
The Cakes in trouble

Jun 11th, 2018
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  1. >be anon
  2. >tonight is a wonderful night
  3. >the sky is clear, there's no harsh winds or rain, just the sweet sweet clear sky
  4. >great time for a beer, perhaps!
  5. >you went over and grabbed your coat before heading out to the bar down the road from twilight's bookhouse
  6. >Twilight has been warning you to stay away from that place, apparently alot of one night stands, unprotected fuggin' and a holy case of thats-not-my-child shenanigans
  7. >but you're not interested in getting down with a pone
  8. >you are struggling to fall asleep, it's almost 2:30 but it seems like I've been awake since the day started yesterday
  9. >beer will do no harm!
  11. >it's a relatively average size building with a stylish roof, almost like one of those old european tiles on the roof.
  12. >there's a flashing neon sign lighting up in strobe effect, it's strobing pretty fast.. ponies aren't epileptic are they?
  13. >you are greeted by a female bartender, she seemed to be way more mature looking than the other ponies in the bar
  14. >some of the ponies look like they just got out from University and started hitting the bar hard like a bank job.
  16. "One apple schnap-- hold it, make that two apple schnaps."
  17. >you turned your gaze around the room, a group of ponies playing pool (how the hell do they do that?)
  18. >But nothing else seems to be going on..
  19. >that is until you recognize Mr Cake from the Sugarcube corner, what the hell is HE doing here?!
  20. >He ordered a lemonade and pushed forward five more bits than he should for his drink
  22. "Mr Cake?!"
  23. >his eyes shot open and he frantically looked left to right before he met your gaze and relaxed
  24. >what was that about? almost seems like he's hiding some kind of dirty secret the way he acted
  26. >"Oh.. it's just you. Hi Anon"
  27. "You know you paid more than you should for that drink right?"
  29. >He nodded his head and took a sip from his already-served glass
  30. >"I'm hanging out with some old friends.. and uh.. we haven't met since college.. they don't know I don't drink.."
  32. >ooh.. sweet juicy innocent information
  34. >WAIT!
  35. >am I seriously thinking about blackmailing this poor dude?
  36. >I haven't even met his friends
  37. >then again.. Spike still hasn't paid you back since he took a good portion of your money for Rarities present...
  38. >Poor bastard has no idea she's getting filled to the rim by that rich-knob.
  40. "Jeez, I don't knooow.."
  41. >I teased as I pretended to look at my fingernails.
  42. "What if they were to... 'accidentally' find out you don't drink alcohol?"
  43. >my eyes never left his face as I took a gulp from the served glass. I made sure to hang on to the "accidentally" part of the sentence
  44. >and it worked
  45. >his eyes went from not caring to suddenly shooting open and turning to me slowly
  46. >"Y-you don't even know my friends!"
  48. >Right on cue, another stallion trots out from the backdoor and slaps Mr Cake on the back as he laughed loudly
  49. >he looks right pissed!
  50. >"AH TELL YA WHUT FELLA! Thas some good Poker, right thar!"
  51. >Oh, so this is his friend? Perfect timing
  52. >You flashed a quick grin to Mr Cake who started sweating buckets
  53. >He could hydrate starving kids from the middle east back home
  54. "100 bits."
  55. >Time to begin the negotiation!
  56. >"f-fifty bits!"
  57. "Hey, man. I need to tell you something really important.."
  58. >you tugged on the drunk stallions shoulder, he looked at you, you could see Mr Cake about to faint in the background
  59. >"F-fine! one-hundred bits!"
  60. "Two-hundred bits!"
  61. >"What?!"
  62. "You wasted my time"
  64. >then he done something I definitely didn't expect
  65. >as you were sipping from your sweet apple schnaps, thinking you had secured the deal...
  66. "Take my place in Poker and you can have all my earnings!"
  67. >RUG. FROM. UNDER!
  68. >Apple schnaps went flying like mortars from world war 2
  69. >the wall and floor board was slightly painted in a darker colour thanks to the spilled drink.
  70. "Seriously?!"
  71. >He nodded
  72. >It's on. You decided to accept and see what happens. If you lose, so what? It's not your money.. though you will feel bad for the poor guy. But if you win, hey, you no longer have to keep reminding spike to pay you back
  74. >The late night progressed into the early hours of the morning.
