
Nomont: Intro. to Mana-based Injuries

Feb 13th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. [18:18] Asura Nomont says, "If you don't mind, do you happen to have any notes on medical work? I've also been practicing that, and I admit I fear my own knowledge is shotty at best."
  2. [18:24] Yugo had some knowledge about medical work that he had done with Paca, he first daydreams about his own thoughts before turning his attention to Asura.
  4. "Oh, yes, of course, I have some things that I collected on my visits to the Blue Unicorn heheh."
  6. He gives a short laugh before looking for something in his bag. He then pulls out his medical diary and searches over a few pages.
  8. "Let me see..."
  10. He spends some time looking through the book until he arrives at an important topic.
  12. "Do you already know the types of injuries?"
  14. He questions the man while pressing his finger on one of the pages.
  15. (Yugo)
  16. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. [18:27] "Yes." The Nomont nodded, "You have lacerations, which are tears on the skin surface." He started, "Puncture wounds, which break the skin and flesh but lack a puncture wound. Penetration wounds, which -do- break through the body on both an entry and exit point." He paused, pondering on the subject. "Burns, of three degrees... First, Second and third... Hmmmm… We have abrasions and..." He mumbled to himself, recounting the injuries under his hum, counting on his fingers all the while before--
  20. "I think that's all of them, actually, outside of bone-related injuries, like fractures, broken bones and shattered bones."
  21. (Asura Nomont)
  22. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. [18:42] Yugou listens to Asura about his knowledge of the injuries and smiles while listening to the man resume the chapter in the book.
  26. "Ah, so you've already read this chapter, haven't you? Hahah"
  28. He laughs as he closes the book.
  30. "You just limited yourself to one type of injury, which, by the way, was not listed in Alistair's book."
  32. He says a mischievous smile, recalling the treatment that was carried out on Paca's guidelines.
  34. "You are limited from injuries of magical origin."
  36. Yugo says as he concentrates his lightning mana in his hands.
  37. (Yugo)
  38. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. [18:48] The cackling of lightning at the fingertips of the mage startled the Nomont, but he eventually regained his nerve. There was the mild irritation of being reminded of his lack of ability.
  41. "Yeah, about that..." He started up, "Remember when I mentioned earlier that I was a nonmagi?" He attempted to reiterate it once more, "I don't have any powers... Never have. My body isn't acclimated towards mana sensitivity either." He explained, "Trust me, I've tried in my years. It's not happening." He explained, "So, there's no way I'm going to able to treat a magically-based injury. Unless they're burns and cuts... You know, because... Medical tools can handle -those-."
  43. The man sighed, "... But maybe if I were able to design a method of dealing with it... But I'd have to invent something like that." He went on.
  44. "Surely, that'd be a process..."
  46. A process indeed... The need for an invention to allow him to treat magical injuries.
  47. Where would he even start?
  48. (Asura Nomont)
  49. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. [19:03] Yugo dissipates the energy for a moment after realizing that this caused Asura discomfort, despite that, he smiles.
  53. "Cheer up man, you have a power you can use to change the world, or maybe even invent a method to heal wounds of magical origin."
  55. He claims to do a certain mystery on purpose.
  57. "You have the intelligence, and this is enough to make you reach your goals."
  59. He encouraged his friend. I take a deep breath before resuming the explanation.
  61. "Well, some time ago I was introduced to wounds of magical origin, and, like you, I did not know this type of wound, as it was not listed in Alistair's book. Wounds of magical origin are a little different from the previous ones, but they can be more serious. "
  63. He says sighing and looking in the direction of his hands.
  65. "This type of wound I learned to deal with in practice, treating Halvard, who had a second degree burn of magical origin in his hands. Theburning mana penetrated his skin and damaged part of the tendons of his hands, causing severe pain. "
  67. He stops for a moment to get some air and continues.
  69. "First I applied a little Lax to ease the pain, I used a little neutral mana to bring Lax to the damaged nerves, reducing the discomfort a little, but this application alone was not enough."
  72. (Yugo)
  73. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. [19:11] Yugo takes a little more air and continues.
  77. "After this application, Paca took us to the Blue Unicorn where we continued the treatment, he asked me to concentrate my neutral mana so that I could find the points where the burning mana was."
  79. He stops a little to scratch his chin and continues
  81. "Paca told me to move the mana from one point to another, I kept doing this until I failed to notice the presence of the burning mana in the wound. After that, Paca told me to apply Lax again and close the wound with bandages to Lax base, in order to relieve the burning sensation. "
  83. Yugo ends the explanation by pausing. It takes a few minutes before questioning the friend.
  85. "Under these conditions, if it is a magical wound, you would have to find a way to capture the mana points of your patient's enemy and remove him from the inside of the wound ... But how would you do this?"
  87. He asks directing his gaze to Asura.
  88. (Yugo)
  89. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  91. [19:23] After a while, Asura Yugo's silence continued.
  93. "You need to find a method on your own so that you can remove the damaging mana from the wound. Surely, if you discover this, your discovery will revolutionize the field of non-magi medicine."
  95. He says with a smile on his face at the end of class.
  97. (Yugo)
  98. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  100. [15:52] That was the problem...
  101. He couldn't. Without control over the circuitry, he hadn't a hope in Hel on servicing injuries of such a caliber. It'd require something of magical origin...
  103. … Or would it?
  105. "I suppose, I have no choice then..." He shrugged, picking himself up from his seat. "I'll do my research, but I doubt I'll find it in alchemy." He admitted, "That sounds like something more tangible... Orchestrat-- Err, no... Planned out and -constructed- rather. Not even sure where to start such a creation, but I guess I'll have to start researching mining material and go from there."
  107. There was always a first step...
  108. Thankfully, there were many nonmagi looking for work, and he could employ them to help him figure out the answers to his issues.
  109. (Asura Nomont)
  110. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. [15:52] Asura Nomont says, "In any regard, I'll see myself out. Hopefully, you have great advancements in your business endeavors, as will I."
  113. [15:53] Yugo exclaims, "Thank you, Mr. Nomont. Good luck in your search, I'm sure you can find something revolutionary!"
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