
Wrong Order

Jul 22nd, 2017
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  1. “It’s the taste sensation sweeping the Equestrian nation!
  2. Now, only for a limited time, get a bite of your very own!
  5. A delicious magical dessert, with fluffy cotton candy mane
  6. Mint flavored cutiemark
  7. Soft, marshmallow body
  8. All topped with a dollop of whipped cream and a cherry!”
  10. Available through the Summer Sun Celebration!
  11. Only at your neighborhood Sugar Cube Corner
  12. while supplies last”
  14. The advertisement was bright and eye catching, Rarity licked her lips as she ran over the advertisement once more.
  16. “Well that certainly sounds like it would satisfy my sweet tooth for decades!” Rarity said.
  18. Producing a pocketbook from her bag she looked inside to count the bits she had. Soon enough Rarity flicked her hair and smiled, certain she could afford such a lavish confection she made her way across Ponyville to Sugarcube Corner.
  20. The line was out the door at the confection shop, and Rarity was at the back. Rarity couldn’t believe how apparently popular the new item was, so popular that Rarity was certain they would run out of Clone Pie long before she got through the front door; until she spotted Twilight coming down the line, her belly swaying softly from side to side.
  22. “Twilight! Darling, how are you doing?” Rarity called, looking briefly at her engorged middle.
  24. “Hey Rarity! I assume you are standing in line for Pinkie Pie’s new masterpiece?” Twilight said, trotting up to Rarity in line.
  26. “I am, have you had any?” Rarity asked trying to keep her eyes from drifting.
  28. “That’s what this is all about!” Twilight chuckled, patting her gut and causing it to shift.
  30. “Oh! Darling, I did not realize the confection was of such prodigious size! Have you considered what it will do to your figure?” Rarity gasped.
  32. “It’s fine Rarity, Clone Pie burns off quick so after one you just go back to your normal diet and you’ll be fine,” Twilight said.
  34. “Well...I’ll take your word for it...that is, if they have any left when I get in there,” Rarity replied, lowering her head and glowering.
  36. “Trust me Rarity, Pinkie Pie can make as many as needed,” Twilight said, before burping up a lock of pink hair that popped like a balloon into a line of ethereal magic and drifted off into the air “Well, I gotta go sleep this meal off Rarity. I’ll see you later!”
  38. Rarity waved goodbye to Twilight and resumed her wait in line, watching as pony after pony came out with stuffed, bulging guts that shifted and swayed with each step and a drunk smile on their face, licking their lips clean of the sweet new item. Rarity used her magic to reach into her saddlebag, retrieving a novel with the words “Raw Hide” emblazoned on the front and began to read while she waited for her turn in line and quickly lost herself in the pages of steamy dime store smut.
  40. “Rarity!” A friendly voice snapped the unicorn mare out of her book
  42. Looking about Rarity was the next one in line and witnessed the head of Pinkie Pie giggling briefly in the mouth of Cheerilee before she shut her jaws around Rarity’s dear friend and with a single, thick, wet swallow sent the pink mare down to fill her belly, the teachers midriff swelling out a little more as the rest of Pinkie Pie was packed away.
  44. “Oh my! Pinkie Pie!” Rarity called
  46. “That's my name, don’t wear it out!” Pinkie Pie said, standing behind the counter.
  48. Rarity did a double take, looking at the hanging, swaying belly of a full and happy Cheerilee and then back to her dear friend whole and well behind the counter before the name of the dish finally made sense to her.
  50. “Clone Pie. As in Pinkie Pie that has been cloned....” Rarity said, tapping her forehead “It’s not actually a pie,”
  52. “It’s not actually a pie,” Pinkie said at the same time “Do you want one? I’m super tasty and sweet!”
  54. Rarity took another look around, seeing other customers sitting at their tables, some with full, burgeoning guts and others stuffing a pink simulacrum of her friend between their hungry jaws at various stages of devouring the clone turned pastry.
  56. “Oh my...I long as it doesn’t hurt you of course, Pinkie,” Rarity said
  58. “Okey Dokey Lokey! One Clone Pie coming right up!” Pinkie Pie said trotting into the kitchen.
  60. In the kitchen Pinkie Pie had a Rube Goldberg machine set up, the complex contraption leading whatever went through it down a sticky trail that applied all manner of sweet toppings; caramel sauce, chocolate syrup, sprinkles, whipped cream Pinkie had it all rigged up to go off as soon as one of her clones came down to a conveyor belt that passed anything out to the dining area on a cherry red plastic platter. The only hard part was climbing the ladder going through the Mirror Portal Mirror Pool that Twilight had made for her at the top of the contraption.
  62. In just moment Pinkie Pie was up the ladder and through the magic portal at the Mirror Pool. The legendary underground lake glowed with a magic of it’s own that Pinkie Pie capitalized on, the stones above shimmering with the motion of the water. Stepping to the shore she looked over the edge into the eyes of her reflection on the surface of the lake and spoke the magic words.
  64. “And into her own reflection she stared, yearning for one whose reflection she shared and solemnly sweared not to be scared at the prospect of being doubly mared,” Pinkie said.
  66. Pinkie Pie reached into the water towards her reflection, the image copying her and pulling back just a Pinkie did. Pinkie pulled just as her clone did, each time resisting her attempts to bring the copy to the world.
  68. “Oh, so you’re a troublemaker eh me? Well I got news for me!” Pinkie dug her hooves into the ground and with a mighty heave she used every bit of strength to pull back on her reflection. A giggle of excitement came from the reflection which responded to Pinkie Pie’s efforts by simply letting go at the last moment.
