
TutorAnonXFlurryHeart, Pt 1

Mar 25th, 2016
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  1. >"A few more minutes, dad..."
  2. >Your hand traces over her hair, and you lean in, taking a whiff of her morning scent
  3. >Sweet like Cadance, mixed with a saltier tint
  4. >She looks so pretty, there, sleeping, resting
  5. >You move your mouth a little closer, breathing onto her, salivating at the idea of her fur against your tongue
  6. >Alas, she peeps open an eye, and it opens wider upon seeing you
  7. >Her body scoots immediately away from you, tearing her mane away from your grasp, while her hooves pull the covers up around her
  8. "Good morning, princess. Are you ready for-"
  9. >"Get out! Who let you in?"
  10. >You bring up your pocketwatch from under your jacket
  11. "Princesses shouldn't oversleep."
  12. >Your hand opens to reveal a keyring, dangling it by your pinkie
  13. "And your dad instructed me to make sure you keep to morning routine while he was gone."
  14. >Her expression seems to sink immediately, eyes glancing downwards and away
  15. >"Oh."
  16. >You were the personal fitness trainer of Princess Flurry Heart, here on royal command to make sure the princess lives up to the right standards
  17. >Shining picked you because you were here from the start, helping him take care of the little foal, and when she was old enough to talk and go to school, you offered to step in as tutor
  18. >Of course, all the years of being there for her has given you some time to indulge in some liberties
  19. >Your hands move around her tiny form as she wiggles and writhes
  20. >"P-please!"
  21. >You pick her up and nestle her under your arm, your other hand firmly brushing her mane
  22. "Now, now, you're already late for our morning session. I'll have to clean you up myself."
  23. >Several liberties since Shining and the wife were always away on foreign meetings
  24. >Your hand rubs the soft fur under her stomach as you carry her to the bathroom, tracing along her abdomen
  25. >Several wonderful liberties
  26. >Ah, the perks of being a tutor
  28. >She hasn't really mastered her magic or her wings yet
  29. >The little foal would probably put up a bigger fight if she did
  30. >Your arm squeezes her tiny little body against you, getting a squeak out of her
  31. >"I-I can shower on my own..."
  32. "And let you out of my sight? I don't think I can do that."
  33. >Her legs kick at you uselessly as you open the large ornate door to the bathroom
  34. >The bathroom was huge, the stereotypical royal ones with pillars on the sides and a square bath in the middle
  35. >You close the door behind you, locking it with a loud click as the filly examines the room
  36. >"Where are the attendants?"
  37. "They have the day off, princess. It's just you and me today."
  38. >You grin at her as her mouth drops and realization sinks in
  39. >Her gaze turns downwards, and you feel her body limp
  40. >That sends anticipatory shivers through your body
  41. >She's always much much more nicer when she's all docile and compliant
  42. >Your hand on her head moves down, stroking her cheek, feeling her wince
  43. "I've already prepared the water. Are you ready for your morning bath?"
  44. >There's not really a response, but that's understandable
  45. >You lean down, taking her out from your arms, placing her on the ledge of the bath
  46. >She stands there, hesitantly, looking in
  47. >Well, she hasn't run yet, so that's an improvement
  48. >Your hand slaps her gently on the rump, getting another squeal from her
  49. "C'mon, slip in."
  50. >You yourself stand up, starting to take off your clothes
  51. >"What are you doing?"
  52. "Getting in with you."
  53. >"The attendants-"
  54. "I'm your teacher, princess, this is normal and expected."
  55. >She turns away, glancing at the door
  56. >You pat yourself for the keyring, taking it out and holding onto it, feeling proud of yourself for convincing Shining to install two way locks
  57. >You should really get a necklace or some sort for the keys soon, though
  58. >Your pants drop to the ground, followed by your boxers, and you gently scoot the little filly in
  59. "C'mon, we have plenty of things to do today."
  61. >You slip into the water with her, getting a small splash as you get into the shallow pool
  62. >The steps underneath it give varying depths, allowing her to rest on the highest one, water all the way up to her wings
  63. >She almost starts moving away, but both your hands grip her on the sides, holding her
  64. >You rest yourself on one of the lower steps, letting the water rise to around your stomach
  65. >And you take her upright into your lap, making sure that your hardened shaft brushes against her flank
  66. >"P-please..."
  67. "What's wrong, my princess?"
