

Apr 11th, 2015
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  1. [center][img][/img]
  2. [i][color=aba000]it makes me that much stronger / makes me that much stronger
  3. makes me that much wiser / so thanks for making me a fighter[/color][/i][/center]
  5. [b][i][h3][center][color=aba000]INTRODUCTION![/color][/center][/h3][/i][/b]
  6. [center]Hello, my name is Tanner, and I will be your Master of Ceremonies for this roleplay! I have been roleplaying for about two years, and I was thoroughly upset when I saw that there were no Vindictus-like roleplays in the Advanced section, so I decided to make one.[/center]
  7. [b][i][h3][center][color=aba000]SETTING & PLOTLINE.[/color][/center][/h3][/i][/b]
  8. [center]The majority of this roleplay will take place in Colhen, and because there will be nine of us (perhaps more as the game develops), it will take longer to advance to the next worlds and the like. The first scene will be the nine of them in the bar, similar to the Vindictus start screen, and then we'll take it from there. The plotline will follow very similar to in-game canon, but everyone is free to do what they want as they want. You don't have to become a Mercenary; you can be the 'wingman' or whatever role you find fitting for your character. As well as this, there will be polls in the OOC thread that the participants can vote on to advance the plot.[/center]
  9. [b][i][h3][center][color=aba000]CHARACTERS.[/color][/center][/h3][/i][/b]
  10. [b][i][u]E V I E[/u][/i][/b] - taken by [@cardtricks]
  11. [hider=darling dancing girl.]Evie is a magic user who can wield a staff, or a battle scythe. With a staff, she is capable of casting a wide variety of spells, ranging from Ice Spear that can freeze bosses to Healing Corona which restores her allies health. Scythe Evie is capable of dealing much more direct physical damage, but gives up much of her spellcasting ability.
  13. Evie comes from the east. From her demeanor, it’s likely she was raised in a noble family, but no one knows for sure. When asked, she just smiles and changes the subject. Despite her youth, Evie is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.
  15. Evie is the most versatile character in the game. Her ability to create Golems, combined with her high DPS makes her an ideal class for soloing missions. Evie is also a great support character, as she can heal her party members with Healing Corona or Regeneration, buff party members with Insane Reaper, as well as slow down or distract enemies with SP: Clipped Wings as well as Alchemy Box-related items like Alchemy: Mana Pistol. Equipped with a staff, her Magic Arrow allows for a continuous damage. After taking a moment to focus, Staff Evie can use long range spells such as Ice Spear and Blind Arrow, which are great for taking out dangerous enemies from a safe distance, as well as Ice Blast and Fire Bolt, which can clear out nearby mobs. In times of danger, she can perform a short distance, yet quick and no-stamina hop to avoid attacks. Flying Sparrow allows her to dodge even further. Against attacks that are highly difficult to evade, she can engulf herself within a Mana Amber for three seconds or until it shatters to protect herself.
  17. [img][/img][/hider]
  19. [u][i][b]F I O N A[/b][/i][/u] - open
  20. [hider=valhalla's iron maiden]Fiona is a balanced warrior who wields a sword and a shield. She values defense, so she uses her shield to protect herself during combat and then strikes strategically when enemies aren't expecting it. She is able to wear heavy armor from the start and later learns to wear plate armor as well. Gearing a Fiona for end game requires light armour (to use the best scrolls).
  22. Fiona comes from the south. She treasures her privacy and boasts a solemn, serious personality, so no one knows how she came to join the Crimson Blade mercenaries. She rarely speaks about her past. Even as people marvel at her combat abilities, they can't help but wonder what secrets she's hiding.
  24. Fiona is best described as a one man (woman) army, with great shield defense. She can utilize either a sword or a hammer as her weapon. Fiona has the ability to stun enemies allowing teammates to quickly overwhelm them. She does not overwhelm the enemy with slashes like Lann or Vella, but has slower smashes that deal an incredible amount of damage with a single hit.
