
MBedwars Cosmetics: default_victory_dances.yml

Aug 17th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. id: victory_dances
  3. items:
  4.   vd_none:
  5.     name: "%Cosmetics_Item_None_Name%"
  6.     description: "%Cosmetics_Item_None_VictoryDances_Description%"
  7.     icon: "barrier"
  8.     category: animation-victory
  9.     behaviour: unset-active
  11.   vd_random:
  12.     name: "%Cosmetics_Item_Random_Name%"
  13.     description: "%Cosmetics_Item_RandomVictoryDance_Description%"
  14.     icon: "ender_chest"
  15.     category: animation-victory
  16.     behaviour: play-random
  18.   vd_anvil_rain:
  19.     name: "%Cosmetics_Item_AnvilRain_Name%"
  20.     description: "%Cosmetics_Item_AnvilRain_Description%"
  21.     icon: "anvil"
  22.     category: animation-victory
  23.     rarity: common
  24.     currency: coins
  25.     price: 5000
  26.     animation:
  27.       location: MAIN
  28.       handlers:
  29.         - type: ENTITY_EXPLOSION
  30.           entities: [ 'FALLING_BLOCK{material:"anvil"}' ]
  31.           offset-y: 30
  32.           velo-x: 0
  33.           velo-y: 0
  34.           velo-z: 0
  35.           repeated: true
  36.           radius-x: 40
  37.           radius-z: 40
  38.           amount-per-second: 40
  39.           death-on-ground: false
  41.   vd_fireworks_show:
  42.     name: "%Cosmetics_Item_FireworksShow_Name%"
  43.     description: "%Cosmetics_Item_FireworksShow_Description%"
  44.     icon: "firework"
  45.     category: animation-victory
  46.     rarity: common
  47.     currency: coins
  48.     price: 5000
  49.     animation:
  50.       location: MAIN
  51.       handlers:
  52.         - type: SIMPLE_ENTITY
  53.           offset-y: 1
  54.           entity: 'FIREWORK{detonate-immediately:true, effects:[{type:"BALL", colors:["random", "random", "random"], fade-colors:["random"]}]}'
  55.           repeated: true
  56.           amount-per-second: 1
  58.   vd_cold_snap:
  59.     name: "%Cosmetics_Item_ColdSnap_Name%"
  60.     description: "%Cosmetics_Item_ColdSnap_Description%"
  61.     icon: "packed_ice"
  62.     category: animation-victory
  63.     rarity: common
  64.     currency: coins
  65.     price: 5000
  66.     animation:
  67.       location: MAIN
  68.       handlers:
  69.         - type: BLOCKS_VIRUS
  70.           persistent: true
  71.           materials: [ ICE, PACKED_ICE ]
  72.           amount-per-second: 3
  73.         - type: SOUND
  74.           sound: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP
  75.           pitch: .5
  76.           volume: .5
  77.           pitch-at-end: 1.5
  78.           repeated: true
  79.           amount-per-second: 3
  81.   vd_ride_horse:
  82.     name: "%Cosmetics_Item_RideHorse_Name%"
  83.     description: "%Cosmetics_Item_RideHorse_Description%"
  84.     icon: "saddle"
  85.     category: animation-victory
  86.     rarity: common
  87.     currency: coins
  88.     price: 5000
  89.     animation:
  90.       location: MAIN
  91.       handlers:
  92.         - type: SIMPLE_ENTITY
  93.           entity: "HORSE{tamed:1, saddle:1, baby:false}"
  95.   vd_meteor_shower:
  96.     name: "%Cosmetics_Item_MeteorShower_Name%"
  97.     description: "%Cosmetics_Item_MeteorShower_Description%"
  98.     icon: "fireball"
  99.     category: animation-victory
  100.     rarity: rare
  101.     currency: coins
  102.     price: 10000
  103.     animation:
  104.       location: MAIN
  105.       handlers:
  106.         - type: ENTITY_EXPLOSION
  107.           entities: [ FIREBALL ]
  108.           offset-y: 30
  109.           velo-x: 0
  110.           velo-y: 0
  111.           velo-z: 0
  112.           repeated: true
  113.           radius-x: 10
  114.           radius-z: 10
