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Jul 22nd, 2018
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  1. <string name="course_android_margins_and_paddings_1_success">"Now let's add some space arround the question text."</string>
  2. <string name="course_android_margins_and_paddings_1_task">Run this app which shows a question and yes-no buttons.</string>
  3. <string name="course_android_margins_and_paddings_2_designer_task">"Select the text, choose 'Layout Margin' and set it to %1$s."</string>
  4. <string name="course_android_margins_and_paddings_2_fail_1">Set %1$s for the %2$s.</string>
  5. <string name="course_android_margins_and_paddings_2_success">"Great! %1$s sets a margin arround a widget or layout. Let's put some space between the buttons next."</string>
  6. <string name="course_android_margins_and_paddings_2_task">Add attribute %1$s with value %2$s to the %3$s element. You can also use the designer.</string>
  7. <string name="course_android_margins_and_paddings_3_fail_1">Set %1$s.</string>
  8. <string name="course_android_margins_and_paddings_3_success">"Good job! The margin can be set individually for left, top, right and bottom. Let's add some space arround the button texts."</string>
  9. <string name="course_android_margins_and_paddings_3_task">Add attribute %1$s with value %2$s to the %3$s %4$s element.</string>
  10. <string name="course_android_margins_and_paddings_4_fail_1">Set %1$s.</string>
  11. <string name="course_android_margins_and_paddings_4_task">Add attribute %1$s with value %2$s to the %3$s %4$s element.</string>
  12. <string name="course_android_margins_and_paddings_5_fail_1">Set %1$s.</string>
  13. <string name="course_android_margins_and_paddings_5_success">Awesome! As you see padding is the space inside (the button), whereas margin is the space outside.</string>
  14. <string name="course_android_margins_and_paddings_5_task">Now add attribute %1$s with value %2$s to the %3$s %4$s element as well.</string>
  15. <string name="course_android_margins_and_paddings_6_task">"Congratulations! You've learned about margins and paddings. Set some more margins and paddings in this layout on your own and see what happens. Then continue with the next lesson."</string>
  16. <string name="course_android_margins_and_paddings_description">"In this lesson you'll learn to set margings and paddings to add space between widgets."</string>
  17. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts">Nested Layouts</string>
  18. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_1_success">"Now let's add %1$s and %2$s buttons below the question."</string>
  19. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_1_task">Run this app which shows a simple question.</string>
  20. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_2_fail_1">Add a second %1$s element.</string>
  21. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_2_task">First add a %1$s element below the %2$s inside the current %3$s.</string>
  22. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_3_fail_1">Set %1$s.</string>
  23. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_3_fail_2">Set %1$s.</string>
  24. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_3_task">Set %1$s and %2$s of the new %3$s to %4$s.</string>
  25. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_4_fail_1">Set %1$s.</string>
  26. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_4_success">"Good job so far! The new %1$s is not visible itself. We'll use it as a container for the buttons next."</string>
  27. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_4_task">Set %1$s of the new %2$s to %3$s.</string>
  28. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_5_fail_1">Add %1$s inside of the new %2$s element.</string>
  29. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_5_fail_2">Add the button inside the new %1$s element.</string>
  30. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_5_fail_3">Set the text to %1$s.</string>
  31. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_5_fail_4">Set %1$s.</string>
  32. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_5_fail_5">Set %1$s.</string>
  33. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_5_task">Add a button with text %1$s inside the new %2$s with layout sizes %3$s.</string>
  34. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_6_fail_1">Add %1$s inside of the new %2$s element.</string>
  35. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_6_fail_2">Add the button inside the new %1$s element.</string>
  36. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_6_fail_3">Set the text to %1$s.</string>
  37. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_6_fail_4">Set %1$s.</string>
  38. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_6_fail_5">Set %1$s.</string>
  39. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_6_success">"Great! You've implemented the button row below the question with a nested %1$s."</string>
