
Listen to Smarty 2

Aug 5th, 2012
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  1. >You are Listen the Smarty Friend
  2. >You're currently sitting near the entrance of your herd's cave, trying to fall asleep
  3. >Outside the warmth and comfort of the fluffpile, this task is proving extremely difficult
  4. >You try and count your hooves again, hoping the boring nature of the task will finally make your eyes want to sleep
  5. >1… 2, two front leggies and 1… 2, two back leggies
  6. >Still two groups of two
  7. >You wish you could count higher then two, but you just don't have the head for numbers
  8. >You remember your momma use to tell you stories of her special friend, your dadda
  9. >According to her, Dadda could count up to ten, and even the Meanie Smarty Friend would treat Dadda and Momma nice just so Dadda would count the herd for him
  10. >You always felt Momma was a bit disappointed you and Look could never get beyond two
  11. >Still, she never said anything mean about it and always gave both of you big huggies
  12. >Remembering her fluff makes you feel a little less cold and your eyelids start to feel very heavy
  13. >You start to drift off to sleep, dreaming of simpler times…
  14. *KRAKA-BOOM*
  15. >A loud noise from outside the cave startles you awake, you immediately leap to your feat and feel your bowels evacuate
  16. >It takes all your willpower to stop yourself from screaming and running for circles
  17. >You look outside to try and see what monster is causing it
  18. >It's still dark out, but every now and then you see large flashes of light in the sky, followed by loud, scary noises
  19. >You remember hearing from older fluffies that when clouds get into big fights, they shoot sparks and yell at each other just like unicorn fluffies
  20. >You wish they wouldn't be so loud and wake you up with their stupid fights
  21. >Relieved that it's just dummy cloud fighting and not monsters, you turn your attention to the noises coming from deeper in the cave
  22. >The noise has woken up your entire herd and driven them into a panic
  23. >Fluffies are running all over the cave, bumping into each other and the walls, wailing and screaming about the scary noises and the monsters that must be making them
  24. >You're tempted to just leave the herd to its own devices, no one's trying to leave the cave and they'll eventually tire themselves out
  25. >But then, over the random screams of the herd, you hear an all too familiar voice
  27. >Great… Peach
  28. >You sigh a little and begin making your way through the panicking crowd of fluffies
  29. >It's not difficult to find your herd's fluffy mummas, they're the only ones not running around
  30. >The scene is just as you figured: Peach, a monotone peach pegasus mumma, is currently screaming at the top of her lungs as her wings and legs flail uselessly in the air; on her one side is her special friend, a green unicorn with a light blue mane named Barney, who is trying to hug her as hard as he can; while on the other is the herd's other immobile mumma, a solid purple pegasus named Purple, who is trying to wiggle away from Peach as fast as she can with little success
  31. >Your herd's best attendant mare, a monotone green earth fluffy named (guess what) Greenie, is currently trying to calm both Peach and Purple, resulting in her hopping from side to side trying to convince both mummas that their babies will be safe
  32. >Upon seeing you, Greenie immediately rushes over and begins babbling at top speed, recounting all the events leading up to this moment, mostly things you had guessed from prior experiences with Peach
  33. "-and Peach say she feew big poopies and dat mean babbehs but den big boom boom noisies and Peach get weal scawedy and now Gweenie scawedy 'cause Peach gunna hab Scawedy Fit-"
  34. >Your eyes widen in horror, a Scaredy Fit is the last thing your herd needs: you have no dams who can feed the foals, and the Fit might scare Purple into a Scaredy Fit too and then all the foals will die
  35. >Tears begin to pour from Greenie's eyes
  36. "Pwease hewp Peach, Smawty Fwiend."
  37. >You weren't thrilled with the idea of more fluffies to feed, but these foals and their momma are under your protection
  38. >You nod at Greenie as you waddle towards the still-screaming Peach
  39. "Smawty Fwiend hewp scawedy Peach"
  40. >You come face to face with the terrified mumma, your presence does not calm her in the least
  41. >You stare at her a bit, then take a deep breath as you steel yourself for what is to come
  42. >And then you bop Peach hard in the nose
  43. >The entire cave goes dead quiet as all fluffy eyes turn on you, the only thing you hear is a tiny squeak of terror from Greenie
  44. >No fluffy EVER hurts a fluffy mumma
  45. >Peach herself has gone into shock, her tiny mind unable to process what just happened
  46. >Taking advantage of the desired attention, you begin speaking in your firmest Smarty voice directly to Peach
  47. "Peach nu be scawedy. Wet babbehs owt, gib huggies and milkies. Nu be bad mumma."
  48. >There is some more silence and you fear your gambit has failed
  49. >You see Barney detach from his mare with hate-filled eyes, his horn begin to glow; tears begin to form in Peach's eyes as her brain catches up with the pain in her nose
  50. >And then you hear a baby crying coming from behind Peach
  51. "Dat mah babbeh? Gib babbeh tu Peach! Need mek pwetty, gib nummies!"
  52. >Barney immediately forgets his hatred of you, running off to grab his child for his special friend
  53. >You feel like a great weight has been lifted form your tiny shoulders as you hear the cries of a second baby already beginning and the ire of the herd shifts to a newfound curiosity over the new friends joining the herd
  54. ---
  55. >You are Listen, still Smarty Friend of the herd living in a cave
  56. >Peach had four beautiful foals, who you then had to defend from the overeager hooves of your herd
  57. "Scawedy fwiends nu hug babbehs! Onwy Mumma and Speshal Fwiend and Gweenie get huggies 'cause they gud fwuffies! Dummy scawedy fwuffies onwy ged gib huggies wen babbehs biggah. Now aww fwuffies gu sweep!"
  58. >Even from your spot near the front of the cave, you can hear the dejected whining of the fluffpile
  59. "Wan hug babbehs…" "Cabe nu smeww pwetty." "Smawty meanie!"
  60. >There are days you really don't want to be Smarty Friend, days you just want to run and play and not worry about the herd, just being a normal friend
  61. "Mumma wub babbehs…"
  62. >Poop it.
  63. >Somebody's got to watch out for your herd, might as well be you
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