

Apr 18th, 2017
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  1. 8:50 PM - Psi | ring me: got a new job today
  2. 8:50 PM - Psi | ring me: and I might not be able to play
  3. 8:50 PM - Psi | ring me: MIGHT
  4. 8:50 PM - Psi | ring me: I will have an answer weds
  5. 8:56 PM - charis: who would play in ur place
  6. 8:56 PM - charis: would the team die
  7. 8:56 PM - Psi | ring me: nah
  8. 8:56 PM - Psi | ring me: everyone wants to paly together
  9. 8:56 PM - Psi | ring me: I just created the team but is not like I'm a kim jon il of tf2
  10. 8:56 PM - charis: 8:56 PM - charis: who would play in ur place
  11. 8:57 PM - Psi | ring me: dave, bunny and screwb just wanted to play with me
  12. 8:57 PM - Psi | ring me: but even so the team wouldnt die
  13. 8:57 PM - Psi | ring me: idk who would take my place
  14. 8:57 PM - Psi | ring me: but I would let goodaim aka always to take my place
  15. 8:57 PM - Psi | ring me: his schedule is kinda messy but he can play everynight at least
  16. 8:57 PM - charis: lmao
  17. 8:58 PM - Psi | ring me: black ppl
  18. 9:02 PM - Psi | ring me: besides since I might quit comp tf2
  19. 9:03 PM - Psi | ring me: I'm gonna tell everyone who hates me for no reason to fuck off
  20. 9:04 PM - charis: thats matrue :P
  21. 9:04 PM - charis: *mature
  22. 9:22 PM - Psi | ring me: here's an example
  23. 9:22 PM - Psi | ring me: Psi | ring me: hey row
  24. Psi | ring me: can I tell you something
  25. Psi | ring me: really honest
  26. rowpieces: yes
  27. Psi | ring me: idk but suddenly
  28. Psi | ring me: I have the urge to tell Rain of Light to go fuck himself and that he's an egotistical shitlord
  29. Psi | ring me: even though he hasnt done anything bad to me but still
  30. Psi | ring me: you know
  31. rowpieces: ok
  32. Psi | ring me: I wanna tell all the overrated retards that they are niggers and bad and to go fuck themselves for being fucking loser weebs
  33. Psi | ring me: like smesi
  34. Psi | ring me: yes
  35. Psi | ring me: I havent felt so free in my life
  36. 9:22 PM - Psi | ring me: he sent this chatlog to his whole friends list lmao I'm ready to be called the most toxic tf2 player in history
  37. 10:17 PM - Psi | ring me is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
  38. 10:21 PM - Psi | ring me has changed their name to spicest 2011 memes xD.
  39. 10:48 PM - spicest 2011 memes xD is now Online.
  40. 10:49 PM - spicest 2011 memes xD has changed their name to Psi.
  41. 11:26 PM - Psi is now Online.
  42. 11:34 PM - charis: dude i dont care about ur drama lol
  43. 11:34 PM - charis: stop being so mean to people
  44. 11:34 PM - charis: and if u wanna do it anyway dont share it with me i dotn care
  45. 11:35 PM - Psi: damn
  46. 11:35 PM - charis: then people wont think ur a mean person
  47. 11:35 PM - charis: u seem to care about that alot since u talk it all the time
  48. 11:35 PM - Psi: thing is that I-m not a mean person to anyone
  49. 11:35 PM - Psi: but ppl think Im a meanie
  50. 11:35 PM - Psi: look at yungsally
  51. 11:35 PM - Psi: everytime I play with him he calls his teammates retards
  52. 11:35 PM - charis: im not interested int his conversation
  53. 11:35 PM - Psi: but hes a saint!
  54. 11:35 PM - charis: just stop
  55. 11:35 PM - charis: for once
  56. 11:35 PM - Psi: you never wanna talk to me about anything for once
  57. 11:35 PM - Psi: like wtf
  58. 11:35 PM - Psi: okay I understand
  59. 11:36 PM - Psi: that you dont wanna get involved in drama
  60. 11:36 PM - Psi: but ANY conversation
  61. 11:36 PM - Psi: you just avoid
  62. 11:35 PM - charis: no its just you
  63. 11:36 PM - charis: because you are mean to people
  64. 11:36 PM - Psi: even if I ask how was your day
  65. 11:36 PM - Psi: Im not mean
  66. 11:36 PM - Psi: I havent been mean to people
  67. 11:36 PM - Psi: YET
  68. 11:36 PM - charis: k im going ot stop replying now
  69. 11:36 PM - Psi: woow
  70. 11:36 PM - Psi: why you avoid me tho like everytime I try to talk to you when I dont even talk about drama
  71. 11:36 PM - Psi: you are always so cold af
  72. 11:37 PM - Psi: now you are gonna tell ppl
  73. 11:37 PM - Psi: "fuck man psi is an annoying retard"
  74. 11:39 PM - Psi: you are also always like "SHUT UP PSI" in mumble when I'm speaking at the slightest
  75. 11:39 PM - Psi: I think you just dont like my voice
  76. 11:39 PM - charis: when i say 'im going to stop replying', most people would understand the implication that you should quit typing to me
  77. 11:39 PM - charis: you should probably stop messaiging me before i make it not possible for you to
  78. 11:40 PM - charis: please
  80. 11:40 PM - Psi: BECAUSE THATS MEAN
  81. 11:40 PM - Psi: okay
  82. 11:40 PM - Psi: I'll play tetris now so I'll stop typing
  83. 11:40 PM - charis: im just going to say this
  84. 11:40 PM - charis: you are socially inept as could be
  85. 11:41 PM - Psi: because I'm gonna tell ppl I dont like how they treat me?
  86. 11:41 PM - Psi: damn
  87. 11:41 PM - charis: and when i tell you to shut up, it isnt because of your voice, its because you say things that make the enviornment extremely awkward
  88. 11:41 PM - charis: and uncomfortable for everyone
  89. 11:41 PM - Psi: you got TRIGGERED when I said "I think charis is high"
  90. 11:41 PM - Psi: how's that awkward...
  91. 11:41 PM - charis: furthermore, you message rowpieces something extremely negative, unnescaary, and unwarrented about someone who is his friend
  92. 11:41 PM - charis: so its no wonder to me why he made fun of you
  93. 11:42 PM - Psi: uhm yeah you are right
  94. 11:42 PM - Psi: I'm gonna add them instead and tell them personally
  95. 11:41 PM - charis: if you want nobody to think you are a 'toxic retard' or whatever perhaps you shoudlnt act that way lol
  96. 11:42 PM - Psi: I havent done anything that makes ppl think I'm a toxic retard
  97. 11:42 PM - charis: ...i just described something 100% contrary to that statement
  98. 11:42 PM - Psi: but as I said before there are certain ppl who are saints if they just call their team retarded every pug who knows
  99. 11:42 PM - charis: that you have done
  100. 11:42 PM - Psi: well
  101. 11:43 PM - Psi: with that ONE exception
  102. 11:42 PM - charis: dude just stop bothering me. im not interessted in teaching you that you need to grow up
  103. 11:43 PM - charis: we are on a team and thats it
  104. 11:43 PM - Psi: you dont need to teach me anything
  105. 11:43 PM - charis: good
  106. 11:43 PM - charis: lol
  107. 11:43 PM - Psi: I found a job and I'm sorting all my life as I wanted now
  108. 11:43 PM - Psi: finally I'm feeling happy
  109. 11:43 PM - charis: yay
  110. 11:43 PM - Psi: slow and painful process but I'll get thru it
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