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Jul 29th, 2015
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text 13.51 KB | None | 0 0
  1. :DCS6
  2. "000000003FFC20042CC42AA42CA42AA42CA4200427F420042FF420043FFC0000"
  3. CoordOff:GridOff:AxesOff
  4. 0->Xmin:1->DeltaX
  5. 0->Ymin:1->DeltaY
  6. SetUpEditor TIBN
  7. If not(dim(|LTIBN:Then
  8. " ->Str9
  9. 6->dim(|LTIBN
  10. 0->|LTIBN(1
  11. 1->|LTIBN(2
  12. End
  13. UnArchive Str9
  14. 28->Z
  15. While Z=28 or (A=12 and B=34 and K!=22
  16. DelVar ZClrDraw
  17. Horizontal 52
  18. Horizontal 51
  19. Text(~1,1,1,"BasicNote
  20. StorePic 1
  21. Text(~1,1,32,"Note
  22. RecallPic 1
  23. DelVar Pic1Line(38,4,38,50
  24. Line(94,4,94,50
  25. Line(0,4,0,50
  26. For(A,51,3,~8
  27. Horizontal A
  28. End
  29. Text(12,2,"NEW NOTE
  30. Text(20,2,"DEL ALL
  31. Text(28,2,"OPTIONS
  32. DelVar C1->B
  33. For(A,1,6)
  34. If 6C+A<=|LTIBN(1:Then
  35. Text(8A+4,40,sub(Str9,inString(Str9,"[xhat]T",B)+3,inString(Str9,"[xhat]N",B)-(3+inString(Str9,"[xhat]T",B
  36. 2+inString(Str9,"[xhat]E",B)->B
  37. End
  38. End
  39. 12->A:34->B
  40. Repeat K=22 or Z=28 or (B=90 and |LTIBN(1)>=6C+A/4-F) or (A=12 and B=34
  41. 0->P
  42. Repeat sum(K={22,105,23
  43. 1+int(A/8->F
  44. 1+iPart((|LTIBN(1)-1)/6
  45. Text(3,87+4not(iPart(.1Ans)),Ans
  46. Text(3,75+4not(iPart(.1(C+1))),C+1,"/
  47. getKey->K
  48. Text(A,B,"<
  49. If K:Then
  50. Text(A,B,"
  51. If (K=34 and A=52 and |LTIBN(1)>6C+6) or (K=25 and B=90 and A=12 and C>0:Then
  52. 4(K=34)+60(K=25->A:C+(K=34)-(K=25->C:1->D
  53. For(M,1,6C
  54. 2+inString(Str9,"[xhat]E",D->D
  55. End
  56. For(M,1,6
  57. Text(8M+4,40,"
  58. If |LTIBN(1)>=6C+M:Then
  59. Text(8M+4,40,sub(Str9,inString(Str9,"[xhat]T",D)+3,inString(Str9,"[xhat]N",D)-(3+inString(Str9,"[xhat]T",D
  60. 2+inString(Str9,"[xhat]E",D)->D
  61. End
  62. End
  63. End
  64. A+8(K=34)(A<28)(B=34)-8(K=25)(A>12)+8(K=34)(B=90)(A<52)-(A-28)(K=24)(A>28->A
  65. B+56((K=26)(B=34)-(K=24)(B=90->B
  66. End
  67. Text(A,B,"<
  68. End
  69. If K=105 or K=23:Then
  70. StorePic 1
  71. If B=34 or (K=23 and B=90 and |LTIBN(1)>=6C+A/4-F) or (B=90 and |LTIBN(1)>=6C+A/4-F:Then
  72. If B=34 or (K=23 and B=90):Then
  73. If A=12 and B=34:Then
  74. Str9+"[xhat]T ->Str9
  75. 1+|LTIBN(1->|LTIBN(1
  76. 1->P
  77. End
  78. If A=20 or (K=23 and B=90):Then
  79. Text(12,2,sub("DEL ALL DEL NOTE ",1+11(B=90),11
  80. For(I,20,50,6
  81. Text(I,1,"
  82. End
  83. Text(20,2,"CANCEL
  84. Text(28,2,"CONFIRM
  85. 20->Z
  86. Repeat K=105
  87. Text(Z,34,"<
  88. getKey->K
  89. If Ans:Then
  90. Text(Z,34,"
  91. Z+8((K=34)(Z=20)-(K=25)(Z=28->Z
  92. End
  93. End
  94. If Z=28:Then
  95. If B=34:Then
  96. " ->Str9:0->|LTIBN(1
  97. End
  98. If B=90:Then
  99. inString(Str9,"[xhat]T"->D
