

Mar 18th, 2019
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  1. I rarely have dreams. In fact, so rarely that when I have one, I remember it. And curse me, that was one hell of a dream. A very bright one, intense, like one of those hollywood movies.
  3. So, I decided that it as well deserves an image to remember it better. Good thing I couldn't sleep the whole night after I had that dream, so I could record it:
  5. The dream begun with me sitting behind my computer, in my cabinet. But there were lots of odd things to it. For example, I had four fingers on my hands, and the keyboard was octidecimal. In fact, I was a sergal. even my armchairs back had a space between the back rest and the seat to fit the tail through, conveniently open from one side. Then, I had a call from a friend. It was five minutes until the end of the shift, with no patients to come, so I took it. He asked me, if I am okay with taking a side job. Off course, I was totally fine with it. After hearing the details, I grabbed my laptop, grabbed my toolkit and went to parking. In reality, I have no car, and no driving license, but there I had both. It wasn't even a car, it was more of a low flying... thing, like a helicopter without blades and tail. I typed the address in the autopilot and took flight - or ride, as it never got higher than 10 meters off the ground.
  7. When I arrived to address, I saw an interesting building. Somewhat shaped like a triangle, that some giant kid has built from cubes. Each upper side of those cube was a garden for an adjacent cube, like a really big balcony. I landed in one of them, somewhere in the middle of the building. Stepped out of my vehicle, and my leg landed into a decorative pond with some tiny fishes. I swore, as my shoes were not waterproof, and moved on, through the balcony door, and inside the flat, which wasn't so big on the inside, just one moderately sized room. And when I came inside, I immediately saw what was going on, and why I was called. One of those robots, a synth, was sitting on a simple chair, in front of computer. The computer monitor was shattered, as something has landed into it. A face display of a synth also had a crack. On the ground, a broken cup was seen, with remains of a tea, that smelled of honey. The face display of a synth, at least the undamaged part, had a red "rolling" text on it: "Pay to unlock". Looks like the poor soul got a virus. But he wasn't the only person in the room. Beside him, shaking from fear and emotion, was another lizard, quite organic one. She was crying, and the red fur that covered her, was wet with tea, honey and tears. I have asked her, what exactly has happened, and this is what she told me:
  8. hey were having a calm evening, when her mate, the robot, was casually downloading something from the net, on the direct connection. She moved away to make some tea with honey (while synths have no digestive tract, they can feel the smell and taste), and went back to him, to see an odd picture. Her lifemate, moving almost like a zombie, with empty display, was entering the data on the bank website. Instead of his voice, some happy tune was playing from his speakers, and his movements were very sharp and jerky. When she realized that something is very wrong, he was starting a transaction, to move almost all of their savings to some other account. Then she took a cup of hot tea that she was holding and threw it at her boyfriend, to stop him. She succeeded. The cup hit the synth, cracking his face, then hit the computer, breaking the monitor and spilling the contents into it, and finally landed on the floor. Now the computer was smoking, and her boyfriend stopped playing the tune, completely froze in place and started to have this prompt.
  9. Almost 20 minutes have passed since I have taken the call until I arrived, so whatever the virus was doing, it was probably done already. Yet the hope wasn't lost. I calmed down the girl to the best of my ability and came back to the vehicle, getting the toolbox. Then I started to examine the patient. The hit was masterful, square on the face - the display had a crack right through it, and quite a lot of sweet conductive liquid got inside. For the computer, that was a death sentence, but the robot was built to a much higher standard, so I proceeded to take a look, getting access from the occiput. I took the skin plates off and the carbon "bone" underneath - and what a mess, everything inside was in tea and honey, like it got sucked inside by some unlucky event. So I had to take the head apart, when I heard a panicking muttering from behind me. I looked back and saw the lizard, fur standing on the end, eyes wide.
  10. Only then I realized how it must have looked - her loved one was taken apart right before her eyes. A stronger willed person would have fainted from the sight, yet she was holding surprisingly well. I had to calm her down again and give her a sip of ethanol, to regain clarity. When I finished clearing the motherboard and the processor, I gathered the head back toghether. Display immediately displayed the same running line of text "Pay to unlock". This was a good sight - this meant that the tea hasn't damaged anything inside. So I used a cable to connect to the motherboard directly. And another good sight - the guy was conscious and alive! Yet completely paralyzed and unaware of surroundings, he bombarded me with questions from the command line, asking what is going on, where is his girlfriend, and if she is okay. I have answered those, saying that she is fine, and I am there to help. After rummaging through the file system, I have found a simulation program of some sorts, so I ran it - even simulation would be better for him than a complete darkness and silence of being locked up inside his own head.Then I started searching through the filesystem on the disks, in search of virus. And I have found it. Luckily, it just recorded itself into a good half of files, so I ran the remover tool. While it was running, I asked his persmission to allow his girlfriend to talk with him, and having that, sat her before the laptop, allowing to see what her boyfriend was seeing. She giggled immediately. Only then I looked at the name of simulation - "Sex dungeon adventure" - at least it was his own program, and this was a familiar place, much better than darkness. Leaving the two to their business, I started to upload the security patch, to patch out the vulnerability the virus used, when I heard a loud crackle, and smelled melting wires, smoke and burning sugar. The smoke was coming from his waist, right above the tail. In shock, I looked back to the laptop screen - but there it was fine. The driver worked flawlessly, cutting power from the lower part of the body without the guy in a simulation even noticing the loss of lower half. I had to lift the robot from the floor and put him belly down, to expose the waist. As I took skin apart, I saw familiar picture - the honey got even there, shorting a pair of breakers- the current was going through this unintended conductor, frying two vertebrae, but leaving the other ones intact. this was a simple repair - I just took them out. thanks to the designer of this mode, all vertebrae were interchangeable, and while this would make him a few centimeters shorter, at least he would be closer to his girlfriend, until he would buy a replacement. Gathering back the spine, I finally put back the skin parts and booted the robot up, at the same time stopping the simulation. The robot jumped up, gasping and grabbing his posterior - looks like he was having fun in that game. Then he touched the back of this head and the crack on the face, and looked at me, with surprise and happiness in his eyes. He had quite a beautiful pair of purple eyes, softly flickering, like on an old cathode ray monitor. Then I was hugged at the same time, by two pairs of arms. Him and his girlfriend. They even smelled interesting. He smelled of an expensive circuitry (that air when you open up a motherboard box is unmistakable) and burned wiring, and off course - the goddamn tea with honey. While his girl smelled of cinnamon - and it wasn't a perfume or result of cooking, more of a natural fur's scent. I barely regained my stance from that expression of gratitude and sat in his chair, to regain strength after this tiresome work.
  12. And when I closed my eyes, I opened them, waking up from the dream at 3:00 AM. And I did not want to sleep anymore, instead, I grabbed my phone to record this dream, not to forget the tiniest detail. have no clue what has given me the inspiration for this.
  13. Vader's robots? Yes. Azimov's robots? For sure! Stories of the travelling sysadmin? Who knows, probably all of those. But god damn. This was probably the best dream of my life. The most detailed and interesting for sure.
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