  68. >Just more squirming, no spoken response
  69. >Well, you suppose bringing them nearer to the inevitable revitalizes them a bit
  70. >You scoop some water up with your hand, letting it fall on the little filly
  71. >Of course, there's no soap
  72. >The water is also lukewarm
  73. >This is all just pretense
  74. >She knows it
  75. >That makes it better
  76. >Your hand moves over her mane, bringing it up to your head as you lean down
  77. >Sniffing it, catching her smell again, almost but not quite washed away in the water
  78. >You feel her body shiver against your skin, wet fur brushing against stomach and shaft
  79. "You're a very pretty princess, you know."
  80. >Your mouth is salivating again, your other hand gripping her hindlegs, playing with it under the water
  81. >You feel a shudder through her body
  82. >She's shaking
  83. "I gave you a compliment. What do princesses say in response to compliments?"
  84. >Your hand traces up the inner part of her hindleg
  85. >Coaxing a gasp from the little filly
  86. >But you don't go far
  87. >Just leave it there, rubbing in circles
  88. >Waiting, anticipating
  89. "T-thank you."
  90. >"Your manners are improving. How would you like a little reward?"
  91. >Your hand skips that spot between her legs, moving to her stomach, rubbing upwards
  92. "A princess doesn't need a reward."
  93. >Rehearsed
  94. >Dejected
  95. >Flat
  96. >She knows what's going on
  97. >Your hand moves up to her mouth, fingers dancing on her lips
  98. >An index moving in her mouth while you sniff her mane again
  100. >Her warm tongue flicks against your finger, and retreats away from it
  101. >She doesn't bite or clamp down, she knows not to
  102. >Your finger plays around with her mouth, exchanging the bathwater for her thick saliva
  103. >She gives a little grunt as you move the finger around her gums, and hook her lips a little
  104. >Your legs bounce her body, letting her flank's fur stroke at your shaft
  105. >Ripples of water spread out, distorting the image a little
  106. >But it's a nice reflection
  107. >The two of you there, tutor and princess
  108. >Having a nice bonding moment together
  109. >You let her mane drop down, leaning your head forwards a little
  110. "Look, princess, it's us."
  111. >Your finger hooked in her mouth, playing with it, leaves her unable to respond
  112. >You remember when she was younger, and your fingers were sucked whenever you brought them in
  113. >Children grow up just so fast
  114. >The hand gripping her mane loosens, sliding down across her sides, moving to her wings
  115. >She gasps when your fingers touch her joint, her wings spreading out a little
  116. "What's this, my little princess? Are you enjoying the bath too much?"
  117. >She shakes her head fervently while her wings expand
  118. >You still her, holding her lips and move your fingers out when she stops
  119. >"N-no."
  120. "Only naughty princesses have their wings expand when touched. Are you-"
  121. >She squirms
  122. >Just a little fight in her
  123. >Just right
  124. >"W-we're taking too long in the bath."
  125. >Your hand grips her wing joint, massaging it, holding her tightly
  126. "I know."
  127. >Your finger moves up to your mouth, and you run a long lick against it with your tongue
  128. >Sweet
  129. >So sweet
  130. >Like caramel
  131. "So I guess I'll hurry this up."
  132. >And like that, your wet finger slides down between her legs, making a big splash in the bathwater
  133. >Straight towards her slit
  134. >Your finger prods in, digs in, causing her to squeal out and shout out
  135. >Her wings flicker, thrashing, as you dig your finger further in, and her breathing gets shorter and shorter
  136. >The panting sends wonderful vibrations on your shaft
  138. >You finger plugs inside her, wiggling against her warm insides
  139. >The young ones are always so warm
  140. >She was even hotter back when she was younger
  141. >Your finger thrusts inside her, sending her wings bouncing against your chest and her moans echoing through the chambers
  142. >You soon slow down, feeling her insides squeeze at you
  143. >Your other hand grips her under the arm, pulling her up, scraping fur against your tip
  144. >And then you pull your finger out, resting her little cunny against your cock
  145. >Her eyes are closed in the reflection, and some of the familiar waterworks are coming back
  146. >The hand that was just inside her moves up to her head, still wet with the water and her fluids
  147. >And wipes at her tears
  148. "Now, now, don't cry, princess."