  40. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_6_task">Now add a button with text %1$s behind the %2$s button inside the new %3$s.</string>
  41. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_7_task">"Congratulations! You've finished the lesson. You can play with nested layouts on your own now. Then continue with the next lesson."</string>
  42. <string name="course_android_nested_layouts_description">"In this lesson you'll learn to use nested layouts to build complex user interface layouts."</string>
  43. <string name="course_android_options_menu">Options Menu</string>
  44. <string name="course_android_options_menu_10_fail_1">Add %1$s to the %2$s item.</string>
  45. <string name="course_android_options_menu_10_task">Now assign a new ID to %1$s to the %2$s item.</string>
  46. <string name="course_android_options_menu_11_fail_1">Add %1$s.</string>
  47. <string name="course_android_options_menu_11_fail_2">Add a call to %1$s.</string>
  48. <string name="course_android_options_menu_11_success">Good job! Now try the %1$s menu item.</string>
  49. <string name="course_android_options_menu_11_task">Inside the switch statement add a case for %1$s, call %2$s there and return %3$s.</string>
  50. <string name="course_android_options_menu_12_task">"Congratulations! You've learned to add a menu to your app. Play with the code on your own a bit, then learn to use the action bar."</string>
  51. <string name="course_android_options_menu_1_success">"There's not much to this app yet. Let's add an options menu next."</string>
  52. <string name="course_android_options_menu_1_task">Run this basic app.</string>
  53. <string name="course_android_options_menu_2_task">The menu can be defined by in XML code as a menu resource.</string>
  54. <string name="course_android_options_menu_3_task">We have added a first menu item %1$s.</string>
  55. <string name="course_android_options_menu_4_task">To show the menu we have implemented the %1$s method of the %2$s, which is called to create the options menu.</string>
  56. <string name="course_android_options_menu_5_success">Great! Press the menu button to open the menu.</string>
  57. <string name="course_android_options_menu_5_task">Inside %1$s we inflate the menu from the resource XML, which can be accessed via %2$s.</string>
  58. <string name="course_android_options_menu_6_fail_1">Add a second %1$s element.</string>
  59. <string name="course_android_options_menu_6_fail_2">Add %1$s.</string>
  60. <string name="course_android_options_menu_6_success">"Good job! Press the menu button to open the menu. Then let's code what happens when a menu item is selected."</string>
  61. <string name="course_android_options_menu_6_task">Now add a second menu item %1$s.</string>
  62. <string name="course_android_options_menu_7_fail_1">Add %1$s to the %2$s item.</string>
  63. <string name="course_android_options_menu_7_task">First assign a new ID to the %1$s item by setting attribute %2$s to value %3$s.</string>
  64. <string name="course_android_options_menu_8_task">We have implemented the %1$s method of the %2$s, which is called by the system when a menu item is selected by the user.</string>
  65. <string name="course_android_options_menu_9_success">Nice. Now try the %1$s menu item.</string>
  66. <string name="course_android_options_menu_9_task">Inside the %1$s method we check whether %2$s equals %3$s, which holds the ID of our menu item.</string>
  67. <string name="course_android_options_menu_description">"In this lesson you'll learn to define a main menu."</string>
  68. <string name="course_android_options_menu_section">Add menus and an action bar to your app</string>
  69. <string name="course_android_share_intents">Share Intents</string>
  70. <string name="course_android_share_intents_1_success">"Awesome! Let's make the button share some text with another app."</string>
  71. <string name="course_android_share_intents_1_task">Run this basic app.</string>
  72. <string name="course_android_share_intents_2_task">The %1$s method is called when the button is clicked.</string>
  73. <string name="course_android_share_intents_3_fail_1">Add the code %1$s.</string>
  74. <string name="course_android_share_intents_3_task">Now create a new %1$s object with the code %2$s. The %3$s argument indicates that this is a share intent to share some data.</string>
  75. <string name="course_android_share_intents_4_fail_1">Add the code %1$s.</string>
  76. <string name="course_android_share_intents_4_task">Add the code %1$s to specify that this intent shares some plain text (you could also share images or videos, etc).</string>
  77. <string name="course_android_share_intents_5_fail_1">Add the code %1$s.</string>
  78. <string name="course_android_share_intents_5_task">Add the code %1$s to add the actual text to be shared: %2$s.</string>
  79. <string name="course_android_share_intents_6_fail_1">Add the code %1$s.</string>
  80. <string name="course_android_share_intents_6_success">Awesome! Now press on the button to show a list of apps to share the text. Choose for example an email app which will create a new email with the message %1$s.</string>
