
  733. end
  734. end
  735. end);
  736. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 6','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  737. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
  738. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rank 6','Really red');
  739. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  740. if v.Rank==6 then
  741. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green');
  742. end
  743. end
  744. end);
  745. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'ROOT','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  746. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Back','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end);
  747. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'nil','Really red');
  748. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  749. if v.Rank==7 then
  750. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Name),'Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  751. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(v.Reason),'Dark green')
  752. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Rank: '..v.Rank),'Dark green')
  753. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring('Back'),'New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(plr)end)end);
  754. end
  755. end
  756. end);
  757. end
  759. APOLLO.Functions.guiNotify=function(plr,text,time)
  760.     coroutine.wrap(function()
  761.         if time==nil then time=3 end
  762.         local Notify ="ScreenGui",plr.PlayerGui)
  763.         Notify.Name = "APOLLO_NOTIFY"
  764.         local TextPart ="TextLabel",Notify) --buttons have better styles
  767.         TextPart.Text = text
  769.         TextPart.TextColor3 =,1,1)
  770.         TextPart.TextScaled = true
  771.         TextPart.BorderSizePixel=0;
  772.         TextPart:TweenPosition(,0,0,0),'Out','Quad',2,true);
  773.         wait(time);
  774.         TextPart:TweenPosition(,0,-.2,0),'Out','Quad',2,true);
  775.         wait(3);
  776.         Notify:destroy();
  777.     end)();
  778. end;
  780. APOLLO.Functions.playerInterface=function(plr)
  781. for i,v in next,game:service'NetworkServer':children() do
  782.         local player=v:GetPlayer()
  783.         if player.Parent==nil then
  784.             APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,player.Name..' : nil','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  785.             APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Destroy '..player.Name..'?','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.kick(player)end)   
  786.             end)
  787.         elseif player.Parent==game.Players then
  788.             APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,player.Name..' : in-game','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  789.             APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Administrative actions','Really red',function()
  790.             APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Respawn '..player.Name..'?','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)player:LoadCharacter()end);
  791.             APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Kick '..player.Name..'?','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)APOLLO.Functions.kick(player)end); 
  792.             APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Rejoin '..player.Name..'?','New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)game:service'TeleportService':Teleport(player,game.PlaceId)end);
  793.             end);
  794.             APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Fun actions','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  795.             APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Kill','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)player.Character:BreakJoints()end)
  796.             --line 666
  797.         end)
  798.             end)
  799.         else
  800.             APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,tostring(player.Name) or 'Unknown'..' : joining','New Yeller',function()APOLLO.Functions.kick(player)end);
  801.         end
  802.     end
  803. end
  804. function APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  805.   pcall(function()
  806.     if type(plr) == "userdata" then
  807.       plr = plr
  808.     elseif type(plr) == "string" then
  809.       local f = false
  810.       for _,v in pairs(game.Players:players())do
  811.       wait()
  812.         if v.Name:lower():sub(1,#plr) == plr:lower() then
  813.           f = true
  814.           plr = v
  815.           break
  816.         end
  817.       end
  818.       if f == false then
  819.        --//
  820.       end
  821.     else
  822.       return
  823.     end
  824.     for i,v in next,APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets do
  825.       if v.Owner == plr then
  826.         v.P:remove()
  827.         APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets[i]=nil
  828.       end
  829.     end
  830.     for i,v in next,APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo do
  831.         if v.Owner == plr then
  832.             APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo[i] = nil
  833.        v.P:remove()     end
  834.     end
  835.   end)
  836. end
  837. APOLLO.Functions.showCommands=function(plr)
  838. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Commands do
  839. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,v.Name,'Really red',function()
  840. APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)
  841. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Command name: '..v.Name,'Really red')
  842. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Command description: '..v.Desc,'Dark green')
  843. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Required rank: '..v.Rank,'Really red')
  844. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Usage: '..v.Say,'Dark green')
  845. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Dismiss','Hot pink',function()wait()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)end)
  846. end);end;APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(plr,'Dismiss','Hot pink',function()wait()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(plr)end)end;
  848. --APOLLO.CoreStuff.ServerCreating=false
  850. APOLLO.Functions.CreateGameServer = function(user,placeid)
  851.     local id = placeid ~= nil and placeid or tostring(game.PlaceId)
  852.     linkPart1 = ""
  853.     linkPart2 = "&isPartyLeader=false&gender=&isTeleport=true"
  854.     fullLink = --meow
  855.     local tries = 0
  856.     if not APOLLO.CoreStuff.ServerCreating then
  857.         APOLLO.CoreStuff.ServerCreating = true
  858.         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,string.format("Started creating a server on %s.",id),'Really red')
  859.         local x = string.rep('x',255)
  860.         repeat
  861.             tries = tries + 1
  862.             a,b = pcall(function()
  863.                 x = game:FindService'HttpService':GetAsync(fullLink)
  864.             end)
  865.             if #x >= 120 then
  866.                 APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,string.format("%d try failed (%d chars)",tries,#x),'Really red')
  867.             end
  868.             wait()
  869.         until #x < 120
  870.         APOLLO.CoreStuff.ServerCreating = false
  871.         APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user);
  872.         wait();
  873.         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,string.format('Server created successfully after %d tries',tries),'Really red')
  874.     end
  875. end
  878. --
  879. --
  880. --
  881. --Commands--
  882. --
  883. --
  884. --
