
You Wouldn't Pirate Confidence

Apr 21st, 2014
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  1. Mar 16 00:26:55 <Melons> THE TIME: Recently, THE PLACE: On a boat, motherfucker, the girl least likely to be pinched on St. Patrick's Day, should that be a holiday observed in the region of Wakino for whatever particular reason, paces outside the moe monster's room, something stuffed under her shirt like a kid playing the old game where you get pillow pregnant. Assuming Med is actually aware of the pitter-patter of feet outside her door, she'd probably
  2. Mar 16 00:26:55 <Melons> notice that the amount of patters is inconsistent with the amount of pitters, and both are well over the average for what is required to either pass or approach the door, subsequently followed by some of the most passive door knocking known to man or mon.
  3. Mar 16 00:34:23 <Med> 1d6-1 notice pitters
  4. Mar 16 00:34:24 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, notice pitters: 4 [1d6=5]
  5. Mar 16 00:34:26 <Med> 1d6-1 notice patters
  6. Mar 16 00:34:27 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, notice patters: 1 [1d6=2]
  7. Mar 16 00:34:35 <Med> What time is it?!
  8. Mar 16 00:34:42 <Melons> 1d24
  9. Mar 16 00:34:43 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, 1d24: 10 [1d24=10]
  10. Mar 16 00:34:51 <Melons> 10a apparently.
  11. Mar 16 00:35:07 * Med is actually in her room!
  12. Mar 16 00:35:21 <Med> "Who is it?~"
  13. Mar 16 00:35:42 <Melons> "" It was probably obvious the moment she opened her mouth.
  14. Mar 16 00:36:50 <Med> "Oh, okay~"
  15. Mar 16 00:38:33 <Med> 1d100 completion percentage
  16. Mar 16 00:38:33 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, completion percentage: 22 [1d100=22]
  17. Mar 16 00:39:16 <Med> 5d6+6 focus vs;5d6+2 pretending fuzzy uses focus to get med to play. it's a psychic ability obviously
  18. Mar 16 00:39:17 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, focus vs: 28 [5d6=4,4,6,6,2]; pretending fuzzy uses focus to get med to play. it's a psychic ability obviously: 18 [5d6=1,4,5,5,1]
  19. Mar 16 00:46:08 * Med opens the door, carrying a blue bandaeu top and a light green dress shirt. She's, uh... still getting dressed, apparently, and in typical Med fashion, gives no shits about Mels seeing her without clothes on. "Which one do you think I should wear?" she asks the Mel.
  20. Mar 16 00:50:13 <Melons> She snaps a hand over her eyes, before peeking out through just enough of a crack to kind of see the clothes. "I always liked green..." It's a bit muffled by her hand being in the way of her mouth.
  21. Mar 16 00:58:12 <Melons> She makes no mention of the bulge under her shirt.
  22. Mar 16 00:58:21 <Med> woah lewd.
  23. Mar 16 00:58:34 <Med> "I guess so... it's pretty hot though... maybe there's something lighter..."
  24. Mar 16 00:58:43 <Med> "So, what did you want?" :3
  25. Mar 16 00:59:34 <Melons> " just came to ask if you could do that thing I asked about before with you know what. I think I've got the materials you'd need..."
  26. Mar 16 00:59:45 <Melons> "I-I can come back later if it's not a good time..."
  27. Mar 16 01:02:29 <Med> "With what thing?" she asks, rifling through her clothes for something like the green dress shirt, but lighter~
  28. Mar 16 01:03:04 <Melons> "The uh...the costume I showed you...and the modifications..."
  29. Mar 16 01:04:22 <Med> "Oh! Where'd I put my sewing stuff..."
  30. Mar 16 01:05:58 <Med> "Okay, come in~"
  31. Mar 16 01:06:38 <Med> she says with some sort of finality. maybe she got dressed?
  32. Mar 16 01:07:10 <Melons> Mel rushes in, entering with a thud as she whines about stubbing her toe on the corner of the door. Despite wanting to escape 'public' view, she hasn't actually moved her hand from her face, at least not until the pain of a thousand suns enters her big toe.
  33. Mar 16 01:07:34 <Med> "Are you okay?" D:
  34. Mar 16 01:09:17 <Melons> "FINE!..I'm...fine." She mad, but she unceremoniously births the costume in question as well as a wide array of green, white, and black fabrics that don't seem to be arranged in any particular order. Some of them seem to even be for curtains and such instead of for clothing. "I brought some things I thought you might need..."
