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May 10th, 2017
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  1. I've found my previously typed story. I originally had sent it to jkproductions right before the guy confessed to being a fraud, and did away with the story on September 2, 2008. Unfortunately, this was before my e-mail accounts were hacked mid-September, so upon searching the old AOL account, I had lost the e-mail. But fortunately, I had the foresight to print out a copy of the sent e-mail, so I will retype the story and all that with my skilled touch-typing speed. Oh, just to let you know, the "CWC" in the locations and items in my series is said as the word, "quick", so when saying "Cwcville" it should be said like "Quickville"; a good pun I found when I said my initals in the form of the word they sounded like together. "CWC"; Christian Weston Chandler. :)
  3. Anyway, there are multiple stories each pertaining to the playable characters from Sonichu to Magi-Chan and then some that are unlockable; here's what I have so far:
  5. *Also, in the Game and any TV shows/commercials, I would like to Voice Myself and Sonichu.
  8. Sonichu's Story: In the beginning of the game (or in the opening movie), Sonichu is introduced as he is running through the gungle terrain at sonic speed (maybe run through a couple of loops). Then, he enters the Metropolis portion of Cwcville, approximately 10 miles in diameter, dity wise, runs throuugh it and enters the Subdivision area of Cwcville (approximately 2 miles in diameter). He approaches his one-story house (that was introduced in Episode 17 of Comic Book #8) at 14 Brunchville Lane. He stops at the driveway, when he finds a note on his front door from a myserious villian (unknown at this point, but will be revealed to be Metal Sonichu, filled with the dark soul of Count Graduon). The note says, "To Sonichu, I have taken Rosechu while she was on her shopping trip. She will remain unharmed, as long as you do what I say. I want you to rendezvous with me at the newly opened Water Park, outside of Cwcville. You best come, and come alone, unless you want to lose your Sweetheart." After reading the note, Sonichu crumples the note in his right hand, and raises his fist in starting fury. Then he takes a glance back at the Metropolis. Fade out.
  10. Rosechu's Story: In her intro movie, Rosie exits the front door of their house (She and Sonichu have been living together in that house since it was originally constructed and fully-funded from Cwcville's money; it was my present to them). Knowing tha tSonichu was out for a run, she shrugs the strap of her purse over her right arm, strolls to her pink Bicycle with baskets on both sides of the rear wheel. She smiles and rides from their house to the Cwcville Shopping Center/Mall (which is the full two miles from the edge of the Metropolis (see the overview map of the city limits on Page 1 of Comic Book #8).
  12. Wild's Story: As described in the "Sonichu Babies" episode from Comic Book #3, Wild Sonichu was found by a married Female Venusaur and a Male Scyther as he hatched from his egg. Later introduced in Comic Book #8, is in a nutshell, Chapter 2 of Wild's Life Story, and I quote, "A day doesn't go by when I can't help but appreciate the Stealth TEachings of my Father. He was leader of his Cut-Sharp Clan of Scyther and Scizor. One day on a mission for swift revenge upon the Charmeleon Cult for burning down their old Jungle Dojo; he was captured by poachers. I was close behind his trail when it happened. I wept as I saw him being put into their van. I tried to release my father, but he told me to stop; he said there was no way I could cut through that steel, and they drove off. And the last thing I saw of him was the passing-of-the-torch look in his eyes. Since then, I swore revenge on those...monsters." Wild's intro movie can be a flashback of that event, followed by a fade to the present (I'd say about 15 years later) when while Wild was sitting by himself on a tree branch, looking up at the snowy mountains in the distance, he receives a telepathic message, possibly coming from his father; he recognizes it after a moment of confusion. The mysterious voice says, "Help me, Wild. I am being held captive in some stronghold in a cage. I can't cut through the metal bars... Wait! What are you doing? NO! Don't take me in there! AAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!" Shocked, as the telepathic message ends for Wild. From the guidance of the winds, he senses his father must be over those mountains, and takes off, swinging from the vine whips he is able to create from the sharp talons on his arms, like Spider-Man.