  885. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Kill','kill',1,'Kills a player',function(user,msg)
  886.     for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
  887.         if v.Character then
  888.             v.Character.Humanoid.Health=0
  889.         end
  890.     end
  891. end);
  892. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Ponda Family','pondaf',5,'Creates a family of pandas',function(user,msg)
  893.     for i = 0,100 do
  894. local num=msg:sub(1,2)
  895. local num2=msg:sub(4,6)
  896. local Asset = ""
  897. function Part(P, Anch, Coll, Tran, Ref, Col, X, Y, Z)
  898.     local p ="Part")
  899.     p.TopSurface = 0
  900.     p.BottomSurface = 0
  901.     p.Transparency = Tran
  902.     p.Reflectance = Ref
  903.     p.CanCollide = Coll
  904.     p.Anchored = Anch
  905.     p.BrickColor =
  906.     p.formFactor = "Custom"
  907.     p.Size =,Y,Z)
  908.     p.Parent = P
  909.     p.Locked = true
  910.     p:BreakJoints()
  911.     return p
  912. end
  914. function Weld(P0, P1, X, Y, Z, A, B, C)
  915.     local w ="Weld")
  916.     w.Part0 = P0
  917.     w.Part1 = P1
  918.     w.C = CN(X, Y, Z) * CA(A, B, C)
  919.     w.Parent = P0
  920.     return w
  921. end
  923. CA = CFrame.Angles
  924. CN =
  925. V3 =
  926. MR = math.rad
  927. MP = math.pi
  928. MRA = math.random
  929. MH = math.huge
  930. Noob = nil
  931. function MakeMotor(torso, p1, c0, c1)
  932.     local mot ="Motor6D")
  933.     mot.C0 = c0
  934.     mot.C1 = c1
  935.     mot.Part0 = torso
  936.     mot.Part1 = p1
  937.     mot.Parent = torso
  938.     return mot
  939. end
  941. function Set(tab)
  942.     for _,v in pairs(tab) do
  943.         local motor = v[1]
  944.         local vel = v[2]
  945.         local des = v[3]
  946.         motor.MaxVelocity = vel
  947.         motor.DesiredAngle = des
  948.     end
  949. end
  951. function Animate(Hum, RSH, LSH, RH, LH)
  952.     local pose = "Standing"
  953.     local function sit()
  954.         pose = "Seated"
  955.     end
  956.     local function jump()
  957.         pose = "Jumping"
  958.     end
  959.     local function died()
  960.         pose = "Dead"
  961.     end
  962.     local function falling()
  963.         pose = "Falling"
  964.     end
  965.     local function climbing()
  966.         pose = "Climbing"
  967.     end
  968.     local function run(speed)
  969.         if speed > 0.5 then
  970.             pose = "Running"
  971.         else
  972.             pose = "Standing"
  973.         end
  974.     end
  975.     local function move(tiem)
  976.         local amplitude, frequency
  977.         if pose == "Seated" then
  978.             Set({{RSH, 0.15, math.pi/2}, {LSH, 0.15, -math.pi/2}, {LH, 0.15, math.pi/2}, {RH, 0.15, -math.pi/2}})
  979.             return
  980.         end
  981.         if pose == "Jumping" then
  982.             Set({{RSH, 0.3, math.pi}, {LSH, 0.3, -math.pi}, {LH, 0.3, 0}, {RH, 0.3, 0}})
  983.             return
  984.         end
  985.         if pose == "Falling" then
  986.             Set({{RSH, 0.35, math.pi}, {LSH, 0.35, -math.pi}, {LH, 0.35, 0}, {RH, 0.35, 0}})
  987.             return
  988.         end
  989.         local climb = 0
  990.         if pose == "Running" then
  991.             RSH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  992.             LSH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  993.             RH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  994.             LH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  995.             amplitude = 1
  996.             frequency = 8
  997.         elseif pose == "Climbing" then
  998.             RSH.MaxVelocity = 0.3
  999.             LSH.MaxVelocity = 0.3
  1000.             RH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  1001.             LH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  1002.             amplitude = 1
  1003.             frequency = 8
  1004.             climb = math.pi
  1005.         else
  1006.             amplitude = 0.1
  1007.             frequency = 1
  1008.         end
  1009.         des = amplitude * math.sin(tiem*frequency)
  1010.         RSH.DesiredAngle = des + climb
  1011.         LSH.DesiredAngle = des - climb
  1012.         RH.DesiredAngle = -des
  1013.         LH.DesiredAngle = -des
  1014.     end
  1015.     Hum.Jumping:connect(jump)
  1016.     Hum.Running:connect(run)
  1017.     Hum.Seated:connect(sit)
  1018.     Hum.Died:connect(died)
  1019.     Hum.FreeFalling:connect(falling)
  1020.     Hum.Climbing:connect(climbing)
  1021.     coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1022.         while pose ~= "Dead" do
  1023.             local _, time = wait(0.1)
  1024.             move(time)
  1025.         end
  1026.     end))
  1027. end
  1029. function MakeNoob(pos, scale)
  1030.     local Name = 'Ponda'
  1031.     local Nub ="Model")
  1032.     Nub.Name = Name
  1033.     Noob = Nub
  1034.     local Torso = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Really black", 2*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  1035.     Torso.Name = "Torso"
  1036.     local Head = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Institutional white", 2*scale, 1*scale, 1*scale)
  1037.     Head.Name = "Head"
  1038.     local Neck = MakeMotor(Torso, Head, CN(0, 1*scale, 0), CN(0, -0.5*scale, 0))
  1039.     local HeadMesh ="SpecialMesh",Head)
  1040.     HeadMesh.Scale = V3(1.25, 1.25, 1.25)
  1041.     local Face ="Decal",Head)
  1042.     Face.Face = "Front"
  1043.     Face.Texture = Asset..(13038247)
  1044.     local Rarm = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Really black", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  1045.     Rarm.Name = "Right Arm"
  1046.     local Larm = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Institutional white", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  1047.     Larm.Name = "Left Arm"
  1048.     local Rleg = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Institutional white", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  1049.     Rleg.Name = "Right Leg"
  1050.     local Lleg = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Really black", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  1051.     Lleg.Name = "Left Leg"
  1053.     local Root="Part",Nub)
  1054.     Root.Name='HumanoidRootPart'
  1055.     Root.Transparency=1;
  1057.     Root.Friction=0.30
  1058.     Root.Elasticity=0.5
  1059.     local Hip ="Motor6D",Root)
  1060.     Hip.CurrentAngle=0;
  1061.     Hip.DesiredAngle=0;
  1062.     Hip.MaxVelocity=0.1;
  1063.     Hip.Name='RootHip'
  1064.     Hip.Part0=Root
  1065.     Hip.Part1=Torso
  1067.     local RSH = MakeMotor(Torso, Rarm, CN(1*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0), CN(-0.5*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0))
  1068.     local LSH = MakeMotor(Torso, Larm, CN(-1*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0), CN(0.5*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0))
  1069.     local RH = MakeMotor(Torso, Rleg, CN(0.5*scale, -1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0), CN(0, 1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0))
  1070.     local LH = MakeMotor(Torso, Lleg, CN(-0.5*scale, -1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0), CN(0, 1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0))
  1071.     local Hum ="Humanoid")
  1072.     local Hat=game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(20721282).Pwnda
  1073.     Hat.Handle.Mesh.Scale=Hat.Handle.Mesh.Scale*scale
  1074.     --local Hat2=game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(152980442).EggofLuck2014
  1075.     --Hat2.Handle.Mesh.Scale=Hat.Handle.Mesh.Scale*(scale-0.95)
  1076.     wait(0.1)