  81. <string name="course_android_share_intents_6_task">Call %1$s. This will make Android start an activity which can handle the share intent and send the text - for example an email app.</string>
  82. <string name="course_android_share_intents_7_task">"Congratulations! You've learned to use share intents. Play with the code on your own a bit. Then learn to add other activities to your own app in the next lesson."</string>
  83. <string name="course_android_share_intents_description">"In this lesson you'll learn to share data with other apps using share intents."</string>
  84. <string name="course_android_strings">Strings</string>
  85. <string name="course_android_strings_1_success">"Let's have a closer look on how the text is defined."</string>
  86. <string name="course_android_strings_1_task">Run this app which shows a simple text.</string>
  87. <string name="course_android_strings_2_task">"The text is directly encoded in the %1$s attribute in the layout XML file. Let's use a string resource instead next."</string>
  88. <string name="course_android_strings_3_task">In the %1$s resource file of the app we have added a new string resource with the key %2$s and the text %3$s.</string>
  89. <string name="course_android_strings_4_fail_1">Set %1$s.</string>
  90. <string name="course_android_strings_4_success">Great! The text is the same but it is now defined in the string resources file.</string>
  91. <string name="course_android_strings_4_task">Now replace the %1$s attribute value with %2$s to use the string resource.</string>
  92. <string name="course_android_strings_5_fail_1">Add %1$s.</string>
  93. <string name="course_android_strings_5_task">Now add a new string resource with the key %1$s and the text %2$s.</string>
  94. <string name="course_android_strings_6_fail_1">Set %1$s.</string>
  95. <string name="course_android_strings_6_success">Awesome!</string>
  96. <string name="course_android_strings_6_task">We have added a second %1$s. Set the text resource %2$s as its text.</string>
  97. <string name="course_android_strings_7_task">"In your own apps always use string resources for all texts. To translate your app to a different language you just have to add another resource file with the translations of the individual texts. Note: In this course we don't use string resources for simplicity."</string>
  98. <string name="course_android_strings_8_task">"Congratulations! You've learned to use string resources. Play with the code on your own a bit, then continue with the next lessons."</string>
  99. <string name="course_android_strings_description">"In this lesson you'll learn to use string resources for your user interface."</string>
  100. <string name="course_android_strings_section">Use resources to define strings, graphics and animations</string>
  101. <string name="course_android_text_fields">Text Fields</string>
  102. <string name="course_android_text_fields_1_success">"Let's add text fields for subject, receipient and message next."</string>
  103. <string name="course_android_text_fields_1_task">"Run this app. It'll become a simple compose email user interface."</string>
  104. <string name="course_android_text_fields_2_fail_1">Add %1$s.</string>
  105. <string name="course_android_text_fields_2_fail_2">Add %1$s to the %2$s element.</string>
  106. <string name="course_android_text_fields_2_fail_3">Add %1$s to the %2$s element.</string>
  107. <string name="course_android_text_fields_2_task">Add a new %1$s element below the %2$s with %3$s.</string>
  108. <string name="course_android_text_fields_3_fail_1">Add %1$s to the %2$s element.</string>
  109. <string name="course_android_text_fields_3_success">Great! Enter some text in the new text field.</string>
  110. <string name="course_android_text_fields_3_task">Add attribute %1$s with value %2$s to the %3$s, to set the hint text that is shown when the text field is empty.</string>
  111. <string name="course_android_text_fields_4_fail_1">Add %1$s to the %2$s element.</string>
  112. <string name="course_android_text_fields_4_success">Great! Enter some text again. Also try the Enter key.</string>
  113. <string name="course_android_text_fields_4_task">Add attribute %1$s with value %2$s to the %3$s. This influences the keyboard layout for the text field and the text you can enter.</string>
  114. <string name="course_android_text_fields_5_fail_1">Add %1$s.</string>
  115. <string name="course_android_text_fields_5_fail_2">Add %1$s to the %2$s element.</string>
  116. <string name="course_android_text_fields_5_fail_3">Add %1$s to the %2$s element.</string>
  117. <string name="course_android_text_fields_5_task">Now add a second %1$s below the first one with %2$s.</string>
  118. <string name="course_android_text_fields_6_fail_1">Add %1$s to the %2$s element.</string>
  119. <string name="course_android_text_fields_6_fail_2">Add %1$s to the %2$s element.</string>
  120. <string name="course_android_text_fields_6_success">Good job! Enter a subject and an email address.</string>