  13. Possible Story End for Wild: He battles a Dark-Powered Scizor, and at the end of the battle, Scizor reveals (Darth Vader-Style) that he was Wild's Scyther Father. Wild replies, "That's NOT TRUE!" (without "That's Impossible"). Then the Scizor removes his Steel Hemlet to reveal the face of the Scyther that raised Wild; his father.
  15. Bubbles' Story: We open on Bubbles Rosechu resting on the sandy beach on the outskirts of the Jungle, nearby her cabin. She awakens, and she ponders, "Wow! What a beautiful day." She stands up, then wonders what she want's to do today, in her fun, bubbly way (She has a bubbly attitude like Bubbles of the Powerpuff Girls). When suddenly, a flyer flies in through the wind and hits Bubbles lightly on her chest. Surprised, she removes the paper and reads it. It advertises the Grand Opening of the New Water Park, just outside of Cwcville. So, with that, she thinks with a natural smile on her face that it can be a blast of fun there. So she starts jogging through the jungle to start her adventure.
  17. Those are the stories so far; I have stories to ponder of for Angelica Rosechu, Punchy, Magi-Chan and Black Sonichu, and Myself (Christian Weston Chandler)/Chris Chan Sonichu in an Unlockable Story. I list their individual abilities below.
  19. **ALL characters will be Capable of Grinding Rails/Vines/Branches, and Surfing on Water/Snow/Land.**
  20. **Also, in the game, they all can collect Rings (I know it sounds trite, but I haven't thought up of a multiple, repeating item similar to Rings yet, and I am not thinking Coins either), 1-Ups and other helpful items (which can be neutrally stored in Solid individually Colored Sonichu Balls). They lose a life when hit after be depleted of Rings, drowning (Unless Capable of Swimming), falling from great heights (Unless Capable of Flying or Gliding), and spikes hurt too. They gain speed through Zip-Pads and Zip-Rings (Mid-Air, on Land or Underwater).
  22. Sonichu: Sonic-Speed Running, Spin-Jumps, Homing Attacks, Shoots Thundershocks to Thunderbolts. Level-Style Setup: Run, Run, Run; attack enemies, a puzzle or two to solve as quickly as possible, to reach the Goal Bolt (A Giant Lightning Bolt), or, in a few levels, Sonichu Ball Crystals (as featured throught the Comics) at the end of each level.
  24. Rosechu: Basic Running Speed, Jumps, Homing Kicks, Shoots Thundershocks to Thunderbolts. She rides her Bicycle when Sonichu isn't carrying her around. Level-Style Setup: In her First Level, and one or two others, rides her Bicycle, as well as generally running through Levels, attacking enemies, puzzles, to reach the Goal Bolt/Crystals.
  26. Wild Sonichu: Basic Running Speed to Fast Running Speed; built gradually with momentum or wind, Jumps, Swings from Vines or Vine Whips, Razor Leaf Attacks (Highly Accurate), Digs/Cuts Rocks/Rock Walls/Metal Walls with Razor Leaf, Thundershock to Thunderbolts, Able to Glide in Mid-Air, can stick to walls an dcrawl on them, Able to Camoflage himself to become invisible. Level-Style Setup: Some running, some Vine-Swinging, sticking to walls to reach certain parts of his levels, attack enemies, puzzles, to reach the Goal Bolt/Crystals.
  28. Bubbles Rosechu: Basic Running Speed, Jumps, Swims Quickly, Surfs without a Board (On Water Only; on other surfaces, she would fabricate one from water or ice), Water Gun Shots or Bubble attacks, Kicks Mud for Mud-Shot or Mud-Slap, Thundershocks to Thunderbolts, Giggles happily while waiting or shouts for joy at the end of her Levels. :) Level-Style Setup: Run some levels, Swims the rest, Surfing, attack enemies, puzzles, to reach the Goal Bolt/Crystals.