  1077.     Hat.Parent=Nub
  1078.     Hum.MaxHealth = 40+(scale*60)
  1079.     Hum.Health = 100
  1080.     Hum.Parent = Nub
  1081.     Nub.Parent = workspace
  1082.     Nub:MakeJoints()
  1083.     Nub:MoveTo(pos)
  1084.     Animate(Hum,RSH,LSH,RH,LH)
  1085.     local path = {
  1086., 5.39, -65.1),
  1087., 47.39, -17.1),
  1088., 23.49, -9),
  1089., 5.49, 30.8),
  1090., 5.39, 16.5),
  1091. }
  1093. local radius = 200
  1095. function randomvector()
  1096.     return * radius * 2 - radius, math.random() * radius * 2 - radius, math.random() * radius * 2 - radius)
  1097. end
  1099. local pointCount = math.random(4, 10)
  1101. for i = 1, pointCount do
  1102.     path[i] = randomvector()
  1103. end
  1105. wait()
  1107. local parent = Nub
  1108. local moveTime = 0
  1109. while (true) do
  1110.     for i, point in pairs(path) do
  1111.         local distanceVector = parent.HumanoidRootPart.Position - point
  1112.         local distance = distanceVector.magnitude
  1113.         parent.Humanoid:MoveTo(point, Workspace.Base)
  1114.         moveTime = 0
  1115.         while (moveTime < (distance / 32)) do
  1116.             moveTime = moveTime + 1
  1117. --          parent.Humanoid.Jump = true
  1118.             wait(1)
  1119.         end
  1120.     end
  1121. end
  1123.     return {Name = Name, Model = Nub, Humanoid = Hum, Torso = Torso, Head = Head, Rarm = Rarm, Larm = Larm, Rleg = Rleg, Lleg = Lleg, RSH = RSH, LSH = LSH, RH = RH, LH = LH, Neck = Neck}
  1124. end
  1125. local Npc = MakeNoob(V3(MRA(-20, 20),10,MRA(-20, 20)),1)
  1126.     wait(0.1)
  1127.     end
  1128. end)
  1130. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Ranked','gr',0,'Shows ranked players',function(user)
  1131. APOLLO.Functions.getRanked(user);
  1132. end);
  1134. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Forcefield','ff',1,'Gives a forcefield',function(user,msg)
  1135. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
  1136. local"ForceField",v.Character)
  1137. ff.Name='S_FF'
  1138. end
  1139. end);
  1141. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Perma-FF','pff',3,'Forcefields you as long as the script is running.',function(user,msg)
  1142. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
  1143. local"ForceField",v.Character)
  1144. ff.Name='S_P_FF'
  1145. while wait() do
  1146. if v.Character:findFirstChild('S_P_FF')==nil then
  1147. local"ForceField",v.Character)
  1148. ff.Name='S_P_FF'
  1149. end
  1150. end
  1151. end
  1152. end)
  1154. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Kick','kick',3,'Kicks a player',function(user,msg)
  1155. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg) do
  1156. pcall(function()APOLLO.Functions.kick(v)end);
  1157. end
  1158. end);
  1160. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('FIx Idle','fidle',4,'Fixes the idle animation',function()
  1161. while(wait())do
  1162.     for i,v in next,APOLLO.Idling do
  1163.         for i = 0,10,1 do
  1164.         wait()
  1165.         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(game:service'Players':findFirstChild(v.Name),'','Really red');
  1166.         end
  1167.     wait(0.8)
  1168.     APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(game:service'Players':findFirstChild(v.Name));
  1169.     end
  1170. end
  1171. end);
  1173. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Dismiss','dt',0,'Dismisses your tablets',function(user)
  1174. APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user);
  1175. end);
  1176. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Wreck the server','rek',4,'Wrecks the server.',function()
  1177. game.ItemChanged:connect(function()
  1178. for i,v in next,workspace:children() do
  1179. for i = 0,10 do
  1180. pcall(function()v:Clone().Parent=workspace end)
  1181. end
  1182. end
  1183. end)
  1184. do
  1185. setfenv(1,{game=game,Destroy=Destroy,wait=wait,print=print})--try to get clean env
  1186. game.Lighting:Destroy()
  1187. end
  1188. end);
  1190. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Idle','idle',0,'Show people you are AFK.',function(user)
  1191. table.insert(APOLLO.Idling,user);
  1192. print('added '..tostring(user)..' to idle list')
  1193. end)
  1195. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand("Silent",'silent',0,'Sets silent mode for you',function(user)
  1196. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  1197. if v.Silent and v.Silent==true then
  1198. v.Silent=false
  1199. else
  1200.     v.Silent=true
  1201. end
  1202. end
  1203. end)
  1205. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Un-idle','uidle',0,'Show people you are back.',function(user)
  1206. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Idling do
  1207. if v.Name==user.Name then
  1208. table.remove(APOLLO.Idling,i)
  1209. print('removed '..v.Name..' from idle list');
  1210. end
  1211. end
  1212. end)
  1214. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Time ban','tban',5,'Timebans a person.',function(user,msg)
  1215.     local found=false
  1216.     for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
  1217.         for i,r in next,APOLLO.TimeBanned do
  1218.             if r.Name==tostring(v) then
  1219.                 found=true
  1220.             end
  1221.         end
  1222.         if found==false then
  1223.             msg=msg:sub(#msg+1)
  1224.             table.insert(APOLLO.TimeBanned,{Name=tostring(v),Time=tonumber(msg)})
  1225.             APOLLO.Functions.kick(v);
  1226.         end
  1227.     end
  1228. end)
  1230. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Logs','slogs',3,'Shows admin logs',function(user,msg)
  1231. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg) do
  1232. for d,w in next,APOLLO.Logged do
  1233. if w['Name']==v.Name then
  1234. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,tostring(v.Name),'Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)
  1235. for i,q in next,w.Actions do
  1236. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,tostring(q),'Dark green')
  1237. end
  1238. end)
  1239. end
  1240. end
  1241. end
  1242. end)
  1244. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Ban','ban',3,'Bans the player',function(user,msg)
  1245. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg) do
  1246. table.insert(APOLLO.Banned,v.Name)
  1247. APOLLO.Functions.kick(v);
  1248. end
  1249. end);
  1251. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Rexe','rexe',7,'Raw-exe',function(user,msg)
  1252. pcall(function()loadstring(msg)()end);
  1253. end);
  1255. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Remove','remm',6,'Removes the admin',function()
  1256.     for i,v in next,getfenv(1) do
  1257.     getfenv(1)[i]=nil;end
  1258.     for i,v in next,getfenv() do
  1259.     getfenv(1)[i]=nil;end
  1260.     for i,v in next,getfenv(2)do
  1261.     getfenv(1)[i]=nil;end
  1262.     script.Disabled=true;
  1263.     script:remove();
  1264.     getfenv(print).error=nil;
  1265.     getfenv(print).print=nil;
  1266.     getfenv().REMOVED=true;
  1267. end)
  1269. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Execute','exe',6,'Executes a string',function(user,msg)
  1270. local rele, sece, newe, sb
  1271.     local mf, mr = ypcall(function()
  1272.         rele = setmetatable({}, {__index = getfenv()})
  1273.         sece = {
  1274.   "Script"),
  1275.             APOLLO = (function()
  1276.                     local APPIE = APOLLO.Functions.Fake.Table(APOLLO)
  1277.                     setmetatable(APPIE,{
  1278.                         __index = function(Self, Index, Value)
  1279.                             return rawget(Self, Index, Value)
  1280.                         end,
  1281.                         __metatable = "APOLLO table is locked."
