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Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. fleetwaygitz: *doesnt work*
  2. fleetwaygitz: heh
  3. Doll ultimate lifeform: your beloved meisomaru's body is blown to pieces
  4. fleetwaygitz: *kills doll ultimate lifeform and turns everyone back to normal*
  5. Doll ultimate lifeform: CUZ OF YOUR FOULT
  6. fleetwaysonic: ....
  7. Doll ultimate lifeform: *dosent work*
  8. fleetwaygitz: oh crap
  9. Doll ultimate lifeform: *dollises everyone again*
  10. fleetwaysonic: *hugs me*
  11. fleetwaygitz: DX
  12. Doll ultimate lifeform: Dolls* dont mess with the master
  13. fleetwaygitz: damn damn damn
  14. Doll ultimate lifeform: OH NO A PARADOX
  15. fleetwaygitz: let me go fleetway sonic
  16. fleetwaysonic: nope
  17. fleetwaygitz: DX
  18. Shadic: boring >.>
  19. fleetwaygitz: *crosses arms*
  20. Doll ultimate lifeform: *stabs them both at the same time and it works*
  21. fleetwaygitz: *is dead*
  22. Doll ultimate lifeform: haha
  23. Doll ultimate lifeform: now i wont dollise you
  24. Doll ultimate lifeform: TRAITOR
  25. Doll ultimate lifeform: and i wont revive you
  26. fleetwaygitz: *comes back to life* you think so >:D
  27. Doll ultimate lifeform: *blows gitz's body to ashesh*
  28. Doll ultimate lifeform: *it works*
  29. fleetwaygitz: *doesnt work*
  30. Doll ultimate lifeform: ...crap
  31. fleetwaygitz: you really starting to annoy me
  32. fleetwaygitz: fleetway sonic: ......
  33. Shadic: >.>
  34. Shadic: this sucks
  35. fleetwaygitz: fleetway sonic: *lets out a eye lazar beam at doll ultimate life form*
  36. fleetwaygitz: good one
  37. fleetwaygitz: and what you say shadic
  38. Shadic: you heard
  39. fleetwaygitz: your pathetic in the head then
  40. fleetwaygitz: XD
  41. Shadic: your stupid >.>
  42. fleetwaygitz: i might do someting with you since you said im stupid and this sucks *puts shadic in a dress*