  30. Angelica Rosechu: Walking to Basic Running Speed, Jumps, Flies quickly, Glides, Slaps her enemies with Wing Attack, Cuts Rocks/Rock Walls with Steel Wing, Whirlwind to blow enemies or obsticles away, Thundershocks to Thunderbolts, Prays for her success while waiting, and Prays her gratitude at the end of her Levels. Level-Style Setup: some running, mostly Gliding or Flying Sky-High, attack enemies, puzzles, to reach the Goal Bolt/Crystals.
  32. Punchy Sonichu: Basic Running Speed, Jumps, Glides, Uses Fists' Knuckles to climb walls, Swift Strong Punches, Excellent Sky Uppercuts, Digs, Punches Rocks/Rock Walls/Metal/Metal Walls/Steel/Steel Walls, Normal/Fire/Thunder/Ice Punches, Thundershocks to Thunderbolts, Quotes random TV Shows while waiting; Punches the TV at the end of his Levels, because it's showing graphic violence, or watches the TV at the end if it's showing a romantic comedy (random between the two). Level-Style Setup: Running, Punches and Climbs to reach certain parts of his levels, Glide over wide distances, attack enemies, puzzles, to reach the Goal Bolt/Crystals.
  34. Magi-Chan Sonichu: Basic Running Speed, Self-Levitation for Quicker Glides or Flight, Jumps, Strong Psychic Powers to Levitate objects to attack or move forward in the level, Thundershocks to Thunderbolts,. Level-Style Setup: running, self-levitating Gliding or Flying Sky-High, attack enemies, puzzles, to reach the Goal Bolt/Crystals.
  36. Blake (Black Sonichu): Sonic-Speed Running, Spin-Jumps, Homing Attacks, Time-Stop, Dark Power, Thundershocks to Thunderbolts. Level-Style Setup: Run, Run, Run, attack enemies, puzzles, to reach the Goal Bolt/Crystals.
  39. **Sonichu will be the ONLY Playable Character at the geginning of the Game, during progression, he will meet the other Electric-Hedgehogs to unolck their characters.
  41. **After ALL Electric-Hedgehog Stories have been cleared, Christian Weston Chandler/Chris Chan Sonichu's Story is Unlocked.
  44. Christian Weston Chandler/Chris Chan Sonichu: Transformation from Human to Sonichu.
  45. As Human: Walking to Basic Running Speed, Strong Punches, Short Jumps, Strong Kicks, Swimming, Climing, Shin-Ye-Ha-Me-Ha Attack, Able to Access Electric-Hedgehogs' Special Powers for Basic Attacks or Obstical Clearings; Sonichu and Rosechu's Thundershocks to Thunderbolts, Wild's Vine Whips or Razor Leaf, Bubbles Water Gun, Angelica's Wing Attack or Whirlwind, Punchy's Fire/Thunder/Ice Punches, Magi-Chan's Psychic Power and Blake's Dark Power.
  46. As Chris Chan Sonichu: Sonic-Speed Running, Spin-Jumps, Homing Attacks, Swimming, Climbing, Hyper Beam, Shin-Ye-Ha-Me-Ha Attack, Thundershocks to Thunderbolts. But CAN NOT Access Electric-Hedgehog's Special Powers in this form.
  47. Level-Style Setup. Walking to Run, Run, Run, various obsticle-clearings, swimming, climbing to reach level parts, attack enemies, puzzles, to reach the Goal Bolt/Crystals.
  50. **After ALL Character's Stories have been completed, The Final Story, the Battle Against Metal Sonichu is Unlocked. After Defeating Metal Sonichu to clear the Game, Unlock ability to Play any of all Prototype Games created beforehand (possibly 2-D Style).
  52. **Final Story Not Yet Thought up, but will be Ultra Sonichu (Sonichu + the 7 Sonichu Ball Crystals) versus Metal Sonichu. I may join the battle with the power of the Crystals as well, but it's only an idea at the moment.
