
Sapphire blade 4

May 12th, 2020
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  1. [16:50] Elred Yindove asks, "How've you been lately?"
  2. [16:50] Asteli says, "Selling alchemist ingredients, while looking for a teacher. I wish to learn shadow magic."
  3. [16:50] Asteli says, "I've had no luck."
  4. [16:51] Elred Yindove says, "I know a person you could ask."
  5. [16:52] Elred Yindove says, "I help them learn shadow magic in a way."
  6. [16:52] Elred Yindove says, "She's also working towards becoming a Grey-Cloak."
  7. [16:52] Asteli asks, "Oh, who?"
  8. [16:56] Elred Yindove says, "I could attempt to help you learn it."
  9. [16:56] Asteli says, "Please? Anything at this rate."
  10. [16:57] Elred Yindove says, "I helped one person, so..."
  11. [16:58] Elred Yindove says, "I'm sure I can help you too..."
  12. [16:58] Asteli says, "That is much appreciated Elred."
  13. [16:59] Elred Yindove asks, "When would you like to start?"
  14. [16:59] Asteli says, "As soon as possible."
  15. [17:00] Elred Yindove says, "Can I can probably explain the basic."
  16. [17:06] Elred wasn't sure where to begin, but he should probably start as the basic illusion magic before anything else follow.
  18. "illusion magic is basically a magic used to alter reality before the person in front of you. It's quite power when used correctly; however, people have taken it a step farther and learned a new way.
  20. It's referred to as Shadow magic and it's advance form of illusion. From what I gathered from fighting certain people this magic is use to close the distance in a fight while giving you a chance to escape.
  22. You alter everything around you to the point that others can't determine when to strike you and when to not strike you."
  23. (Elred Yindove)
  24. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  26. [17:14] She listens to Elred and he tries to explain shadow magic to her. It sounded complex but, somewhat fairly easy if you actually think about it. She already knew the basics of illusion magic, as she often uses her distort spell in fights. She figured it was something similar to that but, on a bigger scale.
  28. "Ah I see then, sounds a bit complex but, not impossible. If I can use my distort spell to somehow affect other objects and myself, would I be able to use the base form of shadow magic?" She wondered.
  29. (Asteli)
  30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  32. [17:22] "In a sense you want to make your body the illusion and throw people off. Make them think their attack a shadow while your half way across the battlefield.
  34. You want to change reality around yourself instead of around others. You become the illusion and mess with peoples minds by teleporting around them."
  36. Elred things he had a decent example, but he wasn't sure if she understood this is what happens when he teaches a magic he doesn't know..
  37. (Elred Yindove)
  38. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. [17:25] The girl nods and accepts the advice, it was better than nothing right now. Though she wanted to try practicing this, she isn't sure how well it will go.
  42. "I see then, thank you. It makes sense and possibly doable, just concerned as to if I can do it." She fixed her legs a bit, as they were falling asleep.
  44. "Might be better if we talked and walked or something, my legs are falling asleep on their own in here." She said.
  45. (Asteli)
  46. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  48. [17:27] "Well, so long as you understand then I guess we can move else where. I wouldn't want to keep you in here all day; I know there are probably plenty other task you need to get done.
  50. I'll walk you back out towards the square and we'll see what's going on there"
  52. He offered his arm towards her again as they prepared to head out towards the square.
  53. (Elred Yindove)
  54. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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