
The Awesome Solution Doc

Mar 1st, 2024 (edited)
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  1. free.htm
  2. the level picture is two boxes split into quarters, totalling 8 different images
  3. page title is "The Repository"
  4. image has some exif data:
  5. - Image Creator is "Timwi"
  6. - Image Title is "Logfile Analyzer"
  7. - Image Description is "#file=244a86fad15147119fcb228408e4c71ed9e1b547;bomb=IE8QV1"
  8. googling "timwi the repository" you find this link:
  9. click the tools button in the top right of the page, you will find the logfile analyzer
  10. alternatively if you google "timwi logfile analyzer" you will get a link straight to it:
  11. looking at image description, you can see its split into two parts (separated by the semicolon)
  12. #file=244a86fad15147119fcb228408e4c71ed9e1b547, and bomb=IE8QV1
  13. since you are analysing a logfile, you should use the #file part
  14. click on the 'paste' button, then paste "244a86fad15147119fcb228408e4c71ed9e1b547" in
  15. this will take you to an analysis of a bomb
  16. the bomb's serial code is IE8QV1, which matches what we have from the exif data
  17. the bomb has 8 modules:
  18. - 3D Maze
  19. - Bitwise Operations
  20. - Black Hole
  21. - Bone Apple Tea
  22. - Creation
  23. - Ice Cream
  24. - Monsplode, Fight!
  25. - Piano Keys
  26. if you go back to the level, you will find this in the source code:
  27. 2-6-3 2-8-5 5-3-3 5-4-1
  28. 4-9-1 3-10-2 7-23-5 4-3-5
  29. 8 sets of numbers, 8 modules
  30. find each module in the repository, you can use the numbers to index and get letters
  31. the order of the modules is determined by the pictures:
  32. bone apple tea, bitwise operations, 3d maze, creation, ice cream, monsplode fight*, black hole, piano keys
  33. the numbers are split up as bulletpoint-word-letter
  34. when done right, the indexed letters will spell "keepcalm"
  35. *in our infinite wisdom, for monsplode fight, we actually used the module picture for monsplode trading cards instead
  36. this was not intended, just a mistake. sorry for any confusion :(
  41. keepcalm.htm
  42. nightmare.webp
  43. page title: "A spell is needed..."
  44. source code: "Where am I?"
  45. reverse image search the level picture, you will find out its a place called hedingham castle
  46. you will notice that there is an additional big yellow 'B' in the level image
  47. if you're paying attention, you'll also notice that the only exact match to the level picture (besides the B) is from a website called knightmare
  48. the level picture is named nightmare.webp, which serves as confirmation here
  49. if you go to hedinghamcastle.htm, you will be greeted by an egg page
  50. "This world calls it something else..."
  51. with a little reasearch on knightmare, you will learn that they do not know it as hedinghamcastle, but actually as gatetower
  52. if you go to gatetower.htm, you will again by greeted by a message, this time saying "Change the image name"
  53. so you change nightmare.webp to gatetower.webp
  58. gatetower.webp
  59. a different background image, this one has a big yellow 'O'
  60. reverse image search reveals this is dungarth
  61. there is a set of numbers along the bottom (8 14 0 0 7 23 24 6)
  62. 8 numbers, dungarth has 8 letters
  63. shift each letter of dungarth by the corresponding number (e.g. shift d by 8, shift u by 14)
  64. after all shifts you get linghorn
  65. change image name to linghorn.webp
  70. linghorn.webp
  71. another level background, a big yellow 'm'
  72. this level has braille, and a question mark
  73. decoding the braille, you get bea?herald
  74. reverse image search reveals this is linghorm
  75. image name is linghorn, not linghorm
  76. replace the question mark with m to get beamherald
  77. change image name
  82. beamherald.webp
  83. new level image, a big yellow 'b', "now use what you have"
  84. dots on the bottom of the image
  85. decode using tap code to get qfahsset
  86. qfahsset.htm is a picture of a padlock
  87. so you need a key
  88. "use what you have" the yellow letters we have found spell out bomb
  89. using bomb as a key, decode qfahsset in vigenere to get "progress"
  94. progress.htm
  95. "Remember its a spell you're dealing with here"
  96. spells are used in knightmare
  97. researching spells, you will find this page:
  98. read through the page to find out that spells are cast by calling out "spellcasting" followed by the letters of the spell
  99. in this instance our spell is progress, so we call out spellcastingprogress
  104. spellcastingprogress.htm
  105. "You need to dispel!"
