
Hunting Horrors: 2.7

Feb 16th, 2016
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  1. You hesitated.
  3. Mind racing at ten thousand miles a second as you try to come to grips with just how screwed you were if you were cornered here. If anything at all could lead back to you in any way form or fashion. You couldn’t help but tremble at the idea of Victoria’s accusing stare as you imagined withering away beneath it into less than nothing. The horrible taste of ash on your lips as Carol is proven right, and the crusade which would kick up if anyone at all were to know that you, Panacea, the greatest healer ever known, had become…
  5. … this.
  7. The bar around you was a mess of smashed items and broken furniture... and a mirror. In it stared back a creature which you could not identify, seven eyes blinking on an otherwise featureless mask covered in a hood and cloak of leather. Flesh and bone melding together into a monstrosity which looked back.
  9. You were almost frozen by the image.
  11. “You know it makes me all kinds of wet seeing you like this.” Tattletale spoke... again, her wide grin like the fox who’d been given free access to the hen-house, smug and brutal. She wasted no time in latching on to your arm, holding herself close against you in an intimacy which imitated the manner in which Victoria would sometimes rest herself upon you.
  13. It was all that you could do not to simply lash out, and rip her fucking face off.
  15. Fury trembled its way through your body like an earthquake, bringing thoughts of literally slaughtering the bitch and rendering her down for spare parts, power and experience using that power be dammed. You could almost justify this, you could tell yourself just her… just murder her, beat her, and destroy her again and again.
  17. And the only reason you didn’t was because you wanted real suffering out of her god dammed mouth.
  19. You could almost cry at how easily she brought the worst monstrosity out of you.
  21. “You’re thinking about it. I can tell you know.” She practically sang, running kisses all along your armored arm as she taunted and teased you, practically begged you for the next dose of harm. “You’re thinking about how you want to hurt me, torture and slaughter me like a little lamb, eagerly bounding into the butchery. How you want to beat and rape me, humiliate me and crush my head to a pulp under your toes for a satisfying… crunch!”
  23. You trembled.
  25. Adrenaline pumping more now than the deadly fight with another parahuman mere moments ago.
  27. You didn’t know if you wanted to break something or to cry as once more you were reminded of what you’d wrought. You decide instead to indulge yourself, even if it would be meaningless otherwise.
  29. She squeaked, a sound which you tried not to interpret as delight as your power-armoured fist slammed hard against her head with enough force to kill a person, if their brain was located in there, your savage blow leaving her skull literally indented and having broken her teeth off inside of her mouth.
  31. “Mmmm…” She groaned in a manner which was utterly lewd, laying on her back amid shards of glass and broken furniture as you tried to focus once more on the task at hand.
  33. “Mistress?” Skitter, her voice distorted by the insect formation used to simulate it. “Everything is in place.”
  35. “Ah… ok. Um… Skitter.” You ask as you try to clear your head, foot stomping hard in yourself made problem’s chest, forcing her to make much less lewd, and instead far more desperate sounds. “How… how safely can you set off the explosives? All of them I mean?”
  37. “I’ve already been busy mistress, chasing people out of their places, simulating a gun fight a ways away… and some other things. The explosives will cover your tracks and make it look like the ABB had been here fighting someone, before everything goes off.” She sounded almost proud about all of that.
  39. You shouldn’t have been surprised that she’d been busy, yet somehow it still came as a shock.
  41. “The police will be here any moment now Mistress.”
  43. You noticed that she hadn’t answered your question… you weren’t sure if you wanted to know the answer either.
  45. “Just get as many people clear as you can before you set things going...” You couldn’t help but think that possibly, the going had already been happening without your input.
  47. Either way you needed to leave.
  49. Two were neatly packaged in silk, and the third burden you grabbed unceremoniously by the foot, the damaged thinker giving off a pleased gurgle as you took off, literally running from the scene of the crime and making sure that her damaged head met constant obstacles every step of the way.
  51. You could hear the explosions from almost a block away.
  53. And felt the guilt all the way back home.
  57. [][]
  61. The next few days would prove a busy time as you tried your hardest to put the specter of deaths out of your mind… after all you didn’t kill anyone, not one of them was on your own hands. You needed to keep telling yourself that every time you stopped to think about it, every time you heard the news reports even as the entire event got lumped in with the rest of ABB attacks which were becoming more and more frequent.
  63. The fact of the matter was that you could barely even get Rune and Connie to come out with you to the hide out because everyone was worried, everyone was being extra careful... and everyone was failing to contain the growing army of willing suicide soldiers who marched forth under the ABB banner.
  65. You only barely got out in bursts, mostly when you could figure out some alibi or excuse to get out of everything which pressed down around you like a vice. Mostly you went to the hospital for a few hours then headed back down into your hole in the ground for a few more.
  67. Whatever damage you’d done on our own... the ABB had been doing far, far worse.
  69. Or so you told yourself, ever time the image of a mangled set of corpses, each one holding a gun flashed in your head. One more point for the pile of guilt which threatened to strangle you as it crushed in.
  71. Consolation came mostly from the times you’d settle in to work on your captured people, the non-parahuman converts were easy enough. You’d been having enough practice of late to really make the process work smoothly.