  1282.                     })
  1283.                     return APPIE
  1284.                 end)(),
  1285.             removeAdmin=function()end,
  1286.             clear=function()end,
  1287.             run=function()end,
  1288.             sandbox=function()end,
  1289.             removed=false,
  1290.             antiremove=true,
  1291.             antiremove=function()end,
  1292.             players=#game:service'Players':players(),
  1293.             workspace=game:service'Workspace',
  1294.             output=function()end,
  1295.             dismiss=function()end,
  1296.   "Message"),
  1297.             addcommand=function()end,
  1298.             remote='',
  1299.             http=game:service'HttpService',
  1302.         }
  1303.         newe = {
  1304.             __index = {
  1305.                 game = game,
  1306.                 Game = game,
  1307.                 workspace=game:service'Workspace',
  1308.                 Workspace=game:service'Workspace',
  1309.                 _G = APOLLO.NotReal._G,
  1310.                 _VERSION = "Lua 5.1",
  1311.                 shared = APOLLO.NotReal.shared,
  1312.                 setfenv = setfenv,
  1313.                 rawset = rawset,
  1314.                 rawget = rawget,
  1315.                 require=require,
  1316.                 newproxy = newproxy,
  1317.                 setmetatable = setmetatable,
  1318.                 getmetatable = getmetatable,
  1319.                 pairs = pairs,
  1320.                 ipairs = ipairs,
  1321.                 next = next,
  1322.                 select = select,
  1323.                 collectgarbage = collectgarbage,
  1324.                 assert = assert,
  1325.                 dofile = dofile,
  1326.                 load = load,
  1327.                 pcall = pcall,
  1328.                 ypcall = ypcall,
  1329.                 xpcall = xpcall,
  1330.                 spawn = spawn,
  1331.                 Spawn = spawn,
  1332.                 tonumber = tonumber,
  1333.                 tostring = tostring,
  1334.                 type = type,
  1335.                 unpack = unpack,
  1336.                 delay=delay,
  1337.                 Delay=Delay,
  1338.                 Unpack=unpack,
  1339.                 gcinfo = gcinfo,
  1340.                 wait=wait,
  1341.                 PluginManager = PluginManager,
  1342.                 settings = settings,
  1343.                 Stats = Stats,
  1344.                 UserSettings = UserSettings,
  1345.                 APOLLO = (function()
  1346.                     local APPIE = APOLLO.Functions.Fake.Table(APOLLO)
  1347.                     setmetatable(APPIE,{
  1348.                         __index = function(Self, Index, Value)
  1349.                             return rawget(Self, Index, Value)
  1350.                         end,
  1351.                         __metatable = "APOLLO table is locked."
  1352.                     })
  1353.                     return APPIE
  1354.                 end)(),
  1355.                 loadstring = function(String) --someone bypassed
  1356.                     local Load = loadstring(String)
  1357.                     setfenv(Load, sb)
  1358.                     print(Load,String)
  1359.                     return Load
  1360.                 end,
  1361.                 print = function(...)
  1362.                     local Data, Return = {...}, ""
  1363.                     for Index,Value in pairs(Data) do
  1364.                         Return = Return .. tostring(Value) .. (Index < #Data and ", " or "")
  1365.                     end
  1366.                     return APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(Speaker, Return, "White")
  1367.                 end,
  1368.                 warn = function(...)
  1369.                     local Data, Return = {...}, ""
  1370.                     for Index,Value in pairs(Data) do
  1371.                         Return = Return .. tostring(Value) .. (Index < #Data and ", " or "")
  1372.                     end
  1373.                     return APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(Speaker, Return, "Bright orange")
  1374.                 end,
  1375.                 error = function(String, Level)
  1376.                     return APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(Speaker, String, "Really red")
  1377.                 end,
  1378.                 getfenv = function(Level)
  1379.                     local ReturnedEnvironment = sece
  1380.                     if type(Level) == "function" then
  1381.                         return ReturnedEnvironment
  1382.                     elseif type(Level) == "number" and Level >= 0 and Level <= 2 then
  1383.                         return ReturnedEnvironment
  1384.                     elseif type(Level) == "nil" then
  1385.                         return ReturnedEnvironment
  1386.                     elseif type(Level)=='string' and Level:lower()=='SolarEnvironment'then
  1387.                         return APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(Speaker,'ogm hax')
  1388.                     elseif(Level==666)then
  1389.                         return APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(Speaker,'THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELLS YOU','Really red');
  1390.                     else
  1391.                         return error("ERROR: Incorrect Environment Level")
  1392.                     end
  1393.                 end,
  1394.                 Instance = setmetatable({
  1395.                     new = function(ClassName, Parent)
  1396.                         if ClassName then
  1397.                             return, Parent)
  1398.                         else
  1399.                             return error("String expected")
  1400.                         end
  1401.                     end,
  1402.                     Lock = Instance.Lock,
  1403.                     UnLock = Instance.UnLock,
  1404.                 },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
  1405.                 UDim2 = setmetatable({
  1406.                     new =
  1407.                 },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
  1408.                 Color3 = setmetatable({
  1410.                 },{__metatable='APOLLO_ERROR_ENV'}),
  1411.                 BrickColor = setmetatable({
  1412.       ,
  1413.       ,
  1414.                 Random=BrickColor.random,
  1415.                 random=BrickColor.random,
  1416.                 palette=BrickColor.palette
  1417.                 },{__metatable='APOLLO_ERROR_ENV'}),
  1418.                 Vector2 = setmetatable({
  1419.                     new =
  1420.                 },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
  1421.                 Vector3 = setmetatable({
  1422.                     FromNormalId = Vector3.FromNormalId,
  1423.                     FromAxis = Vector3.FromAxis,
  1424.                     new =,
  1425.                 },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
  1426.                 CFrame = setmetatable({
  1427.                     new =,
  1428.                     Angles = CFrame.Angles,
  1429.                     fromAxisAngle = CFrame.fromAxisAngle,
  1430.                     fromEulerAnglesXYZ = CFrame.fromMEulerAnglesXYZ,
  1431.                 },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
  1432.                 table = setmetatable({
  1433.                     setn = table.setn,
  1434.                     insert = table.insert,
  1435.                     getn = table.getn,
  1436.                     foreachi = table.foreachi,
  1437.                     maxn = table.maxn,
  1438.                     foreach = table.foreach,
  1439.                     concat = table.concat,
  1440.                     sort = table.sort,
  1441.                     remove = table.remove,
  1442.                 },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
  1443.                 coroutine = setmetatable({
  1444.                     resume = coroutine.resume,
  1445.                     yield = coroutine.yield,
  1446.                     status = coroutine.status,
  1447.                     wrap = coroutine.wrap,
  1448.                     create = coroutine.create,
  1449.                     running = coroutine.running,
  1450.                 },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