  35. Mar 16 01:10:02 <Melons> Her vision is unobscured now!
  36. Mar 16 01:11:06 * Med had found her sewing equipment and gotten it out! you didn't think med would actually get dressed that quickly, did you?
  37. Mar 16 01:11:53 <Melons> Mel squiddles and looks away quickly.
  38. Mar 16 01:12:03 <Med> lewd
  39. Mar 16 01:12:19 <Med> "Th-that's a lot... you don't want to use all of it, do you?" ^^;
  40. Mar 16 01:12:33 <Melons> "N-No...I uh...just didn't know what you'd need..."
  41. Mar 16 01:13:20 <Melons> "I mean, I want to be able to do my jumps and what not in it...and not look know...I work in some creepy cafe."
  42. Mar 16 01:15:43 <Med> if an aori's here, is the dress made of silk, or tougher fabrics?
  43. Mar 16 01:16:55 <Melons> "Oh, but like you just said, it's hot as fuck in this region, so I don't want to be like...sweaty and gross."
  44. Mar 16 01:19:41 <Med> "Did you get any dyes?"
  45. Mar 16 01:21:14 <Melons> "Um..." Melanie produces various bottles of the same three shades, after a quick internet search of clothing modifications revealed it to be a thing, but apparently spent much less time actually looking into individual dyes. At least one of them is food coloring...
  46. Mar 16 01:23:06 * Med takes them, kind of D:
  47. Mar 16 01:23:56 <Aori_Radidjiu> It has silk in some areas, and tougher fabrics on some of the edges and the like
  48. Mar 16 01:24:17 * Med looks at the costume a bit more closely, to see how she should go about doing this! Redying it might be tough, but maybe the old dye'll just... wash out~ At least she doesn't need to redye all the accessories it came with!
  49. Mar 16 01:24:41 <Melons> It didn't actually come with any of those accessories, it's just the body aprt!
  50. Mar 16 01:25:27 <Med> Oh.
  51. Mar 16 01:25:32 <Med> At least she doesn't have to redye any accessories!
  52. Mar 16 01:29:38 <Melons> "Just let me know if I need to go get my stealth clothes for extra material..." Melanie finds somewhere to sit and awkwardly face the wall.
  53. Mar 16 01:31:38 <Med> "You're so awkward~ jeez, it's almost like you've never seen a naked girl, and you are a girl!"
  54. Mar 16 01:32:24 <Melons> "It can't be THAT common to look at naked friends...can it?"
  55. Mar 16 01:34:07 <Med> "Well, like, in my band, we wore a lot of costumes, and there wasn't always a lot of time or space to change~"
  56. Mar 16 01:35:09 <Melons> "But...but you had both genders in your band!" So maybe she's looked up Med's band's info online at some point, so what, wanna fight about it?
  57. Mar 16 01:35:28 <Med> "So~?"
  58. Mar 16 01:35:39 <Melons> "That's not normal!"
  59. Mar 16 01:37:13 <Med> "Nothing's normal~"
  60. Mar 16 01:37:47 <Melons> " actually makes sense..."
  61. Mar 16 01:44:49 <Melons> " you think you can do it?" She almost works up the courage to look, but instead BLUSHING INTENSIFIES.
  62. Mar 16 01:45:15 <Med> "Maybe~"
  63. Mar 16 01:46:17 <Med> "Let's go find out if I can redye it~"
  64. Mar 16 01:46:34 * Med grabs the dress and Mel's wrist, and leads her onward to a place where she can WASH it
  65. Mar 16 01:47:14 <Melons> "Wherearewegoingwhyareyoustillnotdressedwhatifpeopleseecan'twedowhateveritishere?!" Xx
  66. Mar 16 01:47:19 * Med tries to see if the dye is cheap and washes out easily~ hopefully it doesn't ruin the silk, but if she can't get rid of the dye, she'd have to replace the fabric ANYWAY
  67. Mar 16 01:47:39 <Med> "Nope~ we need water, and maybe some bleach~"
  68. Mar 16 01:49:40 <Melons> Despite how embarrassed Mel sounds, she seems to be following pretty faithfully.
  69. Mar 16 01:49:44 <Med> "And why're you embarassed anyway?~ Are you scared Mirai'll get jealous?~ Don't worry, I'm not like my shadow - if I wanted to do stuff with you, I'd definitely ask her for permission first~"
  70. Mar 16 01:50:24 <Melons> "Nono...well, I mean, yeah, but...I'd be uncomfortable looking at ANYONE naked, even just looking in the mirror!"