  73. Your Bitch was loving, though she spent most of her time fucking the few Jaegers which you’d created, reminding you of your admittedly vague plans for turning her or Taylor into Brood Mothers for your small but growing army. Taylor you figured was due for some loving, not only for being ridiculously useful before, but also for setting up a pretty sweet alibi which worked with the narrative of the fight against the ABB.
  75. Apparently at the moment you’d declared that she go all out even if she was seen doing it, she started using that leeway to harass ABB gang members and help with operations all over the city, first setting up cover for your tracks by blowing up the building, and then setting up cover for herself by having acted to help a bunch of people out of the area before setting off the blasts.
  77. Except for the three dead...
  79. Except for the three.
  81. … the three that would haunt y… no you did nothing wrong. It was not on your hands, and Taylor made it a point to point out that they were bad guys.
  83. You’d made sure to heal every one of the others from that night, only three died.
  85. Only.
  88. Taylor at least however was now making a name for herself as a powerful independent, entering the fray as a ‘Case 53’ who had no true body of her own. A seemingly helpful one too, as she established a demeanor and actions different from the young woman who’d approached Armsmaster not so very long ago.
  90. Suspicious, but not as suspicious and threatening as the idea of an unknown, unaccounted for master in the town. She’d made herself a known factor… one which helped people where ever they needed it all throughout the Bay. Though she’d at least been careful to limit herself, to make it seem like she was far less capable than you’d actually made her.
  92. You had been a bit… disturbed by what she’d made of the free reign which you’d given her, but ultimately you did see the benefits towards that route.
  94. On the other hand, there was Sarah.
  96. You’d cooled down certainly, but couldn’t trust her, you couldn’t trust yourself to use her... instead you decided that you’d put her aside, sealing her away in the roots of your ever expanding home. You couldn’t even bare to look at her as she tried again and again before you put her away, to goad you into the harshest, most violent responses she could elicit, often ruining your mood to do so.
  98. Too much trouble.
  100. You weren’t at all sure whether or not she could be worth the headache, but you weren’t sure you wanted to get rid of her completely either.
  102. Either way, you’d washed your hands of her for now, resulting in a much calmer more stable Amy. And while you’d have liked to spend more time at home with Victoria, the current crisis had come to see her out and about on patrol far more often. Something which Mark also found himself doing as well.
  104. You were frankly amazed at the difference in the man as he was energized for the cause.
  106. You made sure that Skitter kept a couple million eyes on the both of them.
  108. Just in case.
  110. And now in the meantime, you lounged against your soft spread bed, fingers trailing against a chest that was harder than your normal liking, contrasted by skin which was far darker than your normal liking, as you cuddled up against a prone body which was not even the gender which was to your normal liking.
  112. You’d been curious though, and while you did have a bunch of guys you’d captured weeks back, he’d actually made you work for it. That alone demanded both a measure of reward, and punishment for the feat. Well, you were pretty sure that he wasn’t taking being essentially strapped down in place with every muscle in his body save his hips completely numbed and locked away from his control was punishment enough.
  114. Though you figured the painful erection which you’d pushed to its absolute limits was just as bad in its own right.
  116. “Shhh… you belong to me now Brian. Just endure and everything will be just fine.” You coo, fingers finding their way to his eratically thrusting hips and around the swollen length of his cock. It wasn’t like you hadn’t seen, or even felt one before, just never in a sexual context, and always in a gross condition which you needed to set right.
  118. Well you weren’t setting anything right here as you forced his balls to fill painfully with fluids as well before you gripped them tightly.
  120. “Please… stop.” He sobbed, begging for the pain, and pleasure to end. The sensations of sensory overload overwhelming him in agony.
  122. “No, no… you don’t get to beg for it to stop silly.” You allow your fingers to grip the base of the heavy phallus, leaning in to give it a gentle kiss. “You only get to beg for more.”
  124. You’d barely even started on him as yet, only lengthening his perceptions by a bit so that his current condition seemed to last for a long, long time.
  126. He simply sobbed again.
  128. “Besides… we need to keep it up for the next part... I think there’s someone who deserves a reward after serving me so well.” You smiled, and gestured to the corner of the room, forcing his eyes to focus there so hard that a splitting headache formed.
  130. A thin, though otherwise healthy seeming figure stumbled out, unaccustomed to her own feet after so much time spent without them, her arms ending in rounded off stumps as she felt her way forward, weak eyes almost useless in the bright light of your lair.
  132. Slowly she made her way over, blinded within this room, her bugs all placed outside, feeling about with the rounded off stumps of her hands at your behest.
  134. It made you feel powerful.
  136. Monstrous.
  138. And even as the young man begged and pleaded, you encouraged your creature onward, her body finally seated above his own as she lay across his chest.
  140. “Now you two can enjoy this for a bit. I have other work to attend ok?” You smiled cheerfully as you squeezed hard upon the balls which you still gripped.
  142. You smiled again as Skitter eased herself onto him, pushing down with a pussy which was almost a painfully tight fit, you knew, you’d made sure that it would be, and writhing her hips as she forced herself down to the very hilt. Her tongue too would find its way into his mouth for a rapacious kiss, taking all that he was from him as pain and pleasure once more became his world.
  144. And the training wasn’t done yet.
  146. The other whom you’d captured, would take a bit more time in his conversion, though resistant to pain thanks to his own power, he was an alien to his own female body, every response flinching and raw as you trained him and his fluttering vagina into usefulness. Pierce would be slow enough going for the moment.
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