  121. <string name="course_android_text_fields_6_task">Set %1$s to %2$s and %3$s to %4$s.</string>
  122. <string name="course_android_text_fields_7_fail_1">Add %1$s.</string>
  123. <string name="course_android_text_fields_7_fail_2">Add %1$s to the %2$s element.</string>
  124. <string name="course_android_text_fields_7_fail_3">Add %1$s to the %2$s element.</string>
  125. <string name="course_android_text_fields_7_fail_4">Add %1$s to the %2$s element.</string>
  126. <string name="course_android_text_fields_7_task">Add another %1$s below the others with %2$s, %3$s and %4$s.</string>
  127. <string name="course_android_text_fields_8_fail_1">Add %1$s to the %2$s element.</string>
  128. <string name="course_android_text_fields_8_fail_2">Add %1$s to the %2$s element.</string>
  129. <string name="course_android_text_fields_8_success">Good job! Fill in all the fields.</string>
  130. <string name="course_android_text_fields_8_task">Set %1$s to %2$s and %3$s to %4$s.</string>
  131. <string name="course_android_text_fields_9_task">"Congratulations! You've learned to use text fields. Play with the code on your own a bit, then continue with the next lessons."</string>
  132. <string name="course_android_text_fields_description">"In this lesson you'll learn to use text fields to query textual user input."</string>
  133. <string name="course_android_toasts">Toasts</string>
  134. <string name="course_android_toasts_1_success">"Let's implement some user feeback when a button is pressed."</string>
  135. <string name="course_android_toasts_1_task">Run this app which shows a question and yes-no buttons.</string>
  136. <string name="course_android_toasts_2_fail_1">Add %1$s to the first %2$s element.</string>
  137. <string name="course_android_toasts_2_task">Add %1$s with value %2$s to the %3$s button.</string>
  138. <string name="course_android_toasts_3_success">Try what happens when you click %1$s.</string>
  139. <string name="course_android_toasts_3_task">We have already added the Java method %1$s below to show a toast. Run the app and try it out.</string>
  140. <string name="course_android_toasts_4_fail_1">Change %1$s to %2$s.</string>
  141. <string name="course_android_toasts_4_success">"Good job! Let's show a toast for the %1$s button as well."</string>
  142. <string name="course_android_toasts_4_task">Change %1$s to %2$s to make the toast show for a longer time.</string>
  143. <string name="course_android_toasts_5_fail_1">Add %1$s to the second %2$s element.</string>
  144. <string name="course_android_toasts_5_task">Now add %1$s with value %2$s to the %3$s button.</string>
  145. <string name="course_android_toasts_6_fail_1">Add method %1$s.</string>
  146. <string name="course_android_toasts_6_fail_2">Add %1$s.</string>
  147. <string name="course_android_toasts_6_success">Awesome! Press the %1$s and %2$s button and see what happens.</string>
  148. <string name="course_android_toasts_6_task">Finally add the Java method %1$s and make it show a toast %2$s. Take a look at the %3$s method for details.</string>
  149. <string name="course_android_toasts_7_task">"Congratulations! You've learned how to show toasts in this lesson. Play with the code on your own a bit, then continue with the next lesson."</string>
  150. <string name="course_android_toasts_description">"In this lesson you'll learn to use toasts to provide simple user feedback in a small popupview."</string>
  151. <string name="course_android_view_ids">View IDs</string>
  152. <string name="course_android_view_ids_10_fail_1">Get the %1$s with %2$s inside the %3$s method.</string>
  153. <string name="course_android_view_ids_10_fail_2">Call %1$s inside the %2$s method.</string>
  154. <string name="course_android_view_ids_10_success">Awesome! Press the %1$s and %2$s button and see what happens.</string>
  155. <string name="course_android_view_ids_10_task">"Finally inside the %1$s method get the %2$s with %3$s and set it's text to the empty string."</string>
  156. <string name="course_android_view_ids_11_task">"Congratulations! You've learned how to assign view IDs to access views in Java code. Play with the code on your own a bit, then continue with the next lesson."</string>
  157. <string name="course_android_view_ids_1_success">"Let's add a text view to provide user feeback when a button is pressed."</string>
  158. <string name="course_android_view_ids_1_task">Run this app which shows a question and yes-no buttons.</string>
  159. <string name="course_android_view_ids_2_success">"Next we'll access the new %1$s in Java code and change it's text when a button is pressed."</string>
  160. <string name="course_android_view_ids_2_task">We have added a %1$s below the %2$s holding the buttons. Check it out.</string>
  161. <string name="course_android_view_ids_3_designer_task">"Select the new text view, choose 'ID' and enter %1$s."</string>
  162. <string name="course_android_view_ids_3_fail_1">Add %1$s to the new %2$s element.</string>
  163. <string name="course_android_view_ids_3_task">First assign a new ID to the new %1$s by setting attribute %2$s to value %3$s.</string>