  26. Wielding a Longsword, Fiona can exploit the enemy's openings with a strong smash. She will strike at small openings with a simple slash, but strike at large openings with an extremely damaging kick. Wielding a Long Hammer, Fiona's attacks become even slower, but she is able to use different, potentially more damaging attacks. Her normal attacks are more powerful, can build SP and deal critical damage. She is able to use a smash that can be repeated over and over, dealing massive damage if uninterrupted. While the enemy is far away, she can charge up an attack, allowing her to unleash an earth-shaking strike much more powerful than the Longsword's kick when the enemy comes near.
  28. As a shield using tank, it is Fiona's responsibility to do damage while nullifying attacks done to her by blocking attacks with her shield or outright avoiding the attack. Although she lacks the speed of Lann's slashes and Evie's magic arrows, she is capable of covering large areas with her sweeping attacks, conducting powerful counterattacks, dealing quick sprint smashes, and is the best character in the game when it comes to surviving, especially when it comes to blocking long combo attacks.
  29. [img][/img][/hider]
  31. [u][i][b]L A N N [/b][/i][/u]- open
  32. [hider=athena's prodigy]Lann (Lethita in the Korean version) hails from the northwest. He left his hometown when it was destroyed by Fomors and came to Colhen to join the Crimson Blade mercenaries. He is known for his ferocity in battle dual-wielding swords and spears. His attacks are quick and leave his enemies breathless because of his non-stop whirlwind of slashes.
  34. Lann is the first male character of Vindictus and has gone through several revamps.
  36. Lann is an agile melee combatant who must stay in close range to reach his full potential. To stay alive in melee range, Lann must utilize the subtle but crucial movements in his attacks and well-timed dashes to avoid injuries. When Lann finds a chance to strike, he unleashes his blades with the most effective combo that he can fit into the window of opportunity.
  38. When wielding the Twin Swords, Lann can Slip Dash and Nimble Dash out of incoming attacks easily, then quickly counterattacks with Double Crescent. By utilizing buffs from Thousand Needles and Risky Wind, he has easier access to the empowered versions of Gliding Fury and Lightning Fury to cut down his foes. However, almost all of Sword's attacks come out very slowly and are coupled with long Hit Drag.
  40. When wielding the Twin Spears, Lann relies on Spear Dash and Lightning Fury: Twin Spears to stay alive, but this evasion is much more difficult to pull off compared to Slip/Nimble Dash. Offensively, Lann's spear attacks allow him to pull off very different fighting styles when facing different types of enemies. Fury Infusion provides him valuable offensive buff and fuels his ferocity without end. Last but not least, the Belclaire's Blood Pact effect is always a tempting, but risky proposition, to his damage. Overall, Spears are a high risk gameplay, but offers great rewards.
  41. [img][/img]
  42. [/hider]
  44. [u][i][b]V E L L A[/b][/i][/u] - open
  45. [hider=ares's champion.]Vella is the sixth playable character released in the game. She is able to dual wield the same Twin Swords as Lann, but has a very different play style. While Lann is a more offensively focused character, Vella has both offensive and defensive perks resulting in her increased survivability as well as her area of effect attacks that can be rapidly chained together along with her ability to counter-attack.
  47. Little is known of this dominant mistress of the blade sent from across the seas. She spent her childhood by the ocean, but the rest of her past is veiled in mystery. She slices through enemies with twin swords, swirling and gusting like a thunderstorm to decimate anything in her path, and even the strongest mercenaries struggle to match her expertise in combat. She won’t stop until every last Fomor has fallen.
  49. Vella is a versatile character who mixes equal measures of offense and defense to deal damage and leap across the battlefield, escaping enemy attacks without a scratch. She wields either Twin Swords or Twin Chainblades.
  51. Her Twin Sword attacks shred enemies to pieces with multiple hits and deal more damage the more she attacks thanks to Blade Heart. She can spin around her swords to cut multiple enemies, zip around them while slashing at the same time, or even leap up into the air and land with a powerful slash. Even while the enemy attacks, she is able to deliver a devastating counterattack. She's capable of attacking even as she retreats and can reflect enemy projectiles back at them in the process. When necessary, she can dodge with Storm Step, quickly moving a great distance out of the way and avoiding attacks with invulnerability frames. Vella's Active: Cyclone instantly knocks down any boss and deals a stunning number of slashes, culminating with a powerful thrust of the blades. Her ability to attack, evade, and counterattack is what makes Twin Sword Vella so devastating.