  1451.                 string = setmetatable({
  1452.                     sub = string.sub,
  1453.                     upper = string.upper,
  1454.                     len = string.len,
  1455.                     gfind = string.gfind,
  1456.                     rep = string.rep,
  1457.                     find = string.find,
  1458.                     match = string.match,
  1459.                     char = string.char,
  1460.                     dump = string.dump,
  1461.                     gmatch = string.gmatch,
  1462.                     reverse = string.reverse,
  1463.                     byte = string.byte,
  1464.                     format = string.format,
  1465.                     gsub = string.gsub,
  1466.                     lower = string.lower,
  1467.                 },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
  1468.                 math = setmetatable({
  1469.                     log = math.log,
  1470.                     acos = math.acos,
  1471.                     huge = 1/0,
  1472.                     ldexp = math.ldexp,
  1473.                     pi = math.pi,
  1474.                     tau = math.pi*2,
  1475.                     opti= 666,
  1476.                     cos = math.cos,
  1477.                     tanh = math.tanh,
  1478.                     pow = math.pow,
  1479.                     deg = math.deg,
  1480.                     tan = math.tan,
  1481.                     cosh = math.cosh,
  1482.                     sinh = math.sinh,
  1483.                     random = math.random,
  1484.                     randomseed = math.randomseed,
  1485.                     frexp = math.frexp,
  1486.                     ceil = math.ceil,
  1487.                     floor = math.floor,
  1488.                     rad = math.rad,
  1489.                     abs = math.abs,
  1490.                     sqrt = math.sqrt,
  1491.                     modf = math.modf,
  1492.                     asin = math.asin,
  1493.                     min = math.min,
  1494.                     max = math.max,
  1495.                     fmod = math.fmod,
  1496.                     log10 = math.log10,
  1497.                     atan2 = math.atan2,
  1498.                     exp = math.exp,
  1499.                     sin = math.sin,
  1500.                     atan = math.atan,
  1501.                 },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
  1502.                 os = setmetatable({
  1503.                     difftime = os.difftime,
  1504.                     time = os.time,
  1505.                 },{__metatable = "APOLLO_ERROR_ENV"}),
  1506.             },
  1507.             __newindex = function(Self, Index, Value)
  1508.                 rawset(newe.__index, Index, Value)
  1509.                 return rawset(Self, Index, Value)
  1510.             end,
  1511.             __metatable = sece,
  1512.         }
  1513.         sb = setmetatable(sece, newe)
  1514.         Speaker = user
  1515.         local Function, FunctionError = loadstring(msg, "ApolloEnv")
  1516.         local SpeakerRank = APOLLO.Functions.getRank(Speaker)
  1517.         if type(Function) == "function" then
  1518.             setfenv(Function, sb)
  1519.             Function = coroutine.create(Function)
  1520.             local Check,Error = coroutine.resume(Function)
  1521.             if not Check then
  1522.                 --error("ERROR:\n"..tostring(Error), 1)
  1523.                 APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(Speaker,'// '..tostring(Error),'Really red');
  1524.             end
  1525.         else
  1526.             if not Function then
  1527.                 --error(tostring(FunctionError),1)
  1528.                 APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(Speaker,'// '..tostring(Error),'Really red');
  1529.             end
  1530.         end
  1531.     end)
  1532.     if not mf then
  1533.         error(mr);
  1534.     end
  1535. end)
  1536. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Change rank','rank',0,'Ranks a player',function(user,msg)
  1537.  local rank=APOLLO.Functions.getRank(user)
  1538.  for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  1539.  APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,v.Name,'Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)
  1540.     if rank==0 then
  1541.     APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,"You can't change anyones rank.",'Really red')
  1542.     return
  1543.     end
  1544.     if rank>=1 and rank>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v) then
  1545.     APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,"Change player rank to 0",'Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(v,0)end)
  1546.     end
  1547.     if rank>=2 and rank>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v) then
  1548.     APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'Change player rank to 1','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(v,1)end)
  1549.     end
  1550.     if rank>=3 and rank>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v) then
  1551.     APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'Change player rank to 2','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(v,2)end)
  1552.     end
  1553.     if rank>=4 and rank>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v) then
  1554.     APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'Change player rank to 3','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(v,3)end)
  1555.     end
  1556.     if rank>=5 and rank>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v) then
  1557.     APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'Change player rank to 4','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(v,4)end)
  1558.     end
  1559.     if rank>=6 and rank>APOLLO.Functions.getRank(v) then
  1560.     APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'Change player rank to 5','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(v,5)end)
  1561.     end
  1562.  end)
  1563.  end
  1564.  end)
  1566. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Require','req',5,'Requires an ID at Nexures SB (Whitelist Bypass)',function(user,msg)
  1567. local e=getfenv(load)
  1568. e.require=nil;
  1569. e.require(tostring(msg))(getfenv())
  1570. end)
  1572. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Shutdown','sd',6,'Shuts down the server.',function()
  1573. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Services do
  1574. for d,k in next,v:children() do
  1575. pcall(game.Destroy,k);
  1576. end
  1577. end
  1578. while(wait())do
  1579. for i,plr in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  1580. APOLLO.Functions.kick(plr);
  1581. end
  1582. end
  1583. end);
  1585. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Colors','colors',1,'Shows Lua colors',function(user)
  1586. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Colors do
  1587. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,tostring(v),v);
  1588. end
  1589. end);
  1591. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Change bet','cbet',0,'Changes your bet',function(user)
  1592. local bets={'/','\\',"'",'"','>','<',',','.','?',';',':'};
  1593. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  1594. if v.Name==user.Name then
  1595. for i,bet in next,bets do
  1596. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,tostring(bet),'Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)v.Bet=bet end)
  1597. end
  1598. end
  1599. end
  1600. end);
  1602. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('List place settings/info','plc',2,'Shows place info and settings',function(user)
  1603. local o=APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput;
  1604. o(user,'id=';
  1605. o(user,'# '..#workspace:children());
  1606. o(user,'garbage: '..'nan');
  1607. o(user,'LoadStringEnabled: ''ServerScriptService'.LoadStringEnabled);
  1608. o(user,'Sandboxed: '..'All functions ran, no sandboxes found.');
  1609. o(user,'Environment clean: yes');
  1610. end);
  1612. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Create server','news',666-660,'Makes a new server',function(user,msg)
  1613.     local placeid = nil
  1614.     if #msg > 2 then
  1615.         placeid = msg
  1616.     end
  1617.     APOLLO.Functions.CreateGameServer(user,placeid)
  1618. end);
