
jag response

Feb 18th, 2020
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  1. JaguarFiend begins the video by explaining that he spoke to a friend of his about this issue, and gave him his position. Apparently, his friend had "nothing of substance to say", and that's supposed to convince you that JaguarFiend is a learned intellectual and that you better pull out your pin and paper and hold your questions until the end.
  3. The first point JaguarFiend makes is based on age of consent laws, and how they vary not only from state to state, but country to country. However, if he had done a shred of research, he would find this in the United States code of law:
  5. 18 U.S.C. § 2422(b) prohibits the use of a computer by an adult to send messages on the Internet to “persuade and entice” a person under 18 years of age to engage in sexual activity that constitutes a criminal offense.
  7. Therefore, any mentioning of the age of consent is irrelevant.
  9. Next, JaguarFiend gives his personal opinion that he believes what Nursey did "is worse than jaywalking, but less serious than stealing a bag of potato chips from a gas station."
  11. When taking into account of the natures of the 3 wrongdoings mentioned, a couple basic distinctions can be made.
  12. People jaywalk for convenience: that waiting for the crosswalk to safely signal a person will make them late for something, or that they don't see the use in waiting around any longer. Similarly, people can steal a bag of potato chips for convenience, as one might find it inconvenient to spend money or to be able to go and find money to purchase the potato chips. However, there could be another aspect for shoplifting food, which is the person is starving and has no other means to meet a basic human necessity.
  14. Sexual crimes are not committed to avoid an inconvenience, or to meet a basic human need. Sexual crimes are committed when one's animal appetite has become so domineering and prominent that it rules over one's intellectual appetite. Although the desire to eat is in the genus of the animal appetite, eating differs from sex as that you need to eat food in order to live--you do not need to have sex to live (contrary to popular belief).
  16. JaguarFiend then goes into depth trying to clearly establish what is a pedophile, and what is not. He argues that Nursey is not one because a pedophile is someone who is sexually attracted to young children, and that Nursey was sexually interacting with people as young as 15. JaguarFiend then says that being attracted to people who are late adolescents is normal, as that the the features of late adolescents are highly related to the features of an adult. IT'S EPHEBOPHILIA GUYS I MEAN COME ON!!!!
  18. However, JaguarFiend misses the point entirely in regards to what the debacle is truly over in the first place, as the whole issue over an adult engaging sexually with a minor comes from the difference in experience: that the minor, while in late adolescence, perhaps has some attractive features and setting into a sort of maturity, does not have the level of knowledge and experience as the adult would have, meaning that the minor is liable to be taken advantage of in some way. While the minor might want to willingly engage in the sexual act, they likely are unaware that they are engaging in something that is much different in reality than in their imagination--that they couldn't have possibly accounted for the emotional and psychological ramifications such an act holds, etc.
  20. JaguarFiend then brings up his friend that he mentioned at the beginning of the video, saying he is a big fan of the cosplayer and sex worker Belle Delphine, how she seems to make herself appear much younger than she is as a part of her appeal. I agree with his point. And I think Belle Delphine should be imprisoned at the very least, and definitely investigated by an exorcist.
  22. Next, he brings up some scenarios, with his point being that there is graduation in the severity of the wrongdoings. In itself, this doesn't require addressing.
  24. JaguarFiend then argues that Nursey's crime is blown out of proportion, and that "two disordered freaks saying sexual things to themselves isn't that bad."
  26. Perhaps then, in the context of worse wrongdoings, such as sexual assault on a child, or murder, this is comparatively less serious. However, it is ironic that he previously makes note of graduation in wrongdoing, but doesn't realize that there has to be a graduation of wrongdoing to get to the serious crimes such as sexual assault or murder. I'll first mention pornography: people who find taboo sexual acts pleasing are ones who did not always hold this position--how firstly, there has to be context around their position, and the context is built through repeated sexual exposure of some sort. This is how people find themselves watching very deviant pornography one day, which can only come after spending copious amounts of time watching more and more deviant pornography in order to compensate for their less responsive transmissions of dopamine and adrenaline.
  28. The same thing happens with people who turn into serial killers and rapists, that they didn't just wake up with their urges and fantasies, that it comes from a graduation of experiences. There exists concept in psychiatry called the Macdonald triad, which includes acts of arson, cruelty to animals, and enuresis (the unintentional bed-wetting during sleep after the age of five). A combination of two or more of these factors are indicative or later associated with having violent tendencies. Now, I'm not saying Nursey is a murderer, or has done things that are close in gravity to murder, or that Nursey is ordered towards being a murderer, or has wet the bed, or has burned things (but I'm not going to speculate that Nursey hasn't harmed animals). I'm simply pointing towards the extreme to make the normal more obvious, which is that Nursey is quite a disordered person, and with that basis, any further support or allowance is truly uncharitable. What Nursey did is not normal and should not be overlooked at all, everything that has come to this issue has come about after years and years of letting a disorder run rampant, namely a sexual disorder of some sort. The fact such disorders are not so easily nullified from the psyche is partially where the concern comes from. The fire that burned a house down did not instantaneously engulf the structure in its entirety; on the contrary, it likely started as something very small, and for a moment, particularly hidden.
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