

Apr 26th, 2018
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  1. set statistics time on
  3. DECLARE @month nvarchar(2) = '1', @year nvarchar(4) = '2018', @siteId int = 73, @responseFormat int = 1
  4. , @categoryId int = 13, @assetId int = 1983
  5. DECLARE @date DATETIME = CONVERT(DATETIME, '01/'+@month+'/'+@year, 103)
  7. SELECT sp.asset_id, assets.asset_name, categories.category_id, categories.category_name, categories.class_name
  8. , sections.section_id, sections.section_name, mainDt.sub_section_id, sub_sections.sub_section_name, sub_sections.sub_section_name_he
  9. , mainDt.data_point_id, mainDt.data_point_text , mainDt.data_point_text_he ,mainDt.response_type, mainDt.response_format
  10. , procedure_typesV2.procedure_type_id AS answer_id , procedure_typesV2.procedure_type_name AS answer_name
  11. , procedure_typesV2.response_text_hebrew AS answer_name_heb, CAST(CHARINDEX(LTRIM(STR(procedure_typesV2.procedure_type_id)), data_entriesV2.internal_raw_value, 1) as BIT) as selected_answer
  12. , unit_groups.unit_id ,units.unit_name, CAST(CASE WHEN data_entriesV2.unit_id = units.unit_id THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS BIT) as selected_unit
  13. , data_entriesV2.unit_id as selected_id, data_entriesV2.calculation_method_id, data_entriesV2.calc_comment
  14. , data_entriesV2.internal_raw_value as value, @date as date_reported, mainDt.dependent_data_point_id, mainDt.dependent_data_point_value
  15. , units.unit_name, ISNULL(unit_groups.is_default, 0) as selected_default_unit
  16. , (SELECT unit_groups.unit_id
  17. FROM unit_groups
  18. WHERE unit_groups.group_id = mainDt.UoM_group AND unit_groups.is_default = 1 ) AS default_unit_id
  19. , (SELECT de.unit_id FROM data_entriesV2 AS de
  20. WHERE de.site_id = @siteId
  21. AND de.data_point_id = mainDt.data_point_id
  22. AND de.asset_id = @assetId
  23. AND date_reported = DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy, 0, @date), 0)
  24. ) AS first_month_unit_id
  25. , CAST(CASE WHEN files.data_point_id = mainDt.data_point_id THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS BIT) as has_file_updated
  26. , CAST(CASE WHEN comments.data_point_id = mainDt.data_point_id THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS BIT) as has_comments
  27. ,(SELECT TOP 1 preselected_de.calculation_method_id FROM data_entriesV2 AS preselected_de
  28. WHERE preselected_de.site_id = @siteId
  29. AND preselected_de.data_point_id = mainDt.data_point_id
  30. AND preselected_de.asset_id = @assetId
  31. AND preselected_de.calculation_method_id != 0
  32. AND preselected_de.date_reported <= @date
  33. ORDER BY preselected_de.date_reported DESC
  34. ) AS preselected_calc_method
  36. FROM data_pointsV2 as mainDt
  37. JOIN selected_parameters AS sp ON mainDt.data_point_id = sp.data_point_id AND sp.asset_id = @assetId AND sp.site_id = @siteId
  38. AND sp.category_id = @categoryId AND sp.response_format = mainDt.response_format
  39. JOIN sub_sections ON sub_sections.sub_section_id = mainDt.sub_section_id
  40. JOIN sections ON sections.section_id = sub_sections.section_id
  41. JOIN categories ON categories.category_id = sections.category_id
  42. LEFT JOIN procedure_typesV2 ON procedure_typesV2.data_point_id = mainDt.data_point_id
  43. LEFT JOIN data_entriesV2 ON mainDt.data_point_id = data_entriesV2.data_point_id AND data_entriesV2.date_reported = @date
  44. AND data_entriesV2.site_id = sp.site_id AND data_entriesV2.asset_id = sp.asset_id
  45. LEFT JOIN unit_groups ON unit_groups.group_id = mainDt.UoM_group
  46. LEFT JOIN units ON units.unit_id = unit_groups.unit_id
  47. LEFT JOIN assets ON assets.asset_id = sp.asset_id
  48. LEFT JOIN files on files.data_point_id = mainDt.data_point_id AND files.asset_id = @assetId AND files.site_id = @siteId AND files.date_reported = @date
  49. LEFT JOIN comments on comments.data_point_id = mainDt.data_point_id AND comments.asset_id = @assetId AND comments.site_id = @siteId AND comments.date_reported = @date
  50. WHERE mainDt.response_format = @responseFormat AND
  51. sections.category_id = @categoryId
  52. ORDER BY sections.section_id, mainDt.sub_section_id ,mainDt.order_of_appearance ,mainDt.data_point_id, procedure_typesV2.procedure_type_id DESC
  54. set statistics time off
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