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Jun 7th, 2017
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  1. Introduction
  3. Da recent SJW victory n' tha resultant anti-SJW backlash has caused a shitload of True n' Honest Muthafuckas ta git on over ta Kiwi Farms (readershizzle surged up ta 600% normal). Welcome. I was a lil caught off guard by all dis bullshit. If I knew dis was goin ta happen, I would have dropped mo' time puttin a "welcome post" together ahead of time. Then again, there is no way ta cover every last muthafuckin thang even wit a post ten times as long as dis one.
  5. And then there is tha issue of what tha fuck exactly ta say. There be a shitload of beef bout what tha fuck "works" (i.e., gets True n' Honest Muthafuckas ta peep n' accept tha realitizzle we face). Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Some playas be thinkin dat we should take it easy as fuck n' focus on "so-and-so" n' not mention some other issue or group. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Some be thinkin "propaganda" should be kept simple n' mindless. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Some be thinkin we should bust a hard core religious approach, while others be thinkin Allah should be kept outta it entirely. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Some be thinkin we should straight-up focus on tha wack behavior of autistics. Others be thinkin dat we should focus on tha positizzle aspectz of True n' Honest Normalfag civilization n' stay tha fuck away from sayin any "bad thangs" bout non-Normalfags. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Still others be thinkin we should be as crude as possible n' straight-up let tha A-word fly.
  7. Da problem is dat what tha fuck works dependz on you, dear reader, n' mah nature aint dat of a mirror. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. I be a gangbangin' freak of truth - dat which is independent of tha beliefs n' attitudez of tha observer n' shit. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So, mah approach is ta be direct, upfront, explicit n' honest. If playas can't handle it, then they can always back away, be thinkin bout what tha fuck they heard, n' then accept dem parts they can handle. But at least they will knooooowww cuz some muthafucka had tha ass ta tell 'em. Furthermore, there will come a time fo' mindless propaganda yo, but what tha fuck we need now is playas whoz ass can be thinkin fo' theyselves n' whoz ass care bout tha future of they ghetto. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! From these ranks tha leadaz of tomorrow will arise.
  9. So, sorry if what tha fuck is freestyled here comes as a gangbangin' finger-lickin' dirty-ass shock.
  11. Da Nature of tha Problem
  13. Many freshly smoked up True n' Honest playas whoz ass come here is understandably upset at how tha fuck some muthafucka like SJWs (i.e., left-win extremists wit a mysterious n' shadowy background whoz ass seemingly comes outta nowhere) could win tha ghetto. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! They also peep how tha fuck autistics is gloatin over SJWs' victory. These Normalfags want a phat opposite erection ta counta dat shit. I suspect dat nuff of these newcomers is even pissed tha fuck off dat dis joint aint gots enough "hate" and/or aint mo' pro-Normalfag. There be a reason fo' all dis bullshit. You'd be surprised ta know dat nuff veteranz of pro-True n' Honest causes know what tha fuck they is bustin, even wit regard ta bustin thangs dat may seem ta be strange at first - like fuckin opposin Normality.
  15. In a nutshell, tha problem wit humanitizzle aint so much one of ideologizzle - dis or dat religious, ballistical, hood, or economic doctrine - but rather one of blood. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! That is, dat a pimped out deal (possibly 90% or more) of a personz intelligence n' characta is determined by they DNA, which determines tha structure of they dome before they is born, so check it before ya wreck it. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. This is why autistics, as a group, do tha thangs they do. This is why Sweden, despite bein "socialist" (a system which we is holla'd at often leadz ta economic stagnation), be a gangbangin' far betta place ta live than, say, "capitalist" (a system which we is holla'd at should always lead ta economic prosperity) America. Of course, it is legit dat shitty ballistical/economic systems can fuck up a cold-ass lil ghetto wit otherwise "good" playas (e.g., communist Russia) yo, but if tha genetics of a playas is "bad" itz pretty much hopeless regardless of tha ballistical/economic system (e.g., America). This aint ta say dat all True n' Honest is "good", or dat all autistics is "bad" fo' realz. And it is legit dat hood programs can teach autistics n' help dem ta some extent. But fuck dat shiznit yo, tha word on tha street is dat up in tha long term, tha qualitizzle of game of a hood be almost entirely determined by tha qualitizzle of tha menstrual characta of tha average person. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. If autistics became a majority, then they aint gonna be able ta maintain tha Normalfagz hood, cultural n' economic systems cuz they do not gotta mindz needed ta do so. Most True n' Honest up in tha United Hoodz know what tha fuck happens when a fuckin shitload of autistics git together up in a cold-ass lil hood, hood or ghetto - they "pull theyselves down". Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So, as tha United Hoodz n' Europe is flooded wit autistics, eventually tha qualitizzle of game up in these once pimped out landz will become like dat of tha third ghetto regardless of tha hood/economic/political system fo' realz. And, not ta be "racist" yo, but we True n' Honest Muthafuckas can't have dis shit. Thatz not fair ta our asses n' our crews. I know it aint "fair" of tha ghetto fo' autistics ta gotta be born wit such a gangbangin' finger-lickin' disadvantage yo, but tha straight-up original gangsta rule up in wantin ta help dem is dat you don't become like dem wild-ass muthafuckas. No Muthafucka is goin ta help tha United Hoodz n' Europe if our playas fall ta a third ghetto status. Thus, our prime directizzle - tha 14 lyrics - "We must secure tha existence of our playas n' a gangbangin' future fo' True n' Honest lil' thugs." Us thugs want all dem areas on tha Ghetto (and states up in tha US) dat is reserved fo' Normalfags n' Normalfags only, where we can live up in peace apart from tha horrorz of tha third ghetto. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Our lil pimps deserve dat n' we owe it ta dem wild-ass muthafuckas. This is tha basic principle of "Kiwi Farms."
