
[Hanako] Have You Seen My Bear Tibbers, Hisao?

Nov 28th, 2012
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  1. Have You Seen My Bear Tibbers, Hisao?
  4. I grin widely as the word 'victory' sprawls across the center of my screen, leaving me with a button to exit the game that I just so happened to have dominated in.
  6. I lean back in my computer chair, folding my hands behind the back of my head and looking back upon the match, my mind going all the way back to the beginning.
  8. Champion select left me playing Vladimir, a simple mid lane game obviously headed in my general direction, and was ready as can be as we all summoned into the match.
  10. I giggle like an idiot as I dream once again of spamming my Q ability and dropping my W to avoid various ganks and ults, leaving the other team practically at a loss for tactics to counter my rampage of kills.
  12. The kill counter just kept going up.
  14. 1.
  16. 5.
  18. 12.
  20. 18.
  22. 26.
  24. That's right. Twenty-six kills, zero deaths and eight assists.
  26. Triple kills, a quadra kill, even a penta kill were no short on usage in the game.
  28. My screen still sits at the final victory message, a feeling of satisfaction that has never ceased to amaze me. Winning in such dominating fashion leaves me wanting more, but just as I get ready to return to the lobby and head into my next queue, a couple of gentle taps sound out from my dorm room door.
  30. I smile.
  32. “Come in, Hanako.”
  34. I had promised her that we would hang out today, mainly because our exams had just finished up and we had spent minimal time together over the testing window. I spent a little bit of time playing League of Legends over that time, of course, but my focus was mainly on my studies.
  36. The knob of the door twists and it pushes open, leaving me with the fine view of the girl that has managed to capture my heart.
  38. She always looks so good in her school uniform. I don't know what it is about it, but that shy, schoolgirl oriented look has always been a major... 'thing', I guess you could say, for me.
  40. She's just adorable as it is, but I think that's a given.
  42. She shuffles into the space, leaving her bag on my bed as she flops down on the edge takes a comfortable glance into my eyes.
  44. “H-Hi.”
  46. I grin simply at her light smile she gives me, her usual reserved self slightly fading away in my company.
  48. “Hello there.” I move my mouse on my computer and return to the lobby of my game, leaving the window up as Hanako looks over my shoulder at my screen.
  50. “O-Oh, is this a n-new game that you play?”
  52. “I've actually played it for a really long time.” She seems pretty interested as I go into the champions tab of my profile, contemplating over who I'll play in my next game. Her eyes read through lore and stats, hovering over the art and beauty of various the various characters.
  54. She nervously rubs her hands together, looking away from me.
  56. I raise an eyebrow at her.
  58. “What's up?”
  60. She stops her hands for a moment, looking at me with a light shade of crimson appearing on her cheeks.
  62. “D...Do you think I could play? I r-really like v-video games...” She trails off, obviously – but very unreasonably – embarrassed by her simple request.
  64. I smile and remove myself from my seat, patting down into the chair as I head over into the corner of my room to retrieve an item to sit on. I plop down beside my desk chair as she cautiously takes her place in it, taking a quick peek over some of the lore of the various options that she can choose from while playing.
  66. I help her get into a solo queue, and nearly within an instant, a match is found, hurling her into the unorganized chaos of a solo queue champion select. I explain to her the roles of different lanes and champions as she mouses over a bunch quickly.
  68. Surprisingly, something catches her interest nearly at the same time as I conclude my brief explanation, the sound of a little girl emanating from my speakers.
  70. “You wanna play too? It'll be fun!”
  72. I nearly cringe at her selection as the game launches into the loading screen. Not because it's a bad pick, because it really isn't, and certainly not because she's very difficult to play. But..
  74. Much rather, she chose Annie. A little girl who uses a wide range of fire based, ability power oriented skills, on top of having an ultimate skill that turns her stuffed teddy bear into a real, live and destructive force.
  76. I gulp a bit as her eyes shine at the little girls outfit on the screen, a rather unusual smirk spanning across her face.
  78. The game gets off to a fast start as I help her along in her build, starting her off with the usual boots and three health potions as she heads to mid. I try to help her successfully farm minions with her Q ability, which she grasps extremely well for a beginner.
  80. As the lane progresses though, she seems to get slightly more hostile towards my help and suggestions, making me sit back and just zip my mouth shut. She eventually pushes hard against Twisted Fate and lands first kill, a loud yes and fist pump jumping out of her chest.
  82. I nearly fall of my seat at the sound, the excitement nearly scaring me senseless.
  84. This is rather unusual for her.
  86. I really, REALLY hope I'm not making a mistake by letting her play this game.
  88. She slowly begins to dominate mid, shrugging off a gank from the other teams Amumu and scoring a double kill with a powerful bear stun.
  90. Now I'm starting to feel a bit concerned.
  92. She starts, saying the very least, to laugh like a maniac, heading back to base and grabbing the next steps in the build that I had suggested to her at the beginning.
  94. I keep my mouth zipped close as she heads for a gank bottom with the opposing mid tower destroyed, dropping a bear stun and absolutely shattering the will of the other team as she scores her second double of the game.
  96. That's five kills and zero deaths.
  98. For a beginner.
  100. Even more frightening, her insane sound laugh once brings some major concern to my head as I stand up from my bed and pretend to rearrange some things behind her, concerned at her current state of mind.
  102. Suddenly, more words blare out of my speakers.
  104. “Triple kill!”
  106. She yells and laughs like she belongs in an asylum.
  108. The rest of the game continues to spiral downhill, yells and laughs galore as she ravages through the enemy team composition.
  110. My eyes close for a minute at the fear of her state of mind.
  112. Fire flying everywhere.
  114. A bear, tragically mauling an innocent pairing of Draven and Lux.
  116. The images flash through my eyes like a nightmare, only made worse by the constant source of evil that rests in the chair in front of me.
  118. I finally clear my throat, speaking out a bit.
  120. “Uh, H-Hanako... do you think I could maybe, I don't know-” I stop abruptly as she pauses her clicking, her muscles seemingly tensing up at the sound of another voice.
  122. She cocks her head nearly 180 degrees on her neck, wide eyes and a wide grin of pure insanity meeting my gaze.
  124. I look at her in horror as she stares without a single blink.
  126. “Have you seen my bear Tibbers, Hisao?”
  128. I shake a bit and try to laugh it off, horrified as to what has demonized the mind of my girlfriend.
  130. Without a peep out of me, other than a few uncomfortable breaths and muttering of half finished words, she spins back around and completes her game with a quadra kill, shattering the enemies defenses and blowing their nexus to pieces.
  132. She finally relaxes back into a state that seems normal, closing out of the game and sitting by my side on the edge of my bed. I continue to look straight forward, stunned at the terrifying scene that just ended before my own eyes.
  134. Eighteen and zero.
  136. That was her score on her first game ever.
  138. I turn to her and just continue to stare in disbelief, her eyes downcast and her cheeks burning bright red in color.
  140. She stammers a bit before settling on a very shy response to her actions.
  142. “I-I-I'm s-sorry that you h-h-had to see t-that...”
  144. I shake my head for a moment, attempting to clear my vision of what I just witnessed.
  146. “I think I can manage to get over it. Let's just, uh, not... you know, play League of Legends for a while... or something...”
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