  100. For(I,1,6C+A/4-F-1
  101. 2+inString(Str9,"[xhat]E",D->D
  102. End
  103. If 6C+A/4-F=|LTIBN(1:Then
  104. sub(Str9,1,D-1->Str9
  105. Else
  106. sub(Str9,1,D-1)+sub(Str9,inString(Str9,"[xhat]T",D+1),length(Str9)-(~1+inString(Str9,"[xhat]T",D+1->Str9
  107. End
  108. |LTIBN(1)-1->|LTIBN(1
  109. End
  110. Text(52,2,"DELETED
  111. rand(30
  112. End
  113. If Z=20:Then
  114. ClrDraw
  115. RecallPic 1
  116. End
  117. 34->B
  118. End
  119. If A=28:Then
  120. For(I,12,58,8
  121. Text(~1,I,0,"
  122. End
  123. Text(12,13,"ARCHIVE NOTES ON EXIT
  125. Text(56,11,"SUBJECT TO DELETION
  126. Horizontal 13
  127. For(G,45,45,~6
  128. For(O,5,9
  129. Line(O,G,O,G+4
  130. End
  131. End
  132. DelVar K12->G
  133. Line(6,47,7,46,0
  134. Line(8,47,9,48,0
  135. Repeat K=22
  136. If K=105:Then
  137. If G=12
  138. not(|LTIBN(2->|LTIBN(2
  139. For(O,6,8
  140. Line(O,12-(G-46),O,12-(G-48),|LTIBN(2
  141. End
  142. Pt-On(9,12-(G-48
  143. If |LTIBN(2:Then
  144. Line(6,47,7,46,0
  145. Line(8,47,9,48,0
  146. End
  147. End
  148. Text(G,1,">
  149. Repeat sum(Ans={22,25,34,105
  150. getKey->K
  151. End
  152. Text(A,1,"
  153. End
  154. ClrDraw
  155. RecallPic 1
  156. End
  157. End
  158. DelVar K
  159. If P or B=90:Then
  160. inString(Str9,"[xhat]T->D
  161. If P:|LTIBN(1)-1
  162. If not(P:6C+A/4-F-1
  163. For(E,1,Ans
  164. 2+inString(Str9,"[xhat]E",D->D
  165. End
  166. ClrDraw
  167. Horizontal 55
  168. DelVar XDelVar RDelVar SDelVar C
  169. Text(0,69+4not(iPart(.1(C+1))),C+1
  170. Text(0,77,"/87
  171. Line(89,55,89,62
  172. Line(67,55,67,62
  173. If not(P:Then
  174. Text(56,30,"Rendering..
  175. sub(Str9,D+2,inString(Str9,"[xhat]N",D)-D-2->Str6
  176. Text(0,1,Ans
  177. sub(Str9,inString(Str9,"[xhat]N",D)+2,inString(Str9,"[xhat]E",D)-(2+inString(Str9,"[xhat]N",D->Str7
  178. For(G,1,1+int((length(Str7)-3)/23
  179. If G=9:Text(56,30,"
  180. If length(Str7)>2:Then
  181. 23->theta
  182. If length(Str7)<23G:length(Str7)-23(G-1->theta
  183. For(O,1,8+int(3.87Ans),4
  184. If theta=23 or 23(G-1)+(O-1)/4<length(Str7
  185. sub(Str7,23G-20-2(O>5)+int(O/4)(23G-20-2(O>5)+int(O/4)<=length(Str7)),1
  186. If Ans="
  187. "
  188. If O>5 and not(inString("wm",Ans)) and (theta=23 or 23(G-1)+(O-1)/4<length(Str7
  189. Text(6G+2,O-8,Ans
  190. If inString("wm",Ans:Then
  191. Text(6G+2,O-8,sub("WM",inString("wm",Ans),1
  192. Line(O,61-(6G+2),O+2,61-(6G+2),0
  193. Pt-Off(O+1,60-(6G+2
  194. End
  195. End
  196. End
  197. End
  198. Text(56,30,"
  199. End
  200. DelVar B8->A
  201. Lbl TT
  202. If P or K=11:Then
  203. " ->Str7
  204. " ->Str6
  205. Repeat length(Str6)>1 and (K=34 or K=105
  206. If 1=length(Str6
  207. Text(0,1,"ENTER TITLE
  208. Repeat Ans
  209. getKey->K
  210. End
  211. Ans-20-5int(.1Ans