  75. >I ended up scoring alot more Apple Schnaps than necessary
  76. >but it was all worth it
  77. >two-thousand bits is mine, baby!
  78. >But I couldn't just keep it all to myself, if Mr Cake didn't offer me into this game then I would have never found out I have a knack
  79. >one for the strongest Poker face
  80. >And another for calling bluffs and drawing the lucky cards.
  81. >I split my earnings with Mr Cake who shook my hand, he said he was really impressed and wanted me to join their next game tomorrow night.
  82. >By the time Mr.Cake and I walked outside the bar you could see the rising, thanks to the powers of Celestia
  84. >"Alright, that's me off before the wife wakes up." he sighed, stretching
  85. "Stay safe. I'll show up tomorrow night."
  87. >with the farewells said we both parted ways.
  88. >You thought you would stop by Rarities before going back home and sleeping the booze off, you were beginning to get impatient with Spike not paying you back
  89. >It's been a whole month and he is still buying presents for her.
  91. >Showing up at the house you see the downstairs light is still on
  92. >Damn she wakes up early
  93. >You hesitated to knock on the door as you heard another type of banging
  94. >And it wasn't the kind of banging on doors
  95. >You looked through the downstairs window to see Rarities hind-legs up in the air as a stallion ontop of her piledrives his way into her pussy
  96. >Hooolleeee shit
  97. >the stallion was really hitting that ass hard, his balls were swaying and you swear you could hear faint claps
  98. >Rarities voice was more soothing and softer, she was encouraging the stallion and moved in-synced rhythm.
  99. >Her mane was damp as was her fur
  100. >suddenly her hind-legs spasmed and she cried out in nothing more than pure pleasure
  101. >soon after you could see a glimpse of the thick load the Stallion impregnated her with
  103. >"Hey, anon! What are you doing here?"
  104. >you snapped out of your trance-like state and you turned to see Spike walking closer to the house
  105. >Shit!
  107. >As if it wasn't bad enough you have a slight tingle in your pants, now you have Spike on your ass wanting to see Rarity.
  108. >You can't let him do this to himself, dude will be heartbroken for generations to come if he see's Rarity like this.
  110. "Not the time dude! She's sleeping."
  111. >You hurried over to Spike and quickly push him the opposite way, walking along with him
  112. >"W-what? hey! What's going on? Her light is on"
  113. "Uh.. she's sleeping with the light on?"
  114. >great work captain bullshit, if you're going to lie atleast make it sound convincing
  115. >"Oh.. darn it. Poor Rarity, she must've been working so hard all night"
  116. >clearing a cough from your throat as the image of her being pounded on the table comes back to your mind
  117. "Y-yeah. Working hard all night. Mhhm!"
  119. >Arriving at Twilights house you flopped on your bed and closed your eyes.
  120. >What felt like 5 minutes was apparently ten hours of sleeping.
  121. >What the fuck? Even in Equestria your internal clock is fucked!
  122. >you've been on the unfortunate end of book horse temper tantrum about staying in bed late
  124. >somewhere inbetween your arguing you checked the clock in the kitchen, and you were gonna be late if you didn't set off now to the pub.
  125. >tell bookhorse what she wants to hear, tell Spike to stay away from Rarity, she's sick.. well not really
  126. >You tried checking in on her again on your way back to the pub, only to find a stallion sitting on her couch
  127. >You thought it was weird
  128. >Until you saw Rarities blue-ish mane and head bobbing forwards and backwards
  129. >weird. for an uptight pony, you didn't think Rarity would be into the sloppy seconds kind of thing.
  131. >Arriving in the backroom you saw Mr.Cake who had already bought you your drink
  132. >"Hey, Anon! You're here!"
  133. "You didn't think I would show up?"
  134. >he nervously tapped onto the table. You noticed the other chairs were unoccupied
  135. >where is his friends?
  136. >"Uh.. my friends well.. they're not coming anymore.. they were convinced you were cheating and we had an argument.."
  137. >aw that sucks, what a shitty bunch of friends.
  139. >We're halfway into our intense Poker game.
  140. >Mr.Cake seems to have picked up some game-changers from my playstyle and he's making some good calls on when I'm bluffin'
  141. >But he's not a match for shit when it comes to my flush!
