

Mar 29th, 2018
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  1. on click:
  2. if player is holding 399 named "&aメニュー":
  3. open chest with 5 rows named "&0&lKit PvP Menu" to player
  4. format slot 19 of player with jukebox named "&c&lKit購入&選択" to close then run [message "&c準備中..."]
  5. format slot 22 of player with diamond sword named "&a戦闘" to close then run [execute player command "/joinpvp"]
  6. format slot 25 of player with anvil named "&eKit強化" to close then run [message "&c準備中..."]
  7. format slot 43 of player with 404 named "&e設定" to close then run [message "&c準備中..."]
  8. format slot 44 of player with compass named "&eサーバー間移動" to close then run [message "&c準備中..."]
  10. command /kitpvp [<text>]:
  11. permission: kitpvp.admin
  12. permission message: &cYOU DO NOT HAVE ANY PERMISSION
  13. trigger:
  14. if arg-1 is not set:
  15. message "&c使用法: /kitpvp <行動> <手法>"
  16. message "&6行動: setlobby(/spawnでの転送先), setdeath(死亡後の転送先)"
  17. if arg-1 is set:
  18. if arg-1 is "setlobby":
  19. set {kitpvp.lobby} to location of player
  20. message "&9》 &aロビーを設定しました。"
  21. if arg-1 is "setdeath":
  22. set {kitpvp.deathpoint} to location of player
  23. message "&9》 &a死亡後のスポーン地点を設定しました。"
  24. if arg-1 is not "setlobby" or "setdeath":
  25. message "&9》 &asetlobby あるいは setdeath が有効です。"
  27. command /joinpvp:
  28. trigger:
  29. message "&9》 &a転送されました。"
  30. teleport player to {kitpvp.deathpoint}
  32. command /spawn:
  33. trigger:
  34. message "&9》 &a転送されました。"
  35. teleport player to {kitpvp.lobby}
  37. on damage of player:
  38. if damage > victim's health:
  39. cancel event
  40. send victim title "&c&l死亡" with subtitle "&cBY %attacker%" for 5 seconds
  41. send attacker title "&c&l殺害" with subtitle "&cTO %victim%" for 5 seconds
  42. teleport victim to {kitpvp.deathpoint}
  43. broadcast "&c》 &b%attacker% &6>> &4&l&m%victim%"
  45. command /kit [<text>]:
  46. trigger:
  47. if arg-1 is not set:
  48. message "&b/kit <キット>"
  49. if arg-1 is "Solidar":
  50. if {player.level.%player%} is more than 9:
  51. message "&aSolidarに設定しました。"
  52. clear player's inventory
  53. equip player with unbreakable iron helmet named "&aSolidar Helmet" with lore "&6Soul Item"
  54. equip player with unbreakable diamond chestplate named "&aSolidar Chestplate" with lore "&6Soul Item"
  55. equip player with unbreakable iron leggings named "&aSolidar Leggings" with lore "&6Soul Item"
  56. equip player with unbreakable iron boots named "&aSolidar Boots" with lore "&6Soul Item"
  57. give player unbreakable diamond sword named "&aSolidar Sword" with lore "&6Soul Item"
  58. else:
  59. message "&cLv.10 から使用できます。"
  60. if arg-1 is "Enderman":
  61. if {player.level.%player%} is more than 14:
  62. message "&aEndermanに設定しました。"
  63. clear player's inventory
  64. equip player with unbreakable chainmail helmet named "&aEnderman Helmet" with lore "&6Soul Item"
  65. equip player with unbreakable chainmail chestplate named "&aEnderman Chestplate" with lore "&6Soul Item"
  66. equip player with unbreakable chainmail leggings named "&aEnderman Leggings" with lore "&6Soul Item"
  67. equip player with unbreakable chainmail boots named "&aEnderman Boots" with lore "&6Soul Item"
  68. give player unbreakable stone sword named "&aEnderman Sword" with lore "&6Soul Item"
  69. give player 16 ender pearl named "&aEnder Pearl" with lore "&6Soul Item"
  70. else:
  71. message "&cLv.15 から使用できます。"
  73. command /levelup:
  74. permission: kitpvp.admin
  75. permission message: &cYOU DO NOT HAVE ANY PERMISSION
  76. trigger:
  77. add 1 to {player.level.%player%}
  78. message "&a%{player.level.%player%}% になりました。"
  80. on join:
  81. teleport player to {kitpvp.lobby}
  82. if {kitpvp.firstjoin.%player%} is true:
  83. stop
  84. else:
  85. set {kitpvp.firstjoin.%player%} to true
  86. add 1 to {player.level.%player%}
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