  149. >Your hand moves down to her lips, brushing her tears and saliva against her lips
  150. >She keeps them firmly closed while you try to dig in
  151. >You drop her body onto your shaft, getting the tip in, bringing a gasp that lets you bring your fingers in
  152. >Her special mixture meets her tongue, and you feel the filly gag at the taste
  153. >It probably wasn't that bad, if you knew she wasn't going to like it, you would've gone first
  154. >But it's a little too late for that now
  155. >Her legs close and try to stop you from heading further, further in
  156. >But her weight and gravity plays against her, pulling her deeper down onto you
  157. >You rock her body back and forth, hips moving just a little, finally getting the head of your cock inside her
  158. >It's so warm inside her, warmer now with you along with her
  159. >You pull your finger out of her with a pop, a small trail of saliva on it
  160. >Once more against your mouth, you lick on it, taking in the sweetness, intermingled with salt and a slight taste of something else
  161. >You can't quite put your finger on it
  162. >Your body leans back, letting the filly's silent shaking sobs send her deeper down onto your shaft
  163. >Your hands are at her sides, keeping her there, not letting her move
  165. >Your cock throbs inside her, pressing against her tight walls
  166. >Soon, her bottom finally hits your lap, and you're firmly rooted inside her
  167. >You hold her firmly against your body, your fingers brushing against her fur
  168. >It's nice, relaxing, a real bath, warm and nice, smelling oh so wonderful
  169. >Your hand moves to her mane, playing with it once more
  170. >You'll let her relax a little before you pick it up again
  171. >You always love the surprised look on her face
  172. "How are you feeling, my princess?"
  173. >You curl your mane around your hand, feeling the smooth strands hug and caress your fingers
  174. "Hmm?"
  175. >"I-I want to get out."
  176. "Then I suppose I'll have to oblige."
  177. >She opens her reddened eyes, looking up at you
  178. >A little wide, a little in shock, the right mix you were looking for
  179. "Looks like we're done here."
  180. >You smile at her, putting on your best face
  181. >Her insides squeeze your shaft as she starts getting off, but your hands against her sides pin her down
  182. "Hold-"
  183. >"You said I could get out-"
  184. "I said we were done with the bath."
  185. >You slowly rise, using one hand behind you to help you stand up, the other to hold the filly to your stomach
  186. >You keep yourself buried in her, she's squealing, looking at you, eyes wide, frightened, shivering
  187. >"P-please don't-"
  188. "But you don't want to be clean, you want to be a dirty princess."
  189. >You stand up, heading out of the bath, carrying her on cock and arm
  190. >You approach the towels on the sides of the room, looking at the reflection of the two of you in the crystalline walls
  191. "Look, there's my naughty princess."
  192. >She closes her eyes, looking away, as you start wiping the two of you dry
  193. "She wanted to get out of the bath too soon, and now she's going to get dirty for the rest of the day."
  194. >You fling the towel over the rack, one hand on her cheeks, squeezing them, facing her forwards
  195. >The other gripping her, sliding her little form up and down on your shaft
  196. "Open your eyes."
  198. >She peeks, ever so obedient, looking at the princess in the reflection, legs dangling and flinging
  199. >They're spread, giving the both of you a full view of your glistening member sliding in and out of her
  200. >You feel her body shudder, legs twitch, squeezing you tighter as she brings them together, trying to hide it
  201. >It does work, her legs are crossed, but she's now so much tighter
  202. >You lean forwards, hips thrusting faster into her, feeling your climax rising
  203. >Your hand grips her cheek tightly, squeezing her, the other squeezing her stomach
  204. >She's so soft
  205. >Smells so nice
  206. >Feels so warm
  207. >And
  208. >It finally brings you over the edge
  209. >You grunt out, loudly, almost a growl, as she squeals out, her voice breaking up into a sob
  210. >Your cum shoots inside her, her small little stomach bulging a little from the excess
  211. >The rest drips out, down your shaft, and you align her horizontally before pulling yourself out
  212. >Your deposit starts oozing out, running down her legs, matting where the fluid hit
  213. >She collapses on the floor, shivering, sobbing
  214. >Crawling towards the bath
  215. >You kneel down and stop her
  216. "But you didn't want the bath. It's done and I took you out. Let's head to the courtyard for your morning exercises."
  217. >She looks up at you, tears streaming down
  218. >"W-what? No, please, I want-"
  219. "Actions have consequences, princess, you need to learn that before you're able to be like your mother."
  220. >You don't trust her, and gather the little filly up along with your clothes
  221. >You'll put them on later, you made sure to clear out the castle
  222. >And who cares about you being in the nude for a little while?
  223. >Her body is squirming all the while, sobs turning into grunts some of the times, and you see her try to squeeze your gift in
  224. >That's alright, because it just ends up trickling down her fur, dirtying her further
  225. >You grin, thinking of how much it'll get worse by the time the day is over
  226. >Or by the time Shining is back
  227. >You do love it so much when they do foreign visits
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