
MRVerse 2-Nohr Arc(Episode 4)

Dec 24th, 2017
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  1. MRVerse 2-Nohr Arc(Episode 4)
  2. December
  4. [11:30AM]
  5. -December 2nd....The day of KING Xander's coronation and party. Jalen and Rin are putting on their attires for the event as Camilla texted Rhiannon that her private limo will be pulling up shortly. They discuss the event, being super nervous(Both for their own reasons)as they head downstairs to see Robin blazing it up on the couch. Marx and Owari sees their breeders and nods as they approve of their look while Robin look over and check them both out.
  6. -She slaunder over to them and inform that she put some blunts in their pockets in case things get too much of a drag there...they thank her just in time as they see the limo pulling up by their house.
  7. -The 2 leaves and enter the limo as they anticipates the event there, Jalen thinking that there gonna be so many boring and insufferable people...and note that those 2 nobles from before may be there(Belkut and Diego) while Rin frowns about the amount of people there.
  9. [11:45AM]
  10. -Back at the castle where many things are occurring(Charlotte screaming about where is Siegbert's tuxedo, Leo keeping the staffs in checks with their tasks, and Xander off on his own getting ready.) Camilla's face while she directs the maids on their tasks hides her severe worry over the loss of her blunt last night...And to make things worse, Leo just chooses the right time to talk to her about the event today, letting her know that the Misstletain Hall will be ready for the party tonight. He notices her distressed look(She can't hide her feelings from someone like Leo, especially growing up with him) and ask her what's wrong
  11. -She breathes in and decides to tell him what has been going on, but then one of the servants inform her of a small disturbance at the gates.
  13. [12:00PM]
  14. -Camilla and Leo comes to the gates and see Jalen and Rin being very annoyed by the stammering servant stopping them from entering. Camilla thinks on her feet and tell both Leo and the guard that these are her pack members, Jalen and Rhiannon. Leo introduce himself and leave the 3 MCs alone
  15. -Rhiannon and Jalen are thrown out of the loop, but Camilla brings them inside and bring the 2 up to speed on the event with her thought of the missing blunt in the back of her mind.
  16. -As they walk around, both the MCs gets some looks of varying emotions from the staffs and some of the higher nobles(Looks of contempt,curiousity, and more). Doesn't make it better when Charlotte comes with baby Siegbert in his tux and sees Jalen. Her blatant fear of him pretty much makes him internally annoyed at how stupid people can be at times, but stay silent as Camilla introduce them to her. Charlotte's fear don't go away as she holds Siegbert close to her and excuse herself.
  17. -Jalen grumbles about wanting this event to be over as Rin agrees...Camilla sighs and laments how this is gonna be a looooong day....
  19. [4:00PM]
  20. -The coronation goes off well with Xander before a LOT of Nohrians in attendance as he is on a stage before them with many of the more important people behind him(his family, Berkut's family + the high members of the NMA, Diego's family, and others) Jalen and Rhiannon stands next to Camilla and Leo....and much to Camilla's internal horror, it's revealed that standing near baked-as-fuck Elise.
  21. -While Xander is giving his (Really fucking long) speech about his father's legacy and his passion to uphold it as well as making the breeders in Nohr better, Diego is very angry at the sight of Jay and Rin here and whispers to Belkut about it...Rinea looks over and swores she seen Jalen before....but keep it to herself about the matter as Belkut calms Diego down and tell him that the 2 of them will speak to Leo about it(Belkut swears he's best friend with him...Leo just tolerate his presence due to being the son of the chairman of the NMA.) and tell Diego that this may be his time to finally woo the heiress to the Hanson Fortune; Soleil Hanson in attendance with her mother, Olivia Hanson-Nohrian doctor and neurosurgeon
  22. . Soleil ofc sees Diego and ignores him as she lay eyes on Jalen and fall in love....
  23. [7PM]
  24. -Thus, the Coronation ends and the party begins in the Missletain Hall at 7PM with the new King and Queen sharing the dance floor by themselves while Olivia sings...after that, the nobles discuss among themselves...Camilla introduce the 2 MCs to many of her peers as her packmates, shocking some of them.(Some of them recognize them as the 2 commoners who defeated Belkut and Diego). Jalen is very tense and keep the ~~THOTS~~ at arms length and head over to the dinner aisle as Camilla smoothly ward off anyone who tries to hit on Rin and Jalen(Who feels conflicting feelings) as well as keep Elise near by so she won't do anything bad. Elise look at Rin and smelling the blunt on her, whispers do she wanna get high with that good shit...Rin nods(Much to Camilla's horror) and tell Camilla that she'll keep an eye on Elise and smirks as she walk off...Leaving an annoyed, but sexually flustered Camilla with her peers.
  26. -Meanwhile, Belkut(With Rinea) and Dio confronts Jalen by himself and fails to intimidate him with their Alpha genes(Dio remembering what Jalen did to his hand, clutches it in fear). Belkut tries to be "friendly" with Jalen and formally introduce himself as Berkut Muller, heir to the Muller fortune and son of the NMA Chairman, Adam Muller and his wife, Rinea Meyer. Diego briskly introduce himself as the heir to the Brando enterprise(His family owns the bank). Jalen calmly drink his beer, but is in his own mind upon hearing "Meyer..." that name...brings up terrible memories as he breaks the glass in his hand(Scaring the 3 nobles). He was about to excuse himself when Soleil choose this perfect moment to introduce herself to Jalen as the 2nd oldest daughter of the Hanson and escort him to a private room to take care of his hand...Much to Diego's sheer envy, and Rinea and Belkut's confusion.
  28. [10PM]
  29. -Back with Elise and Rin, The 2 bond over weed as Camilla finds them in a private room. Just as she was gonna rebuke them for smoking, Elise ask her to try it and she does so with hesitation....upon doing it, she finds that she likes it...and soon the 3 ladies are chilling on the couch, loose and relaxed as the 2 girls listen to Camilla speaks about her thoughts on the current matter and what lead them to this....comparing each other's tits...and during this, Camilla noticed a weird mark on Rin's tits...a noble mark that she never seen before..
  31. -In a private room, Soleil finally bandages up Jalen's hand and marvel at her work as she babbles on about medical terms regarding his injury...and cause she made him take his shirt off...see another weird mark on his chest.... Jalen thank her and is about to leave when she block his path and begin to gawk over him about his and Rin's accomplishments in the circuit with their monsters(While also slightly curious on his mark. Jalen slightly warms up to her, but still he leaves the room after some time to go get Rhiannon, making Soleil swoon over how he is sooooo cool about caring for others..she let him go...cause she have a piece of his hair and will take it to her mom's lab to find his heritage.
  33. -Eventually, Jalen finds a very sleepy Rin in Camilla's room and take her back home...while Diego sees him and begins to plot both of their downfalls..
  37. >Me
  38. -Camilla
  39. -Diego
  40. -Elise
  41. -Charlotte
  42. -Rinea
  45. >You
  46. -Robin
  47. -Leo
  48. -Belkut
  49. -Soleil(Very sweet and shy like her mother while also spoiled and is very good in terms of pharmacy skills for humans and monsters. Aspires to be a great doctor....despite having some mental issues regarding bottling her anger, which comes out in very frightening manners )
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