  71. Mar 16 01:51:00 <Med> "Really?" med is so dumbfounded by the idea that she stops to turn and look at mel
  72. Mar 16 01:51:46 <Melons> "W-Why'd you stop, this is even weirder than if you were just naked while working on clothes, p-please keep going..."
  73. Mar 16 01:54:16 <Med> "You can't even look at yourself naked?"
  74. Mar 16 01:54:49 <Melons> "N-Not comfortably..."
  75. Mar 16 01:54:58 <Med> "Why not?"
  76. Mar 16 01:55:17 <Melons> "...if I could explain what makes me uncomfortable, don't you think it wouldn't be a problem?"
  77. Mar 16 01:55:17 * Med asks, almost as if the idea was offensive, maybe - or at least troubling!
  78. Mar 16 01:55:45 <Med> "I can explain things that make me uncomfortable."
  79. Mar 16 01:56:01 <Med> "Do you not like how you look, or something?"
  80. Mar 16 01:56:32 <Melons> "I...don't know!"
  81. Mar 16 01:57:15 <Med> "Well, like, is it the same reason looking at me makes you uncomfortable?"
  82. Mar 16 01:57:46 <Melons> ""
  83. Mar 16 01:58:22 <Med> "Okay, then, let's go find out! I can do the dress stuff later~"
  84. Mar 16 01:58:41 <Melons> "C-Can't we do whatever you're doing after the dress?"
  85. Mar 16 01:59:13 <Med> "No way, this is far more important - 'sides, it'll take me a couple hours to do the dress thing anyway~"
  86. Mar 16 01:59:25 <Melons> "...fine."
  87. Mar 16 01:59:42 * Med drags Mel to a place with a mirror. her room might have a full body one that she probably got at some point because gotta have a full body mirror, if nowhere else does.
  88. Mar 16 02:02:38 <Melons> Nope, there's a people in the mirror, can't make eye contact.
  89. Mar 16 02:03:07 * Med sits someplace out of mirror view~
  90. Mar 16 02:03:14 <Melons> There's still at least one people
  91. Mar 16 02:03:15 <Melons> .
  92. Mar 16 02:03:21 <Med> "You can't even look at yourself normally?"
  93. Mar 16 02:04:08 <Melons> "Y-You wouldn't believe how hard it makes getting ready in the morning..." It's a joke! Kind of.
  94. Mar 16 02:04:16 <Med> "C'mon, try~"
  95. Mar 16 02:07:07 <Melons> 4d6+4;6d6+2 Trying
  96. Mar 16 02:07:07 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, 4d6+4: 18 [4d6=6,4,3,1]; Trying: 26 [6d6=1,6,5,5,5,2]
  97. Mar 16 02:08:18 <Melons> Melanie's eyes slowly work their way towards her own face steadily, but the moment her eyes enter her peripheral vision she turns away completely.
  98. Mar 16 02:11:32 <Melons> "It's not happening."
  99. Mar 16 02:12:06 <Aori_Radidjiu> Try again~
  100. Mar 16 02:12:33 <Melons> 4d6+4;6d6+2 FINE
  101. Mar 16 02:12:35 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, 4d6+4: 18 [4d6=4,2,5,3]; FINE: 25 [6d6=6,6,5,1,3,2]
  102. Mar 16 02:12:47 <Melons> Paranoia OP, plz nerf.
  103. Mar 16 02:14:57 <Melons> 4d6+4;6d6+2 Three is a good number before giving up on something forever, right?
  104. Mar 16 02:14:58 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, 4d6+4: 17 [4d6=5,1,2,5]; Three is a good number before giving up on something forever, right?: 23 [6d6=2,5,3,1,5,5]
  105. Mar 16 02:16:02 <Aori_Radidjiu> Now go get help~
  106. Mar 16 02:16:11 <Aori_Radidjiu> Says the ominous voice in Mel's head
  107. Mar 16 02:16:27 * Melons makes a couple more attempts, getting tiny amounts closer with each try, but eventually just turns her back on the mirror completely. "Well I tried, how about that, guess I'm just fucked forever, let's go do the dress thing now, k?"
