
Dec 9th, 2018
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  1. #魔法剣 -雷鳴-
  2. on rightclick holding gold sword:
  3. player is sneaking
  4. if level of player is more than 9:
  5. set {_cooldown} to difference between {AOELightning.%player%.lastused} and now
  6. wait 1 tick
  7. if {_cooldown} is less than 20 seconds:
  8. play "entity_ghast_shoot" to player at volume 10
  9. create a circle effect at player with id "Failed" with particles SMOKE NORMAL with radius 1
  10. message "<pink>%difference between 20 seconds and {_cooldown}% <white>後に使用可能"
  11. wait 20 tick
  12. stop effect "Failed"
  13. stop
  14. reduce level progress of player by 10
  15. set {AOELightning.%player%.lastused} to now
  16. loop all entities in radius 50 around the player:
  17. loop-entity is not the player
  18. chance of 80%:
  19. strike lightning effect at the loop-entity
  20. damage loop-entity by 4 hearts
  21. wait 20 tick
  22. loop all entities in radius 30 around the player:
  23. loop-entity is not the player
  24. chance of 90%:
  25. strike lightning effect at the loop-entity
  26. damage loop-entity by 4 hearts
  27. wait 20 tick
  28. loop all entities in radius 10 around the player:
  29. loop-entity is not the player
  30. strike lightning effect at the loop-entity
  31. damage loop-entity by 5 hearts
  32. else:
  33. play "entity_ghast_shoot" to player at volume 10
  34. create a circle effect at player with id "Failed" with particles SMOKE NORMAL with radius 1
  35. message "<pink>疾雷スキルには10Lv以上のXPが必要です!"
  36. damage the player by 2 hearts
  37. wait 20 tick
  38. stop effect "Failed"
  40. on leftclick holding gold sword:
  41. player's tool is enchanted with fortune
  42. player is sneaking
  43. if level of player is more than 3:
  44. set {_cooldown} to difference between {LightningShot.%player%.lastused} and now
  45. if {_cooldown} is less than 5 seconds:
  46. stop
  47. reduce level progress of player by 4
  48. shoot a snowball at speed 5
  49. set {Lightning.%player%.lastused} to now
  50. else:
  51. play "entity_ghast_shoot" to player at volume 10
  52. create a circle effect at player with id "Failed" with particles SMOKE NORMAL with radius 1
  53. message "<pink>雷鳴スキルには4Lv以上のXPが必要です!"
  54. wait 20 tick
  55. stop effect "Failed"
  57. on damage:
  58. projectile is snowball
  59. attacker's tool is gold sword
  60. attacker's tool is enchanted with fortune
  61. strike lightning at the victim
  62. if victim is a player:
  63. apply speed 2 to the attacker for 10 seconds
  64. apply strength 5 to the attacker for 10 seconds
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