  54. **The Grading System is applied, like in most Sonic the Hedgehog Games; from "S" to "E". For each "S" Grade, unlock Classic Sonichu Artwork from the "Gallery". When a Character's Story is Cleared, Unlock a Previously Drawin Comic Book; All Books when ALL Stories have been cleared, that can be read page-by-page at will in the Gallery.
  56. **When an ALL "S" Rank has been Achieved, Metal Sonichu is unlocked as a Playable Character for the levels.
  58. Metal Sonichu: Basic Running Speed to Sonic-Speed with Rocket Power, Spin Jumps, Homing Attacks, Dark Power, Gliding, Climbing, Punches to destroy ALL Obsticles, Thundershocks to Thunderbolts, Thunder Punches. Able to Play Level-Style Setups: Running, Run, Run, Run, Gliding/Climbing to reach Level parts, attack enemies, puzzles, to reach the Goal Bolts.
  61. Enemies for starters, Resurrected Jerkops, Mecha-Jerkops, Various Robots, Dark-Power (Flying) Mythical Creatures, Dark-Powered Pokemon (From my hand-drawn, thought-up collection; I'll fill you in on them in due time; NO Sonichus or Rosechus), some fan-created suggestions I've received, previously introduced Bosses/small villians, and others I haven't thought up yet, but open for suggestions.
  63. Levels: Planned Total to about 12 (or more) for each playable character.
  65. -Cwcville Metropolis/Suburbs/Mall
  66. -Cwcville Jungle
  67. -Snowy Mountains
  68. -Volcano within Snowy Mountains
  69. -Water Park
  70. -Beach (Cwcville Beach or Jungle's Beach)
  71. -Team Rocket's Fortress
  72. -Cwcville Casino
  73. **Others I have not thought up yet, but I am open to suggestions from the staff of the Sonichu Alpha Game Project, Nintendo and Sega companies and anyone else behind the future game(s) for my personal approval.
  75. **Also, when I arrive to the company at that time, or when I meet with you/or Mr. Miyamoto or anyone else of equal satus, I will happily bring and share my original hand and computer drawn creations within my Big Sonichu Book, as well as my Comic Pages.
  77. **And while I am fully capable of handling my share of work and decision making, my mother, Barbara Weston Chandler, and my father, Robert Franklin Chandler Jr., and my Real Life Girlfriend/Sweetheart, Sarah Cassandra McKenzie, are welcome to share their input as well.
  79. **Also, if you wish, I can go ahead and make a copy of my "Christian Weston Chandler... Yep, I'm On TV. :)" DVD that I created on my 25th Birthday. It includes a LOT from the first 25 years of my life, including an 11-Minute Trailer, my News Spots from when I won the "Sonic the Hedgehog Watch and Win Sweepstakes" and the interview on the Pokemon Trading Card Game League in Books-a-Million in Chesterfield Co., VA, my Mario Kart 64 Lego Animations, created with my Game Boy Camera, presented on my Super Game Boy, my Animal Crossing Documentary that was featured in Nintendo Power Volume 179, May, 2004, a later Animal Crossing Documentary depicting my Mother and Father's 24th Wedding Anniversary (Mario Paint was also used in this feature), my short videos of a Harvey Birdman Commercial and Pixelated Playstation 3 which I submitted to Adult Swim's contests respectively, but did not win, a music video, a Slideshow of past photographs, my artworks, including Sonichu and Rosechu artworks and Comic Books up to #6, and more with my first recording of "Station K.C.W.C.", my dubbed songs and other real songs, and my Message for Future Generations.
  81. But I digress.
  83. That's all the information I currently have for the Sonichu's Adventure Game stories and unlockable for now. When I have thought up more details to add, I will write them down for myself, and send the typed info to you, or share on-the-spot should I come to the company to oversee and star in the Game Project personally.
  85. Thank you for your time and for valuing my input.
  87. I will work on the page edits and reuploading during this week in regards to yours and Mr. Miyamoto's requests.
  89. Peace,
  90. Christian Weston Chandler.
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