  142. >Spreading my cards out in all of their glory he chuckles and sips from his non-alcoholic beaverage while I cash in my recent fortune
  143. "You're doing quite good, you beat my flank twice, but I'm still the top dog"
  144. >he chuckled at that but then he paused
  145. >I noticed and looked at him with a questionable face, usually we start another round right up but he seems to have other idea's.
  147. >"Anonymous, I need to.. rant about somethin', pal."
  148. >Pal?
  149. >Rant?
  150. >what.jpg
  151. >you've only really cared to meet eachother again just so you can wipe out his bank account.. well okay, that's partially true, you wanted to be a good friend and show up again
  152. >but now you have this unsatisfied curiosity inside of you...
  154. "Sure. Rant away!"
  155. >He let out a deep sigh, his eyebrows almost wedging themselves together, he looked pretty sad.
  156. >"It's about my wife, Cup Cake.. she's been distant with me lately.."
  157. "Distant?"
  158. >"Yeah. We have different shifts but we always used to work together. And recently she's started seeing her friends more often, leaving me with the foals.."
  159. >So their marriage is going down in flames..
  160. >And you're taking this dudes money, who probably is going to get the shit sued out of his ass..
  161. >suddenly you feel like no longer playing betting games with this pony. That is until an opportunity to redeem yourself seems to present itself.
  162. >"Anonymous" he started, "will you help me? I want our love to be rekindled."
  163. >well... you don't know a damn thing about relationships. All the ones you had back on earth were shit and anyway what relationship lasts past 4 months?!
  164. >but you felt like if I said 'No, marriage is your issue' you feel like a bad guy.
  165. >And you could see this as repayment for taking his money from him in all this gambling he's losing
  167. >but why is he gambling instead of tackling this problem head on?
  168. "wait! why don't you just talk to her?"
  169. >"I-I did! But she doesn't look at me, I can't really get an answer from her."
  170. >Woah.. seems like the mare lost interest in him.
  171. >taking a gulp from the drinking glass I nod my head, I'll do it, but I'm making no promises of fixing his marriage, I don't want to get his hopes up
  172. "Alright. But I don't think I can help that much--"
  174. >Mr.Cake interrupts you with great enthusiasm as a large smile is perched on his face
  175. >"Don't worry! I'm sure you'll do a great job!"
  176. "Mr.Cake?"
  177. >he looked up at you quizzically
  178. "You look very stressed and tired. Here, drink this."
  179. >He takes a sip from your glass, suddenly he starts gulping down the rest
  180. "H-hey! you better pay for another drink!"
  181. >"this tastes great! What the hay is this?"
  182. >huh.. he really hasn't drank anything alcoholic for a long time.. what the fuck
  183. "It's apple schnaps.. now are we going to play another round or what?"
  184. >with that question he nodded and you two were off again betting ridiculous amount of bits wagered
  185. >well... large bits for poor people, that is
  187. >Shortly it was morning and you both parted ways, he invited you to Sugarcube Corner. He said it would be weird if you just walked right up to his wife and started giving advice, he recommended you would do volunteer work and 'just so happen to bump into her'
  188. >you've only seen Cup Cake a handful of times, and one time was a... well..
  189. >intimate one!
  190. >that's one way of putting it, she barely had her ass covered
  191. >she's always trotting around with that apron on, but she's not wearing anything else, so her marehood is exposed for all to see
  192. >Now that you think about it.. failing marriage and a mare showing her goods..
  193. >is she asking for a good ruttin' or what?
  195. >It's a good thing Twilight knows how to use magic and particularly which involves numbing some form of pain.
  196. >Too much apple schnaps last night
  197. >dear god, was it beautiful though. The headache that ensued after lastnight's events, was worth it.
  198. >But now it's time to do a 180-turn
  199. >You had to get up in the morning instead of the late afternoon for an important task
  200. >Mr.Cake needed your help to bring his marriage back to being fruitful..
  201. >Not without a plan, you know you need to quiz Cup Cake on the general wellbeing of their relationship, maybe you can get more answers out of her.
  202. >Supposedly she acts like a statue to her husband
  203. >Once again, failing marriage, trotting around with the goods on display, there's no way that's not on purpose!