  43. fleetwaygitz: XD
  44. gitzthehedgiexxx: i like to see try and kill e
  45. Meisomaru Doll: grr
  46. gitzthehedgiexxx: *me
  47. DarknessTheDemonhog: Angelix: WHAT ARE YOU DOING DARKNESS!
  48. UltimateRogue: hmph time to die* stabs Doll*
  49. gitzthehedgiexxx: grrrrrr
  50. Meisomaru Doll: *slashes darkness*
  51. Meisomaru Doll: *dodges*
  52. DarknessTheDemonhog: Angelix: NO DON'T!
  53. gitzthehedgiexxx: *attacks darkness*
  54. DarknessTheDemonhog: ANgelix: Hes my friend! Hes condemmed by Mephiles!
  55. Meisomaru Doll: *slashes rogue
  56. gitzthehedgiexxx: what
  57. gitzthehedgiexxx: him
  58. Meisomaru Doll: gitz
  59. DarknessTheDemonhog: Angelix: Darkness are you okay?
  60. Meisomaru Doll: il give you mor power
  61. Meisomaru Doll: you can controll yourself
  62. UltimateRogue: grr*chaos control!
  63. DarknessTheDemonhog: Darkness: Yeah... BUT YOU AREN'T!
  64. Meisomaru Doll: i altered the virus
  65. gitzthehedgiexxx: grrrrrrrrr
  66. DarknessTheDemonhog: Angelix: Blocks Darkness with light.
  67. Meisomaru Doll: so you get more power but you are still in the good side
  68. UltimateRogue: *throws a beam at Doll*
  69. Meisomaru Doll: *¨block*
  70. Meisomaru Doll: come on gitz
  71. DarknessTheDemonhog: Darkness: AA! I'M WEAKING!
  72. gitzthehedgiexxx: hmph
  73. DarknessTheDemonhog: Darkness: (dies)
  75. gitzthehedgiexxx: i dont want to
  76. UltimateRogue: *revives Darkness*
  77. DarknessTheDemonhog: Mysty: (Hugs Tails Doll)
  78. Meisomaru Doll: *stabs rogue and it works*
  79. gitzthehedgiexxx: but you can try
  80. UltimateRogue: erg*dies
  81. DarknessTheDemonhog: Mysty: Wanna have tea Mr. Tails Doll?
  82. Meisomaru Doll: *infects rogue with altered virus*
  83. gitzthehedgiexxx: hmm
  84. DarknessTheDemonhog: Tails Doll: CAN YOU FEEL THE SUNSHINE MY CHILD?
  85. UltimateRogue: am I a doll now?
  86. DarknessTheDemonhog: Mysty: ?
  87. Meisomaru Doll: urgh
  88. Meisomaru Doll: tails doll is trying to posses me
  89. gitzthehedgiexxx: darn
  90. Meisomaru Doll: (yes you are a doll rogue)
  91. Meisomaru Doll: no
  92. UltimateRogue changed their nickname to Rogue Doll.
  94. DarknessTheDemonhog: Tails Doll: Kill Robotnik, then... SOonic
  95. DarknessTheDemonhog: MYsty: Yesssss
  96. Meisomaru Doll: urgh
  97. Meisomaru Doll: must control myself
  98. Rogue Doll: fight the urge
  99. gitzthehedgiexxx: grrrrr leave him alone tails doll
  100. DarknessTheDemonhog: I WILL OBEY TAILS DOLL
  101. DarknessTheDemonhog: (I'm a she)
  102. Meisomaru Doll: urgh
  103. DarknessTheDemonhog: (Darkness is a he tho)
  104. gitzthehedgiexxx: *charges at tails doll*
  105. Rogue Doll: Hey Tails doll want to go play hide and seek?
  106. DarknessTheDemonhog: (How do you change your name)
  107. Meisomaru Doll: there's only one way to get this off of me
  108. DarknessTheDemonhog: Tails Doll: (Gem turns green) Sure!
  109. Meisomaru Doll: (click the pencil)
  110. gitzthehedgiexxx: *still charges at tails doll*
  111. DarknessTheDemonhog: (I don't see any)
  112. Meisomaru Doll: urgh
  113. Meisomaru Doll: (next to the login thing)
  114. Rogue Doll: 1...2...3....4....5....6...7...8...9..10! ready or not, here I come!
  115. DarknessTheDemonhog: Tails Doll: (Hums Can you feel the sunshine)
  116. DarknessTheDemonhog: Tails DOll: (hides in dark portal)
  117. Meisomaru Doll: his possesing me
  118. gitzthehedgiexxx: *attacks tails doll*
  119. Meisomaru Doll: there's only one way to deal with this
  120. Rogue Doll: hmm
  121. DarknessTheDemonhog: Tails Doll: ERRGH!
  122. gitzthehedgiexxx: heh
  123. Meisomaru Doll: *makes my neck close to the sword*
  124. DarknessTheDemonhog: Tails Doll: (gem turns red at Gitz)
  125. Rogue Doll: found you no DIE!!
  126. Meisomaru Doll: goodbye guys
  127. Meisomaru Doll: this is for my own good
  128. DarknessTheDemonhog: Tails Doll: YOU TRCIKED ME
  129. Rogue Doll: no!
  130. gitzthehedgiexxx: hehehehe
  131. Meisomaru Doll: *kills himself*
  132. Rogue Doll: Meisomaru!
  133. gitzthehedgiexxx: *lets out a beam at tails doll*
  134. DarknessTheDemonhog: Tails Doll: Now I will kill you..
  135. DarknessTheDemonhog: (Pokemon battle music)
  136. Meisomaru Doll changed their nickname to Meisomaru spirit.
  137. DarknessTheDemonhog: A WILD TAILS DOLL APPEARD!
  138. gitzthehedgiexxx: bring it on tails doll
  139. Rogue Doll: no Iwill not fight you!
  140. DarknessTheDemonhog: TAILS DOLL USED SOUL STEALER
  141. Meisomaru spirit: i will fight along you in spirit
  142. DarknessTheDemonhog: ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE!
