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- #include "bits/stdc++.h"
- using namespace std;
- typedef long long ll;
- #define rep(i, a, b) for(int i = a; i < (b); ++i)
- #define all(x) begin(x), end(x)
- #define sz(x) (int)(x).size()
- typedef long long ll;
- typedef pair<int, int> pii;
- typedef vector<int> vi;
- #define deb(...) logger(#__VA_ARGS__, __VA_ARGS__)
- template<typename ...Args>
- void logger(string vars, Args&&... values) {
- cout << vars << " = ";
- string delim = "";
- (..., (cout << delim << values, delim = ", "));
- cout << '\n';
- }
- template<int MOD>
- struct ModInt {
- long long v;
- ModInt(long long _v = 0) {v = (-MOD < _v && _v < MOD) ? _v : _v % MOD; if (v < 0) v += MOD;}
- ModInt& operator += (const ModInt &other) {v += other.v; if (v >= MOD) v -= MOD; return *this;}
- ModInt& operator -= (const ModInt &other) {v -= other.v; if (v < 0) v += MOD; return *this;}
- ModInt& operator *= (const ModInt &other) {v = v * other.v % MOD; return *this;}
- ModInt& operator /= (const ModInt &other) {return *this *= inverse(other);}
- bool operator == (const ModInt &other) const {return v == other.v;}
- bool operator != (const ModInt &other) const {return v != other.v;}
- friend ModInt operator + (ModInt a, const ModInt &b) {return a += b;}
- friend ModInt operator - (ModInt a, const ModInt &b) {return a -= b;}
- friend ModInt operator * (ModInt a, const ModInt &b) {return a *= b;}
- friend ModInt operator / (ModInt a, const ModInt &b) {return a /= b;}
- friend ModInt operator - (const ModInt &a) {return 0 - a;}
- friend ModInt power(ModInt a, long long b) {ModInt ret(1); while (b > 0) {if (b & 1) ret *= a; a *= a; b >>= 1;} return ret;}
- friend ModInt inverse(ModInt a) {return power(a, MOD - 2);}
- friend istream& operator >> (istream &is, ModInt &m) {is >> m.v; m.v = (-MOD < m.v && m.v < MOD) ? m.v : m.v % MOD; if (m.v < 0) m.v += MOD; return is;}
- friend ostream& operator << (ostream &os, const ModInt &m) {return os << m.v;}
- };
- using M = ModInt<998244353>;
- template<typename T>
- vector<T> berlekampMassey(const vector<T> &s) {
- vector<T> c;
- vector<T> oldC;
- int f = -1;
- for (int i=0; i<(int)s.size(); i++) {
- T delta = s[i];
- for (int j=1; j<=(int)c.size(); j++)
- delta -= c[j-1] * s[i-j];
- if (delta == 0)
- continue;
- if (f == -1) {
- c.resize(i + 1);
- mt19937 rng(chrono::steady_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
- for (T &x : c)
- x = rng();
- f = i;
- } else {
- vector<T> d = oldC;
- for (T &x : d)
- x = -x;
- d.insert(d.begin(), 1);
- T df1 = 0;
- for (int j=1; j<=(int)d.size(); j++)
- df1 += d[j-1] * s[f+1-j];
- assert(df1 != 0);
- T coef = delta / df1;
- for (T &x : d)
- x *= coef;
- vector<T> zeros(i - f - 1);
- zeros.insert(zeros.end(), d.begin(), d.end());
- d = zeros;
- vector<T> temp = c;
- c.resize(max(c.size(), d.size()));
- for (int j=0; j<(int)d.size(); j++)
- c[j] += d[j];
- if (i - (int) temp.size() > f - (int) oldC.size()) {
- oldC = temp;
- f = i;
- }
- }
- }
- return c;
- }
- template<typename T>
- T solve(const vector<T> &c, const vector<T> &s, long long k) {
- int n = (int) c.size();
- assert(c.size() <= s.size());
- auto mul = [&] (const vector<T> &a, const vector<T> &b) -> vector<T> {
- vector<T> ret(a.size() + b.size() - 1);
- for (int i=0; i<(int)a.size(); i++)
- for (int j=0; j<(int)b.size(); j++)
- ret[i+j] += a[i] * b[j];
- for (int i=(int)ret.size()-1; i>=n; i--)
- for (int j=n-1; j>=0; j--)
- ret[i-j-1] += ret[i] * c[j];
- ret.resize(min((int) ret.size(), n));
- return ret;
- };
- vector<T> a = n == 1 ? vector<T>{c[0]} : vector<T>{0, 1}, x{1};
- for (; k>0; k/=2) {
- if (k % 2)
- x = mul(x, a);
- a = mul(a, a);
- }
- x.resize(n);
- T ret = 0;
- for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
- ret += x[i] * s[i];
- return ret;
- }
- const int N = 1e5;
- const int K = 26;
- int trie[N + 2][K];
- int tc;
- int cnt[N + 2];
- void insert(const string &s) {
- int n = s.size();
- int root = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- int c = s[i] - 'a';
- if (!trie[root][c]) {
- trie[root][c] = ++tc;
- }
- root = trie[root][c];
- }
- cnt[root] = 1;
- }
- int suf[N];
- void build() {
- queue<int> q;
- q.push(0);
- while (!q.empty()) {
- int u = q.front();
- cnt[u] += cnt[suf[u]];
- q.pop();
- for (int i = 0; i < K; ++i) {
- if (trie[u][i]) {
- suf[trie[u][i]] = (u > 0) * trie[suf[u]][i];
- q.push(trie[u][i]);
- } else {
- trie[u][i] = trie[suf[u]][i];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void solve() {
- ll n, m;
- cin >> n >> m;
- vector<string> a(m);
- for (auto &x : a) {
- cin >> x;
- insert(x);
- }
- vector<M> pw(2021);
- pw[0] = 1;
- for (int i = 1; i < 2021; ++i) pw[i] = pw[i - 1] * 2;
- build();
- vector<M> dp(tc + 1);
- vector<M> s {0};
- M ans = 0;
- dp[0] = 1;
- for (int i = 1; i <= 4 * tc + 500; ++i) {
- vector<M> ndp(tc + 1);
- M cur = 0;
- for (int j = 0; j <= tc; ++j) {
- for (int k = 0; k < K; ++k) {
- int to = trie[j][k];
- ndp[to] += dp[j] * pw[cnt[to]];
- cur += dp[j] * pw[cnt[to]];
- }
- }
- dp = ndp;
- s.push_back(cur);
- }
- if (n < (int)s.size()) {
- cout << s[n] << '\n';
- return;
- }
- cout << solve(berlekampMassey(s), s, n) << '\n';
- }
- int main() {
- ios::sync_with_stdio(false);
- cin.tie(nullptr);
- int t = 1;
- // cin >> t;
- while(t--) {
- solve();
- }
- }
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