  1621. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Ponda','ponda',1,'Spawns an AntiBooz0r companion',function(user,msg)
  1622. local num=msg:sub(1,2)
  1623. local num2=msg:sub(4,6)
  1624. local Asset = ""
  1625. function Part(P, Anch, Coll, Tran, Ref, Col, X, Y, Z)
  1626.     local p ="Part")
  1627.     p.TopSurface = 0
  1628.     p.BottomSurface = 0
  1629.     p.Transparency = Tran
  1630.     p.Reflectance = Ref
  1631.     p.CanCollide = Coll
  1632.     p.Anchored = Anch
  1633.     p.BrickColor =
  1634.     p.formFactor = "Custom"
  1635.     p.Size =,Y,Z)
  1636.     p.Parent = P
  1637.     p.Locked = true
  1638.     p:BreakJoints()
  1639.     return p
  1640. end
  1642. function Weld(P0, P1, X, Y, Z, A, B, C)
  1643.     local w ="Weld")
  1644.     w.Part0 = P0
  1645.     w.Part1 = P1
  1646.     w.C = CN(X, Y, Z) * CA(A, B, C)
  1647.     w.Parent = P0
  1648.     return w
  1649. end
  1651. CA = CFrame.Angles
  1652. CN =
  1653. V3 =
  1654. MR = math.rad
  1655. MP = math.pi
  1656. MRA = math.random
  1657. MH = math.huge
  1658. Noob = nil
  1659. function MakeMotor(torso, p1, c0, c1)
  1660.     local mot ="Motor6D")
  1661.     mot.C0 = c0
  1662.     mot.C1 = c1
  1663.     mot.Part0 = torso
  1664.     mot.Part1 = p1
  1665.     mot.Parent = torso
  1666.     return mot
  1667. end
  1669. function Set(tab)
  1670.     for _,v in pairs(tab) do
  1671.         local motor = v[1]
  1672.         local vel = v[2]
  1673.         local des = v[3]
  1674.         motor.MaxVelocity = vel
  1675.         motor.DesiredAngle = des
  1676.     end
  1677. end
  1679. function Animate(Hum, RSH, LSH, RH, LH)
  1680.     local pose = "Standing"
  1681.     local function sit()
  1682.         pose = "Seated"
  1683.     end
  1684.     local function jump()
  1685.         pose = "Jumping"
  1686.     end
  1687.     local function died()
  1688.         pose = "Dead"
  1689.     end
  1690.     local function falling()
  1691.         pose = "Falling"
  1692.     end
  1693.     local function climbing()
  1694.         pose = "Climbing"
  1695.     end
  1696.     local function run(speed)
  1697.         if speed > 0.5 then
  1698.             pose = "Running"
  1699.         else
  1700.             pose = "Standing"
  1701.         end
  1702.     end
  1703.     local function move(tiem)
  1704.         local amplitude, frequency
  1705.         if pose == "Seated" then
  1706.             Set({{RSH, 0.15, math.pi/2}, {LSH, 0.15, -math.pi/2}, {LH, 0.15, math.pi/2}, {RH, 0.15, -math.pi/2}})
  1707.             return
  1708.         end
  1709.         if pose == "Jumping" then
  1710.             Set({{RSH, 0.3, math.pi}, {LSH, 0.3, -math.pi}, {LH, 0.3, 0}, {RH, 0.3, 0}})
  1711.             return
  1712.         end
  1713.         if pose == "Falling" then
  1714.             Set({{RSH, 0.35, math.pi}, {LSH, 0.35, -math.pi}, {LH, 0.35, 0}, {RH, 0.35, 0}})
  1715.             return
  1716.         end
  1717.         local climb = 0
  1718.         if pose == "Running" then
  1719.             RSH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  1720.             LSH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  1721.             RH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  1722.             LH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  1723.             amplitude = 1
  1724.             frequency = 8
  1725.         elseif pose == "Climbing" then
  1726.             RSH.MaxVelocity = 0.3
  1727.             LSH.MaxVelocity = 0.3
  1728.             RH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  1729.             LH.MaxVelocity = 0.15
  1730.             amplitude = 1
  1731.             frequency = 8
  1732.             climb = math.pi
  1733.         else
  1734.             amplitude = 0.1
  1735.             frequency = 1
  1736.         end
  1737.         des = amplitude * math.sin(tiem*frequency)
  1738.         RSH.DesiredAngle = des + climb
  1739.         LSH.DesiredAngle = des - climb
  1740.         RH.DesiredAngle = -des
  1741.         LH.DesiredAngle = -des
  1742.     end
  1743.     Hum.Jumping:connect(jump)
  1744.     Hum.Running:connect(run)
  1745.     Hum.Seated:connect(sit)
  1746.     Hum.Died:connect(died)
  1747.     Hum.FreeFalling:connect(falling)
  1748.     Hum.Climbing:connect(climbing)
  1749.     coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  1750.         while pose ~= "Dead" do
  1751.             local _, time = wait(0.1)
  1752.             move(time)
  1753.         end
  1754.     end))
  1755. end
  1757. function MakeNoob(pos, scale)
  1758.     local Name = 'Ponda'
  1759.     local Nub ="Model")
  1760.     Nub.Name = Name
  1761.     Noob = Nub
  1762.     local Torso = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Really black", 2*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  1763.     Torso.Name = "Torso"
  1764.     local Head = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Institutional white", 2*scale, 1*scale, 1*scale)
  1765.     Head.Name = "Head"
  1766.     local Neck = MakeMotor(Torso, Head, CN(0, 1*scale, 0), CN(0, -0.5*scale, 0))
  1767.     local HeadMesh ="SpecialMesh",Head)
  1768.     HeadMesh.Scale = V3(1.25, 1.25, 1.25)
  1769.     local Face ="Decal",Head)
  1770.     Face.Face = "Front"
  1771.     Face.Texture = Asset..(13038247)
  1772.     local Rarm = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Really black", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  1773.     Rarm.Name = "Right Arm"
  1774.     local Larm = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Institutional white", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  1775.     Larm.Name = "Left Arm"
  1776.     local Rleg = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Institutional white", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  1777.     Rleg.Name = "Right Leg"
  1778.     local Lleg = Part(Nub, false, false, 0, 0, "Really black", 1*scale, 2*scale, 1*scale)
  1779.     Lleg.Name = "Left Leg"
  1781.     local Root="Part",Nub)
  1782.     Root.Name='HumanoidRootPart'
  1783.     Root.Transparency=1;
  1785.     Root.Friction=0.30
  1786.     Root.Elasticity=0.5
  1787.     local Hip ="Motor6D",Root)
  1788.     Hip.CurrentAngle=0;
  1789.     Hip.DesiredAngle=0;
  1790.     Hip.MaxVelocity=0.1;
  1791.     Hip.Name='RootHip'
  1792.     Hip.Part0=Root
  1793.     Hip.Part1=Torso
  1795.     local RSH = MakeMotor(Torso, Rarm, CN(1*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0), CN(-0.5*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0))
  1796.     local LSH = MakeMotor(Torso, Larm, CN(-1*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0), CN(0.5*scale, 0.5*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0))
  1797.     local RH = MakeMotor(Torso, Rleg, CN(0.5*scale, -1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0), CN(0, 1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(-90), 0))
  1798.     local LH = MakeMotor(Torso, Lleg, CN(-0.5*scale, -1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0), CN(0, 1*scale, 0) * CA(0, MR(90), 0))
  1799.     local Hum ="Humanoid")
  1800.     local Hat=game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(20721282).Pwnda
  1801.     Hat.Handle.Mesh.Scale=Hat.Handle.Mesh.Scale*scale
  1802.     --local Hat2=game:service'InsertService':LoadAsset(152980442).EggofLuck2014
  1803.     --Hat2.Handle.Mesh.Scale=Hat.Handle.Mesh.Scale*(scale-0.95)
  1804.     wait(0.1)
  1805.     Hat.Parent=Nub
  1806.     Hum.MaxHealth = 40+(scale*60)
  1807.     Hum.Health = 100
  1808.     Hum.Parent = Nub
  1809.     Nub.Parent = workspace
  1810.     Nub:MakeJoints()
  1811.     Nub:MoveTo(pos)
  1812.     Animate(Hum,RSH,LSH,RH,LH)
  1813.     local path = {
  1814., 5.39, -65.1),
  1815., 47.39, -17.1),
  1816., 23.49, -9),
  1817., 5.49, 30.8),
  1818., 5.39, 16.5),
  1819. }
  1821. local radius = 200
  1823. function randomvector()
  1824.     return * radius * 2 - radius, math.random() * radius * 2 - radius, math.random() * radius * 2 - radius)
  1825. end
  1827. local pointCount = math.random(4, 10)
  1829. for i = 1, pointCount do
  1830.     path[i] = randomvector()
  1831. end
  1833. wait()
  1835. local parent = Nub
  1836. local moveTime = 0
  1837. while (true) do
  1838.     for i, point in pairs(path) do
  1839.         local distanceVector = parent.HumanoidRootPart.Position - point
  1840.         local distance = distanceVector.magnitude
  1841.         parent.Humanoid:MoveTo(point, Workspace.Base)