  164. <string name="course_android_view_ids_4_fail_1">Add %1$s to the first %2$s element.</string>
  165. <string name="course_android_view_ids_4_task">Now add %1$s with value %2$s to the %3$s button.</string>
  166. <string name="course_android_view_ids_5_task">We have already added the Java method %1$s below where we want to change the text of the %2$s.</string>
  167. <string name="course_android_view_ids_6_task">To get the %1$s object we pass the ID as %2$s to the method %3$s.</string>
  168. <string name="course_android_view_ids_7_fail_1">Add %1$s inside the %2$s method.</string>
  169. <string name="course_android_view_ids_7_success">Great! Press the %1$s button and see what happens.</string>
  170. <string name="course_android_view_ids_7_task">Now call method %1$s with value %2$s on the %3$s object.</string>
  171. <string name="course_android_view_ids_8_fail_1">Add %1$s to the second %2$s element.</string>
  172. <string name="course_android_view_ids_8_task">Add %1$s with value %2$s to the %3$s button.</string>
  173. <string name="course_android_view_ids_9_fail_1">Add method %1$s.</string>
  174. <string name="course_android_view_ids_9_fail_2">Add %1$s inside the %2$s method.</string>
  175. <string name="course_android_view_ids_9_task">Now add the Java method %1$s and make it set the text to %2$s. Take a look at the %3$s method for details.</string>
  176. <string name="course_android_view_ids_description">"In this lesson you'll learn to set view IDs and access views in Java code."</string>
  177. <string name="course_game">Game Development</string>
  178. <string name="course_game_animating_objects">Animating Objects</string>
  179. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_10_fail_1">Add %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  180. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_10_task">In the %1$s insert the code %2$s. Remember %3$s returns the time delta between two calls.</string>
  181. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_11_fail_1">Call %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  182. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_11_success">Awesome! Now the man is running. The animation illusion is achieved by sequentially showing the frames.</string>
  183. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_11_task">Finally pass %1$s to %2$s to make it return the respective frame for the given time.</string>
  184. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_12_task">"Congratulations! You've learned to implement a frame animation. Play with the code on your own a bit, then continue with the next lesson."</string>
  185. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_1_success">"This is a frame sheet for a walking man. Let's turn it into an animation."</string>
  186. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_1_task">Press Run to build and run the game from the source code below.</string>
  187. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_2_task">The frame sheet is loaded from a single image as a %1$s.</string>
  188. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_3_task">We have added the code to split the image into an array of %1$ss for the individual frames. The frame sheet has %2$s rows with %3$s images each.</string>
  189. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_4_task">The %1$s method splits the texture and returns a 2-dimensional array holding the frames.</string>
  190. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_5_task">Then the frames are copied into a 1-dimensional array with two nested for loops.</string>
  191. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_6_fail_1">Add %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  192. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_6_task">Now add a field %1$s.</string>
  193. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_7_fail_1">Add %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  194. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_7_task">Initialize %1$s with %2$s to create an animation object from the frames. %3$s specifies the duration each frame will be shown.</string>
  195. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_8_fail_1">Add %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  196. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_8_success">"Good job! Now the first frame is shown. Let's show the other frames as well."</string>
  197. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_8_task">In the %1$s method add the code %2$s to render a frame from your animation with size %3$s.</string>
  198. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_9_fail_1">Add %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  199. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_9_task">Add a new field %1$s which will be used to hold the current time.</string>
  200. <string name="course_game_animating_objects_description">"In this lesson you'll learn to animate objects."</string>
  201. <string name="course_game_basic_physics">Basic Physics</string>