  108. Mar 16 02:16:30 <Aori_Radidjiu> that doesn't actually exist
  109. Mar 16 02:16:47 <Melons> Not existing is the most ominous thing a voice COULD do!
  110. Mar 16 02:20:08 <Med> "Hmm..."
  111. Mar 16 02:23:48 <Med> "You're not trying, you're just being afraid of yourself and giving up. Just look at yourself - you can do it, just don't think about it too much!"
  112. Mar 16 02:24:16 <Med> +2 to all skill rolls... which, for inverse intuition paranoia, probably counts as -2 since Intuition gets +2 too!
  113. Mar 16 02:24:52 <Melons> 4d6+6;6d6 FINE, if it will hurry things along she can try again.
  114. Mar 16 02:24:53 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, 4d6+6: 19 [4d6=1,5,5,2]; FINE, if it will hurry things along she can try again.: 10 [6d6=1,2,3,1,2,1]
  115. Mar 16 02:28:31 <Melons> She turns one more to the mirror, her eyes flickering inward a bit and her discomfort is pretty clear from some angst tears starting to form. By some miracle she actually manages to coax them into meeting their counterparts. For someone with near complete aerial control, it's a little odd to be so surprised that she managed to make her eyes of all things obey her, but she lets out a bit of a gasp and holds her breath while she a
  116. Mar 16 02:28:31 <Melons> ctually looks at her own face for the first time in a while. "...I need to spend less time in the sun...or...more time?"
  117. Mar 16 02:31:57 <Med> "Ehe, you look fine, silly~"
  118. Mar 16 02:32:31 <Melons> "'s so awkward to know...cute?"
  119. Mar 16 02:33:47 <Med> "Duh~"
  120. Mar 16 02:34:04 <Med> "You don't usually wear cute clothes, though, so I'll have to try my best~"
  121. Mar 16 02:34:50 <Melons> "...thanks...I...uh...still can't believe that the whole not wearing clothes thing is normal, though."
  122. Mar 16 02:35:50 <Med> "Well, like... I'm totally in my room, in a place that's sorta like home... so, like, the rule is wear whatever's comfortable!"
  123. Mar 16 02:37:54 <Melons> " to be extra wouldn't be totally offended if I did look, nor would the boat capsize?"
  124. Mar 16 02:38:14 <Med> "Uh, nope~"
  125. Mar 16 02:38:36 <Melons> Curiosity kills the Mel as she looks, for a little bit at least.
  126. Mar 16 02:38:59 <Med> then the boat capsized, and everyone drowned.
  127. Mar 16 02:39:00 <Med> gg
  128. Mar 16 02:39:27 * Med is totes just chilling there~ 6d6+6 charm is way too high for her to be embarassed, yo.
  129. Mar 16 02:40:49 <Melons> Despite being pretty good at sneaking and guilin', Mel is just downright staring and comparing now.
  130. Mar 16 02:41:24 <Melons> She snaps out of it after an awkward while. " dress...right...that's a thing"
  131. Mar 16 02:41:28 * Med might blush a LITTLE if she's, like, outright being STARED at, but she laughs it off~
  132. Mar 16 02:43:45 <Med> "Man, you're so awkward~ also, no way~ you only passed the first level~"
  133. Mar 16 02:44:07 <Med> "You're being trained by Med Mizou, now! Ask my pokemon - I don't accept anything but the best results!~"
  134. Mar 16 02:44:55 <Melons> 4d6+4 Is my overconfidence my weakness?
  135. Mar 16 02:44:56 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, Is my overconfidence my weakness?: 24 [4d6=6,6,3,5]
  136. Mar 16 02:45:48 <Melons> Totally passed my self-deceiving DC.
  137. Mar 16 02:46:06 <Melons> Which in this case is a good thing?
  138. Mar 16 02:46:23 <Med> >mel, >overconfident, >not a self deception
  139. Mar 16 02:47:05 <Melons> Oh, no, I mean she successfully deceived herself into feeling overconfident.
  140. Mar 16 02:47:13 <Med> oh~
  141. Mar 16 02:48:13 <Melons> "Of course I'm awkward, I hunt pirates, fight gods, and have been studying grimoires lately. How does that make me anything else?"
  142. Mar 16 02:50:29 <Melons> "Oh, and I can move things with my mind, prefer the company of ghosts, have a secret love for Mackenzie Frazier mo-" She freezes up at letting that last bit slip.