  204. >With a quick wave and goodbye to Twilight and her trusty companion, Spike, you make off to the Sugarcube Corner
  205. >It seems Mr.Cake has left you a little letter informing you of your arrival as a volunteer..
  206. >You'll be helping Cup Cake with making pastry cakes
  207. >Mmm.. Danish cakes.. wait, there's something else printed below..
  208. >It seems we'll be supervised by Cup Cake herself
  209. >Well... this is awkward.
  210. >Nothing like giving relationship advice to your boss, but it's better than nothing.
  212. >Once you arrived at Sugarcube Corner Mr.Cake was waiting for your arrival, he took you to the backroom and explained quickly the rules of the kitchen, handed you a shirt to wear and an apron
  213. >when you don'd the apron, goddamn
  214. >looking at yourself in the mirror, you could almost fall in love with yourself as the apron was snug and fitted your form quite well
  215. >unfortunately it seems Cup Cake isn't in the kitchen right now but you were kept busy with Pinkie Pie, she guided you to making the thickest pancakes known to man
  216. >but then she blurted some interesting piece of info..
  218. >" 'Nonny, what does it mean when you want to experience infidelity?"
  219. >spitting out your water it flies across the room, where the fuck did that come from?!
  221. "Where did that come from?"
  222. >you asked with one eyebrow raised, clearly a look of concern
  223. >"I heard Mrs Cake say she's feeling a little lonely and this might just fix it!"
  224. >well this confirms one of your suspicions. Cup Cake is clearly not getting enough attention
  225. >but if she's blocking her husband from helping.. well that's another thing..
  226. >"So how do I help her experience infidelity, 'Nonny?" Pinkie looked up to you with her big, cartoon eyes as her smile grew wider
  227. >Oh Pinkie, never lose your innocence.
  228. >With a quick pat on her head and telling her not to worry about it you and Pinkie continue working
  229. >Until you saw Cup Cake trot inside the kitchen.
  230. >She's definitely put on some extra thickness to her ass
  231. >She reaches into the cupboard and literally stuffs her face with a blueberry pie right infront of you without a care
  232. >well.. thats uh.. unexpected?
  233. >so she's overeating
  235. >deciding to break the ice you head over to Cup Cake who was until you approached her, had no idea of your presence.
  236. "Cup Cake?"
  237. >she eep'd like a filly who got caught stealing candy
  238. >she turned around and came face to face with you and quickly she started scrubbing away the blueberry flavoring from her face
  240. >"Oh, hello Anonymous.."
  241. >her eyes were tracing you carefully from head to toe, she was clearly looking interested
  242. >but her eyes stopped and her tongue licked her lips in a hungry fashion
  243. >her eyes were locked onto one meaty piece of your body
  244. >following her gaze, she's noticed your bulge
  245. >"My, my.. you must've grown bigger since we last met" she trotted over to you and nudged her snout into your neck and as she trotted past you, her thigh brushed up against your leg with her tail swishing out of the way, showing once again, her ass in all of it's glory
  246. >god, it was a glorious ass
  247. >thickest piece of booty-meat without the worry of being crushed by a landwhale
  249. >suddenly, your goodwill conscious kicks-in
  250. >you're supposed to be helping their marriage, not breaking it!
  252. >But then again if the mare doesn't want the marriage anymore..
  253. >he's doomed
  254. >and you would've lost an opportunistic moment to score with possibly the hottest milf in Ponyville
  255. >hm..
  256. >as you were in an internal conflict Cup Cake disappears into the backroom, she gave you an assignment to prepare a pastry cake, she said she'll be back shortly
  257. >after hearing a couple clicks, the air conditioning turned itself off
  258. >ooh.. is that heat you feel?
  259. >Cup Cake returned, smiling from ear to ear clearly pleased with herself
  260. >"So! Here's what to do.." she began explaining
  261. >but it was so hard to concentrate
  262. >it's like someone turned up the heating, you eyed the culprit
  263. >but she hasn't made any kind of advancements yet, that was until you heard her angelic voice utter the words
  264. >"Oh my, Anonymous" she circled her hoof on your chest as she took notice of your sweat beads dripping from your face
  265. >"you sure look hot, why don't you take off your shirt?"
