

Mar 24th, 2019
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  1. In-game name: Rallox / Gregor / Obi Wan Kenobi
  2. Current in-game rank & role: Jedi General Obi Wan Kenobi / 212th CPT Gregor
  3. Age: 19
  4. Location: United Kingdom , Portsmouth
  5. Timezone: +00 GMT
  6. What times are you most active?:
  8. Sunday- 2pm - 1am
  9. Monday- 4pm - 1:30am
  10. Tuesday- 4pm - 1:30 am
  11. Wednesday- 4pm - 1:30am
  12. Thursday- 4:30pm - 1:30am
  13. Friday- 2:00pm - 3am
  14. Saturday- 2:00pm - 3am
  16. Why do you want to become CT Commander? [Minimum 100 words]: I would like to take the opportunity to become the clone trooper commander so i can assist with the clone troopers directly and actually fill the void that they need closing with this i will be able to bring in a lot of my old knowledge to the regiment and actually make them stand out instead of making them stand there and look like a bunch of minges and just a fill-in regiment for those who get thrown away or removed/demoted from a "Better Regiment", The clone troopers are mostly known to everyone as the shiny but I will shape them up and make them the best of the best and make sure they are proven to be an extremely well-known asset to the republic army, with this i will also attempt to implement a good ranking structure and team so they have the stuff to work towards.
  18. What skills could you bring to the Regiment?: I can bring a vast amount of knowledge to the battalion and give them the strength and the competition they need on top of this being able to bring a strict and fierce head to the battalion. I will also bring a good understanding of movement and specialist training that they can all learn from and better themselves.
  20. Do you have a microphone?: yes
  22. Do you have any experience in commanding troops?: I have a vast expanded experience of commanding troopers, i am currently (ooc: High council member obi wan Kenobi: Which requires a lot of hardship and knowledge to do when dealing with Jedi that are not as experienced in the situations of working with the clones), I have the current experience of helping the 212th further improve there stay with Commander Cody as there captain allowing myself to push harder and harder every day as we get new members.
  23. What are your previous roles?: Clone Guard SGT / Jedi Master / 212th Commander (Multiverse Gaming) / Spartan Commander (MVG) / Navy (Fleet) / Current Roles: Jedi General 212th , 212th CPT, RANCOR Advisor.
  24. Do you Understand that a Commander has to have a lot of Dedication towards the Regiment?: Yes, sir.
  26. Playtime (minimum 12h): 1w 2d 19h 09m
  28. Recommendations (CO+): General Colt
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