  143. Mar 16 02:50:59 <Med> "You do?"
  144. Mar 16 02:52:21 <Med> "Y'know, if we're friends, that's totally a thing we're allowed to talk about, silly~"
  145. Mar 16 02:52:22 <Melons> Good thing she passed that self-guile with flying colors...after a bit of silence and lip pursing, she pulls out a wallet and fiddles with it before producing...a card denoting official membership of the Mackenzie Frazier fan club in her name.
  146. Mar 16 02:52:48 <Med> "Huh, wow! I didn't know there was an official fan club!"
  147. Mar 16 02:53:35 <Melons> "I think any group that pays his agent enough gets to call themselves that actually..."
  148. Mar 16 02:54:50 <Med> "There're multiple?"
  149. Mar 16 02:55:15 <Melons> " you...not use computers? Like ever?"
  150. Mar 16 02:57:40 <Med> "I do! For school stuff, music stuff... sometimes they made me play video games... and fashion stuff! I had a blog thingy, but I kinda stopped updating it."
  151. Mar 16 02:58:11 <Melons> "...and social media?"
  152. Mar 16 03:00:01 <Med> "Ehe, I didn't actually have a lot of friends in school, so I just hung out with them in person, or texted them stuff!"
  153. Mar 16 03:01:58 <Melons> "Oh, uh, I didn't have a lot either...and by not a lot I I didn't really keep up with after they went off to be pokemon know...the online thing and pokemon at my parents' tutoring place were really all I had...can I say having to worry about appearance is a pain in the ass?"
  154. Mar 16 03:02:21 <Med> "It is?"
  155. Mar 16 03:03:42 <Melons> "How much time during a day do you spend on appearance stuff?"
  156. Mar 16 03:04:11 <Med> "Um... maybe an hour or three, I guess~"
  157. Mar 16 03:04:59 <Melons> "Which probably actually means two to four, or three to five, now replace that with sleep, alcohol, and/or fun."
  158. Mar 16 03:05:17 <Melons> "...oh wait, you were kind of a light weight weren't you..."
  159. Mar 16 03:06:36 <Med> "I don't normally drink, and fashion's one of the things I do for fun~"
  160. Mar 16 03:07:33 <Melons> 4d6+4 "I don't get it...maybe if you explain some of what you were doing with the costume..."
  161. Mar 16 03:07:35 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, "I don't get it...maybe if you explain some of what you were doing with the costume...": 16 [4d6=3,3,4,2]
  162. Mar 16 03:07:57 <Med> wh-what's that roll
  163. Mar 16 03:08:16 <Melons> Totally not an attempt at guilin' to get her to proceed with the modification instead of making her be a people more.
  164. Mar 16 03:08:21 <Melons> Not that at all.
  165. Mar 16 03:08:29 <Med> 5d6+6 psh trying to guile a med when she's seen into your soul
  166. Mar 16 03:08:30 <DiceMaid-9001> Med, psh trying to guile a med when she's seen into your soul: 27 [5d6=3,6,4,2,6]
  167. Mar 16 03:08:49 <Melons> It was totally that.
  168. Mar 16 03:09:00 <Melons> What a twist.
  169. Mar 16 03:09:10 <Med> "Well, like, after lunch, I'm gonna see if I can re-dye it green."
  170. Mar 16 03:11:05 <Melons> " is a pretty color, r-right?"
  171. Mar 16 03:11:16 <Med> "All colors are pretty, silly~"
  172. Mar 16 03:11:37 <Melons> "...are you trying to tell me brown that isn't in hair or eyes can be pretty?"
  173. Mar 16 03:11:57 <Med> "It can be!"
  174. Mar 16 03:12:12 * Melons stares.
  175. Mar 16 03:13:37 * Med gets up and drags Mel off to her closet, to show her brown clothes. there's a jacket, slacks, shoes, shorts, a few tops, and even a nice dress or two. and probably more!
  176. Mar 16 03:14:12 <Melons> Melanie isn't subtle about insisting that she get around to putting clothes on.
  177. Mar 16 03:16:13 <Med> "Huh? No~"
  178. Mar 16 03:16:33 <Med> "The only way you can get over embarassment is by getting used to it~"
  179. Mar 16 03:17:45 <Melons> "No I think unless you can get everyone else to start walking around naked, the only way that would work is if you got me nak...ed..."