  266. >obliging, you took off your shirt, revealing the holy abs
  268. >thanks to the natural sunlight that's being let in through a glass-window on the roof, your body glistened, exposing the softness of your skin and giving definition to your muscles
  269. >Cup Cake's jaw hangs in amazement, you took a quick glance around and see Pinkie Pie's eyes are more attracted to you than the flour she's pouring into a bowl
  270. >Cup Cake grabs your hand with her mouth, although trying to be as gentle as she could, accidentally biting you in the process
  271. >she pulled you into the backroom, you could only catch a glimpse of her husband, Mr Cake, working as the Cashier
  272. >before you could protest or ask what's happening Cup Cake forces her lips onto yours
  273. >the softness of her motherly lips entices you to open your mouth,
  274. >you could feel the eagerness of Cup Cake wanting to taste you as her tongue explored your mouth, brushing against your tongue
  275. >you could see the desperation in her eyes, her eyes closed and her hoof moves to undress the crotch of your jeans
  277. >being lost in deep pleasure, your focus comes back to and regaining control of the situation you push Cake backwards, allowing yourself to breath from her onslaught of kisses
  278. "wait.. Cup Cake"
  279. >catching back your breaths with deep breathing before continuing
  280. "Your husband is right over the--"
  281. >when she realized you were showing concern of her husband she hushed you with the only way she knew how
  282. >another deadly onslaught of kisses, but this time she did not let up
  283. >Cup Cake parts her lips from yours leaving a saliva bridge, what a damn shame, you were beginning to enjoy the control this motherly figure just had over you too
  284. >but she did it for good reason, when she started fiddling with your zipper
  285. >suddenly what flung out was a hung, thick member
  286. >she inhaled your scent, eyeing it up like she has her eyes on a million-bit prize
  287. "M-mrs Cake?"
  288. >""just a little lick~" she whined quietly
  289. >her soft tongue fluttered the shaft of your member, you held back a moan, but you weren't sure how long you could keep doing it
  290. >the pleasure increased when she kissed the tip of your member, and you let out a satisfying sigh, she smiled
  291. >"My, my, Anonymous. You sure do like to steal married mares, how naughty!"
  292. >before you had a chance to tell her it was the other way round, she enclosed your member into her mouth, sucking your dick as she worked her tongue around your shaft
  293. >it was just too much!
  294. >it was like she had so much practice beforehand
  295. >but you weren't going to fight the feeling any longer, your hips moved in sync with her sucking
  296. >she became even more eager and wanted more of you, you could hear faint sounds of your dick passing her throat as she gave out satisfied moans and whimpers
  297. >who knew a mother like Cup Cake could be such a slut?
  298. >grabbing Cup Cake with both of your hands you made your final thrust before forcing the mare to drink your unloading cum
  299. >she gulped it down and winked at you
  300. >l-lewd!
  302. >still trying to recover from the dizziness the mare giggled at you and planted a lovingly kiss onto your cheek
  303. >circling her hoof on your chest she whispered into your ear
  304. >"That was great, Anonymous, why don't you come over tonight, my friend and I will be waiting" on the end sentence her voice went from normal to sing-song
  305. >You didn't know what she meant, until..
  306. >you saw her marehood dripping like a niagara falls waterfall
  308. >after the whole ordeal, Mr.Cake let you go back home to take the rest of the day off
  309. >you felt like you needed to confront your feelings
  310. >especially when you left..
  311. >you caught a glimpse of Cup Cake spitting into a pastry you helped her make, and she handed it to her husband who, unknowing, chewed right into it
  312. >oh god that's horrifying, what a bitch
  314. >back at Twilight's house you laid flat on the bed, unsure of what to do from here.
  315. >it was only a night ago Mr.Cake came to you for help with his marriage problems, and now you've made it worse..
  316. >but.. if she's going to divorce him.. isn't it going to happen anyway?
  317. >shit.. what is there for an anon to do in this situation?
  318. >Sigh..
  319. >a good nap will sort out this internal conflict
  321. >well you've had your time to sleep on the issue
  322. >well.. not really an issue unless you make it out to be one
  323. >which you won't
  324. >it's been decided since you woke up from the nap, you'll do the deed tonight
  325. >the only thing that's playing in the back of your mind is what if Mr.Cake comes back and sees you banging his wife?