  53. Her Twin Chainblades allow Vella to operate at a distance with a completely different set of attacks, generally granting her crowd control. In addition to viciously swinging her Twin Chainblades around, she can also pull enemies to her via Frost Jack, can target Break Off points with Active: Frostbite, and can even pin down bosses with Active: Glacier Terminus. Although her Twin Chainblade dodge (Glint) has half duration of invulnerability frames compared to Twin Sword's dodge (Storm Step), she can nonetheless continue her relentless assault after dodging thanks to Biting Cold. Twin Chainblades may have less versatility, but makes up for it with brutal assaults, long ranged attacks, and pinning down enemies and bosses.
  55. [img][/img][/hider]
  57. [u][i][b]K A R O K[/b][/i][/u] - open
  58. [hider=molten pillar of hope.]Karok hails from the Herdlands, a mysterious plain far to the south of Colhen and Rocheste. Only fragments of legends come from that part of the world, tales of a mysterious race of nomadic giants slow to anger yet terrible when their ire is raised. Indeed, prior to his arrival, many “sophisticated” northerners scoffed at tales of giants. Now that Karok walks among them, his presence raises almost as many questions as answers. Why is he here? Why has he thrown in his lot with the people of Colhen and Rocheste? Where are the rest of his people?
  60. Karok himself provides no answers. While he is reserved, he is by no means unfriendly. Give him a smile and he’ll offer one in return. Chat with him about the weather, the war, or the finer points of battle technique and he’s as garrulous as the next man. Ask him about his past or where he comes from though, and you’ll be pushed off with that same smile and silence.
  62. Karok is a giant of a man. In the real world he would stand approximately seven feet tall and clock in at about 400 pounds. In-game, his character model towers over the other playable characters in terms of both height and width. In addition to carrying a lot of Weight from the start, Karok's power shines from his Pillar and Cestus, along with their abilities and his own.
  64. His Pillar gives him slow but rather hard hitting combo attacks, which are not only consecutive but are also extremely fierce. When he gets tired with the pillar, Karok can throw it and switch to Unarmed Combat, allowing him to fight with his two fists. Although Karok lacks any form of evasion, his Absorb Shock allows him to reduce any damage received while also regenerating the HP lost.
  66. His Cestus gives Karok an improvement to his fist fighting and also arms him with a variety of explosive armaments. Cestus's strength comes from Blast: Crushing Strike, Blast: Destroyer, and Blast: Terror Rush, which are obtained from using Blast Mastery and Big Bang Attack, increasing Karok's overall prowess. Cestus's self-defense ability, Weaving, not only nulls damage received from an impact but also strengthens his Blast abilities.
  68. Karok's uniqueness lies within his own special brawler abilities universal to both weapons. His Power Grab allows Karok to instantly crush enemies that are ungrabbable by others, such as squashing Spiders and Toads like mere insects, pulling Hemdrills out of the ground, rip Wisps into two, and break a Vampire's spine. His famous brawler skill is Clash, which intercepts most boss's attacks and gives a huge opening to others as the boss and Karok struggle to succeed in their locked battle. Karok can also bash a downed boss's head in using Boss Bash, which not only lets Karok do more damage but also extends a boss's downtime.
  70. Overall, Karok performs many impressive hand-to-hand combat feats while steadily maintaining his survivability.
  72. [img][/img][/hider]
  74. [u][i][b]H U R K[/b][/i][/u] - open
  75. [hider=the face of the future.]Hurk, a mysterious new mercenary, may look like a handsome young adventurer, but he hides a dark secret. He's often found in the shadowy corners of inns, brooding over a mug of ale. Other warriors know to avoid him- Hurk's temper is short, and sparking it means signing your own death warrant.
  77. When he hears the sound of steel clashing against steel, Hurk becomes a bloodthirsty berserker. With his mighty greatsword, Hurk has been known to chop enemies in half, and cut through hordes of Fomors in a heartbeat.
  79. Hurk functions as a male berserker. He, like Karok, fights on the front lines to deal massive damage and relentless assaults while also receiving damage as well, with his sheer willpower to support both his offensive and defensive prowess.