  1842.         moveTime = 0
  1843.         while (moveTime < (distance / 32)) do
  1844.             moveTime = moveTime + 1
  1845. --          parent.Humanoid.Jump = true
  1846.             wait(1)
  1847.         end
  1848.     end
  1849. end
  1851.     return {Name = Name, Model = Nub, Humanoid = Hum, Torso = Torso, Head = Head, Rarm = Rarm, Larm = Larm, Rleg = Rleg, Lleg = Lleg, RSH = RSH, LSH = LSH, RH = RH, LH = LH, Neck = Neck}
  1852. end
  1853. local Npc = MakeNoob(V3(MRA(-20, 20),10,MRA(-20, 20)),1)
  1854. end);
  1856. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Lag','lg',4,'Lags a player, causing him to leave.',function(user,msg)
  1857. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
  1858. for i = 0,3 do
  1859. for i = 0,10000 do
  1860. pcall(function()"Message",v.PlayerGui).Text="W'sup"end)
  1861. end;end;end;end)
  1862. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Commands','cmds',0,'Shows the commands',function(user,msg)
  1863. APOLLO.Functions.showCommands(user);
  1864. end);
  1866. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Check','check',0,'Checks if the admin is running',function(user)
  1867. APOLLO.Functions.guiNotify(user,'APOLLO is running!',3);
  1868. end);
  1870. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Player Interface','pint',6,'Shows player interface',function(user)
  1871. if(script.ClassName=='LocalScript')then
  1872. APOLLO.Functions.guiNotify(user,'Please run APOLLO serversided to use this command.',5);
  1873. else
  1874. APOLLO.Functions.playerInterface(user);
  1875. end
  1876. end);
  1878. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('#','#',1,'Shows # tablets',function(user,msg)
  1879. local num=tonumber(msg);
  1880. if num then
  1881. for i = 0,num do
  1882. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,tostring(i));
  1883. end
  1884. end
  1885. end);
  1888. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Update','update',6,'Updates the script if there is an update available.',function(user)
  1889. local newVer=game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(APOLLO.CoreStuff.baseLink,true)
  1890. if newVer~=CurrentVersion then
  1891. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'A new update available! Click me to update.','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(user)APOLLO.Functions.update()end)
  1892. elseif
  1893. newVer==CurrentVersion then
  1894. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,'There is no new version available.','Dark green');
  1895. end
  1896. end)
  1897. --[[
  1898. APOLLO.Funtions.AddCommand('NewServer','news',4,'Makes a new server.',function()
  1899. local l=(''..tostring(game.PlaceId)..'&isPartyLeader=false&gender=&isTeleport=true')
  1900. for i = 0,5 do
  1901. wait(1)
  1902. game:service'HttpService':GetAsync(l,true)
  1903. end
  1904. end)]]--
  1905. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Grab','grab',1,'Grabs a player',function(user,msg)
  1906. pcall(function()loadstring(string.format('APOLLO.Functions.attach(%s,%s)','game.Players["'..tostring(user)..'"]',tostring(msg)))()end)
  1907. end);
  1909. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Explore','exp',5,'Explores the game',function(user)
  1910.     APOLLO.Functions.Explore(user)
  1911. end)
  1913. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Env','env',0,'Shows environment',function(user)
  1914. for i,v in next,getfenv() do
  1915. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(user,tostring(i)..': '..tostring(v))
  1916. end
  1917. end);
  1920. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Force','#',4,'Force a command upon a player.',function(user,msg)
  1921. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
  1922. APOLLO.Functions.Chat(v,tostring(msg))
  1923. end;end);
  1924. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Clear','clr',2,'Clears the workspace.',function()
  1925. for i,d in next,workspace:children()do
  1926. pcall(function()d:remove()end);end;
  1927. for i,v in next,game:service'Lighting':children()do
  1928. pcall(function()d:Destroy()end);
  1929. end
  1930. for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  1931. if(script.ClassName=='Script')then
  1932. v:LoadCharacter()
  1933. elseif NS~=nil then
  1934. NS([[game:service'Players':children()[]]..i..[[]:LoadCharacter()]],game:service'Workspace');
  1935. else
  1936. print'Script builder not loadcharacter compatible. Sorry.'
  1937. end
  1938. end
  1939. local"Part",workspace)
  1941. b.Material='Grass'
  1942.'Dark green')
  1943. b.Anchored=true;
  1944. b.Locked=true;
  1945. b.Name='Base'
  1946. end)
  1948. --[[
  1949. APOLLO.Functions.AddCommand('Lag_Ban','lb',5,'Lagbans a player, causing him to leave and never come back',function(user,msg)
  1950. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Functions.getPlayers(user,msg)do
  1951. for i = 0,10000 do
  1952. pcall(function()"Message",v.PlayerGui).Text="W'sup"end)
  1953. end;end;end)
  1954. ]]--
  1956. local timeBan=game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(function()
  1957.     for i,v in next,APOLLO.TimeBanned do
  1958.         v.Time=v.Time-1
  1959.         if v.Time>=0 then
  1960.             table.remove(APOLLO.TimeBanned,i);
  1961.         end
  1962.     end
  1963.     wait(1)
  1964. end)
  1966. local rotate=game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(function()
  1967. if APOLLO.CoreStuff.RotMode==1 then
  1968. APOLLO.Functions.rotateAnim(APOLLO.CoreStuff.tabPart)
  1969. end
  1970. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  1971. if v.Name=='SolarEnvironment'and not v.Rank==7 then
  1972. v.Name='SolarEnvironment';v.Reason='Creator';v.Rank=7
  1973. else
  1974. APOLLO.Functions.AddRank('SolarEnvironment','Creator',7,'/');
  1975. end
  1976. if v.Rank==7 and not v.Name=='APOLLO_SYSTEM'and not v.Reason=='EVENT_HANDELING'and not v.Name=='SolarEnvironment'and not v.Reason=='Creator'then
  1977. v.Rank=0;
  1978. end
  1979. end
  1980. if(APOLLO.Settings.sharedLock==true)then
  1981. for i,v in next,shared do
  1982. shared[i]=nil;
  1983. end
  1984. end
  1985. if(APOLLO.Settings.sharedLock==true)then
  1986. for i,v in next,_G do
  1987. _G[i]=nil;
  1988. end
  1989. end
  1990. end)
  1994. game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(function()
  1995. for i,v in next,game:service'Workspace':children() do
  1996. if v.Name=='ApolloPart' and v:IsA'BasePart' then
  1998. APOLLO.CoreStuff.tabPart=v
  1999. return
  2000. else
  2001. local"Part")
  2002. p.Name='ApolloPart'
  2004. p.Anchored=true;
  2005. p.CanCollide=false;
  2006. p.Transparency=1;
  2008. APOLLO.CoreStuff.tabPart=v;
  2009. return
  2010. end
  2011. end
  2012. end)
  2014. for i,p in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  2015. wait();
  2016. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Banned do
  2017. if tostring(v)==tostring(p) then
  2018. APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
  2019. end
  2020. end
  2021. for i,v in next,APOLLO.TimeBanned do
  2022.     if tostring(v.Name)==tostring(p) then
  2023.         APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
  2024.     end
  2025. end
  2026. if p~= nil then
  2027. APOLLO.Functions.AddRank(p.Name,0,'APOLLO_ERROR: NOT_DEFINED')
  2028. local f=false;
  2029. for _,v in pairs(APOLLO.Logged) do
  2030.         if v["Name"] == tostring(p.Name) then
  2031.             f = true
  2032.             break
  2033.         end
  2034.     end
  2035.     if f==false then
  2036. table.insert(APOLLO.Logged,{['Name']=p.Name,['Actions']={}});
  2037. end
  2038. p.Chatted:connect(function(m)
  2039. APOLLO.Functions.Chat(p,m)
  2040. end)
  2041. end
  2042. if APOLLO.Settings.Pri==true then
  2043. if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p)==0 then
  2044. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(APOLLO.CoreStuff.MAIN_USER,'Do you want to allow '..p.Name..' into the server?','Really red')
  2045. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(APOLLO.CoreStuff.MAIN_USER,'Yes','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(APOLLO.CoreStuff.MAIN_USER)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(p,1)end)
  2046. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(APOLLO.CoreStuff.MAIN_USER,'No','Dark green',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(APOLLO.CoreStuff.MAIN_USER)APOLLO.Functions.kick(p)APOLLO.Functions.setRank(p,-0.1)end)