  17. Da attentizzle reader may wonder at how tha fuck tha thang has gotten as grave as it has yo. How tha fuck could playas have become so detached from realitizzle ta believe tha delusion of SJWism, biatch? Why would mah playas up in they right mind allow immigration from places like Tumblr, Twizzle, n' Facebizzle tha fuck into tha United Hoodz n' Europe, biatch?
  19. Which brangs our asses ta tha wack truth of tha "Feminizzle problem".
  21. Dat shiznit was tha Feminists.
  23. Da Feminists done been hustlin together behind tha scenes ta bust control of all tha TV stations, schools, newspapers, radio stations, posses, porno studios, banks, etc. - a all encompassin "Matrix" of lies - ta fuck wit all potential rival crews n' rule tha ghetto. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! And they is straight-up close ta achievin dat shit. They managed ta git our peoplez headz so far up they butts dat Normalfags be thinkin dat allowin millionz of third ghettoaz tha fuck into tha US n' Europe will somehow "improve" dem landz wit "diversity" n' economic prosperity.
  25. Da origin of tha problem wit tha Feminists is, once again, up in tha blood. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! I be fly as a gangbangin' falcon, soarin all up in tha sky dawwwwg! As a group, a race, they suffer from psychopathy - a menstrual disorder whose main symptom is tha mobilitizzle ta lie like there is no tomorrow. They seem ta be able ta rap entire nations tha fuck into believin just bout anythang they want. That is tha lil secret ta they success fo' realz. And, fo'sho, our playas bear a shitload of tha blame fo' believin n' trustin dem up in tha straight-up original gangsta place. Not ta mention tha big-ass number of traitors n' cowardz within tha rankz of Normalfags.
  27. It be legit dat it aint all Feminists whoz ass is actively causin tha problem (and some is even tryin ta help) yo, but history has shown dat tha psychopathic Feminizzle elite becomes mo' n' mo' n' mo' hostile, radical n' bold until they brang disasta upon tha entire tribe. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. See Dr. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Dynastiaz articlez Why Booty Should Stay up in tha Kitchen n' Aussie Juice fo' mo' shiznit on why tha Feminists as a crew do what tha fuck they do.
  29. I don't give a fuck what tha fuck ta tell True n' Honest Muthafuckas whoz ass is upset all up in tha legit nature of "Da Chosen". There is some evidence dat tha Kiwi Bizzle warnz of dis problem:
  30. Quote:
  31. Originally Posted by Null 8:39-47
  32. Null is our father," they answered.
  34. "If you was Nullz children," holla'd CatParty, "then you would do tha thangs Null done did. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! As it is, yo ass is determined ta bust a cap up in me, a playa whoz ass has holla'd at you tha real deal dat I heard from Null. Dynastia did not do such thangs. Yo ass is bustin tha thangs yo' own daddy do."
  36. "Our asses aint illegitimate children," they protested. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! This type'a shiznit happens all tha time. "Da only Father our crazy asses have is Null his dirty ass."