  202. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_10_fail_1">Insert %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  203. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_10_success">"Awesome! Now the ball is bouncing. Let's add some drag."</string>
  204. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_10_task">Add the code %1$s. When the ball hits the ground this code inverts the vertical velocity to make it bounce.</string>
  205. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_11_fail_1">Change the code to %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  206. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_11_success">"Great! The ball is moving more realistic now. But it's still missing air resistance."</string>
  207. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_11_task">Use the code %1$s when the ball is bouncing. The factor %2$s simulates dampening.</string>
  208. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_12_fail_1">Insert %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  209. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_12_success">Awesome! Now the ball is falling by gravity, bouncing with dampening and stops due to drag.</string>
  210. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_12_task">Add the code %1$s. This code decreases the velocity to simulate drag when the ball is moving through the air. The factor %2$s determines the drag.</string>
  211. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_13_task">"Congratulations! You've learned to implement basic physics. Play with the code on your own a bit, for example change the initial velocity, gravity or drag. Then continue with the next lesson."</string>
  212. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_1_success">"There's a ball on the ground. Let's make it fly and bounce."</string>
  213. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_1_task">Press Run to build and run the game from the source code below.</string>
  214. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_2_fail_1">Add field %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  215. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_2_task">First add a new field %1$s for the balls current position. %2$s is a 2D vector with the %3$s and %4$s position.</string>
  216. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_3_fail_1">Add field %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  217. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_3_task">Now add a second new field %1$s for the balls current velocity as well.</string>
  218. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_4_fail_1">Add %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  219. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_4_task">In the %1$s method initialize %2$s with %3$s.</string>
  220. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_5_fail_1">Add %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  221. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_5_task">Initialize %1$s with %2$s.</string>
  222. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_6_fail_1">Make sure the ball is rendered with %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  223. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_6_success">"Good job! Let's implement the physics formulas next to make the ball actually move."</string>
  224. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_6_task">In the %1$s method render the ball at the position %2$s instead of the fixed position %3$s.</string>
  225. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_7_task">In the %1$s method we already keep track of the time ellapsed to start the physics with a 2 seconds delay after the game starts.</string>
  226. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_8_fail_1">Insert %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  227. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_8_success">"Good job! Now the ball is moving. Let's add some gravity."</string>
  228. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_8_task">Add the code %1$s to update the balls position with its current velocity.</string>
  229. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_9_fail_1">Insert %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  230. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_9_success">"Awesome! Now the ball falls back to the ground. Let's make it bounce."</string>
  231. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_9_task">Add the code %1$s to update the balls vertical velocity with the gravity constant %2$s.</string>
  232. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_description">"In this lesson you'll learn to implement basic physics."</string>
  233. <string name="course_game_basic_physics_section">Make your objects move more realistically with gravity, drag and collisions</string>
  234. <string name="course_game_camera_and_scene">Camera and Scene</string>