  81. With a Greatsword, Hurk can do slow but hard hitting attacks that can be repeated almost indefinitely. Unlike other characters, thanks to his Relentless, Hurk can semi-indefinitely chain his normal and smash attacks without pause, at least until he runs out of stamina, but Transcendent continues Hurk's onslaught by sacrificing a bit of his HP. To complement his defenses, Hurk's evasion skills Charge and Energy grants him Impenetrable which reduces all damage received by a very large amount, while Active: Judgement grants him invulnerability frames, and furthermore his Revenge allows him to heal the damage he received. Furthermore, he can also instantly interrupt a boss's attack with a well-timed Deflection or Active: Ultimatum, and continue exposing the boss's vulnerability with Onslaught, allowing him and others to take advantage of the opening. Last but not least, Active: Execution and Active: Terminus is his counterpart to Evie's Active: Reverse Gravity and Vella's Active: Cyclone and Active: Glacier Terminus to instantly knock down the boss and disable them.
  83. Due to his sheer lethality and survivability, Hurk can easily be defined as overpowered. However, there are a few cons that tone him down. All of Hurk's attacks use a very large amount of Stamina, leaving him tired after a few seconds of battle. Most of Hurk's attacks are also somewhat slow and have a narrow hitbox range, making it difficult to land some of his hits as enemies can easily move out of the way. As with all characters, Hurk's evasion and parry requires impeccable timing and can be difficult to master. Hurk's Active skills also have longer cooldowns than compared to other characters, for example Terminus's cooldown is three minutes while other characters who rival that skill such as Evie's Reverse Gravity have a cooldown of only two minutes. Like Kai, Hurk is also heavily reliant on SP. Finally, unlike other characters, all of Hurk's combat skills require him to be at high levels in order for them to be ranked, preventing him from reaching his full potential early on. However, a highly skilled Hurk can shrug off all these weaknesses.
  85. [img][/img][/hider]
  87. [u][i][b]A R I S H A [/b][/i][/u]- open
  88. [hider=ambidextrous beauty]A headstrong battle witch adept in both blades and spells. Her history is unknown. She wields her eponymous Spellsword in her right hand, while using a magical Focus in her left to cast spells. This combination makes her extremely versatile, but difficult to control. Recommended for players who have action game experience.
  90. risha heavily relies on Strength and Intelligence to increase her swordsmanship and magic attacks, respectively. Her most defining characteristic is the addition of a blue mana bar beneath her SP bar. Arisha is a heavily skill reliant character, and in the hands of an experience player, has the potential to compete with the likes of Lann and Hurk in terms of DPS. With a vast array of invulnerability frames, dodges and blocks, Arisha has no need to ever retreat from the fray. Able to constantly stay right in the action, the Silver Witch is an engaging and rewarding character in every aspect.
  92. Arisha is unique, in that she has no smash combination attacks; instead she has a five hit 'normal' combo, with her fourth and fifth strikes counting as smash attacks. The Mana Crystal she throws with the smash key acts as an extension of her arsenal, and is used for long range attacks, large explosions and area of effects, or allowing Arisha to trade places with it. She can also enchant her sword with Mana Blade, replacing her normal attacks with Arcane Flurry, a six string combo of frenzied smashes. The Silver Witch's survivability consists of her dodge, Diffusion Shift, which is a straight dash with small invulnerability frames, Diffusion Warp, which allows Arisha to trade places with her Mana Crystal and deal damage in the line created between it and her, Mana Drain, which blocks incoming attacks similar to Fiona's Guard, and Active: Ruin Blade, which, when activated successfully, gives her a decent duration of invulnerability frames. Finally, Arisha is capable of controlling time and space, completely stopping the enemy and allowing her allies to deal damage uncontested with Temporal Shift.
  94. [img][/img][/hider]
  96. [u][i][b]K A I [/b][/i][/u]- open
  97. [hider=broken bow, bastard gun.]Kai is a brilliant archer driven by strong morals and a troubled past. When others would retreat, Kai rushes head-on into battle, flinging arrows with the ferocity of a madman. Little of Kai's past is known for sure, but rumor has it that his motivation to destroy the Fomors comes from the loss of a loved one.