  115.           amount-per-second: 5
  116.           death-on-ground: false
  118.   vd_night_shift:
  119.     name: "%Cosmetics_Item_NightShift_Name%"
  120.     description: "%Cosmetics_Item_NightShift_Description%"
  121.     icon: "clock"
  122.     category: animation-victory
  123.     rarity: rare
  124.     currency: coins
  125.     price: 10000
  126.     animation:
  127.       location: MAIN
  128.       handlers:
  129.         - type: WORLD_TIME
  130.           time: 0
  131.           relative-to-world: true
  132.           apply-to-all: true
  133.           cycle-speed: 300
  134.         - type: SOUND
  135.           sound: ENTITY_ENDERMEN_STARE
  136.           pitch: 1.2
  138.   vd_floating_lanterns:
  139.     name: "%Cosmetics_Item_FloatingLanterns_Name%"
  140.     description: "%Cosmetics_Item_FloatingLanterns_Description%"
  141.     icon: "skull:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjVkOTBkY2MzMmQyOGZkOGI1MDY4YjUzZmE5MmRmNWIzZTVhNTVkMTRiNDY5MWM0NjFmOTQyZTY4NTRhNWU4NyJ9fX0="
  142.     category: animation-victory
  143.     rarity: rare
  144.     currency: coins
  145.     price: 10000
  146.     animation:
  147.       location: MAIN
  148.       handlers:
  149.         - type: ENTITY_EXPLOSION
  150.           radius-x: 20
  151.           radius-y: 20
  152.           radius-z: 20
  153.           velo-x: 0
  154.           velo-y: 0
  155.           velo-z: 0
  156.           repeated: true
  157.           amount-per-second: 20
  158.           amount: 100
  159.           death-on-ground: false
  160.           entities:
  161.            - 'BAT{passenger:"ARMOR_STAND{helmet:\"skull:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNjVkOTBkY2MzMmQyOGZkOGI1MDY4YjUzZmE5MmRmNWIzZTVhNTVkMTRiNDY5MWM0NjFmOTQyZTY4NTRhNWU4NyJ9fX0=\", marker:true, small:true, visible:false, invulnerable:true}", potion-effect:"INVISIBILITY:999999:1", silent:true, invulnerable:true}'
  162.             - 'BAT{passenger:"ARMOR_STAND{helmet:\"skull:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTdhNmE3NDc0MzdjZDZmMWMyZDAyNDFmM2U0MDAyNjExYzg4YzkyOTIxNTI2YjBmZjE4MDJiNjkyNjQzM2ZlYiJ9fX0=\", marker:true, small:true, visible:false, invulnerable:true}", potion-effect:"INVISIBILITY:999999:1", silent:true, invulnerable:true}'
  163.             - 'BAT{passenger:"ARMOR_STAND{helmet:\"skull:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzY4YjMyN2M3MzgxMmQ4Y2JmOTBhODY5OWMyY2VlNDVjYzZmNjA4NWExMDUzMDY1YTUyMjhhMWM4ZDdjYjU5YSJ9fX0=\", marker:true, small:true, visible:false, invulnerable:true}", potion-effect:"INVISIBILITY:999999:1", silent:true, invulnerable:true}'
  164.             - 'BAT{passenger:"ARMOR_STAND{helmet:\"skull:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjMwZmMwNWQ1YzNjMjVmYjBiYWM4MDNhOGNkMWMxODFkZmJmODY1ZmZiOTlkYTgzYzlmZTRkMzY4MGU5ZGZkZCJ9fX0=\", marker:true, small:true, visible:false, invulnerable:true}", potion-effect:"INVISIBILITY:999999:1", silent:true, invulnerable:true}'
  165.             - 'BAT{passenger:"ARMOR_STAND{helmet:\"skull:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNzg3MzA2NTdmMDZlMzRmNDM2ZDc0NjE0OTk1ZDdkYjJkMWMwZmVmYTU1ZWYwMjY1MWEwM2ZmM2MxY2I3MmQ5OCJ9fX0=\", marker:true, small:true, visible:false, invulnerable:true}", potion-effect:"INVISIBILITY:999999:1", silent:true, invulnerable:true}'
  166.             - 'BAT{passenger:"ARMOR_STAND{helmet:\"skull:eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDU5YTY4M2U1MjlhMzA3OGI5NjI4ODdkOTZjNjM4MzM2NWNkZTIwMTIzZTkwMGJjOGVkNjZjMDBhMDVhNTg0In19fQ==\", marker:true, small:true, visible:false, invulnerable:true}", potion-effect:"INVISIBILITY:999999:1", silent:true, invulnerable:true}'
  168.   vd_raining_pigs:
  169.     name: "%Cosmetics_Item_RainingPigs_Name%"
  170.     description: "%Cosmetics_Item_RainingPigs_Description%"
