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- Insert::
- SendInput tYou have the right to remain silent.{enter}
- Sleep 2000
- SendInput tAnything you do or say can and will be used against you in the court of law.{enter}
- Sleep 2000
- SendInput tYou have the right to an attorney after initial processing has been completed.{enter}
- Sleep 2000
- SendInput tDo you understand these rights as I have read them? Yes or No?{enter}
- Return
- Home::
- Sendinput t/me flicks a switch on the dashboard, revealing his hidden emergency lights.{enter}
- Sendinput t/siren{enter}
- Return
- End::
- Sendinput t/gate{enter}
- Return
- Numpad0::
- Sendinput t/s Freeze{!} Federal Bureau of Investigations, put your hands where I can see them, now{!} ((/handsup)){ENTER}
- Return
- NumpadDot::
- Sendinput t/tazer{enter}
- Return
- Numpad1::
- SendInput t/me quickly maneuvers his hands towards his utility belt.{enter}
- SendInput t/me quickly grabs the suspect's hands, places them behind their back and cuffs them.{enter}
- SendInput t/cuff{space}
- Return
- Numpad4::
- SendInput t/me maneuvers his hand towards his utlilty belt, pulling out a pair of non-latex gloves and slaps them on. {enter}
- Sleep 2000
- SendInput t/me proceeds to pat the suspect up and down. {enter}
- Sleep 2000
- SendInput t/me looks for any illegal items as he pats them down. {enter}
- Sleep 2000
- SendInput t/do S/F{?} - If "F" then give me a reason, keep in mind you're cuffed.{enter}
- Sleep 1000
- SendInput t/washhands{enter}
- Sleep 1000
- SendInput t/bomb{enter}
- Sleep 1000
- SendInput t/frisk{space}
- Return
- Numpad5::
- Sendinput t/m Federal Bureau of Investigations - Please pull your vehicle over to the side of the road.{enter}
- Sendinput t/m Remain calm and comply with my orders and you will not be harmed.{enter}
- Return
- Numpad6::
- Sendinput t/m This is your final warning{!} Pull over now, or I will be forced to use lethal force upon you{!}{enter}
- Return
- Numpad8::
- Sendinput t/me maneuvers his hand towards his utility belt and pulls out a ticketbook with a pen clipped on.{enter}
- Sleep 500
- Sendinput t/do Writing suspect's information. (1/2){enter}
- sleep 2000
- Sendinput t/do Writing violations and date. (2/3){enter}
- sleep 2000
- Sendinput t/do Signing off the ticket. (3/3){enter}
- Sleep 2000
- Sendinput t/ticket
- Return
- Numpad9::
- Sendinput t/do You see a few officers approach you.{enter}
- Sleep 2000
- Sendinput t/do They grab you by the cuffs and take you behind the doors in front of you.{enter}
- Sleep 2000
- Sendinput t/do You have been arrested.{enter}
- Sendinput t/arrest{space}
- Return
- !1::
- Sendinput t/r This is [RANK] [NAME], requesting urgent back up{!}{enter}
- Sendinput t/r 11-99, Code 3{!} Get here fast{!}{enter}
- Sendinput t/backup{enter}
- Return
- Numpad7::
- Sendinput t/me maneuvers his hand towards his utility belt, unclipping a pocket and pulls out a device.{enter}
- Sleep 1000
- Sendinput t/do The device turns out to be a CEM Systems S3020F Portable Fingerprint Scanner.{enter}
- Sleep 1000
- Sendinput t/me grabs one of the suspect's fingers and places it onto the finger print scanner.{enter}
- Sleep 1000
- Sendinput t/do Auto S - You are either cuffed or critically injured.{enter}
- Sleep 1000
- Sendinput t/do Scanning.{enter}
- Sleep 1000
- Sendinput t/do Scanning.{enter}
- Sleep 1000
- Sendinput t/fingerprint{space}
- Return
- !4::
- Sendinput t/do Fingerprint unidentified - beginning to register the fingerprint.{enter}
- Sleep 2000
- Sendinput t/do Scanning.{enter}
- Sleep 2000
- Sendinput t/do Scanning.{enter}
- Sleep 2000
- Sendinput t/do The fingerprint has been registered.{enter}
- Return
- NumpadAdd::
- Sendinput t/me takes out a needle from their utility belt, takes a blood sample using the needle.{enter}
- Sendinput t/me takes out an evidence bag and throws the needle inside it, closing the bag.{enter}
- Sendinput t/do Your DNA is now with me.{enter}
- Return
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