  143. DarknessTheDemonhog: What will they do?
  144. gitzthehedgiexxx: ugh *falls and dies*
  145. Meisomaru spirit: (did you find the pencile)
  146. DarknessTheDemonhog: (No
  147. Meisomaru spirit: *revives gitz*
  148. Rogue Doll: *charges a beam at Tails doll*
  149. DarknessTheDemonhog: (I looked next to login and all I found was Search)
  150. Meisomaru spirit: (the pencil is in the bottom of the chat room)
  151. Rogue Doll: you're going to hell!!
  152. gitzthehedgiexxx: *doesnt wake up*
  153. Meisomaru spirit: *revives gitz with last breath*
  154. Tails Doll: ..
  155. Tails Doll: (There)
  156. gitzthehedgiexxx: *doesnt work still*
  157. Meisomaru spirit: hmm
  158. Meisomaru spirit: this is for your good gitz
  159. Rogue Doll: what are we gonna do?
  160. Meisomaru spirit: *infects with the virus*
  161. Meisomaru spirit: *revives her as a good doll*
  162. gitz doll: *wakes up*
  163. Meisomaru spirit: i used my last breath
  164. Meisomaru spirit: use it carefully
  165. Meisomaru spirit: ughh
  166. gitz doll: why am i in doll form
  167. Rogue Doll: I was the only way
  168. Rogue Doll: *it
  169. gitz doll: hmm
  170. Meisomaru spirit: *gives ninjoku sword to gitz*
  171. Meisomaru spirit: use this wisely
  172. gitz doll: hmm ok
  173. Rogue Doll: oh Tails Doll!
  174. Meisomaru spirit: and rogue
  175. Rogue Doll: what?
  176. Meisomaru spirit: take good care of tails
  177. Meisomaru spirit changed their nickname to Tails.
  178. Rogue Doll: I will
  179. Tails: what happened
  180. Rogue Doll: I have some bad news
  181. Tails: wheres my bro
  182. Rogue Doll: your brother died
  183. Tails: NOO
  184. Rogue Doll: all because of that doll!!
  185. Tails: ITS THE 6TH TIME HE DIES
  186. Tails: damn you faker!
  187. Tails: you are going to pay for this
  188. Tails: *slashes doll*
  189. Tails: ugh
  190. Rogue Doll: hmph he ran off
  191. Tails: where's my sword?
  192. Tails: i'l have to take him down with my bare fist
  193. Rogue Doll changed their nickname to UltimateRogue.
  194. Tails: *punches doll*
  195. gitz doll: ......
  196. UltimateRogue: hey I found a way to turn back to normal
  197. Tails: how?
  198. Tails: would that give me back my brother?
  199. UltimateRogue: use the Mater Emerald and turn back to normal
  200. UltimateRogue: ooh I have an idea for him
  201. Tails: huh
  202. Tails: whats that red light
  203. Tails: *flashback*
  204. UltimateRogue: what red light?
  205. Tails: Meisomaru: tails doll is trying to controll me, there only one way to deal with this
  206. Tails: Meisomaru: *makes neck close to the sword* goodbye *slash*
  207. Tails: hmm
  208. Tails: we cant revive meisomaru
  209. UltimateRogue: actually a professer has a machine taht i can use
  210. Tails: really?
  211. UltimateRogue: we just need you brother's soul
  212. Tails: hmm
  213. Tails: *another flashback*
  214. Tails: Meisomaru spirit: gitz use this *gives sword
  215. Tails: Meisomaru: i created that sword with my bare hands
  216. Tails: Meisomaru spirit: rogue, take good care of tails
  217. Tails: Meisomaru spirit: *vanishes*
  218. Tails: hmm
  219. Tails: where would his soul be?
  220. gitz doll: .......
  221. Tails: i know
  222. UltimateRogue: where?
  223. Tails: we must travel through: angel island, hydrocity, marble garden, carnival night, icecap, launch base, mushroom hill, flying battery, sandopolis, lava reef, hidden palace, sky scantuary, and death egg
  224. Tails: to find him
  225. UltimateRogue: Why?
  226. Tails: ... its more fun that way
  227. UltimateRogue: how about we just look at his dojo?
  228. Tails: good idea
  229. Tails: *sniff* *mumbles* i wanted to play sonic 3 and k again
  230. Tails: oh well
  231. UltimateRogue: we can do that later
  232. Tails: lets go to his dojo
  233. UltimateRogue: right
  234. Tails: *flies that way with the tornado*
  235. UltimateRogue: chaos control
  236. Tails: oh no!
  237. UltimateRogue: what
  238. Tails: its sky chase all over again
  239. Tails: HALP!
  240. UltimateRogue: pff taht's nothing
  241. Tails: oh right
  242. Tails: *blats everytihng on his way*
  243. Tails: right i got to the dogo
  244. Tails: i mean dojo
  245. fleetwaygitz: *runs away*
  246. fleetwaygitz: *he hugs me* crap crap crap
  247. fleetwaygitz: DX
  248. fleetwaygitz: this is a bad idea to turn into this form
  249. Shadic: now everyone is a *** doll
  250. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll changed their nickname to Meisomaru.