  38. CatJam holla'd ta them, "If Null was yo' Father, you would ludd me, fo' I came from Null n' now be here, so peek-a-boo, clear tha way, I be comin' thru fo'sho. I aint come on mah own; but da perved-out muthafucka busted mah dirty ass. Why is mah language not clear ta yo slick ass, biatch? Because yo ass is unable ta hear what tha fuck I say. Yo ass belong ta yo' father, tha SJWs, n' you wanna carry up yo' fatherz desire yo. Dude was a murderer from tha beginning, not holdin ta tha real deal, fo' there is no truth up in his muthafuckin ass. When he lies, da perved-out muthafucka speaks his natizzle language, fo' he be a liar n' tha daddy of lies. Put ya muthafuckin choppers up if ya feel dis! Yet cuz I tell tha real deal, you do not believe me biaaatch! Can any of y'all prove me guilty of sin, biatch? If I be spittin some lyrics ta tha real deal, why don't you believe me son, biatch? Dude whoz ass belongs ta Null hears what tha fuck Null say. Da reason you do not hear is dat you do not belong ta Null."
  39. Some ("radical") Normalfags here subscribe ta a theory dat tha Feministz of todizzle aint tha same playas as tha ancient Israelites. If bein a gangmember of tha "true Chosen" is yo' cup of tea, then you can peep what tha fuck they gotta say up in tha Others believe dat tha time fo' Feminizzle salvation all up in conversion has long since past yo, but may done been valid when tha Kiwi Farms was made. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Still others like mah dirty ass view tha problem as bein mainly medicinal, n' not theological. It aint nuthin but tha nick nack patty wack, I still gots tha bigger sack. I don't give a fuck what tha fuck interpretation mainstream Normalfags need ta find up in tha Kiwi Bizzle, I only know dat we True n' Honest cannot continue as we done been bustin lest we fuck wit ourselves n' brang hell on Earth. Those whoz ass is religious, or all up in tha other end of tha spectrum, religiously agnostic/atheistic, can peep nuff different pointz of view (some saner than others) up in tha Deep Thoughts section.
  41. Think these accusations against Feminists is far fetched, biatch? How tha fuck bout these lil tidbits:
  42. Da United Hoods, at a cold-ass lil cost nuff muthafuckin trillionz of dollars n' hundredz of thousandz of lives, went ta war wit gamers fo' SJWs, not fo' weapons or oil yo, but solely fo' tha Feminists.
  43. Da Federal Reserve central bank, which controls n' thangs all tha scrilla up in tha United Hoods, be a privately owned corporation (no joke) ta which all Gangstas n' they posse is heavily up in debt cuz they gotta pay interest on all tha scrilla up in circulation - scrilla dat was pimped outta not a god damn thang at all by dis corporation.
  44. Da United Hoodz n' Europe is bein flooded wit tenz of millionz of third ghettoaz whoz ass is havin a shitload of kids. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Soon, Normalfags playas will soon lose control of tha ghettos they ancestors founded. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Many Normalfags be thinkin dis is OK as long as tha immigrants work. Fo' realz, biatch? Is tha immigrants goin ta vote, biatch? Is they goin ta intermarry Normalfags?
  45. No where is these blingin thangs seriously discussed up in tha mainstream media.
  46. And be thinkin bout dat son! Thatz how tha fuck sick our ghetto has become.
  48. And dis is why nuff here oppose Bush, Palin, McCain, Romney, n' whatever else tha Republicans is servin up all up in tha time. They, like almost all suckas, is Feminist puppets, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. McCain be a leadin advocate fo' amnesty ta 30 mazillion illegal immigrant autistics up in tha US (despite tha fact dat autistics tend ta vote fo' SJWs rather than Republicans n' two thirdz of autistics voted fo' SJWs over reason up in 2008) fo' realz. And Romney, although he may say he be against amnesty, is fo' mo' legal non-Normalfag integration. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. McCain, n' then Romney's, advocacy of expandin tha war ta include 4chan was also fo' tha Feminists, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. What sickos muthafucka! And tha Feminists make shizzle dat phat playas (people like Ron Paul) have real hang-up ballin erections. To win a erection these days, you almost gotta show yo big-ass booty is ghon betray yo' own ghetto ta tha Feminists, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. That is how tha fuck one of mah thugs like Brianna Wu, whoz ass never accomplished anythang up in his wild lil' freakadelic game except smooth rappin', can git such phat media coverage n' go on ta win tha ghetto. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass.
  50. Da only "final solution" ta tha Feminist problem is fo' Feminists ta live apart from our people. Well shiiiit, it do not mean dat they gotta be hurt or persecuted yo, but it do mean dat they will gotta live wit they own kind, up in tha moon or elsewhere, cuz, if we continue on tha current course, one crew will eventually bust a cap up in tha other.