  326. >man that'll be awkward
  327. >you're betting he'll be pissed about it
  328. >soon you arrive at the Sugarcube Corner and Mrs.Cake is waiting for you by the door outside
  329. >she really doesn't want to lose this opportunity
  331. >"Ah, Anonymous! There you are, cutie." she cooed to you before embracing you in a motherly-like hug
  332. "A-ah, yeah, nice to see you too."
  333. >but you knew this hug wasn't being done out of compassion, it didn't take long for her hoof to travel to your crotch, she began prodding at it eagerly
  334. "Cup Cake?"
  335. >"Oh hush, Anonymous." she demanded, planting a very disarming kiss onto your lips once more.
  336. >the very soft touch of her lips is impressive, something about her kissing you seems to put you on edge slightly, as your boner is getting abit of encouragement
  337. >"I want you, Anonymous--"
  338. >before you could say anything, she corrected herself as she brought her face closer to yours where she's now only whispering as sweet and soft as she could
  339. >"I NEED you inside of me, I need to be filled like a good mare!" she whined, clinging onto your figure as she planted multiple kisses on your neck and lips
  340. >deciding that there is no way to turn back, you're making a commitment to fuck Mr.Cake's wife
  341. >and you're not going to be guilty about it either!
  342. >your fingers find their way round to her marehood, she gasps as she is surprised, but then she rubs herself against your hand when your fingers make contact
  343. >slithering around her pussy-lips, she starts leaking a generous amount, then your two fingers go in and she gasps again, a crimson blush across her face as she moans
  344. >she has the look of a guilty, slutty mare.
  345. >And you love it!
  347. >her moans were like harmony to your ears
  348. >telling you, you're hitting the right spots
  349. >her eyes roll up as she completely leans into you, falling helpless to the power at your fingertips
  350. >literally
  351. >Cup Cake squirms and tries her best to take a step back, but it's very hard
  352. >her body is cooperating with you, letting you take what you desire from her
  353. >"A-a-anon-nymous" she moaned before biting your shirt
  354. >you smile, knowing she'll practically have to beg you if she wants you to stop
  355. >"L-lets.. oooh.. go insi-de.. aah.." she had to take breaths inbetween, the pleasure between her legs were overriding any sense of communication
  356. >she's going to truly be fucked when you're putting your duck in her
  357. >you oblige however, and remove your fingers from her soaked marehood, clearly begging for more attention
  358. >there was the sound of a disappointed whimper from Cup Cake, but she wanted more of you and it couldn't be done outside
  359. >you followed Cup Cake upstairs, she checked in on the kids, giving them a quick kiss on their cheeks before trotting off to check if Pinkie Pie is still awake
  360. >surprisingly the Pink horse is completely out of it, maybe this is the side-effect of sugar rush
  361. >Cup Cake smiled at you, planting a lovingly kiss onto your lips once more
  362. >disarmed and completely taken away by the passionate, furious-love making mother of two, she pushes you into her bedroom
  363. > you two topple on eachother on the couch, and immediately you notice Mr.Cake at the dinner table
  364. >your first instinct was to back away from his wife and scramble like mad
  365. >but she giggled at your reaction and held you down on the sofa
  366. >"Now, now. Don't worry about him, Anonymous, he's asleep." Cup Cake said in a sing-song tone as she started eagerly undressing you
  367. >taking off your clothes you kept an eye on him, is he really asleep? he's perched onto the table and snoring a little but you don't see any large amount of booze
  368. >"Sleeping pills work wonders, honey"
  369. >ohboi.jpg
  370. "Are you sure?"
  373. >So not only is this mare cheating on her husband who she has kids with
  374. >she spat on his pastry cake
  375. >and drugged him just so we could fuck in the same room
  376. >definitely not okay with this, but you decide that boner jr. has already risen like the third reich and is ready to perform the deed!
  377. >with the help of the eager slutty mare, your jeans are removed aswell your shirt and shoes, now all thats left is your briefs
  378. >the crimson blush returns, but deepens like never before.