  180. Mar 16 03:18:51 <Med> "Yup~"
  181. Mar 16 03:19:02 <Med> "Since you understand, you'll do it, right?~"
  182. Mar 16 03:19:39 <Melons> " said I only passed the first leve, surely that's like level f-five...or t-ten...r-right?"
  183. Mar 16 03:20:21 <Melons> +l
  184. Mar 16 03:20:46 <Melons> "And I mean surely walking around in cute but out-of-place magical girl costumes is a lower level than that, right?"
  185. Mar 16 03:20:48 <Med> "Level five's when your band decides to be edgy and do a show naked, and you're the only one they don't tell that it's actually just nude suits."
  186. Mar 16 03:21:49 <Med> "Level ten, huh... I dunno~"
  187. Mar 16 03:22:10 <Melons> "...these levels are on an exponential level, aren't they..."
  188. Mar 16 03:22:24 <Melons> *scale
  189. Mar 16 03:23:15 <Med> "Well, they're sequential!"
  190. Mar 16 03:23:26 <Med> "If you could skip it, it's not really a level - maybe a bonus stage, but not a level!"
  191. Mar 16 03:23:58 <Med> "Besides, it's not like anyone'll see you but me~"
  192. Mar 16 03:25:36 <Melons> " about if I agree to continue the training at a pace that won't probably drive me back into the comforting grip of insanity, and for now we just fix my costume? don't have to put clothes on."
  193. Mar 16 03:27:06 <Med> "See, that's your problem, you're so afraid of everything~"
  194. Mar 16 03:27:16 <Med> "There's nothing to be afraid of~"
  195. Mar 16 03:27:36 <Melons> "Didn't we already cover the part where I'm being hunted by nightmare gods?"
  196. Mar 16 03:28:05 <Melons> "...although I guess wanting to go in to confront them isn't particularly a sign of fright..."
  197. Mar 16 03:28:50 <Med> "It's not like they're watching you, waiting for you to do something like, I dunno... anything you're afraid of doing, to jump out of the wall and attack~"
  198. Mar 16 03:29:50 <Melons> "B-But I mean i-isn't this enough progress for today?"
  199. Mar 16 03:30:52 <Med> "No! You didn't progress very much if you're scared of doing anything else!"
  200. Mar 16 03:31:43 <Melons> "...w-what if we flip for it? Doesn't that show that I'm willing to do it but would rather not enough that I could still potentially be rewarded?" She pulls out her last 100 pokeyen coin of spending money.
  201. Mar 16 03:32:04 <Med> "Oh... you want a reward?~"
  202. Mar 16 03:32:41 <Melons> "Well I meant a break..."
  203. Mar 16 03:32:43 <Med> "Then I'll spend just as much time working on your dress as you do on this!"
  204. Mar 16 03:33:27 <Melons> " might actually be a demon after all..."
  205. Mar 16 03:34:04 * Med is :3
  206. Mar 16 03:34:38 <Melons> "...c-can I at least start with like a...divider...or like...just a bed sheet at first?"
  207. Mar 16 03:37:05 <Med> "How come?~"
  208. Mar 16 03:39:15 <Melons> "Uuuuuuuugh...can you at least work on the dress while I work on...erm...this? I mean I don't have any idea how long it would take you and I don't want the short end of the stick..."
  209. Mar 16 03:39:33 <Med> "Sure, I'll be right back~"
  210. Mar 16 03:39:47 * Med grabs the dress and walks off to put it in a washing machine~
  211. Mar 16 03:41:50 * Med returns, giving Mel just enough time to be awkwardly alone in her room.
  212. Mar 16 03:42:23 <Melons> 5d6+6;5d6 Fuggit, overconfidencing tweaked effective rolls, death knells ringing and all that
  213. Mar 16 03:42:24 <DiceMaid-9001> Melons, 5d6+6: 25 [5d6=4,4,3,2,6]; Fuggit, overconfidencing tweaked effective rolls, death knells ringing and all that: 18 [5d6=3,5,5,1,4]
  214. Mar 16 03:43:11 <Melons> Melanie is quite awkwardly covering up while facing the corner, her clothes half-assedly folded.
  215. Mar 16 03:43:30 <Med> oh, yeah. i was gonna say
  216. Mar 16 03:43:45 <Med> whenever she gets naked, totes +1 intuition for -1 idk, intimidate
  217. Mar 16 03:46:20 <Melons> /minizzle
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