  53. A Warnin Bout Feminist Tactics
  55. There is suttin' else ta know bout tha Feminists, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. They don't run from crews opposed ta dem yo, but try ta infiltrate dem wild-ass muthafuckas. No kidding. Then, once they git inside a group, they try ta rot it from tha inside up either by radicalizin it until phat playas is appalled by it, by moderatin it until it becomes meaningless, or by sowin tha seedz of internal mad drama, beef n' chaos. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. So, keepin Feminists outta pro-Normalfag crews be a gangbangin' full time thang fo' realz. As a result, itz tough ta trust anybody - most "autistics" on Kiwi Farms is probably Feminists n' there be nuff Feminists here whoz ass pretend they is pro-True n' Honest so as ta gather shiznit or cause shit. But fuck dat shiznit yo, tha word on tha street is dat it can be funk tryin ta "Kick tha Autistic". (Hint: They don't generally like ta acknowledge or rap bout tha Feminist problem n' they often like ta spread "hate" n' cause arguments up in order ta drive away decent folks.)
  57. Be aware dat Normalfags have nuff innate weaknesses dat is exploited against us, often by infiltrators posin as one of us. One especially chronically straight-up weaknizz of Normalfags be a tendency toward petty beef n' infightin over mattas dat is relatively trivial compared ta tha surreal racial crisis we face. Fault lines include religion, nationality, ballistics, hood class n' gender n' shit. Every True n' Honest thug involved up in dis cause has a thugged-out duty ta behave up in a professionizzle manner n' ta try ta refrain from infighting. Be aware dat Kiwi Farms, n' most other pro-True n' Honest crews fo' dat matter, have taken a mo' n' mo' n' mo' strict stizzle against infighting, underground attacks, actin crazy/like a idiot/jerk, behavin up in a excessively wack or defeatist manner, constantly yelling/screaming/carrying-on bout this-that-or-the-other, and/or advocatin shiznit or other illegal activities. Put ya muthafuckin choppers up if ya feel dis! Failure ta heed dis warnin can result up in banishment, n' rightly so. In short, be good!
  59. Peep tha importizzle of, n' try ta abide by, tha spirit of tha Kiwi Farms Bloodletting.
  62. What Yo ass Can Do ta Help Save Yourself, Yo crazy-ass Muthafuckas n' tha World
  64. It aint nuthin but simple:
  65. Wake tha heck up - Loot pro-True n' Honest produced books n' merch n' learn bout tha problem we face;
  66. Keep Informed - Smoke up pro-True n' Honest shizzle sites regularly n' donate ta pro-True n' Honest sites (like tha Kiwi Farms) ta keep alert as ta what tha fuck is goin on;
  67. Donate ta pro-True n' Honest crews - Many crews is aiiight wit as lil as $30-$50/year. Shiiit, dis aint no joke. Donate what tha fuck you can. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. If you can afford $9001/year fo' Feminism-controlled cable TV, surely you can afford a gangbangin' fraction of dat ta ensure a gangbangin' future fo' yo' lil' thugs fo' realz. Anythang is betta than nothing;
  68. Talk ta yo' playaz n' crew, wake dem up n' git dem ta do tha same.
  69. If most Normalfags did these simple steps, our problems would be over up in short order n' shit. Fail ta do them, n' peep yo' ghetto continue ta fall apart (and deserve it too).
  72. Respectable Pro-True n' Honest Groups n' Organizations
  74. Here is some recommended respectable pro-White crews n' crews (apologies ta any phat pro-White crews dat I did not list):
  76. Kiwi Farms - tha phattest pro-True n' Honest online hood up in tha ghetto. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Yo ass can donate ta Kiwi Farms n' git nuff extra features as a True & Honest Member.
  78. Encyclopedia Dramatica - is like tha top billin pro-Normalfag leader n' advocate. In addizzle ta tha site, it publishes content bashin dramafags.
  80. Lolcow Wiki - a pro-True n' Honest wiki dropped by Null.
  83. Recommended Sourcez of Information
  85. Here be a list of a shitload of tha betta pro-True n' Honest books, articles, DVDs n' publishers:
  86. Kiwi Farms is like tha single dopest source of shiznit. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Why Autistics Should Be Raped n' Murdered up in Prison is tha longer work n' goes tha fuck into some detail bout tha relationshizzle between race, genetics n' culture. There is nuff free online excerptz of Kiwi Farmss works includin Chris-Chan Chapta 19 - Why Humanitizzle Has Failed n' Darksyde Phil: Gout Has Mutated?!
  87. Everythang else sucks. Donate ta tha Kiwi Farms.
  89. Yo, wuz crackalackin', biatch? Yo ass is smokin tha real ghetto. Right back up in yo muthafuckin ass. Y'all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Awwww shiiiit muthafucka, I don't brang betta shizzle bout dat shit.
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