  251. Meisomaru changed their nickname to Doll ultimate lifeform.
  252. fleetwaygitz: *by the way im acting fleetway sonic*
  253. Doll ultimate lifeform: *kills gitz
  254. Doll ultimate lifeform: hahaha
  255. Ninjoku Tails: *drops water on it*
  256. Dark Rogue: Shadow?
  257. hyper gitz: *gets hit* not again damn you tails *dies*
  258. hyper gitz: *tails doll
  259. ultmate shadow: leave.....them.......ALONE!!!!!!!! (power up like crazy)
  260. Ninjoku Tails: NO
  261. Ninjoku Tails: GITZ IS DEAD
  262. Dark Rogue: Shadow stop!
  263. ultmate shadow: u willl DIE (CHARGES AT TAILS DOLL)
  264. Ninjoku Tails: *cuts the cables that tails doll has to connect to the source*
  265. Dark Rogue: *hugs Shadow* you're back!
  266. ultmate shadow: (GETS KILLES AGAIN) (dies)
  267. Ninjoku Tails: ...
  268. Ninjoku Tails: revives shadow
  269. ultmate shadow: thanks
  270. Ninjoku Tails: (wax put boomer kuwanger pleeeeeease? :) )
  271. Dark Rogue: that's it! *charges up to full power*
  272. Ninjoku Tails: *slashes energy source
  273. ultmate shadow: now u will pay (charges like crazy)
  274. Dark Rogue changed their nickname to perfect Dark Rogue.
  275. ultmate shadow: (dashes at the speed of light)
  276. perfect Dark Rogue: ready?
  277. Ninjoku Tails: ... i think he died?
  278. ultmate shadow: FALCON PAWNCH
  279. perfect Dark Rogue: FALCON KICK!
  280. Ninjoku Tails: he hasnt talked
  281. Ninjoku Tails: o well NINJOKU SLASH
  282. perfect Dark Rogue: guess he got scared. what a whimp
  283. ultmate shadow: (kills tails dies)
  284. Ninjoku Tails: HEY
  285. ultmate shadow: we did it.......
  286. Ninjoku Tails: YOU KILLED ME SHAD
  287. ultmate shadow: WE DID IT!!!!
  288. Ninjoku Tails: *dies*
  289. ultmate shadow: 0.0
  290. hyper gitz: super sonic racing please
  291. perfect Dark Rogue: that took care of the stupid doll
  292. hyper gitz: (DX
  293. hyper gitz: (suppose to say that im still dead)
  294. ultmate shadow: (REVIES TAILS)
  295. perfect Dark Rogue: nice going Shadow
  296. Ninjoku Tails changed their nickname to Tails Ghost.
  297. Tails Ghost: BOO
  298. perfect Dark Rogue: revives Gitz
  299. Tails Ghost changed their nickname to Tails.
  300. Tails: thanks
  301. hyper gitz: *doesnt work*
  302. perfect Dark Rogue: guys what about Gitz?
  303. ultmate shadow: LETS DO IT TOGETHER
  304. Tails: ... no one gave a sh¡t about meis
  305. perfect Dark Rogue: i do
  306. Tails: oh well i at least avenged him
  307. ultmate shadow: (revive)
  308. perfect Dark Rogue changed their nickname to UltimateRogue.
  309. Tails changed their nickname to Meisomaru.
  310. UltimateRogue: *revive*
  311. Meisomaru: *wakes up*
  312. ultmate shadow: grrrrrrrr work damn u
  313. Meisomaru: uhh did we win?
  314. UltimateRogue: come on
  315. ultmate shadow: i need help
  316. UltimateRogue: we both need help
  317. Meisomaru: *Heals everyone in this chat room with ring tv*
  318. hyper gitz: *doesnt work still*
  319. UltimateRogue: why won't it work/
  320. ultmate shadow: GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR we cant do it
  321. UltimateRogue: RIP Gitz
  322. Meisomaru: ... *gives gitz 1up mushroom, tv, head
  323. ultmate shadow: wtf?
