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Apr 29th, 2015
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  1. I'm pretty sure I said this last time you contacted me, but you don't need to post on my profile. If I know the answer, then I will answer it. If not, I won't.
  2. And contacting anyone who is on the FTB team to answer your questions is never a good idea, I am a little less strict than some, but I would advise waiting for someone to answer. Some people will go for days waiting for an answer, but they will get one eventually, they may ask the question a few times, but it will get answered. What you asked was simple, and someone has answered it. But I didn't know the answer, nor do I know the answer to every modded minecraft question ever, nor will I ever.
  3. In future if you want me personally to look at a post, and don't want me to miss it, because I have nothing against trying to help if I can, just put in the post "@jordsta95 can you please look at this" or something to that effect. If someone tags me, I will look, no matter what. I cant ensure it will be straight away, as when you asked me earlier, you caught me just as I was packing up at work to go home. But if you tag me, I will get back to you ASAP.
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