  379. >her eyes were admiring the very thick cock you have secured away in your briefs
  380. >gently, Cup Cake plants a kiss onto your shaft through your briefs which causes jr. to twitch on contact
  381. >"Shh baby" Cup Cake cooes to your manhood
  382. >"it'll be alright, mama's going to let you out now" she comforted
  383. >with your briefs being pulled down by the mare, your dick springs and catches her full attention
  384. >the mare lays her front hooves around your member, surrounding it before she plants another encouraging kiss onto the tip of it's head
  385. >struggling to not let out a moan, you sigh instead and rest your head back on the couch
  386. >"That's it Anonymous, let mama take care of you"
  387. >And with that Cup Cake took the full length of your member inside her mouth and began bobbing her head up and down as her lips lubricated your dick with her saliva
  388. >you could feel her warm breath and tongue rubbing against your sensitive skin, her moans of satisfaction were almost pushing you over the edge really early into the foreplay
  389. >she released her mouth from your thick member, causing a satisfying 'pop' sound as she tries to catch her breath and swallowing the excess saliva built up from all the dick sucking
  390. >it felt like so much tension was released when she did so
  391. >"Anonymous" Cup Cake whined "I've been messing around with other stallions for a while now, but you.." her eyes flick back and forth between your cock and your eyes
  392. >"You last longer than them, and you give the same satisfaction" she admitted
  394. >"the stallions I've rutted and sucked.. they taste so good, almost like one of my cakes"
  395. >she licks her lips at the thought of indulging herself into more of your cock, she barely holds herself back
  396. >"but they always finish so early.. but you.. oh sweet celestia, yes! this is what I needed" her voice was slightly loud and you were surprised Mr.Cake didn't wake up, but if he did, maybe you would have to knock him out.
  397. >let's hope it doesn't come to that
  398. >Cup Cake could barely stand back up as her marehood began leaking again, she guided you to the otherside of the room, the dinner table, where Mr.Cake is currently unconscious and unaware of his wife being violated infront of him
  399. >Cup Cake placed both of her front hooves on the table and swished her tail out of the way
  400. >she looked back at you with such eager desperation
  401. >her thick buttcheeks were to be admired, they weren't saggy, they were perfectly round and firm
  402. >you gave her ass a good smack with an open palm, she squealed at your very firm touch
  403. "Say it."
  404. >you demanded, and she submitted
  405. >"I-I need it, now!" and those magic words were all you needed to hear.
  406. >you positioned yourself properly, grabbing both of her hips so she's bound to your command, and you thrusted as deep as you could inside of her
  407. >Cup Cake squealed loud, her husband stirred in his sleep and you could hear a faint cry of her child who went straight back to sleep, luckily.
  408. >You towered over the motherly pony and see her eyes rolled up once more, her legs quivering at your insertion, her hot and bothered breathes as she tries to pace her breathing, but fails
  409. >you begin by a steady pace, taking it slow but definitely not gently
  410. >with every thrust you earn a vocal moan, her tongue losing control and drooping out of her mouth
  411. >her ass cheeks making wonderful clapping sounds as you hit your target
  412. >the table rocked slightly, but Mr Cake shows no sign of waking up
  413. >"M-moore!" Cup Cake moaned
  415. >not wanting to leave the mare unsatisfied you continue doing your duty
  416. >you grabbed her tail, which she gasped and as she looked back you spanked her ass with an open palm and thrusted inside of her
  417. >all of it combined, made her squeak again, loudly as the table continued rocking harder, everything was getting louder, there was no way to be quiet
  418. >Cup Cake clearly had chosen to ditch being quiet as she rested her head on the table and blowing her damp mane out of her face, her eyes were locked onto her husband whose blissfully asleep
  419. >she smirked as her angelic voice continued to moan at the very act of infidelity
  420. >you raised her tail out of the way and continued spanking the slutty mare
  421. "You're a terrible mother!"
  422. >it may sound demeaning but it seems to be encouraging for her, she tried to laugh at your statement but instead all she could do was moan with guilty pleasure
  423. >"Aah.. t-thats it honey.."
  424. >you could hear the sound of hooves trotting and you looked to the doorway to see Pinkie Pie carefully peering in, she saw what you and Cup Cake were doing, her eyes shot open, horrified
  425. >she clearly didn't like what she was seeing, but you decided to block her out of your mind as you turned your attention to the mature pony being mounted by you
  426. >"Oh celestia, harder, harder!" she shouted
  427. >it's almost like she's going tribal, she's not making much sense except for her grunts and moans
  428. >it's hard to argue with a mare who is clearly encouraging you to give them a good pounding!