  70. All at once Pinkie fell backwards, through the mirror and landed on the Rube Goldberg machine. Pinkie Pie tried to stop her descent but process after process passed her along at a dizzying speed. Slathered in Icing, choclate sauce, syrup, cream, sprinkles, powdered sugar, Pinkie Pie opened her mouth to protest her own invention backfiring but never got a word in when her mouth was filled to the brim with sticky, gooey caramel. Lastly a sprinkling of nuts covered the party mare and a single luscious red cherry was placed on her rump before finally being unceremoniously dropped onto a cherry red platter.
  72. Rarity saw her order come through on the conveyor belt and she was elated on how sweet and tasty it looked. Aware of how Pinkie Pie clones are Rarity quickly gripped the meal and platter in with her magic and dragged it with her, giggling at the hot mess on her plate as she took a window seat. Rarity switched her magical grip to the meal and opened wide. Pinkie Pie squealed as she saw the maw of her friend take her head in with ease.
  74. Rarity moaned in satisfaction when her tongue was overtaken by the barrage of sweet only to be intrigued further when her tongue was done licking Pinkie clean she briefly tasted salt on the soft coat. Rarity lurched forward and took a deep, satisfying gulp, her throat bulging as Pinkie Pie’s head sank into it and Rarity’s lips claiming her shoulders. Pinkie Pie squirmed against the tight flesh squeezing her on all sides and tried to chew through the caramel still gumming up her gums while Rarity still hadn’t realized she was eating a friend.
  76. Rarity’s lips were smeared with toppings of all kinds, her mouth dribbling a mixture of whipped cream and saliva down her chin. Pinkie’s fore-hooves were tucked up underneath her before a few rolling swallows pulled them into Rarity’s mouth and onto her tongue where they were licked cleaned before sent down her gullet. Pinkie Pie tried to keep getting Rarity’s attention but in the humid, wet confines of her friends tight throat it was becoming too much to handle; instead opting to flail her legs as much as possible. Pinkie only heard the sound of Rarity’s heart, a sound interrupted for only moments when a thick swallow rippled across the top half of her body the feeling of wet, hungry muscle all around her was replaced by a ticklish feeling on her belly, Rarity had managed to devour enough of Pinkie to the point where her soft little pudgy belly was being licked clean, Pinkie shivered with laughter against the muscles dragging at her as the soft, warm tongue tickled one of her most ticklish spots.
  78. Rarity placed a hand on her belly as she felt her tasty treat enter it and started vibrating. She stopped what she was doing wondering if that was typical, before reasoning that clones of Pinkie Pie would be as ticklish as her friend too and spent a few more moments licking the belly on her tongue before moving onto the thickest part of the mare, her hips and ass. Even with over half the clone already entering her belly Rarity couldn’t see over the meals rear, Rarity was quite impressed with how flawlessly Pinkie’s Mirror Pool copied her friends figure. Lifting her head and guiding the rest of the party pony into the air, Rarity intended to conquer the thickest part of her meal.
  80. Lips slid over hips, gums and teeth gently nipped and pulled and thick swallows pushed those flanks into her maw, Pinkie’s rear and tucked hind legs filled Rarity’s mouth, almost painfully so, making her cheeks bulge out in small compliment to her already hanging belly. Rarity looked around and saw everypony in the shop socializing and swallowing their Clone Pie, patrons left and right rubbing filled bellies that moved with their live prey within and other burping up the licks of magic that dissipated into thin air. Assuring herself she wasn’t under any particular watchful eye and with a sneaky smile, Rarity’s tongue traced it’s way across Pinkie’s belly, between those soft, plump thighs and licked her friend's crotch, only to find that the Mirror Pool had left no detail out. Rarity gasped with her gullet full of Pinkie Pie and she could feel the meal in her belly jolt, hopefully in surprise at what she had done.
  82. Pinkie Pie was bent at an uncomfortable angle, her descent into Rarity’s warm belly had stopped and before Pinkie could wonder what exactly was the hold up she felt her friend’s tongue lap tentatively at her folds. Pinkie grunted, her hind legs pinned underneath her in Rarity’s maw when Pinkie Pie felt another soft lick at her pussy, then another. Held still by her friend all Pinkie was moan with each passing lick and hope Rarity got a clue
  84. Rarity was pleased with her meal, though unsure if clones took to pleasure like normal ponies did she was willing to bet that the dripping wetness coating her tongue was indication enough that her meal was enjoying her ministrations. Timing her licks to rub right up against the pink little pearl, Rarity couldn’t help but notice the shivers of lust coursing through her treat was causing the pink pony to slip into her gullet and with her mouth framing the cutie marked flanks of Pinkie Pie, Rarity snapped her jaws closed, loving the squish and give of those plush cheeks before swallowing heavy and getting to watch her belly swell out and bump against the table she sat at.
  86. Leaning back Rarity patted her gut, feeling the squirming motion of the pony inside and idly wondering if she was shifting about from climax or if she was trying to get comfy while she digested. Rarity covered her mouth with her hoof, burping softly and excusing herself and basking in her post-meal bliss, deciding to wait till her meal settled and rubbing her gurgling, moaning belly.
  88. It was almost sunset when Rarity finally waddled herself home, her soft belly gurgling and sloshing with every step. Rarity burped again, noting the lack of ethereal emissions from her fattening meal. The overload of sugar was certainly enough to sate her sweet tooth.
  90. “Well, I hope Pinkie Pie brings this item back for an encore,” Rarity said
  93. Now all she had to do was do something about her indigestion.
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