  171.     icon: "carrot_stick"
  172.     category: animation-victory
  173.     rarity: rare
  174.     currency: coins
  175.     price: 10000
  176.     animation:
  177.       location: MAIN
  178.       handlers:
  179.         - type: ENTITY_EXPLOSION
  180.           entities: [ 'PIG{saddle:1}' ]
  181.           offset-y: 30
  182.           velo-x: 0
  183.           velo-y: 0
  184.           velo-z: 0
  185.           repeated: true
  186.           radius-x: 55
  187.           radius-z: 55
  188.           amount-per-second: 40
  189.           death-on-ground: false
  190.           amount: 400
  193.   vd_name_fireworks:
  194.     name: "%Cosmetics_Item_NameFireworks_Name%"
  195.     description: "%Cosmetics_Item_NameFireworks_Description%"
  196.     icon: "diamond"
  197.     category: animation-victory
  198.     rarity: epic
  199.     currency: coins
  200.     price: 25000
  201.     animation:
  202.       location: MAIN_STATIC
  203.       handlers:
  204.         - type: PARTICLE_TEXT
  205.           text: "{player}"
  206.           size: 5
  207.           offset-y: 13
  208.           amount-per-second: .5
  209.           density: .15
  210.           particle: "FIREWORKS_SPARK"
  211.           delayed: 1
  212.         - type: SIMPLE_ENTITY
  213.           offset-y: 1
  214.           entity: 'FIREWORK{detonate-immediately:true, effects:[{type:"BALL", colors:["random", "random", "random"], fade-colors:["random"]}]}'
  215.           repeated: true
  216.           amount: 100
  217.           amount-per-second: .5
  218.         - type: SIMPLE_ENTITY
  219.           offset-y: 1
  220.           entity: 'FIREWORK{detonate-ticks:5, effects:[{type:"BALL", colors:["random", "random", "random"], fade-colors:["random"]}]}'
  221.           repeated: true
  222.           amount: 100
  223.           amount-per-second: .5
  224.           offset-x: .1
  225.         - type: SIMPLE_ENTITY
  226.           offset-y: 1
  227.           entity: 'FIREWORK{detonate-ticks:10, effects:[{type:"BALL", colors:["random", "random", "random"], fade-colors:["random"]}]}'
  228.           repeated: true
  229.           amount: 100
  230.           amount-per-second: .5
  231.           offset-x: -.1
  232.         - type: SIMPLE_ENTITY
  233.           offset-y: 1
  234.           entity: 'FIREWORK{detonate-ticks:15, effects:[{type:"BALL", colors:["random", "random", "random"], fade-colors:["random"]}]}'
  235.           repeated: true
  236.           amount: 100
  237.           amount-per-second: .5
  238.           offset-z: .1
  239.         - type: SIMPLE_ENTITY
  240.           offset-y: 1
  241.           entity: 'FIREWORK{detonate-ticks:20, effects:[{type:"BALL", colors:["random", "random", "random"], fade-colors:["random"]}]}'
  242.           repeated: true
  243.           amount: 100
  244.           amount-per-second: .5
  245.           offset-z: -.1
  246.         - type: SIMPLE_ENTITY
  247.           offset-y: 1
  248.           entity: 'FIREWORK{detonate-ticks:25, effects:[{type:"BALL", colors:["random", "random", "random"], fade-colors:["random"]}]}'
  249.           repeated: true
  250.           amount: 100
  251.           amount-per-second: .5
  252.           offset-z: .2
  253.         - type: SIMPLE_PARTICLE
  254.           particle:
  255.             type: EXPLOSION_LARGE
  256.             offset-x: 5
  257.             count: 8
  258.           repeated: true
  259.           amount-per-second: .5
  260.           offset-y: 13
  261.           delayed: 1
  263.   vd_twerk_party:
  264.     name: "%Cosmetics_Item_TwerkParty_Name%"
  265.     description: "%Cosmetics_Item_TwerkParty_Description%"
  266.     icon: "leather_boots:#FF0000"
  267.     category: animation-victory