  212. If 12>length(Str6) and 0<Ans and Ans<29 and K!=44 and K!=45:Then
  213. If 1=length(Str6
  214. Text(0,1,"
  216. End
  217. If K=23 and length(Str6)>1:Then
  218. sub(Str6,1,length(Str6)-1->Str6
  219. Text(0,1,Str6+"
  220. End
  221. If K=45:Then
  222. " ->Str6
  223. Text(0,1,"
  224. End
  225. Text(0,1,Str6
  226. End
  227. End
  228. If P
  229. Str9+sub(Str6,2,length(Str6)-1)+"[xhat]N[xhat]E->Str9
  230. If not(P
  231. sub(Str9,1,D+2)+sub(Str6,2,length(Str6)-1)+sub(Str9,inString(Str9,"[xhat]N",D),length(Str9)+1-inString(Str9,"[xhat]N",D->Str9
  232. 0->P
  233. Repeat K=22 or K=11
  234. Repeat Ans
  235. Line(B,61-A,B,57-A
  236. getKey->K
  237. Line(B,61-A,B,57-A,0
  238. End
  239. If Ans=21 or Ans=31:Then
  240. If Ans=21:Then
  241. DelVar Rnot(S->S
  242. If S:Then
  243. Text(0,91,"2
  244. Else
  245. Text(0,91,"
  246. End
  247. End
  248. If Ans=31:Then
  249. If not(R:3->R
  250. DelVar SR-1->R
  251. If R:Then
  252. Text(0,91,"A
  253. If R<2
  254. Text(0,91,"a
  255. Else
  256. Text(0,91,"
  257. End
  258. End
  259. End
  260. If X and (not(S) or (S and not(sum(K={24,25,26,34:Then
  261. For(theta,48,0,~6
  262. Line(0,theta,94,theta,0
  263. End
  264. DelVar XDelVar M
  265. End
  266. If K>=41 and K<=104:Then
  267. If R:sub("abc defghijklMnopqrstuvWxyztheta' :?ABC DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZtheta' :?",1+34(R-1),34
  268. If S:" |E{}[e] [ ] [i]
  269. If not(R) and not(S:"= ^ ,()/ 789plotdot 456-\>123+ 0.~
  270. If " "!=sub(Ans,K-20-5int(.1K),1) or (K=102 and R:Then
  271. sub(Ans,K-20-5int(.1K),1->Str8
  272. If B>89 and A<54:DelVar BA+6->A
  273. Text(A,B+1,"
  274. Text(A,B+1,Str8
  275. End
  276. If R=1 and inString("WM",Str8:Then
  277. Line(B+1,61-A,B+3,61-A,0
  278. Pt-Off(B+2,60-A
  279. sub("wm",inString("WM",Str8),1->Str8
  280. End
  281. 23int(A/6-1)+B/4+2->theta
  282. If Ans=length(Str7:Then
  283. Str7+Str8->Str7
  284. Else
  285. sub(Str7,1,theta)+Str8
  286. If theta+1<length(Str7
  287. Ans+sub(Str7,theta+2,length(Str7)-theta-1
  288. Ans->Str7
  289. End
  290. B+4->B
  291. End
  292. If sum(K={24,25,26,34:Then
  293. If A>8 and K=24 and not(B:Then
  294. 92->B:A-6->A
  295. End
  296. If not(S:Then
  297. B+4((K=26)(B<92)(length(Str7)>23int(A/6-1)+B/4+2)-(K=24)(B>0->B
  298. A+6((K=34)(A<54)(length(Str7)>=23int(A/6)+1)-(K=25)(A>8->A
  299. End
  300. If B=92 and A<54 and K=26:DelVar BA+6->A
  301. If K=34 and A<54 and 23int(A/6-(length(Str7)>23int(A/6-2)+(B-4(K-25))/4+1))+(B-4(K-25))/4+2>length(Str7:Then
  302. If S:Line(B,62-A,94,62-A,M=sum(K={26,34
  303. 4((length(Str7)-2)-23int(length(Str7)/23->B
  304. If S:Then
  305. 23int(A/6-1)+Ans/4+2->V
  306. Line(0,56-A,B,56-A,M=sum(K={26,34
  307. End
  308. End
  309. If S:Then
  310. If (length(Str7)>23int(A/6-1)+B/4+2 and K=26) or (K=24 and (B and A=8) or (B!=92 and A=50) or A>8 and A<54:Then
