
[EqG] (Rarity) A Series of Bad Wishes

Sep 30th, 2015
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  1. Heads up: Female Muscle story ahead.
  5. "Pardon me, could you repeat what you just said once more?"
  7. Rarity frowns at the object in one hand, holding the phone to her ear with the other. On the other end of the line, Sunset sighs and rattles off her explanation for the third time.
  9. "It's a draconequus claw, an object from Equestria. If I had to guess it was thrown here during the Tumultuous Times, probably as a result of a prank."
  11. "I see," the fashionista frowns, squinting at the three clawed limb. "But I was rather referring to the second part."
  13. "Oh, that. Well, you know the story about the Monkey's Paw?"
  15. "Of course, darling." In truth she has no idea at all, but it sounds simply fascinating; especially the next bit.
  17. "Well, a draconequus works in the same way except, well, it's not an urban legend. You're dealing with a very serious Equestrian artifact, one with the power to grant wishes."
  19. A smile dances across the purple haired girl's lips as she twirls the stick-like arm between her fingers. "Fascinating."
  21. "A world of trouble is more like it," Sunset coughs. "Listen, I'm a little tied up at the moment, but I'll get in touch with Princess Twilight and see what our options are."
  23. "Yes, yes, you do that Sunset. I'm sure Twilight will be happy to help."
  25. "Alright. And Rarity?"
  27. "Hmm?"
  29. "Don't even think of using that thing. It's dangerous."
  31. "Perish the thought, dear," the pale girl tuts. "I'm sure that everything will be in order when you arrive."
  33. The girls say their goodbyes and Rarity pockets her phone. Clutching the claw tight in her hand, she gives a small, unladylike squeal and stomps her feet.
  35. "Gracious, this is the most spectacular thing that could have ever happened to me!"
  37. Hefting the artifact again, she bites her lip and looks it over; noting the scaly, bird-like nature and the three sharp talons at the end of each tip. Wetting her lips, Rarity seems fully prepared to utilize the claw until-
  39. "Though, I did promise that I wouldn't do anything with it." A scowl causes her forehead to crease ever so slightly. "And Sunset did seem rather adamant that I leave it well enough alone. Hmph."
  41. With a pout, she places the claw talons-down onto a table and stares at it for a few brief seconds. Considering the troubles which had come from Equestria thus far, perhaps it would be best to let things lie; especially since Sunset is far more familiar with magical items than she could ever hope to be. But still...
  43. "Oh, drat!" the young girl grumbles, stomping a foot and hurrying away to another part of the boutique. "If I had never found it while cleaning, this would be a non-issue!"
  45. Still, reason would clearly win the day, as the pale girl goes back to her closet to finish her spring cleaning. It's a laborious job, and she often has to call in outside help to get rid of some of the product she simply can't sell or reuse, but all of her usual male compatriots had prior engagements and couldn't help.
  47. "Even Daddy!" Rarity grumbles with a huff, swatting a floating dust bunny out of the air in front of her. What should have been a two hour walk in the park has instead ballooned into an all-day marathon, leaving Rarity sweaty, tired, and exceedingly frustrated. Especially at the boxes in high places.
  49. Oh, it had certainly seemed like a good idea at the time to push them back against the wall, but with her smaller stature and reach, the flustered fashionista finds herself at a lose as to how to get the awkwardly shaped objects down.
  51. "I really would like to get this done today," Rarity murmurs to herself, tapping her chin as she eyes the step stool nearby. After a moment, she shakes her head and sighs. "But, it seems that that would be impossible. I'll, simply have to wait for someone else to come in and move things in my boutique."
  53. Despite acknowledging her shortcoming, the admission does little to brighten the girl's mood. In truth, it’s more of a sour note than anything. Storming out of the closet, she moves to her table and slumps forward, grumbling to herself. The frustrated tirade carries on for a few moments until it stops abruptly, and Rarity lifts her head to stare at the claw on the table in front of her. It seems to glisten with an otherworldly light, with the promise of solving her problems. Reaching out to take it in hand again, Rarity purses her lips.
  55. "While Sunset may be right about this draconequus claw, she may also be overreacting just a little." Giving it a little twirl, she smiles and continues, "Honestly, it's not as though I'm asking for an ideal boyfriend, or to make it rich selling clothing. No, no, this is very simple, a request to be able to move things off the top shelf of the closet. There's nothing wrong with that."
  57. Still, the fashionista's breath catches as she considers her words. Would she, rather, could she betray a friend's trust like that? But, on the other hand, whose to say that Sunset ever had to know? After all, it's just one, simple, tiny wish.