  106. on the same spell page is a section on dispelling
  107. "Sometimes it would be appropriate or expedient for a spell to be undone, or 'dispelled'. To do this, the character would call out "Dispel" (emphasis on the first syllable), followed by the letters of the spell in an incorrect order (not necessarily in exact reverse)"
  108. we want to dispel the 'progress' spell, so we call out dispelssergorp
  113. dispelssergorp.htm
  114. ktAne.png
  115. picture is named ktAne.png, picture itself is a black screen with a white question mark
  116. altering the brightness of the picture will reveal the '.' of the question mark is followed by wav (so as to make '.wav')
  117. change ktAne.png to ktAne.wav to get an audio file
  118. audio file is split into 8 sections
  119. each section has been sped up by a large amount (to avoid people using tools like shazam straight away)
  120. slowing each section down will get you things that sound like songtracks, albeit very muffled (not intended :( sorry)
  121. filename is ktAne; ktane is the abbreviation for "keep talking and nobody explodes", the game used in the first level
  122. ktane has its own soundtracks, which are in use here
  123. you can compare by ear (or use something like audacity) to identify each of the 8 songs
  124. you then use the length of each section (the sped up length, NOT the length of the actual song) as an index on the song name
  125. note: i added a 0.5s gap between each one for differentiating purposes, but maybe that was more of a hindrance? sorry if it was
  126. in order, the song names and lengths are:
  127. keep talking (5)
  128. dragon (5)
  129. and nobody explodes (11)
  130. squidknife (4)
  131. pitchfork (4)
  132. ultramarine (9)
  133. pop quiz hot shot (10)
  134. mancy (5)
  135. indexing those letters gets you "toxicity"
  136. now change the image name to ktBne for the next level
  140. ktBne.png
  141. bc -> be
  142. def -> dio
  143. ghij -> goxh
  144. ??? -> asxuzhcpqetlmejglpqehme
  145. easiest way to work out whats going on here is to use a1z26
  146. 2 3 -> 2 5
  147. 4 5 6 -> 4 9 15
  148. 7 8 9 10 -> 7 15 24 8
  149. you'll notice that the first number stays the same, and then the next number is altered by adding the previous number
  150. in 2 3's instance, 2 stays as 2, and 3 changes to 5, because 2 + 3 = 5
  151. for 4 5 6, 4 stays as 4, 5 becomes 9 (4 + 5 = 9) and 6 becomes 15 (9 + 6 = 15)
  152. in 7 8 9 10, 7 stays as 7, 15 is 7 + 8, 24 is 15 + 9, but our last number is 8, instead of 34 (24 + 10)
  153. if you subtract 26 from 34, you get 8, so now you know to subtract 26 if you ever go over it
  154. for the final step we need to work backwards. the easiest way to do this is to find the numeric difference between each letter, and then use a1z26 to get the letters
  155. asxuzhcpqetlmejglpqehme = 1 19 24 21 26 8 3 16 17 5 20 12 13 5 10 7 12 16 17 5 8 13 5
  156. the differences are 18 5 23 5 8 21 13 1 14 15 18 1 18 5 23 5 4 1 14 3 5 18, which comes out as rewehumanorarewedancer
  157. put the a on the front (since asxuzhcpqetlmejglpqehme starts with an a, and we know the starting letter doesnt change) and we get "arewehumanorarewedancer"
  158. googling this will bring up a song
  159. The Killers - Human
  160. if you look at the lyrics, specifically the chorus, you'll see this
  161. "My sign is vital
  162. My hands are cold"
  163. since the level has a picture of a sign and a pair of hands, our answers are "vital" and "cold"
  167. ktCne.png
  168. each line is a crossword-style clue
  169. A middle tier chef = ok cook
  170. A measure of your adeptness at a certain snowsport = ski skill
  171. A nutty cooking instrument = pecan pan
  172. A belief about midday = noon notion
  173. A detective who incites violence = investigator instigator
  174. you should notice that each pair of words is very similar, different only by a pair of letters in one of the words (e.g. 'ok' and 'cook' are only different by the letters 'co')
  175. if you take these pairs of letters, you will spell "collective"
  179. ktDne.png
  180. _ _ _ _ _ of _ _ _ _ _ _
  181. most of the image serves as a rebus
  182. if you alter the brightness you will also find "FILO"
  183. googling FILO should get you to the process "First In, Last Out"
  184. after a bit of research, you will find that FILO (and its alternative, FIFO) are computer science terms to describe stacks and queues
  185. the rebus makes use of the word "comedy" to illustrate stacks and queues
  186. the 'stack of comedy' is marked correct, whilst the 'queue of comedy' is marked incorrect
  187. so your answers are "stack" and "comedy"
  191. ktEne.png
  192. zsdc erfcxs rtgvcd cfgb 6yu8 7ui9 89okju uikmnh yujnbg 67uhgt 9op- 0p[= -=]';p p['/.l op;.,k 90plki 45yue. 56fiup yfdxku juix qeuk .pujqo 0[/snr []=-sl zs/= vs- wnsz rlsvwt 45yue. 56fiup yfdxku juix qeuk .pujqo 8cr0 9rl[ 0[/snr rlsvwt crnwmh 89rthg 3.p5 4py6 56fiup pyikje .pujqo 34peo,
  193. this level makes use of keyboards
  194. on a qwerty keyboard, 'zsdc' are the letter keys surrounding 'x'
  195. 'erfcxs' are the keys surrounding 'd'
  196. keep doing this, and you will get up to '45yue.', which no longer makes a circle
  197. up to this point you should have "xdfv78ijhy0-[;lo"
  198. in exif you will find this image description: " serfcx cfgb i90plk e45tfd qwsz\ jiol,m"
  199. using the same method you will find it says dvorak
  200. if you use a dvorak keyboard you can now decode the rest of the text, to get "pyikjel/-zvnpyikje90lntc45yue."
  201. if you decode each set again in their respective keyboards, you will get "cup" from the qwerty set, and "usurp" from the dvorak set
  202. cup and usurp are your answers
  206. ktFne.png
  207. looks like a crossword
  208. this mostly just serves as answer confirmation (length confirmers and the words will fit together if correct)
  209. at the bottom of the picture you can see 12345678.htm, and the picture itself has numbers the 'crossword' answers from 1 to 8
  210. when you put the answers in correctly, you will get that
  211. 1 = collective
  212. 2 = toxicity
  213. 3 = vital
  214. 4 = cup
  215. 5 = usurp
  216. 6 = stack
  217. 7 = cold
  218. 8 = comedy
  219. so now input collectivetoxicityvitalcupusurpstackcoldcomedy.htm
  223. collectivetoxicityvitalcupusurpstackcoldcomedy.htm
  224. a gif of a 'chilly' from the kirby games, arrows pointing at it from the "final answer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _"
  225. the filename of the gif is hollyjolly
  226. the answer to the weekly is hollyjolly
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