
[Classic FR] NASCAR

Jan 18th, 2013
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  1. >Day National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing in Equestria.
  2. >Wake up.
  3. >It feels like it's been quite a while since you've done this.
  4. >But you know it was only yesterday...
  5. >You shrug it off, doing your morning routine was like riding a bike.
  6. >Or driving a car.
  7. >You face grows sullen at the thought that you'll likely never drive another car in your life.
  8. >You sigh.
  9. >Oh well, sulking won't get you anywhere.
  10. >You idly run your hand over a model car you've been whittling from memory.
  11. Whelp... Time to start the day.
  12. >Knock knock.
  13. >Figures...
  14. >Time to go see how Fluttershy plans to ruin your day this time.
  15. >You answer the door.
  16. >Fluttershy just hovers in your doorway.
  17. >She doesn't seem to have any kinky bondage stuff today.
  18. >Maybe she's done trying to guess your fetish?
  19. >Well, if that were the case, this wouldn't be Flutterrape, would it?
  20. >"Hi Anon. H-How are you today?"
  21. Fine Fluttershy... What are you doing here? You know I haven't even showered yet...
  22. >For a moment her eyes get wide and her wings lock up, temporarily causing her to lose stability in her flight.
  23. >"Umm... I was just wondering if you'd like to go see a race today?"
  24. >You mull the idea over for about half a second.
  25. Nah.
  26. >"But, but..." Fluttershy stammers.
  27. I'm not really interested in watching you p0nies run around. I see that enough, as is.
  28. >She starts to shake her head. "Oh no, Anon. I'm talking about a NASCAR race."
  29. >You get a tiny bulge in your pants.
  30. >Did she just say...?
  31. >But that's impossible here.
  32. >Wait...
  33. >How did she even know you liked NASCAR?
  34. >Flashbacks of you hanging out with the Mane Six fill your memories.
  35. >...
  36. Just like back home, we had this thing called NASCAR.
  37. >...
  38. Every year my dad and I would fly out to Daytona to watch NASCAR.
  39. >...
  40. I'd always grown up wanting to be a NASCAR driver.
  41. >...
  42. >Well, maybe that explains it a little bit...
  44. >You focus your attention back to the mustard-colored mare.
  45. But how could you possibly?
  46. >"Oh, I talked to Twilight and-"
  47. >Your eyes narrow.
  48. Magic...
  49. >It's. Always. Fucking. Magic.
  50. >But you guess you shouldn't complain.
  51. >That is, if p0nies know anything about legitimate NASCAR...
  52. >Actually, that's a good point.
  53. Fluttershy, what do you even know about NASCAR?
  54. >"Oh, I found out lots of things, Anon." She grins at you and lands.
  55. >"Did you know that the first few Daytona 500's weren't actually 500 miles?"
  56. >Of course you knew that.
  57. What else you got?
  58. >She giggles. "Well, I learned some silly stuff too. Did you know that racecar is the same spelled forwards and backwards?"
  59. >You think for a second, but before you can do any mental processing, Fluttershy adds:
  60. >"I'd like you to think of doing me the same forwards and backwards too."
  61. >She winks at you, turns around, bends over, shakes her plot, and winks again.
  62. >You nearly retch at the sight.
  63. >But the thought of actually being able to watch a race keeps you focused.
  64. >You shake your head and take a breath.
  65. So what do you have lined up? Something like the Indy 500?
  66. >She turns back to face you. "Something like that. I like to call it the 'In-Me 500.' It's 500 laps of love."
  67. >You don't think you like where this is going...
  68. >"You start in my mouth, then go around-"
  69. >Nope.
  70. >You plug your ears with your fingers and start mumbling.
  71. Lalalalala, I'm not listening.
  72. >Once she seems done, you remove your make-shift earplugs.
  73. >But she wasn't finished...
  74. >She takes a breath. "And if you need a pit stop, there's always my chocolate st-starfish."
  75. >She blushes.
  76. >You hurl.
  77. >And slam the door.
  78. >Maybe you should have done that in a different order.
  79. >Now you have vomit all over your door and shoes.
  80. >And you won't be getting to see any NASCAR.
  81. >But at least you won't be-
  82. >Fucking Fluttershy.
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