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a guest
Jul 21st, 2019
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  1. if((player getVariable ['admin_mode','']) isEqualTo '') then {
  2. admin_gear = getUnitLoadout player;
  3. player setunitloadout [[],[],[],[],[],[],'','',[],['','','','','','']];
  4. player forceAddUniform 'U_I_CombatUniform';
  5. player setObjectTextureGlobal [0,'textures\server \mod.jpg'];
  6. player addItem 'ItemGPS';
  7. player assignItem 'ItemGPS';
  8. player setVariable ['admin_mode','MOD',true];
  9. player setVariable ['realname',format['<t color=''#8b417c''>%1 [Moderator]</t>',profileName],true];
  10. player allowDamage false;
  11. player setVariable['admin_godmode_status',true,true];
  12. ['Du bist nun als Moderator sichtbar!',true,"fast"] call life_fnc_notification_system;
  13. ['Dein Gott-Modus ist nun auch aktiv!',true,"long"] call life_fnc_notification_system;
  14. [13,player,[profileName,getplayeruid player,format['%1 hat den Moderator im Dienst Modus betreten.',profileName]]] remoteExecCall ['ton_fnc_rem_proxy',2];
  15. } else {
  16. player setVariable ['admin_mode','',true];
  17. player setUnitLoadout admin_gear;
  18. admin_gear = [];
  19. player setVariable ['realname',profileName,true];
  20. player allowDamage true;
  21. player setVariable['admin_godmode_status',false,true];
  22. ['Du bist nun nicht mehr als Moderator sichtbar!',true,"fast"] call life_fnc_notification_system;
  23. ['Dein Gott-Modus ist nun nicht mehr aktiv!',true,"long"] call life_fnc_notification_system;
  24. [13,player,[profileName,getplayeruid player,format['%1 hat den Moderator im Dienst Modus verlassen.',profileName]]] remoteExecCall ['ton_fnc_rem_proxy',2];
  25. };
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