  324. hyper gitz: *doesnt work still*
  325. ultmate shadow: XD
  326. TheWax: brb, so enjoy this
  327. Meisomaru: ... what do you need then
  328. Meisomaru: take a well earned break wax
  329. UltimateRogue: yeah you earned it
  330. ultmate shadow: ash
  331. ultmate shadow: oh my god sauske
  332. ultmate shadow: oh my god this good
  333. Meisomaru: *revives gitz with every 1 up thing in the whole videogame universe*
  334. ultmate shadow: CHEESE!!!!!
  335. Meisomaru: CHOCOLATE
  336. Meisomaru: MILK
  337. UltimateRogue: Nyan cat in the background
  338. Meisomaru: lol
  339. hyper gitz: *wakes up*
  340. ultmate shadow: gitz!!!!!!
  341. hyper gitz: huh
  342. Meisomaru: YAY
  343. UltimateRogue: finally
  344. ultmate shadow: it u
  345. Meisomaru: lol the cat
  346. UltimateRogue: glad you're okay
  347. Meisomaru: oh no
  348. hyper gitz: ok
  349. hyper gitz: whats that
  350. UltimateRogue: I don't know
  351. Meisomaru: ....tails
  352. hyper gitz: not this
  353. ultmate shadow: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh
  354. Meisomaru changed their nickname to Evil Doll Meisomaru.
  355. hyper gitz: yay
  356. UltimateRogue: how?
  357. hyper gitz: let me see it
  358. hyper gitz: shhhhh
  359. ultmate shadow: ssssssssssssssh
  360. Evil Doll Meisomaru: shh
  361. Evil Doll Meisomaru: animation
  362. UltimateRogue: YOU SHHHHHHHHHHH
  363. ultmate shadow changed their nickname to tails doll.
  364. hyper gitz: o.o
  365. hyper gitz: *is getting scared*
  366. tails doll: im baaaaaaaack
  367. UltimateRogue: prepare to crap yourself
  368. Evil Doll Meisomaru: *poor tails
  369. Evil Doll Meisomaru: its staring at me
  370. hyper gitz: same
  371. Evil Doll Meisomaru: Tails doll Leaved that ring inside me *transforms in evil*
  372. hyper gitz: *runs away*
  373. tails doll changed their nickname to shadow.
  374. TheWax: here is the full song
  375. Evil Doll Meisomaru: hahaha
  376. hyper gitz: heartbeat
  377. hyper gitz: o.o
  378. shadow: how do u do that
  379. Evil Doll Meisomaru: *heart attack*
  380. hyper gitz: o.o
  381. hyper gitz: *is getting really really scared and shvering then runs like tails does*
  382. Evil Doll Meisomaru: here comes the crap yourself part
  383. hyper gitz: *hides*
  384. Evil Doll Meisomaru: tails doll
  385. shadow: hey UR......
  386. Evil Doll Meisomaru changed their nickname to infected Meisomaru.
  387. UltimateRogue: what?
  388. infected Meisomaru: he
  389. infected Meisomaru: ughh
  391. infected Meisomaru: tails doll
  392. infected Meisomaru: infected me with his blood
  393. infected Meisomaru: or stuff
  394. UltimateRogue: he said something about putting it on his blog
  395. infected Meisomaru: i'm about to become evil
  396. shadow: OH.......
  397. infected Meisomaru: help me
  398. shadow: (PUTS EVIL IN SIDE ME)
  399. infected Meisomaru: guuh KIAAAAAAA
  400. UltimateRogue: we must operate on Meisomaru!
  401. infected Meisomaru changed their nickname to Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll.
  402. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: hahaha
  403. shadow: ITS TO LAYE
  404. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: its too late
  405. UltimateRogue: shoot!
  406. hyper gitz: darn
  407. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: tails dool converted me in one of them
  408. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: now NO ONE WILL STOP ME
  409. shadow changed their nickname to CHAOS BLAST SHADOW.