  59. The purple-haired girl's lips pop as they part, a quiet, uncertain voice ringing out: "I wish I could move anything in my boutique without needing the help of others."
  61. A sudden trembling from the claw causes Rarity's grip to loosen. The artifact clatters to the desk, rattling about under its own power. The pale girl bites her lip, certain that things are about to take an unfortunate when the claw suddenly stands rigid in front of her with talons upturned. The talon on the left flinches twice, before curling inward and a flash of light erupts from it.
  63. An undignified squeal escapes Rarity's mouth as she covers her eyes, but the light fades, and with it some of the tension in her shoulders. Dropping her arms, she opens her eyes and glances about to find-
  65. "G-Gracious," she whispers, becoming plainly aware that her perspective has changed dramatically. Whereas before she had been bordering on petite, the pale girl can now see to the bottom of almost every corner of the room from her position.
  67. "Certainly not what I expected, but a little height is never a bad thing in the clothing business." A smile crosses Rarity's lips as she looks down. The upturn quickly disappears as she gets a good look at her front. Or rather, what's left of it.
  69. "No!" she whimpers at once, bringing her now much larger hands up to her face. Her arms, her legs, no, her entire body seems to look and feel alien. In a hyperventilating panic, Rarity struggles to find where to begin panicking first.
  71. "What, how?" she whimpers, even as her wish rings out again in her head. To be able to move things in her boutique without assistance; somehow the wording had come out and turned her into, into...
  73. Rarity's chest heaves as real panic settles in. The white top which once hung loose around her shoulders now strains more and more with each heavy breath. As she works up a sob, a loud ripping sound draws her attention down to the struggling fabric, and the deep cleavage now on display through the tear down the middle of her shirt.
  75. "This, this can't be happening," Rarity mutters to herself. Her thick, corded arms scramble for the table and grip the claw again. Squeezing it tightly, she struggles her way through her strangled thought process.
  77. "When I made a wish, one of the claws retracted," she murmurs, licking her lips and realizing that even her tongue feels larger than before. "So, by that count I have two left. Two chances to set this right. I-I can do that; I just need to find the right words."
  79. Rarity gulps, before taking a deep breath and making her second wish. "This isn't right; I wish to be normal!"
  81. Again, the claw trembles, but Rarity clings tightly to it this time, feeling the vibrations all the way up her arm and into her chest. She grits her teeth in discomfort, but also becoming quite aware of how very powerful she feels. Almost as though she could take on the world.
  83. After a long moment, the trembling subsides and the second claw curls inward, emitting a blinding flash of light. Rarity only has to bring one, massive hand up to her face in order to block out the light, and when it subsides-
  85. "N-nothing's changed," she whimpers, looking herself over again. Correction, something had changed, namely her attire. Instead of the confident, girl about town look, the purple-haired diva is now dressed in a pair of bike shorts and a belly-revealing tank top that would look more appropriate on her friend Rainbow Dash.
  87. A quick glance around confirms the growing fear in her adorable abdominals; the second wish had indeed made things normal. The various photographs around the shop of Rarity and her family and friends have been altered to showcase the now muscular minx. In short, she has always been like this!
  89. "This, this can't be happening," she mutters to herself, feeling her muscular body tremble and shake with each uncertain breath. As if it weren't bad enough that the pictures have changed, the beefy beauty feels a tickle in the back of her mind that quickly overpowers her.
  91. Images of the rail-thin girl seem to vanish before her mind's eye, instead replaced with memories of being an awe-inspiring amazon, her body tingling with an excitement and desire she'd never known before.
  93. Unbidden fingers slide up her tree-trunk thighs, caressing the swollen section of her shorts. Her gentle gasps of pleasure seem to shake the rafters, making Rarity's trembling all the more powerful. Pop-pop-pop, more thoughts of the twiggy girl vanish, instead replaced with a go-getting diva, eager to design a line of clothing for women like herself. Not that there were many, but still.
  95. The touching, popping, and replacing continues for a few moments more, before Rarity at last gasps and drops to her knees. The shorts are quickly soaked as she shakes, breathless gasps escaping her throat.
  97. The orgasm couldn't have come at a better time, as only a small sliver of regular Rarity remains. With her hyper-muscular body now super-sensitive, she could finally make a move. Make a wish. Set things right.
  99. "I-I wish," she croaks. Her eyes are bleary, her smile, delirious. "I wish I could share this with the other girls..."
  101. A tremble. A shake. A bright flash of light...
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