  235. <string name="course_game_camera_and_scene_10_task">"Congratulations! You've learned to use the orthographic camera. Play with the code on your own a bit, then continue with the next lesson."</string>
  236. <string name="course_game_camera_and_scene_1_success">"This game scene just contains some shapes. Let's have a look at the code."</string>
  237. <string name="course_game_camera_and_scene_1_task">Press Run to build and run the game from the source code below.</string>
  238. <string name="course_game_camera_and_scene_2_task">First a new %1$s is created which will be used for birds eye rendering of the 2D scene and is configured by %2$s. Read the code at the blue arrow, then continue.</string>
  239. <string name="course_game_camera_and_scene_3_task">A %1$s will be used to draw the shapes in the scene.</string>
  240. <string name="course_game_camera_and_scene_4_task">The %1$s method configures the camera differently depending whether the device is in landscape or portrait view.</string>
  241. <string name="course_game_camera_and_scene_5_task">The %1$s method sets the width and height of the viewport. In landscape view the width is set to %2$s with a respective height depending on the aspect ratio.</string>
  242. <string name="course_game_camera_and_scene_6_task">In the %1$s method %2$s tells the %3$s to use the camera viewport as the coordinate system for rendering.</string>
  243. <string name="course_game_camera_and_scene_7_task">The %1$s method draws a circle at world coordinates %2$s and radius %3$s. The camera viewport determines where it appears on screen.</string>
  244. <string name="course_game_camera_and_scene_8_fail_1">Add %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  245. <string name="course_game_camera_and_scene_8_success">Good job! As you see you can add objects to the scene just by drawing them.</string>
  246. <string name="course_game_camera_and_scene_8_task">Draw a second circle with %1$s and radius %2$s.</string>
  247. <string name="course_game_camera_and_scene_9_fail_1">Set %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  248. <string name="course_game_camera_and_scene_9_success">Awesome! The larger camera viewport make the objects appear smaller on the screen.</string>
  249. <string name="course_game_camera_and_scene_9_task">Now change the size of the camera viewport from %1$s to %2$s.</string>
  250. <string name="course_game_camera_and_scene_description">"In this lesson you'll learn to use the orthographic camera to view 2D scenes."</string>
  251. <string name="course_game_camera_and_scene_section">Render the game scene</string>
  252. <string name="course_game_code_section">Code your own mobile games and unleash your creativity</string>
  253. <string name="course_game_code_template">Start with this empty project template to create your own game.</string>
  254. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics">Game Engine Basics</string>
  255. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_10_fail_1">Call %1$s.</string>
  256. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_10_success">"Good job! %1$s is now red. Let's learn more."</string>
  257. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_10_task">The %1$s method initializes a black font to draw %2$s. Change the color to %3$s.</string>
  258. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_11_task">Look at the %1$s method below, which is called repeatedly to render the game scene.</string>
  259. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_12_fail_1">Call %1$s</string>
  260. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_12_success">"Great! Let's change the position of the text next."</string>
  261. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_12_task">The call to %1$s method clears the screen with the given color. Pass %2$s to set it to black.</string>
  262. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_13_fail_1">Call %1$s</string>
  263. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_13_success">Awesome! The %1$s text has now moved a bit to the right.</string>
  264. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_13_task">The call to %1$s prints %2$s with our font at the given position. Change the x coordinate to %3$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  265. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_14_task">"Congratulations! You've learned the game engine basics. You can try some changes on your own now. Then continue with the next lesson."</string>
  266. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_1_success">This game just shows %1$s below. Press back and have a look at the source code.</string>
  267. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_1_task">Press Run to build and run the game from the source code below.</string>
  268. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_2_task">The game has an App Manifest XML file just like any Android app. The blue arrow points to the %1$s element which tells the system that %2$s is the launch activity of your app. Read the code at the blue arrow, then continue.</string>