  411. hyper gitz: darn
  412. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: (wow that would really be a good concept)
  413. UltimateRogue changed their nickname to Hyper Rogue.
  415. hyper gitz: o.o
  416. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: *dark slash*
  418. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: *soul stare*
  420. hyper gitz: *runs away*
  421. Sexy werehog Nazo: zzzz
  422. Hyper Rogue: Hey Ninjoku! hit me with your best shot!!
  423. hyper gitz: nazo *pokes you*
  425. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: *Kills Everyone*
  426. Sexy werehog Nazo: e.o
  428. Hyper Rogue: ye- wait WHAT?
  429. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: *including nazo*
  430. hyper gitz: *dies since is been killed*
  431. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: *its no use*
  432. Hyper Rogue: hey I'm over here!
  433. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: join the dolls
  434. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: *grabs gitz*
  435. Hyper Rogue: never
  437. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: *infects her with the virus*
  438. Hyper Rogue: let go of her!
  440. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: *revives her as a doll*
  441. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: *teleports*
  442. hyper gitz: *wakes up*
  444. gitz doll: hehehehe
  445. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: now join me gitz doll
  446. gitz doll: i will
  448. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: Hold on
  450. gitz doll: what is it
  451. Hyper Rogue: Hey gitz if you join us, you can get Shadow in his sexy Warhog form!!
  452. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: i'm gonna copy and paste the whole chat room in my computer so we make a comic
  453. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: don´t post anything yet
  454. gitz doll: no way im evil now
  455. gitz doll: >:D
  456. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: now DIE
  457. Hyper Rogue: oh come on who would deny the hedgehog as a Warhog?
  458. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: *slashes rogue*
  459. CHAOS BLAST SHADOW: (still dead from to much energy)
  460. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: join me gitz
  461. gitz doll: heh ok
  462. Hyper Rogue: *revives Shadow*
  463. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: *infects shadow*
  464. Hyper Rogue: wait no
  465. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: *revives him as a doll*
  466. CHAOS BLAST SHADOW changed their nickname to shadow doll.
  467. gitz doll: *grabs rogue and injects the virus making her turn into a doll*
  468. shadow doll: hehehehehe
  469. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: now with this army we will conquer the world
  470. Hyper Rogue: what if i include him as your man
  471. Hyper Rogue changed their nickname to Rogue Doll.
  472. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: we can only infect them while thry are dead
  473. shadow doll: yes master
  474. Rogue Doll: got it
  475. gitz doll: hreh
  476. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: .now
  477. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: whos left?
  478. gitz doll: *heh
  479. Rogue Doll: well there is Tails
  480. shadow doll: me!!!!!
  481. shadow doll changed their nickname to shadow.
  482. Rogue Doll: what?
  483. shadow: hehe
  484. Rogue Doll: >:)
  485. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: my brother....
  486. shadow: (chaos control!!!!
  487. Rogue Doll changed their nickname to Ultimate Rogue.
  488. shadow: (pauses time)
  489. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: STOP IT
  490. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: i wont let you touch my bro
  491. shadow: kicks doll)
  492. Ultimate Rogue: stop what? being ourselves/
  493. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: i'm gonna talk to him to join us
  494. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: do not hurt him
  495. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: he is more usefull in his normal form
  496. gitz doll: hmm ok master
  497. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: *talks to tails*
  498. Ultimate Rogue: *punches the doll*
  499. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: ok he will join us with one conidtion
  500. Ultimate Rogue: what/
  501. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: ... to revive cosmo
  502. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: but we dont have to dollise her
  503. gitz doll: hmm
  504. MidnightFallen: tails doll derp owo
  505. Ultimate Rogue: Tails what about Sonic and Knuckles and everybody else/
  506. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: dollise them all
  507. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: tails didnt care about them
  508. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: since he only wants to be with cosmo and me
  509. Ultimate Rogue: then why did he always help them?
  510. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: .....rings?
  511. Ultimate Rogue: but Cosmo would never do this Tails
  512. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: we could brainwash her
  513. Meisomaru Ninjoku Doll: before we revive her
  514. Ultimate Rogue: You're not helping!
  515. gitz doll: heh sounds like a good plan
  516. Perfect Nazo: lol I was intime with the music
  517. Meisomaru Doll: i'l*
  518. dark gitz: o.o
  519. Naz: Was that a fight or a ballett?
  520. Meisomaru Doll: woah
  521. Naz: *ballette
  522. Meisomaru Doll: nazo
  523. dark gitz: tails doll: *grabs me*
  524. dark gitz: uh oh
  525. dark gitz: not now
  526. dark gitz: *throws him at meiso doll and runs away* i dont want to be turned into a doll
