
Alder Frostclaw FEMTO

Aug 14th, 2016
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  1. Name: Alder of the Frostclaw Tribe
  3. Race: Griffon
  4. Racial Traits:
  5. -Griffon Flight: You can fly, and recieve a +1 bonus to divebomb attacks from high altitude. This is about as taxing as running at full speed. You can also carry more weight than a pegasus, but tire quickly while doing so
  6. -Surveyor(Passive): You have keen eyes when flying on high. While flying give either you or an ally +1 for ranged attacks
  8. -Talents:
  9. -Emboldening Vapors: Allies healed by your Natural Remedy talk half damage for the next round. [Trained Talent]
  10. Secondary Talent: Performance
  11. -You have a knack for singing and dancing, thanks to your teacher's suggestions. You receive a +1 to any rolls involving singing or dancing.
  13. Gender: Male
  14. Age: 19
  16. Hits/Wounds: 5(+2)/6
  18. Class: Hermit (Rogue/Shaman)
  19. -Innocent: Passive; Appear unimportant, uninteresting and generally like a forgettable bystander. Unless you are caught doing something illegal, you will at most be escorted outside, but more likely you'll just be ignored by guards and the like
  20. -[+1] Natural Remedy: Recharge 1, Ranged; You use an unpredictable tincture to fully restore a target’s hits to full and restore one wound, or removes status effects. Crit on 9+ restores 2 wounds, but crit fail on 2- deals a wound of damage.
  21. -[+1] Master Thief: Passive; Thanks to years of training, picking locks, cracking safes, locating hidden loot, finding traps and smuggling items is a lot easier for you than an untrained novice. Every once in a while you can roll to see if your instincts might offer a hint about something important nearby.
  22. -Heal (Requires Medic's Knife. Ranged, Spell, Recharge 1): You restore all of a target's Hits, and one Wound (Two Wounds on a Crit, one Wound of damage on a Critfail). You may also use it to cleanse a target, removing all status effects.
  24. Aura Skills:
  25. -[+1] Rallying Cry (Instant, Recharge 1): You let off an Aura-infused cry, which invigorates your allies. They gain a +1 to all rolls next round.
  26. -Screech (Instant, Recharge 1): You let out a terrible aura-enhanced screech and a shockwave of aura, dulling the nerves of your foes. Affected opponents take a -1 to their actions next round.
  27. -In-Progress Skill that totally existed this whole time :"^^^^
  28. -Spectral Claws (Instant, Recharge 2-3): Lash out with your aura manifested as claws at a target. The essence you rake off is transferred into an ally, which heals them for the damage dealt.
  30. BP/EP Investment-
  31. -BP (3 Total, 3 Spent):
  32. 1 Spent on Natural Remedy
  33. 1 Spent on Rallying Shot
  34. 1 Spent on Master Thief
  35. -EP (3 Total, 2 Spent):
  36. 2 Spent on Wounds (1x)
  38. Inventory
  39. -Rations, Canteens (2x), Blanket/Bedroll, Bag
  40. -Binoculars, Dagger, Carved Stone Claw Necklace
  41. -Strengthened Bow: +1 to all Bow rolls.
  42. -Light Leather Armor: +2 Hits.
  43. -10 Frost Rounds, 30 Fire Rounds, 33 Shock Rounds
  44. -Codex of Sea Shanties
  45. -Codex of Classical Orchestra
  46. -Snowglobe of Manenhi, Agyl Island
  48. Magic Equipment and Special Items
  49. -Witchkiller Bow and Quiver: This bow does +3 Extra hits to foes that know magic.
  50. -Spellslinger: This magic pistol can be loaded with special ammunition. Also, rolls with it are made with a +1 bonus.
  51. -Medic's Knife: This Dagger allows you to use the Heal Skill. Any bonuses to an attack roll apply to your Heal roll.
  52. -Mistie Flower: You no longer have to choose between cleansing a status or healing a target
  53. -Shamanic Whistle: Upon critfailing a healing roll, roll 1d3. If the roll is 2 or 3, the spell fails but doesn't inflict a wound. On 1, it inflicts a wound as normal.
  54. -Bell of Transformation: A bell that, once rung, can change the user into what they would look like if they were of another race, or gender, keeping their overall build, proportions and "look." The user determines what they transform into.
  55. 1170 Gold Bits
  56. -Figurine of the Surgeon: Increases the Crit Range for all healing abilities by one.
  58. -Backstory-
  59. Alder is a small, slender Griffon of the Frostclaw tribe, a village of strong, sturdy, predatory-looking, wintry-patterned Griffons. His tribe lives in the far north of the Griffonlands, and tends to favor strength, endurance, and wisdom, as the northern lands require hardier types than elsewhere. Alder was looked down upon, both literally and physically, for being severely lacking in the physical department; while he had a sharp mind, his somewhat weak body left him less useful to his tribe.
  60. As soon as he reached adulthood, he resolved he would set out on a journey to test himself, become strong, and gain glory and wealth, so that he could return to his tribe with his head held high. His talents mostly laid in his gracefulness and his sharp mind, but his tribe's isolation has left him somewhat naive to the world outside of it, and the other cultures there. He quickly picked up the myths of the treasures, knowledge, and power hidden away in the Forbidden Land, and, like many others, was drawn to it for such a reason. He went in hoping to come out stronger, and wealthier, before returning to his village.
  61. Alder is, like the rest of his tribe, mostly physical. Much of his emotions, good or bad, may be shown more through his actions and body language than his words, in various ways (ie; he'll shake when scared, hop around/hug when excited and happy, flick his tail about when interested or aggravated, or puff up and flare his wings out when angered/close to blows). Also like his tribe, Alder will become fiercely loyal to those he becomes attached to. As stated above, Alder is somewhat naive to the practices of other cultures, and their norms. While he seeks to learn about the world outside his home, one thing fascinates him above all others; magic. Magic was exceedingly rare in his tribe, so he takes every chance he can get to learn more about it, whether from books, or from fellow teammates. While he's managed to pick up some small measure of it himself, he's always interested in learning more. As an added note; due to the circumstances of why he left his tribe, he has some mildly serious self-worth issues.
  63. Picture/Appearance:
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