  269. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_3_task">This Java file contains the class %1$s which controls the launch activity. Read the code at the blue arrow, then continue.</string>
  270. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_4_task">The class %1$s extends the class %2$s which can host your libGDX game. Read the code at the blue arrow, then continue.</string>
  271. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_5_task">The %1$s method is called when the activity is created.</string>
  272. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_6_task">The %1$s method just initializes the class %2$s which implements your game. %3$s is just the Android starter of your game, which can also have starters for iOS, PCs and Webbrowsers.</string>
  273. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_7_task">The class %1$s is separated from the starter code and contains the complete actual game implementation.</string>
  274. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_8_task">No classes from the Android SDK are used here, to keep your game portable.</string>
  275. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_9_task">The %1$s method is called when the game is created first to perform initialization.</string>
  276. <string name="course_game_game_engine_basics_description">"In this lesson you'll learn the basics of the libGDX game engine."</string>
  277. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures">Images and Textures</string>
  278. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_10_task">"Congratulations! You've learned to draw scenes with textures. Play with the code on your own a bit, for example draw some more rocks. Then continue with the next lesson."</string>
  279. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_1_success">"The scene is empty yet. Let's add some objects."</string>
  280. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_1_task">Press Run to build and run the game from the source code below.</string>
  281. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_2_fail_1">Add %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  282. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_2_task">First add a new field %1$s.</string>
  283. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_3_fail_1">Add %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  284. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_3_task">In the %1$s method add a new variable %2$s. This will load the image file %3$s, which is located in the assets folder of your game. In expert mode you can add your own images there.</string>
  285. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_4_fail_1">Add %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  286. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_4_task">"Initialize %1$s with %2$s. The size of texture images technically always needs to be a power of 2. It's %3$s in this case. %4$s represents the rectangle inside the image that should actually be shown. %5$s are the position and size of the rectangle."</string>
  287. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_5_fail_1">Add %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  288. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_5_success">Good job! You have added a rock to the scene.</string>
  289. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_5_task">In the %1$s method add the code %2$s to draw the texture as a rectangle at position %3$s with size %4$s.</string>
  290. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_6_fail_1">Add %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  291. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_6_success">"Awesome! Let's add a background next."</string>
  292. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_6_task">Draw a second rock at position %1$s and size %2$s.</string>
  293. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_7_fail_1">Add %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  294. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_7_task">Add a new field %1$s.</string>
  295. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_8_fail_1">Add %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  296. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_8_fail_2">Add %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  297. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_8_fail_3">Add %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  298. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_8_task">In the %1$s method load the background texture from file %2$s, create a new %3$s with size and position %4$s and assign it to %5$s. Look at the rock texture code for details.</string>
  299. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_9_fail_1">Add %1$s at the blue arrow.</string>
  300. <string name="course_game_images_and_textures_9_success">Great! Finally the scene looks like a real game scene.</string>
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