  268.     rarity: legendary
  269.     currency: coins
  270.     price: 50000
  271.     animation:
  272.       location: RELATED_STATIC
  273.       handlers:
  274.         - type: NPC_PARTY
  275.           repeated: true
  276.           amount-per-second: 3
  277.           activity: SNEAK
  278.           radius: 15
  279.           amount: 15
  281.   vd_dragon_rider:
  282.     name: "%Cosmetics_Item_DragonRider_Name%"
  283.     description: "%Cosmetics_Item_DragonRider_Description%"
  284.     icon: "dragon_egg"
  285.     category: animation-victory
  286.     rarity: legendary
  287.     currency: coins
  288.     price: 100000
  289.     animation:
  290.       location: RELATED
  291.       handlers:
  292.         - type: RIDE_ENTITY
  293.           entity: ENDER_DRAGON
  294.           flying: true
  295.           fly-speed: 2
  296.           shoot-fireballs: true
  297.           shoot-fireballs-frequency: .5
  299. gui:
  300.   type: CHEST
  301.   title: "%Cosmetics_Shop_Page_VictoryDances_Plural%"
  302.   title-after-first-page: "%Cosmetics_Shop_Page_VictoryDances_Plural% (%Cosmetics_Shop_PageTitle% {page})"
  303.   height: 6
  305. elements:
  306.   - type: changeshop-button
  307.     item: >
  308.      ARROW {
  309.           DisplayName:"&a%Cosmetics_Shop_GoBack%",
  310.           Lore:[
  311.               "&7%Cosmetics_Shop_ToMyCosmetics%"
  312.           ]
  313.       }
  314.     x: 3
  315.     y: 5
  316.     shop-id: main
  318.   - type: single-deco
  319.     x: 4
  320.     y: 5
  321.     item: >
  322.      EMERALD {
  323.           DisplayName: "&7%Cosmetics_TotalBalance_Total% {currency-coins-name}: &6{currency-coins-balance-unformatted}",
  324.           Lore:["&6{store-url}"]
  325.       }
  327.   - type: sort-by-button
  328.     x: 5
  329.     y: 5
  330.     item: >
  331.      HOPPER {
  332.           DisplayName: "&6%Cosmetics_Sort_SortedBy%: &a{sort-name}",
  333.           Lore:[
  334.               "",
  335.               "&7%Cosmetics_Sort_NextSort%: &a{next-sort-name}",
  336.               "&e%Cosmetics_Sort_LeftClickUse%",
  337.               "",
  338.               "&7%Cosmetics_Sort_OwnedItemsFirst%: {owned-items-first-active}",
  339.               "&e%Cosmetics_Sort_RightClickToggle%"
  340.           ]
  341.       }
  343.   - type: items-collection
  344.     area:
  345.       distribution-x: left
  346.       distribution-y: top
  347.       x1: 1
  348.       y1: 1
  349.       x2: 7
  350.       y2: 3
  351.     prev-page-button:
  352.       item: >
  353.        ARROW {
  354.             DisplayName:"&a%Cosmetics_Shop_PrevPage%",
  355.             Lore:[
  356.                 "&7%Cosmetics_Shop_GoToPage%"
  357.             ]
  358.         }
  359.       x: 0
  360.       y: 5
  361.     next-page-button:
  362.       item: >
  363.        ARROW {
  364.             DisplayName:"&a%Cosmetics_Shop_NextPage%",
  365.             Lore:[
  366.                 "&7%Cosmetics_Shop_GoToPage%"
  367.             ]
  368.         }
  369.       x: 8
  370.       y: 5
  371.     word-wrap-threshold: 26
  372.     default-description: "%Cosmetics_Item_DefDescription_VictoryDance%"
  373.     name-buyable: "&c{name}"
  374.     name-bought: "&a{name}"
  375.     name-active: "&a{name}"
  376.     lore:
  377.      - "&8%Cosmetics_Shop_Page_VictoryDances_Singular%"
  378.       - ""
  379.       - "&7{description}"
  380.       - "{rarity}"
  381.       - "{cost}"
  382.       - ""
  383.       - "{action}"
  384.     placeholder-rarity-replacement:
  385.      - ""
  386.       - "&7%Cosmetics_Shop_Rarity%: {name}"
  387.     placeholder-cost-replacement:
  388.      - "&7%Cosmetics_Shop_Cost%: &6{amount}"
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