  311. If not(X:Then
  312. sum(K={26,34->M:23int(A/6-1)+B/4+2->X
  313. End
  314. Line(B,62-A-6,B+4((K=26)-(K=24)),62-A-6,M=sum(K={26,34
  315. B+4(K-25->B
  316. 23int(A/6-1)+Ans/4+2->V
  317. If V=X
  318. DelVar XDelVar M
  319. End
  320. End
  321. End
  322. If K=14 and X!=V:Then
  323. If X>V
  324. V+.01X
  325. If V>X
  326. X+.01V
  327. sub(Str9,1,1)+sub(Str7,iPart(Ans)+1,100fPart(Ans)-iPart(Ans))+sub(Str9,2,length(Str9)-1->Str9
  328. End
  329. If sum(K={15,23:Then
  330. If K=23:Then
  331. 23int(A/6)+B/4-21->theta
  332. If not(X) and Ans!=length(Str7) or (X:Then
  333. If not(X:Then
  334. If Ans+1<length(Str7
  335. sub(Str7,1,Ans)+sub(Str7,Ans+2,length(Str7)-Ans-1
  336. If theta+1=length(Str7
  337. sub(Str7,1,theta
  338. End
  339. If X:Then
  340. If X>V
  341. V+.01X->theta
  342. If V>X
  343. X+.01V->theta
  344. If 100fPart(Ans)<length(Str7
  345. sub(Str7,1,iPart(Ans))+sub(Str7,100fPart(Ans)+1,length(Str7)-100fPart(Ans
  346. If 100fPart(theta)=length(Str7
  347. sub(Str7,1,iPart(theta
  348. DelVar XDelVar M
  349. End
  350. Ans->Str7
  351. End
  352. End
  353. If K=15 and "[xhat]T"!=sub(Str9,2,2:Then
  354. sub(Str7,1,23int(A/6)+B/4-21)+sub(Str9,2,inString(Str9,"[xhat]T")-2
  355. If 23int(A/6)+B/4-21<length(Str7
  356. Ans+sub(Str7,23int(A/6)+B/4-20,abs(23int(A/6)+B/4-21-length(Str7
  357. Ans->Str7
  358. End
  359. For(G,int(A/6),1+int((length(Str7)-1)/23
  360. Text(6G+2,(B+1)(G=int(A/6))+(G>int(A/6)),"
  361. If length(Str7)>2:Then
  362. 23->theta
  363. If length(Str7)<23G:length(Str7)-23(G-1->theta
  364. For(O,(B+1)(G=int(A/6))+(G>int(A/6)),8+int(3.87Ans),4
  365. If theta=23 or 23(G-1)+(O-1)/4<length(Str7
  366. sub(Str7,23G-20-2(O>5)+int(O/4)(23G-20-2(O>5)+int(O/4)<=length(Str7)),1
  367. If Ans="
  368. "
  369. If O>5 and not(inString("wm",Ans)) and (theta=23 or 23(G-1)+(O-1)/4<length(Str7
  370. Text(6G+2,O-8,Ans
  371. If inString("wm",Ans:Then
  372. Text(6G+2,O-8,sub("WM",inString("wm",Ans),1
  373. Line(O,61-(6G+2),O+2,61-(6G+2),0
  374. Pt-Off(O+1,60-(6G+2
  375. End
  376. End
  377. End
  378. End
  379. If 23int(A/6)+B/4-21>length(Str7:Then
  380. 2+6(1+int((length(Str7)-1)/23->A
  381. 4((length(Str7)-2)-23int(length(Str7)/23->B
  382. End
  383. End
  384. End
  385. If K=11:Goto TT
  386. 0->K
  387. ClrDraw
  388. sub(Str9,1,inString(Str9,"[xhat]N",D)+1)+Str7+sub(Str9,inString(Str9,"[xhat]E",D),length(Str9)+(1-inString(Str9,"[xhat]E",D->Str9
  389. DelVar C12->A:34->B:2->F
  390. End
  391. End
  392. End
  393. End
  394. End
  395. If K!=22:Pause
  396. DelVar Pic1DelVar Str6DelVar Str7DelVar Str8ClrDraw
  397. If |LTIBN(2:Archive Str9
  398. Archive |LTIBN
  399. ClrHome
  400. Output(1,1,"
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