  527. Meisomaru Doll: yes tails doll master, shall i kill her?
  528. dark gitz: tails doll: darn she got away want her to become a doll
  529. dark gitz: *hides in a box*
  530. Meisomaru Doll: ninjoku FWASH
  531. Meisomaru Doll: *slashes box
  532. dark gitz: darn
  533. dark gitz: *gets out but taiils doll grabs me*
  534. dark gitz: darn darn darn
  535. Meisomaru Doll: *kills gitz*
  536. dark gitz: tails doll: inject her with the virus
  537. Meisomaru Doll: *infects gitz with doll virus*
  538. Meisomaru Doll: *revives gitz as a doll
  539. gitz doll: *wakes up* >:D
  540. Perfect Nazo: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!
  541. Meisomaru Doll: hahaa
  542. gitz doll: hehehe
  543. Meisomaru Doll: now she's ours
  544. Nazo Fangirls: -make out with Nazo-
  545. Nazo Fangirls: AND HE'S OURS!!!!!!!
  546. Nazo Fangirls: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  547. Perfect Nazo: TT^TT
  548. gitz doll: do you want me to do anything master
  549. Meisomaru Doll: *kslashes fangirls*
  550. Perfect Nazo: I'm giving up now.
  551. gitz doll: i want to kill someone
  552. Perfect Nazo: I don't f*cking care anymore.
  553. Meisomaru Doll: you go for his army of fangrils
  554. Nazo Fangirls: -making out with nazo-
  555. Meisomaru Doll: i will take care of him
  556. gitz doll: *claws appears*
  557. gitz doll: hehehe
  558. Meisomaru Doll: *slash*
  559. gitz doll: tails doll: master shall we kill sonic and tails
  560. gitz doll: heh that will be easy to kill them
  561. Meisomaru Doll: no leave tails alive
  562. Meisomaru Doll: infect sonic
  563. gitz doll: heh
  564. gitz doll: i do that
  565. gitz doll: *disappars*
  566. Meisomaru Doll: *off rping* should i add that to the text file?
  567. gitz doll: (what text file)
  568. Meisomaru Doll: the one of the earlier rping
  569. gitz doll: (ok)
  570. Meisomaru Doll: ok hold on
  571. Meisomaru Doll: infect sonic while i am at it
  572. l: tails: let me out
  573. Meisomaru Doll: i will speak to him to join ud again
  574. Nazo Fangirls: -making out with Nazo-
  575. Meisomaru Doll: come bro
  576. Meisomaru Doll: join us
  577. Meisomaru Doll: so we can make the earth a doll planet
  578. gitz doll: ugh whats happening *falls to my knees and turns back to normal* what the
  579. Meisomaru Doll: what the?
  580. gitzthehedgiexxx: im back to normal
  581. Meisomaru Doll: what happened master tails doll?
  582. Perfect Nazo: *turned into a doll*
  583. gitzthehedgiexxx: tails doll: she fighted the virus
  584. Meisomaru Doll: wt least we got nazo
  585. Perfect Nazo: *absorbed Gitz Doll form*
  586. Meisomaru Doll: hehe
  587. gitzthehedgiexxx: heh thats right and what the
  588. Perfect Nazo: *limp and lifeless*
  589. Meisomaru Doll: *doll slash*
  590. gitzthehedgiexxx: grrrrr
  591. Meisomaru Doll: *stabs gitz*
  592. gitzthehedgiexxx: *doesnt work*
  593. gitzthehedgiexxx: heh
  594. gitzthehedgiexxx: not this time
  595. Meisomaru Doll: *blasts gitz with full power*
  596. gitzthehedgiexxx: *kills meiso doll and tails doll with fire and dodges*
  597. Perfect Nazo: *absorbs it*
  598. Perfect Nazo: *is now alive*
  599. Meisomaru Doll: *dodges*
  600. Perfect Nazo Doll: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  601. Meisomaru Doll: did you forgot i can turn ninjoku?
