
Rainbow Dash, Anon and Soarin (NOT MINE)

Jan 25th, 2014
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  1. >Be Anon
  2. >Day 381 of living in Equestria
  3. >Life is actually pretty good here, you have a nice group of friends, a big nice house as a gift from Celestia herself, a large library, a comfortable bed to laze around on, and a steady income of bits working with Applejack.
  4. >What more could an Anon want?
  5. >Not to mention you have your best friend, Dash, who you may or may not be feeling certain things for…
  6. >Recently, she’s been acting kind of weird around you, blushing when you speak to her, stuttering, it’s actually kind of… adorable.
  7. >Yeah, you just called your best friend adorable.
  8. >Fuck it.
  9. >You like Dash, but you just aren’t sure how to tell if it’s time to move in and ask her for a relationship.
  10. >Not to mention you don’t even have any idea how Equestria feels about inter-species relationships, not to mention inter-dimension ones at that.
  11. >Ah well. You can settle with staying just friends with Dash.
  12. >If she ever needs a shoulder to cry on, or a place to stay, you’ll always be with her and you know you can rely on her in the same way, and that’s enough for you.
  13. >But still…
  14. >Suddenly, you hear a knock on your door.
  15. >Could be Twilight, she usually comes to visit every once in a while to chat about books she’s been reading and you share the ones you have been reading with her.
  16. >You unbolt the door and open it only to find, to your surprise, Rainbow Dash.
  17. >”H- hey anon.” She has a blush on her face and she is holding a slip of paper in her mouth.
  18. ”Uh… Hey Dash? What’s up?” you raise an eyebrow.
  19. >She looks around nervously.
  20. >”I was just uh… y’know… wondering if you’d like to…” she looks down at the ground, stuttering, her face growing redder.
  21. ”Dash? you feeling alright?”
  22. >”I was just wondering if you’d like to maybe… go to see the Wonderbolts with me…” she places the slip of paper in your hand and you read it.
  23. >It’s a ticket for two to the Wonderbolts show.
  25. >...Dash just invited you to go with her to the Wonderbolts.
  26. >She asked you.
  27. >You didn’t ask her.
  28. >Woah woah anon, let’s not jump to conclusions. Maybe it’s just a friendly thing…
  29. “Dash? You mean like a… date?”
  30. >She gives a nervous laugh.
  31. >”Yes.”
  34. >Holy shit… you can’t believe it.
  35. >She actually wants to go out with you!
  36. >You!
  37. >Of all the people… err ponies… in Equestria, Rainbow Dash wants to go out with you.
  38. >The show is in a few hours, you go to your closet and pull out the best clothes you can find, and you spray on a little bit of Axe.
  39. >This is going to be fucking awesome.
  40. >A few hours pass and you hear a knock at your door.
  41. >Smiling, you stroll over to the door and open it, and sure enough Dash is standing infront of you, ready for the date.
  42. >”Hey Dash! Ready?” You ask nervously.
  43. >She nods, and you two set off to the show.
  44. <One long train ride later>
  45. >The two of you make your way through the crowded building and find your seats, front row, right up close to the show.
  46. >This is going to be great.
  47. >After a few minutes, the lights grow dark and the Wonderbolts fly in, doing fancy tricks and flips through the air and landing on the stage.
  48. >”Mares and Gentlecolts… introducing… the Wonderbolts!”
  49. >Dash’s mouth drops, smiling, you swear you see some drool.
  50. >She remembers she is with you and closes her mouth quickly, sitting back displaying a nervous grin.
  51. >You chuckle.
  52. >Typical Dashie.
  53. >After watching them do a few flying tricks, they land on the stage and take a breather.
  54. >”Alright!” One of them speaks into the mic, Soarin if you remember correctly. “For this next trick, we’re going to need a Pegasus to come up…”
  55. >His eyes dart around the room, and then settle on Dash.
  56. >”Rainbow Dash!”
  57. >The lights focus on her and she smiles.
  58. >”M- me?” she looks around.
  59. >Soarin chuckles. “Come on up, Dash!”
  60. >She turns to you and you shrug.
  61. “Go on Dash, don’t keep the crowd waiting.”
  63. >She bolts out of her seat and lands on stage.
  64. >”So Dash, what brings you here tonight?” Soarin takes a sip of ice water that a waiter brings him.
  65. >”I’m here on a… date.” She blushes as the crowd ooos.
  66. >Soarin laughs.
  67. >”Oh? Is that so? Well I hope he doesn’t mind.”
  68. >Suddenly, Soarin moves in for a kiss.
  69. >...No fucking way, he wouldn’t.
  70. >Their mouths are inches apart as everything goes in slow motion.
  71. >He fucking would.
  72. >Their mouths connect and Dash’s face lights up, and she looks around awkwardly.
  73. >It’s obvious she doesn’t want to be there.
  74. >You feel the rage of a thousand suns burn up inside as you charge on stage, balling your hand up into a fist.
  75. >”HEY SOARIN!” you yell in your charge.
  76. >He breaks the kiss.
  77. >”Yeah I-”
  78. >Your fist connects with his mouth sending him flying across the room.
  79. >The crowd gasps.
  80. >Soarin is on the floor of the stage, out cold.
  81. >”A- anon I-” Dash begins but you shush her.
  82. “It’s fine, I know.” You whisper.
  83. >A few tears are streaming down her face.
  84. “Hey…”
  85. >You pull her into a kiss.
  86. >Her eyes go wide for a second before she closes them and kisses you back.
  87. >The crowd goes wild as Soarin is pulled off the stage by a few medic ponies.
  88. >Dash breaks the kiss, panting.
  89. >”Anon…” she smiles.
  90. ”Dashie…”
  91. >You smile back to her and lead her off stage.
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