  99. Kai's athleticism allows him to zip around the battlefield, executing precise assaults and moving on before his enemies realize they're being attacked. His weapon can be adapted to any fighting situation in an instant, and his unique fighting style makes him an ideal candidate for solo & party play.
  101. Kai is a swift and powerful warrior who wields a bow. Kai's bow can be configured for long range and close quarters battle, giving him the freedom to change tactics on the fly. Maintaining his distance will keep Kai alive. Kai can knock a boss off of its feet with his arrows.
  103. Kai's primary weapon is the bow, one which has two modes. There is the short bow mode, which fires quick but close-ranged arrows; and the long bow mode, which fires further but needs to be charged first. Kai's smash attack depends solely on which mode the bow is in. Unlike the other heroes, the majority of his offensive skills use SP, and thus has the bar available from the start and has faster SP gain. These include Active: Ricochet Shot, an attack that fires an arrow that can rebound off of one enemy to hit others and Active: Eagle Eye Assault, an attack that fires multiple arrows at parts of a boss's body. While he can shoot arrows quickly and at long range, he suffers from having a hard time shooting small and fast enemies. He has a special dodging skill that lets him zip around enemies' attack, which gives him a short period of invulnerability. In times of great trouble, he can pull himself to safety with Active: Dodge Grapple. He can dodge anything if timed right.
  105. Kai has a secondary weapon known as the Crossgun, similar to the one used by Van Helsing in the same named movie. Gameplay with the Crossgun is even more reminiscent to third-person shooters than bow as there are crosshairs on-screen. Kai can deliver a stream of bolts to his enemies similar to an automatic rifle with his normal attack. In addition to this, Kai can use other devastating abilities such as Active: Hollow Shot, which causes an explosion to occur in front of him; Active: Bolt Storm, where Kai fires an enormous amount of bullets at the enemy similar to a machine gun; and Active: Massive Impact, where Kai delivers an enormous nuke-like explosion. To use his specialized attacks, Kai cycles through his Bolt Revolver, similar to Evie's Focus, and can use abilities at each level. These skills use SP, just like Bow skills. Kai has a moving smash attack with the Crossgun where he swings the Crossgun like a bat after rolling and hits enemies with it. The Crossgun does require him to manually reload the chambers when they are empty unlike with the Bow, where reloading is automatic. However, reloading at the right time allows Kai to deal more damage for some bolts in the next clip. Survival with the Crossgun is more difficult as Kai loses the ability to use Dodge Grapple. However, he gains a roll, as mentioned earlier, that has a longer distance than the sliding evasion skill of Bow and is slightly quicker to chain.
  107. [img][/img][/hider]
  109. [u][i][b]L Y N N[/b][/i][/u] - open
  110. [hider=legal assassin]Lynn is a young female mercenary said to be a princess descended from a long lost kingdom.
  112. Despite her very young appearance, Lynn is a forced to be reckoned with; she is extremely agile, versatile, and powerful. She has many skills that bolster her evasiveness, all while returning large amounts of damage.
  114. Armed with a Glaive, Lynn's offensiveness focuses on relatively fast or delayed but more powerful smash attacks while applying Swift Assassin marks. Though incapable of grabbing, she can use her grab attack Five Finger Death to release those marks to rack up even more damage while stunning the enemy and regenerating stamina with maxed mark stacks. Though lacking boss control, she also has a wide array of highly damaging Active skills. For her evasiveness, Lynn can quickly flip out of harm's way using Thunderleg or leap back a far distance with Little Rat and then teleport behind her enemy to resume her onslaught.
  116. [img][/img][/hider]
  119. [center][color=aba000][i][b][h3]APPLICATION[/h3][/b][/i][/color][/center]
  120. ( **applications will be taken on a first-come-first serve basis. )
  121. [hider=aight, kid.]
  123. NAME:
  125. MIRROR, MIRROR: (If you don't like the example image used, link me to your preferred character's appearance! Please use a gameshot or fanart of the character you're wanting to play.)
  126. EXPERIENCE: (How much of Vindictus have you played?)
  127. EXAMPLE: (Give me a example of your writing!)
  129. [/hider]
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