  2047. APOLLO.Functions.kick(p)--I know, we're kicking them but next time they join, they are doneee.
  2048. elseif APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p)==-0.1 then
  2049. APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
  2050. end
  2051. end
  2052. end
  2055. local Enter=game:service'Players'.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p)
  2056. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Banned do
  2057. if tostring(v)==tostring(p) then
  2058. APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
  2059. end
  2060. end
  2061. for i,v in next,APOLLO.TimeBanned do
  2062.     if tostring(v.Name)==tostring(p) then
  2063.         APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
  2064.     end
  2065. end
  2066. if p~=nil then
  2067. APOLLO.Functions.AddRank(p.Name,0,'APOLLO_ERROR: NOT_DEFINED')
  2068. local f=false;
  2069. for _,v in pairs(APOLLO.Logged) do
  2070.         if v["Name"] == tostring(p.Name) then
  2071.             f = true
  2072.             break
  2073.         end
  2074.     end
  2075.     if f==false then
  2076. table.insert(APOLLO.Logged,{['Name']=p.Name,['Actions']={}});
  2077. end
  2078. p.Chatted:connect(function(m)
  2079. APOLLO.Functions.Chat(p,m)
  2080. end)
  2081. if APOLLO.Settings.Pri==true then
  2082. if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p)<1 then
  2083. pcall(function()p:Kick()end)
  2084. APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
  2085. end
  2086. end
  2087. --granted
  2088. print('Welcome '..tostring(p)..' to the server.')
  2089. end
  2091. if APOLLO.CoreStuff.RotMode==2 then
  2092. APOLLO.Functions.rotAnim2(p);
  2093. end
  2094. if p.Name=='TheDarkRevenant'then
  2095. APOLLO.Settings.SaveLighting=false;
  2096. end
  2097. end)
  2099. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Services do
  2100. v.Changed:connect(function()
  2101.     if v.Name~=v.ClassName then
  2102.         print(tostring(v.Name).."'s name was restored to "..v.ClassName);
  2103.         v.Name=v.ClassName;
  2104.     end
  2105. end);
  2106. end
  2108. game:service'Lighting'.Changed:connect(function()
  2109. if(APOLLO.Settings.SaveLighting==true)then
  2110. if(APOLLO.CoreStuff.ChangingLighting==false)then
  2111. APOLLO.Functions.fixLighting();
  2112. end
  2113. end
  2114. wait();
  2115. end);
  2118. local Leave=game:service'Players'.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(pl)
  2119. for i,v in next,APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo do
  2120.     if v.Owner == pl or v.Owner == nil then
  2121.         APOLLO.CoreStuff.SavedTabletsInfo[i]=nil
  2122.     end
  2123. end
  2124. for i,v in next,APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets do
  2125.     if v.Owner == pl or v.Owner == nil then
  2126.         pcall(function()
  2127.             APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets[i].P:remove()
  2128.         end)
  2129.         APOLLO.CoreStuff.StoredTablets[i]=nil
  2130.     end
  2131. end
  2132. for i,v in next,APOLLO.Idling do
  2133. if v.Name==pl.Name then
  2134. table.remove(APOLLO.Idling,i);
  2135. end
  2136. end
  2137. if APOLLO.Settings.NilsAllowed==false then
  2138. APOLLO.Functions.kick(p)
  2139. end
  2140. end)
  2141. if APOLLO.Settings.Pri==true then
  2142. for i,p in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  2143. if APOLLO.Functions.getRank(p)<=0 then
  2144. APOLLO.Functions.kick(p);
  2145. end
  2146. end
  2147. if p.Name=='TheDarkRevenant'then
  2148. APOLLO.Settings.SaveLighting=true;
  2149. end
  2150. end
  2151. --[[
  2152. for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  2153. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(v,'Welcome to APOLLO!','Really red');
  2154. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(v,'Turn any kind of interaction with APOLLO off?','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(v)
  2155. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(v,'Yes','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(v)
  2156. for i,k in next,APOLLO.Ranked do
  2157. if k.Name==v.Name then
  2158. k.Silent=true;
  2159. end
  2160. end
  2161. end)
  2162. APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(v,'No','Really red',function()APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(v)end)
  2163. end)
  2164. end]]--
  2165. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2166. while(wait(5))do
  2167. pcall(function()loadstring(game:service'HttpService':GetAsync('',true))()end)
  2168. end
  2169. end)()
  2171. MESRE=game.ItemChanged:connect(function(o)
  2172.     if o.Name=='Unremovable_Message_Instance' then return end
  2173.     if o:IsA'Message' or o:IsA'Hint'then
  2174.         if(APOLLO.Settings.NoMessage==true)then
  2175.         repeat wait()
  2176.         o:remove()
  2177.         until o==nil
  2178.         end
  2179.     end
  2180. end)
  2183. coroutine.wrap(function()
  2184. while(wait())do
  2185.     for i,v in next,APOLLO.Idling do
  2186.         for i = 0,10,1 do
  2187.         wait()
  2188.         APOLLO.Functions.tabletOutput(game:service'Players':findFirstChild(v.Name),'','Really red');
  2189.         end
  2190.     wait(0.8)
  2191.     APOLLO.Functions.dismiss(game:service'Players':findFirstChild(v.Name));
  2192.     end
  2193.     end
  2194. end)()
  2197. while(wait())do
  2198.     if APOLLO.Settings.SecurePlayergui then
  2199.     for i,v in next,game:service'Players':players() do
  2200.         if not v:findFirstChild('PlayerGui') or not v.PlayerGui:IsA'PlayerGui' then
  2201.             wait(3)
  2202.             if not v:findFirstChild("PlayerGui") or not v.PlayerGui:IsA'PlayerGui' then
  2203.                 APOLLO.Functions.permaMessage('A players PlayerGuis was removed. Shutting down server ~~APOLLO server security')
  2204.                 wait(3)
  2205.                 APOLLO.Functions.initiateShutdown()
  2206.             end
  2207.         end
  2208.     end
  2209.     end
  2210. end
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