  429. >you oblige the slutty mare's demand and continue pounding away at her ass like it was a cake, and in need of good battering.
  430. >the glass bottle of apple schnaps fell to the ground and smashed open, the table became very unsteady as the motherly pony is now shouting her moans and grunts
  431. >you're getting close to finishing but as you take a look at the beautiful sight of fucking a married mare you notice she has came already, infact twice it seems
  432. >she is completely lost in pleasure
  434. >as the two of you continue to fuck the senses out of eachother the table eventually gives way and topples over
  435. >at first Cup Cake fell over but you manage to keep your balance
  436. >you didn't allow her for much time for recovery as you pressed her against the wall and inserted yourself again
  437. "Say it! Say how much you want me to fill you up!"
  438. >you barked at her she grunted as she made eye contact, looking back at you
  439. >"Fill me up, Anon! make me pregnant, mark me as yours!"
  440. >as you watched the fantastic sight of this sweaty mare bumping backwards and forwards on your cock, putting all the effort she could, you notice her hind-legs are spasming again and she's shivering
  441. >the poor mare is cumming for a third time, you haven't came once!
  442. >either you're really resilient or she is very sensitive
  443. >"Ooooh! I'm so so sorry husband, but you cannot satisfy me!" she whined as her eyes looked over to the sorry-sight that is Mr.Cake who is on the ground, still passed out
  444. >but the time has come
  445. >you felt your legs almost buckle as you hilt as far as you could inside of her pussy
  446. >"Fill me up! Fill me up with your baby-making batter, Anonymous!" she screamed
  447. >and without holding back you grunted as loud as possible, like a beast that can't be tamed
  448. >your balls twitch as you lean onto the mare, she cooes and comforts you as you're filling her womb
  449. >"Shhh, shhh, that's it baby, mark me." she said once again in her sing-song voice
  450. >you could hear cries coming from the kids' bedroom, the whole ordeal must have woken them up
  451. >you turned to the door way and notice Pinkie Pie isn't there anymore, but you can hear her comforting the crying foals
  452. "Oooh.. fuck."
  453. >the realization hits you, what you've done and what's happened.
  454. >as you pulled out your thick, twitching cock from Cup Cake's pussy some of your seed spilled out onto the ground, creating a little pool of evidence between you and Mrs.Cake.
  455. >you sat down on the couch and Cup Cake followed, licking her tongue on your member
  457. >Cup Cake felt like it was her duty to help you cool down, she took special care to clean your member from her pussy-juices
  458. >catching your breaths as she did, you rested on her coach letting her do the work
  459. >"Mmm, Anonymous, you monster" she teased with a wink
  460. >"I can't believe you made a mother of two cheat for your own pleasure" she continued to place her soft lips and bobbing her head up and down, sucking your thick member, doesn't seem like jr. wants to rest yet.
  461. "You loved it. Every inch of me, you couldn't get enough."
  462. >she smiled but did not retort as she continued polishing your dick with her mouth and tongue
  463. >the foals had stopped crying now, thanks to Pinkie Pie
  464. >hopefully something like the foals crying doesn't happen again
  465. >its not like Cup Cake cared, she kept on dealing with you rather than taking care of her responsibilities
  466. "Do me one favor, though"
  467. >she looked up to you with curious big eyes as she popped your dick out of her mouth and allowing it to rest on her face, like a symbol of ownership
  468. "you can't divorce Mr.Cake, and just try to act happy around him"
  469. >she didn't push the issue, but her expression gave it away, she suspected you had promised something to her husband, she nodded in agreement.
  471. >You spent the rest of the night at the Sugarcube Corner sleeping in the Cakes' bed
  472. >Waking up you and Cup Cake shared a passionate kiss, promising to see eachother every night, and get her husband absolutely drunk so you and Cup Cake could continue fucking like mad animals
  473. >over the past couple of days continuing the plow Cup Cake, her husband, Mr.Cake had no idea what was happening but he was thanking you everyday, his wife was talking with him again.
  474. >And when you passed by Rarities shop, you caught a glimpse of Spike slapping Rarities ass as they were doggystyling on the couch
  475. >you smiled at yourself, the dude is finally getting some.
  476. >when you arrived back the treehouse Twilight asked you a question
  477. >"How was your day, Anon?"
  478. >ohboi.jpg
  480. Finn
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