
Forelsket Form

Nov 9th, 2019
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  1. ﹝JUST RELAX. ♡ ﹞
  2. birth name, Jeon Seolhyun ∎︎
  3. nicknames, Sol | Her friends call her this. It means sun in Spanish and that describes her personality. It also sounds like the first syllable of her name. || Hyunnie | Her family calls her this. It is just the last syllable of her name. || Seoul | Friends call her this as well. She was born and raised in Seoul so it is just a play on words with her name. ∎︎
  4. face claim, Soojin (G Idle) ∎︎
  6. ﹝LET'S CHILL. ♡ ﹞
  7. birthdate, 1999/03/09 ∎︎
  8. age, Krn - 21 and Intl - 20 ∎︎
  9. nationality, Korean ∎︎
  10. ethnicity, Korean ∎︎
  11. height, 164cm ∎︎
  12. weight, 45kg ∎︎
  14. ﹝I LOVE YOU. ♡ ﹞
  15. subject, Performing arts (Drama)
  17. your personality, Seolhyun is not easily upset or affected by things. She is also not easily swayed or influenced by others and has her own mind about things. Even if there is difficulty, she will continue to persue something she believes in and won't stop until she gets it. She is very determined and motivated by passion and her own goals. She is inflexible and if she has her mind set on one thing, she will most likely no compromise or change, this makes her quite stubborn at times. When she has faced obstacles that have pushed her down, instead of moping about feeling sorry for herself, she has tried again and kept going. This is why she gets what she wants because she will stop at nothing until she has it. She is very persuasive and uses words, actions or bribes (which may include food, help or something else) to persuade people to do something. You could view this as being manipulative and you are not wrong she just prefers to call her techniques "persuasive". She is very confident and doesn't get shy or nervous easily. She can be very flirtatious and it is just part of her nature. Flirting just comes naturally to her, however, she will make an effort to flirt more when she is interested in someone. Seolhyun can be quite a sarcastic character. This is to anyone, whether it is her friend or someone she has never met in her life. This can sometimes get her into trouble as she can make snappy quips at the wrong person. She usually doesn't care when this happens though. She can be reckless and she is very impulsive and doens't care about what kind of trouble her actions can lead to because she usually has some way of getting out of it. There is something about the way she smiles or the way she talks or the way she just holds herself that attracts people to her. She could just be sitting there quietly and people would just feel the desire to go and talk to her. She just has a very appealing aura. She will always stick by her friends side even in their worst moments, however, she will tell them if they have done something wrong because she is loyal, not timid. She can be quite touchy with her friends, for instance, she would always try and kiss them and sometimes even grab their butts and she loves the reactions she gets when she does do this. ∎︎
  19. love interest, San (Ateez)
  20. love interest's personality, He is very charming and people can't help but want to always be around him and he is really grateful for having that trait. He is also very humble and modest and won't brag about good things he has done. He is quite a bubbly person as he always has high spirits and is cheerful. He is the type of person you need around you especially when you are having a rough day. He is very sweet, thoughtful and caring. He can be quite annoying especially to the people he likes and he is usually purposefully annoying to someone if he is interested in them. His humour can vary from self-praising jokes to dry and unfunny jokes. He is also quite a talkative person and can talk for days on end. You could definitely describe him as a mood maker and he can sometimes act like the fake maknae because of his clinginess and bubbly side. ∎︎
  22. your super power, Power absorption (this requires physical touch and it can be permanent but it isn't always, she is unable to control it) and telepathy ∎︎
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