  602. gitzthehedgiexxx: grrrrr you cant turn me into a doll
  603. Meisomaru Doll changed their nickname to Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll.
  604. Perfect Nazo Doll: *makes gitz a doll via biting her*
  605. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: o rly? *owl face*
  606. gitzthehedgiexxx: hey
  607. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: *injects gitz with 3 needles*
  608. gitz doll: darn
  609. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: haha
  610. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: stop this foolishness
  611. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: lets dollise everyone alive
  612. gitz doll: *controls myself and is not evil and good* heh you think so
  613. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: *injects shadic*
  614. gitz doll: *attacks meiso doll with a beam*
  615. gitz doll: heh
  616. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: oh but first he has to be killed at least once so the virus works
  617. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: its no use
  618. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: the dolls can hurt beetwen themselves
  619. Maphalia: YOU CAN'T DOLLIFY ME!
  620. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: unless the master wants
  621. gitz doll: what the
  622. Maphalia: I CREATED YOU TAILS DOLL!
  623. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: *slashes maphalia*
  624. gitz doll: grrrrr
  625. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: tails doll isnt here
  626. gitz doll: *grabs meiso*
  627. gitz doll: *throws him to a wall*
  628. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: teleports
  629. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: join us maphalia
  630. Maphalia: *can't be dollified*
  631. gitz doll: i will change back and i know how to
  632. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: then you will have to die
  633. gitz doll: heh
  634. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: TAILS REVEAL THE SECRET WEAPON
  635. gitz doll: *turns back to normal*
  636. gitzthehedgiexxx: *Dashes*
  637. gitzthehedgiexxx: cant get me
  638. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: *Tails Drop world wide nuclear doll bomb*
  639. gitzthehedgiexxx: tails doll: oh yeah
  640. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: haha
  641. gitzthehedgiexxx: *disappears*
  642. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: that gas will dollise everyone on the planet
  643. gitzthehedgiexxx: *it doesnt work everyone is still the same*
  644. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: or like the master says DOLLIUS
  645. Maphalia: *is made of toxic gas and doesn't breathe*
  646. gitzthehedgiexxx: *appears*
  647. gitzthehedgiexxx: grrrrr
  648. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: slashes gitz and maphalia
  649. gitzthehedgiexxx: *kills tails doll and it works*
  650. gitzthehedgiexxx: *turns fleetway gitz*
  651. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: NOHH MASTA
  652. fleetwaygitz: heh
  653. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: o wait i can re sew you
  654. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: *sews tails doll*
  655. fleetwaygitz: not so fast
  656. Maphalia: *the blade breaks on her crystalline fur and quills*
  657. fleetwaygitz: *kills meiso*
  658. Maphalia: >.>
  659. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: *dodges*
  660. fleetwaygitz: grrrrr
  661. fleetwaygitz: *burns tails doll to dust*
  662. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: my blade is gone
  663. Shadic: im back
  664. Shadic: >.>
  665. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: oh no master
  666. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: *dollises shadic*
  667. fleetwaygitz: heh now your next
  668. fleetwaygitz: grrrrr
  669. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: *dissapears*
  670. Shadic: wt
  671. fleetwaygitz: *kills meiso doll and it works no godmod*
  672. Shadic: wtf*
  673. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: gahh
  674. fleetwaygitz: heh
  675. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: haha
  676. fleetwaygitz: grrrrrrrrrrrrr
  677. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: you still lose
  678. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: if you killed me
  679. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: i'm just a demon
  680. fleetwaygitz: oh yeah
  681. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: possesing meisomaru's body
  682. Shadic: this so sucks >.>
  683. fleetwaygitz: *blasts meiso doll with full power*
  684. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: so you killed him and i can flee away
  685. fleetwaygitz: grrrrrr
  686. fleetwaygitz: oh yeah
  687. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: and he cant be revived
  688. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: i win
  689. fleetwaygitz: *grabs the demon out of him and blasts him to dust*
  690. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: haha
  691. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: im a ghost
  692. fleetwaygitz: THAT LITTLE
  693. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: we dont burn
  694. fleetwaygitz: NOW IM REALLY MAD
  695. Shadic: -.-
  696. fleetwaygitz: *kills the demon*
  697. Perfect Nazo Doll: ...
  698. Shadic: >.>
  699. Adorable Naz Doll: erm
  700. Adorable Naz Doll: someone care to explain????
  701. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: ok
  703. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: we are rping
  704. fleetwaygitz: XD
  705. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: and tails doll transofrmed my fan char into a doll
  706. fleetwaygitz: *sees fleetway sonic* oh crap not him
  707. Ninjoku Meisomaru Doll: and we are fighting in the war betwen animal and doll
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